How Marie Conquored Me

By Faye Duncan

Published on Jun 22, 2014



How Marie Conquered Me

Faye Duncan & Marie Brook

F/F Humiliation, Dependence

Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. None of the characters or events herein are based on real people, either living or dead. It was produced for the entertainment of ADULTS ONLY, and contains descriptions of explicit sex. If you are not an adult, or if reading stories of a sexual nature upsets you, do not read any further! By reading further, you certify that you have accessed/requested access to this material willfully, and that you are an adult 21 years of age or older. You also certify that to your knowledge, this material does not offend the standards in your area, nor is it in violation of any of local, state, or federal law.

My name is Faye Duncan. As some of my readers know, I have posted little erotic role reversal tales to Nifty Lesbian Authoritarian from time to time. Furthermore, some of my loyal readers have become my subbie pets whom I have enjoyed humiliating, tormenting, and degrading in all sorts of yummy ways. I'm certain my pets will be eager to read how I, in my turn was humiliated, tormented, and degraded.

In addition to posting stories on Nifty, I also read stories others have posted there because it makes me tingle to do so. My downfall began when I discovered and read Part One of Marie Brook's "Marie Brook Remembers Beatrice" that she had posted last spring. Something about the way she told her story really got inside my head, in a part of my psyche I really didn't want to admit to. I really fell for her story, however, so I sent Marie the following email, "Yummy beginning. You do understand your subject well. I'm ravenous to read the next installment."

Marie immediately replied: "How nice. Thank you. I would love to satisfy your hunger. Watch this space." On the face of it, this was just a standard sweet reply to a fan. But, there was something about the wording. Perhaps she could read between the lines of my email to her and already had begun to plan what was in store for me from the beginning, just as I had sensed future sick erotic pleasure from my pets' first, tentative emails to me.

Before we go any further, I have to confess that I'm one of those dommes who has a deep dark secret of her own, a hungry longing to be the subbie slut of some powerful, cruel woman or girl, preferably a tween or teen girl. But I keep this secret under wraps pretty well, of course, as it just wouldn't do for any of my own subbie pets to know my sick secret. Marie's reply, however, tore the wraps right off my longings for control by another, stronger woman. There was just something about the tone of her reply "I would love to satisfy your hunger," that made me tingle.

I decided to test whether Marie really understood the sick hunger that I had so meekly voiced in my email to her. I replied, "You are so cruel to promise more, then make me wait so long." This could be taken to mean I wanted more of her story, which it did. But Marie could also use my word "cruel" to ensnare me, if she were of that turn of mind. As it turned out, she was.

As I sat at my computer and read, her reply ("Yes I am cruel (I smile) yet somehow I think you might like that. Your wait will soon be over") sent my fingers teasing along my moist slit and then deep inside. I read her intriguing words again and again, panting and soaking wet, as I pondered the possibilities of "Yes I am cruel." As I read and re-reread her email I couldn't stop myself from replying: "If you have read my postings on Nifty, you already know about me. I like being cruel myself, and I also like cruelty done to me. Isn't it fortunate that I found you?"

In her email, Marie had instructed me to read her next installment and she had written that I must tell her what I thought of it. I replied meekly, "Must I really tell you? Must I? I'm damp thinking of reading it with your command that I must tell you what I thought of it slithering around inside me."

When she read this meek, diffident reply of mine, Marie must have smirked to herself. She now knew I was hooked. All she had to do then was keep me dangling for a bit longer until I surrendered to her totally.

Her reply let me realize in no uncertain terms that she knew all about me. "Mmm.. thanks for your reply. And yes, the next episode is in direct response to your interest so when you've read it you must, and I do mean must, tell me what you particularly like..... You really ought to tell me that anyway.. I could include special details just for you in the next part. I like you 'damp'. But I want you soaking."

Oh God! Reading Marie's email made me soaking for sure. Longing warred with hunger as I rushed to reply. "You are so sweet with your commands. I expect that will change. I think I'll like that. If you will read my posting you'll see I adore the idea of being sexually dominated by a teen or pre-teen girl. Am I not the sickest little lezzie you ever met? Giggle. Starving for your story".

I hungered in the worst way for Marie to want to control me. I wanted her to read my Nifty posting so she would know all about me. I wanted to encourage her to substitute cruelty for her sweet commands. I wanted her to know she could have me totally if she wanted me.

Marie's reply gave me hope and enflamed my hunger even more. "Well now. I have read episode one. So hot. Made me touch myself. You identify with Julia; I identify with Madison. Couldn't be sweeter."

In my story, Madison was a teen girl who took control of Julia, her teacher, and moved the subbie older woman through a series of ever-degrading episodes. So, Marie knew exactly what I was, now, and she was excited by the knowing. And that excited me, too.

Marie continued, "I really hope Madison gets more severe with her "teacher dear" in the ensuing episodes. I hope she really humiliates and hurts her. A lot. I hope she makes her scream."

It was so obvious now that Marie wanted to treat me the same way. And that thought made me soaking wet.

Marie set her claws a little deeper into my soul. "God you've made me wet. I particularly liked Madison watching her toy masturbating. I love to see that."

Marie loved the idea of humiliating her subbie slut by making her play with her pussy in front of her. And so did I.

Then Marie teased me. "Maybe one day you'll do that for me?"

If I could have transported myself to her house, I would have done so right then, just so she could turn her wishes into my reality.

I read Marie's second chapter as soon as it was posted and sent her the following reply: "Oh. I am juicing like a faucet. It's a wonderful episode. Just enough sexy description. Just enough sense of the characters' motivation. I have wanted to be Bee. I want it even more now. I have seen packs of 'tween and young teen girls roaming around the mall, looking to fasten onto some stubby girl or woman and torment her with their perfect bodies and their bratty, vicious minds. I'm sure, before you're through, your little girls will make Bee wish she had never been born. And she'll be soppy every minute of it. Just as I would be."

How much more could I have written to let Marie know just exactly what I hungered for? I couldn't resist following it up with another email. "I'm so glad you like my little story. I hope you continue to do so. I've been hoping to meet a Madison for so long now. Madison does become more severe as the story continues. More pain. More humiliation. She really breaks her teacher down. So yummy."

Then I began my true descent into subservience. I wrote, "I'll masturbate for your pleasure any time you say. Anywhere."

I was crawling deeper and deeper into Marie's circle of domination. I couldn't stop myself from writing her yet another email.

"After my last email, you must think me an awful slut. A trifle too eager to please. Panting like a bitch in heat. It's because yummy women like you are so hard to find. I have had my share of needy women in my little kennel over the years. You already know I swing both domme and sub. But since I quit writing, pickings have been pretty lean. Relationships of that kind are fleeting at best. And I got tired of having to continue to dream up new and better ways to torment my subs. Anyway, you do have a future as an able and evocative author. As for you and me, we'll just have to see what developed."

As you can see by the formal tone of this email, part of me wished fervently that Marie would just cut me off, being disgusted by my pleading and sniveling. But most of me wanted her to take me completely.

Her next email spoke volumes. "My Dear Faye, Wonderful to receive all three of these messages."

I'm sure she was laughing out loud at me and my obvious desperation at sending her three emails in a row.

"I don't think you are an 'awful slut', and even if I did I don't care. I like wanton easy sluts. I like to play with them. When they grow to admire then adore me I do so love to take advantage of them; of their adoration. Oh, how I like to strip them bare - physically, mentally, spiritually. Open them up in every sense; make them helpless; make them need and want my dominance and cruelty. I love to hear them beg "please stop" then "please don't stop". Pleasure and pain so wonderful to inflict."

God, how reading these torrid words from Marie made me gush. She loved doing exactly what I needed her to do to me. Finally, I would get exactly what I needed.

Marie went on, "I love that you are so versatile - domme and sub - so you understand all aspects."

Knowing that she was well into the process of breaking a domme like me down must have been a special turn on for Marie. The best subbie women are former dommes.

Then, she hit me with the same test command I myself had used on others so often. "And yes, Faye. Masturbate for me then. Do it now as you read then re-read this. Use only your fingers. Take off your clothes to do it. Tell me about it - how it feels - describe your fingers and your sex for me - I want to visualize what you are doing - how you tickle your clitoris, how wet you are - give me that detail - I am aroused now imagining you complying."

Of course I did as she commanded. I did it again and again for her, wishing with all my heart that she was there to see me doing it. I wrote her all about it. By then, I was hers, all hers.

Marie informed me in her next email, "I am going to add some more to the piece about Bee then send it to you again. Tell me more of what you think. If you were Bee - become Bee - what you would like those cruel girls to do to you."

I longed to tell her. And I would tell her. Everything.

"I also like the terrible threats Madison made in your story - to kick her so hard between her legs; hurt her belly so hard until she vomits etc. Extreme yes; very, very cruel - yes: - "sickest little lezzie" - I don't know about that but sometimes that heavy-duty depraved line of thought really turns me on. Like now. Xxx Marie"

That part of Marie's email frightened me. What was I getting myself into? But I so fervently wanted to surrender to Marie by then that I would have done anything she told me to do. And I pretty much did, as you will see.

As commanded, I read Marie's next installment and immediately sent her the following email.

"Oh thank you. Thank you. I am at work reading this and my hand is under my skirt playing with my puss inside my panties. I'm glad I have my own office with a door I can close. Even so, I have to bite my lower lip to keep from making noise. I hope you're not angry that I did that while reading, but I couldn't not play with myself reading your revision. I knew you did it special for me. What a wonderful present. I think I may be falling for you."

I had never emailed anyone from work concerning my erotic life before, but I just couldn't help myself not to. Marie's reply made me itch and burn. "You may be "falling" for me? Good. Fall. But you know I will take advantage of you if you do. Use you. But I think you would like that. A lot."

Of course I would like that. I would love it. I was parched for more. Marie's reply made me soak my panty gusset. When I emailed her to tell her so, she replied, "Good girl. I like that. Of course I'm not angry - it's what I want you to do. Play with your puss as much as possible at work - for me."

I sat at my desk and did just as Marie commanded. I wrote her all about it.

She replied with even more commands. "Are you able to remove your panties in your office? It would really excite me to know you did that and opened your legs at my behest to play with your pussy properly. Will you finger it for me? Ooh, can you tell I'm getting aroused?"

I became quite frightened then at the prospect of someone barging into my office and finding me in such a state of sexual arousal. But I couldn't stop myself. So I shambled off to the ladies lounge, got into a stall, sat down, then lifted up off the toilet, removing my panties, which I sniffed hungrily, then stuffed guiltily into my purse. I spread my legs as wide as my skirt would allow. Then I played with my sopping pussy "properly" for Marie, my insistent domme. I fingered my clit and drove three soppy fingers deep inside just as she had commanded, until I came, right there in that stall, moaning and biting my tongue to keep from screaming out. I hobbled back to my office, certain that my female colleagues could surely tell I had been masturbating in the ladies. I was flushed and my face must have been beet red. The ladies lounge must have been redolent with my sex scent.

When I got to my computer, I opened my email client and read Marie's next email. "I read your second and third episodes just now. Very nice. I particularly enjoyed Madison hurting her teacher pet's nipples and making her lick her anus. Lovely. Would my good girl like that?"

Oh god! Now I really was afraid. Licking another woman's anus and letting her hurt my nipples both frightened and disgusted me. I don't enjoy real pain, and scatology never appealed to me. But what was I to do. Marie had asked me a question, and I must reply.

"Am I really your good girl? Am I? I want to be so much. I am being Marie's good slut. I did what you said. I went in the ladies and removed my panties. I know you didn't' say I could, but I just had to smell myself on them. They are so wet I could almost wring them out. I went back in my office. I bet any of my female colleagues could see how flushed I was. This is so humiliating. I've never done anything like this before at work. You ask so sweetly, and so I am doing it all for you. I'm at my desk with my skirt hiked up around my hips. My legs are spread wide apart, and I'm typing one handed as my other hand is down there with sticky fingers deep inside me. If someone comes in now, I'm sunk, so I'm trying to cum again for YOU as quick as I can. Please don't make me hurt myself here at work. I'll do whatever you want when I'm at home, but please not at work. Okay, Marie? Faye who can't stop."

Anyone reading these sick words of mine must know by now that I was completely at Marie's mercy. And, of course she had none, and that's why I was so completely caught.

Her reply email sent me over the moon.

"My Dear Faye,"

"Fantastic. Well done. Good girl. Lovely slut. Well done especially for smelling your panties. Next time they are so wet though you must put them in your mouth while you finger yourself. I will respect your request as you have asked so nicely. But I will want you to hurt yourself at home. You know that would give me so much pleasure. I like that you will do whatever I want. It is a holiday weekend here and I have visitors so I may not be able to be in touch with you as often or in as much detail as I would like. So be patient. Even if you don't hear from me until Tuesday. I will be back to you. Meanwhile - another instruction - you must masturbate to orgasm at least once in a public place during this weekend. You must write to me and tell me about it in detail. Where it was; how many people in the vicinity and if anyone noticed. How you felt etc. - as much detail as possible. I would also like it if you did something to your anus for me. Show me how subservient you will be. Hurt it a little."

I was transfixed by Marie's alternating complements and commands. She seemed so loving and so demanding all at the same time. She wanted me to humiliate myself by masturbating to orgasm in a public place where those around me could witness my degradation. She also wanted me to give myself pain just to prove my devotion to her. God, what had I let myself in for.

I whiled away the remainder of my work day longing to hear more from her, but she was as good as her word about not contacting me until later. Then, she wrote me.

"This stimulates me? And will you really be my slut? Okay then. A couple of things: I want you to 'report' to me as often as is practical on your masturbation. I love it. I love that you tasted your pee. So dirty; so sexy. More of that. I am cross that you were not naked - but I am not stupid - I understand the circumstances. As a penance you must not masturbate to orgasm again until you can be naked. I want you to accept that as an instruction. Be a good girl for me."

"As for helping me with the torture of Beatrice - I would be very interested in your input - particularly for detail of your genuine deepest, darkest sub desires and fantasies. How deep would you go? How dirty would you be? How much would you be prepared to take? I need your complete honesty. To be granted the privilege? Easy. Be my slut. Follow my instructions. Do humiliating tasks for me. Cum a lot. Tell me all about it. Tell me about you - your social and work circumstances. How I can domme you from afar. Tell me what you would really like to do for me. I will give you as much pleasure and pain as I can. Keep blushing for me sweet slut."

That email sent me into shivers of wanton hunger to be Marie's personal, private plaything. I would try my best to be Marie's "good girl." My next emails to her documented my willing obedience to her will.

"My dear Marie, I am trembling with barely repressed excitement reading this email. As you can see from my emails and my little story, I am an "awful slut." But, as this fact doesn't bother you, I'm happy to be one. Also, I think you will turn that fact to your advantage. At least I hope so. I guess I am "easy." I blush to say that, but I guess it's true. So why not admit it and make the best of it? I do understand the rush of being a domme. And I also understand what you say about stripping a sub completely bare, physically and emotionally. And I know the feeling of being made to submit. That feeling makes me wet. I long to feel that way again."

"I did what you said. I used my fingers to Jill myself off. I'm at work, so I couldn't strip like you told me. I'm sorry I disobeyed, but that can't be helped. I tasted myself afterward, and you made me taste wonderful. I had to pee right after, so I went back to the ladies. I wanted to do something really slutty, so I peed on my fingers and tasted myself. It's funny, but cumming always makes my pee taste more acrid than usual. You must have given me a great cum, because my pee was so bitter I had to wash my mouth out with water to get the taste out. Giggle. It was humiliating not being able to stop myself playing with my puss. But it was so exciting, and the fear that someone would come in and catch me was just the best."

"I know I was a bad girl for doing this, so I'll punish myself at home tonight. I will put my panties in my mouth and suck them while I play with my slit at home. But i won't cum till YOU allow it. I'm so sticky tight now. I can feel wet on the insides of my thighs. I'll spank my breasts with a metal spatula five times each breast. Is that punishment enough?"

"I'll miss YOU so much. I am so hungry for YOUR emails and it will be death not hearing from YOU. I didn't start out to end up like this. I just don't seem to be able to pull away from YOU. Couldn't YOU PLEASE. PLEASE. Find just a little time each day to send me an email. Please."

"I'll find time tomorrow to go to the mall. Is the food court public enough for YOU? And I'll probably push the handle of my hairbrush inside my rose for YOU, so I'll smell myself on the handle when I brush my hair and be reminded of the humiliating things YOU make me do."

"Faye trying her best to be a good girl"

Marie finally replied. I was over the moon once again as I read her next email to me.

"Lovely Faye."

"Yes, slut. Hurt your breasts for me. That's nice. Five times may not be enough. Make them hurt. Do a little more. 6. I want you to spank your puss for me. Will you do that as well? And yes in the mall in the food court - try and cum. I love the thought of your hairbrush in there. Do it. There is so much I want you to do. Wait for me. I will tell you what to do."

Marie now knew she could exploit my devotion to her and longing to be her little plaything in ways that would hurt and humiliate me immensely. That evening, I ran home, stripped naked, and did everything she told me to do. I couldn't wait to tell her.

"Marie my domme lover,"

"i know YOU are busy with guests. i'm not trying to nag YOU. It's wonderful to read your emails and i hunger for them. Even when YOU want to hurt me, as it is obvious YOU do. i did as YOU told me. i stripped totally naked and used a metal spatula on my poor breasts. Yes, i swatted each one six times as YOU said to do. It HURTS, Marie. i can hardly type this it hurts so much. My breasts are bruised and my nipples feel like they have been bitten. i want to please YOU, but it hurts."

"i didn't know whether YOU wanted me to spank my puss with the spatula or my hand. So i did it with the spatula. i could only stand two swats. My labia are swollen, but i don't think i did too much damage. But my breasts really do hurt. I will put the hairbrush handle inside my rose at bed time. i don't think i could stand it now."

"YOU know i am doing my best to be a good girl. i think YOU just want to hurt me. i don't think YOU really care about anything but hurting me. i'll be a good girl for YOU, but i don't think i matter to YOU except as an object of torture and humiliation."

"faye hurting and crying."

Marie did not reply. She must have read my email and gloated over what a pathetic little slut I had become for her amusement. When no rely came, I wrote to her.


"As directed by YOU, i contrived to insert the handle of my hairbrush into my anus last night right before bedtime. i was already naked so i just squatted beside my bed and pushed the handle up inside me as far as it would go. My rose clinched, not wanting to be invaded. But i pushed against it and tried my best to relax. The pain of the handle going up inside me was a dull ache compounded by the scratchy feel of the brush bristles against the inside of my bottom along the crease. I stood up and made sure i could hold the hair brush inside me. i lay naked on my left side in bed and pulled the covers over me. The ache in my bottom slowly subsided, and i actually began to feel comforted by the handle stuck up inside me as i fell asleep. i never woke up once during the night and had one of the most peaceful sleeps i can remember."

"This morning when i woke up, i needed to pee and poo. So i pulled the handle out. i could smell my poo on the handle, and right at the very tip i saw just a tiny piece of my poo stuck to the handle. i had this sudden urge to kiss the tip of the handle, knowing that is what YOU would have told me to do. i held the tip up to my lips and kissed it, tasting the tiny piece of my poo, and catching it on my tongue and swallowing it. Was i a good girl?"

"faye, hopeful"

I was really sliding down the degradation ladder by then. My actions were just so sick and hungry for Marie's approval. But Marie just kept silent and let me beg her to make me climb down another rung on the ladder. I was becoming desperate. I thought Marie had become disgusted with my slutty humiliation and willingness to degrade myself totally for her. There was nothing but silence from Marie. Next morning, I sent another email to her from home that evening, hoping and longing for a reply.


"As directed by YOU, i began to get ready for my humiliation at the mall. i showered and then got out my long navy skirt and white silk blouse i usually wear to church. i turned the right hand pocket inside out and cut along the inner edge so i would be able to stick my right hand through it. My breasts were still sore from the punishment YOU ordered last night, so no bra. No panties, either. i put on the blouse and skirt and some plain brown sandals and then i drove right out to the mall that is near my house. i prayed no one i knew would be there as my nipples pressing against the blouse made it evident i wasn't wearing a bra. i parked close to the entrance and walked inside. i was embarrassed to know i was completely naked under my skirt and blouse and i hoped that didn't show on my face as i walked toward the food court. Shoppers were already there and in the halls and stores. i saw a group of about four young girls looking through the door of a clothing store, and i thought of what they would think of this grown woman walking around with nothing on underneath. That made me damp."

"I ordered a small Coke at the McD's in the food court and sat down at a table right in the middle. My left hand held the cup of Coke and my right hand stole into my pocket and then inside my skirt. i opened my legs as far as the long skirt would let me and began slowly to play with my damp pussy. As i masturbated for YOU several people passed by my table, but i don't think they noticed anything unusual. i just kept playing and getting wetter and wetter thinking about those young girls and what they might make me do to keep them quiet about my playing with my naked puss. After what seemed like a half-hour of this dreaming and playing, i could feel a cum building up. i looked around and there was no one close to me, so i started stroking faster and playing with my clit until i brought myself off."

"i guess I must have made some sort of noise because i saw a couple women sitting at a table across the food court suddenly turn to look at me. They had these little smirks on their faces, as if they knew what i had been doing. i was so embarrassed i immediately got up and walked back to my car, feeling a little squish of wet on my inner thighs as i walked out. No one stopped me and i didn't see any one i knew, thank God. i got in my car and, before starting it, i licked the fingers of my right hand and tasted myself. It was then that what i had done hit me, and i felt so humiliated that i had done something like that. Then i decided it was okay because YOU had told me to do it. As i write this all down, i realize how much has happened in the last couple days. YOU obviously have a powerful hold on me to make me do all these things. i don't know where it all will lead, but I remain faye, Marie's good girl."

Marie did not reply. I wanted to let her know just where I stood, what I needed, what she could do to me.

"YOU have had my complete honesty so far, and I will continue to be honest with YOU. I confess to some pretty sick fantasies involving what I dream a little girl would do to me to prove I was all hers. Pain figures into this very much. Pain and humiliation in front of her vicious little girl friends. She would make me tie twine around my breasts tight, until they turned purple. She would bite my nipples so hard I would be afraid they would be bitten off. She would fist my puss while making me beg her to do it harder. She would make me lick a large dog's pens and then beg her to let the dog penetrate me while she watched. Her little friends would command me to worship them. I know YOU will use all that against me, and I know I'll help YOU do it. I will do whatever pleases YOU. I will be completely yours and obedient and submissive. YOU have me where YOU want me. Please take me as I am. Faye pleading"

Marie finally replied in a way that I knew proved that she wanted me all to herself to play with and destroy. "My beautiful dirty filthy little slut. You should be naked kneeling and waiting for me to hurt your body - God I will torture you."

I knew she meant every word of it. I did not want her to punish me by hurting me (well, perhaps I did want it deep inside). So, next morning, I did as she had commended me. I reported to her later that day.


"After returning from the mall yesterday, i spent a quiet day at home puttering about doing simple, restful things. i was at peace in a way i hadn't felt in a while. i found it arousing to roam about or just sit quietly completely naked as if YOU wanted it that way and were watching. At bedtime, i squatted obediently by my bed and pushed the handle of my hair brush back into its accustomed place inside me and went to bed naked and contented. I awoke very early this morning and removed the hair brush, sniffing and licking as i did yesterday. How humiliating! How exciting! i showered and made ready to go to early church service in my usual white silk blouse and long navy skirt with the right hand pocket cut so i could get at my puss. No bra. No panties. i'm sitting here writing YOU before leaving for church, already excited about what i will do there. Marie, i love YOU. faye humble."

Re-reading this last email, I now realize I had fallen completely under Marie's spell. She had me dancing like a puppet to amuse her and make her damp between her thighs. I was such a pitiful little fool by then. But still no reply. Next morning, I tried once more.


"Before going to church I checked Nifty to see if YOU had posted the second Bee. And YOU had! it made me tingle to read it again and know YOU had put me into Bee's place. i'm going to church damp already and sick with humiliation and expectation. How wonderful!"

"faye in love"

Still no reply. I tried again.


"I just returned home from church. No. Church doesn't last that long, but some of my church friends insisted that i go with them to lunch afterwards, and i couldn't reasonably refuse. When i went into the sanctuary to sit down, several of my women friends wanted to say 'hello'. I was mortified with humiliation to think they might guess i was totally naked under my blouse and skirt. My nipples felt like they were going to pop through the silk material, and i could see their points pushing against the blouse. A couple of my friends looked at me queerly, as if they suspected something different about me. But no one said anything, thank God. I finally got to sit down at my normal place. i busied myself acting as if i was reading the program, but my mind was a thousand miles away."

"As service began, my right hand stole into my pocket and then through it so it rested just where my pubic hair begins. i slid my legs apart as far as the skirt would allow and began rubbing my lips that were already very sticky. When we were supposed to stand and sing, i drew my hand out of my pocket to hold the hymnal. Anyone holding that hymnal close to her face would have smelled my sex on it. During the message, i nearly brought myself to a cummy, but i was afraid i'd let some noise slip that would have given ne away. So i didn't. i was so humiliated to be unable not to go back to playing with my puss whenever the opportunity presented itself. By the end of service, i was a mess of unfulfilled need to cum."

"i was on my way out when two of my friends literally grabbed me by the arm and told me we were lunching together. Lunch was the last thing on my mind, but i couldn't get away from them without arousing their curiosity. So we went to a crowded restaurant full of the 'church crowd', and i ordered a gin and tonic to try to get my mind off my soaking puss. My friends must have thought me unusually quiet as i'm always so chatty around them. But i was too busy trying to calm down and not let on just how hungry and needy i was. By the time we had finished lunch and i had had another G&T, i was pretty much myself again, except for being scared they would figure something was amiss. Cathy drove us back to the church lot, and i practically raced to my car."

"After the others had left, i sat in the car with my hand in my pocket under my skirt and jilled myself to a really powerful cum. Then i drove hone to write it all down for YOU while it was fresh in my mind. i am sitting at my computer, totally naked, wishing i could get an email from YOU telling me what a good girl i had been for YOU."

"faye, sick with hunger to read YOUR latest email."

I'm certain when Marie read this email she smirked her most vicious smirk, knowing she had broken yet another hungry, desperate woman to sexual servitude to her whims. But she still would not reply to my emails. By the following Monday, I was frantic to hear from her.

I wrote. "Marie, i'm writing this from work. I had a difficult night last night, but one YOU would have enjoyed had YOU been watching me. At bedtime, I went to inserting the hair brush handle as before, but I just couldn't seem to relax into it as on previous nights. No matter how much I squatted and strained, my rose would not relax. I tickled and stroked, but still nothing. I coated the handle with lotion, and finally, with much pain, got it inside me. It hurt quite a bit, just when I thought I was getting used to it. I slept fitfully all might, always aware that something un-natural was inside me that hurt me. I was greatly relieved when I could take it out this morning, but shocked and embarrassed to discover my pus was soppy wet. I don't really want to admit to myself what that means about me. " "At work I'm sitting in my office with the door closed, my legs as wide as my dress will allow, fingering my soppy puss, dreaming of YOU and the things YOU would be making me do. Before getting down to work, I'll need to go to the ladies and wash my hands so I don't get any sticky on my work. Giggle. Faye happy and hungry."

Marie finally decided to let me know exactly what she thought of her new subbie slut.

"Oh i think I am getting the gist now of what you are about. You really are a naughty girl aren't you? And I thought you were so innocent. I think you should do some bad things for me. You put that brush up your rose so easily. It doesn't even hurt. Make it hurt for me. Then suck it."

"Today you must go back to that mall. Naked beneath your skirt again. In fact I want you to not wear any underwear - at least for a week. I actually don't want you to wear underwear ever again - but that can wait. I hope you don't wear a bra, I want people to see your hard nipples. And anything else that may reveal. You must let at least one person - a woman preferably - see your bare puss in the next 24 hours - not necessarily someone you know. Do it bad girl and tell me about it - or I will have to punish you."

So, now Marie wanted me to immerse myself even deeper into degradation. And, of course, I did exactly what she ordered. What choice did I have?

"Ms. Marie,"

"I'm SO glad to see YOUR email. I hope YOU got wet reading my adventures in obedience. l'm sitting here naked and I have just pushed the tip of my hairbrush against my rose. My rose doesn't want to relax no matter how I strain, pretending I have to poo. It hurts me trying to force it inside myself. I'll keep trying."

"No more underwear. I understand. I'll go back to the mall after work tomorrow wearing nothing underneath. My nipples press against my blouse, so anyone can guess I'm braless. I'll go to the ladies tomorrow at work and leave the stall door unlocked. Someone is bound to open the door and I'll let her see my puss."

Marie must have found my obedience exciting, and I could tell it in her next email.

"Darling Faye,"

"You are still being very good. Well done. I like you being naked. I would like to see you like that. I imagine you lying naked on a bed. I am sitting in in an easy chair, fully clothed, looking at you. You display yourself to me. You lay back and open your legs really wide. I stare hungrily at your puss. I love looking at it. I inspect every detail. Your wet slit. You hold the lips open for me so I can see your glistening clitoris. I lean forward and tickle it with the tip of my finger. You moan for me. You raise your hips, Then, you reach around and stretch your buttocks open so I can look at your anus. I like to see that as well. I relish the sight of you fully exposed like that. I touch you on your tight little rose. You squirm as I push my finger in. It is tight and resistant but I push hard until it slips neatly inside. I move my finger back and forth. I push it in deep then pull it all the way out. I move and climb onto the bed. I kneel astride you. I tell you to open your mouth. Obediently you part your lips. I put my finger in your mouth. You suck it greedily. I smile as I feel your tongue licking it clean. Ah, my gorgeous little slut. What else will you do for me? What else shall I do to you? Wet thinking of you."

Marie knew perfectly well I would do just as she says. I would humiliate myself for her. I would expose every erotic part and hidden charm for her amusement. She knew everything about me.

Marie continued, " I hope someone has stared at your erect nipples in the mall. I hope you have exposed your bare puss to some unsuspecting girl. I want you to masturbate in the mall again. To orgasm. I would also love it if you could somehow manage to push that hair brush handle into it's 'special' place while you are either in the mall or at work. Even if just for a short time. That thought makes me smile."

Marie was pushing me deeper and deeper into the well I myself have pushed so many others into. Poetic Justice, I guess.

I replied.

"Ms. Marie my Domme,"

"i'm so happy YOU think me YOUR good girl. i want to be that so badly. i want to please YOU. i would love to be naked and vulnerable before YOU. i would be so wet exhibiting myself so wantonly to YOU. i would feel so humiliated to be doing the things YOU demand, and so at peace. i love how YOU desire to break down my last barrier. i surrender my rose to YOU. YOU hurt me with YOUR insistent finger, but i thrust my hips up to YOU to indicate my surrender. i suck your offered fingers wantonly and joyously, proving my total capitulation to YOUR will."

"i shall take my hair brush to work and place the handle where it belongs during my trip to the ladies. Then i shall remove it, lick it, and await one of my female colleagues who will "catch" me, literally with my pants down, except i won't be wearing any pants. Giggle. i shall go home after work and change into my "mall clothes". Then i shall sit in the food court as before and jill myself to a sweet little cumcum while everyone around me goes their way unknowing of the humiliation i feel at doing it. i will do all this for YOU, because YOU tell me so. And much more besides,m if YOU will but tell me to."

"little girl faye longing to be Ms. Marie's good girl."

Marie did not reply right away, so I send her another email.

"Ms. Marie my Domme,"

"i am just sitting here at my computer, totally naked, reading and re-reading your emails. i know that if i don't get up and get ready for work, i'll be late. But i can't stop reading and fingering myself as i read. What have YOU done to me? i am so hungry to read YOUR words. i am so excited about doing YOUR bidding. i crave knowing what YOU would have me do to please YOU. i wish YOU would write me more and tell me more so i could do more to please YOU. i know YOU want to humiliate me, and i have agreed to be humiliated. i know YOU want to hurt me, and i have agreed to be hurt. i know YOU want to degrade me and debase me and perhaps even break me altogether. i burn to know how YOU want to do all that. My nipples are so stiff and my puss is a soppy mess. i'll have to wipe myself clean before putting on my dress for work or every woman at work will be able to smell me."

"i'l such a mess. Please tell me what to do."

"faye on her knees."

Still no reply from my cruel Marie. I try desperately once more.

"Marie my Domme,"

"i'm at work. i went to the ladies and locked myself into a stall so i wouldn't be interrupted when i placed the hair brush handle where it belongs. For some glorious reason, it went inside me easily and i let it stay for a minute or so while i squatted over the bowl. Then i pulled it out and licked it all over so that it was almost shiny with my saliva. i could taste my poo taste on it and it tasted wonderful. i put the hairbrush on the floor and raised the skirt of my dress till it was around my hips, then i sat down on the toilet and slid back as far as i could."

"i unlocked the door, leaving it closed, and spread my legs in wait for someone to "catch" me. i knew several of the women who work in my office usually make a trip to the ladies right after arriving at work. Sure enough, Jennifer came in and opened the door to my stall, thinking no one was inside. i could see the embarrassment on her face when she saw me sitting there, my legs wide apart and me leaned back on the toilet as far as i could go. i saw her expression change as she noted my puss all open, moist and visible. She stammered some sort of apology and closed the door quickly. But she didn't go into the next stall. She just stood there outside my stall. Thank God i had not peed, so i did pee and she could hear me. i hope that convinced her that nothing weird was going on."

"As for me, my puss was sticky, and it was everything i could do not to finger myself, being so humiliated for her to see me that way. i finished peeing, wiped myself, adjusted my clothes, picked up the hair brush, and opened the door. Jennifer was so apologetic about barging in on me, and i told her it was my fault for not locking the door. i scooted back to my office, closed the door, sat at my desk, and tried to stop my heart from racing. When i had calmed down, i began writing YOU this email. Am i still your good girl?"

"faye all excited"

That email finally got a response, thank God. But as you can see, not at all what I hungered for.

"My dear little Faye."

"I've written another little bit about Beatrice and her torment-filled life. Tell me what you think. I hope you like it."

So cold. So formal. So uncaring about all the humiliating, painful things I had done to please her. I was crushed, but I knew Marie expected some sort of reply.


"I liked it well enough, but was terribly hurt that You never responded to any of the flood of devoted, submissive emails I sent you that weekend. I surrendered totally, humiliated myself, did what You said, and confessed it all to You, and it was as if nothing had mattered to You at all."

"Faye crushed and degraded."

Cruel Marie let me sulk for a couple days. She knew she still had me all to herself, to treat in any humiliating any way she chose. She finally deigned to reply.

"I LOVE it; really LOVE it. What you did. Beautiful dirty girl. Thank you. I want you to do more; I just hope your next messages are similar."

Marie was playing me like a fish on a line. She knew that an email like that would have me crawling right back to her, begging for more. She knew I would lower myself till all my self-respect was gone just to get some kind of caring response from her. And she was correct. I completely fell apart.

"God, Marie. Tell me what You want. PLEASE!!!"

"I really, really hope you get this."

"lil faye crawling back to her Mistress"

And, of course, Marie tugged on the line once more and made the poor fish dance.

"This little vignette is beautiful. I love (again) what you did. The circumstances were particularly erotic."

I swooned at her sweet words. Then, she began her set of new demands.

"Would you do more of that for me? Masturbate all during the church service next Sunday? Would you finger your anus for me too in church? Would you suck the poop of your finger while in church? So naughty for Marie".

By now, Marie had no doubts that she could even make me do these kinds of horrid, disgusting, degrading things, even in church. I couldn't refuse her anything now.

"i shall do whatever You tell me. Next Sunday morning i shall do as You say and masturbate all during service. It will be difficult for me to finger my rose during service, but i shall try whenever we stand to sing. If i wear the skirt with the pocket hole, i will try, and if i do, i will suck my finger as ordered for You, my loving domme. i so want to be your good girl again."

"faye blushing and soppy."

I confirmed my surrender to Marie in my next email.

"Marie my Loving Domme,"

"i do give myself to You if You will have me. Except for my office, i will do as You say about what to wear. At home i will obey You in what i eat. i am naked right now for You. i am always naked at home for You unless i have company, which is seldom. My body i give to You freely so long as You don't make me do things with it that would ruin me. i will touch myself when and how You say at home and, if i can get away with it other places as well. i long to be commanded to use my body for Your amusement. i will cum when You say and only when You say. i know You will torment me, and humiliate me, and hurt me, and i know it makes You wet to do that, and i want to please You. You are already making me do humiliating things. So make me do more if it pleases You."

"faye yearning to serve."

Marie replied in ways that she knew would bind me to her more strongly than ever before.

"It is my pleasure to be your Domme. And will you really do 'whatever makes me happy'? Really? And of course I want and love you. So much. Looking forward to more of this. Isn't this wonderful?"

"All of this makes me wet, my dear. You have made some very appealing suggestions here. I love the idea of your humiliation using your own urine. Yes dear do; wash your hair in it. And your face. Keep a small glass. Write to me while your face and hair are still wet with your piss. Put the little glass of warm piss next to your keyboard, then, at some time during your message you must take a sip of it and hold it in your mouth. You must write then these words "my mouth is full of piss for you". Then, if you can, swallow. Tell me all about it. How it tastes; how you feel; if it excites you - being so dirty for me. Knowing it makes me wet I want you think about what you would do for me like that; how dirty you would be in private if I tell you to do some very naughty things. Tell me and I might just instruct you to be very naughty with your dirty bottom."

"As for that horrible spatula you whine about so much. Is it that terrible for you? You know I love to torture you. It makes me soaking when you hurt yourself for me. It is such a loving, generous gift you give me when you do it and I am so grateful; but I don't want you to hate me for it; I don't want to alienate you by insisting you do it. If you WANT to do it though; if you want to give me that gift then yes, do it. Use it on your body. Your breasts, thighs and buttocks. Make it hurt for me if you really want to. You must decide how severe it must be. Give me a detailed description of what you do, how it feels; if you cry and scream for me - and I will not be able to stop myself masturbating; cumming as I read it. If you do that then we can think of some other less extreme little punishments for you for the future."

What could I do but obey? I had no more choice in the matter at all.

"Marie my Love,"

"i shiver with joy that You like what i have suggested. i want to please You. i just got out of the bath after doing as You commanded. Before peeing i played with myself a lot to make my urine as acrid as possible. Then i peed into a plastic bowl and then poured out a glass "for later". Then i got into the tub and poured the contents of the bowl over my head. It got into my hair and my eyes and all over my face and neck, and my breasts, and my butt. It was very warm at first but cooled rapidly as i stood there thinking how sick it was to be doing all this. i so wanted to turn on the shower and wash myself clean. i smelled like a back alley or the basement of a parking garage early in the morning. But i knew that's how You wanted me to smell, so i just got out and went to my computer and sat down to write this email to You."

"i figured it was time to take my sip, and so i just did. It's so bitter and disgusting as i hold it inside my mouth as i write this down. i want to spit it out and wash my mouth out. But instead, i swallow and take another sip for You. This holds absolutely no sexual thrill for me whatsoever, and i'm only doing it because i know what it does to You."

"i know You want me to do some very sick, nasty things for your amusement. i might get wet knowing i was pleasing You by doing them, but i'm afraid of what You may eventually push me to do. i will tell You that i find more erotic stimulation in being forced by You to give myself pain, so long as it isn't too serious. And i know that you will use that knowledge against me. Won't You, lover? It makes me soaking wet when i hurt myself for You. Your torture is my punishment for being the dirty, sick slut i am and needing someone like You as much as i do. You know all you have to do is ask in that sweet, loving way of yours, and i'll hurt myself for You."

"i can barely write. i hurt so much right now. i used that vicious spatula on my poor breasts, five spanks each, right on the nipples. They are all red and puffy and i can barely stand it. God, the things You draw me into, Marie. Please wait a while before making me use it on my pussy. Please, lover, please."

"As a consolation, i stuck the spatula handle deep inside my puss and twisted it around inside me. That made me wet and i enjoyed it a lot. When i pulled it out, there was a little fluid on it so I licked it off. Your torment makes me taste wonderful. i know You have other ideas about how to hurt me, so just tell me now and don't make me be anxious as to how far You are willing to go to abuse me just to make yourself wet. i bet you share all these sick emails of mine with your other subbies so they can feel superior to me, knowing how much of a domme i was myself before meeting You."

"So proud of yourself for breaking me, aren't You. And i don't seem to be able to resist. i tried not to email You after You snubbed me. But i can't help myself any more."

"So just get on with it and tell me what torture to inflict on myself to make You happy."

"Nothing left but to obey."

"faye, broken and crying."

Marie's reply was cold and unfeeling.

"I suspect you know what I would like you to do. Violate your anus for me. Push that handle deep inside and work it around. Slowly pull it out and then put it in your mouth. Suck it clean. Then finger yourself there. Push you middle finger all the way in; try and put your index finger in at the same time. Stretch your sphincter for me. Make it hurt a little. Then take your fingers out and sniff them. Smear the residue on your lips and write to me with that taste lingering. Lick your lips clean while you write. It makes me wet thinking about it."

"Do you like to do this for me? To abase yourself like this?"

"Put a mirror on the floor. Crouch naked over it and spread your cheeks. Look at your anus and your cunt. Are you wet. Finger yourself. Both holes. Describe it to me. In extreme detail. Masturbate. Make yourself cum. Do it as soon as possible. Tell me everything. Tell me that you want more like this."

"Your soaking mistress Marie."

Now, every shred of my self-esteem and pride was gone. Marie had broken me totally. I was nothing but her sick toy.

"Marie my Domme,"

"i have recovered enough to continue with the torment You so love to give me. i have a hand mirror and i put it on the carpet near my computer. i squatted over it and spread the cheeks of my butt as You said. But i couldn't get much of a look at myself because of the angle at which i was standing. So i went into my bedroom and pulled my tall dresser mirror over to the bed. I lay on my bed with my feet pointed toward the mirror and spread my legs as wide as possible. I could see my puss with its little "landing strip" of pubic hair quite well in the mirror, but not my rose. So i turned over and got on my knees with my butt toward the mirror. i reached behind me and spread my butt cheeks, then looked back along my breasts and could see the little pucker very well."

"All that exertion did nothing to get me wet until i thought about how You were so interested in my rose. How silly and humiliated i must look with my butt stuck up in the air and my forehead pushed against the covers so i could see my rose As You commanded, i used my right thumb to press inside my puss and my index finger pressed against my bottom hole. So ridiculous and humiliating i looked to myself and felt. That's the way You wanted me to be, so that's the way i was."

"My thumb went inside me easily enough, but not very deep. My index finger pressed against my rose, but the sphincter closed tight and i couldn't push in. So i took my hand away, crawled to the edge of the bed, picked up my hairbrush from the bedside table and pushed the handle inside my anus. Surprisingly enough, the handle went in easily up to the brush. So there i was, kneeling on my bed with my butt in the air and the brush part sticking out of my bottom. i could feel the handle inside me, and it was very comforting, for some reason. Perhaps i'm getting used to it. My fingers were now free to play with my pussy and i imagined you sitting in a chair beside the bed saying all sorts of horrible, humiliating things to me and telling me to wiggle my butt like a good little sick slut. My pussy lips got moist doing all this, but i still couldn't bring myself to climax. i tried and tried, thinking all sorts of disgusting things You would make me do while you laughed at me and called me your slutty little tramp. But no cumming for me."

"After about fifteen minutes of this, my legs began to hurt and i just stopped. i pulled the handle out of my butt, licked it all over like the obedient little slut i have become, put it back on the night table, and wandered into my computer room to write this to You. And no, i don't want any more of this. It is disgusting and i get little sexual pleasure from it. i know You like me doing it, so i will if You say so, but it doesn't do anything for me sexually. i don't know whether that matters to You or not so long as You get Your way with me. How can You say You love me and still treat me this way?"

"faye going to bed."

I had reached what I thought was the bottom of the well. Marie had other ideas. Her syrupy commands drew me closer to the end.

"If you would be my good girl again. If you would give yourself to me again. Dear sweet Faye.'

I capitulated once again, of course. I wanted her love with all my heart. Hadn't I deserved some affection from her after all I had done to prove how much she meant to me?


"Am i your dear sweet faye? i did everything You told me to, even though it did little but disgust me and make me wonder whether You really cared for me. My breasts still ache from my slapping them with the spatula, and i guess i'm moist thinking of what else You might have in store by way of pain. i could be a good pain slut for You, i know i could. Perhaps that would make You happy and i wouldn't have to do all those sick things with my rose."


Marie was silent. She refused to email me. She knew that panicked me completely. I tried again.


"What did I write You that made You abandon me? What did I do wrong? I did everything You said to do last night. Everything. Even though it disgusted and humiliated, and hurt me, I did it to make You happy. Nothing from You this morning. Your silence is so painful to me. You know that, and still You do it to me. Please say something to me to let me know You are still there. I'm such a fool to let You use me this way. Such a slutty little fool."

"Please, please respond."

Still nothing.


"i now know what YOU want most is to torture me. That's what all your emails say. i'll let YOU torture me because i've fallen for YOU, and i don't see any other course of action for me. But i wish YOU loved me just a little and wanted to do more with me than just hurt me."


Still nothing.


"Still no word from You. I'm at work dizzy from not hearing from You. Perhaps if I told You what I would love to do. For You ,I might get You excited enough to email me. I'm completely naked crouching on the floor of my bedroom. You sit imperiously on my bed, holding the end of my pretty pink leash attached to my pretty pink dog collar. You pull me toward You as You open Your legs inviting me between your thighs. You pull me tight against your puss, grab my hair, and turn my face up to look up at You wide eyed and adoring. You spit in my face and smile as my tongue darts out to catch what I can. You push my head back down and I begin licking what You put before me. I lick and lick and I taste your flow. You laugh when it becomes apparent to me that you are on your period. You hold my head fast between your thighs and your finger nails dig into my scalp. I can't move away, so I just keep on licking the ferrous taste of You. I am disgusted and enraptured all at the same time. I can barely hear Your little moans of pleasure at what I'm doing, and I feel myself getting wet knowing how devoted to You I have become. You finally orgasm, and my mouth is flooded with your flow. "Swallow Me, slut is all You say, and I do my best. You hold my face so tightly against You as You rub your spasming pus up and down on my face till I'm covered with your scent. Then You calmly begin peeing and I form my thirsty lips into a kiss and gurgle happily as I drink You all up."

"But You still have more for me to do to get You ready for sleep. You raise up enough for me to turn around so my face is directly beneath your lovely bottom. You squat over me and I can see Your pucker open slightly, then more and more. I know what is expected of me and I kiss your rose with tremulous lips and await what You are preparing to make me consume. I hear a little contented grunt and I begin to feel the hot invasion of your poo as it pushes into my waiting mouth. I taste, I move my tongue out of the way to let more and more into my mouth. I cannot bring myself to chew, but only swallow what You give me. When You are empty, You raise up off my face, turn around so You can look into my eyes, order me to lick your residue off my lips. I pray You will want to kiss me good night, but instead You spit on my face, slap my cheeks several times, tell me I must do much better next time, and roll up in my covers. I am left with humiliating memories and an unrequited hunger to cum and cum."

"But You have ordered me not to masturbate even though it has been almost two weeks since You allowed me to cum while You took digitals of me writhing around showing my most intimate parts while two of your subbie women made degrading remarks about what a disgusting slut I was. And as You can tell, I am a worthless sluit to be writing all this just to make You moist."

"Are You wet enough now to write me?"


After sending Marie this email, there was nowhere further down the ladder for me to go. I had stepped off the lowest rung. But it seems that Marie, for whom I had offered everything, sacrificed everything, given everything, done everything, didn't want me any longer.

Here is her reply.

"Almost dear girl."

"You offer so much, then you complain so much."

"I wouldn't suggest such things to you if I didn't get the hint from you in the first place."

"I am grateful for your sacrifice; I really am. But I do doubt your sincerity. I feel you mock me."

"You are capricious. More even than me."

"I suspect you are not truly subservient. I do not want you to do these things if they truly offend you. Do not do those dirty things. You don't like it. Neither do I. It was just a test."

"I must think about this...."

And that was the last I heard from Marie. To her, all the sick things I had done for her were my own idea, not hers. She hadn't done anything but watch me and smirk. I still wasn't subservient enough for her, even after I had done things that would humiliate me for the rest of my life.

So all I have left now is the hope that some other, strong, domme will read this little sick confession of mine and decide that it might be erotic and dirty fun to see how much further into the well she could force me to go.

Please, please

This work is copyright (c) 2014 by Faye Duncan and Marie Brook. You may download and keep copies for your personal use as long as the authors' byline and e-mail address and this paragraph remain on the copies. Please do not post this story to any web site without permission from the authors. All other rights reserved. No alteration of the contents is permitted.

You can contact Faye Duncan at and Marie Brook at

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