How to Succeed in Retail

By moc.oohay@teiuq.maerd

Published on May 13, 2013


Standard disclaimer notice: if it is illegal for you to read this story, then stop. If depictions of consenual male-male sex make you uncomfortable, stop reading (though you probably wouldn't be reading through this part of the archive if that were the case.) The stories below contain graphic depictions of oral and anal sex, as well as piss play. If these are not your thing, I advise against reading the whole story.

Public sex, while often very erotic, is also dangerous and illegal - I do not condone it (but I don't condemn it! I'm no hypocrite.)

As before, the story below is mostly true. Some bits have been added to enhance and excite the senses. I will let you, dear reader, separate truth from fantasy.

How To Succeed In Retail (Without Really Trying)

I worked at Wal-Mart for a little over five years, as a third shift stocker. For the most part, it was a mindless job - stock shelves, refresh inventory, clean up the store. Almost no thought was required, and it was quiet enough on the overnight crew that I was even able to get away with wearing my headphones and iPod, jamming away to music to pass the night. The managers didn't particularly care, because I was one hell of a worker.

There were some other things, however, that the managers probably would not have approved of. These would be the events that made my time at Wal-Mart... interesting.

The first event happened after I'd been there for about two years. A younger, latino guy I had been chatting with online for awhile stopped in the store and recognized me from my picture. We started up a conversation - innocent enough at first, but it pretty quickly escalated to flirtation and outright sexual overtones. Eventually, I realized I should probably get back to work, and started to bid him a good night. At that, he looked me right in the eye and said, very bluntly, "I could use a blowjob tonight."

I laughed a little and said, "What, right here? I don't think my boss would approve."

He cupped his crotch in his hand and just said "Front bathroom, five minutes." And with that, he headed toward the front.

Admittedly, I was a little torn on this one. I mean, seriously, I'd never considered having sex while at work - was it worth the chance of getting caught? On the other hand, most of the overnight shift was made up of women, so the chances that one of my coworkers would get wise were fairly slim. And damn it, I was horny. So I tidied up my area a bit and headed up front. I didn't see the guy around, so I figured he was either just playing and had already left, or he would be in the bathroom, waiting. I went for it.

Sure enough, I walked in, and saw him standing in the handicapped stall, the door just slightly ajar, and his cock in his hand. I couldn't help myself; I made a beeline for the stall, and closed the door behind me. A few seconds later, I was on my knees, with my mouth wrapped around this pretty boy's dick. I remember it was long - not too thick, and he smelled nice. The hair around his dick was fairly sparse, soft and straight. Not coarse and wiry like I'd usually seen on a guy.

He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me down all the way onto his shaft. "Suck it," he said, and proceeded to fuck my mouth. I don't even remember pulling out my own dick and stroking it in time with his thrusts against my jaw, but I sure as hell did. It didn't take long before he grunted, pulled his dick almost out of my mouth, and shot his salty load across my tongue.

He pulled himself out of my mouth, cupped my chin in his hand and just said "Swallow it, baby." So I did, gladly. Then he pulled me to feet, pushed me up against the bathroom wall, and proceeded to kiss the hell out of me. His tongue was all over my mouth, like he was searching for traces of the load he'd just ordered me to swallow down. Finally, he pulled away and said he needed to go. He headed out, and I followed suit a few minutes later - obviously, to avoid suspicion.

Nothing was said by any of my coworkers, and I never saw the guy again. So work went on, as usual, with no sexual activity for some time.


A few months later, as I was working, a rather beefy, trucker type was in my aisle as I was working. T-shirt, jeans, a sizable stomach, but looking very solid. We made eye contact, and I smiled in my usual, friendly manner. He didn't say anything, just nodded toward me, then toward the front of the store, and left my aisle without a single, backward glance. There wasn't much hesitation on my part, this time; I was horny, and I wanted to see where this was going. I stepped out of my aisle just in time to see him going into the front men's room. I followed suit a couple minutes later.

As soon as I walked in, I saw him in the larger, handicapped stall, already unbuckling his pants. I went right in behind him and closed the door behind us. He grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me to my knees. His pants and briefs were pulled down to his knees, and his meaty cock was on display. I remember it wasn't huge, but it was sizable, and thick, and it was forced into my mouth with no chance to reconsider. He grabbed two fistfuls of my hair and started pounding his dick into my throat.

"Suck it, faggot," he said. "I know you fucking want it." I sure as hell did, and gladly obliged his not-exactly-a-request. A few minutes of face-fucking me, and he pulled his spit-coated dick out of my mouth. He looked down at me expectantly, and I started to stand up, thinking he had maybe cum without my realizing it, and was waiting for me to leave. I was proven wrong a second later, when his hands were forcing me back to the floor, and he said, "Did I tell you to stand up? Stay on your goddamn knees, turn around and get that ass up."

Whoa. Was this going where it seemed to be? Seriously, sucking a guy off in the stall was one thing; being fucked in the stall was another. But I was already half-crazed with lust, and this guy did not seem to be interested in my opinion on the matter. So I followed his directions, and assumed the position (quietly thanking the Powers That Be that I'm pretty meticulous about being clean 'down there'.) I heard him spit into his hand, and felt the wet warmth being spread across my exposed hole.

A few seconds later, and the head of his dick was being shoved against my ass. Without any real lube, it hurt a fair bit, but this guy just didn't care. A few more attempts (and a healthy dose of spit) later, and I felt him entering me. His cock felt like it was splitting me open, since I hadn't exactly been prepping to be fucked. One of his hands grabbed onto my hip, and he started fucking me with gusto - no gentle easing into it. He wanted to get his nut off, and I was a convenient hole for his use. He seemed to enjoy pulling my hair, since he grabbed another fistful of it and started pounding into me even harder.

"Yeah, you like that shit, don't you? You wanted this cock? You're gonna get it, fucker. You're gonna get my load in your ass, too. You want it, faggot? You want my hot load in your pussy?" His dirty talk increased with his thrusts, and I felt his balls slapping against my ass.

"Yes, sir.. please, fuck me! I love it!"

"Fuck yeah you do, faggot bitch. I'm gonna cum in you, and you're gonna work all night with my load in you. I don't want you to let it out until you go home. You understand me?" I didn't answer at first, and his hand wrapped around my throat from behind. "You answer me when I ask you a question, bitch!" His choking hand gave a none-too-gentle squeeze, and I moaned despite myself.

"I understand! I wont let your cum out until tomorrow..I promise!"

"Good. Now take my hot load up your cunt!" And with that, he shoved himself deep into me, letting out a stream of obscenities as I felt his cum blasting into me. He must have cum for almost a minute straight, and I could feel my insides getting warmer with each spurt. Finally, his cumming tapered off, and he pulled out. "Don't fucking turn around until I leave," he ordered, and I heard him pulling up his pants, fastening his belt, opening the stall door. I heard him spit, and felt something warm land on my back. "Thanks for the fuck, buddy," he said - surprisingly friendly, for someone who had just been treating me like nothing more than a bitch in heat. A few moments later, and I heard the restroom door open as he left. I stook up, pulled my pants up and my shirt down, and cleaned myself up a little in the sink.

True to my word, I spent the rest of his night with that load of cum inside me, except for the bits I could feel leaking down my leg every now and then. I never saw the guy again, though. And, once again, nobody seemed the wiser as I went about my work life.

Fast forward another few months, and I was working overnight in the Lawn & Garden center. Anyone who's worked in a Wal-Mart on third shift (or been a customer at that time) can attest that it is probably the loneliest and quietest place in the store during those late hours. So there I was, stocking stacks of fertilizers and grass seed, when I spot a customer out of the corner of my eye. An older gentleman, maybe in his forties, mustache and goatee, baseball cap, shorts and a flannel, button-down shirt. Fairly slim build, but he looked like a guy who probably enjoyed his beer a little more often than he ought to. I asked if he needed help finding anything, and he smirked, cupped his crotch with one hand, and said "Nah, I got what I need right here."

Seriously? Had I stepped into a porn without realizing it? More likely, one of my previous encounters had mentioned their.. experience.. to a friend, and here I was with another risky encounter in the making. 'Eh, what the hell,' I figured.

"There's a bathroom up front," I started to suggest, and he cut me off.

"I got a better idea," he said, and headed out into the 'greenhouse' area that was attached to the store, where the outdoor plants and patio furniture are displayed until it's nice enough to actually set them outside. Now, the thing about this area is that there is exactly one security camera, mounted just above the exit/entrance door. Still, this was way more public than I'd done.. ever. But, as usual, my brain had taken a temporary leave, and my cock was doing all the thinking. So I followed suit a few seconds later, and pretended to be helping him find something (for the benefit of the single camera, although it's not like anyone mans the damn thing at night, or watches the footage during the day unless there's a good reason.)

We made it out of the camera's range, to a set of the patio furniture, and he made himself comfortable in one of the chairs. He casually undid his pants and slid them down to his ankles. No underwear - someone was definitely on the prowl tonight. "Well? Get over here. I know you want it, kid." So I did what he said. I dropped to my knees in front of him and wrapped my lips around his cock. It wasn't overly impressive - maybe a solid 6, 6 1/2 inches hard, with a mushroom head and thick hair around the base. But he leaked precum like mad; I could taste it oozing onto my tongue as I bobbed up and down on his member.

He put his hands on the back of my head and guided my motion and speed, moaning when his cock hit the back of my throat. I pulled off his cock and started lapping at his balls, my tongue bathing them in spit, or placing them in my mouth and sucking gently.

"Fuck, you're good at this," he said, looking down at me.

I grinned up at him and replied, "I try to excel at customer service." Cheesy, yes, but hey - life rarely hands you straight lines like that.

He unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his hairy chest and stomach. "This is so fuckin' hot," he said, and leaned back to enjoy the cocksucking I was providing. A few minutes more of my mouth on his dick, and he pulled out. "Wanna get fucked?" he asked, motioning toward one of the lounge chairs.

"Why not?" I said. I knew I was seriously pushing my luck on this one; if ANYONE walked out here, I was fired - or worse. But what the hell - I was bored with Wal-Mart anyway, and I wasn't thinking with my brain. I stripped out of my pants and lay face-down on the chair.

"Turn over," he said. "I want to look at you while I'm in you." Well, this was different. But I obliged, turning over to get on my back as he positioned himself at the end of the chair. "Lift up your legs," he ordered. I did, and the next bit surprised me - his face was very quickly buried against my ass, his tongue licking at my hole (again, thank the Powers for being a little OCD on some things!) He lapped at my entrance, his facial hair scratching at my ass. "Fuck, that's gonna be a good hole," he said, and tongued me for a few more minutes, until I was practically writhing in pleasure and anticipation.

He pulled a packet of lube out of his pocket, and tore it open. He spread it over his cock, and some onto my hole. I saw him pull another packet from his pants, and watched him slide a condom out. He slid it over his dick, and proceeded to rub the tip against my lubed hole. Then he smirked down at me. "Fuck this," he said, and tore the condom off, throwing it down onto my face. "You like it raw anyway, don't you?"

I nodded my assent. Not that it mattered, because his head was already pressing into my ass, with the rest of the shaft sliding in smoothly after. "Oh, shit, that's good," he moaned, and started to pump slowly in and out of me. He shrugged out of his shirt entirely, and unbuttoned my work shirt, still fucking himself into me. "Fuck yeah," he grunted and, with more flexibility than I'd have expected, leaned down to lick and bite at my nipples.

I managed to manuever my legs to rest over his shoulders, making it easier for him to plunge deeper into me. He worked my nipples for a little bit as he humped, before surprisingly moving up to my neck and sucking on me gently there. He raised his lips to my ears and nibbled at my earlobe (one of my absolute biggest turn-ons.) I moaned loudly, probably more loudly than was really safe in this situation, and he chuckled. "You like that, huh, kid?"

"Oh god, yes," I muttered, my eyes half-shut in pleasure. "Please don't stop."

He obliged and resumed nibbling at my ear for a while, still fucking me slowly and gently. A little later, and his mouth was pressing against mine, his tongue looking for entrance. I parted my lips a little to let him in, and he started fucking me a little faster. A few times, he would pull all the way out and shove himself back in fully, eliciting a groan of pleasure from me.

The next surprise in an encounter already full of them was when he pulled his mouth away, looked down at me, and said "Tell me you love me." His dick paused in its movements inside of me, and I considered for a second - this was unusual for a hookup (even one happening in an insanely public setting while I was working.) On the other hand, this was an unusual situation, so why not?

I reached my hands up and ran them through the hair on his chest. "I love you" I said, smiling at him. He closed his eyes, grinned a little, and started fucking me again. I kept playing with his fur, and kept on with what seemed to make him happy. "I love you so much, baby. I don't want you to stop.. I want you to stay inside me. Show me you love me, too."

His hands moved down to my mouth, and he slipped a finger into my mouth. I sucked at it happily - and that was when I noticed the tan line where a wedding ring might be. That gave me a little insight, but also raised more questions: divorcee? Unhappy marriage? 'Fuck it, not my business', I decided, and kept enjoying the moment. "Fuck me like you always wanted to, baby," I ventured, figuring I'd give him a chance to really get into the scene we were making here.

I was briefly surprised and a little alarmed when his fingers wrapped around my throat and he started to squeeze - gently, but with enough pressure that it wasn't exactly pretend. It seemed to turn him on, though, and I felt the pace of his thrusts quicken.

"You want me to knock you up?" he asked, looking down at me again. "You wanna have my babies? You wanna take my seed in you." That last one wasn't a question. "Tell me you fucking want it!" he hissed.

"I want it, baby! I want you to unload in me! Right here, give me your babies! Knock me up, get me pregnant!"

He let out a last, loud moan and I felt his dick throbbing as he came. He squeezed my throat a little tighter as he emptied his nuts into me, all the while whispering, "I love you, baby.." When he finished cumming, he grabbed ahold of my own hard cock and started stroking it quickly. "Cum for me baby," he said. "I wanna feel you cum while you're in my hand."

Now, I normally have trouble cumming during sex - blowjobs don't get me off, and another person's hand just doesn't do it for me. But this situation was so hot, so dangerous, so exciting, that I came in less than a minute of his stroking my shaft. I shot it over my chest, some onto my face, a little even going hitting my lips. Shortly after I came, he pulled himself out of me, and spread my hole with his fingers. "Yeah.. that'll do," he said. "You've got my spunk in you now."

I grinned, and started to button my shirt as he stood up and began to quickly redress. Then he looked at me with a sly grin and said, "I got a second load for you, if you want it."

Seriously? This guy had just cum a bucket up my ass, and he had another load ready to go? Well, why not?

"Anything you want," I said.

"Get on your knees and put my dick in your mouth. Don't suck, just hold it there."

That was an unusual request, but I obliged, holding his dick between my lips. Suddenly, his hand was on the back of my head, holding me in place as I felt something wet and very different than cum filling my mouth. It took me a moment to realize that he was pissing - he was pissing in my mouth, without at least warning me that's what he was going to do! Shit.. I couldn't spit or pull away, he was holding me in place. So I did the only thing I could do. I swallowed, drinking his piss, as he groaned in relief. I took every drop - what else was I going to do? Strangely, I wasn't mad at him, and I started to actually get hard again. Fuck, was I going to be a piss drinker now, too?

The flow tapered off and finally quiet, and he pulled his soft dick from between my lips. "Now that was hot," he said, as he tucked his dick away. "Don't be mad, okay? I just.. I always wanted to try that, and I never could with someone else."

"Hey, no problem," I said, and realized I was actually licking a few drops from my lips. I pointed down at my hard dick. "Do I look mad?"

He laughed and offered me a hand, pulling me up to my feet. "That was some Grade-A customer service there, kid," he said, buttoning his own shirt. "Can I write a letter to someone?"

"Yeah, maybe Penthouse," I replied. "Somehow, I don't think corporate would appreciate my version of the Wal-Mart experience."

He laughed, pulled me close to him and kissed me hard on the lips. We tongue-wrestled for a few minutes, me still naked from the waist down with a rock-hard dick, before he finally stepped away. "I gotta go. Thanks again, man."

"My pleasure," I said, and watched him head back into the store. I saw him slip something from his pocket and put it on his finger. I retrieved my pants and slid back into them, making myself presentable. I noticed a very prominent wet spot on the cushions of the couch we'd just broken in, and sighed. "Figures, now I have to clean that," I muttered to nobody.


Nothing quite like that ever happened at work again, and I spent the next few weeks anxiously waiting to be called into the manager's office. What if someone had seen us, and I hadn't realized it? What if the cameras caught us somehow? I didn't really want to get fired or arrested.

Fortunately, none of it ever came to light - not until I told my one gay manager about it later, a few weeks after I'd been fired for.. Well, that's another story, involving a coworker. And I'm sure you've heard enough for now.

Until next time.

I hope you enjoyed the tale. Once again, parts of this story are entirely true. Some are creative license. Which is which? I'll never tell. Comments, critiques, praise and tips can all be sent to

Next: Chapter 2

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