How it happened!

By Jim Jim

Published on Apr 5, 2003



Finding a starting point is always a hard thing to do!

The year, 2003. The month, April. The day, the 4th. What a day! Back in 1977, in July, I was in the Boy Scouts and on a bus and train trip to the great camping grounds in New Mexico called Philmont! It was the greatest trip of my Boy Scout years! Why? Because of the awesome beauty and gradeur of the Sangre de Cristo mountains, and also this was where my fantasy began.

A fantasy that, 26 years later, finally came true!

This was no ordinary fantasy, it was one that, over the next few days, months and years would blossom and dwell in my head for a long time to come!

Can you imagine a fantasy that lasts 26 years!

We were on the bus, headed toward Cimarron, New Mexico. It was a very long bus ride from the train station where we got dropped off for the bus ride to Philmont. Most of the 15 of us slept or talked or read during the trip. However, after 15 boys ride a bus for too long, horniness had to set in.

I was sitting about 3/4 of the way toward the back of the bus and two of my friends were sitting directly in front of me. We sat there for a good 150 miles.

After nodding off for a while, I couldn't sleep any more and became aware of the other guys around me. Everyone was sleeping, except me, so I thought!

As I looked between the gap between the seats in front of me, I could see an arm, moving in a regular rythym, up and down, up and down. And it occurred to me that since I was seeing the arm moving that way, it had to be moving up and down on the person sitting next to them.

As I watched it became very obvious that my buddies were jacking off, or at least one of them was jacking the other. Sure enough, I peaked closer to the gap between the seats and I watched them switch to jack the other one off.

I was very horny at that point and I stood up real quick, hoping to get an eyefull. But all I got was a quick shuffle of hands and zippers, and a couple of buddies who looked shocked that I might have caught them. They weren't really sure! Just the same, I was horny as hell about then and I moved to the back of the bus in the very last seat and jacked off to the memory of what I thought I had seen! I needed to blow that load real bad!

The next two weeks were almost agonizing. I only knew these two guys a little bit, since I was from a different Boy Scout Troop than they were. But it seemed obvious to me that they liked hanging out together a whole lot!

They shared the same tent. They shared most things. And they especially seemed to share in conversations that they liked to keep only to themselves.

I tried, numerous times, to get near their tent at night to hear their conversations and to see if they were messing around again, but I just couldn't. For one, the Scoutmaster, the father of one of the other 15 scouts, had some very strict rules about bedtime, and there was just no getting away with anything. Plus, I was only 16 at the time and still not wise enough to think of other ways to broach the subject of what I saw them doing on the bus.

It wasn't until the bus ride home, that one of the two guys, I'll call him Mike, and his buddy is Roger, must have talked it over and decided to talk to me about that first bus trip. It was a real surprise when Mike brought it up, since I was still very interested in talking about it, and in doing a whole lot more. Especially for a 16 year old.

So, Mike started off by talking about old wives tales about how someone can tell when a guy has big dick. Yup, that exactly how it started. Mike said that it was the size of a guys feet that gave it away, and I came back with something I made up that suggested it was the combination of a guys middle finger and his little finger. It got a laugh out of him, even if it was corny. But, the ice was broken and the conversation came around to Mike saying that he knew that I had seen he and Roger jacking each others dicks and that when we got home and the opportunity was right we should all three get together. I was excited to be sure!

My best friend, I'll call him Mark, was the son of the Scoutmaster. He didn't seem to want to have much to do with these two guys. He often spoke of them in a weird kind of way without being very specific. I didn't think he knew anything about the kinds of things that they they did on the bus, but as of today, I am not so sure he wasn't also interested in what Mike and Roger were up to.

Mark and I had a whole lot in common. We shared countless things in common which seemed to intrigue both of us so much that we talked about almost everything! We never could talk about sex it seemed. I believe that was mostly due to his strict father.

Mark was expected to set the example all the time. He was expected to do everything the right way every time, the first time. I had been to his house numerous times which was always spotless from how hard his mom seemed to ride him about doing his chores, taking out the trash and putting his shoes in the right place. His own bedroom was incredibly clean and organized.

He and I both were on the road to getting our Eagle Scout awards, and we had a bit of a challenge going on between us to see who got it first. He did, of course, but I received mine as well a few months later. We rode our bikes to high school together and shared the same lockers for a couple of years. We always managed to stay friends. Our conversations never really were the deep dark secrets that some best friend share.

Back home, I eventually got together with Mike and Roger.

It started out first with me getting together with Mike at his house. His father was cool and let him borrow his Playboys and other magazines. I guess his mom didn't see to mind either.

We went to his room and read magazines and got horny. Eventually, Mike suggested that we show each other our dicks on the count of three, which we did. That was cool!

Mike has a dick that is a good 7", straight and thick. Mine is about 7 1/2", straight and average thickness, but that extra 1/2 seemed to intrigue Mike.

He talked me into letting him lick the underside of my dick under the guise that he was helping me out with getting off.

I didn't care, it was cool having Mike playing with my dick!

We eventually jacked off and we each came buckets, with me shooting a least two of my shots on the wall behind my head. Mike was impressed and so was I.

Mike and I got together a few more times to jack off and jack each other off. After about the third time, we started sucking each other off in a 69, while lying naked on his bed.

Eventually, we got together with Roger and had a cool three buddy jack off and triple suck session. I sucked Mike, who sucked Roger, who sucked me! It was awesome!

A few times after that first time, I came over to Rogers and we made our way up to his treehouse, which was nice sized, where we enjoyed enough privacy that we could drop our pants, jackoff and suck each other.

Roger and I later moved on to fucking, which was cool. Roger's dick is a good 7 1/2" also, but a bit thinner than mine, and it curved up to where he could actually lick the head of his dick if he wanted.

Once, while Roger and I were in the treehouse, we decided to fuck each other. I fucked him first, and came real hard. Next, I let him fuck me, which yielded a surprising event for me for the first time. I came a second time while he was fucking my butt. While he was fucking me, he noticed that I had come a second time which got him very interested and surprised at what had happened! So was I. This was long before I knew anything about a prostate!

Mike, Roger and I got together off and on until we all graduated from high school.

Mark and I stayed in touch more often, and made it a point to wish each other a happy birthday when our birthdays came around each year.

I joined the Air Force, and Mark decided to go to a trade school. Eventually, Mark made his living as a mechanic.

We became roommates around 1983 and that's when my fantasy started to get a whole lot bigger! You see, Mark is 6'5", and from the sounds he and his girlfriend made behind his bedroom door, he was hung like a horse!

She would moan and yell and beg him to fuck her silly, and it sounded like he did! She would say things like, "fuck me with your big fucking cock" and "ride me, ride me, ride me", "pound my pussy with your big dick". The diatribe seemed endless until they came.

What was particularly unbelieveable was that they knew I was still in the apartment when they would rush up the stairs and get crazy, so I guess they didn't mind if I listened in on them.

So, ever since living there, I've had this image in my head of my best friend with a fucking horsecock pounding away at his girlfriend.

That image never went away!

One afternoon, when his girlfriend wasn't around, Mark started to tell me about his adventures during his tradeschool years and how he partied a lot with the buddies he made in school.

During part of the conversation, he started to tell me about something he described as "really weird shit"! But, no matter how hard I tried, he refused to elaborate. He never did.

Jumping ahead to this year, about two months ago, I had gotten off work early, and decided to take a trip to one of the craziest adult bookstores around the area.

When I say crazy, I mean glory holes, lots of horny guys of all ages, and a staff that didn't care what went on in the place, as long as you kept feeding money into the movies!

As I was heading toward the movies, I rounded a corner and saw Mark! I couldn't believe it, Mark, was checking out the movies on the rack!

We came face to face, but as surprised as I was to see him, he was just as surprised because he looked past me, and I did the same.

I proceeded on to the movies.

After watching a few movies and jacking my dick for a while, I came back to find Mark looking at a different set of movies on the rack. Again, to avoid saying anything we looked past each other and I kept walking.

I went to a different part of the bookstore and stayed there for a while, reading magazines.

After about 20 minutes, I went back to the movie racks where Mark had been checking out the videos. Mark had already left the bookstore, but I checked out the movies he was browsing and noticed that he had been checking out the transvestite movies!

My brain wobbled a bit and I had to laugh to myself! My buddy Mark was into messing with other guys! This was 26 years after my first encounter with another guy, and 20 years after the image was created from what Mark's dick must have looked like after hearing he and his girlfriend back in the apartment.

My mind was going nuts trying to wonder what could ever come of this discovery. Should I call him to get together at his place some night when my wife would let me get away, and then bring up the subject or what? I was not sure how to go about this!

This evening, after getting off work, I again made my way to the bookstore. My expectations were to jackoff and go home! If I was lucky I would have gotten to jackoff with another guy and then go home!

I checked out the movies and jacked my dick for a while.

Eventually, I made my way to the other part of the bookstore where there were more movie booths and the glory holes.

As I walked toward the booths, I was checking the dudes inside each booth to see if there was anyone worth trying to jackoff with, which was not yielding any results.

As I got to the last booth, I looked around the corner and saw Mark, standing a bit sideways so he was able to see anyone who was trying to look into his booth.

I think he saw me, but I wasn't sure!

I quickly moved into the booth next to his, with the glory hole between us.

The excitement was incredible!

Was this going to be my chance to see the dick of my buddy of so many years and get to play with him like I've thought about for so long!

Yes, this was it!

He noticed me through the glory hole and waited for me to take out my dick! I hadn't gotten to see his yet! Holy shit, his finger came through the hole and he wanted me to stick my dick through!

Now I was nervous.

My cock was slow to respond and I had a bad feeling I was not going to get it hard fast enough!

I've never had any problem getting a roaring hardon anytime I wanted all these years, and I wasn't about to stop today! But I was nervous as hell because I couldn't believe this was happening!

I stuck my dick through the hole, he grabbed it, yes, grabbed it!

My head was spinning and I was getting rock hard!

I felt him play with it for only a couple seconds before he was down on my dick like a calf sucking his mommas utter!

It was at that point that I began to believe that he knew it was me! He sucked and sucked and sucked!

I had never before sensed such determination in any other guy who had sucked my dick! My wife never showed such determination!

He was going nuts sucking my cock!

After about a good two minutes of his sucking, I pulled out because I had to see him!

It was critical and I wasn't going to do anything else until I got to see his dick!

I got on my knees and stuck my finger through the hole to get him to put his dick through.

My nervousness was mounting!

He unzipped his pants, fished around and pulled it out! Very fucking nice! It was still relatively soft, but on its way to hard! As it got hard it turned into a cock about 8 1/2" long with a slight curve upward and a spear-like cock head that fit nicely in my mouth!

He put it through the hole, where I was prepared to do whatever I could to experience this fantasy come true!

As I sucked, his dick got so fucking hard, it was a diamond cutter in the most sincere of terms!

He was as turned on as I was, and I still wasn't positive he knew it was me sucking his dick, but I was hoping he did!

I sucked him for a good three minutes with every bit of energy I could find and he let me!

We traded blow jobs for at least 10 minutes or more.

More than once, he leaned down from where he was standing to look through the hole and watch me jacking my dick!

I didn't expect what happened next. He leaned down to the hole, motioned for me to listen and asked me "do you want to come in my mouth"! Holy shit!

I replied, "yes, and I want you to come in my mouth!"

His cock came back through the hole where I sucked as if my life depended on it! The more I sucked, the harder it got! I felt possessed to follow through with whatever happened!

After he pulled back, I again put my dick through the hole and he went back down on my for about the 4th time. This time he sucked with a vengence!

He wanted my cum and I was very ready to give it to him.

It kept running through my head..."This is Mark sucking my dick! Holy fucking shit!!! I can't believe this is happening!!" I shot my load and came so fucking hard and moaned so much that I thought my head was going to spin 360 degrees.

What a fucking rush!

Mark even made it obvious that he was swallowing my load from the sound coming from his throat!

My best friend, after all these years, sucked me off and now it's my turn to suck him off!

Usually, after cumming, I'm not nearly as interested in doing much of anything with the other dude, but this time was different.

Very different!

I was down on my knees to hold up my end of the deal.

He put his dick through the hole and I sucked him for all I was worth.

Once in a while, he would pump his dick through the hole as I held still, but he seemed to like my mouth pumping his cock better! My heart was racing and my head was buzzing!

He was going to cum in my mouth and I was going to swallow my buddies cum.

I was so determined not to stop, that it became obvious to him that I wanted his cum! I sucked and he pumped.

When his load came gushing, it was awesome and I could do nothing more that roll it around my mouth to taste how smooth and creamy his cum was. It was not bitter but had a slight sweet taste to it! I was so turned on, that all I could do was swallow and savor what went down my throat! "Fucking amazing" was all I was thinking at that moment!

We zipped up and caught our breath! I tried to make conversation with Mark, but he wasn't interested. As he left his booth, he saw me, so I now knew that he knew it was me the entire time because he didn't act shocked at all!

Too cool! But, he was in a hurry to get out of there! I followed him, but I tried to give him his space in case he was too freaked out over the whole thing to want to talk. We both went to our cars and left without saying a word to each other.

Now I am left with the awesome memory of what happened today, and with the agony of trying to decide whether I should give him a call next week to try and get together again! Most of all, I'm worried that he's feeling so guilty about what happened that he can't talk about it, which makes me want to help him! As of this writing, it's been about three hours since we got together. While I was driving home, I knew that I had to write the whole thing down just to relive it and get all the facts straight! Oh, who am I? You wouldn't believe me if I told you! Good Night!

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