How Taylor Became My Boy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 7, 2021


So, there we were. In my apartment, early in the morning - maybe 2? 3? , with Bella making sure that I knew that SHE knew that I wasn't alone. "Oh. You already have an alpha Sir?" I put my hand on the back of taylor's neck and squeezed. "First thing to understand taylor. I'M the alpha. Bella is my sweetie, my best friend, and she'd kill for me. But she knows her place. "The way a good pup should sir." I saw that, when Bella came over and began sniffing him, he didn't do what most people did: he did NOT try to pet her. taylor balled his hands into fists, and stood as still as he could. He never once looked her in the eye.

"Bella, this is your new friend taylor." I reached out and scratched her behind her ear. Did I hear taylor give out a little bit of a moan of yearning? "taylor is gonna be your friend. He's gonna be here for at least a while, maybe longer, and you're gonna have to be friends."

I looked at him. "Were you cold in that bar? I know it's summer but... no shirt, no nothing?" "I was cold Sir. It was ok." Are you cold now?" He looked down. "Yes sir." "Stand there for a minute. It won't be the best fit, but ..." taylor was actually a little beefier than me. I could tell from looking him over that, even when I got that fat melted away, he'd be a bit of a chunker. That was fine. I tossed him one of my old varsity t shirts. "Put this on. If you're still cold when we go to bed, you can keep it on. " He looked at the t shirt. "I know that school Sir. Your alma mater?" I laughed. "BA, MA and FUCKING PHD" He looked down. "Then a doctor adopted me Sir?" there was a bit of a smile on his face. "A doctor is THINKING about adopting you. " "There's a note in one of the bags Sir. It's Master Frederick's contact information. If you want to keep me, and you call him, he'll bring over all my stuff." He paused. "Otherwise he'll give it to his new pup, or get rid of it." "Well, we'll take care of that tomorrow. " I looked at him in the shirt. It was WAY too small for him, but he looked kinda cute: sort of like one of those go go boys. Then I gave him a hard stare. "I already told you, you had a job to do when we got home. You remember what that was?" "Yes sir. Am I going to take you with you standing up or sitting down, Sir?" In all my years of topping, not a single sub has asked me that. Then again, I never had a sub with an MBA before. "I'm gonna take the sofa." I looked at Bella. She had seen me get blown before so it didn't particularly disturb her. She gave taylor a lick on the side of his face when he got on his knees, and then went off to her blanket. "May I, Sir? " I nodded, and taylor undid my zipper and gently took my rod out of my pants. The stimulation, coupled with the stimulation of a young blondish man, shirtless, kneeling in front of me, was getting me harder and harder. When taylor touched just the very tip of his tongue to the very tip of my cockhead, I got positively rigid. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT boy! DAMN. " "Sorry Sir. Should I stop?" "Stop, and I'm bringing you back to the bar right now. Get to work." He didn't have to be told twice. I knew he was tired - I was tired - but he worked my cock slowly, moving down by fractions of an inch. He was strong enough that, when I tried to push his head forward, he didn't change his pace. He didn't have to look up, or say anything. His body was giving off a sense of "I know what I'm doing, Sir." And he did. I think it took him about 4 minusmites to get all the way down my cock, and by the time he did, I was moaning like a boy I had put on the rack once did. And yes, I DID put taylor on the rack eventually, but that's another story. So, that night I learned that pup taylor, as he WAS called, or Charlie's boy, which is how he is NOW called, had a very, VERY talented tongue. I could have SWORN parts of it had been sanded to be uneven like a cat's tongue, and I swear... every time I thought I was gonna shoot my load, that boy would cast his eyes up, grin, and release the suction of his mouth, and the orgasm was gone. As I said, pushing his head forward wasn't working: the angle was just too severe for me to get a REALLY good grip, and his hair was too short. In many ways, HE had become the TOP for that blowjob. After about 12 minutes, I couldn't stand it anymore. "DAMN IT BOY BRING ME OFF YOU FUCKER." I felt his tongue curl around my cockhead and ... BOOM. I shot a load the size of which I don't think I had ever shot before. That boy didn't move. He swallowed every last drop. When he was done, he looked up at me, the way a pup does when he thinks he did something right. "Did I do good Sir?" I believe in giving praise where it's due, so I told him "OOOOOOOOOOOH, taylor boy, I think you just earned your place in this house, you goddamn cocksucker." He just smiled and said "Thank you Sir." I couldn't grab his hair so I rubbed the back of his neck, and I heard him whimper in pleasure. I began to feel very sleepy, and I looked at my watch. GEEZ. It was nearly 3.

"taylor, it's late. I'm tired. It's time to go to bed." "Ok Sir. Where do you want me to sleep? " I looked at him because I didn't understand at first, and then I realized: he was a pup. His Master kept him in a cage. "No, no, we don't do that here, taylor. " I pointed to the bedroom. "In there. In the bed." "But... but Sir, isn't that where you sleep?" "Yeah, and I'm sleeping there too." Now HE looked confused. I felt very sad. And also very aroused. "taylor, my boy sleeps with me. He shares my bed. If this is gonna work, you're gonna have to break that old pup habit, and get used to sleeping with a man again." "I'll... I'll try Sir. It's been over two years that I had a blanket and a pillow." "Well, tonight you got both, and a Top man to keep you warm. Now, come over here." He hesitated. Did he think I was gonna hit him? "Lift up your arms. The bed is warm. You won't need the t shirt. Then slip off that other shit. We'll wash it tomorrow at some point." When he was naked, I saw the cage, locking his cock. I THOUGHT I saw cigarette burns, but I didn't look that closely. "Now, get over here. Give your new Master a kiss. " taylor was gonna take a lot of training. He licked me. Yeah, he licked me like a pet dog. "You sleep on the left taylor. " "Yes sir." In bed, he lay there, on his back. I had an idea, and I began rubbing his belly. "You're a good boy taylor . You're a good boy. A real sweet one. " I saw him smiling. I SWEAR if he had a tail, it would've been wagging. "Just come here." I pulled him into me, spoon wise. "We're gonna get some sleep. Tomorrow, we're gonna get to know each other better. And the first thing I planned to learn, was how good he was at taking cock.

taylor must have been exhausted. He fell asleep within 5 minutes. I fall asleep fast, but I had barely gotten my arm around him when I heard the sounds of his soft breathing as he slept. "Poor kid," I thought to myself. I began to piece together the story. "Expecting a relationship with someone, as his pet, and then abandoned." I wondered why we feel worse for cats and dogs than we do for the young'uns like taylor, but realizing I was NOT Carrie from "Sex and the City," I let myself fall asleep, dreaming about how good it was going to be to be inside a sweet, young, blond ass . A well rested ass. I didn't wake him - that would come later - taylor slept until 11 the next morning. While he slept, I went through his stuff, and found the information on his old owner. "WHAT AN ASS" I thought at the end of the call. Let this be enough. I said to him "Look. If it's that much of a problem, I'll either pay you to make the trip, or I'll come out there, get the stuff, and drive it to my place. It's up to you." "Well...." He answered. "I suppose the new boy should get some air. We'll drive. But don't expect me to say hello to taylor. We're done. He's just too old. I'll be by at 1:30." He already had my address, and he hung up the phone. Now, I had to try to fix things so that taylor didn't meet him. That was easier to do than I thought it would be.

I went into the bedroom, and shook my boy to get him up. I tried to modulate my voice. "Hey taylor. It's morning. Can't sleep too late." He wasn't moving, so I bent down and kissed his forehead. He jumped. He was so startled he nearly knocked one of my teeth out. "OH, OH MY GOODNESS. I'M SO SORRY SIR. I THOUGHT.. I THOUGHT." "Did you think you were in trouble for sleeping late?" "Yes sir. I knew it was late, but the bed.... it felt so good. And then I was dreaming that Master Frederick was upset because I hadn't served him his breakfast." I stroked his hair. It was very fine, and very soft. "You'll be making my breakfast boy. Just not yet. " I smiled. "Roll over on your back." "Yes sir." I think he expected something different than what he got, because first, I started teasing his nipples, first gently, and then with more force. It took more force to get a reaction out of him, but when I did, well, his moans were almost as big as mine were when he was blowing me. I looked at him. "I want your ass boy," and I heard him whisper "Take it Sir. Please. TAKE IT." He made it easy. His legs were muscular, and short, so I split them, rather than trying to get them up on my shoulder. Having his chunky body next to me overnight had gotten me roused quicker than usual, and I was ready. I slipped on a condom, and lubed up, then I slipped into him. If taylor had been slow and deliberate the night before, I was neither. Every time I saw his lips, and his blue eyes, and that babyish face, I wanted him more. And I had him. I had him impaled on the cock he had sucked so well the night before "OH GOD SIR. That feels good. That spot." Then he looked in horror. I guess he wasn't supposed to enjoy sex. I just smiled and slid my cock back to the space that had gotten him roused. "Like that boy? Like it when I do that to you?" He whined "OH YES. YES SIR." "Well, I'm gonna do that to you every time you do what you did to me last night." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG" was his response as I did it again, only harder. He knew what he was doing down there too, as he tightened his sphincters, then relaxed them. I think this boy was a born bottom. He even did this kind of little trick where he slid his legs up and down, taking my cock with him. It got me so excited that I just screamed. "OH FUCKING SHIT...." and my jizz started spilling out. I pulled out so I didn't spill out of the condom - yeah, there was that much. I saw the smile on his face. "You're used to belly rubs. You better get used to this taylor," I leaned down and kissed him and I could tell he was dying for it. He tried to pull my tongue in further and further. I stopped him. "We're gonna have some more fun later. Right now, though, I want you to get up, clean up, and then come for breakfast. You have clean clothes here for a day?" "Yes sir. Casual stuff, but I can be decent. I looked at my watch: 12:15. We had time. I had sent taylor off to the shower, after I had showed him where the shaving cream, the toothpaste, etc, were all stored. Then I headed to the kitchen to throw together a bit of lunch - nothing too filling because, well... you'll see. "Sir... can I wear whatever I want, or did you have something in mind?" he called out from the bedroom. "Just pick something that's presentable boy. We're gonna take Bella for her walk. That's gonna be one of your jobs from now on. He came out in a tight fitting, but nice polo shirt, and a pair of khaki slacks. I swear, he looked like an oversized boy scout with a big smile on his face. "Really Sir? You're gonna trust me with Bella?" "IF she lets you. We'll see. Let's take her for a little walk right now, and then we'll eat when we come back." I put Bella on her leash. She was looking over taylor suspiciously, but when he held out his fist, and just kept it there, she sat back on her haunches. "Rub her ear. The way you like yours rubbed." taylor smiled and when he rubbed her ear, she pressed in for more - just like he did. "This is probably gonna work, boy. Now, let's go." My neighborhood isn't particularly gay, which is fine with me, so I think my neighbors out on that warm day may have thought my nephew was visiting, or something like that. We DID make an interesting trio: Bella, on a leash in my left hand, pulling and smelling "reading the paper" as one person had called it as she checked each tree; me in the middle, looking every day of my years and my "last night," with my right hand on the back of taylor's neck, as he walked with his hands clasped behind him. Halfway through the walk I stopped, and crouched down to Bella. "Girlie, I'm gonna let you walk with taylor . You gonna do that for me?" I got a big lick across the face. I handed her leash to taylor. His eyes got big and wide. "Go for it boy. If you wanna test her out with a run, go ahead. She'll win though." "THANK YOU SIR! THANK YOU! Hey Bella: you wanna go chase squirrels?" Shit! I forgot. She knew that word. Off she went. I think taylor's arm grew an inch from her pulling by the time I reined them both in. taylor was breathing hard. "Sorry Sir... " he panted. "If I get back to the gym, I'll get my wind back." "That's next week. " I smiled. "Bella likes you. That's good because she has veto power. I had decided you could stay, but she could overrule me." He looked at me. "Really? I can stay Sir?" I sneered "Just TRY to get away."

After I fed him lunch, I looked at my watch again. If Frederick kept his word, it'd be 15 minutes. "Ok boy, now, it's time for you to learn some of my rules. Afternoon play hours. Get in the bedroom. Did you make the bed this morning?" "Yes sir. " "Ok. Now you're gonna lay down on it. Like a big star. Face up." I tied him down at the ankles and wrists. DAMN I wanted to jump on him right then, but there was a ring at the door. "I'll be back," I told him

"Master Frederick? I'm Master Charles" I stuck out my hand, which he shook, weakly. "GARRET. Get the bags for Master Cherles." "YES SIR." Garret couldn't have been more than 23, as thin as a rail, blond, or bleached blond, hairless - WHY DO THEY ALL DO THAT? I thought to myself. I saw Garret pulling bags out of an older model car. The bags were so heavy he was having trouble. "Let me give him a hand," I said. "Not necessary. Garret has to learn his place." I couldn't help myself. "I'm sure taylor could've handled the bags with no trouble." "That's true. Older men usually can. But younger ones are more fun." Garret dragged the bags to the door, huffing and puffing. "Was that ok, Sir?" He looked at Frederick "It was adequate. Where's your leash?" "Here Sir." I saw Frederick put a collar on Garret and lead him back to a newer model car: a red one. The older model must have been taylor's car. They drove off, without waving. I'm not sorry to say I never saw them again. I went back to the bedroom and stood in the doorway. "Gonna postpone this a little boy. I need your help with some stuff. You gotta make me a promise though. No tears. " taylor looked puzzled. "Why would I cry Sir." "Just promise me... no tears." "Ok Sir." I untied him from the bed. "Your old Master was here. He left your stuff, and your car. Help me get these bags in." I looked at his face. He was holding it together, but just barely. "taylor.... you made me a promise." "Yes sir. I'll keep it." We each grabbed a suitcase and brought it into the living room. "Now, we'll take care of unpacking these things in a while..." I saw his face "Sit down taylor. Sit. On the sofa. Leave room for me." I sat down next to him and he sobbed out "I'm breaking my promise Sir. I'm sorry." I put an arm around him and pulled him into me. At first, I just rubbed the spot behind his ear. When his sobbing subsided a bit, I draped my leg over his. "Hey.. Who's boy are you?" "Yours sir..." he sobbed. I held up his face. "That's right. And I'm gonna be a MUCH better Master and Dom than Frederick ever was." He didn't say anything and his expression didn't change. "Listen. I just met his new boy. I'd rather have a woman." taylor began to laugh. "I'm serious studboy. I am gonna have SO much fun with you, and I am gonna make you SO proud you're my boy, and I can't guarantee you'll ever forget Frederick, but I CAN guarantee you: next time I shove my cock in you, you'll be yelling my name. " taylor's sobbing had stopped and he caught his breath. He looked at me. "Thank you Sir. " I kissed him and I took my thumbs to push the corners of his lips up. "C'mon boy. You're a boy now, not a pup. Pups smile when they're upset. Boys smile when they're happy. You happy?" He didn't answer. "BOY.. I'm not too proud to tickle you to get you to smile and laugh."

NOW there was a big grin on his face. "I AM happy Sir. I'd be even happier if you tickled me." I was getting hard. AGAIN. "In a little while. For now, though, we have some unpacking to do." We spent the next couple of hours getting his stuff unpacked and put away in my house. He had some very nice clothes, I had to say that. I had a thought as we were going along. "Boy... when was the last time you ate in a restaurant? Not fast food. A REAL restaurant." He paused and blushed. "It was before Master Frederick Sir." "Hmmmm. I may be pushing it but..." I got to the phone and called my favorite Italian place. I got transferred a few times, but finally, when I spoke to chef Clara, I got a place for us at 9. I loved speaking to Clara. She pretty much ran the restaurant now that Richard and davey spent most of their time in Italy, and the kids were off doing their own thing. "OH, Professor Charlie, it'll be so good to see you. Do you want that dessert that you like so much?" "Clara, it takes a day to make that dessert. " There was a pause and then she answered, with what sounded like a smile in her voice. "I didn't quite believe it, but my angels don't lie. They told me you'd be here tonight. What's his name, Professor Charlie?" "It's taylor." "OH, OK. I will greet you myself. Now you'll have to excuse me. The osso bucco is upset it's not getting my attention. " I have to say: in his blue shirt and khaki pants, I could have eaten taylor instead of Clara's osso bucco. taylor wouldn't have minded. I don't think the boy had had his fill of a good meal in a long time. When we got home, he said to me sleepily "I have to walk Bella, Sir." "We're gonna walk her together. You still don't know the neighborhood. In time, boy. In time. " "Yes sir." At that hour, there wasn't much of anybody on the street, so instead of putting my hand on taylor's neck, I put it on his ass. He smiled, and whispered "thank you Sir." He was still caged, but I was going to release him the next morning, just to see what happened.

Next: Chapter 3

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