Humiliated by Office Boy

By Chris

Published on Jun 8, 2023


This is a work of fiction. Continue to read only if you are into stories of dominance and humiliation at the hands of a young, str8 muscle-stud.

The following day, I was welcomed into the work with sniggers from across the office. A memo had been left on my desk. It simply read, "file these away, fart eater". It was written in Rachel's handwriting. I felt totally deflated. It looked like I had a new nickname that everybody seemed to find hilarious. Worse still was that filing wasn't even my job. It was Matt's. He's the office junior. What was going on?

"You alright fart eater?", a mocking voice called from across the office. Of course, it was Matt. Despite the way he'd publicly humiliated me the day before, I still couldn't help feel anything else but admiration and awe for the alpha-male that stood before me. He was wearing a crisp white shirt and a pair of snugly fitting pin stripe black trousers that hugged his beautiful manly butt where it mattered most. He truly filled those trousers out like a 'real man' should. If I looked hard enough I could actually make out the outline of the sexiest ass crack I'd seen in my entire life. At that moment I would have given anything to bury my face in those beautiful round globes...I continued to look up his body and my eyes rested on the hulky chest that stood before me. His pecs protruded from the white shirt that could barely contain them and his nipples stood hard in a way that made me want to drop to my knees before him. As my eyes met those of the teen muscle-Adonis, it was clear he knew exactly what I was thinking...

"You're turn to get the lunch orders today, mate" he sneered. "Ummmmm, ok, sure" I replied. What was he talking about? I'm a manager. He's the junior. I don't get lunch orders. In fact, I hadn't got the lunch orders since I'd started at the office ten years ago. As Matt walked away I considered his 'suggestion'. Part of me was seething with rage at his 'idea' and part of me was incredibly turned on by the thought of taking Matt's orders and serving him his dinner. While it was degrading to be performing the tasks of someone several grades below me, it somehow also felt 'right' for me to be serving such a dominant boy-ma...

Hours past with no interaction with Matt. From my desk, I could see him whiling away the hours chatting to the girls whilst I toiled at the menial tasks that he was paid to do. At one point he looked up at me, mockingly winked and pouted his lips in a kiss shape. I blushed bright red and the girls surrounding the office-Adonis burst out laughing. How could he keep finding ways to humiliate me? I was soon to find out...

Lunchtime came and it was time for me to get the orders. I went round the office and asked the senior partners what they'd like to eat. As I wrote their requests, they treated with the same respect they might offer to a piece of shit. Could this be the influence of Matt? Doing the office rounds with a notepad and pen made me feel like some sort of waitress. While some workers laughed, others looked disgusted. One partner gave me a dismissive look as he peered up from his spreadsheet and even muttered "dirty fag" under his breath as I walked away. H e knew I'd heard him. I'd never felt so low.

I eventually got to Matt's desk. As he saw me coming, he rested his massive arms behind his head, to expose his enormous biceps to their full extend. He was clearly going to enjoy lording his power over me. "What will it be?", I tried to say jokingly. Matt was not amused. "You're gonna get my lunch so call me sir", he curtly ordered. As much as I wanted to resist, my cock was already steel-hard in my pants. My aching crotch was going to allow me no choice but to go along with it. "Sorry, ummmm, sir", I went on, "what would you like, sir"? "Get me the KFC family bucket, a Big Mac meal, a small, actually better make it large pizza and ummmmm, an extra order of chips". Was he joking? I know this guy is built like a bomb shelter but there was no way anyone could finish this junk food feast, never mind the fact it would come to over twenty quid. He looked up at me, steel-faced and annoyed. "What you waiting for fag-boy? Get me my food". He knew the way the office worked. We pay when we order. It was clear what he was doing: He expected me to pay for his man-sized feast. He stared at me with an evil glint in his eye. He could use his hunky body to make me do anything and he knew it. I backed away from his desk and instinctively gave a little bow. What on earth was I thinking? He couldn't help but notice my little gesture of submission and laughed out loud while shaking his head in disbelief. It was almost a good job I was going to buy the lunch orders; I had to get out of there...

I struggled as I carried back the enormous amount of food Matt had ordered me to buy. As I stumbled through the door, red and panting, I heard sniggers from across the office. "Need a hand, fag?" called a faceless person mockingly from behind a partition screen. I realised in my head that I was allowing myself to become the office dogs-body but it wasn't until I saw Matt, flexing an enormous bicep to impress a girl by the water cooler, that I remembered why.

I went to the staff kitchen to unpack. Matt followed me in. "Where's my food, fag?" he demanded. "I know little wimps like you don't need to eat but growing boys like me do". The girls standing by the door sniggered. I handed Matt the bags filled with food and he gave me a light but stinging slap round the back of my head. "I want my food on a plate", he shouted in my face. The girls squealed with delight. They were really enjoying the show. Without speaking, head down, I carefully arranged Matt's food on several platter-sized plates. "Better", he said. He obviously couldn't find anything else to complain about.

"So, what you gonna eat?" he demanded as he munched on a massive burger. "I got myself a salad sandwich, sir" I meekly replied. In honesty, after paying for Matt's feast, that's all I could afford. "Show me", said Matt, feigning a fake interest. I took my 99p sandwich out from the paper bag and placed in on a low table for Matt's inspection. My hands were too shaky to hold it up for his approval.

"Looks undercooked to me, mate", he said hand on chin and bicep bulging. What was he talking about? It's a sandwich, it doesn't need cooking. "Stick it on that chair and I'll heat it up for you". The girls sniggered by the door in anticipation of what Matt was going to do to my lunch. My head was telling me to grab the sandwich and run but my legs remained still and my dick rock hard. Smiling, Matt walked towards where I'd instinctively placed my meal. He was enjoying every moment of what he was going to do. Crouching down over the chair, Matt wriggled his hips so his beautiful round boy-butt stuck out in a way that made me feel like running over and licking every part of it through his trousers. As I looked him in the eye, Matt closed his eyes, made a 'grunt-like' face and let out a long and incredibly loud raspy fart all over my lunch. "A real meal for a real fart eater", he said triumphantly". "Gotta stop drinking those protein shakes but I guess I need them for my bodybuilding and rugby"... The girls watching were in stitches of laughter around the kitchen and were clearly impressed by Matt's display of masculinity and dominance. I couldn't believe what was happening. I wasn't sure if I was in heaven or hell.

The laughing and mocking went on for what seemed like several minutes until Matt suddenly turned serious. "Now eat it", he said contemptuously. It was almost as if he knew that if I did this, I would do anything for him. He was right. He controlled me. I picked up the sandwich from the chair started munching the sandwich hungrily. The fact it stunk of the gasses from Matt's beautiful sixteen-year-old ass only increased my hunger for my meal. Anything that came from his beautiful ass I was happy to eat. I was completely in Matt's power. The girls standing watching looked disgusted, as did Matt. To him I was the lowest form of life; I was prepared to eat the food he'd just guffed on. He walked up to me, grabbed the sandwich from my hand, peeled back the slices of bread and let out a huge wad of spit / flem into my dinner. He then squashed the slices together and handed me my "new and improved" meal. I chewed even more furiously than before. Despite the sandwiches salty centre, I was more turned on then I ever had been.... In between the fits of laughter and groans of disgust, all I could do was run and find an empty toilet so I could quickly cum... It must have been the best orgasm I'd ever had. I was hungry for more...

Note from author: Obviously John's humiliation is far from over and I have got several ideas of how things are gonna get 'worse' as Matt (the office-stud-boy) finds new ways to degrade and humiliate John. I really do appreciate all the positive comments (at I had from the first story I posted. Please send me ANY suggestions of things you'd like to see happen in part 3 (coming soon - hopefully - if there's enough interest!)

Next: Chapter 3

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