How the Mighty Have Fallen

By Luvkev JC

Published on Apr 15, 2002


How the Mighty has Fallen


Disclaimer: Ummm this isn't real. This is fiction. Completely fiction. I do not know the Backstreet boys or Nsync either. As far as I know Kevin is happily married to Kristin and JC well he is a mystery but I do not know his sexuality nor do I claim too. Oh yea. Adults only!!!! If you are minor than go to the back button and back your way out!!!!!! Oh yea and I am new at this so I really really really hope that you like the story.

Part One

JC wasn't happy. Simply put he was tired. Tired of a certain band member. He was tired of smiling at everyone and talking about how fucking happy he was to have a brother like Justin. And how happy he was for Justin. And how proud he was of Justin. Just once he would love to see Justin stick up for him. No! All Justin could do is spout crap about looking up to JC because he was much older than he was. And how he could go to JC about girls and stuff. Hah! JC laughed to himself. Justin would no sooner go him for advice on girls even if JC was the last red blooded male on this planet! For you see JC was gay. JC made the mistake of coming out to his supposed best friend.

"You're what?" Justin yelped. "You like guys?" "Are you a fucking faggot?" Those words tore into JC like a sword would. "Get away from me you faggot!"

That was over three years ago. Ever since than JC was a good little boy and walked the party line. That is of course the Justin Timberlake way or the highway. Well now JC was tired of it. Justin had announced that he was looking into going solo. JC argued about it and Justin said and I quote. "It's not like you have any real talent JC. Everyone knows who carries this group any way." JC just glared at him for a few minutes before swearing and walking out.

"Hey!" Justin shouted after him. "Where do you think you are going?" Justin moved quickly to block JC's way. "I didn't say you can go anywhere."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" JC hissed at him. "I will go wherever I want to and I sure the hell don't need your permission."

"Hell JC!" Justin smirked. "You need my permission to breath! Now I asked you a question. Where are you going?"

"Out!" JC replied. "And away from you!" JC pushed passed Justin and walked out the door. Justin looked behind him and caught Chris shaking his head.

"What?" Justin asked innocent.

"You know something Justin?" Chris asked as he swung his back pack up on his back. "One of these days someone is going to knock you off that high horse of yours! And I for one hope that I am there to see it!"

"Man why is everyone against me?" Justin seethed to himself. He caught himself in the mirror. "Yea you know it TIMBA TIMBA TIMBALAKE!" He grinned his million dollar smile at himself and walked out the door and into his car.

JC walked into the club. The music was hot and the guys were even hotter. Several girls tried to get his attention but he waved them off. He wasn't looking for girls. No he was looking for boys. Well actually men to be more precise. He eased into a booth and leaned back against the wall. He could see the door from here.

"Can I get you something?" asked a sexy male voice. He looked up to see a blonde hottie staring down at him.

'Yea, your dick down my throat!' JC thought to him self. "A pepsi would be nice." The blonde waiter nodded and retreated to fill JC's order. He heard some commotion at the door and looked up. The girls in the club was screaming and trying to get to the door. Three huge black men walked in as they cleared a path. Than "HE" walked in. His shoulder length black hair came glistened in the light at the entrance. His emerald green eyes scanned the room and locked onto JC's. JC shivered at the intensity of the look. He smiled and headed over to his table. JC felt his cock grow rock hard in an instant. 'Think of something cool to say!' he screamed at himself. His shadow fell over him.

"Is anyone sitting here?" the deep voice asked. He could smell his sweat mixing with his cologne. He looked up and smiled.

"Errrm ummm no," he stammered out. 'Real smooth ass!' he shouted at him self.

"Can I join you?" came the deep soothing voice again.

"Ummm yea," JC squeaked out. He grinned as he realized what effect that he was having on JC.

"I'm Kevin," Kevin replied as he glided into the booth.

"Yea I think I know who you are," JC grinned. "I'm JC."

"From Nsync," Kevin chuckled. "You come here often?"

"When I want to get away from it all," JC replied. 'Or when I want to meet a stud like you,' he thought to him self.

"So what are you drinking?" Kevin asked.

"Just pepsi tonight," JC replied as he nodded his thanks to the cute waiter.

"What nothing hard tonight?" Kevin asked smiling at him. "I'll have the same as him," he told the waiter."

'Boy if you only knew!' JC smirked to him self. "No, I like to keep control of myself," JC replied.

"Ever want to go wild and let loose?" Kevin asked.

"Not lately," JC replied. "So what brings you out tonight?"

'Looking for fresh meat!' Kevin thought to himself. "Looking for someone to talk too and make new friends."

"Found any?" JC asked grinning.

"Well that depends on if you want to be friends," JC loved the way Kevin's eyes sparkled. "JC?" Kevin pushed. "You still here?" Kevin knew that JC was having a hard time concentrating on the conversation. He also knew that he had that affect on a lot of people.

"Um yea I'm still here," JC stammered. "And yes I would love to be friends."

"But what about all that stuff about our two groups supposed to be hating eachother?" Kevin asked smiling.

"Well you tell me," JC commented as he took a sip of his drink. "Do you hate us?"

"Well I don't care much for Justin," Kevin answered honestly. "I think he spends entirely to much time stealing the mic from you."

"You know something?" JC laughed. "You're not the only one who has thought that. You should see the number of Fans that already believe that."

"Why do you let him do that?" Kevin asked as he leaned forward. JC shrugged as he watched a couple dancing. "You know you have more talent in your one pinky than he has in his entire body?"

"I've been told that," JC replied. "So can we?"

"Can we what?" Kevin asked in a teasing tone of voice.

"Can we be friends?" JC asked in a hopeful tone of voice.

"There you are!" exclaimed a irate voice. JC looked up to see Justin glaring down at him. "I've been looking all over the place for you!"

"I don't answer to you Justin!" JC replied. "So fuck off. What is your problem anyway?"

"The problem is--," Justin stopped to glare at Kevin. "Do you mind? We are having a private conversation."

"I mind!" JC shot back. "Kevin was here first and he and I were talking. Whatever you have to say you can say with Kevin here."

"I don't want be a bother," Kevin started.

"You're not!" JC insisted. "If anyone is being a bother it is you!" he hissed at Justin. Justin swore and turned his heel and stormed away. "Now where were we?"

"What is his problem?" Kevin asked glaring at the retreating singer. "Doesn't he have a life of his own?"

"That is just it. He does but he doesn't want anyone else to have one," JC grumbled. "So can we?"

"Ahh," Kevin laughed softly. "The age old question."

"Well can we be friends?" JC asked grinning.

"Well I would like a chance to be more than friends," Kevin said softly. "How would you feel about dating a Backstreet Boy?"

"No," JC said bluntly. "I won't date a Backstreet Boy." His heart broke when he saw the pained look in Kevin's face. "But I will date Kevin Richardson." He grinned when he saw the pleased look on Kevin's face. He decided at that moment that he was going to make it his mission in life to make Kevin smile more often.

"So when do we go out on this date?" Kevin asked taking JC's hand. "How about tomorrow?"

"That could work," JC grinned. "Umm what time do you want to pick me up?"

"Tomorrow at seven?" Kevin asked. JC nodded. "Until than good night JC." He leaned forward and kissed JC lightly on the lips. It was just an innocent kiss but it was enough to drive JC's senses into overdrive. "See you later sexy." He watched as Kevin stood up and one fluid motion and walked out the door. JC sighed and sat back in the booth and ran his tongue over his lips as if trying to remember the feel of Kevin's lips on his.

Three months later.

Justin walked into the rec room and spotted JC watching that damn video again. He was so tired of JC watching him on the screen. He had the damn thing on pause and was staring at the black haired man on the screen. Justin decided that he had enough. He walked over to the VCR and pushed stop and eject.

"Hey!" JC yelped. "What did you do that for?"

"I'm so tired of you ogling him!" Justin seethed. "He is never going to go for the likes of you! So fucking forget him!"

"You never know," JC replied glaring at Justin. "And why do you care anyway?"

"I just don't want you to get hurt and I'm trying to stop him from hurting us," Justin added quickly.

"Fuck you!" JC hurled. "You only care about your own fucking career!"

"That is not true!" Justin denied in a small voice. "I do care about you guys!"

"Oh sure," JC sneered at him. "Can't you see the writing on the wall?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Justin asked glaring at JC. JC keyed up MTV's web page and clicked on the page where you could vote if Justin should go solo or not.

"Have you read these?" JC asked. Justin shook his head no. "Well than I suggest you get busy and read them!"

"Maybe I don't want to," Justin said as he backed away.

"Fine coward, don't read them. See if I care!" JC hurled at him as he snatched the video out of Justin's hand and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Justin demanded.

"Out!" JC shouted as slammed the front door and climbed into his black jeep Cherokee. As he pulled away from the curb he could still see Justin's pouting face watching him from the window. "Fuck you Justin!" he seethed to himself. "You're not the only person in this group that deserves to be happy!" Picking up the cell phone he dialed the number and waited for the answer.

"Hello?" asked the deep soft sexy voice that JC longed to hear.

"Hey," JC replied with a grin.

"What's wrong baby?" asked that same deep sexy voice that JC fell in love with a long time ago. "You sound upset."

"I'm fine," JC grumbled.

"Baby," JC grinned as his lover used the that name. It was his nick name and he loved when his lover used it for him. "I know you are upset so tell me about it and than I can help you."

"Justin wouldn't let me watch you on your video," JC grumbled out. He pouted when he heard the deep chuckle on the other end. "Hey!" JC exclaimed. "I needed to see you in action!"

"Why don't you come over to my place and watch me in action in person?" he asked in a seductive voice. "You know you want too."

"Is there anyone else there?" JC asked grinning. He could feel his cock harden just from hearing his voice.

"Nope just me and jr," he giggled. "And he is so lonely."

"Well I guess I'm just going to have hurry than won't I?" JC asked. He rounded the turn and pulled up to the gate that guarded the community. He punched in the code to allow himself in. In a few minutes he pulled up to another gate. "Hey Sweetie," He whispered into the phone. "You going to let me in?" The gates swung open and he drove on through. He pulled up into the circular drive and stopped the Cherokee and climbed out. The door opened and he watched as the object of his desire walked out onto the porch. He was shirtless and wearing a pair of jeans with the button undone. JC licked his lips and walked up to him and fell into his arms. He buried his nose into his chest and inhaled breathing in his lover's scent. "God Kevin," he moaned out. "I missed you so much." He felt the welcome touch of Kevin's hand on his chin as he pulled JC's mouth up to his. Kevin pressed his lips to JC's and lightly kissed him. JC let out a soft moan. "You make me feel so good."

"I can make you feel even better if you want," Kevin whispered in his ear as he lightly bit down on his lobe. JC looked up at the loving expression on Kevin's face. He knew that Kevin just wanted to make him feel better. He could also tell that Kevin wanted to make love to him too. JC wanted it too so he took his hand and followed his lover into the house. Once in the living room Kevin wrapped his arms around JC and pulled him to his body. With skill full hands Kevin stripped JC out of his black wife beater and bent down and kissed his nipples. JC let out a soft moan and arched his back towards Kevin. "You like that?" Kevin asked as he tugged on JC's belt. "If like that than you are really going to like this." Kevin slid JC's pants down exposing his cock to the cool air conditioned air. Kevin quickly engulfed JC's rock hard shaft and buried his nose into JC's bush.

"OOOOHHH," JC moaned out. "You make me feel so good baby." All to soon Kevin let up and looked up at JC. "Please Kevin," JC whimpered out. "Make love to me?"

"I thought you would never ask sweetie," Kevin replied as he picked up a condom and handed it to JC. "Would you do the honors?"

Later Kevin and JC are sitting on the loveseat and Kevin is holding JC in his arms. "So you going to tell me what is the problem with you and Justin?" JC snuggled deeper into Kevin's hold. "Please JC," Kevin pleaded as he stroked the side of JC's arm. "I want to help baby." JC sighed and turned his head up to Kevin's.

"He is so hung up on himself that none of us matter anymore," JC replied. "I mean it is all about him anymore."

"You know that your voice is so much better and you are so much better looking than he is," Kevin replied. "I think that if anyone goes solo it should be you." JC grinned up at Kevin and than kissed Kevin on his nipple drawing it into his mouth sucking on it hard. Kevin smiled down at the younger lover. "Are you enjoying yourself?" JC looked up at him with an innocent expression on his face.

"I can't help it if you are so irresitable," JC giggled as he went back to work giving Kevin a hickey. When he was done he pulled back to examine his art work. "There!" he smiled. "All done." Kevin shook his head and grinned.

"So what is the rest of the group going to do with Justin's massive ego?" Kevin asked softly as he slid his hand down to JC's limp cock and took it in his hand. JC moaned softly as his cock begin to fill with blood and rise to it's full 7.5 inches. "I think you guys should lay it on the line and force Justin to make a decision. Either he stays a part of Nsync or separates himself from the group permanently."

"We can't ask him to do that!" JC exclaimed. "We've all done our own thing before."

"You're wrong baby," Kevin replied as he kissed the top of JC's head. "Justin has done his own thing. Joey and Lance have done their own thing. You haven't done anything yet."

"I have too," JC replied. "I've done a collaboration with a couple of artists."

"Very small ones sweetie," Kevin added. "Baby you have so much talent in you that you should let it out. In fact I was thinking of doing a song and I would love it if you joined me."

"Really?" JC asked. "What kind of song is it?"

"Well it would be a remake of one I did for the Black and Blue cd," Kevin replied. "You know the one I co-wrote."

"Ohhh Man I love that song!" JC grinned. "That song makes me cry every time I hear it!"

"So would you be interested in doing something with me on it?" Kevin asked hopefully.

"Sure I would!" JC grinned. "When do we start?"

"Right now if you want," Kevin replied. "I have a recording studio here at the house." Kevin stood up and slid on a pair of Boxers and handed JC's his and together they headed down stairs to the recording studio.

Later that day.

"Where the hell is he?" Justin fumed. "He knew we were meeting to go over the list of songs that are going to be released on our next cd!"

"Chill out Justin," Chris hurled at him. "It is not as if that decision hasn't been made already!"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Justin glared at Chris.

"Come off it Justin look at the fucking list!" Chris hurled back. "You've got Dirty Pop, Gone and Girlfriend!"

"So," Justin replied. "What is wrong with those songs?"

"Well they all are written by you!" Every one of them! What is this? A show case for the self proclaimed Great Justin Timberlake or something?" by now Chris was shouting. Lance and Joey looked at each other with worried expressions on their faces. "What about JC?"

"What about him?" Justin hissed at Chris.

"Well let's see, he has written a total of four songs! I don't see any of his on the list!" Chris knew he was pushing it but he was pissed. Justin had gotten out of control. For the last couple of years Justin had made a huge effort of keeping JC in the background and he was getting pissed about it. Even the fans had started to see it too. Some of them even going so far as to send Justin letters telling him to stop hogging the mic every time JC wanted to say something. Infact everyone in the group had seen it they were just to afraid to say anything. Chris wanted JC to step up and defend himself but JC was to nice of a guy. "What is the deal Justin?" Chris pushed further. "Isn't JC's songs good enough? Or maybe they are too good and you're afraid that he will pass your sorry ass by!"

"I don't want to discuss it anymore!" Justin shouted.

"Don't want to discuss what?" JC asked from the door. "What? Are you guys fighting again?"

"Chris is pissed about the choice of songs," Justin replied. "Do you have a problem with it?"

"You and I discussed this already," JC said casually. "No I don't have a problem with you using the group to show case your talent." Justin noticed the sarcastic undertones in JC's statement but choose to ignore it. "Just so that you understand that I want a song written by me on the list of release songs."

"That is just it," Chris threw in. "None of yours are in it! It is all Justin Timberlake!"

"Shut up Chris," Justin hissed.

"Let me see the list," JC asked calmly. Justin realized at this point that JC had something up his sleeve. He reluctantly handed the list over to JC. JC read over them and nodded. "Fine," he said looking directly into Justin's eyes. "We'll play it your way."

"What are you doing?" asked Justin as he took the list back.

"Something I should've done a long time ago," JC said calmly. "Guys I have something to tell you."

"JC don't even think about it!" Justin said in a threatening voice.

"Why not Justin?" JC asked grinning. For the first time in a long time he actually felt free. He heard the doorbell ring and he opened. "Hey Kevin, come on in." Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys walked in.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Justin demanded.

"Guys," JC started. "I know you all are wondering why Kevin is here. Well I have something to tell you."

"JC!" Justin interrupted. "I'm fucking warning you!"

"It is out of your hands now Justin so get used to it," JC answered in the same calm collected voice he had been using since he arrived. It was obvious to everyone in the room that JC had the upper hand and for once he was in control of the situation. "And there isn't a mic for you to hog this time Justin," JC whispered loudly in Justin's ear. Chris choked out a laugh coughing to cover it up. JC smiled at him before continuing. "Guys, there is something that you don't know about me."

"What he is trying to say is--," Justin started.

"Shut up and let him talk Timberlake!" Kevin boomed out. Justin glared daggers at Kevin and Kevin just grinned at him.

"As I was saying," JC replied grinning his thanks to Kevin and reaching out and taking his hand and allowing Kevin to pull him to him and wrapped his arm around JC's narrow waist.

"Fuck!" muttered Justin.

"I'm gay and Kevin is my lover and he and I are going to be doing a song together," JC replied as he leaned over and kissed Kevin lightly on the lips.

The silence was deafening. JC watched his band mates for their reactions. He knew that Chris and Joey would be acceptive of it. He knew that Justin didn't really care as long he kept it quiet. Lance on the other hand. Well let's just say he was hard to read. "Umm Guys," JC spoke first in a small voice. "Say something please?" Chris walked up to him and pulled him in a hug.

"It is about time you came out to us. JC we are your brothers and we care for you and love you," Chris replied. He than turned to Kevin looking up at him with a hard look in his eyes. "You, on the other hand. I don't know if I can trust you yet. JC is my brother and he has a huge heart. Hurt him in any way and I will come down on you so hard--,"

"Understood," Kevin replied with a grin. "I love him and I would never do anything to hurt him."

"Than welcome to the crazy Nsync family!" Chris said as he enveloped Kevin in a hug. Joey came up next and than Lance. Turned out that Lance was ok with it. Finally it came to Justin.

"Well Justin?" JC asked. "What do you have to say about it?"

"Fuck you JC!" Justin shouted as he stormed out of the room. JC took off after him. Kevin went to follow but Chris stopped him.

"Let them handle this on their own. This has been coming for a long time," Chris said. "Justin has been getting too big and harder to control for the last couple of years. And he has gone behind our backs and got most of his songs to be released on the CD. JC didn't even get one of his songs."

"That ass!" Kevin hissed. "I'm worried about what he is going to do him."

"JC can handle himself," Chris replied. "Now why don't you tell us your intentions with our Josh?" Kevin blushed and looked down. "Wow!" Chris exclaimed. "You really have it bad for him don't you?"

"Umm yes I guess I do," Kevin stammered.

"Justin wait up!" JC shouted as he chased Justin out the sliding glass doors. "I'm not done with you!"

"Just leave me the fuck alone JC!" Justin shouted over his shoulder. "I can't believe that you are fucking the enemy!"

"We are not fucking! I love him and we make love not fuck!" JC shouted back with tears rolling down his face. "I love him!"

"Get real JC!" Justin screamed at him. "He is just using you! And you are going to destroy us!"

"You are doing a pretty good job of that by yourself," JC seethed at Justin. "It is real plain to us all that all you care about is your own fucking career and the rest of us be dammed!" Justin stopped and took several deep breaths and slowly turned around.

"Is that what you think of me?" he asked with his eyes watering.

JC shrugged his shoulders and held out his hands. "I call them like I see them."

"Well you don't know anything than!" Justin screamed at him with tears running down his face. "I love you guys and I never do anything to hurt any of you especially you!"

"Oh really!" JC shouted as he pulled out a CD from his pocket and ripped out the over and tossed at Justin. "Take a good look at that!" Justin sighed and picked it up and looked at it. "Do you see it?"

"See what?" Justin asked confused.

"Look at the front cover!" JC insisted. "You are in the center and out in front. It is so fucking obvious that you think you are leading the group. We are a team Justin and you haven't been treating us like one!"

"Oh come off it!" Justin shouted. "Your just pissed cause you don't have the guts to stand up for your self and I do!"

"Take another look at it!" JC ordered. Justin handed the cover back to JC but JC thrust it back into his hands. I said look at it! Every one of the pictures of me is crappy! Except for the last two. You have kept me in the background as much as possible. Well I've got news for you! I'm through being shut up and shoved in the background and I'm so fucking tired of you interrupting me and stealing the fucking mic from me!"

"EWWWW!" Justin said sarcastically. "The big bad JC finally grew some balls. What are you going to do JC?"

"You know something Justin?" JC said in the same calm voice that he first used when he first arrived at the house. "I'm through with your shit. I'm through being pushed to the side. I'm through with you deliberately interrupting me and pushing me away from the mic. And I'm through living here with you. I'm moving out of here tonight. I'm moving in with Kevin. Try to come in between what Kevin and I have and I will call a fucking press conference so fast and out myself that your fucking head will spin!" JC turned and walked away and into the house. He spotted Kevin. "You want to help me pack?"

"What is going on?" Chris asked.

"I'm through with the Self Proclaimed Justin Timberlake the Great! I'm moving the fuck out his house. You all will see me at rehearsal!" JC grabbed Kevin's arm and they headed up stairs to pack JC's stuff.

Later at Kevin's place.

"Wheww!" Kevin said as he wiped the sweat off of his face. "I think that is all of it." He noticed that JC was looking at a picture of himself and the rest of Nsync. He had his arm around Justin in a headlock. Justin had a carefree look on his face and JC's face radiated with mischief. JC let a few tears flow down his face before putting the picture down. "Hey baby," Kevin said softly as he wrapped his arms around JC and laid his head on JC's shoulder. "Are you ok with this?" JC nodded and kissed Kevin's cheek. "You look so young in that picture."

"We all were," JC mumbled. "Especially Justin."

"He looked like a fun kid," Kevin said as he picked up the picture and looked at it. "You look like you were a brat!"

"Hey!" JC exclaimed. "I was not a brat!"

"Oh really?" Kevin asked grinning. "Look at that expression on your face and tell me that picture doesn't scream JC is a Brat!" Kevin was attacked by JC tickling him hard. They flopped on the bed laughing together as the tickled eachother. The tickle session turned into a necking session. Kevin took the upper hand as usual and pressed his crotch into JC's. JC moaned and arched his back to get better access to Kevin. "You want to get jiggy?" JC giggled as he pulled Kevin's shirt over his head and attacked Kevin's nipples with his lips and tongue. "I'll take that as a yes," Kevin replied as he went to work stripping JC of his clothes. Soon he had the hot singer naked and he than went to work sucking his cock down his throat. JC let out a whimper as he started thrusting in and out of Kevin's mouth.

At Justin's house.

"Now what the fuck am I going to do?" Justin demanded glaring at the rest of the gang. "JC is shacking up with that Backstreet slut and he is even talking about doing a song together."

"And why shouldn't he?" Chris demanded. "Why shouldn't JC go out and showcase some of his talent? If you are going to stand in his way than he should go looking else where. And as far as him loving Kevin I think it is great. They are great together and they love eachother. Now my question to is this. Why are you so hung up on JC branching out and doing his own thing?"

"Why the hell do you think?" Justin shouted back. "He isn't ready for it yet!"

"Why?" Chris pressed onward. "Why isn't he ready? Or should I ask, Why the hell do you care? Wait don't answer that question! I'll answer it for you! Your so fucking afraid that if he does do a solo project with Kevin his real talent will show and it will over shadow you!"

"That is such bull shit and you know it!" Justin shouted back. "JC has got nothing on me!"

"Well than you shouldn't have anything to worry about," Chris smirked at him. "Don't you have a date with Brittney?" Chris was getting real tired of Justin pushing his weight around. "I got some packing to do."

"You leaving too?" Justin asked looking hurt.

"Yea, I was just waiting for JC to grow some balls and tell you off and leave you. Now that he has I don't really want to live with you any more. I'm going to find my own place," Chris replied. "I'll be out by morning."

"Fuck!" Justin hissed.

"You brought this all on your self Curly," Chris answered back. "When you are ready to support the rest of the group with their solo projects and their careers than let us know. But until than don't bother us with the Great Justin Timberlake!" Chris walked out of the room and up the stairs. Joey and Lance shook their heads and walked out of the house too. Justin sat down and thought what he was going to do. Grinning a wicked grin he picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"This is Justin," Justin spoke into the phone. "I need to talk to you." Pause. "Hell no it can't wait!" Pause. "Fine! I will meet you in fifteen minutes at the cafe down the street!" Justin clicked off his phone and slid it back into his pocket. "I'm going out!" he announced as he grabbed his hat and sunglasses and headed out the door. He didn't even wait to hear from Lance or Joey. At this point he really didn't care. All he wanted to do is stop JC before all of his hard work was for nothing.

At Kevin's place.

"Your phone is ringing," Kevin said as he kissed JC on the nose.

"Let it," JC replied as he snuggled closer to Kevin. Kevin handed him his phone and JC pouted as he answered it. "JC here!" Pause. "Oh hi Johnny!" Pause again. "Sure thing. I'll be there in about ten minutes." He clicked off the phone and gave Kevin a quick kiss on the lips. "Gotta go sweetie," he said. "Our manager wants to meet with me."

At the Cafe.

"Thanks for meeting me here Johnny," Justin said as he gestured to the seat. "Now onto the reason for you being here. I need your help. JC is acting up again."

"What do you want me to do?" Johnny asked. Truth was he couldn't stand Justin. He only put up with his controlling antics for the money.

"I want you to go over the contracts and see if you can find anything in them that will stop JC from going out on his own and do solo projects," Justin explained. "He knows about the singles from this album. He knows that we arranged to have only my songs be released. Now he is striking back by sleeping with Kevin of BSB." Johnny's eyebrows shot up. "Yea you heard me right. He stopped by the meeting to come out to us. I tried to stop him but couldn't.

"Good!" Johnny replied as he started to show his true colors. "You know something Justin? JC is right. You have been trying to shove him off in the background. I for one am damn glad that he is taking the upper hand and standing up for him self. I still don't know how I ever let you talk me into pushing your singles through."

"Well you did and your fingerprints are all over it!" Justin hissed. "If you ever want to work in this field again you will keep your mouth shut about it. Cause if you so much as breath one word about this to anyone I will ruin you!"

"Is that so?" asked a voice behind him. Justin jerked around and swore. "Yea," JC sneered. "It is me. What the hell are you up to now Justin?"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Justin spat. "Why aren't you at home fucking Kevin?"

"Johnny was nice enough to call me. Oh yea and I know all about what Johnny's role in this is. So don't even try and get him fired!" JC hissed at him. "Now that we got that in the open it is time you and I had a little talk."

"I've got nothing to say to you!" Justin hurled at him.

"Good," JC replied calmly. "Cause I've got plenty to say to you! First things first! I deserve a life after Nsync. You are not the only player in this game. Who the hell decided that only Justin Timberlake deserves a life? And for that matter why can't I love Kevin? Are you my fucking parents? I'm several years older than you are so stay the fuck out of my life!" Justin sat back shocked. No one had dared to talk to him like that. Especially JC. JC usually just grinned and took whatever he gave him.

"Umm can we all just sit down and talk about this?" Kevin said as he walked up behind JC.

"This is all your fault!" Justin hissed at Kevin. "I had everything under control until you had to step in!"

"Yea you had everything under control all right," JC hissed back. "All under your control! Well not any more Justin! I'm taking my life back starting right now!" JC took Kevin's hand and pulled him out the cafe.

"What the fuck do we do now?" Justin asked Johnny.

"We?" Johnny asked. "As of this moment Justin. You are on your own!" Johnny quietly got up and walked out leaving Justin alone.

"Fuck!" Justin hissed as he slammed his fist down on the table. "He is not going to get away with this! I'm the only one that has ever mattered in this group and I'm the only one who deserves to have a life. Fuck JC and the rest of them!"

Next: Chapter 2

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