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Everyday I receive emails from random guys. It doesn't matter if they find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Nifty. Just some words from them and I can tell.
Fags. Even worst. Fags that in "real life" feel the need to hide their true nature. It's sad, really. How they think it will make them happier to pretend they are straight. It's usually guys (if they can be called that) in high job positions; guys who are in charge of other people and have big responsibilities. These guys message me on a daily basis begging for some sort of relief.
I can't help it. They're like little helpless puppies. It must be hard having to pretend all the time to be something you're not. So yes, I can't help myself to help them. If they need an alpha, I'm here. Nature has given Me the responsibility as an alpha to have fags at my feet.
I look good, I'm smart and just perfect. Everyone is always looking at Me, I'm used to people asking Me to tell them what to do. It's natural. Some people are supposed to be in charge to have the world running. It's natural-selection's way of passing on the best genes.
Anyway, fags like this are always contacting Me because I give them a safe place. Somewhere were they can stop pretending, even for just some minutes. They can be themselves with me. They can be at their knees begging to kiss my feet. I even let some of them to pay for my shit or send me Amazon gift cards or whatever. I get it, they NEED it. They crave to serve and help someone better than them live a blissful life without worries. Anything they can do so that I'm more comfortable, they should and I let them do.
And it's not that I'm narcissistic. Yes I love myself but how couldn't I? I'm handsome, I'm smart, I'm hot as fuck. I've got money and I get my choice on girls. That's why I own several of you guys.
So, yes. I'm on the top of the food chain. It's difficult to be humble when you're literally always better than everyone around you.
Contact me at
Twitter is @Phill66748530