How Taylor Became My Boy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 28, 2021


So, our visit to the bar, and to Gary, was a good one, I thought. taylor was a little bit angry at me afterward, because I sent him to the back with Gary to give him a blow job. He shrugged and said "yes sir," but really had a bad attitude about the whole thing. Apparently, once he got his mouth around Gary's cock though, things changed. I THOUGHT I heard Gary yell when he came, but I wasn't sure. When we were talking, after I let taylor go off to the bathroom and rinse out his mouth, he assured me that "yup. That barbaric yawp was me. " He added "The kids good." "The kid" was quiet on the way home. One syllable answers. I finally said "Are you pouting boy?" Guess what I got for an answer "No Sir." I sighed, quieted down and waited until we got home. That's where I KNEW he was pissed because Bella came up to him for a pet, and he just ignored her. Now that... "HEY. BOY. GET OVER HERE." taylor didn't fuss. He came over, put his hands behind his back and dropped his head. "Yes sir? Do you want a blow job Sir?" "NO. Not right away. I want to explain something to you, and I want you to pay attention." "yes sir." He didn't look up. He knew what this was about. "Listen up. I have a rule, maybe I didn't tell you. No one. I mean NO ONE but me gets your ass. PERIOD. That's mine. And I decide what you do sexually, and to whom. " Then I paused. "But sometimes - it won't be often, but it will happen - I'm gonna have you take care of one of my friends. And you're gonna do it. That's what boys do." His voice was almost a whisper "yes sir." I took a deep breath. "You know, if I didn't take you home that night, Gary was gonna take you home. He just didn't think you deserved what you got and, well, well, nothing else." He looked up. "He was Sir? " "Yeah he was. That's why we went to the bar tonight. He was concerned that you were doing ok. He wanted to make sure you were being treated right. Know what he told me when you were cleaning out your mouth?" "No Sir. Was he happy with the blow job?" "He was delighted. But what he told me was 'you're feeding him too well. Take good care of him, but DON'T spoil me." I saw taylor begin to crack a smile. "Do you think you spoil me Sir?" Now I smiled. "Do YOU think I spoil you?" He paused. I got another low volume answer. "Yes sir." "Yeah I do too. And you know what? I do it because, fuck you deserve it. Damn that asshole who let you go. His loss, my gain." "Sir, can I... can I hug you?" "Yeah, you can, but then, you're gonna walk Bella with me, and then, you're gonna show me what you did to Gary tonight that made him so happy." Now he looked up. "YES SIR!" He looked over at Bella. I SWEAR they had a secret language. He just looked at her, and she came over, with her leash in her mouth. She brought it... to taylor, NOT to me. "Geez, if I'm gonna lose my girl to you." "You're not gonna lose me Sir." Walking with Bella and taylor was always stimulating. There was something about the way his ass jiggled when he walked with her, that leash in his hand, me wishing it were on him instead of her. Did I mention the way his ass jiggled?" Welll, when we got in the house, and after Bella tore off to get water and food and a nap, (since it was more than an hour before we'd go to bed), taylor asked me "Do you want it in the living room, Sir? Or the bedroom?" "The bedroom. But I want more than a bj. Get naked." I saw the smile. "YES..............SIR." I went and checked that the coffee maker was off, picked the newspaper off the floor and got it in recycling (I'd have to have a talk with taylor about that), and then headed in. "Sir... I took a liberty. I'm sorry if..." He had put his collar on, and he had locked up one of his wrists. I started undressing. I turned around so he couldn't see my smiling, but he saw my hard cock when I came back to tie down his other wrist. I checked the one he had tied. "YOU CALL THAT TIGHT BOY? BAD JOB. CLEARLY DONE BY A BOTTOM." "Sorry Sir. AAAAAAAAAAAAA" I had taken his balls and twisted them. "And about the newspaper on the floor, boy. Where does the newspaper go?" "In the recycle bin Sir. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I kept twisting. "Collar looks good on you boy. Maybe you ARE a pup. Maybe I gotta hire a trainer." He looked disappointed. I KNOW he wanted me to puppy train him. It wasn't gonna happen. "yes sir. " "Now, even though you don't deserve it, Daddy's gonna get you wet the old fashioned way." I lifted up those sweet melons so that my mouth could get in easier, and my tongue got to work. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Sir. I love that. I love how that feels. OH YES. OH YES." "If my tongue is better than yours, we got a problem boy." I looked him over. "Seems to me that you may be due for a shaving this week." "OH YES SIR. OH YES. I NEED ONE. I NEED TO BE YOUR SMOOTH BOY. OH YES..." He was chatty tonight. I had to put an end to that. I looked around and the first gag I found was a bright red penis gag. "Open up, boi." "yes sir. mmmmmmmmmph." GOD was he sexy in a gag. Hell, he was just SEXY, PERIOD. I wanted to make sure he knew his place, so even though I knew he hated it, I tickled his pits. I could see that he was laughing from his eyes, and his squirming, but he couldn't get a sound out. At one point, he squirmed to the point I could get my mouth on his neck. I stopped tickling him, and I began to run my tongue over his neck slowly, back and forth, Then I began to kiss his neck softly, opening up my mouth more so I could get more of his flesh in me. He began to moan. Gently, I pushed his head to the other side and did that side of his neck too. I worked slowly. He was caged, so that little engine that could couldn't get out , but he could buck and thrust, and he did. And he began to moan, LOUD when I took his nipple in my mouth. How loud? Bella came in to check on him. I'm glad she was used to us by now: she took a look , gave one of her "whatever" stares, and left. "my boy still moist down there?" I asked. taylor shook his head no. "You lying to me boy?" I saw the glee in his eyes. He was. He was trying to get more tongue. He would. But first he got more nails. Up and down his sides. "AANNNNGNGGNGNGNGNAANANAANANAGGGGGGGGG" was what I THINK came out of his mouth. "Let's see how dry you are..." I lifted him and... moist as a wet sponge. But I went in again. Hell, he was a good kid, and a fantastic lay. I didn't want to get him TOO wet, becaue, well, if I got in too easily, he wouldn't feel it as much. He felt it. I saw his eyes bulge. I heard the "NNNNNNNNNNNNGGG" as I entered my fine boy. He began to huff and puff and I thought I heard him saying "Yes sir. OH, Yes sir" through his gag. I was toying with him: very short thrusts, no more than half an inch at a time, and after ten of them, a big push. OH, how he reacted to those. He tried to trap my cock the first time, and he missed. He got it the second time. I smiled. "You hold it too long boy, I may shoot. Then I'll be done and so will you. He gave a moan of defeat and released his glutes. Then I pounded him some more. taylor had a "tell" when his ass had had enough. He'd never say anything: he was too well trained for that, but a bright red color came over his pale cheeks, like he had been spanked. (I hadn't really spanked him yet. We'd get to that). When I saw the red color, I pumped once, HARD, and came in him. As my friend steve would say "I came copiously." I did. Normally there wasn't any leakage when I fucked him. There was tonight. "WHEW. That was a GREAT FUCK taylor boy." I was removing the gag. "Thank you Sir. Thank you. I needed that." I was laying next to him, and I hadn't untied him yet. "Before I let you up, you think I'm gonna give up that ass to anyone?" "No Sir. You said you weren't." "And I'm not. it's a shame to deny the world your lips, but I'll share them sparingly. For now boy... You're gonna get cleaned up. and you're gonna wear two things tonight. You got one on already: that collar. That's something YOU like. He smiled. "I DO like it Sir." "And... you're gonna wear this." I pulled out a blue butt plug: not too big, but enough to be felt. "Just for tonight." "Will you put it in Sir?" "Sure will. Just like I'll close your collar. You can't wear that in the shower." When he was done, I was already in bed. I sat up. "OK, first on your knees for the collar." "Yes sir." I left it on fairly loosely. We were going to sleep after all. Then I told him to get up and bend over. "Let me see your rose." "Yes sir." DAMN it was too late, cause I wanted to put three fingers up that ass and torment him for an hour. Next time. I put the butt plug in and signalled for him to get into bed. I didn't see Bella. I heard her. My eyes had been closed for about three minutes when she flumped in.

"Sir, do you know what you want me to wear to tomorrow's dinner party?" taylor had just walked in from work, gave me a kiss, and had gotten out of his suit jacket so he could move freely and clean my shoes. The boy wore clothes well, and today... well, he had gone stylish. He was wearing a pair of red suspenders instead of a belt, and he had a tight fitting white shirt, double buttons opened. GOD he looked edible. "I have. And I'll show you and we're gonna talk about a few things that are happening this weekend boy, but for now... those shoes aren't gonna clean themselves. "YES SIR." He got down on the floor. Now, when we started, I would take my shoes off, and leave them there for him to take care of. One night, I tried something different: I left them on. I SWEAR, if the boy had been out of his cage, he woulda made a piddle on the floor. Taking off my shoes, smelling them, and then cleaning them: it turned my horny puppy into a raging mad bitch in heat. And I tried to oblige, always. Tonight, though, I had something important to tell him, so it was going to have to wait. "Massage sir?" He knew I didn't ALWAYS want my feet done, and I wanted them done, BADLY tonight. It had been a two lecture class day, and they were tired. But I wanted to get done what I needed to get done. "Sit with me boy. Cross legged. On the floor. When he had gotten seated and looked comfortable, I smiled. "taylor boy... I wanna get you something this weekend. " "Oh, Sir, thank you, but I don't need anything?" I smiled even more broadly. "What if I told you we were gonna adopt another dog. Would you change your mind?" Ever see a kid react when he sees a bike under the Christmas tree. I KNEW what taylor wanted to do. With every bit of his energy, he held back from throwing himself at me and hugging me. "SIR!!!! YOU MEAN IT? YOU'RE GONNA GET SOMEONE ELSE FOR BELLA AND ME TO PLAY WITH?" "Yessssssssssssssss, and that's why I'm telling you now, because we have to be careful. Bella is awfully sweet tempered, but she IS a Doberman. In the next few days, you need to research what dogs get along with Doberman's and vice versa. " "YES SIR. I CAN DO THAT. I MEAN, I CAN CHECK. I MEAN..." I began to laugh. "You did the research already?" "Well, yes sir." He looked down and he got red. "I mean, please don't take this the wrong way, but ... I'm not 18, and I've got you partly figured out." I began to smile. "No seriously, I do. And I figured that when my birthday came up in two months, you'd probably ask me what I wanted, and I was gonna ask for a dog, and you'd huff and puff but you'd get one for me. " Then he lost it. He stood up and jumped around. "BELLA!!!!! BELLA!!!!! WE'RE GETTING AN EARLY PRESENT." Of course, the commotion set off Bella, and then I was treated to the two of them dancing in the living room. When they were done, I called him over to the sofa, and put my arm around him. "So you've got me partly figured out." "Oh yes sir. I have. It's not hard. Good people are easy to figure out. Bad people... not so much." I was howling now. "And you think I'm good people?" "You're good people to ME Sir." "Even with the blow job I made you give to Gary." He got serious. "Sir, you took the time to explain it to me. There are DOMS who will say "SHUT UP AND DO WHAT I SAY, BITCH." "You want that from me?" He blushed. "Sometimes sir. I wish you'd be rougher with me." Rough like this?" I began rubbing his earlobe, and he began to moan. "Oh no. Oh no. Not like that Sir. But don't stop doing that. Please don't. AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" that big, luscious tongue was hanging out. "Ok... let's see what's on the list: new pup for the boy, Master Charlie gets rougher. taylor starts dinner. What's left?" "My outfit, Sir?" "OH YEAH. Right. This way." I hadn't put the collar on him tonight, so I couldn't drag him into the bedroom. No matter. He was bouncing around on his feet. "Tell you what? We'll stop at the toy store too. You pick something out. If we don't have it we'll get it." "OOOOOOOOOOOH. I know what I want Sir." "Don't tell me. I'll get too excited thinking about it." ' "You'll have to torture it out of me Sir, " He smiled and winked. "Well, we can take care of that, but for now..." I showed him the new navy blue cashmere sweater I had bought for him. And one of his beautiful white button down shirts, and then some olive green pants. One last thing. I went to the closet and pulled out a baseball jacket. "I think this will fit. Try it on." He did. It was silver sateen, with blue writing on it. And it fit him perfectly. He looked at me. "This was your jacket, Sir, wasn't it?" "It IS my jacket boy. But you get to wear it. At least on Saturday." "Sir... it even smells like you. I'm gonna have to hang it up at the dinner because well..." My eye glinted. "It'll look good with some of your work clothes. "OH. YES SIR. It'll feel like you're with me." "Ok, now get into work clothes. Your turn to make dinner, and when we're eating, I'll tell you about the other people at the party."

taylor walked Bella right before they were going to Jake and anthony's dinner party. One of the advantages of the three DOMS (Charlie, Jake and Doug) all being professors at the university was that they all lived pretty close to each other so the meeting could be leisurely. Charlie watched taylor as he walked with Bella. The skip in Bella's step did Charlie's heart good. Seeing his boy with his shirt untucked, his sleeves unbuttoned, and his jiggling ass walking with his baby was good for, well, you know. When taylor came back, smiling, Charlie growled. "It would NOT take much for me to cancel on Jake and just fuck you all night, you sexy boy." taylor smiled, and ran his tongue around his lips. "I could get into that Sir. I know what I'd have for dinner" He looked at Charlie's crotch. "Ha ha.. If it were anyone other than Jake, I'd do it. BELIEVE ME BOY, I'd do it. But Jake and I go back forever, and you should meet anthony. He's a big gym goer, and the two of you at the gym together may be perfect. "What about the other two Sir? What did you tell me their names were? Doug and pete?" "I don't know much about them. I'm surprised that pete is back in Jake's life. They were lovers for a while, then pete went bisexual, which didn't go over real well with Jake, and then he wanted back... Too confusing. pete's got a great mom though: Melissa. She owns a leather harness. "HA! Is she a lesbian?" Charlie made a smirk. "Jake says she transcends labels. You'll meet her someday. OH, the best part for you: Jake and anthony have two dogs. anthony's one non negotiable demand when he moved in was that his lab Goldie come too. Now, Goldie is, well, getting on in years. So they got her a buddy: Marlon. " He saw the corner of taylor's mouth go up in a smile. "YOU ARE NOT SPENDING THE WHOLE PARTY WITH THE DOGS BOY."

As they walked to Jake and anthony's, Charlie filled taylor in with more information about them. "I don't know too much about Doug and pete - I told you pretty much everything I know. Jake met anthony when his former lover took him to a body building competition." He shook his head. "It was sorta lust at first sight for Jake. anthony was a popular guy, but there was something about Jake that just, well... they clicked. " "Does anthony still compete, Sir?" "Noooooooooooooo. That was one of Jake's rules. Jake is a very jealous man, and he wanted anthony something awful. So if they were gonna be a couple, anthony was gonna have to give up the body building." "And he DID Sir?" Charlie stopped walking and took taylor's elbow. "That's right boy. He had a possible career in body building. His DOM said no, and he gave it up . " He paused. "Now it seems so small that I got upset over blowing Gary, Sir."

Charlie smiled. "I was hoping you'd see it that way, boy. So ya wonder what anthony does now, besides bottom for Jake?" "I think you told me Sir. He's a Professor of theology?" "That's right. So we got two homos in the house both dealing with things that you can't see." "I know Professor Gold's work Sir. I read two of his books." Charlie laughed. "Don't tell him. He won't shut up the whole night?" "Really Sir? Because I had questions and.... ok, if you say no." "NAH. I'm teasing you boy. Just remember your place. anthony gets a little more liberty because it's his house, with Jake of course, but if you have a question, you ask me if you can speak." "Master Frederick always kept me gagged after we ate Sir." "Well, we don't do that here. But we do expect obedience. One thing you'll learn there: it's a style, kinda sexy, not sure I'm into it. You subs sit at the table with us, but when we're in the living room, no chairs for you. At your Dom's feet. " "I can get into that Sir" "I know. I know. " Charlie shook his head as they kept walking. "I know too well."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx anthony answered the door, with Jake standing behind him, his arm on his shoulder. "HEY SIR CHARLIE. Welcome." He looked at taylor. "You must be taylor. So nice to meet you. I've heard so much." taylor looked at Charlie, who smiled and shook his head yes. "Thank you. Nice to meet you too. I heard about you.". taylor admired anthony's short beard, but he waited to mention it. "Won't surprise anyone. Doug and pete are late, so we have a little time. " He smiled at anthony. "I'll get drinks boy , why don't you show taylor around?" "Thank you Sir. OH LOOK. Look who's coming out. GOLDIE. ARE YOU OK?" Goldie was walking toward them, slowly, but steadily. "That's the first time she's gotten up without encouragement, in about three weeks. " She nuzzled her hand into taylor's. "OH, that's because she knows a friend is here." taylor's voice went up. "HI GOLDIE!!!!! How's my litttle poo poo face." She began wagging her tail and licking him. Jake turned to Charlie. "She doesn't even do that for ME." "Yeah, he's pretty much a dog whisperer. I've had to admit Bella is HIS dog, not mine. " "ALL dogs?" "ALL of them. His former Master was really into puppy play and that kind of stuff, so maybe that" They watched Marlon kind of shuffle over. He was eager to make friends, but he had learned to be deferential to Goldie. "OH. And here's your SUBPUPPY GIRL! Hi Marlon!!!!" taylor was squatting and petting them. He turned to Jake and anthony, but spoke to Jake. "Sir, if you walk them before we leave, can I go with you?" anthony smiled. "I think we'll still have stuff to talk about taylor, so sure. " He smiled. "Jake is gonna do some clean up tonight. " Jake spoke to Charlie. "I traded clean up duty for three more days of chastity before I let him out. anthony boy has gotten up to two and a half weeks." anthony didn't say anything. He got up though and draped Jake's arm around him. "It requires lots of therapy from Sir Jake to keep me from whining TOO much." "Ten years?" Charlie asked. "TWELVE" Jake answered. "Can you imagine what the old crew would be saying if they knew?" "taylor, you wanna gimme a hand in the kitchen? Just a quick hand wash and then we'll get to work." "Lead the way. "

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Jake and Charlie went into the living room, while anthony led taylor into the kitchen. "I really like your shirt anthony." anthony made a wry face and smiled. "Jake has me wear three colors: white, pink or blue. I can always tell what's gonna happen that night depending on what I get told to wear." He paused. "I like it when he makes me wear white. That means I'm gonna get reamed. If I get a striped shirt, it means I'm gonna get uncaged. " taylor smiled. "Looks like you're looking forward to something tonight." "I hope. It's been two weeks. " "By the way," taylor lowered his voice. "Sir Charlie told me about your beard. I like it." anthony smiled. "I had to promise to shave myself while he jerked off to get it. I think that's coming next." taylor smiled. "You guys really have it down don't you? Twelve years. " anthony shrugged. "What can I tell ya? I'm glad I'm talking to another sub because, well, you get it. I love him so much. He knows EXACTLY how to turn me on, and..." "HEY BOY," they heard Jake yell. "WE'RE WAITING FOR DRINKS." "Yes sir. You want drinks before Doug and pete get here?" "They're always late. Screw em." "Why don't you bring them out? I'm chopping veggies" anthony poured out two generous glasses of wine and put them on a tray. He whispered "Be careful. Jake may grab your ass. Don't bend until the wine is on the table." Indeed, Jake DID try to grab taylor's ass. taylor backed into it. "GOOD BOY" Charlie applauded. "Thank you Sir." "Hey, Jake and I have been talking about you going to the gym. You and anthony would make a good pair. " anthony smiled. "You're letting me go back to the gym, Sir?" "Yeah. You can teach taylor a few things." When taylor came back to the kitchen, anthony smiled. "I've been dying to get to the gym. Jake's schedule doesn't let us go together, and he doesn't want me there himself." "We'll talk anthony. I think I can learn a lot. I want what you have." He pointed to anthony's wedding ring and anthony laughed. "Now there's a story about that ring. It involves the guys who are coming in right now. SIR, can I go to the door myself?" "There's a DOM coming in. You know better, boy." "Sorry Sir. You're right." anthony waited for Jake and then they answered together, just like when Charlie and taylor came over. "Oh, he's cute. If I were a top..." taylor thought when he saw pete's wiry, runners body, in the tight oxford shirt and the corduroys. Doug had also grown a bushy moustache, and was heavy set . His hand was on the back of pete's neck, and pete seemed to be loving it. After introductions, Doug joined Jake and Charlie, and pete went in with anthony and taylor. pete was the one with the worst kitchen chops, so anthony had him do the washing and the cleaning of the vegetables. "He's so hairy... " thought taylor. "Are there any hairy subs? " He didn't know any. It was clear from dinner though, that pete was Doug's sub. taylor could also tell from the way there were marks on pete's neck, that Doug collared him. He collared him a lot. He felt a little jealous. "I have to say anthony, this meal is one of the best you've ever made, " Jake said as they were eating. "Thank you Sir. I didn't want to disappoint." "Nah, you never disappoint. C'mere. Give Daddy a kiss." Charlie smiled. He remembered when Jake was the "wild man" in their group, who would NEVER settle down. Now, he was the old married man.

taylor didn't know how Charlie wanted him to sit, and he was curious since anthony and pete clearly had defined positions with their DOMS. "Up against my crotch boy. Your head on my crotch. Then...." taylor felt Charlie's legs curl around his arms and pin them back, as if he were tied up. "DAMN you guys look HOT," Doug smiled. "Another time, tiger, another time..." Charlie smiled, patting taylor on his head. "Not gonna show you our moves on our first date." (taylor had a guess what he meant, and later, Charlie told him: he was right. Doug wanted to see them fucking. ). "So, taylor, let me ask you a few questions," Jake asked. taylor saw that Jake's hand had slid down anthony's shirt, and he was playing with a nip. He was jealous again, even though Charlie was rubbing his earlobe very gently. "So, what do you think of anthony's beard? Should he keep it?'" "Well Sir, it's not a sub's job to make a decision, but my personal opinion is: there are so many shaved boys like me. If you've got a boy who looks good with hair... why don't you keep it? Unless you're punishing him?" Jake looked at taylor, and then at Charlie. "You told me he was smart. You didn't tell me he's REALLY smart." "He's still with me, how could he not be REALLY smart, huh boy? " He kissed his finger and put it on taylor's lip "You think you could work out with anthony?" "OH, YES SIR. I need to work out and... I could use any help I could get. Sir Charlie is just too busy so... if you'd let anthony have the time to show me..." Jake smiled. "Yeah, anthony will show you." He looked at Charlie and Doug. "DAMN I'd like to see these three tied together and squirming." "Me too," smiled Charlie. "Just not tonight, because..." He ruffled taylor's short hair. "Tomorrow, I'm taking my pup to go and get his own pup, so." pete stopped licking his lips. The thought of being tied up with taylor had been getting his cock to bang up against his cage. "Next time, we'll talk about submission stories, and we'll do all kinds of things. It won't be dinner. But tonight... boy taylor and I have to go. " Charlie put his hand on taylor's neck. "UP BOY. Time for home. Walk Bella, and bed." "Yes sir." He stood in front of Doug and bowed his head. "Nice to meet you sir. To Jake, he lowered his head and put his hands behind his back. "Thank you for inviting me to your home, Sir Jake. And thank you for letting me work out with your anthony. Maybe next time, I can ask you questions about your books?" Jake cocked an eyebrow. "He IS really smart."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "DAMN you were a big hit tonight boy?" Charlie was gleeful as they started home. "There were three men in that room who wanted you.. Besides me." "Uh, pete, Doug, and Jake Sir?" "BINGO. anthony is so into Jake that he doesn't see beyond that." "Can I ask: did you want anyone Sir?" "NAH. I got plenty with what I've got. Who'd you want?" taylor lowered his voice. "pete Sir?" Charlie laughed. "PETE? You wanted PETE to top you?" "No Sir... I thought, well... if I topped anyone, it'd be pete." "Ha ha. I guess that DOES make him a bottom's bottom." He squeezed taylor's ass. "And I guess I got some work to do, if you still have even a bit of topman tendencies." taylor grinned. "I guess you do Sir."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Charlie pulled out something he almost never used: he had leather mitts, bright red, and he put them on taylor. "Just like puppy paws, boy. " He bound taylor's wrists to the bed, and then spread out his legs much further than the bed and restrained them to two other objects. With a wicked grin, he unlocked taylor's cage. "It may be small, but I bet we can make it hard for a long, long time. Especially with..." Charlie began chewing on taylor's ear, as his two fingrers ran up and down taylor's cock. At first, taylor spoke "Thank you Sir. Thank you for making my pencil dick sensitive. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. Charlie whispered in taylor's ear. "Who fucks you boy?" "You do Sir." "And whom do YOU fuck?" "No one unless you say I can Sir." That's right. And tonight... I'm going the fucking. MAYBE I'll let you shoot. Am I gonna get a great blowjob tomorrow? "Yes sir. OH YES. YES SIR." Charlie began to slide his cock into taylor. taylor moaned. He hadn't had cock in nearly two days. He missed it, especially when Charlie did it so well. He thought, sometimes, that charlie had his cock sand papered. It was rough, like his hands. It made his canal feel so good, as Charlie took him. "Jake is a good friend of mine boy, maybe the best. He approved of you. That's big." "Thank you Sir. Speaking of big... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." While he fucked taylor, Charlie was pumping his mini cock. He had another devilish plan in his mind. It concerned him that taylor had been honest about wanting to fuck pete. He'd have to spend more time breaking that little bit of topman in him. So after he pumped and shot, and filled taylor with his jizz, taylor assumed they were going to have an evening walk with Bella. "Nope boy. You got some learning to do tonight." The tape came out and taylor's mouth got sealed shut, just as Charlie took a vibrator, and turned it to low frequency before putting it right on his balls. There was a velcro tab, and it stayed there. "I'm gonna be walking Bella tonight. You're both gonna have to learn your place. "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmph." taylor looked sad. Bella looked confused. "Let's go girl. Daddy's gonna take you out tonight. Before he leashed Bella, Charlie turned to taylor. "You shoot before I come home, it'll be a month before you do it again." "GNNMHMMMMMPH" came out of taylor as he saw his Master and his buddy go out the door. The vibrator was doing its job. He hadn't gotten to cum in a while and normally that was ok, but he was always stimulated by Charlie. He closed his eyes. Could he hold off? He thought of the cage for a month... and he thought about Charlie's big strong cock. His hips bucked and he thought "shit. Gonna be a month."

Next: Chapter 7

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