How I Spent My Summer Vacation

By Rogue Writer

Published on Oct 13, 2003


How I Spent My Summer Vacation By Carol Hitchcock


A story by Rogue Writer

Please send feedback to Thanks to all those who sent comments about 'After The Party' and 'Daphne's New Life'. I'm sorry if I didn't respond to some of you, but I got overwhelmed by life for a while there. I suck at remembering to send birthday cards too.

ROGUEWRITER'S AUTHOR NOTE - The following story is fiction. FICTION. I'll even underline it for you-FICTION. If you are minor or it is illegal to read this stuff in your area, or you don't like reading about the kind of stuff in the header- DON'T READ THIS STORY. Otherwise enjoy the hell out of yourself.

CAROL'S AUTHOR NOTE - You remember writing these stupid things when you were young, right? The first assignment when school started in the fall was to make a report about what you did on summer vacation. It was like the teachers were trying to remind you of all the things you weren't going to be doing from now on. They wanted you to know that you've had your fun, now it's all work, and they could even turn what fun you had into work. The icing on the cake was when they'd ask you what you learned over the summer, which put pressure on you to think of something more worthy than finding out a human being could double-dutch for thirty minutes non-stop. I guess I decided on this title because I finally had something really interesting to write after a summer vacation. Well, interesting isn't quite the word to describe what happened. What follows was more of a life-changing experience. You'll see.


I stood with my hand on the doorknob to the bathroom, my mind flooded with images of what lay on the other side. There would be blood, lots of it. The time to call for an ambulance might be long gone, and for every second I hesitated her chance to live might be slipping away. But fear kept me from turning the knob. Fear of what I would see when I opened the door. Fear that I'd blame myself for it. Fear of knowing I'd made such grave errors in judgment. The whole thing was my fault anyway, if I'd just done the right thing in the first place. Then the pain in my head reminded me both of us might need that ambulance. I had to do it now. As I turned the knob, I'll always remember KMFDM playing in the background, just because it was so fitting.

This whole thing started two weeks ago in another bathroom, many miles away.

I stood in the shower that morning, with the water splashing me right in the face, trying to figure out how I was going to break up with my girlfriend. It was something I'd put off for too long. I told myself I'd do it at the end of the semester and today was the last day of finals. It wasn't going to be easy because I really like Kim. She's funny, beautiful, and can be really sweet when she tries. I get along with her better than anyone I've ever known, and she's tons of fun to hang out with- too much fun, which is the problem. No way around it, I had to do this. My future as a college student was riding on it. I had to take charge of my life.

I heard Kim walk into the bathroom. "Good morning, whore."

"Hey bitch," I responded. Calling each other offensive names was our thing, the worse the better. Don't ask me how it started, and I don't think she would remember either.

I could hear Kim brushing her teeth. There we stood on opposite sides of the shower curtain- she was simply getting ready for the day and I was standing under the spraying water, not even washing myself anymore, trying to figure out how to break up with her. I stared at the curtain, imagining how she looked on the other side.

Kim has a thin body with long, straight blond hair, a cute face topped with a button nose and the most piercing set of blue eyes I've ever seen. She could be a model except for the fact that she's a shrimp, standing only 5'3". But with those looks she could probably still become an actress, which shouldn't be too hard since acting out is something she does regularly.

Just thinking about her looks made me feel ugly. Of course, my mother would yell at me if she knew I was thinking that. Mom would chastise me every time I looked in some women's fashion magazine in the checkout line at the store because she knew I was comparing myself to the models in there. She'd say it was lucky we couldn't afford those magazines, otherwise I'd look at those pictures all the time and never eat again. But what mom didn't realize was that I didn't think of my body as a problem. I stand 5'6 and weigh 135 pounds, and my C-cup breasts are bigger than some of the models in those magazines. My body has some decent curves and I have dark shoulder length hair with naturally tight ringlets that I know some women wish they had. What I didn't like was my face. It's so plain. Nothing particularly striking about it except a few freckles on my checks, and for me that's striking in the wrong way.

"Your mother didn't need to look like that to get my attention," my Dad would say, "any woman that can operate a tractor does it for me." Then she'd throw something at him and we'd all laugh, or she'd grab the skillet and make a show of chasing him around the kitchen. I smiled thinking about my parents.

Kim pulled the shower curtain back. "Any room for me in here?"

"As long as you don't hog the soap."

She stepped in and put her body up against mine. Our nipples poked against one another. "Soap isn't what I was looking for." Kim gave my lips a few soft, wet kisses, each one lingering a little longer until her tongue worked its way into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around her and cupped her ass, one hand on each cheek. My fingertips lightly traced her globes until her hands grabbed me behind my head and pulled me harder into the kiss. That's when my hands took a firm hold of her butt and roughly kneaded her cheeks, making her moan in my mouth. Our bodies pressed hard up against one another as our tongues came close to violence. The one thing you could never say about Kim and I was that we weren't passionate lovers.

I kissed my way down to her left nipple, letting my teeth graze over it as my lips sucked on the rest of the areole and my hand caressed the underside.

I went over to the other one and gave it the same treatment, after which I went back up to let our tongues play together again. Our passionate kiss continued as her arms replaced her hands around my head.

I broke the kiss and got on my knees, lightly kissing her shaved mound. Kim put a hand on my head and stroked my hair as the light kisses gave way to my tongue licking the area. As she mewed and moaned, my hands rubbed along her thighs and legs, finally going back around to her ass and the fingers of my left hand went sliding up and down the crack. My right hand reached up and grabbed the bottle of liquid soap on the ledge. It took some fumbling around, but I managed to squirt some onto my fingers and my hand took its place between her ass cheeks again. My index finger found her anus and I slowly pressed into her asshole.

"Mmmm," she moaned, "It's way too early in the morning for anal." I laughed, then complied by pulling out and letting my other hand move between her legs as she spread them slightly, sliding my finger back and forth along her lips to build momentum. Finally I curled my index finger and slowly slid it into her slit until I was most of the way in.

"Uhhhhh," was all she said as I let my finger sit in there, allowing her to prepare. There was a sharp intake of breath as I slowly pulled my finger out to the tip, then slowly moved back in again, gradually increasing speed every few thrusts until I had a good pace going. At that point I began licking again. Her face contorted slightly as I did this, the corner of her mouth dipping down from its smile to what almost looked like discomfort. That's something I never understood about the look on someone's face when they receive pleasure, sometimes it looks like they're in pain.

Kim let out a loud moan as the orgasm took hold of her. We were both very loud when it came to sex, but Kim had the highest level between the two of us. For a small girl, she made a lot of noise. And in a bathroom, it sounded like a concert hall full of screaming fans, especially when I slipped a second finger into her pussy. When she finished I took out my fingers slowly and stood up. I held up my fingers and licked them, tasting her sweet honey.

"Let me guess," she said. "It needs salt."

"Actually I was thinking thyme." Kim laughed and slapped my finger aside. "Oh," she said in mock discovery. "Lookee here." Her head moved to my right breast and I felt her warm lips cover my nipple and suck on it, then pull away as her tongue came out and gave the long, slow licks that she knew made me squirm. Her hand went between my legs and found the skin under my pubic hairs. I spread my legs a little to give her some room and her finger slid into a very comfortable place. My upper body stood up straight as my eyes closed and my mouth opened. I didn't need to see Kim to know she was smiling. She went to work on my left breast with her tongue as her finger moved around between my legs, eliciting sharp intakes of breath on my part.

Kim pulled away from my chest and looked into my eyes as her finger found my hole and slipped in a little. It met some resistance, so she held back and then slid in some more. I probably made my own pained looks as Kim's finger started to move in and out of me, faster and faster, until she had her own rhythm going. My jaw dropped open as I started to moan, gradually increasing in volume until it almost matched Kim's loud calls of pleasure. She took my left nipple in between her teeth and bit down a little as she continued to finger me, which managed to throw me over the edge. I had my face in her hair as I came, most of it was still dry and I breathed in her scent. I realized how much I was going to miss it.

Later, when we were getting dressed, Kim asked, "By the way, when are you leaving for home?"

I sighed. Telling her this was another thing I'd put off. "I'm not."

"You're not going home for the whole summer?"

"I can't afford to. Plane fare is too much and you know that heap of shit with four wheels I own won't make it out of town, let alone through Texas. I'll just stay here and work for the summer, earn up some money. Maybe if I work up enough for a plane ticket I can go see my folks by the end of July."

Kim had this sad look on her face. I couldn't tell if she was sad for me or bothered by the fact that if she hadn't asked I might have never mentioned it. This was one of those times in our relationship that our financial differences made for an awkward moment. I wasn't sure if I was more embarrassed for myself or for her. We finished dressing in silence and I headed out the door.

Outside the day was like any other in Arizona- bright, hot and dry. My car was not being cooperative as I kept trying to turn it over. Kim came out and jumped into her new BMW, started it and yelled to me once the top folded down.

"Hey! You want a ride to campus?"

Say yes, I told myself, that way you can break up with her during the ride. "No thanks. I'll get this thing started if I have to shoot it."

Kim shook her head. "You stubborn Southern slut."

I smiled. "Get out of here witch."

Kim smiled, put on a pair of designer sunglasses that cost more than my car, and sped off. She had given me an easy opportunity to break it to her and I let it go. I tried to console myself by thinking if I'd taken the ride and broken up with her, how was I going to get home?


I struggled through my Chemistry exam. Science has never been my strong suit, but thoughts of how and when I was going to break up with Kim kept interrupting me as well. After the exam I walked to the office of my Creative Writing professor to drop off my final assignment. He was talking to another student, so I just dropped the paper on his desk. But before I could walk away he asked if I could wait for a moment. When the other student left he shut the door.

"At the beginning of the semester I thought you were going to be one of my A students, Carol."

His glare was more sad than stern. Regardless, my eyes couldn't get any higher than his desk.

"Most of the other students were just getting a requirement out of the way. But you told me the first day you wanted to be a writer your whole life. Did you change your mind?"

"No. I distracted."

He sighed. "Distractions are the number one killer for a writer. And you've got to learn to live with them, one way or the other, because they'll always be there no matter what you do."

I still couldn't meet his gaze when my voice softy uttered, "I know."

"Well, here's something you may not know," He held up something that made me look. It was the first story I'd turned in that semester. "This is talent," he said, and then held up a paper from late in the semester, "and this is talent squandered."

I wanted to tell him all about it, explain the situation. This was a good guy, one of the friendly, fun professors that know how to instruct without making it too hard on you, someone who really enjoys teaching and isn't simply bitter that this was the best job they could get in their profession.

I wanted to get his opinion on how I should handle Kim, but something told me not to. I didn't think he'd have a problem with me being a lesbian, I just felt like breaking up with her was something I needed to do myself, without a safety net. Besides, I'd already let the guy down, I didn't want to start talking about clubs, drinking and drugs and make him even more disappointed in me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked.

Great, everybody was trying to make it easy for me today. "Not really, if you don't mind," I said. "But it's something I'm going to handle. I promise." I walked out of there before I said anything more.

An hour later I sat at a diner, staring at a plate of fries and thinking about how my entire future was at stake. I'm just a poor farm girl from Kentucky who managed to get two scholarships to a college in Arizona. In order to keep those scholarships I have to keep my grade point average above a certain level, and those scholarships are important because I almost couldn't even afford to travel out here, let alone pay tuition.

In high school I was completely focused on my schoolwork and finished at the top of my class. My reputation as a nerd kept me away from the party crowd, with the added bonus of an excuse for why I wasn't dating boys. I was determined to get out of town and applied for every scholarship available. When I was leaving, my mom said, "Now don't let any boys get between you and the books." She had no idea what a non-issue that was. And I figured my romantic life wasn't going to be a problem. How many lesbians can there be in a small Arizona college anyway?

Turned out this was my first experience learning about my inexperience, and on a college campus people experiment. The first month it was my roommate. I was nervous because I'd only fooled around with one other girl before, but she'd never had sex with a woman and that took some of the pressure off me. One of her friends was looking to experiment as well, but neither of them wanted a commitment, which was fine because that way my studies didn't suffer. But at the beginning of the second semester I got cocky. I thought, 'this is no big deal, I can have a social life", so I went out to a club with my roommate and that's where I met Kim. She was at the DJ booth trying to get the guy to play KMFDM. They just happen to be one of my favorite bands and Kim and I started talking. Soon we found out music wasn't all we had in common and after a few dates we became a steady item.

Even though I was a nerd, I drank and smoked weed with a few friends occasionally when I was in high school, (ever since the farming industry in Kentucky took a dive most people in my area at least knows someone who grows weed.) But back then I only boozed or toked occasionally. After I started dating Kim it became a regular thing, always threatening to get worse. While pot is as far up on the drug ladder I go, Kim does Ecstasy and cocaine here and there and has offered both to me many times. The problem is that Kim is a girl from a very rich family, and because of that she doesn't have to worry about money or getting a good job if she doesn't graduate from school. She lives the party lifestyle and goes out dancing all the time. Kim's the type who will call you at 11pm on a Sunday night to go out to a club, something she's done to me plenty of times.

So the second semester progressed with me going out with Kim all the time, getting wasted and partying to all hours of the night. This behavior, or misbehavior, left little time for my schoolwork. While I always handed in papers and assignments on time, the quality of my work left plenty to be desired. My grades dropped and after midterms I realized I was in trouble. I cut down on the partying enough to work my grades up and just make the GPA I needed to keep my scholarships. I studied my ass off to ace all my final exams. But I realized where the root of my problem was, and I knew I had to cut it off or I'd never make it through the next semester. This is why I had to break up with her.

I kept putting it off because I liked being with Kim so much, but even then I knew it was a flawed reason. While she's nice to me, I've seen Kim be very nasty to others, especially her parents, which is a hard thing to watch since they seem like great people. I've spoken to her mom on the phone several times and she's the sweetest lady, always taking the time to talk to me and asks how my family is doing even though she's never met them. Her dad sounds like a fun guy and usually has a good joke to tell me if I answer the phone. Kim told me her parents never let her forget that she was 'The Great Mistake' (she was a surprise during their second year of college), but from everything I've seen they give her everything she wants and she still treats them like crap. Almost every phone conversation with her mom ends with Kim cursing at her. I started to wonder if my desire to stay with Kim was simply due to the fact that she's the only other lesbian I've met and I didn't want to break that connection.

The waitress came up to me and looked at my untouched fries, then gruffly asked if I wanted anything else. She was in her early fifties and her face looked to be in a state of perpetual anger. I told her just the check and she scribbled on her pad, tore off the sheet and tossed the paper on the table as she probably has hundreds of thousands of times over the past God-knows how many years. As she sauntered off I wondered if she once had an opportunity to do something more with her life and lost it. I picked up a French fry and ate it, realizing how stupid I was being. There are plenty of other lesbians I could meet. I had to get away from Kim before she doomed me back to the life of poor farm girl, or worse, working the checkout line at the Safeway Mart like so many others I'd graduated with.


Half an hour later I was at Kim's place. On the way I'd stopped by a bar where I knew I could get served, but I didn't even walk through the door. If I went inside I'd still be there a few hours from now. I had to take charge of my life. Taking a deep breath, I thought of the waitress as I used the key Kim had given me to get in. She was on the couch with a drink in her hands and a bottle of vodka on the table.

"You fucking lush," I said, but when she looked up I saw the tears in her eyes and that took all the wind out of my sails. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Kim shook her head. "My folks. Of course something had to come up. I told you about the trip to Rio, right?" I nodded. Kim and her parents were going to Rio de Janeiro for three weeks at a house her family had there. "They just called. Something with Dad's business came up and they can't make the trip now."

I smiled sympathetically. "I'm sorry, I know you were looking forward to this."

"Fuck it," she said, "I'm still going."


A devilish smile cut through her sad face. "Not if you come with me."

Oh fuck, what did I just get myself into. "Ah, thanks, but I really need to work and earn up some money so I can go see my folks."

"I was thinking about that. Come down to Rio with me for a few weeks and I'll arrange for you to fly to Kentucky when it's over."

"That's really nice of you, but it's too much. I wouldn't be able to pay you back for a long time."

She smirked. "Don't sweat it slutbag. You're doing me a favor, this way I don't have to go down there alone."

Don't let her do this to you. You need to break up with her and it's now or never. Just open your mouth and say the words, do it now. Don't let her tempt you.

"You worked your ass off these last few months," she said, "you deserve this."

"I don't know Kim," I said. I couldn't really blame her for not wanting to go to Rio alone, I certainly wouldn't have. Then again, it was something Kim could do with no problem. Being the extroverted person she is there would be a crowd of people hanging around her the whole time. "Actually I can't go," I said. "I'd really like to but I don't even have spending money to go."

"C'mon, you know I have enough to keep us both good. Besides, you said a writer has to experience the world, right? What better way to do it than this?"

This was classic Kim- always dragging me along kicking and screaming, never giving up until I gave in by making me feel like I'd be an idiot for turning down the opportunity. I made the mistake once of telling her about the two voices in my head always fighting for control - the rational one that always played it cautious, and what I called the 'naughty' one, which always wanted to do the wrong thing just for kicks. She exploited this knowledge to her advantage whenever she needed it. This is why I had to break up with her.

"So?" she asked.

I hesitated. Kim got up and walked over to me slowly. "Just think about it. We'll have a house on the beach...a Jacuzzi...our own pool...topless said you always wanted to go to one..."

Don't do it. Don't give into her. Just say the words, tell her you want to break up with her. It's over, no more. The two of us are done.


When we got off the plane in Rio I had a plan. It was simple- stay in Rio a few days and then break up with Kim. I wasn't sure if I would be straight with her or try to engineer some false reason for our split. The truth is I'm not good with confrontations and I was leaning towards the latter, but I could wait and see how things were going and decide on that one later. The part of the plan I really liked was writing down the entire experience so I could make it into a story.

It may have seemed like a stupid idea to do it down in Rio, but I had a major concern I couldn't shake. If I waited until we got back, it might look like I was trying to take advantage of Kim's money, and that's the last thing I wanted her to think. If the breakup happened during the trip it would look more natural and less like I was using her. I also had what I called 'escape money'. It was only two hundred bucks, which I'd saved up from my job as an emergency fund for extreme cases (like my car breaking down), but it would be enough for my purposes. If Kim accused me of taking advantage of her during the breakup I could give her a hundred as the start of the payback in a show of good faith. I'd keep the other hundred in case things got really fucked up, like if she flipped out and tossed me into the street, because that's how much the airline told me it would cost to transfer my ticket to an earlier flying date. I had to get away from her, make a clean break. And I would do it in Rio.

Since we flew the first thing on Kim's agenda was getting drugs. She managed this within the first twenty minutes we were there, thanks to her good looks and her ability to make small talk with anything short of a rock.

Using both these charms on our taxi driver, it was set up that he would have the stuff delivered to the house after he dropped us off. I spent the next three hours worrying that Kim took one chance too many and the police were going to be knocking on the door. But leave it to Kim's luck, a knock on the door later we found ourselves with a generous amount of coke, enough marijuana to sedate the planet and a few tablets of Ecstasy thrown in for good measure.

The house was beautiful, with many paintings and other expensive forms of artwork that Kim showed me. It also had an alarm system to protect the stuff (and us) from burglars. The last thing she showed me was the stocked bar and after we unpacked we mixed some drinks and sat on the patio facing the beach. The sand was nearly empty because steel gray clouds covered the late afternoon sky as far as the eye could see. I lay on a patio chair with my upper body propped up. "Doesn't look like an outside weather day today." I said as I took off my sunglasses. Little droplets of rain began to fall.

Kim stood looking at the house with an excited look in her eyes. "That's fine, I was planning on spending today inside anyway. We're going to christen this house properly. I want us to have sex on every floor, every surface in there. I want microscopic remnants everyplace."

"Nice visual. And we're doing this because...?"

"For fun," Kim said, "and a little something I'll laugh about every time I know my parents are coming down here."

That's my baby, always thinking of others. "Okay, whatever. Where do we start?"

Kim walked over, straddled my body and leaned down. "Right here." She kissed me hungrily on the lips. The kiss grew in passion as the rain began to really fall. I massaged her breasts as she slid down and started grinding her pelvis against my leg. Kim sat upright and whipped her head back, her wet hair falling around her shoulders. With the dark clouds behind her and the rain falling all around, she looked like a goddess come down from Mount Olympus and I remembered what I'd found so captivating about her when we first met. Kim tilted her head up to the sky, opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, trying to catch raindrops. I felt like a monster that was planning to hurt this innocent beauty when she least expected it. A flash of lightning and the roar of thunder snapped me from my thoughts.

"C'mon," Kim said as she jumped off me. We went inside, and as soon as the patio door was shut Kim threw her arms around me and kissed me passionately.

We clumsily shucked off our wet clothes piece by piece until we were both naked. The feeling of her cool, damp skin against mine gave me goose bumps.

They went away wherever her warm tongue touched me, which seemed to be everywhere.

Over the rest of the day we managed to cover the whole house. In the kitchen we did a sixty-nine on the island, I sat up on a counter as she ate me out and she sat on the other counter while I fucked her with a peeled cucumber. When we were done we fed it to each other and then moved into the living room, where we did it every way we could on the couches, the coffee table and on the floor in front of the TV. The lazy boy chairs were particularly fun. We did it in the bedrooms and even in one of the closets.

By the end of the night we'd covered the house and the rain had stopped. We ran out to the beach and did it in the sand. For anyone planning to have sex on a beach sometime soon I have one word of advice- blanket. We had to jump in the ocean afterward because the sand was so far up my ass. Back at the house we were so exhausted by the time we got up to the bedroom that we barely pulled the sheets back before we passed out.

The next morning I woke up feeling rejuvenated. Kim wasn't in the room, but I could hear KMFDM playing downstairs. It was the song 'Anarchy', which she'd listen to over and over again. Lying in bed, I decided to write down my experiences so far so I could get at least one of my promises started. I was about to get up and grab the new notebook out of my bag when Kim strode into the bedroom. She jumped on the bed and straddled my torso, the acrid smoke of marijuana filling the air around her.

"Wake and bake, tampon breath." She held out a packed bowl and a lighter.

"Not yet."

"Fuck it, we're on vacation. C'mon, celebrate the end of the school year." She held out the bowl.

I managed to lean up on my elbows. "It's too early."

She started waving the bowl under my nose and then stuck the end into my mouth. Leaning down to my right ear, she whispered, "It's never too early," and licked the inside of my ear. She knows what that does to me. I relented just to shut her up. She lit it for me and I proceeded to do what our former President swore he never did. While I held my hit, Kim put the bowl to her mouth and took one for herself. I let the hit out slowly.

"That's smooth stu-" I was cut off by Kim's mouth covering my own, blowing her hit into my lungs. Her tongue slipped into my mouth afterwards and dueled with mine as her hands found my nipples under the covers and gave them a quick pinch. As soon as she broke the kiss I blew out my hit. "Sneaky bitch," I said.

"I don't have to say good morning to you now," she said, then jumped off the bed and walked to the door, "'cause I made sure it's going to be one."

My head dropped back on the bed. I didn't want to start off this way, I thought, and I don't plan to either. I got up and fished the notebook out of my bag. Kim was not going to stop me, I was going to go downstairs and write about what happened so far and then I was going to break up with her and then I was going to write about how that went. I walked out of the bedroom with confident strides.

But something happened between the top of the stairs and the bottom. It was very subtle, and suddenly I noticed how bright the sun was coming in through the windows. My left foot almost missed a stair and I held the railing the rest of the way down. Kim was watching television in the living room and it seemed rather loud.

"Isn't it?" Kim yelled. I looked at her questioningly. It took me a moment to realize she was speaking to me. "It's good shit," she said, "isn't it?"

"Yep," I replied, and took a seat at the dining room table and opened my notebook. It only took a few sentences before I realized I was having a hard time remembering all the details from yesterday. Even worse, my handwriting was barely legible

"Douche head, what the hell are you doing?" she asked.

"I'm writing. Leave me alone you degenerate whorebag!"

Suddenly Kim was standing over me. She grabbed the notebook, ran over to the couch and jumped up on it. "The hell you are!"

"Give it back," I said, without much conviction in my voice.

"This is work, and there's no work allowed here!" She jumped off the couch and ran upstairs. I was in no mood to chase Kim around the place, so I sat on the couch and got sucked into some television show, even though it was in Portuguese.


When Kim came back down she was in her leopard print thong bikini, bottom only, and my notebook was gone.

"We're going out to the beach," she announced, "Put this on." She tossed my blue thong bikini bottom in my lap.

It was not something she had to force me to do. There's always been die-hard exhibitionist in me screaming to get out. Kim and I sunbathed nude on the roof of my building a few times, but no one could see us up there. Still, I'd felt a thrill of excitement being naked outside, and the bug that had always gnawed at me was now chomping at the bit.

Kim put an anklet of small brown beads around my left ankle. She finds body jewelry sexy on a woman, and more than half of the gifts she's given me have been anklets, toe rings or waist chains. I started wearing some of it just to placate her, although I do admit I've started to find them sexy myself. Kim will wear different waist chains or toe rings, but she always wears the same gold anklet because it was the first piece of body jewelry she bought.

So we went to the beach, and I was topless for the first time in public. I have to admit I wasn't completely uncomfortable once we got there. Part of it was seeing other girls topless, and the other part was the attention. While I'm not into guys, being ogled by them is a different story. I've always appreciated being admired by men or women, and I got plenty of it from both sexes on that beach. From the moment we walked out there I noticed, and even felt, eyes checking me out. Mostly it was brief, but occasionally someone leered. This surprised me, I figured the people in a place that allowed nudity wouldn't even care to look. I mentioned this observation to Kim as we lay in the sun.

"Shithead," she said, "some of these people are tourists like us. They don't live where there are nude beaches."

"Shut up, slut knocker," I said. "I've seen plenty of locals doing the same thing."

"So? If you like something you like something. Besides, with tourists coming through you always have something new to check out." Kim took off her sunglasses and sat up on her elbows. "By the way, slut knocker?"

"My brother watched a lot of Bevis and Butthead."

"Mm. I kinda like it." Kim took out some suntan lotion. "Want to put this on me?"

I hesitated. The rational part of me felt self-conscious doing that with all these people around us. The naughty part of me desired the chance to fondle my girlfriend in public while doing a very natural thing. Of course, when I was done with her Kim would want to return the favor and that created another dilemma. She had to have noticed I was having a crisis, as I mentioned she's well aware of my constant internal struggle between my desires and my modesty, and as usual she helped break it. "If you don't put this on me I'll call your parents when we get back and tell them about your little walks in the woods."

I felt a swell in the pit of my stomach. This was another of Kim's tools for getting what she wanted- minor blackmail. The walks I took in the woods around my parent's farm (that's a story for another time) are great memories, but nothing I wanted my folks to know about. "You fucking bitch!" I said between clenched teeth, "You wouldn't!"

"Try me," she said, and then tossed the bottle. I barely caught it as she turned over onto her stomach. Part of me was tempted to just walk off, but then I remembered about breaking up with her. Opening the bottle, I sprayed the lotion onto her back and started to rub it in.

"I've been thinking lately," I said, "about us." I picked up the bottle and put more lotion on my hands and started to rub her ass.

"Mmmmm, what have you been thinking?"

"That we need to change something. Turn over." Kim complied and I started rubbing lotion onto her breasts. She arched her eyebrows as if to say 'go on'. I felt her nipples get hard and I pulled my hands away. I couldn't say this while turning her on. I poured some lotion onto her stomach and spread it around.

"Well? Spit it out slut!"

Fuck it. "Kim, we need-"

"Hello!" It was a male voice, accented in Portuguese. We both looked up and saw two young men, about our age, standing over us. One of them asked, "Should I bother to ask if you ladies are enjoying the beach?"

Kim smiled and started talking. She told me she wasn't interested in men, but I always wondered because she never passed up an opportunity to flirt with them. I never minded talking to guys, but I usually liked to set things straight from the get go, rather than let them down after they've bought two or three drinks. Yet no thanks to Kim we ended up in an open-air bar on the beach, three drinks and two shots later, the guys just having walked off and Kim and I with plans to meet them at a club later that night.

"So how many drinks tonight before you tell them the truth?" I asked.

"None. We have plans at another club. I'm sure those two will have plenty other 'chicks' to score with. They're pretty forward guys."

"Wait, what plans?"

The devilish smile came out. "It's a surprise."

That had me worried, since the 'surprise' could somehow be a hindrance to my plan. The time was now. But as I sat there trying to work up the guts to say it a short, middle-aged man with a camera walked up to us and asked if we wanted our picture taken. I'm camera shy, but I was pretty drunk and agreed. We leaned into each other and smiled at the camera. Just as he took the shot I thought about how I needed to make sure Kim ended up with this picture, knowing every time I'd look at it I'd know what was going through my mind at that moment.

We went back to the beach and jumped into the water. It was so wild to feel the ocean water against my naked breasts. Kim stood in front of me and fondled my breasts under the cover of the water. She pinched and pulled my nipples and I moaned softly. I grabbed both her globes and kneaded them, then pinched her nipples hard.

"Owww!" she yelped.

I smiled and dove underwater, swimming below the surface. I felt something grab my foot and I stopped. Kim swam up and covered my left nipple with her mouth, sucking it gently. I put my hand behind her head, enjoying the sensation, until I felt teeth and blew out my air as she bit down. It wasn't a hard bite, but enough to get her revenge. I pulled her hair hard until she came off my breast and blew out her air. We both headed up and were coughing and gagging when we surfaced.

"You okay?" I asked.

Kim nodded. "You?"

"Yeah," I said. But I was still shaken by how much anger I felt when I grabbed her hair. I realized if we weren't under water the force of my hands might have torn some of it out.

Later on we went back to the house and got ready for that night. While Kim was in the shower the phone rang. After a few hesitations I picked it up.

"Carol?" It was Kim's mom.

"Hi Mrs. Ross." We chatted for a while, Mrs. Ross asked how we liked it down there and I gave her an edited version of what we'd been doing. Still, it was easy to talk to her since she knew about Kim and I and seemed very cool about it. As usual she asked how my parents were doing and said she'd like to meet them someday. Mrs. Ross told me she was calling because Kim was supposed to call when we got down there to let her know we arrived safely.

"Oh, um, we've been kind of overwhelmed since we got here and I guess she just didn't get a chance yet." It sounded lame even as I said it.

"I guess not," Mrs. Ross said. There was a hint of disappointment in her voice. The bathroom door opened and Kim walked out. I told Mrs. Ross to hold on and handed over the phone.

"What?" Kim said sharply. I got dressed and listened to Kim grunt her way through the conversation. She said some things I don't remember and the conversation ended with Kim saying, "Go fuck yourself," and slamming down the phone. In the few months I've known Kim I can't remember too many conversations with her mother that didn't end that way. She got along with her dad a little better, but not by much. I didn't say anything since the one time I pushed the issue Kim freaked out and told me to mind my own business. It was times like these that had me questioning what I saw in her in the first place.


Kim and I had dinner at a local place where I decided to experiment and try a dish I'd never had before. It turned out badly and I ended up eating more off of Kim's plate than my own. Afterwards we went to a local club where Kim insisted standing under a fish tank set in the wall for fifteen minutes. I soon found out why.

"Are you Kim?" a Portuguese-accented voice yelled over the music. We turned and saw two girls standing there, both had copper color skin and dark hair. One girl had long hair with a braided strand going down the left side of her face. She had a curvy body with some extra weight without being fat and wore a halter-top that showed off her large breasts. Her stomach had one of those big, deep bellybuttons you usually see on women of her body type. The girl who spoke was a little taller with a thin body, short hair that was cut along her jaw line and a pair of saucer-sized eyes with plenty of white in them. She looked very innocent, but the once-over those eyes gave me followed by the look on her face betrayed something that said she could eat me alive.

"Maria?" Kim asked.

"Yes," short hair replied and then indicated her friend. "And this is Isobel." Maria turned to me. "You must be Carol."

I was good and confused. Kim turned to me and said, "Surprised?"

"A little," I said sarcastically. Kim explained that she had met Maria in a lesbian chat room on the Internet. I knew Kim talked to lesbians around the world but she never mentioned one from Rio. She must have been planning this for a while.

The four of us ended up dancing for an hour or so and then Kim said we should all go back to the house. I had a feeling this was where things were going, but I didn't want to ask Kim in front of Maria and Isobel. On the one hand I was excited, I'd always wanted to invite another girl into our bed. Kim was aware of this because it was the stories about her exploits with three other girls in high school that planted the seed of this particular desire. On the other hand I was nervous because I was afraid my sexual inexperience would be very obvious.

Back at the house we mixed some drinks and sat on the patio. Maria had planted herself in a chair next to mine and we talked for a while. It turned out the girls were from a nearby town and they were both twenty-one. I told her a little about me without going into too much history about my lack of love life.

Maria asked if she could kiss me and I said yes, but at first she just stared at me for a few moments. I don't know if she was a little apprehensive, like I was, or if she was looking for something in my face. For all I knew she trying to count my freckles. Maria broke the stare by lowering her eyelids until they were half open, tilting her head a little and leaning towards me with her lips slightly parted. Just before we made contact she stopped, her face mere centimeters from mine. I could feel the heat of her breath on my lips. Her tongue came out and gave a quick swipe along the front of my lips.

I'd only been with two girls before Kim, my roommate from college and my best friend Lorna from back home. Lorna and I started kissing each other and even ended up fooling around a few times, but I really had feelings for her and there were times I thought she felt the same way. I was too nervous to push the issue and I think she was too nervous about being labeled to get seriously involved with me. Eventually she got a boyfriend and forever left me to wonder if we could have been more. My roommate was basically a straight girl who wanted to fool around with another girl for the experience. Kim was the first experienced girl I'd ever been with, which wasn't really saying much because her 'clique' was the only experience she'd had before me. But with how turned on Maria got me at this point alone I realized my experience status was about to change a little.

I moved in and tried to kiss Maria but she moved her head away. I settled back into my position and suddenly Maria leapt forward and kissed me. Her tongue made nice with my tongue and it felt like melted chocolate in my mouth. Maria's hands went to the back of my neck and caressed the skin there. Then her hands moved so her fingers could caress the sides of my neck while her thumbs lightly moved over my throat and the bottom of my chin. As the kiss came to an end Maria took my lower lip and sucked it between hers, then used her tongue to lick my lips.

"Why don't we go where there's more room?" Kim said. Maria and I looked up to see Kim and Isobel standing over us.

The master bedroom had a king-size bed that could fit the four of us. Kim took some toys out of the bedside drawer- a vibrator, a clitoral kiss and some lotion. Isobel had gone to her car and when she came back she had a paper bag. From it she pulled out a set of anal beads and tossed them alongside Kim's toys, then went to the stereo and put in a CD of slow guitar music. We decided to pair off first to get used to new partners, Isobel and Kim took the left side of the bed while Maria and I took the right.

Maria and I spent some time kissing and caressing each other. She pulled away and smiled as she undid my top and pulled it off, then leaned down and kissed along my left shoulder as her hand caressed my left tit. I leaned my head back in pleasure as her kisses moved down my chest to where her hand was. She didn't take my nipple in immediately; but simply let her breath entice the sensitive skin. While this happened she ran her fingertips very lightly on the undersides of my globe. Then all at once her hand cupped the underside of my breast as she sucked my nipple into her mouth. The combination made me moan in pleasure.

I heard another moan just after mine. On the other side of the bed Kim was lying down and Isobel was on top of her. They were both already naked, Isobel was sucking hard on a mouthful of Kim's left tit and her right hand was working Kim's right nipple. Isobel's left hand was between the Kim's legs, moving just enough to confirm the obvious.

Maria started licking my right breast all over, skipping the areole, and covering it in her saliva. I was surprised when she moved her head back but then she pursed her lips and started blowing on it. Her head moved in slow circles, moving from the outside and slowly zeroing in on my areole. My nipple was already hard as she took it into her mouth and rolled her lips over it.

"Hey," Isobel called to us. They had turned over so Kim was lying on top of Isobel. "We going to turn this into a foursome or what?"

Maria turned to me. "So impatient," she said, then turned to Isobel and said something in Portuguese. Isobel said something back and Maria just rolled her eyes as she took off her clothes. I followed suit, figuring Maria had given in. I scooted over to lie next to Isobel and Maria moved into position between my legs. She used her hands to start playing with my pussy, running them through my pubic hair before playing with my folds. When her tongue licked the entire length of my slit I cooed and thought of what was to come. It was a short anticipation- her tongue began slowly licking every inch of my cunt like it was looking for something. I turned to see Isobel making an "O" with her mouth as a moan escaped her. I decided to fill up that hole and grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her towards me. Our mouths made soft love to one another as our hands found each other's breasts and played around. I was so turned on, not just because I was having sex, but also because it was with more than one girl. Ever since Kim had told me about how she had sex with several girls at once in high school, all I could think about was trying it. I'd even lay in bed at night dreaming about it. Now here I was doing it for real. I couldn't think of anything that would feel better than this. Not that thinking took up that much of my time- feeling was the act of the moment. I had a girl's tongue in my mouth, her hands on my breasts, and another girl's tongue in my feasting on my pussy. Let's just say I was a little overwhelmed at the moment.

It was about to get better as Maria put her tongue up my hole. I moaned loudly into Isobel's mouth, and she started sucking on my tongue as Maria moved hers in and out of me. Isobel climaxed before I did, so as she laid there in orgasmic bliss, Kim came up and kissed me.

"Enjoying yourself?" she asked.

"Uh, Uh huh." Kim laughed and then went down to my breasts and started playing with them. I closed my eyes as she started sucking at my left nipple. Maria found my clit and played with it with the tip of her tongue. I still felt Kim sucking on my left nipple when suddenly I felt something soft and wet on my right nipple. Knowing Kim wasn't that talented I opened my eyes to see that Isobel was back in the game. The two girls licked and sucked my tits while their hands caressed every inch of my skin they could reach. I had to revise what I'd thought before, I couldn't think of anything better than this. The feelings were incredible, and the naughty side of me was reveling in the moment. I had three girls pleasing me sexually, what could possibly make this situation any better? Then the thought of another girl sitting on my face as I ate her out entered my mind.

That's my naughty side, always coming up with something else.

Maria pressed my clit between her lips, lightly at first, slowly increasing the pressure until she sucked hard on it. That threw me over the edge. Kim and Isobel started sucking hard on my nipples and the pleasure I was receiving in all three areas, all at the same time, was so incredible that my orgasm was like none I'd ever had before. My body was thrashing and jerking so hard all three girls struggled to hold onto their positions. Afterwards I lay there in a bliss that I knew I'd remember for a long time.

Maria cleaned me up and we switched around so Kim was lying down while Maria and I sucked on her tits and Isobel ate her out. Kim was her usual loud, vulgar self as she spewed out curse words like a truck driver. Something always turned me on about that, the fact that such vulgar language came from such a pretty little thing. After that we switched again and I was between Maria's legs, which I pushed apart wide and licked from her folds all the juices that had already accumulated there.

Using long, slow licks from bottom to top I had Maria moaning in no time. Then I got down to business, using my lips to suck on hers and getting her good and worked up. I spread open her hole and slowly moved my tongue inside until I was as far as I could go and then wiggled it around some. I pulled it out almost all the way and then slowly went back in again and wiggled. A few more times of that and Maria was yelling in her language. When I finally pulled out of her the whole way I sucked on my tongue when it was back in my mouth and savored the fruits of my labor. I took two fingers and rubbed them up and down her labia, being sure to coat them with her juices, and then stuck them into her hole while I went to work on her clit, sucking it, licking it and even blowing on it. Just as Maria came her legs closed and clamped onto my head like a vise. It actually started to hurt and I called out in pain more than in pleasure, but before I could complain she came off her high and let go. I looked up at her and said, "You're legs almost cracked my head open."

"Sorry," she said.

"Gymnast in high school?"

She shook her head. "Swimmer." I moved up and lay on her side. Kim and Isobel moved in too and we all relaxed and cuddled for a while. During that time I found out that Maria and Isobel had known each other during high school but never ran in the same crowd. After graduating they discovered their common interest after seeing each other at a lesbian club. Kim made the two girls promise to take us to that club the next night. A horrible little thought entered my head, an addendum to my plan that might make the break up seem more natural. I filed it away for later.

It wasn't long before we were back at it again with Kim was between Isobel's legs. Isobel leaned up on her elbows and asked me to come to her. She had me kneel over her face and started eating me out. I put my forearms against the wall for balance and looked down at the top of Isobel's head. Her eyes looked lazily content with their lids half closed, then they would pop open every once in a while, probably responding to Kim's tongue. Meanwhile I moaned as I felt her tongue hard at work between my legs. Almost by instinct I started gyrating my hips on her face, my clit brushing up against her nose. I screamed this time when I came and I had to lean against the wall for a moment before I crawled off Isobel. Lying on the bed and watching my girlfriend bring her to orgasm, I watched for Isobel's face to take on that pained look I've seen before. But when Isobel turned her face towards me it looked sad instead of pained, and for a moment I played with the thought that she could read my mind, seeing the devious plan I had thought up.

Maria crawled up next to me and pulled my head to her. She gave me a brief kiss and looked into my eyes. "Let's go outside and look at the ocean," she said.

I nodded and we left Isobel and Kim to their fun. Maria and I went downstairs and out onto the patio. I felt a rush as I walked naked into the open air of nature. There was a full moon that night and it almost seemed to light up the ocean. We stood silently admiring the view. Then Maria pulled me into her arms and gave me another soft kiss. Her hands slid down and squeezed the cheeks of my ass.

"You have a really nice ass," she said, followed by giggle.

"Thanks," I said sheepishly, practically feeling myself blushing. There was just something about Maria. Suddenly her lips were next to my ear. "Would you mind if I showed it a little attention?" she whispered.

I swallowed and said, "Sure."

"Lay on your stomach."

I laid down on a deck chair and felt Maria's hands on my ass cheeks as she pulled them apart. The long, slow lick of her wet tongue up my crack sent shivers that I'd never felt before. I moaned in approval as I felt her tongue working its way around back there and then a sharp wave of pleasure hit me as she made contact with my rosebud. It was the closest thing I could imagine to feeling an electric shock.

"Oh, whoa," I let out as she started licking my asshole. Kim would put a finger up there but never her tongue, I don't know if it was because she wasn't into it or was as ignorant about it as I was. I'd never even thought of it. As I lay there enjoying the sensation I realized how calm I was. I looked out onto the beach and watched the waves come crashing to the shore, and I remember feeling more alive at that moment than I'd ever felt before.

The breeze on my body made my skin tingle and each intake of breath sent a wave of excitement through every inch of my being. It felt like being lost in serenity. I'm not sure if it was caused by what Maria was doing or if it was my mind slowing down and taking in the scenery, but looking back, I realize that it was the calm before the storm.

Maria gave my rosebud a little kiss and crawled up onto my back. Kissing the back of my right ear, she asked, "Did you enjoy that?"

"More than you'll ever know."

Kim and Isobel came downstairs and we decided to take another break. Isobel and I went upstairs to go to the bathroom while Kim and Maria mixed us some more drinks. I talked with Isobel some more about the lesbian club and asked some questions with my devious plan in mind. When our significant others arrived they were excited. Apparently they came up with a great idea, so after we had our drinks we ended up laying on our sides positioned in a square. My face was at Isobel's pussy, she was facing Kim's pussy, Kim was facing Maria's and Maria was facing mine. It was something called an 'Amazon Chain'. We went at it and it was awesome. At one point Maria stuck her finger in my ass and that drove me to orgasm. Once we all came we switched positions so everyone was sucking off the person who just did them.

As we changed Kim grabbed the vibrator and other goodies and put them in the middle of our square.

"Feel free to play with the toys," she said.

I started licking Maria's pussy, alternating between sucking on the whole thing with my lips and licking it with my tongue. When I blindly reached into the middle of the pile my hand came out holding the string of anal beads.

"Um, how do I use these?" I asked. My embarrassment of inexperience was overcome by the fear of hurting someone if I did it wrong.

Maria broke contact with Kim's pussy long enough to say, "Lube them up and stick them in." Great, thanks for the detailed directions. Whatever, it was her asshole on the line. I rubbed the beads in Maria's pussy juice and started pushing the beads into her accepting asshole while I kept her pussy going with the fingers from my other hand. I heard a buzzing and looked over at Kim, who was using the clitoral kiss on Isobel. I managed to finish getting the beads into Maria's ass when I felt something poking at my hole. I had to stop what I was doing with Maria because a wave of pleasure washed over me and shook me to the core. My eyes went to the middle of the bed and I noticed the vibrator wasn't there. I could feel where it was though as Isobel slowly pushed it into of me and slowly moved it out again.

I went back to eating out Maria as Isobel fucked me with the vibrator. It wasn't easy because the feeling of the vibrations was really getting me off.

At one point when Isobel was pulling it out of me I remembered the anal beads inside Maria. I pulled on the string and popped them out one by one and I guess she really liked it because she began to climax. I sucked up all her juices and rolled what I had around in my mouth for a moment, savoring that bittersweet taste I love so much.

Isobel started pumping the vibrator in and out of me with more vigor, causing me to gasp. I swallowed for fear that I would choke on the leftovers of Maria's pleasure. Wouldn't that be ironic? Choking to death on someone's cum? I pulled the last anal bead out of Maria's ass as I enjoyed the feeling of Isobel's expert use of a vibrator. My whole body started shaking and I tried to say something but it kept getting caught in my throat. Isobel stopped what she was doing and looked at me with a smile.

"There something you're trying to say?"

"Yeah," I said breathlessly, "don't fucking stop!"

She laughed and started up again. The only thing I was doing to Maria now was holding my arms around her body for dear life as I climaxed with some very loud yells, managing to get out words like-

"Uh, God, yeah, fuck, oh, shit, good, fuck, unh, uhhhhhhhhhhhh!" And with that I had my third climax for the night. I lay there trying to catch my breath as Isobel sucked the vibrator clean, then cleaned up between my legs.

While that was happening, Maria, who was still sucking on Kim, had folded her legs in half so her feet were right next to my head. She had the cutest toes, the kind I like- long and slightly bony. I started sucking on them a little bit and she cooed. I wasn't exactly sure if it was for what I was doing, but I had a feeling it did.

Kim came and Isobel followed not long after that. Maria had passed out by that time and Isobel crawled over to lie next to her. I was still breathing heavy as Kim spooned her body behind mine. She hugged me and kissed my neck while I closed my eyes.

"I love you," Kim whispered.

It caught me off guard. My eyes opened. I was in no mood, or shape, to get into the breakup talk now, especially with two other people in the room. My mind raced to think of something to say in place of it that wouldn't get me into trouble. The silence in the air was getting heavier by the moment. I swallowed hard. I reminded myself to breathe. Then fear made the decision for me.

"I love you too," I said.

I had avoided getting into trouble with Kim. Now I was in trouble with myself.

Coming soon- Part 2, where things get much, much worse. A reminder to send feedback to

Next: Chapter 2

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