How the Fort Changed my Life by Jason Tyler
First the usual warning: If this type of story is illegal in your country or if you can't read, then don't go any further. This story contains sex and relations between teenage boys, both consensual and non-consensual. Many parts of this story are based on actual fact. Other parts are in the "I wish" category. If you have ideas for a storyline let me know. I may not use them in this story 'cause I'm pretty anal (That's a hint for future boyfriends), but I might use them in a new story.
Chapter 4
So here I am dirty, bleeding, tired, completely naked and tied to a tree. The sun has just gone behind the hill, so I know it will be dark soon. This is where you came in.
I must have fallen asleep for a little bit, 'cause it's dark out and much colder. I am starting to shiver and it's probably going to get a lot colder tonight. I tried to slide down the tree so I could at least sit and curl up, but I am securely fastened in an upright position. Damn I'm tired. I must have passed out again, because I awoke when I heard a noise in the distance. I see what looks like light just over the hill in front of me. My first thought is that it's finally morning and the sun is coming up, but its only a beam of light in one spot, not the entire horizon. I can't really make it out that well, but I'm watching it come towards me. I hope it's not Brad or one of the other guys, I can't take anymore. It's a vehicle of some sort and I can kinda make out the shape of it. Please let it be help. I'm gonna close my eyes a little and look asleep, just in case it's the guys coming back. I'll pretend I'm dead, maybe it'll scare them off. Whoever it is, is heading directly for me, so it's got to be them, they're the only one's who know I'm here. I can feel my tears starting up again and no matter how hard I try, they won't stop, as I feel them running down my face. The car has stopped right in front of me, and I can see the light shining through my eye lids. I can't open them, I just know this isn't good.
"Dad, Help!"
It was the most beautiful sound in the world. Kyle and his Dad have found me. I opened my eyes and looked out at them. I can't see anything as the light is shining in my face, but Kyle was almost instantly in front of me.
"Chad, What happened? Can you hear me buddy?" he is obviously terrified and I can imagine he's pretty shocked at seeing me like this.
Another voice joined in and I heard "I'm going to cut him loose, get ready to catch him."
Kyle put his arms on me and I felt the tightness around my chest disappear and I am being lowered to the ground. My hands are free too, so Kyle's dad must have cut the wire around them too.
"I'll get a blanket out of the truck. Stay with him Kyle"
I am so happy to be safe again. How did Kyle know to come and get me? I hope I remember to ask him tomorrow. A warm blanket is being wrapped around me and I'm being lifted off the ground. Wow, I didn't know Kyle was that strong.
"Kyle, run and open the back door, we'll put him on the back seat"
I am being carried by Kyle's dad. He feels so warm and strong. I heard the car door open and I can feel the warmth from inside it as I am placed on the back seat. I can now see a lot clearer without the headlights in my eyes. Kyle is looking over the front seat at me with tears in his eyes. I grab his hand and hold it.
"Hurry Dad! We need to get to the hospital" Kyle was almost screaming at his Dad and I felt the pain that he must be feeling. The last time I saw him was the happiest time of our lives, now I must look terrible. "Dad, can I have your cell phone to call Chad's parents to meet us at the hospital?"
I awoke looking into the worried face of Kyle. "Hi sweetie" I croaked.
"Hey!" he smiled "You've been asleep for almost 20 hours. How do you feel?"
"I feel sore" is all I could say, Maybe they tied me to the bed 'cause I can't move. Every part of me feels like a lead weight, but I'm trying to smile so he won't worry so much about me.
"Your Mom and Dad are here" he said, probably as a warning for me not to say anything mushy to him. "I'll go get them"
I mouthed a silent "I love you" to him.
"I love you too", he whispered back and bent down and kissed me on the forehead. Damn I must look terrible if I'm only getting a kiss on the forehead. Mom and Dad quickly appeared just after Kyle left. Obviously he told them I was awake.
"Honey, are you okay?" Mom asked. Dad pushed her aside before I even opened my mouth to answer.
"The police want to take a statement from you when you're ready. We'll get the bastards, I promise." Dad has never been much for the mushy stuff, but I know he's really concerned about me. I can hear it in his voice. "We've been told we can take you home in the morning. Nothing's broken, you just have a few cuts and bruises that will take some time to heal. Get some more rest son and we'll be back early to get you home. Oh, Josh is waiting to see you. He's been here all day."
"Just a few minutes, son. He needs his rest." I heard Dad say to Josh.
"Hi bro" he said quietly "Please don't say anything until we have a chance to talk, okay buddy. I'm sorry and I'll make it up to you, I promise." His eyes looked deep into mine and it is obvious he is looking for some telltale sign as to what I was thinking of doing. There is so much fear in his voice and in his eyes. I haven't decided what to do yet, but why would I let him off that easy.
"Fuck off, Josh, I'll do whatever the hell I want. You're not in control anymore."
I turned away from him. I awoke as Dad was shaking me.
"Come on son, we're taking you home." Shit, it's morning already. I must have slept through the entire night. Kyle is standing in front of me with some clean clothes ready to go. I'm so happy he showed up, but I can't say too much with my Dad in the room. There will be lots of time for that later. I tried to steady myself as I stood, but I fell forward into Kyle. I smiled up at him and asked if he would help me get dressed since they tie these stupid hospital gowns in the back. Probably some pervert who likes seeing guys asses. Maybe I'll get Kyle one for his birthday.
Every part of my body feels like it's been driven over, but with Kyle helping me get dressed I'm gonna be home in no time. He leaned in and kissed me gently as he did up the buttons on my shirt. I can feel how bruised my lips as it hurt when he touched me. I looked over to see if my Dad was watching, but he's not even in the room anymore. I smiled at Kyle.
"Thanks for being here babe. It was so horrible, I thought I was going to die and never see you again."
"I'm here now. Nothing else is going to happen" said Kyle as he smiled at me "I'm going to stay with you until they force me to go home. Your brother Scott is staying in Josh's room tonight, so I can use his bed and stay with you in your room."
"Really? We're going to sleep together?" I tried to laugh but my face hurts too much. Kyle just looked away sadly and said we should get going.
We arrived at home after a 15 minute drive, during which, Kyle never looked at me or said a word. I am freaked out by it, but he's a very sensitive guy anyway, hopefully he'll be a little more talkative tonight when he sleeps over. My Mom was waiting at the front door when we pulled up and she came running out. I thought something was wrong, but I guess I'm what's wrong. Mom's are great, but they worry too much. Maybe I can convince her to put a TV in my room for a few weeks while I recover. I'm also thinking meals in bed and perhaps a sponge bath by Kyle. I don't know what to do about Josh. I can't believe he set out to hurt me, but as I see it, his future is in my hands. Jail or my own personal slave. He can do my homework, clean my room, walk the dog, do my laundry and wash my back if I tell him too. I can definitely see some good come out of all this. I just hope my ass shrinks back to normal size. It feels like there's wind whistling through it.
"Honey, come on, let's get you to bed" mom said "I have your favorite lunch ready." What did she do? Smear Cheez Whiz on Kyle! Yummy... "Grilled Cheese Sandwiches" she finished.
Close enough. Kyle had his arm around me as we went up to my room. As we entered the room, I looked over to the mirror on the wall and stopped. I can see Kyle, but who the hell does he have his arm around? There is no way that is me. The tears have started again, and this time I don't care. No wonder Kyle's been kinda weird around me. My eye is swollen so much that it sticks out as much as my nose. My forehead has a big cut across it and my jaw looks lopsided, like I've been to a dentist that went crazy with the Novocain. No one is going to want me now.
"Kyle, you don't have to stay with me. I know I look terrible" I sobbed "I just hope you'll still want me when I look better."
"Don't be such a drama queen" he said smiling at me "I want you now, even though you look like a Frankenstein experiment gone wrong. If you can stay awake, I hope you'll tell me what happened. When I first saw you I was scared you were dead. You were just hanging there and looked lifeless."
"I thought it was the guys coming back to do it again" I said as I sat on my bed. I reached down to take off my shoes, but it hurt too much. Kyle dropped to his knees and took them off for me. He also removed my socks.
"What me to help you get undressed?" he said, giving me an evil grin. I nodded, smiling as much as I dared in case my face cracked. He loosened my belt and undid my jeans, sliding them down as I lifted my ass off the bed a little. He folded them and put them on the chair beside us. He turned, grabbed the bottom of my boxers and started to pull. If my parents walk in now, this will be very embarrassing, especially with Kyle on his knees facing my crotch.
"Better leave them on" I suggested "in case I have to go across to the bathroom later on. I don't want to do it naked."
"Damn" pouted Kyle as he looked up and gave me his puppy dog eyes. I love it when he does that. I slipped under the covers and let my head fall back on the pillow. This feels so much better than the hospital. "Do you want anything?" asked Kyle.
"Nope. Maybe an Aaron Carter mask, so I'll look better" I suggested only half joking.
"Chad I don't think we should...." He stopped as my Mom came in the room with lunch for both of us.
"Here you are sweetie. Grilled cheese, cookies and root beer Here's one of the two way radios to call us if you need anything. I'm sure Kyle will let us know if you are having any trouble."
"I'll be here until he's better" Kyle said. Mom just smiled and left the room.
"You said we shouldn't...what?" I asked the second she left. Oh God, here it comes. He doesn't want me anymore.
"I don't think we should tell anyone about us being boyfriends yet" he said quietly averting his eyes from mine.
"Why?" I could feel that I was going to cry again. Everything is going wrong. "Don't you love me anymore? This wasn't my fault."
"I know. It's not you or even me" he started to explain "My Dad was extremely upset about what happened to you, and you know that my parents think your phat (They keep telling me you're not fat, but I assure them you are.) But he also said that this wouldn't have happened if you weren't gay. He also said he was thankful that I wasn't there, as I might have been attacked as well. All I could think about is if I had been with you, they probably wouldn't have done anything. I really think we should wait until you are better and my parents realize you are okay. Then we can convince them that we can do better together than separately. And YES, I love you very much."
"Babe, can we tell my parents? I want them to know how much I love you, and that I want you to stay here until I can go out again." I looked into his eyes and I think it was either fear or food poisoning, I couldn't be sure.
"What if they tell someone, like my parents?" he asked.
"They won't. Mom and Dad have been careful about what they tell people about me, and it usually isn't about me being gay. They agree that it's up to me as to who I tell."
"What about your brothers? After all, you have four of them and I'm sure they can't keep their mouths shut." He enquired. I thought about Josh and knew HE couldn't keep his mouth shut.
"We'll make Mom & Dad promise they won't say anything to them." I certainly didn't need more shit from Josh and I knew that he might go after Kyle if he figured he could use it to get power over me. No way I'm telling Kyle that Josh was involved. Not yet anyway. I might need his help later when I get even. And I WILL get even.
"Sure if you think it's a good idea. I'm okay with it." He smiled weakly at me "I guess it would be nice for someone to know that we can talk to. Will they be okay with it, ya think?" I assured him that my parents are ready for me to have a boyfriend, we've talked about it before. Dad even had the "sex" talk with me, but I don't think he was very comfortable with it. I also learned he doesn't know very much about guy on guy sex. I think he learned more from me than I learned from him. I didn't bother to tell him that I've been sucking dicks for more than a year. He wasn't ready for that part of our talk.
We finished lunch and I called Mom on the radio and asked if she and Dad could come up and I'd tell them what happened. Maybe they can help me decide what to do next. The both appeared in my doorway quickly as if they'd been waiting out in the hall. I began to tell them the whole story about my attackers, leaving out names and, for now, Josh. Now everyone is crying, Kyle worst of all. Dad has tears in his eyes, but he's more mad than anything. Mom reached over to hug me, but it hurts quite a bit, so she let go pretty fast when I jumped.
"Do you know who they were?" my Dad asked being the first to compose himself enough to talk.
"Not really, but I'm sure they go to my school, as they know who I am" I answered truthfully. "I only know first names of a few of the guys and could identify them if I saw them again."
"Where's your yearbook?" Kyle asked jumping up excitedly "If they go to our school, they'll be in there."
"Good thinking Kyle" My Dad said. I told him where it was and he brought it back almost throwing at me as he returned. "Take your time son and I'll write their names down as you find them. Then we'll go call the police and have them arrested."
I opened the book and started to thumb through the senior class pictures first. I figured they be in the same grade as Josh. As I saw each one, I read their names out loud, "Nathan Garrick, Brad Ontruck, Drew Nelson, & Darren Walment." I passed over Jason as I don't want to turn him in. He never fucked me, plus he's so cute I'd hate to see him go to jail. Maybe he'll let me see him naked again someday. The others can all rot in hell for all I care.
"Is that all of them?" my Dad asked.
"I think so. That's all I can remember anyway" I lied leaving a little room in case I needed to add one or two names later on.
"Okay, I'll go call the police" my Dad said as he stood up.
"Ummm...I have something else to tell you...actually WE have something else to tell to" I said looking over to Kyle who moved to sit next to me on the bed. "Kyle is errr...well he's...he and I are more than friends. Kyle is my boyfriend." There I'd said it. Now it was reaction time.
"Honey we know that" said Mom laughing "I thought you were going to tell us something horrible. You scared me. Sweetie it's more than a little obvious that you love him. Even a blind person can see you two have a special relationship and we're not deaf either. We can hear how you talk to each and touch each other. As long as you're happy, then we are too."
"Ummm. Thanks for being so understanding" I said more than a little startled by the response. "We just want to ask you one other thing. Please don't tell anyone especially my brothers. Also don't tell Kyle's parents, they don't know he's gay yet and we're not sure how they're going to handle this after everything that's happened."
"Sure son" my Dad said "but I think you should tell your brothers when you're ready. They have no problem with you being gay and I think it would make the relationship between you and Kyle a little easier around here." Fat chance of that! If he only knew what my brothers really thought of me.
"As for Kyle's parents. It has always been up to you what you tell others. If you need us we'll be here for you. That goes for you too Kyle. Welcome to the family...son." He smiled and ruffled Kyle's hair.
They both got up to leave and took the dishes with them. I thanked them and lay back to look at Kyle. I started to cry.
"What's wrong? "he asked lying down beside me.
"I feel like I let you down. I should have come home with you and none of this would have happened. I was being selfish and look what that got me. I love you so much and having you fuck me was the best thing I've ever felt. But I don't think I'll ever think of getting fucked the same way again. It almost makes me sick when I think about it. I feel dirty."
"Let's just get you better and we can figure out what to do later. You're still pretty messed up" Kyle hesitated "Do you want a bath or a shower or something, would that make you feel better?
I hadn't actually thought about it, but I had only been washed down in the hospital with a hot cloth and must still have their cum on me or me! That was way too freaky to think about. A hot bath sounds great.
"Yeah, I want a bath. Maybe it'll help my ass and muscles" I blurted a little too loud.
"Geez, calm down" Kyle giggled "It's just a bath." He stood up and said "I'll go start the water and come back for you." I nodded and he disappeared across the hall.
I lay back and looked up at the ceiling and my poster of David Gallagher from 7th Heaven. Normally he gives me a hard on, but today I could barely see it considering I only had one good eye. Shit! Kyle was back in a flash and pulled the covers back.
"Come on lover boy, lets go boil you clean" he joked. I held onto him as we crossed the room and headed for the bathroom. I suppose I can walk by myself, but I wouldn't turn down any excuse to touch Kyle. We got in the bathroom and Kyle locked the door. He sat me down on the toilet seat and tested the water with his elbow.
"What's with the elbow, dude?" I asked him
"That's how they test baby formula to make sure it's not too hot for a baby, so I figured that it would work for you in bath water" he started laughing. It was nice to see he hadn't lost his sense of humor. "Time to get those shorts off, unless you're planning on wearing them in the tub."
He reached over to pull them down and I jumped. I just looked at him in fear and said "I'll do it." I slowly lowered my boxers, and although he's seen me naked hundreds of times, I tried to hide my nudity from him. I stood up slowly with my shorts in front of me and stepped carefully into the tub. The water was perfect and I lowered myself into it while Kyle helped me. Just before I hit the water I threw the boxers onto the toilet seat and submerged myself. Normally I lie back and stretch out, but I stayed seated and bent forward slightly. I heard Kyle gasp.
"What?" I asked.
"Sorry buddy. I'm still not used to seeing you all bruised up like this. Would you like me to wash your back?"
"Sure." I felt him rub the warm wash cloth over my back and it felt nice. He started at my neck and washed down to the top of my butt crack. I tensed up as he got lower, but I know this is Kyle, so why the hell am I so jumpy around him. This must be one of those psychological things you hear about. Well it's not going to get to me. There's no way these assholes are going to affect my relationship with my boyfriend. No fucking way! I snapped back to the present and realized he'd moved the cloth around to my chest and was continuing to wash me. It feels awesome when he dips the cloth in the warm water and brings it back to my body. I leaned back to stretch out, exposing myself to Kyle's gaze, and giving him better access to my chest. I could stay in here forever as I can feel every muscle in my body relaxing. The water is stinging my ass a little. Thank god he didn't use bath salts.
Kyle moved down towards the bottom of the tub and started washing my leg. I could totally get used to this. As he rubbed up my legs, I could feel the edge of the warm cloth brush against my balls. He repeated the process with my other leg, each time stopping just short of my dick as he carefully washed every part of them. I guess I must be tired' cause I haven't got hard at all. Normally my dick would be playing periscope by now. Kyle seemed to notice too, as he went back to washing my chest. He gently touched the cloth to my face.
"Is that okay or are you too sore" he said looking into my eyes.
"No, its okay, just don't press at all." I winced as he touched the bruises on my face, but I figure the water will probably help heal it.
"Do you want me to wash your hair too?" he suggested.
"Nah, I don't feel like standing up to shower right now. I like this."
"I'll do it while you lie there" he said smiling. "Trust me."
"Sure, why not." I said closing my eye to enjoy the moment. Kyle unhooked the shower head and soaked my hair making sure not to get any in my eyes. He poured shampoo into my hair and began to rub my head. I have never had anyone shampoo my hair before, well not since I was a little boy, but this feels totally hot. As his fingers massage my head, I feel a tingle race through my body. My cock even notices it. I opened an eye and looked down towards my dick just in time to see it pop up from under the water. Kyle giggled, so I knew he had seen it too. I closed my eye again and lay back to enjoy the feeling. Kyle kept massaging my head until it felt numb. I felt his hands leave and warm water start to flow as he rinsed the soap out. He toweled it dry. I gotta admit it feels nice to be clean again. I didn't realize how bad I must have been, but looking at the color of the bath water it must have been nasty. My dick was surviving though as it was still above the water and getting lots of air. Kyle grabbed his wash cloth again and gave me a stupid look as he wrapped his cloth covered hand around my dick.
"I've got to make sure you're completely clean" he smirked "this is totally not sexual."
"Yeah right! The day you touch my dick and it's not sexual will be when your putting it into my suit at my funeral...and even then I'd question it." I joked. "You definitely want to get it clean. You've spent more time on it, than the rest of my body combined."
"Sorry, I'll stop if you want" he grinned.
"Don't you dare!" I almost yelled at him. "I don't think I'm gonna cum, but it feels so nice."
"Well you might not be going to cum, but I am. My dick is going to explode. Do you mind if I jerk off while I clean you up?" he said as he dropped his pants and boxers, not bothering to wait for my answer. I watched as his beautiful dick came into view. I felt my cock twitch and instantly knew everything would be okay between us. It only took him about four strokes before he was spraying a white mess all over himself.
"Looks like I'm not the only one who needs a bath" I said to him as I watched the cum run down his chest. "climb in here with me."
"Yuck! Have you seen how dirty that water is? I love you...just not THAT much" he giggled.
Our heads both spun around as the bathroom door popped open.
Don't you just hate cliffhangers... me too! But hey, I gotta get you back somehow! Next time on an all new "Fort", Revenge is sweet and a brother changes his attitude. I'm writing as fast as I can between porn movies and dirty emails! Email any comments to