How I Subdued Duane

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 19, 2023


So, now you all know how my relationship with my duanebow started. I think many relationships are like long books, or symphonies, or other things: the beginnings are the most interesting part, because after that, you settle in for a long, comfortable slog that may be enjoyable but not exciting. And that's really how the two of us settled in for things for a long while. duane would come down most Friday afternoon/evenings after work. He had caught on - REAL quick - that the geeky nerd look was a real turn on for me, so he'd walk through that exit portal in a cardigan, a buttondown, his narrow legged pants, and his big nerdy glasses. It never failed, and it never fails, to arouse me. He knew it too. In time I realized what he realized early one: the color of the button down he was wearing determined what I'd do to him once we got back to my place: blue always suggested that I tie him to a chair, abuse his nipples and his ears, and then fuck him. White meant hogtieing, and yellow - well, he didn't wear the yellow one TO NYC all that often - that came during the weekend. The first time he did though, I remember walking up to him smiling and saying "You're already in Lantern mode, duane?" His response? Classic. He had thought about it: "What else are you gonna do to me Sinestro? Now blackmail? You already won." Yeah, that one got me REALLY hard and I think that duane's nipples were sore from my teeth for the whole weekend. Even though I DID chew them again, that first one.... We finished so late that we had to call in dinner rather than going out. The Central Park ducks began to recognize "the big tall guy," as one of the kids who was there nearly all the time referred to him. (I should say that duane was polite to children, but really didn't like him. It was surprising, because kids ADORED him. I, on the other hand, who love kids, always got the stinkeye from the babes). During the week, I'd stop and buy bread at different bakeries, making sure that it was stale enough for duane to take it to the lake. Our Saturday mornings developed into something like this: after a little morning foreplay, and breakfast (I had started buying grocery bakery products: I found out that duane liked the cheap, keep forever stuff from the supermarket better than freshly made croissants and such: sort of like enjoying Tang more than fresh squeezed. If you saw our cabinets and fridge, you'd laugh at the contradiction). We'd have our breakfast, and then go to the ducks, and then the carousel. (duane was quite bereft when, during the coldest months, the carousel closed down for business. Believe me, I spent more hours than I should have trying to find who was in charge of that, to see if they could get the thing opened for just one hour or something like that). Then back to the apartment for making love, or role playing, which sometimes combined. duane had begun to get very interested in sex toys. Now, I had a fairly large connection: dildos and vibrators in various sizes, different varieties of nipple clamps, and then more advanced stuff like ball spreaders, or an e stim box, different hoods, muzzles and gags, etc. I even had a humbler, which I used on him once and got my one and only refusal: "please don't use that on me ever again Sir" was what he said, flatly and plainly. He used a tone of voice he used rarely: I had only heard him use it when he was dealing with bureaucrats on the phone. It meant, essentially, that there was no discussion to be had: he had made his decision. So, while I COULD have pushed my DOM prerogatives, I thought this was a fight not worth pursuing: I could use one of the bigger dildos or vibrators, which he really seemed to love. His favorite though, is when I take the hitachi at a low speed, and rub it all over his balls, followed by me whispering "spread your legs, boy." He almost cries during that. His least favorite? (so of course I have to do it) . When I take that same hitachi and use it together with nipple clamps. He grits his teeth, squirms, and finally begs me to just stop it and fuck him hard. I always do. duane had also started buying toys for his own place, which was a big convenience for the times that I spent the weekend up there: now I didn't feel like a traveling construction worker! What was interesting, and charming, was that duane would NOT go into a "toy store" with me. He bought all of his stuff through the mail, but he was just too timid to go into a store. It was a shame: I wanted to outfit him with a leather thong, but they were expensive, and unless we could fit it to him, well.... (Maybe I'll make him do it now that we're together). Sundays? Well, it wasn't a complete Sunday for duane unless we went to that comic store downtown: "Magic Realm". He and Perry - the owner, who was always there, would get into some long, elaborate chats about heroes and plots and tv shows that I knew nothing about. I had heard, through the grapevine, that Perry had been in a relationship with a tax lawyer for well over 40 years, and that they lived comfortably. He kept the comic store because he loved it. He had been doing it when he met Nelson, and he planned to continue doing it. It was hard not to be jealous of him, because Perry was horribly charming, and duane was enchanted. He looked at him the way he looks at me (sometimes). I won't lie: it would give me a feeling of real power when I'd come up behind him, clamp a hand on duane's shoulder and say "whaddya say stud, time to go home?" and he'd answer with something like "Yes, of course Sir" and Perry would smile: he knew exactly what was going on. "Next week Duane?" He'd smile, and duane would answer "Perhaps." I would laugh. I said to him once "it's sort of like you each have a regular session with an escort." duane's answer was "well, people like you sometimes forget that a synonym for intercourse is 'talk.' " I tickled the shit out of him that afternoon before I fucked him, and put him on the train back home. He texted "I'm too sore to sit down," and I just texted back "people like you sometimes forget that a synonym for intercourse is 'fuck' ".

Now, during all of this, I was working on getting duane to move in with me. I know he missed being with me (just like I missed being with him). His emotional reason was "What about my ducks?" How could I answer that? Also, he had a very good, practical reason. He worked in a bookstore. What he made was enough to support himself where he lived. IF he could get a job in NYC, it probably wouldn't. I told him, of course, he wouldn't have to pay rent, but he'd give me a snort and say "I REFUSE to be a kept man." Once I told him that I was going to chain him to the bed and force him to live with me, and his response was "Well, that might be fun. That's not REALLY a kept man." Believe me, I thought about it. My patent was bringing in more money and my royalty checks continued. They were so large that, in theory, I could have stopped working but... my life was, and is, work and duane. Yeah, we went to an occasional movie, and I love opera, but duane was not really all that much into "high culture." If he had a three day weekend and he stayed with me, he was perfectly content to plop in front of the television set and watch soap operas all day long. If love is blind, lust is blinder.

So, as my Italian ancestors might have set "siamo alla frutta:" we're at the fruit - a very nice way of saying we were at impasse. Then, something happened that changed everything. I got a call one night from duane and he was really on the verge of hysterics. "Keith... Something TERRIBLE is happening. Magic Realm is closing!" "Huh, what?" I wasn't all that sure it was that terrible a thing, but for duane, this was not good. "The report... the report is that Perry's tired, and he doesn't have anyone to take over and Nelson wants to travel while they can, and...." "duane, I'm so sorry. Is there something I can do?" "I don't know... " He was sobbing a little. "Can I maybe come down early this week? I just... I need someone to hold me and... I want to see the place. I want to talk to Perry while I can." Now, my wicked libido DID rear its head, but I'm also smart enough to know that this was something where a less lascivious approach was needed. "Of course you can. Tell me when you want to come." "I'm packed. I can get the late train." "HUH? That'll get you here after midnight." He huffed a sigh "Ok, never mind. Sorry to bother you." "NO! I didn't say you couldn't. I just wasn't sure you knew how late it was." "I know. I know. " I had about 90 minutes. "Get to the train. I'll meet you." "Thank you. Thank you. I'll... I'll make it worth your while." I laughed. "Yeah, you will. Just not tonight." Ninety minutes. That gave me some time to check on some websites. Yes, what duane told me was true. What he DIDN'T tell me was that Perry WAS looking for a buyer. I saw the estimates for what the business was worth. "Bye, royalties," I said to myself.

"duane, did you cry all the way down?" "Just some. I ate dinner too." "What was dinner?" "Oreos. And chocolate milk" (duane's favorite beverages are chocolate milk and orange soda, though not together, thank God). I sighed. "I can't, Keith. I can't. I needed sugar." I growled and put him in a headlock. "Boy, you're gonna have to start eating better. But now, we're gonna get home and you're gonna get some sleep." "Sleep? You don't want... you don't want me to suck you or something?" "Yeah, I do. But you need sleep more." And he did. I got him out of his clothes and under the covers. He slept curled up into me. That sleeping face. OH, it was so cute. I was gonna let him sleep the next morning but... that night.. Heh heh, the fun was gonna begin.

He called me about six times at work that day. I wasn't in the office for two of them. I had the assistant tell him I was "at offsite meetings. " I was in fact downtown, talking to my attorney first, and then to Perry at Magic Realm. When I got home that night, duane had recovered somewhat, and he was .. in subdued Lantern yellow. My cock immediately got hard. I smiled. "Well, looks like even spiderman couldn't escape my little prison. Now get in the torture chair. "SINESTRO, YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS." (he had no idea). He sat and I tied him up. Then I roughly shoved his legs apart, and snickered as I pushed my knee into his crotch. "Lantern, Lantern, Lantern. If you'd let me, I could be SO good to you. But you resist. You resist every inch of the way and..." I began opening his shirt. "You make me make you surrender. Every single time." "THERE'S NOTHING YOU COULD DO THAT WOULD BE GOOD TO ME." I smiled bigger, and pulled out a bandana, and gagged him. "Think so Lantern? Well, I have something to show you. " I reached into a folder in my briefcase. I showed him a document. "Know what this is? This is a letter of intent. From Perry at Magic Realm. To sell me the business. But you see, the thing is... I need someone to work it. To make it... flourish. And it's gonna be you." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." I could see that duane was confused. I wanted to keep the gag on, but I removed it. "What in blazes are you talking about, Keith?" "I'm gonna leave you tied up because seeing you tied up makes me happy, stud. And if you'll just admit it, it makes you happy too." "I'M NOT ADMITTING ANYTHING." "Really? How about admitting you wanna keep Magic Realm open." "Well, DUH, it's just the greatest store in the world. But I don't know how to run a big outfit like that." "You'll learn. The way you learned Russian. Practice. Mistakes. And you'll get better." He pulled at the ropes. "What if I say no?" "Then I'll tear up the letter of intent, and tell Perry I'm backing out." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. DON'T DO THAT." He sagged in the chair. "I guess. I guess this means you'll get your way. I'll have to move in with you." "Well, yes, you will. But we're gonna keep your place. It'll be our country getaway." duane looked at me. "We can do that?" "We can do whatever we want. BUT...." I began walking around him. "There's a price to pay, and it's high. I rested one hand on one of his shoulders, and began rubbing his ear lobe with my other hand. "What happens during work, I have nothing to do with. But once you walk in this apartment, I'm in charge. You bottom for me, and you'll continue to do that, but... you're gonna be WAY more of a sub than you are. " "I'M NOT A SUB." he protested. "Then you'll be one. That's the deal." I whispered. "You'll get my cock every night. And I'll get your sweet ass. That's the first part of the deal. If you accept, then we go forward with the contract." I was making it unfair. I rested my chin on his neck. I rubbed it every so slightly. He moaned. "I .. I accept your terms. Sir. You win." I kissed his ear. "No, we both win. Now I'm gonna untie your ropes, and I want you buck naked and on our bed, in no more than 5 minutes." "Yes sir. Are you Sir or are you Sinestro." It was a fair question. "I'm Sir. We can play at the superhero thing but this is a real thing duane. I'm Sir all the time from now on." "I understand Sir." "When you're on the bed, tie down one of your wrists. Face up." "yes sir." When I went in, I secured his other wrist. I was glad to see I wasn't the only one in the room who was screaming horny. I shucked my clothes and climbed on top of duane. "You know how much I wanted this, sweet stuff?" I kissed him. "I think so, Sir. I think I wanted it as much." "Heh heh. You played hard to get." "The ducks Sir. They'll forget me." "No they won't. You'll see them plenty. I'll make sure of that. So will you . But for now, what you're gonna see is this... and you're gonna get it nice and wet for me to fuck you." "Yes sir. I understand." He clearly did. duane outdid himself in teasing my cock that night, holding it in his mouth, taking it all and sliding his lips back, running that wicked tongue over the tip, and licking my balls when my cock popped out. "Good boy. Who's my good sub?" "I am Sir." "That's right. My good bottom too. My bottom who needs... COCK" I grabbed his ankles and I pushed those long legs back so far that his crack opened even more. I RAMMED my dick in. "OH SHIT SIR THIS IS THE ROUGHEST. DON'T STOP. PLEASE SIR DON'T STOP." I had no intention. I wanted this to last as long as it could. I believed, at that time, it might be the best sex we would ever have (I was wrong), and I just wanted to kiss every area of the man's body. It was that night that I learned duane is a pit pig too. I shoved my arm over his mouth and ordered him to LICK IT and he did. And he moaned while he did. "GOD it feels like you. It SMELLS like you SIR. OH GOD, it makes me so HOT. SO HARD. " Then he did something for the first time. "May I cum Sir? Please?" I didn't have to tell him. Subs get permission. He had it. I was so close that I just let loose and - this IS the only time we came simultaneously, but we did. It was glorious. I was laughing as I fell on top of him. "If I had known all I had to do was buy a business to make you my bitch, I woulda done it long ago." "Shoulda asked, Sir," was what he said, before we fell asleep. After about an hour I woke up and untied him.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx So, the business aspects aren't important, but we closed on the property that week. Given my relationship with duane, I'm the owner. He works for me. I could, in theory , throw him out of the place any time. But after this long, I don't think I will. If anything, I'm thinking of signing the business over to him. I'm not worried about him leaving me. I suggested to him that he should close the store one day a week because the heaviest trade was the weekends. He agreed. So on Monday, when the store is closed, duane goes up and visits his ducks. During the week, before he heads downtown, he goes and visits the Central Park ducks. "My two big families" he says of them. "And then, my big DOM" he says of me. He loves being "the comic book man" and when he sees a story in one of the comics that he wants to act out, well.. I've never said no. duane is a great lover, but he comes alive when he's doing a superhero roleplay. And if we go dry on story lines, I come up with my own. Remember at the start of the story where I told you about duane's "current position," and what was going to happen? Well, you're going to have to excuse me now. See, recalling all of this has made me REALLY REALLY feel like I need to seriously dominate that man. And I'm going to. Come downtown and visit Magic Realm. You'll probably meet duane. He's beginning to gray a little, so he's easy to distinguish from the younger comic geeks he hired to help him. I may be there too. I don't work THAT far away and there are times during the day when a man just needs relief. And those lips. Farewell all. May all your fantasies come true.

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