How I Subdued Duane

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 14, 2023


So, it was against my better judgement that I agreed to go and visit duane at his place. Let me explain: the great outdoors and I don't get along, to begin with it. Remember in that old TV show when the socialite says "I get allergic smelling hay?" That's me. Up and down. 100%. I became a scientist in part because it meant I could get out of gym class (of course, when I realized I was a GAY scientist, that went out the window, but that's another story). I consider "camping out" meaning we dress up in gaudy clothes, and in a line from another old TV show, when I'm in the fresh air too long, "I burst out in health." Plain and simple, it isn't my "milieu" to use a word that I use a lot, especially when I want to torture duane. (He says that, when he was studying Russian and the characters in the novels switched to French, 'milieu' came up a lot and it drove him crazy. He spent so much time pronouncing words with no vowels that 'milieu' was almost unpleasant). There was another reason, though, and it was much more philosophical, and more basic to the kind of relationship I wanted with duane: I was the Boss. I was the DOM, I was the Top. I decided what we did and where we stayed: not him. I wanted duane, and I wanted him as my sub. We were getting there, but I was thinking that things could, shall we say, regress, if I weren't careful about this trip.

I mean, I COULD have said I changed my mind, and he should get his ass down to the city. The way I thought about it, we weren't far enough along for me to do that. So I'd go up to his place, and I'd have to establish that, wherever we were, I was in charge.

I got a call from duane later that week that could have made things more difficult, but as you'll see, without knowing it, he made it much more easy than I thought. I saw his number come up on the phone and when I picked up, I said "I presume your hands haven't touched your cock this week other than to wash it?" There was silence for a minute, then he responded with

"Well, no, but 'hello' is much more traditional." Okay, he was giving me too much leeway "So is missionary sex between a man and woman, which isn't us." I paused "And country boys aren't supposed to like tongues up their asses." Further on, duane told me that dealing with my forthrightness had been "challenging." He doesn't say it still is, but I know he struggles with it every day. Good! The more I make him struggle the better. "So... I just wanted to make sure you're still coming up this weekend. " "Oh, I wouldn't miss it. I just have to pack some toys because I'm sure you don't have any." "Uh, yeah, about that. I wanted to ask for a favor. Can I be myself on Friday, you be yourself and on Saturday we switch to Lantern and Sinestro? Not 100%?" Hmmm. I wondered what was going on, I mean, I had done the Lantern thing because of duane's interest in the whole defeated superhero thing. Was I moving too fast or... what? I had no idea (and honestly, to this day, I don't. ). So, anyhow, I agreed to the split of Friday and Saturday. I even said to him "you know if you don't want to do it at all, we don't have to," and his response was vehement. "NO NO. I want to do it on Saturday. I like it. I just... want something different on Friday" I rolled with it and asked "what about Sunday before I have to leave?" I heard the teasing in his voice: "we'll just have to see what happens on Sunday."

The train ride up to duane's town took a little more than an hour. I had taken the non rush hour train and avoided commuters, so I was able to get a seat, right by a window. Since the train ran right along the Hudson River, I got a look at the beautiful scenery, the sun setting, all that stuff. I remember thinking "Yeah, I could see why he lives up here," but... it wasn't changing my mind. There was one thing that COULD change my mind, and that one "thing" was the man who was standing at the exit of the train track, hands thrust into jeans pockets, a blue baseball jacket over his white shirt with blue stripes, and his big smile. I thought of the toys I had packed, and the yellow shirt in a smaller size than the first one. "You made it." I felt my dick getting harder. "Can I kiss you here?" "You better," he said, and I did. He wasn't opening his lips though, so it was what I guess you'd call a "chaste kiss." Then he took my bag in one hand, threw his other arm over my shoulder, and asked about the trip. I told him and asked "Do you have anything planned for tonight?" and he smiled what I've come to call his "Mona Lisa" smile. "Oh, maybe. " Then he told me that the pickings for eating out in this town were slim, so he hoped I wouldn't mind his cooking. "You know, I could always go in and do the cooking. You know I like it." He smiled. "Let's figure that out when we get to my place. As he drove, I put my hand on his right thigh. "I missed not having you in bed," I told him, and he smiled. "Well, I hope you're planning to sleep in mine with me," and squeezed my hand. He pointed out various points of interest, and I asked where his ducks were. "Right across the street from my apartment. You'll see, city boy." It took about twenty minutes to get to his place, and it was beginning to get dark. When we got out of the car, I saw: yes, you did have to cross the road, but not too many cars came down it. There was a body of water: a small lake maybe? , right across from his house. Yes, I saw the ducks and they saw us. The noise was, let's say, unnerving. "Do they make noise when you're violated?" I teased "I don't know. I've never been violated here" "Well, that's gonna change this weekend." "Then we'll find out together. "

duane's place looked like a gay bachelor pad: it didn't smell of gym clothes, but there WAS a heaping laundry basket, there were books opened everywhere, and it could have used a good going over by a housekeeper. I KNEW I wasn't going to talk him into getting one, so I said nothing. I brought my stuff into the bedroom, and put it down. I was in the process of turning around when I felt duane's arms come around me in what I guess was supposed to be a bear hug. I felt him up against me and I knew: I wasn't the ONLY person who was horny. If his cock didn't tell me that, his fast, deep breathing as he moved his mouth over my ear did. "The stinker is trying to flip me!" I thought. I moved my hands up to his wrists and opened the hold. It wasn't hard. "Oh no you don't, muffin. No you don't. A week away and you forgot who does what to whom?" I grinned as I pushed his wrists behind him. I could see the frustration in his face: years ago I had seen a young male giraffe trying to take a full female in heat, and I thought of that. But I smiled. "You know what you really want, so stop struggling." He didn't and I pushed him back on his bed. He tried to scramble his way back up, but I pinned him down and smiled again. "Now, you're gonna give me a REAL kiss. A REAL kiss." "NO IM NOT. YOU DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO," and as he squirmed, he gave me a spot on his neck. It was late in the day. I started showing five o'clock shadow at 10 in the morning. I began to scruff him gently, and I whispered "I'm gonna take what I want" I could hear him gasping as my teeth took the lobe of his ear and began to chew. "You forget who tops , duanebow?" I whispered. "I guess it's you." "Darn right. " I pinned his wrists down with one hand and went to his navel with the other. "HEY. NO. THAT's..." "I learned that before you were Lantern duane. Don't fight it. Now.. Kiss me." He turned his head and gave me access. I released his wrists and he didn't fight, he just wrapped around me. "You need a good fucking to remind you, don't you?" "Yes sir. Yes. I do." I fumbled at his belt and got his pants down. "Put your glasses on the bedside" I ordered him as I stripped down. "Top men don't get their pussies eaten. You a top man?" I was running a finger around his hole. He was moaning. "NO. NO SIR. Not to you." "Not to ME? You screwing someone else?" I grabbed his balls and he winced. "No Sir. Not anymore. Not anymore. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" I had begun getting my tongue into him and that was making him somewhat delirious. I could tell by the hard on: he had kept his promise. But he had taken the yellow cockring off. We'd address that on Saturday. For now, though, he was getting sausage as an appetizer to dinner." I spread his legs as far as I could and started pushing in. "OH GOD KEITH I MISSED THIS" he yelled, as I drove in further. I SWEAR I had an extra inch and a half that night (duane thought so too), because he was not just moaning in pleasure: there was some pain, and when I pulled back he whispered "No, please don't stop. Please. Just... JUST FUCK ME SIR" I did not say "your wish is my command," but I DID leave him pretty sore. As I increased the speed, I told him "I oughtta NOT let you cum for that stunt. Next time, I won't." I saw him smile. He's devious sometimes. "Start jerking. I want this DONE so I can make dinner. " I plowed him that night. I don't know what it was: the week away, the outfit he was wearing, his voice, SOMETHING. And I say that as someone who usually has difficulty being a good sex partner away from my bed. Let me tell you: I surpassed myself that night. If duane didn't know who was the Top after the screwing he took, then I don't know what would convince him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he yelled as I shot into him. I tried not to laugh when the noise from the duck pond got louder, but it was hard. Then he shot . And he screamed again. This time, the noise from the pond was SO loud, we both started laughing. As I lay on top of him, I kissed his face and said "I guess they're warning people that you're being violated." "Tell them to stop," was his answer. He told me I fell asleep after that, for about twenty minutes. I woke up with a sense of purpose - and an empty stomach. "Let me see whatcha got in the kitchen." It was not great, but we made do. Then television, duane sprawled out on the couch, his head on my stomach and crotch, as I teased him by opening up his shirt buttons, and stroking his chest, which made him try to close them again. Eventually, he gave up and I just played in his soft body hair. I'm glad I never shaved it. I LIKE shaving my subs, but duane is so... well, everything seems to be there for a reason, and I think his body hair is one of the things that drives me crazy.

duane isn't heavy and he was even thinner during the time I'm writing about, but his body gives off a remarkable amount of heat. Here, where we live now, that means I wind up holding him gingerly, or sweating a LOT during the night, but I was really REALLY glad for "my big tall hot box" that weekend. The temperature was beginning to turn - we were all wearing sweaters and light jackets - and at night up in his neck of the woods, it was a lot colder. I kept on nuzzling in closer, both so that I could rub my dick up against his ass and to keep warm. During that night, something happened that I wasn't ready for. duane doesn't usually talk in his sleep, but that not, he kept on repeating "I said NO Stefan. Go away" He must have thought I was this "Stefan," because he was fighting against my arms around him and he was fighting hard. At one point, he was really going at it, and I dropped my leg over his like I did that first time, and I calmed him down but it took some doing. He may have cried a little during that nightmare, but I wasn't sure. "duane, who's Stefan?" I asked at breakfast the next morning: tea and cupcakes for him, black coffee and oatmeal for me. I saw his face turn. "How do you know about Stefan?" he looked scared. "Are you spying on me?" "NO. You were talking about him in your sleep last night and... don't worry, I shouldn't have mentioned it." I got up to get more coffee, and I didn't look at him. He spoke while my back was still turned. "Stefan was my boyfriend before you. We were still sorta seeing each other but... I promised I'd be monogamous to you so, I told him it was over." He didn't seem happy. I pulled a chair over to him. "Thank you. That was none of my business but..." "No, no. It IS your business... I topped Stefan. He's a little twink thing. I did some of the stuff you do to me to him." "Do you still want that, duane?" I thought I was going to get a simple answer. I didn't. "I don't know. With you, I don't. I don't want it at all. I want you in charge, but..." "But?" When he spoke, it was like something had been ripped out of him. "I don't know if I want to give up topping completely and... and with you , I'd have to. Unless I slept with other guys too." "WHOA. You've put me in a very weird spot, duanebow," I said. "Now I have to digest this. " I sighed. "Can we have our regular weekend and then talk about this again after I've had some time." "I guess...." which is duanespeak for "I don't want to but...." "How about you show me the ducks? And then... Lantern, you're gonna pay." I think we spent an hour with those damn ducks. They DID know duane, and they liked him. They sort of fought for his attention, a few at a time, while the other ones pecked at my shoes, my pants. "They like you. They're trying to groom you. Get your loose feathers out," he said as one of them took a significant bite to my calf. "GEEZ. This is what they do when they LIKE you. What if they DON'T like you?" He laughed. "I saw them beat the crap out of a German Shephard once. Not one on one, like the geese do, but... they took him on in a group. He went running. " "He went running." I began to wonder if I should do the same thing. Did I have a bottom who was a potential sub, or someone "just exploring?" I had had those before. Never again. Two of them came close to breaking my heart. I had had enough of Donald and his family beating up on me, so I went off to a rock to just think. It was cold but, that's what was available. I must have been really lost in thought, because I didn't even know duane was on the rock next to me. He put his arm around my shoulders. At first he didn't say a word, then he said one: "Hello." That sexy voice. That sexy voice that could undo me, wasn't. I patted him on the thigh. "You were planning to see Stefan this weekend, weren't you?" He looked away from me. "I forgot about it. I had told him we could go out on Saturday and he could spend the night. When I realized my miscue, I called him. He wasn't happy. Of course he knew I was seeing someone else." "I could go back home if you like." (I would come to learn that duane hated to make decisions like that). He answered "I don't know. I mean, I want you to stay but.. if I had just found out what you did, I'd have a problem with it." I gritted my teeth. "I JUST WISH YOU HAD TOLD ME EVERYTHING DUANE. " He looked further away, and I could see his posse waddling toward him. "Me too. I thought it was just gonna be a one night thing and I wouldn't feel anything for you." He turned and looked at me. "But I do. Way more than I feel for Stefan, but I still feel for Stefan." I shrugged my shoulders. "You're gonna have to decide." We were both silent for a little while. Then he said "can I decide after we have a Lantern Saturday?" I was hesitant but I have to be honest: the possibility of having duane tied up, and tormenting him was more tempting than I could handle. I looked at him: "We're back to the house. I want you stripped down to your jeans."

An hour later, I had "Lantern" shirtless, with his hands tied behind his back in a chair. He was struggling against the ropes. "HOW DID YOU FIND ME SINESTRO?" I laughed. "You should have done more with that cockring, Lantern. When the signal died, I knew. I knew you had found a way to get it off you. How did you?" "You'll never get that information!" He spat out, and then I showed him my "implements of persuasion:" the clamps. The vibrator. "Last chance Lantern." I ran one finger from duane's Adam's apple, down to his navel. I twirled my finger in it and he squirmed. "IF I EVER FIND OUT WHO TOLD YOU ABOUT THAT..." "Tell you what, handsome. Tell me who took the ring off your cock, and I'll tell you who told me about your navel." He tightened his lips. "You know, that's a great idea. Using the toys while you're gagged. Any tape around here. AH." I pulled out a roll of yellow duct tape. I cut a very square piece of it off, and put it over duane's mouth. "Now, let's get you softened up." He tried to push his legs together because he knew where the vibrator was going, but I got it in and under his balls. I put it on a mediums speed, and I saw it have an effect right away. duane began to moan and to squirm. Then the clamps. "You have such pretty nipples. I guess it's time to find out how sensitive they are. He shook his head frantically NO, and I just laughed. "You thought you'd escape me, Lantern, you were WRONG." I closed them on his nips and he let out a scream that would have brought those damn ducks into the house if he weren't gagged. "And... I can still do things like this... " I began circling his navel. duane tried to suck in his gut but he was helpless. I smiled. "You gonna put on the ring again?" He shook his head no. I turned the screws on the clamps and then I turned the vibrator up one speed. His eyes bugged out. When I pulled the chain on the clamps, he screamed. "HA HA. Wanna see what that's doing to me, Lantern?" I opened my pants and showed him my hard on. "THIS. This is going right up your ass. And the longer I torture you, the harder it's gonna get. You gonna put the ring on?" The "no" was less vehement, so... I tightened the screws again, and turned up the vibrator another notch. "PLSSSSSSSSSSSSS. PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS IGVVVVVVVVVV I GVVVVVVVVVV" I heard him trying to get out. "Hmmm. I'm not sure I'm hearing you, Lantern. If I take off the gag, am I going to hear you say "I submit?" He hesitated, before there was a mild shake of his head "yes." I pulled it off "So? Let me hear it." "I submit. I SUBMIT I SUBMIT. I SUBMIT TO YOU. YOU WIN. YOU WIN." "You know what that means, don't you?" "YES SIR. YES I DO. YOU'RE GONNA TAKE MY ASS. TAKE IT. I GIVE I GIVE." Slowly, I brought down the vibrator and removed it. Then I took off the clamps. He breathed a big sigh. I pulled him out of the chair and pushed him toward the bedroom. After I cut the ropes on his wrists, I ordered him to strip, and he did. duane's cock was hard again too. I tossed him a yellow cockring: one that was SMALLER than the last one. "PUT IT ON. Show your submission by doing it yourself." "yes sir," he said meekly. "you win." He tightened the ring. "NOW GET ON YOUR BELLY. I'm gonna FUCK you like the dog you are." I think I've written that I LOVE taking duane from behind. With all that hair, it's so easy to pull his head back and REALLY show who's in charge. He was whimpering as I slapped my cock over his ass. "Defeated AGAIN, Lantern. Maybe THIS time, you'll recognize that you're my conquest." As I said that, the thought of Stefan went through my head, and I didn't so much fuck duane as massacre him. I wasn't patient, I wasn't gentle. I was "all in" all at once. "OH FUCK" came out of the mouth of the man who doesn't curse. "OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK YOU'RE HUGE SIR." I was. I was quite engorged, and quite horny. "Are you my BITCH?" I whispered into his ear. "Yes sir . Yes. I'm your bitch. Your fucking bottom bitch. TAKE ME." I began to get into a rhythm of pushing back and forth. I was fucking him even harder than the night before, and he was pushing his ass up. I SMACKED it. "DID I SAY YOU COULD PLEASURE YOURSELF, BOY?" "No Sir. You didn't. " "STAY FLAT ON THE BED. DON'T GIVE ME REASON TO GET THE BELT." "yes sir. yes sir." I have to admit: I didn't think he'd take as much of me for as long as he did, but if I left him sore on Friday, well Saturday.... " (I still get horny when I think of that fuck and how I yelled when I climaxed). THE HELL WITH THE DUCKS THE HELL WITH EVERYTHING . DUANE IS MY BITCH." I was surprised. He answered , in a very weak voice. "The hell with stefan Sir. He's done. He's gone. " Then he broke into full tears. "Do you mean that baby?" Now I was tender. "Yes sir. Yes. I do. I do. I can't say what would happen if you weren't here, but.. you are. I want you. PLEASE. Don't go. PLEASE." Sometimes, duane has a good sense of perception. Clearly, he knew I was thinking about it. Yeah, it would have been difficult, but there ARE car services in his area and it wouldn't have been the first time I spent in a train station waiting for hours (another story). I looked at him. "If you mean that, go into my bag. Pull out the shirt. Put it on after you get cleaned up." When he got out of the bed, and after he had showered, he did take it out. "Sir, you already gave me a yellow shirt." I looked at him. "Ok. I'll put it on." That's when he realized how snug it was. I wrote that he's thin, but this shirt made him look nice and plump: like a sausage, it was that tight. "THAT, duanebow, is your new sub shirt. You wear that when we go out. So EVERYBODY knows just what you are. And what I am. CLEAR?" "yes sir," he sighed. "We're going to find a restaurant. We're celebrating tonight. Because.... I went up to him. I whispered "who's Stefan?" "I don't know Sir. As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't exist." I won. Yes, I did. I had my duane. He hated that shirt. He hated the way it made him look. And he wore it at least once every time we were together.

Folks, we're probably going to bid farewell to duane and Keith with the next chapter so, I hope you've enjoyed this "Short ride on a Fast Machine." Come on back for installment 6 where I'll wrap everything up.

Next: Chapter 6

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