How Taylor Became My Boy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 16, 2021


Well, if you read the last chapter of my story about taylor, you may appreciate that I was really "at sixes and sevens" as my mom used to say. It was confusing, to say the least. There is no question: hard as my heart may be, this boy was getting in there. The things he was saying, the things he was doing... either he was the greatest manipulator in the history of sub bottoms, or he was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I was trained as an empirical scientist, so I was still working that one out.

On another level though, we talk about "pushing a guy's buttons." I KNOW I was pushing his, but he was pushing mine. BIG TIME. Holding my shins lie that? And he was smart. Clearly, taylor was a boy who had CHOSEN to be a sub. (As I found out later, this puppy stuff was NOT his choice, but he was so in love with Master Frederick, he went along with it, and taught himself to like it). He was smart. He could talk about "stuff" other than sex. I'm not dumb: I can tell when someone's faking. taylor wasn't faking.

Still... in his favor, a big factor, was Bella. Bella did not suffer fools lightly. She didn't bite, but she knew that she could be scary, and there was more than one boy who, when he came over, and decided that I "really didn't need that golden bowl," would turn around to a snarling Doberman who was NOT taking her eyes off him and was NOT moving. I had never seen her just curl up in a boy's arms the way she did with taylor.

I was gonna need some more reassurance though, and I would have a chance.

When I began at the University as an assistant professor, I was part of a "cohort" as they called it which included the (now) famous physicist Jake Gold. You've heard of him, haven't you? TV interviews, popular books, making subatomic particles sexy - that's what one very sexy newscaster said. Jake and I it turned out, had more in common than geekiness over data: he was a DOM too - and now, he was a married DOM. When he and his boy anthony tied the knot, it was a story for weeks. I couldn't really complain: they made a REALLY striking couple: anthony, that beautiful blond (not as beautiful as my taylor, but beautiful), former body builder, becoming Jake's boy. Now, that sweet looking boy had a PhD in theology, was hunky rather than cute, and he and Jake were still together. Jake had invited me to dinner at their place the next week "Maybe 6, maybe 8 , who knows? Just come, ok, Charlie?" I had accepted. I'd be calling him the next day to see if I could bring taylor.

OH, yes... back to taylor. I had been thinking very hard, and hadn't realized what he had been doing. That big amazing tongue had passed over each of my shoes, licking off every bit of visible crap you could see. "taylor, you don't need to do that. A rag does the job, boi" "Sir, with all due respect, I've done this more than you have. Nothing works better on this stuff than spit. Don't worry, Sir . I saw the mouthwash in the bathroom. I'll clean out. I promise. " I sat back and let him get to work. When his tongue was finished, he pulled out the polish and worked those shoes until, well.. you know how guys used to hope the Catholic school girls shined their patent leather shoes so their underwear reflected in them? Yeah, my shoes looked like that. "Are they good , Sir?" I was trying to be a proper Dom. I ran my hand over his head, and smiled. "It's ok, boy. You'd best go get your mouth cleaned. I may want it later. " He smiled. "YES SIR". Then I headed into the kitchen. "Sir, do you need help? You're making dinner. I can do that." Now, everyone has a hobby, and contrary to popular belief, mine is NOT abusing young blonds (Ok, it's not my MAJOR hobby). My major hobby is cooking. So no one cooks in my house but me. NO ONE (and as you'll learn, that changed too). "Nah, this is my domain boy. How's about you and Bella hang out a little while, I won't take long. One thing taylor. Quirky rule of mine: I am not a big fan of informality at the dinner table, so before we eat, get out of the polishing clothes. " "Yes sir!. Is what I wore to work ok?" I sneered "Only if you leave two buttons opened." He smiled at that. So I went into the kitchen and began prepping some chicken. I was stuffing it with cheese and ham that night, and making asparagus and saffron rice. Nothing that an experienced cook can't finish in about thirty minutes. There was a half bottle of white wine in the fridge, so we were set. It took me 45 minutes because, well... I looked up and saw my two "pups" playing. I had NEVER seen Bella in the position she was in: she was laying on her back, her four legs in the air, half barking/half moaning in canine bliss, as taylor rubbed her belly." "OOOOOH. You like a belly rub, don't you Bella? Me too. All we pups like them..." Bella looked at him as if he were her long lost best friend. This continued for about five minutes. I don't think he saw me watching, or my smile when I heard him tell her. "Ok, don't get too spoiled. I'm gonna go wash my hands and go visit our alpha dog, Bella. " "Our alpha dog." I didn't use the term to describe myself, and while it was clear that breaking taylor out of this puppy fantasy was gonna take time, I did like "alpha dog." When taylor came back, his hands were washed, and he had changed. "Are you sure I can't help Sir? Maybe clean up the veggie stuff?" I smiled. "You know boy, you are so damn cute I can't stand it. You're in charge of kitchen clean up but wait until we're done, ok?" Then I kissed him, pressing him against the kitchen cabinet. "You know, Bella is very discriminating . It took 4 months for me to do what you just did." "She wasn't broken when you got her Sir. She didn't understand who was alpha. Now she does." He paused, and blushed. "And I knew the minute you walked over." DAMN. I had emptied my balls into him earlier, and they were filling again.

We had another puppy moment when I had him set the table. "Sir, where should I put my bowl?" "It's a plate boy, and at the place next to mine" He looked at me trying to comprehend that he was sitting at the table. "boi, you're supposed to be my sub, not my pup. Try to get that." He blushed. "Yes sir." I looked at him. "Are you uncomfortable sitting at a table with me, taylor?" He looked away. "Sir, I'm completely comfortable with YOU. Way more than I thought I would be. But I'm a sub: subs don't get treated the same as DOMS." I looked at him, got closer, and took his wrists, holding them behind his back. "You're right boy. You DON'T get treated the way a DOM does, but you're a sub, not a pile of dirt. We're gonna work through this, day by day, and you're gonna learn to do what THIS DOM does..." I paused and I looked into his eyes. "Because taylor. I'm not Master Frederick." That seemed to be as much as he could take at one time, because I saw tears forming in the corner of his eyes. "Let's eat. I'm starving. You hungry." "Yes sir." He smiled and his big beautiful tongue came out and licked his lips. "I'm hoping for sausage after the chicken." I smiled. "That could happen, even in an old guy like me. But let me be clear. Bella begs. To quote that old movie "you give her one bite of my food, I'm gonna kick ya till you're dead." Bella DID come up to his table, and she did seem to be especially put out when no scraps came her way. I tried to keep my eye on them when taylor cleaned up later, but I probably missed a scrap or two. I was sitting on the sofa, looking at some student papers, when he came out of the kitchen, drying his hands. "Sir, I'm done. I found where everything goes. Is there something you want me to do next?" I looked up. "Yeah. I want you out here, with me." I saw the smile. "YES SIR." He came out and began to sit on the floor. I thought about it and decided "not yet." "boi... sofa. Not the floor. Floors are for dogs. Sofa. Right here." I patted the spot next to me. As soon as he sat down Bella, who wasn't allowed on the furniture, jumped up next to him. She gave me the "Yeah? So? " look again. I sighed. Things were gonna be different. As we sat there, I put my arm around taylor and he sank bank into me. "This is so nice Sir. I feel so... " "Safe?" I volunteered. "That's part of it, Sir, but it's not all of it. I can't really explain it." "Well, we've got time." I don't know why I then did what I did, but... I began very gently rubbing one of his earlobes, the way I would've kneaded his nipple. The sound he made was... well, animalistic, but it wasn't canine. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM." He began rubbing against me the way, well, a male dog does when he's about to piss on your leg. I stopped. "Oh , Sir. I won't ask for much but PLEASE. Please don't stop that. That's... that's my ... SPOT." I laughed and rubbed some more. "Even more than a belly rub?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. OOOOOOOOOOOh. OH GOD. Sir, a belly rub doesnt' compare. it's great. but...." Then I did stop. "You're scaring Bella. Look at her face." He did and he stroked her head. "She's jealous Sir. She thinks you like me more than her." "I like you different. For example... I'm not gonna shove my tongue down Bella's snout, but I AM gonna shove it down yours...." I got up and climbed on top of taylor so I could get some traction. I began kissing him madly, and my hands began exploring his chest, finding his nipples. He moaned, and then moaned louder. I pulled out my tongue and nibbled on his chin. Then I stared right into his eyes. "You still hungry? You want some sausage?" "I always want sausage Sir. " "Well?" "YES SIR!" He moved off the sofa and to a place between my legs so fast, Bella growled just a bit. I smiled; I thought she probably felt like he was about to hurt me, and she was doing her job. Once I smiled at her, she was fine. Meanwhile, taylor had made fast work of my belt buckle, my zipper, my jock. That first blow job was not a fluke. If anything, it was a prelude for what happened next, as that magic tongue got to work. I was curious to see what would happen if.... and I began massaging both of his earlobes. His moans were loud, and desperate, and he deep throated me. I didn't mind. My cock had been raging since he came into the kitchen to help with dinner. He had my balls in his hand, and he was massaging them - WHERE THE FUCK DID HE LEARN TO DO THAT? And when I thought I was about to explode, well... he pressed a finger at a spot that just stopped me. He let my cock drop for a minute. "Was that ok Sir? I'm being selfish and... your cock is so good and if you shoot..." "taylor, I'm going to say something I won't say often, boi: you're in charge." He gave me that grin I have never stopped loving. "Yes sir." and he got back to work. WHERE THE FUCK DID HE LEARN HOW TO DO THAT? I wrote that already didn't I? Well, I thought it about a half dozen times during that HALF HOUR BLOWJOB. You ever have that feeling "I didn't know I could get that hard?" I got that feeling about four times during that blow job. He was doing things no bottom had ever done to me. I was trying to keep an inventory (Jake always bragged how good a cocksucker anthony was, and I thought I might try a one-upping, but no... I just sat back and I let this very talented young man get to work. " "Do you want me stop Sir, so you can fuck me tonight?" "Ha ha. Oh, I wish I were gonna have the energy for that boi. I'm saving that for tomorrow." "yes sir..." He got back to work. I looked at the clock and saw... yup, Bella was getting impatient. I was late for her evening walk, and now that she had TWO daddies.... " I pushed taylor's head forward and he got the message. He began slurping faster, tightening his mouth and then.... Bella's little pointy ears went up as I HOWLED. The corners of taylor's mouth formed a smile, and I began shooting, one, two... I lost count after the 8th one. As I was catching my breath, I gasped out. "C'mere boy. On my lap. NOW." "Yes sir." taylor straddled me, not sure what I was going to do. Neither was I. I just wanted to hold him. We sat there silently for about three minutes. I smiled at him. "Remember when you said you didn't want to leave?" "yes sir?" "You're not going to. You're staying right here." He didn't say anything, but I learned what a strong grip he had when he hugged me. "Now, let's take Bella out. She's very impatient you know.

Bella had absolutely NO interest in my holding her leash, and taylor smiled as I handed it over to him. My free hand went to the back of taylor's neck and squeezed. "You know boy, that may have been the best blow job I've ever had." He smiled devilishly. "Thank you Sir, but I can do better." I was ready for that and replied "Well then why didn't you?" He was ready for me "Because I figured you'd punish me when you found out Sir." The devilish smile again. We stopped because Bella was, as we said in code "reading the paper." I didn't look around to see if anyone was on the street because I didn't care. I kissed him. No tongue this time. Just a soft, soft, long kiss. "What the HELL am I doing?" I asked myself. "Am I falling in love with this boy?" I knew that answer. "Wow. That may be the best kiss I ever had, Sir." Now it was my turn. "Thank you boy, but I can do better." He didn't continue. Bella wanted to go read another section of the paper. I reached out and held his hand. It felt good. I couldn't remember when I had last held another man's hand. "What time is your first class tomorrow Sir?" He asked. "Oh, tomorrow sucks, boy. Two hour deal from 10-12. Then office hours, then 2-4. I should be home by 5. "If you're not home, should I do Bella's afternoon walk?" "I'll text you boy. For now, let's get home and get to bed." I didn't pay much attention to niceties when I undressed. I just threw stuff anywhere, and dealt with it the next day. It was amusing to watch taylor take off each item, fold it properly and stack it. I laughed when he said "BELLA. Alpha dog doesn't want you in the bed tonight so ..stay out." "Who are you kidding boy? She's gonna be in here five seconds after I fall asleep." "I could go join her on her blanket Sir." "DON'T YOU DARE." I grabbed him so he couldn't get up, tickling his navel gently. "Oh, are you gonna be sore after this weeekend boy" I said just before I fell off to sleep. And just before I did, I felt the WHUMP of Bella joining us in bed.

Next: Chapter 5

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