How I Subdued Duane

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 9, 2023


Now, some of you may be wondering, fairly, why the title of this story refers to how I "subdued" duane because, so far, duane hasn't seemed to need much subduing. Indeed, at the beginning it was sort of like that; however, as you'll find out if you stick around, once duane saw the direction in which he was heading, he acted in typical duane fashion. I've had to deal with that aspect of his personality since we started, and it still turns me on. But to go back to where we were last time, after we had had supper, we made out for a while and then went to bed. I wanted duane to be reminded, as frequently as possible, about his submission and how I was going to keep him in line: he hadn't seen my sheets until we went to bed. They were yellow. "You think of everything," he snarled as I put my arms around him from behind. "Indeed I do. Breaking a superhero is not something you do lightly Lantern. I broke you, and I'm going to keep you broken." My tongue slid into his ear when I said that.

When we got into bed, I did something that to this day, drives duane crazy. He's so much shorter than I am, and his legs are so much longer that I need to do things to keep them under control. My legs are shorter, but all those years of leg work at the gym (there were times when people would look at me with a strange look when I said "I love legs day") made them extremely muscular and strong. I could throw one of them over duane's legs and keep him immobile. I did that night, and I heard him whisper "Oh God yes." See, when I said "drives him crazy", feeling that his legs are controlled really gives my boy a hard on. I can tie up every other part of his body and get a reaction, but tying up his ankles, his calves, his thighs? I sometimes wonder if he's gonna cum inside his pants. Yeah, he gets that excited. Almost as excited as when I cup his balls in my hand and talk about how he could lose them if he's not careful. Or as excited as when I nibble on his chin. Hey, we all have our spots, right? Well, during the night, with my leg over his, and my hand on his hairy chest, I felt an odd kind of motion. It woke me out of sleep because I thought that maybe duane was sick. Looking at it now, I laugh: he wasn't sick, he was horny. duane was trying to jerk off. Because of our position in bed, my thigh interfered with his cock being touched, or rubbed against the sheet, and he was trying to fix that. Once I was wide awake, and knew what was happening, I got into action. I flipped duane over on his back, and after I had tossed off the covers, I straddled his chest, pinning his wrists down. He looked up at me, helpless as he struggled to get my hands off his wrists, and to knock me off his chest. "You were just trying to jerk, weren't you Lantern?" He gritted his teeth. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Well, then, maybe I ought to get something to keep that cock locked up, so what I don't know doesn't happen. " "NO! Don't. Please. Yeah... yeah, I was trying to cum. " "Well, if you wanna cum, you're gonna have to do it with me watching, and with me having my own fun. And at the end.... hah haha. I had planned something for tomorrow but... tonight will be fine." When he reached down to start stroking his cock, I locked lips with him. I LOVE kissing a man who's jerking: there's an intensity that you don't get no matter how deeply you're kissing otherwise, and duane's expert tongue and soft lips, just made the experience better. The low noise of his moans (he's a bass baritone, remember?), just got me more excited, as did the sight of his cock getting bigger. I broke the kiss and whispered "tell me what you're thinking about, or I won't let you finish." He struggled to speak: "I'm thinking about how you tied me up. How you kept me totally helpless while you... while you made me yours. " "YEAH. That was HOT studman. Did you like it when I played with your navel?" "OH YEAH. OH YEAH. My ears too. And my neck. " He was stroking faster. "More than what you did you made me feel. How you make me feel. Helpless. TOTALLY HELPLESS." "You ARE totally helpless Lantern. Sinestro's got you." That set him off. I'm glad he didn't wake the neighbors, but if you had heard the yell when he came, you'd have been surprised he didn't. He looked at me. "I've never had that big an orgasm before." I smiled as I toyed with his nipples. "And now that's your base line. I want them all to be that big or.... " And that was the first time I cupped his balls. "We take remedial action. Now go clean yourself up." "Yes sir," he answered. As he walked off to the bathroom, I realized I wanted his ass again. Could I get it up? Probably not, so... I'd have to wait. "Put your hands behind you," I commanded when he got back to the bed. "What I'm about to put on you, only comes off when I take it off." It had been remarkably easy to find a yellow cock ring. THAT surprised me. I think it surprised duane too: both that I was putting one on him and that it was yellow. "Now, you'll know I own that cock. Get back into bed." If snoring is a sign of sleeping comfortably, the cock ring did it. We slept in late the next morning. duane slept an hour and a half longer than I did. While he was sleeping, I went out to the local bakery and got donuts and brownies. My sweetie was a very happy person. "So I thought we'd go and spend some time in the park, see the ducks again before it's time for you to catch your train. How's that sound?" I saw his face. Something was troubling him. "duanebow, what'd I say?" "No, you didn't say anything, it's just... I realized that I have to go back home." I think my heart split. "If you call in sick for tomorrow, I'll do the same." He shook his head. "No, I'd still have to go back and, that's the problem." "Well, sweetums." I put my hand on his thigh. "I assume you're coming back." "You'll have me back?" "Didn't I just say you didn't have to leave?" "I know....." one of his favorite expressions. Poor boy never felt like he belonged anywhere. I sometimes wonder if he feels like he belongs with me even today.

So, after duane had eaten his third brownie, I suggested we get cleaned up. I also told him to check his train schedule: what was the latest train he could take. Once we got that settled, I got up. I brought out the yellow button down I had gotten for him. "You're wearing this today. Whatever else you brought to wear, keep it packed and put on this." I don't think he could quite believe I was this serious about playing out his fantasy. "You think you've got me under your thumb, but I'll figure out how to escape " he did. "I don't want you under my thumb Lantern, I want you underneath ME, squirming, struggling. And giving up." I could see duane was getting into the latest scene I put in front of him. He was sighing and clearly trying to decide what to say. He spat out "You're not gonna get away with this. You just wait." I smiled. "I'm waiting for you to get dressed do I don't have to dress you. NOW MOVE." He sulked as he walked off to the bedroom. GOD. He was a mix of cute, and hot when he came out in that shirt, just a little too tight, and faded jeans - where did he get those? Did he put them in his bag and not take them out to surprise me? "TURN AROUND. I wanna see the ass I'm gonna fuck today." He gave me a look, but he did. He turned around. I came over and squeezed his cheeks. As I did, he moaned. "YES. These are mine aren't they Lantern?" Grudgingly, he said "Yeah. They are." "And I'm gonna split them later and what can you do about that?" When he didn't answer, I did something that has always turned duane on: I grabbed his hair and pulled back his head. I didn't whisper, but I said firmly into his left ear "I ASKED WHAT CAN YOU DO ABOUT ME FUCKING YOU." He winced. "Nothing. Nothing at all." I chuckled, and I pulled his hair harder. This time I DID whisper: "Wrong answer, Lantern. You can start learning to like it. " I reached around and groped his crotch. He was hard. OH, this afternoon was gonna be fun. First though, I had to take duane out of Lantern mode and have my duanebow back again, to go and visit the ducks (I knew that if I got him to move to NYC, the ducks were going to be a big part of it). I kissed him lightly on the cheek, and I ran my hands down both of his arms, before I gently held his wrists behind his back. "Let's not forget how things are, duane. But let's go feed those ducks." "I agree Sir," he answered, and then he did something for the first time: he gently backed into me and rubbed his ass up against my crotch. Did I say the afternoon was gonna be fun?" The morning was too. We got out of my apartment building, and duane grabbed my hand. He squeezed it. He wasn't letting go. I felt like a sun had risen inside of me. I did NOT expect him to be reacting like this. "I like this shirt," he said as we walked over. He had a sweater on over it: a crew neck, and the collar sticking out just gave me the hint: he was mine. My conquest. "It fits you well. Must be hard to find form fitting stuff for someone your size." "It is. And it's expensive. I've never wanted to spend that money. I really couldn't afford it." I stopped walking and I looked at him. "You know, if we wind up a couple, I'm gonna take over your fashion game. " He said, very softly. "I think you're gonna be taking over a LOT of things." I almost turned us around and brought us back to the apartment. Instead, I did the right thing: we went to visit the ducks and I found that he remembered some of them. He had given them strange names like "quackles," and "pinion poop" etc. duane has a very devious mind, and he seemed to bend over to feed the critters more than I thought was necessary, but I wasn't complaining. "That ass!" just kept resounding in my head. I began to think again : "how do I get him to move to NYC and live with me," followed by "IT'S TOO SOON DOPE". It was NOT too soon for me to walk up, put my hand on his shoulder and whisper hoarsely: "I want you." duane's answer was more compliant than any I had heard: no defiance at all. Just a simple "yes sir."

"This is JUST the way I want ya duane," I almost sneered as I stripped. His sweater was gone, and he was spread eagled on the bed. "You'd keep me tied up all the time wouldn't you Sinestro?" "Why not? You look so good that way." He struggled at the ropes, as I put my hand down on his belly. I said nothing, just smiled, as I slipped my finger into his shirt and worked his navel. I have to say that hearing him whimper and vocalize when I work his navel, is one of the hottest things for me. I really didn't want to stop, but I took time to start opening his shirt. I smiled before I passed my unshaven chin over his torso, which made him quiver and moan some more, before I teased him by raspberring each of his nipples before I chewed them. "I can't tell if I want Lantern or duane" I whispered. "Take me as duane, Sir. Please." He moved his head to the side so I could get my scruff in. I tried - GOD did I try - to be gentle. I wasn't. I was losing countrol. "KISS ME SIR PLEASE" duane yelled, trying to get my attention elsewhere. It worked. My fingers were still on his nipples and my tongue was down his throat. Had I untied him, he would've been wrapped around me. Instead, he moaned, and squrimed and started trying to say 'fuck me' . It wasn't long before I did. I had to work a little to get off his jeans, and when I did: his rod stood up long and straight. "I think someone wants his cock sucked" I smiled. "No. NO. PLEASE. YOU'RE MY... OH GOD." There was a time I don't talk about when... I learned to deep throat. I don't think anyone had ever done that to duane. I base that on the way he reacted. He tried to get his hips pumping up, but the way I was positioned, he couldn't. And I wasn't gonna let him, because I was taking him right to the edge. When I stopped, he looked at me. I just smiled. He answered "You're horrible. " My response was "No, I'm hard." He felt that hardness almost immediately. No mercy that afternoon. Whether I was Sinestro or Keith didn't matter. As I began to move my dick inside of him, I was thinking again: there's "something" about him. I don't WANT to give it time. I want him NOW." (I later found out he was thinking about how his stuff would fit in my apartment). And I wanted him 100% at that minute. As I plunged, and fucked him harder and harder, I was thinking about what I wanted to do to him next. I couldn't decide. How could I make sure that I was the only man he saw? How could I make sure of...." I had to stop thinking. I was too hard. I was too close: and I was going to shoot so deep he'd be crying my jizz. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH" I filled him. Then I flicked his cock head so he could cum too. He whispered "Can you untie me so we can cuddle?" That was a capital idea. The cuddling led to napping. I woke up to duane's eyes staring at me. "You know I have to get ready to go home soon" he said. I looked at my watch. "HOLY SHIT that's right. " I kissed him. "Can you make me a promise before you get on the train?" "I will try," he said in a deep, sugary voice. "Promise me you're not going to see any other men before you see me again?" "Not even my ducks?" he teased me. "Well, alright, the ducks are fine. No one else." "Well, ok. That I can do." Then I smiled. "Now, a more challenging one. No masturbating unless I'm there." HE smiled. "What makes you think I jerked off LAST week? I wanted to save it for you." "Save it again." "Ok, but this time I want a promise. Next week, YOU come visit ME." Saying yes to that was much harder than you might think. But I did it. "A weekend in the country." Next time.

Next: Chapter 5

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