How Taylor Became My Boy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 21, 2021


So, I promised taylor that he was gonna get a workout that weekend, and I didn't lie. He spent most of Saturday naked and spread out on the bed, except when I tied his ankles to his wrists, so that I could have better access to his sweet ass. And I took advantage of that. I think between my cock, and my vibrator, he got plugged four times on Saturday. We tried out different gags too: duct tape, bandanas, a ball gag, my tried and true penis gag. When all was said and done, I thought he looked best with a light colored bandana, shoved tight between his lips. I could see just enough of his amazing tongue to remember how well it worked, and the sounds he made with the bandana got me hotter than any of his other moans. At one point, I decided to try something: I had thrown out the collar he had been wearing the day I brought the boy home, and I put another one on him. "He's still into that pup stuff," I thought," as I heard him whimper, and his eyes looked at me the way Bella DID - before taylor came into the house. I also learned how much that boy liked a tongue deep inside him, and what a pair of clothes pins could do to those sweet little nipples. I untied him when Bella looked positively indignant that he wasn't coming with us on our evening walk. "You could walk the two of us Sir, you know?" he winked at me as he said that. He didn't know what I had planned for him, until we got back into the house. Regardless of how much she enjoyed her walk, Bella could pull your arm off when she was back in the apartment. She wanted her food, and her water, and she wanted them NOW. taylor had reached down to unhook her leash, and while he was still crouched down, I put my hand on his neck and squeezed it tight. "STAY DOWN BOY." There was just the tiniest register of shock when he heard me say that, and then he understood. "Yes sir." "ALL FOURS, CUR. NOW." I could see him trying to suppress a smile. He had wanted puppy play since he came in. Now, he was getting it. He felt his new collar go around his neck. Then I hooked the leash to the collar. "MOVE. IN THE BEDROOM. " I began pulling him on the leash. He was clearly out of practice, but he motored. At one point he stopped, and resisted. "YOU BEING A FUCKING FRENCHIE TAYLOR? I HATE FRENCHIES (I do. Sorry. I just do. Give me an English bulldog anyday). "MOVE." I pulled the leash and he yelped. He shortened his stride and almost, well, "dog paddled" into the bedroom. "AT MY FEET CUR. WHERE YOU BELONG." He lay down in front of my feet, on his back, bending his knees and elbows just like a dog looking for a belly rub. He got one. With my foot. I was careful: the last thing I wanted to do was hurt this man. He began arching his head, like he wanted my foot up to his face. I smiled and moved it, and he began licking my foot with his amazing tongue. The sounds he was making were sounds I hadn't heard from him before. I took my foot and my big toe played over his nipple. "Boy... I think I understand. I don't speak Canine, but I speak sex. You want me to unlock your cage?" "woof.. woofwoofwoofwoofwoof." was the answer I got, and I laughed. "Ok. I think I can do that. You've been good." I grabbed the key, bent down and unlocked him. "Go to it boy," I said, and he stared at me longingly. "Please Sir. Can you get me off with your foot? Is that too much to ask? "Well, I have to admit. I've done a LOT of things to boys in the past. I'm not ashamed of any of them: everything was consensual, but I had never done this. "Ok, boy. But you're gonna have to tell me if I'm doing it wrong." "You couldn't Sir. Please though. And thank you. Thank you..." I began rubbing my toe over his balls, and I heard him half moan and half purr, not unlike the sounds he made when I found out about his earlobes. Grinning, I gently pushed my foot down on his entire tiny cock. "OH YES. THANK YOU SIR. OH YES... " He was clearly in his glory. I thought about something for a minute. I would try not to be grossed out, but... I stood up. "Go ahead. Rub against me boy. Get it out of you. You can lick it up when you do. "Yapyapyapyapyap. Thank you Sir." He did. He got into what looked like a terribly uncomfortable position, and then began rubbing against my shin - just like one of my other dogs had done. I had to turn away so he didn't see me trying not to laugh: I had my own horny chihuahua. "HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWL" I heard, and then I felt the drips down my leg. taylor may have been small, but he was storing it, somewhere. "Sir that was so good. Thank you Sir." "You aren't done yet boy. You made a mess. Clean it up." Before that night, I didn't realize how ticklish my shins were.

Next day, while taylor was giving Bella her morning walk, I gave Jake a call. "Hey Jake, Charlie here." "CHUCKSTER!" (Jake was the only man who could call me that and get away with it). HOW ARE YA? "Jake, I'm doing great. I'll tell ya why too after I ask you something." "YEAH. I wanna know. My old crusing buddy. I'm glad when you're happy. So, whatcha wanna ask?" "Well, dinner next week?" I could hear Jake's mouth drop. "You wanna bring someone?" I SWEAR, I got hard like a teenager when I answered. "Yeah, I too. Someone I'm terribly smitten with." "TELL ME TELL ME." "Well, his name is taylor. Then I gave him the rundown on how I had met the boy. "You know, Chuckie, that is just too cute for you to have made it up. I LOVE it. Of course you can bring him. I'll tell anthony there'll be one more. He may be over his hissy fit by now." "anthony's having a pissy fit? That's odd." "Yeah, well, he asked me for something and I said no. He wanted to grow a beard." "A BEARD? WITH THAT ADORABLE FACE?" "I know... Like I was gonna say yes. He says he's the only man in the Religion department who doesn't have one. They tease him about it all the time." "Oh for heaven's sakes. They're all closet bottoms anyway. " Jake laughed. "Some of them aren't so closeted either. Lemme tell you." "OH, I know you got stories. We both do. What do we say in my group? Neo-Freudian? Gay. Jungian structuralist? Non binary." "Non FUCKING BINARY" Jake nearly hissed. "I'm so sick of hearing "Oh, I'm not gay or straight. I'm non binary. Just means he's a bottom who doesn't want to admit it." I began to choke on my laugh as taylor and Bella came in. I blew him a kiss as Bella ignored me. "Hey, by the way Charlie, two things. First, there'll be two other guys here. You remember my little affairette with pete?" "YEAH. That dark curly haired cutie? He was FINE." "Yeah, he was. Still is and , well, we went through a bit of shit, but he's married now. He and Doug are coming over. Doug is the Irish lit guy in English." "Hmmm. Don't know him. I'll look him up." "Also, we got Goldie a friend. Little male guy. Maybe two years old. Looks to me like a collie mix. Goldie's getting on. She's 12, 13 maybe, and she just doesn't do much other than sleep, eat, fart, and shit." "Sounds like good retirement to me." "Ha ha. Well, we both thought that if she had a friend, she'd be livelier. She is. I think she even thinks she's a femme fatale again." "So what's our little puppy stud's name." When he heard 'puppy stud', taylor looked up from the dishes he was washing. "anthony thought a good name was Marlon." "Hmmm. Not my first choice." "He says Marlon Brando is the actor he thinks of when he sees me." "Is that good or bad? " "I think today it's bad. He probably thinks of that gross scene in Last Tango. " "Yeah, that one WAS pretty gross. You've done worse. " "To him too." "Ok, I gotta go. Incidentally, taylor has a real affinity for dogs. You'll see. " "Can't wait. I gotta go. Take care. I'm gonna go and see if maybe I can fuck his hissy fit outta him." Charlie laughed. Jake thought that the solution to every romantic problem was a good fucking. Most of the time, he was right. And speaking of a good fucking, I had just let taylor shoot his load on Saturday. Now, it was my turn. I had him locked back up again. "TAYLOR BOY. I WANT YOU." I called out. I heard him hustling in from another room. I knew exactly what he was doing: playing (I would call it scheming), with Bella. "Yes sir?" He stood in front of me, his hands behind his back, his head down. He hadn't put on a shirt yet that day, so I had a reason to punish him: he went out in public shirtless, without me. I kept that in reserve though. I looked at him, scratched his ear and asked "who's my boy?" I heard a very soft answer "I think it's me, Sir?" "You asking me or telling me?" "Sir, I would never tell my Master anything. I'm asking you." "Well, you're right. . You ARE my boy, and you know what you get for that answer?" "No Sir." "COCK. Up your ass. Get on the bed. On your back boy." "YES SIR," He could move fast when he wanted to, and he wanted to now. He remembered how I had used him on Saturday and he wanted more. PIG. (I should talk). By now, taylor knew how I liked to take him, and he was spread out, like a starfish, eyes wide open. I smiled. "MMMM. My boy didn't get enough yesterday did he?" "No Sir. I couldn't. Your cock. Your tongue... MMMMMM." I had slipped my hand inside his running shorts, and I had begun stroking the spot between his balls and ass. "SIR.. OH SIR... My manpussy is screaming. " "Well, we don't wanna disturb Bella do we?" I covered his mouth with mine and began climbing on top of him. He always felt just firm enough, just soft enough, to make me not want to get up. I had his wrists pinned down, so he couldn't embrace me. Knowing that he couldn't do that, he turned his head, to try to draw my mouth there. It worked. I began scruffing him, before I took his earlobe in my teeth. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH SIR. OH GOD. OH.... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM." I ran my teeth back and forth, gently, almost like a cutting saw. I hadn't done that to him before. Hey, if he could do a chihuahua fuck to my leg, I could scruff him. He WAS my boy. "Are... are you gonna fuck me Sir?" He squeaked out. " "I think I am.. AFTER I have some more fun with you.." I moved my mouth down and licked at one nipple and then the other. Then I started chewing, and his body began to squirm, first hard, then harder, and then when I let go of his wrists, he relaxed. He gripped me. Strong kid. I felt his legs wrap around me. "Let me get your shorts off boy. Even MY cock can't get through those shorts." "YES SIR. YES!!!!! " When they went down, I could tell that he had cleaned out before I had told him too. I laughed internally: this boy had me figured out faster than anyone else ever had. And if he had me figured out, he knew what was happening next." I began filling his receptive ass with my cock. "OH GOD SIR. OH GOD YES.." I began pumping, and I looked down on him. "Know what you forgot to do this morning?" He looked puzzled. "No Sir. Did I forget something?" "Did you drink your smoothie?" He looked confused, and then I pushed my cock into him harder. "OH. SIR. I'm sorry. Did you want me to blow you?" "Every morning. Before you walk Bella. My cock gets treated PROPERLY. We understand each other?" I pumped even harder. "OOOW. OH YES SIR. YES SIR. I'm sorry. I... OH FUCK..." I had stopped pumping and now, I was just squeezing his tender nipples with my cock unmoving in him. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. OH.. OH. You're making my pencil dick hard again Sir." I looked at him. "Don't ever call it that again boy. I don't care what anyone else called it. " He looked relieved. "Yes sir. I'm sorry Sir. " I swear he was turning me into a wolf ravaging a captured lamb. I fucked him so hard that morning. I was close to cumming, and I would tighten my glutes, over and over again, so that I didn't. Even taylor, who was pretty sophisticated about sexual stuff, was confused by my behavior. Fact was, I just didn't want to let him go. I was thinking about taylor, anthony, and hoping they'd get along. I liked anthony. I wondered how Jake was gonna take care of this snit fit? They'd been together for, what was it? Eleven years? How would I handle it if taylor and I were together in 11 years?" "HELL, we haven't been together 11 weeks!" I thought, just before I pumped, hard, one more time, and shot into taylor. "OH GOD SIR. You fuck me so well. SO WELL..." Then I looked at him. "Someone took his collar off." I heard the gulp. "And someone took the dog for a walk without his shirt on this morning." A second gulp. "That's gonna mean some hitachi work this afternoon. An hour for each infraction. " taylor liked most of what I did to him. He HATED hitachi. Too bad. I liked the faces he made. "And tonight, we're gonna go and visit Gary. " I saw a shiver go over his face. I looked at him. "taylor, I don't know how to say this more clearly. I'm NOT leaving you there." He smiled weakly. "I believe you Sir. I'm sorry, it's just...." "Would you rather that I ask Gary to meet us somewhere outside of the bar?" "No Sir. That's too much trouble. I'll be ok. I just may need the bathroom before we go." I looked down at him. "You trust me boy? You trust I'm bringing you back home with me?" "Yes sir." I smile.


As Charlie was tying taylor into the chair, and strapping the hitachi to his left thigh (one hour on each thigh), Jake had come up behind anthony, who was folding laundry. He put his arm around anthony's middle. "Hey boy." "Hey Sir." Jake kissed anthony's neck, rubbed his ear, and anthony stifled a moan. "We're gonna have an extra guest for dinner this week. Charlie's bringing his new boy. His name is taylor." "Ok Sir. I'll make sure the table is set for six." Jake switched his grip. He was holding anthony in a gentle bear hug. "You're mad at me, aren't you anthony boy?" anthony sighed. "subs don't get angry at their Masters Sir. You gave me an order, I have to obey it. That's what I agreed to when I surrendered. When I took your collar. When I took your ring." Jake could feel anthony's body tense. "You're not happy about it are you, boy?" "No Sir, I'm not." Jake sighed. "anthony... how many times have I told you 'no' when you wanted to do something?" anthony squirmed in Jake's grip. He wanted to get out, but he knew he couldn't. He knew the answer, but now he was petulant. "I don't know Sir." "Twice. Once when I told you if we were going to go out, no more body building tournaments." "And I obeyed you Sir." "And now with the beard." He kissed anthony's neck again. "And you're gonna obey me again." "Yes sir. I am." Jake sighed again. "Do you know why I won't let you grow it? Because you're my boy. And if you grow that beard, you won't LOOK like my boy." "I'm the only male faculty member without one Sir. They call me the kid." Jake laughed. "Well, boy, you ARE the kid." "It's different Sir. But it's ok. I won't grow it." Jake turned anthony around. He looked into his eyes. "I'll make a deal with you. Grow it. I'm telling you to grow it. In fact, I'm ORDERING you to grow it. And if I don't like how it looks, I get to shave it off you, the way I shave you every week." anthony put his hands behind his back, and led Jake's hands to hold them there. "Thank you Sir. Do you have any idea how much I love you?" "Eleven years worth?" "More than that Sir. Now... I need something inside me. Something big, and hard. Attached to you." "Lead the way boy." How many times had Jake screwed this man? Every time felt like something new. This one was no exception. As he started plowing anthony, he thought about his friend Charlie. Charlie almost never talked about a boy the way he was about taylor. Charlie was pretty sharp, and he didn't suffer fools or takers easily, so.... he'd be especially attentive to what taylor was like . More importantly, he'd tell anthony to pay attention. "Sir, you're getting so hard, so fast. That's not like you. Is everything ok?" "Heh heh. I've been watching your ass all morning. I'm totally obsessed with you boy." anthony paused. "Are you sure you want me to grow the beard Sir?" "I'm sure I DON'T want you to grow it boy, and I'm sure I'm gonna hate it. But I'm gonna give it a try. The way you gave me a try, 12 years ago." He pushed, and then he came in his husband, his boy. "Thank you Sir. I didn't think it was possible to love you more. I was wrong."


taylor's hands were tied behind him, and he had the new collar on him. He had on a black V neck t shirt, and an armband on his right arm. Charlie had the end of the leash in his hand. "Yo, Gary. I brought taylor to say hello. How about saying hello the way a top should? Gary stretched out his fingers, and rubbed taylor's nipples. "It's good to see you again, boy. Master Charlie treating you well?" "Better than anyone else ever has Sir." Charlie smiled.

Next: Chapter 6

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