How Taylor Became My Boy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 10, 2021


So, yes, it WAS a set up. I knew that there was no way that taylor was gonna be able to keep from shooting. As I cleaned him up after I had cleaned out the cage, and began locking it, I could tell from the look in his eyes, that he knew it was a set up too, but he also knew: he was powerless to do anything. I was in charge. And I was set to move to "Phase 2" in taking over that boy, and making him my own. On one level, you would think that we were becoming lovers rather than DOM/sub. You'd have to look a little deeper. When I took him to the animal shelters the next day - day 1 of his month of confinement - we looked to all the world like a Daddy/son couple. He called me Sir, and I handled him gently. If my hand wasn't on the small of his bag, and sometimes gently rubbing it, it was on the back of his neck. To me, both were "power positions:" the handling of the neck is obvious. Squeeze the neck, cut off the oxygen or, if you want to be metaphoric (as a psychologist, I'm ALWAYS metaphoric), it could be seen as a "flesh collar:" the best kind. One that adapted as the captive did, and either pressed harder, or less hard, depending on his behavior.

The hand on the small of the back takes a little more explanation. Maybe. One day, if you're lucky enough to have someone who'll let you touch him there, or you have your own boy and you haven't done it, see what happens when you touch him there. Lots of nerve endings that don't get excited much. And they're yours! Or, if you want to be a little rougher (was I? Can ya guess?), you form a fist in that portion of the back, and push. I promise you, your boy will do whatever you tell him, just to avoid that feeling, which is sort of how some guys get when their nips are clamped for a while. Did I ever use clamps AND the small of the back technique with taylor? Again, can ya guess?

But to the trip to the animal shelter. There was a lot to "unpack" with this trip. Of course, taylor knew that he was locked up for a month now, and he wasn't especially pleased - I'm sure his face was something like anthony when Jake first told him he couldn't have the beard. BUT... he was getting his own dog. He could pick. I had the whole day blocked off for him to pick. Fact is, I wanted him to have something that was HIS, and as a psychologist, I wanted to understand this obsession with dogs more. And... I wanted my girl back. Bella and I had "something" between us. I could look at her, she could look at me, and we knew... we just knew. Sometimes, for example, I would give her a look, and the bitch would go off, stretch up on the rack where I kept her leash and collar, and come back with them in her mouth. Of course, there were the times when she'd come back with her ball instead: she wanted a walk, but she wanted the LONGER walk, where we could take her to the run where the bigger dogs hung out.

Bella wasn't that big, but she was a doberman. And that freaked out a lot of small dog owners. Bella knew she had to behave around them, and she wasn't particularly happy with the chihuahuas, the poodles, the Frenchies, that populated our neighborhood. She endured them. When she got to the "big dog" run though, with the Pyrenees (I used to call him her secret boyfriend), the labs, the bullies, yeah, she was happy. She knew that it wasn't a place we could go to that often, but when she wanted to go, well, she'd stand here with the ball in her mouth until I'd say "big park?" Then she'd drop it at my feet. One time when she did that, I saw taylor look, and I THINK he was wondering if he could do something like that.

But I digress. Fact is: I wanted more of "my" girl back. I had a boy, now I wanted my girl. taylor picked his pup at the first shelter. It was immediate: an off black mix of pit bull, and something else. The volunteer shrugged her shoulders when I asked, and then she turned. "SIR. SIR. YOU CAN'T GO IN THERE WITH THE DOGS..." I don't think taylor knew the word "Sir" as used with him and he wasn't leaving anyway. "Sir, I wanna take them all home. Can't we have...." and he lowered his voice "more than one Sir?" It was the first time I remember saying no to that sweet boy. "taylor, we don't even know if Bella is going to like the one you picked. " "She will Sir. I just know it. " I have to admit, it was hard to turn him down. taylor was wearing a gray college t shirt that fit him... too well. His nipples were pointing out, and when he flexed his arms, all I wanted to do was tie up those biceps. He had put on faded jeans "just in case a puppy has an accident," he told me. He didn't tell me they were ripped, ahem "strategically." "I think my boy made his pick" I said to the volunteer. Cheryl. She was at that strategic age when any number you guessed would piss her off, but she knew what she was doing and what she saw. "It's good that the two of you have made your picks Sir," she smiled. "Let's go fill out the paperwork. Now, Sir, we're going to need a word other than "boy" on these forms. They'll reject them if I do that. Shall I refer to taylor as your 'son?' She made a wry face. "Of course you should." He came over and sat down next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders. "After all, he IS my Daddy." I don't blush often. I blushed then. taylor saw it and grinned. This was "payback" for the month of chastity. Trust me, the young don't know payback, as he was gonna find out. "Blossom" as he named her, was very, VERY excited to be out of the orphanage. She smelled everything. She jumped on taylor every chance she got. And she looked at me like "what are you doing here?" I was truly hoping there was not going to be a fight to determine to whom taylor belonged. I could probably handle ONE of the dogs, but not both of them.

"I TOLD you we shoulda gotten two dogs, Sir." Indeed, any thoughts that Blossom and Bella were not going to get along, were gone within five minutes. Bella greeted her like a cousin she hadn't seen in years had just come in the door. I gave them an hour to hang out and get to know her. taylor sat next to me, with my arm around him, casually stroking his nipple like I was playing a guitar. When the girls began to calm down, it was time for me to start my "Project Dominate taylor, Part 2." See, so far, I had been working on his natural submission. Now, we were going to start pushing his limits. The chastity was the start. I looked at him. "YOU. On the floor, on your belly. Hands behind your back. NOW." "YES SIR!" He thought I was going to be either giving him a traditional behind the back fuck, or wrestle him into submission. Nope. I had something MUCH more wicked in mind. I came back from the bedroom with WAY more rope than I used on him in the past. First, his wrists got tied, then his ankles. Then I roped his elbows together: securely, but not too tight. "Sir, this is very HOT..." He said before I ordered him to "SHUT UP" and pulled my black bandana out of my pocket. I shoved it in his mouth and gagged him. TIGHT." "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." He sounded like Bella when she wanted treats. And she was gonna get some. When I bent his legs back, and hogtied his ankles to about his knees, I know he began to wonder what I was going to do. When I pulled off his shoes, and then his socks, he thought he knew. He thought he was in for something he HATED: being tickled. Yes and no. "You and your pal Bella... Really good friends. You think she'd do anything that you wouldn't like?" He knew it was a trick question, but he moaned "No sir, " and shook his head no. I laughed. "boy, you're gonna find out why she and I get along so well." I disappeared to the kitchen, and opened a cabinet drawer that had something in it I didn't use often, because it gave my baby diarrhea. She did love her fish oil though, and began to dance around, thinking it was a bribe. "One second baby girl, one second. I put it in front of taylor's nose. "Smell it?" It smelled nasty and he wrinkled his nose. I was beginning to get hard, knowing what was next. I took out a small paint brush, and began brushing the oil over his feet. Bella could smell the oil, and she was whimpering and whining. "Ok, baby, ok.. COME AND GET IT." Bella was well trained and wouldn't have come over if I didn't say that, but now that I did... she began licking taylor's feet. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH. You could see him trying to get away from her tongue, but Bella? PLEASE. Bella knew what she was doing. "Want some between the toes girlie girl? Yeah, I think we could do that. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." taylor was squirming and turning red. He tried to pull his toes closer together, but when Bella put her muzzle over his big toe and started licking , I heard an "Oh FUCK" sneak out of taylor's mouth. "Think of this boy. If you WEREN'T caged, I could put this stuff on your cock. Of course, your balls are still exposed, and they're nice and soft, so. "NNNMMMMMMMMMPHMMMMMMMMMMMPH. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNMMPPPPPPPPPPPH" "Oh,you don't like that idea. You wanna keep that dock locked up so it's safe?" NOW he saw what I was up to and he gave me a resigned yes with a shake of his head. "I had completely forgotten about the fish oil. Gonna have to remember it more. I mean, you don't like me tickling you, but .... she's your girl, isn't she. "NNMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPH." he squirmed. Bella was finishing up what was left on his feet. I was tempted. I was seriously tempted to start again, but when Bella had diarrhea, well.... it wasn't pleasant.

She looked at me like she wanted more, but was resigned to not getting it. Instead, doing what dogs do, she surprised me by going up to taylor's face, and beginning to lick him all over, with the combination of the fish oil and the juices from his feet. I just started to laugh, and he just looked, well... defeated. (no pun intended). When she finished grossing out taylor, (Oh, I forgot. She sat down a few feet from him and, ahem, "groomed herself" in the way only dogs can do), I pressed my foot to the small of taylor's back. "So, there's more than one way for foreplay, taylor boy. You're gonna start exploring them all. Now, what's happening next, is you're gonna get up, after I untie you, and you're gonna act out this fantasy: you have a date with me after work. So you have to wear something that's gonna bet me all hot and bothered, but is also acceptable business attire "

taylor was massaging his wrists when he asked "Is this our first date, Sir? Should I use what I know you like?" I smiled. I knew where he was going. "No neckties today stud. I got other ways of controlling you." And I did. I was beginning to think about our future together, taylor and I. See, I had no intention of giving him up, but as an academician, I had large sections of the summer off. He had a job. What was I going to do? Tell him to take a leave of absence? Make him quit his job and become my stay at home bitch? (Believe me, I had considered that more than once. Jake advised me not to: he had tried it with anthony and he almost lost him), what was I going to do? Rent a boy when he was at work? Much to think about.

"Would you tap this Sir?" taylor put his hands behind his back. He had put on a VERY pale blue shirt, one that had almost no color in it. I had admired him in it once, and as he wore it now, I could see: yes, he HAD to get to the gym. My boy was getting fat. He had also put on a pair of what I guess you could call "light stone" pants that were somewhere between jeans, and dress khakis. There were NOT as tight as the shirt - through all our years, I can always tell when boy is putting on weight because it shows up around his middle but above his waist . "Turn around," I said in my most commanding voice. "Yes sir." He whispered. "Yeah, I'm gonna tap that" I thought. "Get over here first boy." I patted to the empty seat next to me. When he sat down, I put my arm around his neck and pushed his face into me, so I could shove my tongue down his throat. I wanted to laugh: he had remembered to wash, and there wasn't a taint of fish oil smell on him. It seemed, though, that he had sucked some kind of cherry lozenge, because his mouth was SO sweet. Sweeter than it normally was. I moved my other hand up to his right nipple and began to play with it through his shirt. I had to push the issue. "You hard boy?" "I don't know Sir. I can't tell." "GOOD. A boi doesn't need to be hard. He just needs to be... available. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" I pushed him back on the sofa and when he went down, I was on top of him. I pushed my knee between his legs, to remind him: he couldn't use his cock - and then I began undressing him. Once I had his shirt opened, I smiled as I looked at his nipples. "Know what boy? I think we need maybe to get you a piercing." He tried to sit up but I pushed him right back down again. "My boy. My rules. " He sighed. "yes sir." "Gimme trouble, and we can keep that cage on for two months" "I'm sorry Sir. I keep on forgetting my manners. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" I had grabbed his balls. "DAMN RIGHT YOU DO. MAYBE INSTEAD OF GETTING COCK, YOU SHOULD BE GETTING A DILDO. 24/7. taylor knew better than to protest. He also knew that was not a threat I was gonna keep: I might put a butt plug into him "to make sure you get preggers" as I told him after one vigorous fuck - but I enjoyed his ass so much, nothing was going in it but my cock. And that was what was happening now. I THOUGHT I was gonna get him to the bedroom. No such luck. I took him on the floor. I grabbed his ankles, after I had him stripped, and nearly bent him like an envelope. "THIS BOY PUSSY BELONGS TO ME. PROFESSOR GREGORY OWNS THIS ASS." "Yes sir. Yes sir. " I thrust in, and I thrust hard. I wanted him so badly. The outfit he chose had hit the mark. And I remembered him laughing as Bella had her way with his feet - we were gonna do that some more. For now though, I was trying to hold back on the lust I had been feeling since we walked around the pet orphanage that morning . I wasn't doing very well. I began to drip. I heard his voice, ethereal and sweet. "OH SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE DADDY. TAKE YOUR BOY. TAKE ME. MAKE ME KNOW... I BELONG TO YOU. " I didn't expect being called "daddy" to do what it did, but OH MAN. Did taylor get a GOOD fucking that day, or what? I know he did, because I saw him wincing from the pain as I thrust. And everytime he did: I wanted to hurt him more. I wanted him to KNOW who was in charge. Not just "feel" it, but know it. I wanted him to be able to tell anthony, when they worked out the next week, that he had never been fucked so hard in his life. Or taken as much jizz. I'm getting old. When I was done, I fell asleep. I woke up when Bella and Blossom came over and started licking me. "Sir, I think they want to go out." taylor smiled. "It's that fish oil Sir. Loosens them up. " I gave him a look. "How would you like it if I tied you down on the bed, and dribbled that shit on your balls, your ass, everywhere underneath your navel" I saw him gulp. "Uh, do I have a choice Sir?" "No, you don't. But just keep in mind boy, Daddy's watching." "Yes Sir. Yes Daddy. OH GOD. I don't know which one to use." When we walked the two ladies that night, taylor had Blossom's leash, and Bella was back in my hand. I watched to see if she showed any regret. She didn't seem to. The two girls had only been together the one day, but I guess because dogs have to get things done faster than people do, the two of them had set up a hiearchy already. How did I know? Well, that night, after I closed my eyes, I heard the "FLUMP" and there was Bella. She was laying next to taylor. "Hmm. I didn't expect that," I thought. More food for thought. And a night to dream about more ways to keep my boy knowing who he was, and who I was.

Next: Chapter 8

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