Humiliated by Office Boy

By Chris

Published on Jun 6, 2023


This is a work of fiction. Please continue to read only if you are into authoritarian tales of humiliation. You have been warned...

I was pleased when the last office junior was about to go. Bessie, as she was known, was rubbish. Always late, chatting on the phone or texting her mates about boyfriends and nights out. She couldn't even do the photocopying right. Of course, I never told her or complained. It's not in my nature. I'm like that. I would simply smile and say "good job" and let it go. I suppose she took advantage like that, but then I guess a lot of people do. I'm a fairly mild mannered man. Skinny most would say. I was unpopular at school, no good at sport and never had any luck with girls. By the time I had worked out I was gay I had even less success with the men. The whole office "knew" about me in that respect. I suppose its why even the office juniors, working several grades below me "took the piss". As a man, I felt weak. This is probably why the thought of being degraded by a `real man' turns me on so much.

After 2 days with Bessie's position vacant, Rachel, the divisional manager plonked down some paper work on my desk. The small London publishing firm I work for employs mainly women. Probably something to do with all the soppy romantic novels we commission. "New office junior starting today, John" she barked. "He'll be working under you. Show him the ropes and everything else".

"He?" I questioned. "Yes", Rachel replied efficiently. "Just out of school, sixteen years old, needs to get his foot onto the career ladder sharpish. Wants to own his own publishing house by the time he's 30 according to the girls in HR".

Even before Rachel had left my workstation I was already wondering if the new junior would be cute... I'm a gay man, what do you expect? I was not going to be disappointed.

At 9:45am, three quarters of an hour after he was due to start, a boy, or should I say man, breezed casually into my office. His expression and demeanour suggested he owned the place already, never mind at 30. There are no words to describe him other than "teen boy-god". He was an absolute hulk of a specimen. With sandy blond / brown hair, piercing blue eyes, and a square jaw, he had the face of a menacing angel. He strutted up to my workstation and ran his hand over his manly shaved head. "Alright?" he said casually. "Errrr, yes", I stuttered.

He stood before me wearing a pair of snugly fitting black trousers that hugged every muscle on his magnificent ass and his tree-trunk like thighs. As I worked my eyes up his body to his chest, his short sleeved casual / smart shirt seemed to barely conceal the huge mass of muscle that lay underneath. His pecs and biceps were awesome, almost seeming to be ripping out from underneath this hot teens shirt. He didn't seem that tall, perhaps about 5 foot 8, but he was stocky. He had the build of the most powerful of rugby players. His hands were big and his neck was wide. He was, simply put, "a real man". He stood in front of me with what seemed like an unmoveable force. The face of a cocky young boy but on the body of a hunky man. There was no doubt about it. He was definitely straight.

So far, all this boy had done was walk up to me and already I felt as though I was terrified of him. I went to shake his hand but my arm trembled so I hid it under the desk. At 33 years old, I felt weak and powerless in front of this boy-god. "Your John?" he demanded. "Errr, yes". I replied, weakly. "I'm Matt", he said, not really listening. "I'm starting here today".

He looked up at my computer screen to see my "shirtless males" screen saver. "Are you gay or something?" he sneered. "Yes, I am", I replied. I immediately felt ashamed. "Well", he went on, "anyway, Rachel wants you to tell me what needs doing". His tone suggested that there was something inherently wrong about a gay guy telling a straight man what to do. I did my best to ignore this and quickly set him some filing. As quick as I could, I left my desk to go to a small locker-room that was used by the company sports teams. I went into one of the toilet cubicles and jacked off furiously as I imagined taking Matt's (no doubt) large man-cock in my mouth. These thoughts had me creaming my shorts in about 3 seconds. I've never shot my load so quickly.

From that point onwards, Matt provided the material for my nightly jack off fantasies. I'd spend my office hours constantly thinking of new ways in which this muscle bound boy-man could humiliate and degrade me. I never for one second thought that my wildest fantasies might come true...

Days passed, and it seemed that Matt, at only 16, had already caused quite a stir in our office. Whenever he passed, every female, both old and young, would giggle and swoon in his presence. Even Rachel, the hard-as-steel divisional manager turned into a teenage girl whenever he was near. I could see all eyes in the office following his big, manly ass as he walked by. With each step, the steel globes he contained in his tight black trousers would move up and down in a truly seductive manner. It was hard to believe he was only just 16.

I would spend the days, transfixed, as Matt changed the water cooler bottles throughout the office. He picked each bottle up with ease, his massive biceps flexing as he went. He knew people were watching and he made it pretty clear that he loved it. In his presence, I felt small, shaky and embarrassed. At only 16 he was already more of a man than I could ever be. And he knew it.

Although I watched from afar, I tried to keep my distance from Matt. Truth is, he scared me a bit. Although he was a hunk, there was no doubt in my mind that he was also incredibly strong. Just to look at us standing next to each other, anybody would be able to plainly see that he could kick the living shit out of me if he felt like it. Worse still though, is that he made it clear that he really didn't like me. He would loudly talk to the office girls about "fags" and how he hated them. "That's so gay" he would shout degradingly as the other office workers turned to me and laughed. He knew I was in earshot and he didn't care. In fact, he probably did it because he knew I was listening. The girls who gathered around him readily agreed with whatever he said. Who can blame them I suppose? He was a total god.

The only down side was that I had never felt so unpopular. It was like being back at school again when the jocks would make my life a living misery. As I stood, in front of the copier, doing the job Matt was paid for, I could almost feel Matt's laughing eyes staring at me. I guess the girls that swooned around him were prepared to do or say anything if it meant they might have a chance with hunky Matt. I'm sure I wasn't the only one in the office that had fantasies about him, it's just that mine were notably different those of the other girls. While they no doubt imagined being swept off their feet and fucked hard and fast on the back seat of his Citroen Saxo after one of his rugby matches, I imagined something far darker, far more erotic...

Wednesday afternoon arrived. It was a hot, sweaty day and every fan in the office was operating on full blast. "Where's Matt?" Rachel demanded. Over the past few weeks she seemed to have developed even less respect for me than before. "I think he's in the changing rooms. He came straight from his local rugby match I think" I replied dreamily. "Go and get him. I need him to find me a report".

I wandered towards the men's locker room, not sure how to proceed. I knocked tentatively on the wood and waited outside staring blankly at the "men only" sign stuck to the door. My hands shook. What if I saw him naked? What if he was in the shower? What if he's in their wearing only a towel? My mind raced at the possibilities. "Matt?" I called. No answer. I slowly pushed open the door. I will never forget what I saw in front of me...

Standing admiringly in front of a full-length mirror was Matt. All he wore was a pair of the tightest white brief pants and a gold chain around his thick neck. I knew he was a boy muscle god but I had never imagined anything like what I saw before me. Every inch of his body was encased in thick solid muscle. He had a light coating of hair over his legs and a treasure trail of hair leading into his pants. The strip lighting in the locker room played between his pecs, further emphasising his magnificent beefy body. His feet were big and strong and his armpits were full and bushy. I almost fainted at the thought of this teen muscle man forcing me to lick the sweat from them. He had a perfect, round bubble butt that swayed teasingly in the reflection. I felt like falling to my knees before him and begging to lick his beautiful sweaty bum.

Just as I was getting lost in my fantasyland, Matt turned around, aggressively. There was no way he couldn't have seen the way I had been staring at him. "What are you looking at you fucking faggot?" he demanded. "Thought you could come in here and perv on me did ya?" he sneered. I stuttered before him. My mind went blank. I didn't know what to say to this boy-god. "Errrrmmmm, I, Rachel said to...", I trailed off. I felt like a bumbling mess in front of this 16-year-old man. Before I could collect my thoughts together Matt had grabbed me by the neck and marched me out the locker room door into the main corridor still wearing only his tight white briefs. The passers by stopped, partly to see what the commotion was about and partly to fully take in the sight of Matt wearing only his tight white pants. With virtually no effort, Matt pushed my face up to the door. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck. "What does it say, fag?" he demanded. "Matt, please... you're hurting me", I begged. "What does it say?" he shouted in a more demanding tone. My eyes were red and sore. I felt like crying. "It say's men only", I replied weakly. "What does that mean?", shouted Matt in my ear. "It means I can't come in" I replied. Some of the passers by began to snigger and laugh at me. Others just turned away in shame. "That's right," said Matt, twisting my bony arm around my back, "It's for men, not pathetic little faggots like you. What made you think you could come in here? The women's toilet is not even good enough for a piece of shit like you". I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I couldn't take any more of the humiliation. Matt loosened his grip and I turned and fled.

For the rest of the afternoon I kept well out of Matt's way. I knew I was the laughing stock of the whole office, the snivelling little faggot who had been put in his place by a mere 16-year-old office junior. To make matters worse, Matt's actions had made him some sort of a hero. All the guys in the office, including the senior partners, were patting him on the back and offering to buy him a beer. All the girls were swooning over the hunky-strong man who could really "take care of them". I considered resigning there and then, that's if I could have looked Rachel in the eye. I felt sick. I had to get out of there.

As soon as 5:00pm came, I walked out to the car park, picking a moment when I thought the lifts and stairwells would be empty. Just as I was getting my car keys out I heard a group of people behind me. It was Matt and all the young girls from the office. I could see them all giggling and laughing about something. What did Matt have planned? I didn't want to wait around to find out. "Hey John, wait up" called Matt. "I just wanna have a quick word about something". I was confused. Why was he being nice all of a sudden? "Listen mate", he said quietly, "I just wanted to say sorry about earlier. I was out of order. Can we be mates?". The girls stood a few metres away, giggling behind their hands. "Sure", I said. Maybe everything was going be alright after all. The idea of resigning over what happened earlier now seemed silly. Matt smiled and went to get something out of his pocket. It looked to be a small silver coin. "Oooooopppsss", he said as he accidentally dropped the coin. "Shit, pick that up for me, mate," asked Matt in a friendly tone as he continued to rummage through his pockets. "No problem", I thought. I guess that was the least I could do since he made such an effort to apologise and all. Maybe it was just all a big misunderstanding. I went down to pick up the coin but as I did, something happened which meant that my office humiliation was far from over. Matt turned so his back was facing me, he bent over ever so slightly so his beautiful boy-butt was more defined then usual, and let out a loud and incredibly humiliating fart in my face. The girls behind him roared with laughter as did Matt. "Aghhhh man", shouted Matt loudly, "that fart I did really stunk of my massive burger lunch". The girls behind laughed and grimaced. Other people in the car park looked over and either laughed or shook their heads. I felt like I was in hell. My hands trembled as I got into my car. I got out of there as quickly as I could. "See you tomorrow, fag" shouted Matt after me...

To be continued...

Note from author: John's humiliation is far from over and I've got several ideas up my sleeve to turn the heat up a notch or ten. Please feel free to comment to with ANY suggestions of things you'd like to see Matt do / done to John. I always feed off other people ideas so I appreciate the feedback. I'll try and get the next instalment out to you guys as quick as possible!

Tip: When you're reading the story, open up the document in a word processor and use the "replace" function to change all instances of "John" to your own name. It make's it a much more exciting read! Enjoy!

Next: Chapter 2

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