How I Spend My Summer Vacation

Published on Aug 24, 2001



x-anon-to: x-anon-password: toby

HOW I SPENT MY SUMMER VACATION or Vamp.txt (as in Vampire) by Waldo

Chapter 1 - Finals Chapter 2 - The Journey Chapter 3 - Romaniarc Chapter 4 - Castle Atle Chapter 5 - A Vampire is.....??? Chapter 6 - The end of the first week Chapter 7 - My adventure Chapter 8 - The first vampire Chapter 9 - Who did what? Chapter 10 - Facing the team Chapter 11 - The second vampire Chapter 12 - Aunt Bea? Chapter 13 - Return to campus life

This intro's intent is to provide a short summary of the story called VAMP.TXT, so that you can decide if you want to download it. If you are under age, don't like stories about vampires, don't like transgender stories, or just don't like anything, then don't read the story.

A middle-aged college professor is challenged in his classroom by a beautiful young woman about a book that the professor wrote about vampires. Seems the woman knows a lot about vampires and thought his book was pure bs. So she issued him a challenge to visit her castle during the summer break and learn what its like to be a vampire. And the professor could bring four research students to help as long as there were two guys and two girls.

So the foolhardy group of five set off to the european country of Romaniarc to seek their destiny. As they learned more about their hostess, it became easier to believe that maybe she was right in her claim to be a vampire. Then one night one of the students became a lower level vampire. As the rest of the team studied their former team member, some of their doubts disappeared.

Then another member was transformed. Then another. Then another until only the Professor was left. Or was he? Somewhere during the demonstration of vampire supernatural powers, there had been a body switch. As the professor adapted to his new role on the team.....well, you just need to read it to see what occurred and how it ended.

As noted above, don't read it unless you like long winded stories with plots, with some sex added to improve the plot. There's not any sex until you get half way through the story.

For those that are not familar with my previous stories or would like to let me know what you think about this story, drop me a line.

For those who are wondering what I have been up to, I finished another story called Client.Txt, which is a story about a hypnotist that is hired to help a woman fulfill a contractual obligation. The woman will allow herself to be turned into a sex slave to a multi-millionaire for two years, then she wants to be restored to her more normal personality. Our hero falls in love with her, but has to live up to his part of the deal. Then the rich bastard decides that he wants to keep her. What happens?

Client will be released on in the next two weeks. It does not have any transgender concepts and is stictly about male/female relationships (with some minor male/male) where the woman is hypnotized into becoming the personality that her master wants.

I am very close to finishing another story called Lab.txt, which is about a man that is transformed into an almost identical clone of one of his three daughters. Except that the clone is a shemale. Its the story of how he has to adapt to being an almost woman and everyone thinks that he is the daughter (who is away in college). Not knowing how to break the news to his still-at-home youngest daughter, he is forced into temporary assuming his daughter's identity, until he determines that he has to assume his own new feminine identity; whoever that may be now. Then the two older daughters come home for a confrontation.

I am also very close to finishing another story called Alien.txt, which is a story about three people that find a spaceship in a field and investigate. During the investigation, our hero's best friend (female) is killed and he escapes only by allowing himself to be transformed into her over-weight frumpy looking body. Our hero-ine can never go back to his former life but must join forces with the aliens to find the third person who caused this mess.


How I spent my summer vacation or Vamp.Txt (as in Vampire) by Waldo

If you are underaged, don't like stories with any hint of transgender themes or don't like stories about vampires, then don't read this. For a discussion about this story, see the introduction.

Chapter 1 - Finals

"And in closing this portion of today's lecture, I'd like to summarize my remarks on this topic by saying that Vampires don't exist; have never existed; and can never exist. Are there any questions?" I requested from the crowded classroom.

A man in the front row, whom I recognized to be a constant "not a damn thing to say but listen to my voice" asshole, instantly responded. "Professor Johnson, there has to be something true about all of the Vampires legends if they make so many movies about them."

Although I knew his name from constantly looking at the seating chart, I made an exertion to respond without acknowledging his existence. "Legends are sometimes based upon actuality but most legends don't exist or couldn't exist although they are based on some very limited facts. Look at Paul Bunyon. At one time, there could've existed a very large lumberjack, but there's no way that he could have been at large as the legends portray. A similar situation exists with Vampires. In some little municipality, someone might have fought with someone and accidentally bitten their neck. In a confrontation, anything goes. If I'm fighting in a life or death struggle and losing, I might discover how easy it is to bite their neck or anything else that's vulnerable. And if it scares them, then I'll bite twice as hard. Look how canines fight and how they always go for the neck. You can see why it would be easy for someone to accept such a scenario and embellish the yarn. The person telling the original story probably told the truth and the second person added a little bit to it until we arrived at the current version."

The asshole continued to hold his place on the floor and in my low regard by stating "If they don't exist, why do all of the legends have the same basic facts?"

I tried to use an allegory that he would understand. I cautiously noted that "In folklore, a vampire is a malign spirit that refuses to join the ranks of the dead but instead takes possession of a body in order to continue enjoying the pleasures of the living. Western notions of the vampire come primarily from Slavic folklore, especially as it was interpreted by the author Bram Stoker in his 1897 novel Dracula. Everyone is familiar with the Santa Claus legend and knows that Santa doesn't exist. Yet when its Christmas time, they continue to tell the younger children stories about Santa Claus. As the children grow older, they tell their children their version of the Santa story. Its the same with Vampires. Think about how many times you've sat around a campfire and tried to tell a scary story. You usually tell one that you're familiar with and embellish it a little to suit your purpose. Any more questions?"

I was trying to end this lecture and to get this asshole to shut up. I saw an arm come up casually and peered into the classroom trying to recognize the woman at the other end of the arm. I had never seen her before and most certainly would remember her. She had long black hair, white smooth skin, a beautiful face and an excellent body under her skin-tight dress that would make a lot of money in a topless bar. Breasts were the major focus of my libido and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to examine this woman's apparently fantastic body. I glanced down at my student seating chart and saw that her chair was marked empty. She wasn't one of my registered students.

I walked across the platform so that I was a little closer to her and directed "Yes, in the back row. Your question? And please stand so everyone else can hear you"

I didn't care if anyone heard her or not, because I was really interested in having her stand so that I could see a little more of her body. She ignored my command and exclaimed "Your arguments are very similar to those arguments that most atheist's use when they discuss religion. They've never experienced any aspect of god, yet they are experts in describing the fallacies of a religion that they've only looked at with a closed mind, Professor Ben Johnson."

Being a professional instructor, I know when to ignore student comments and when to be a little theatrical about responding to the comments. Most times, I would have ignored this type of comment, but I was intrigued by her slight foreign accent. As well as interested in her attractive body.

I stepped off of the stage and walked to the lower row of the steps going into the inclined bleachers. I took my time because I wanted to give this attractive challenger the limited attention that she deserved and to make sure that I emerged as a hero. I decided that the best plan was to let her talk and then everyone could see that she was full of shit.

"I take it that you're very familiar with Vampires. Enough so that you might even know where I could find some?" I asked, with as much of a bland face as I could muster.

She ignored my challenge and continued "My dear Professor Ben, I read your last book several times, hoping to find something salvageable. Although your peers seem impressed with your project, their over- stated opinion has to be limited to your writing skills and to your methods of discussing re-hashed theory. Nowhere in the book, did I find any real research or any hint that you thoroughly understood the topic that you were discussing."

I felt my face get a little warm. I walked up two more steps so that I was level with her face and gave her a simple hand sign to continue. Might as well give her enough ammunition to bury herself.

She smiled back at me. A beautiful smile that could really get me thinking about other things that involved my private sex desires. I had to concentrate to focus myself back from her body to what she was saying "Vampires do exist today. Because you don't have any first hand experience with them, you shouldn't have a closed mind and treat them as only a legend."

I put my hand on my little beard and stroked it as I tried to keep from being sarcastic and shrugged "And you've got personal first hand experience with Vampires? Could you please tell me and our fellow students why you think that they exist?"

She shifted position in her chair so that she was facing me a little more squarely. As she shifted, her legs uncrossed and then crossed with the other one on top. My eyes were diverted momentary as I watched her legs spread and for a half of a second I could see all the way up to where her legs joined her body. My mind registered `no panties' and then her smooth, long legs crossed again, hiding away the feminine treasure. I bit my lip to bring me back to re-focusing myself on her words.

"I've got first hand knowledge of Vampires. My whole life has been concerned with Vampires and understanding the truth behind the legend. When I read your new book, I was very disappointed. Your credentials in other subjects are very good, yet your book on Vampires didn't have any substantial facts in it. As you know from looking at your seating chart, I'm not one of your students. I came here explicitly to hear your lecture and to make you an offer, my dear Professor Ben." she proclaimed.

I didn't say anything. I took Real Estate 101 and knew that the first person that speaks in this type of challenge, loses. I just stared at her. She stared back, with a smile on her face. I continued to stare. She continued to smile. After about thirty seconds of silence, I knew that I had to take control of the situation even it broke Real Estate 101 Rule Number One.

I turned around, deliberately walked back to the stage and to the podium. I leaned very carefully on the podium and in my best professor voice queried "Please call me either Professor or Professor Johnson. Why do you conceive that you're an expert?"

She took her time answering, as she slightly changed positions again, but this time, I wasn't rewarded with a flash of her thighs. She affirmed in a very confident voice with just a slight trace of an accent. "Dracula really did exist. He was a real person that I used to know quite well. Although his name is synonymous with Vampires, he wasn't the first, nor the last Vampire. He is simply known better today, because he was very careless. Today there are over three thousand Vampires in the world. They do exist."

"Are you one?" I asked.

Her face remained stoic as she replied "I'll answer with an allegory that I found in your books. You don't believe in Vampires. Therefore, I can't exist. If you see me, then I can't be an Vampire because I exist. Therefore, I'm not a Vampire, according to the logic used to write your book, Professor Ben."

She had insulted me and my book enough. I was getting pissed at her and doing my best to stay cool. I supported my chin on my hand as I quietly responded "I constantly have students harass me because they don't understand or appreciate the logic that I'm trying to teach them. I'm going to ask you one more simple question. If you respond with anything other than Yes or No, then I'll assume that you're simply an ignorant student harassing me. Are you a Vampire?"

She smiled as she announced "Yes. And that's why I know that your book is so completely wrong. I'm at the top level of being a Vampire, which is the seventh level. Among my peers, I'm considered a princess and the heir to Dracula's worldly remains."

There was a loud mummer in the classroom as the other students verbally reacted to her declaration. I held my hands up, requesting silence.

I had her. She had fallen into my trap. I tried to hide my smile behind my beard and hand as I continued "Welcome to my humble classroom. I've been in the presence of royalty before, but never thought that I'd be this close to the Queen of Vampires. How did your father die?"

She stood up and held a large envelope for a moment as she stared at me. Then she threw the envelope onto the stage as she replied "I'm not the Queen. You would be dead already if I was her, because she has quite a temper. I came here with an offer and almost backed out of it because I felt sorry for you but your stupidity gives me no choice. In that envelope is ten thousand dollars in cash. The money is yours regardless of whether you accept my proposal or not. Also in that envelope are contracts drawn up by my attorney. I suggest that you ask your attorney to explain them to you before you sign it. The terms in my contract specify that you'll bring four of your research students to my castle and spend the summer to study me and Vampires. I'll offer each of the five of you an opportunity to become a Vampire. At the end of the summer, I promise you that you'll be convinced that Vampires really exist and you'll have enough facts to take this piece of bull shit off the market and to write a real book. I'll see you in Romaniarc, my dear Professor Ben."

She turned and walked up the ramp to the Exit door. I just watched her walk out, looking at her perfect ass as I stroked my beard. I waited until the door shut behind her before I stated anything. I remember my comeback quite well "Now what was I saying before I was so rudely interrupted?"

I started talking about the next session's topics that were itemized on my syllabus. After my first couple of remarks, the pain in the ass guy in the front row asked "Aren't you going to look in the envelope?"

I eased my glasses down on my nose and tilted my head to give him a proper glare as I calmly announced "Vampires don't exist and people don't put ten thousand dollars in envelopes and throw them on stages as they walk out of the room."

He looked at the envelope and hesitated before he suggested "But it could be true. You never know and as a scientist, aren't you supposed to investigate every possibility?"

I pulled my glasses off my face and looked at him. Then I put them back on and make a show of looking at my seating chart, even though I already knew his name. I wanted to make him think that I was looking it up and would remember it, because of him being such an asshole. Then I pulled my glasses back off, walked forward on the stage, so that I was the closest that I could get to him, without getting off the stage and muttered "Mr. Robertson, I applaud your inquiring mind. However at your age, I'd have assumed that you would have learned how to tell when someone is pulling your leg. She isn't a Vampire. They don't exist. She was here to upset my class and to discredit me. And I've got proof. I wasn't intending to add credibility to her statements by looking into the envelope before I threw it away. I was getting ready to ask her to leave and would have ejected her because of her profanity. I don't tolerate curse words in my classroom."

I walked over to the envelope and returned to the stage in front of my male heckler. I declared quietly "I feel that I must demonstrate to you that what she was saying, was nothing more than a lie."

I kept staring at Robertson as I opened the envelope and turned it upside down, dumping it on the stage. As I dumped it, I knew that something was wrong by the expression on his face. I looked down at the pile of paper on the stage and saw money. I bent over and picked up one of the loose bills seeing instantly that it was a hundred dollar bill. A real hundred dollar bill. As I looked at the pile of money and other papers, I knew that there was at least ten thousand dollars in that pile.

"No, I don't know who she was and neither did anyone in my class." I recited for the hundredth time.

I was in the dean's office, with the head of security. It only took two hours for the rumors to circulate all through the campus and for me to be called to the Dean's office.

Garvich was examining the money while the Dean had me explain again how I obtained the money. When I was finished, Garvich proclaimed "I used to work for the Treasury Department. These bills are real and there's exactly ten thousand dollars here. This unsigned contract lists her name simply as Margot and explicitly states that the ten thousand belongs to you, free and clear, with no strings attached. The rest of the contract is your typical legalese but what I can decipher, she is inviting you and four research assistants to come spend the summer at her castle in Europe. Your research assistants have to be two males and two females; and all have to be unmarried with no children. She'll pick up the transportation costs and you can spend one week at her castle, with no strings attached. During that week, she'll demonstrate to you that Vampires exist, and she explicitly guarantees the safety of everyone during the week. At the end of the week, she'll offer one of the research assistants the opportunity to become a Level One Vampire, whatever that means, with all of the appropriate legal contracts stating that she didn't coerce the assistant into it. She'll make the same offer to each of the other assistants, selecting one each week for three more weeks, video taping the offers. Then she'll offer you, Professor Johnson, the opportunity to become a Level Three Vampire. Her descriptions are quite explicit as to what she'll do and that each of you'll always have a choice up until the time that you agree to initially become a Vampire. After you become a Vampire, her descriptions state that the research assistants will be used as she sees fit, but that you must reconsider writing your book. She explicitly states that you won't be forced into writing it, but that you'll be requested to write a new book based upon what you've learned while you're her guest."

The Dean looked at me and shrugged "Then the money is yours, regardless of your decisions. We'll make sure that you get to the bank safely. What do you intend to do about the contract?"

"What do you expect me to do?" I wanted to scream but kept my voice at a constant pitch. I was getting pissed off. I've had jokes and hoaxes pulled on me before, but never one that cost someone ten thousand dollars. Who would go this far and do this to me?

The Dean looked at me as he shook the ashes out of his pipe and declared "Someone has issued a definite challenge to you, concerning your subject knowledge. Doing nothing could be as dangerous as going there.

"I agree. It seems that I've got to accept her offer, no matter what. Too many people are aware of it's challenge. I'll show the contracts to my lawyer and see what he has to say about it." I sighed, looking quietly at the pile of one hundred dollar bills that now belonged to me.

Chapter 2 - The Journey

My lawyer was quite impressed with the contract and with my story. He was even more impressed when he discovered the clause that gave instructions on how to apply for payment of my lawyer fees, from my contract reviews. He kept the contract for three days to review it and asked me to come to his office.

"I sent a telegram asking for payment per the instructions and the money has already been deposited to my account. I billed them for four hundred dollars and they sent three thousand dollars. Whoever is behind this, certainly has money." he exclaimed.

I nodded and he continued "The contract is quite explicit in it's promises and about what you've got to do. You can do nothing for at least five weeks as you observe her castle. You can also back out anytime until you sign the papers, allowing her to turn you into a Vampire. She included the paper and its a simple paper saying that she has afforded you every opportunity to decline, but you accepted the transformation offer."

"But why is she doing this? Is she some Hollywood actress trying to use me in a publicity stunt?"

"The law firm that she uses, is one of the oldest European lawfirms and has a very solid reputation. I asked for more details but received nothing. In the contract, she is referred to only as The Mistress' or as Margot'. There's no last name or any clue as to her identity. I don't know what her goals are. What are you going to do?"

"Her visit to my classroom made the front page of the student paper. Everyone on campus is talking about my mysterious visitor and I'm being flooded with volunteers to accompany me. I really screwed up by opening the envelope and dumping the money on the lecture floor. The Dean told me that I had to resolve the problem quickly before it escalated any more. I don't know what I'm going to do."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Hire a detective to find out who she really is and what she is trying to do to me. Use the money that she threw at me."

"I don't believe in ripping people off. Although I requested a small fee for reviewing the contracts, she sent ten times the amount, with instructions to use the money as needed to resolve legal issues. I'll double my fee and use the rest to hire a detective."

I was a celebrity on campus. Although I was used to getting one or two monthly invitations to campus social events, I was now getting flooded with invitations. Even the College President's wife called to invite me to a meeting with her tea group. I was constantly being stopped as students would volunteer to accompany me. It was so bad that for the first time in my life, I dreaded going to work.

It was two weeks of this type of harassment before my lawyer called to request a meeting.

"So what has your detective learned?" I asked as I leaned back in his easy chair.

"The woman is a genuine mystery. There has been someone using that name for almost two centuries, in a little town in Romaniarc. Apparently she never ages and is the patron saint of the townspeople because they refuse to talk about her. She and a small retinue lives in a castle over looking the small town. Although there are all sorts of old rumors about her and the castle, no one is willing to discuss her. My man was able to take a picture of a portrait that was hanging in someone's house. The portrait was painted sometime around the 1883."

He handed me a blown up eight by ten picture of a portrait hanging over the mantle. My hand started shaking when I saw that it was her portrait.

She had a different hairstyle and clothes, but it was clearly her face and body. There was no mistaking the sculptured classic face, the hauntingly beautiful eyes and the voluptuous lips. If this portrait was genuine, then she was at least one hundred and thirty years old; and had never aged.

For several seconds, my brain refused to work. Through a distant fog, I could hear my lawyer's voice, but couldn't understand a word that he was saying. The only thing that I could do, was to stare at the eyes of the portrait. The artist had captured her dark mesmerizing eyes exactly.

Finally I was able to pull my head up and to stare at the lawyer who was staring at me. I heard my now hoarse voice ask "Are you sure about when the portrait was painted?"

The lawyer responded "Yes and no. My detective noted in his report that the portrait seemed genuine. I asked for another follow-up visit and the detective declined. He terminated our agreement, refusing to return to that town for some unknown reason. I can hire another detective but he was one of the best in Europe."

For over thirty seconds, I just stared at the black and white picture clutched in my sweating hands. Then I directed "School is out in seven weeks. I'll use that time to select my research assistants. When I send them here to sign the contracts, don't hide any facts from them."

The Dean wasn't happy with my decision, but finally acknowledged that it was our duty as educators to research and investigate. He made it clear that it wasn't the school's research project but one of my own choosing.

When I announced to my class at the end of my daily lecture that I was accepting the invitation, I got the expected results. For about a minute, there was pandemonium in the classroom as everyone talked at once. When I finally got order restored to the class, I simply stated "I plan to participate, in order to lay to rest, the potential that vampires exist. The detective that I hired to investigate the young lady, wasn't able to confirm or deny any of her claims. He did reveal several issues that are interesting research material and that need to be investigated. The school refuses to participate, but is allowing me to announce my intentions. Anyone that desires to accompany me, will be required to bring their lawyer to meet with my lawyer and the school's lawyer."

There was a hush in the classroom as I looked around the assembled students. Then a very familiar voice piped up "What if she is really what she says that she is?"

I didn't have to look at the seating chart because I recognized the voice from it's daily bleating. "Mr. Robinson, I don't believe in Vampires and will waste my summer, proving it for the record. Do YOU have a lawyer?"

"Why, no."

"Too bad. I was hoping that you would be one of my volunteers. You're so opinionated about so many topics that I thought that you would be a good assistant."

I made the front of the student paper again. And the local newspaper. And a page seven on the biggest newspaper in the state.

I was flooded with applicants. And with all sorts of advice and suggestions. I assigned two of my research students to record, itemized them and document the results. I'd use that as documentation in my next book, which would be a follow-up to my last book. If I was going to waste a summer, then I'd write a book about this unique experience.

I rejected most applications quickly. Then I invited sixty of the best applicants to a classroom meeting, where I discussed everything that I knew. At the end of that meeting, there were still about forty applicants. I set up meetings to meet with those people one at a time.

I was able to weed out most of the publicity seeking applicants quickly. I had selected the two men and one of the women, when I received an unscheduled surprise.

"Come in, Mr. Robertson. Are you here to harass me about the results of your last test?"

"No sir. I'm here to volunteer. I've been doing a lot of thinking about it and would like to accompany you."

"I've already decided on the two male students. Why should I replace one of them with you?"

"Because you don't like me. I know that you don't. It comes across in the way that you try to belittle me in the class. I can't help it if my questions upset you. I'm here to learn and use the only method that I know, to inquire into topics that I don't understand. I'd have volunteered the first day, but thought that you would reject me just because you don't like me."

I leaned back in my chair, and stroked my beard as I thought about his comments before replying "Touch,. I thought that I kept my personal opinions better hid. Well, all other things being equal, you're one of my better students in that class. Do you have a lawyer?"

His face lit up in a big grin "Yes, sir."

In addition to Jack Robertson, only one other selectee was a current or former student of mine. Her name was Diane Walker, and she was a young woman that I wanted on my team, just for her brains. She constantly wore matronly business suits or sweatsuits, trying to hide her large breasts behind her suit jacket. I could tell that she had to strap them in each morning in a tight underwire bra for support or they would have hung down like two large udders. She was eighty pounds overweight, her appearance was unkempt, she had a business-only personality and she was a bookworm. She spent every waking moment in the library, studying. I felt pity for her because it was very obvious that she had no life outside of the large pile of books that she constantly carried with her. Her academic credentials were fantastic, considering her age.

The other woman was selected for one reason only. Not that I'd admit it to anyone, but I wanted the opportunity to try to get into her pants. I may be a middle-aged, slightly portly, balding college professor, but that doesn't mean that I'm dead under my trousers. Janet Markson was one of the most beautiful women on campus; with the type of body that men drool over and other women hint about surgical augmentation in very catty tones. She had it all - large firm breasts, narrow waist, wide hips, long, shapely legs, long flowing blonde hair, beautiful eyes, classical face and voluptuous lips. She was a very beautiful woman and knew how to use it to her advantage. She was a journalist student and I used that as the listed criteria for selecting her; knowing that people would think that I had used other criteria for selecting her. Just looking into her pale blue eyes, was enough to start a daydream about oral sex with her. I had to select her when she looked up at me with those soft blue orbs as her mouth made a slightly oval shape before she answered one of my questions. After our interview, I discovered that I had become so horny that I was almost beside myself. I wanted to cum just to relieve the incredible tension that I built up fantasizing about the beautiful woman that had just left my office.

The other man was Brian Edwards, who was a theological student. I selected him because I wanted someone to think about the mysterious Margot from a religious viewpoint.

Looking at my selected team, I was very happy with the way things worked out. I had one person well versed in religion, one scholar, one muscle man and one bimbo.

I called a meeting with my chosen group, re-discussed all known facts and risks, and gave each of them an opportunity to back out. I gave each of them a small portable hand-held tape recorder and a couple of boxes of batteries so that they could tape their daily journals. I extracted a promise from everyone that we would keep daily verbal diaries which would be shared when we returned. When no one declined the trip, I sent them to see my lawyer, to sign the necessary contracts with Margot.

Chapter 3 - Romaniarc

I was involved in a lot of projects. Before I realized it, school was out and it was time to leave the states. My lawyer had arranged transportation for everyone.

I also discovered that I might have a problem with one of my choices. After locking us all in a room to discuss the trip, I discovered that Diane had a very dominate personality when it was time to get down to business. That didn't affect my selection of her, but made me wonder how I missed so badly in evaluating her personality.

We took a flight to Poland and a train to Romaniarc. In Romaniarc, a bus carried us to Daniskorf, which is a little town about sixty miles from our destination. From that point on, there were no modern facilities. Our transportation was a horse drawn cart, which was laden with our luggage and Diane's books. She brought three boxes of books that she planned to read during the summer.

Our horse-pulled wagon trip took all day to climb the narrow mountain roads. While at first, it seemed romantic to arrive this way, by lunchtime I was so frustrated from smelling fresh horse shit, that I wanted to turn around to go back home.

Our driver wouldn't talk much and kept rushing us. He wanted to be home before dark and we wanted to get off of this damn smelly, cramped wagon.

Finally we topped a ridgeline and the driver grunted "Paglia." pointing to a town down in the valley. I looked at the surrounding mountains, searching for the castle that supposedly overlooks the town, not seeing anything.

"Where is the castle?" I asked.

The driver mumbled "You won't see it until we get into town."

As we continued down the winding dirt road, I used my binoculars to search the mountain sides, trying to find any signs of a castle. There was none, so I resigned myself to having to wait.

As we entered the little village, it appeared as if we had gone back in time. This was a seventeen century village, not only in the architecture, but in the way people dressed. Men wore heavy, old fashioned wool suits and coarse shirts. The women wore long, wide skirts and tied their hair up in buns. As we entered the village, people would stop and stare at us almost as much as we were staring at them, keeping their faces as emotionless as possible.

Then Diane cried "Look up there."

I turned to look where she was pointing and saw Castle Atle for the first time. It was a large castle and it was right in the center of the area where I had been examining with the binoculars. It was so big and so prominently placed on the bluff that I should have been able to see it without the binoculars. So why wasn't I able to see it?

The driver stopped in front of a tavern and shrugged as he dismounted from the cart "This is as far as I go tonight. You stay here tonight and then I take you up in the morning. If you're smart, you'll be ready to go home tomorrow."

"Look, my good man. We paid good money to travel to Castle Atle and would like to get there tonight. Take us on up the mountain. We still have enough daylight to get up there."

He looked up at the Castle and softly replied "But I don't have enough daylight to get off of that mountain. My life is worth more to me than anything that you could pay me."

He refused to budge from his decision. Finally, we climbed down from the cart and entered the Inn. The bottom level was a tavern and several of the townspeople were sitting at the tables, with large mugs of the local beer in front of them. The Innkeeper introduced himself to us and declared that he had reserved five rooms for our party.

After checking in, we went upstairs to our individual rooms to freshen up before dinner. I came downstairs and saw Robertson sitting with Janet at one of the long picnic type tables. As I sat down, he poured me a beer from the big pitcher sitting on the table. Then he muttered "They really know how to put on a show. About ten minutes ago, someone went outside and closed all of the shutters. Then they came in here and barred the windows."

Janet grinned as she jumped in "My windows are all permanently barred from the inside. OHSA would have a field day here, discussing fire safety regulations."

"It appears that the whole town is participating in Margot's scheme. They've got to be doing it because of their poverty level. She clearly has money and can afford to buy their involvement." I responded, taking a sip of the heavy brew.

Brian sat down, putting a pack of cigarettes on the table. Janet helped herself to one of his cigarettes as he proclaimed "I don't know what's going on here, but clearly everyone is scared of the castle and it's occupants. I could write my doctorate thesis just on the controlled mass hysteria that I've observed so far."

She exhaled a cloud of smoke in the air as she noted "I agree. The townspeople are scared of something but they accept the terror as a every-day fact of life. They know that they've nothing to fear from us, but they are watching us because they know that we are going up there tomorrow. I love it. This is what I was hoping that we would find."

I stared at her, quickly observing how her full breasts strained her blouse as she breathed. Before I could add any more comments, Diane joined us, requiring almost two places at the table, because of her width. "I spent a couple of minutes researching the words carved into the bottom of the tavern's outside sign. It loosely translates to `the godless sanctuary of god's punished people'. Did anyone examine that portrait in the next room?"

I looked at Diane as she pointed toward the open doorway. I carried my beer mug as I walked toward the room. Inside the room, my attention was immediately pulled to the large portrait hanging over the mantle. It was a picture of the woman that issued the challenge, but she was dressed in antique clothes similar to the rest of the natives.

As I stared at the picture, the Innkeeper groaned softly "I've been alive for fifty-seven years. Every year of my life, I've seen her at least once. She hasn't changed or aged in my lifetime. My father and my grandfather told me the same thing; as did their parents tell them. She doesn't harm us or anyone in the village, although some of our neighboring villages have reported some very strange happenings. We are afraid of her and her friends but tolerate them, because we have no other place to live. I go to her castle only when I'm commanded."

"So you're familiar with the castle. Good, I was trying to research it's name. I can't find any references to Castle Atle anywhere. Do you know where it got it's name?"

"Many years ago, there was a sign outside the castle, with carved letters hanging from the sign. After one bad storm, only four letters remained on the lower part of the sign. Those four letters were Atle and our ancestors started calling the castle by that name."

"Interesting. Do you know what the sign originally said?"

"Yes. The faded letters can still be seen. It used to read Castle Afterlife."

Then he stepped in front of me so that he was only inches from my face. I could smell his strong garlic breath from his yellow teeth as he quietly but firmly stated "I don't care why you're here. But it can't be worth your lives. For your soul's protection, turn around tomorrow morning and go back where you came from. You've been warned."

He turned and walked away, leaving me alone in the room with her picture. I turned around to see my assistants standing in the doorway, clearly observing my discussion with the Innkeeper.

Chapter 4 - Castle Atle

It was a non-eventful night. I half expected someone to tap on my window as they flew outside my balcony. But I really wanted a naked Janet to slam open my door and proclaim "Take me. Fuck my brains out. Fill me with your cum." Just the thought of her doing that, was enough to invoke a large erection, which had to be resolved by my lubricated hand. Using my over-active imagination, I developed a state of hypersexual arousal that no amount of masturbation could relieve. Just because I'm an extremely well educated professor, doesn't mean that I'm not subject to the demands of my body and my sexual imagination.

We had the tavern to ourselves the next morning as we ate a breakfast of warm, sticky gruel prepared by the Innkeeper's very large and smelly wife. I watched her as she reached into the coal bucket, selected a couple of lumps of coal with her bare hands and threw the coals into the roaring fire. Then without washing her hands, she started needling the dough that she would bake into the day's bread. Clearly sanitation was another skill that these natives needed to be instructed in.

The wagon driver stuck his head in the door, making sure that we were ready to leave. After we finished breakfast and paid our bill, we put our luggage back into the wagon and climbed back on. The gaiety that we had experienced at breakfast, was gone as we stared at our destination.

For the next hour, the horse gradually pulled the wagon up a winding, narrow road, that frequently was almost too narrow for the wagon. I discovered that I was more comfortable in getting off and walking behind the wagon, especially when I saw how close the wagon wheels were coming to the cliff's edge.

When we reached the top of the mountain, the road led down through a little wooded flat area that almost blocked sight of the castle. As we approached the castle, I saw the sign. The remaining letters only spelled "Castle Atle" but adding in the missing faded letters, the sign read "Castle Afterlife". A shiver ran down my spine.

Just before he entered the courtyard, the driver made the sign of the cross. He drove the horse through an archway into a large stone paved courtyard. He quickly unloaded our luggage and started turning the wagon around.

I looked around the courtyard at the ivory and moss covered stone walls, feeling a tremendous sense of dread that I had never experienced before. Looking at my companions, I could sense that they were also feeling something, but I credited their fear to the mass hysteria that the natives had been exposing us to.

Diane looked at me and muttered "I don't see any welcome mat. Where is our hostess?"

Brian pointed at a doorway and suggested "That appears to be the only entry into the castle."

I opened my suitcase and removed the five flashlights that I had brought with me, passing them out as I instructed "We don't know what is going to happen inside. Based upon the townspeople's reactions last night, we should be prepared to expect a very good demonstration of terror. Everyone stay together while we walk into this potential trap."

They followed me as I marched to the doorway. The doorway was recessed, with a ten foot high ancient wooden door. I pushed the door open, half expecting a loud squeak, but there was no sound as it easily opened, revealing a large room. There was a fire in the fireplace and somewhere in the castle, someone was playing the piano.

Brian whispered "Beethoven."

Janet responded "No, I think that I recognize it. Its one of Mozart's sonatas."

Behind us a voice proclaimed "You're both wrong. Its an original composition that I wrote almost three hundred years ago. Both of those composers were students of mine, which we can talk about later. Welcome to my humble home, Professor Ben."

We turned quickly, surprised that someone had been able to sneak up on us. Margot was standing behind us. She was wearing a white low-cut slipdress that flowed down to the ground, hiding her legs and lower body, while exposing just a glimpse of her pale cleavage. She smiled as she welcomed us. "Please call me Margot and forget about my title. Did you have a good trip?"

I nodded and announced "Let me introduce everyone."

Margot held up her slender wrist as she apologized "Introductions aren't needed. For the last month, they've been studying me. I've been just as aware of them and why they really wanted to come here. The tall football player is Jack Robertson, who was in your classroom at our last meeting. Jack is here because you publicly challenged him, just as I challenged you. He had to come or face ridicule from his peers who started harassing him as soon as you issued the invitation. You asked Jack to be part of your team because he is the strong, muscular type; not because of his brains. You expect to use Jack's rugged good looks and jock body to seduce me, to find out more about me. Thank you, Professor. I'll take your gift to bed. Sometime between now and the next full moon, I'll let Jack join me in bed."

She slightly turned so that she was facing Brian. "Standing beside Jack is someone that considers himself to be the future replacement for the American evangelist, Billy Graham. Mr. Brian Edwards came here to meet his version of the anti-Christ and to save your souls. Too bad that you'll lose that battle. During your time here, I hope to educate you so that you become one of my most devout associates. It may interest you to know that the Pietism Reform failed because of my direct opposition. I turned some of the key leaders into Vampires that eventually reduced the impact of the Reform."

Brian looked at me as he explained "The Pietism Reform was a reform movement in the German Lutheran Church during the 17th and 18th centuries, which strove to renew the devotional ideal in the Protestant religion."

Margot smiled "Correct. Its so delightful to be able to open myself up and not have to hide my true disposition. So glad to meet you gentlemen. You'll more than suffice for my purposes and I welcome you to my home."

She turned to face Diane as she continued "You were a surprise. I didn't expect you to participate. To dedicate a whole summer to something isn't normal for you. You like to have multiple research projects going on at the same time. You're recognized as a budding genius, have a reputation as a promising scholar, and could have wound up doing summer research at any think tank in the world. In more ways than one, you're a very complex person. You ignore your birth sex and do everything to camouflage your feminine gender by deliberately being overweight and your choice of appearance; yet you seek sexual relief with attractive females. You like to have the best of all possible worlds. You enjoy sitting naked with your girlfriend, sipping cocktails following a long drawn out session of mutual deep tongue kissing, nipple sucking and frenching each others cunts to a number of orgasms. You didn't volunteer until you found that the very attractive Janet had been selected. Is that why you really volunteered?"

An obviously angry Diane returned Margot's smile as she replied "I volunteered because you're so full of shit. I wanted the opportunity to be on the team that shut you down, once and for all time."

Margot nodded her head, replying "Thank you for your honesty. I promise to indoctrinate you in an appropriate manner, so that you're no longer a bull dyke. When you leave here, you'll truly be a different person. That's, if I let you leave here."

Margot turned to face me "And Professor Ben, its so good of you to take time out of your busy schedule to visit with me. I approve of your research assistants choices and I promise to make this summer as interesting as possible. At the end of our summer together, I've got ten copies of your book that we'll burn simultaneously, as you prepare to return to your campus to write your new book. I know that you'll look forward to correcting the facts in this new book that were so wrong in your current book."

She stepped forward until she was standing in front of Janet. They stared into each other's eyes, sizing each other up as Margot continued "Janet came here because she wants to become a TV anchorwoman on her own networked news program. She is looking at this as the story of a lifetime. The type of story that opens doors for her. Janet isn't what she appears to be. Thanks to a rich and indulgent parent, Janet has had almost every part of her body modified or enhanced since junior high school. The skilled surgeons built her a body that can make most men dream about her as they masturbate themselves to sleep. She would prefer to use her brain to accomplish her goals, but isn't above using her body. Are you aware, that every one in your party has set personal goals of obtaining you as a sexual partner this summer?"

"That bull shit doesn't bother me. I do what I want and with whom I want. Your scare tactics don't frighten me."

"Now, ladies. I think that we are getting off on the wrong foot. After all, we have to live with each other all summer. Margot, I request that you use a little more civility. I don't see any reason to provoke arguments at this time." I declared, trying to restore a little order, and feeling embarrassed about my masturbation fantasy involving Janet the night before.

Margot looked at me, with a smirk on her face as she whispered "You're quite right about how you've got to attempt to live. But I'm forgetting my manners. Come into my home and let me show you my ancestral palace. I'm quite proud of it."

She walked into the doorway, leaving us to stare at her back as we looked at each other. Before I could a step, Diane followed her.

We walked into the large reception hall, hearing our footsteps echo from the cathedral ceiling. The hall was at least one hundred and fifty feet long and seventy feet wide. The ceiling was almost ninety feet above the floor and there was a balcony around the edge of the room. Margot walked straight to the fireplace before turning to face us again.

She sighed, revealing just a trace of sadness on her face for the first time. "My home is seven hundred years old. It was built by my father for his son and daughter; and their grand-children. When it was half completed, my father hanged a gypsy for stealing a pig. The rest of the gypsies put a curse on my father. As he laid dying in his bed, he passed his curse to me, his only relative."

Brian exclaimed "Whoa. You claim that you're over seven hundred years old?"

"Correct, and I've got documentation to prove my age, some of it confirmed by various religious and government heads over the years. I'll show you the documentation tomorrow. This is the main reception hall. My castle has seventy nine rooms, with the smallest room being forty by forty feet. It has five different levels, with two basements and three above ground floors. I've got adjoining rooms on the second floor that'll be your bedrooms. My room is just down the hall."

Diane interjected "You don't sleep in the basement in a coffin?"

"Only when we have a movie being filmed here. I sometimes rent the castle to film crews. I'm truly surprised that you haven't asked me how I manage to roam during the daytime yet."

Before Diana could respond, I suggested "Could we see the rest of the Castle and save the insults for later?"

We followed her through the upper Castle as she pointed out the kitchen, the dining room, the carriage house, the restrooms, the gym, the chapel, the nursery, the Conservatory Studio, and the Library. When Margot opened the door to the library, both Brian and Diane rushed in, almost getting in each other's way as they looked at the book titles.

Brian didn't want to leave the library and left only after Margot promised that he could return after she showed everyone where the bedrooms were. We went up to the second level to find a long corridor wide enough to set up six bowling alleys. Margot opened five doors, allowing us to select the room that we preferred.

When we were finished with the quick tour, she suggested "Why don't you bring up your luggage and relax until dinner. If you get hungry before then, please fix something in the kitchen. You can explore the Castle and grounds, but I recommend that you're within the Castle walls before the sun goes down. Its very easy to get lost and fall off the cliff in the dark."

After I unpacked, I wandered down to the kitchen to fix myself a sandwich. I found Brian, Janet and Jack whispering about something. As I sat down at the table, Janet whispered "I went looking for the piano and to meet whomever was playing it. I found neither."

"I searched for the entrance to the lower levels. I found what I think is the doorway, but its locked from the other size." declared Jack, as he handed me a fresh loaf of bread.

"I didn't bother to unpack. I can do that later. I went back to that library. There are books in there that have only been rumored about in scholarly circles. If those books are real, this is the world's best collection of antique books outside of the Vatican's library. There are ancient books about Satan, devil worship and almost every other facet of evil. I experienced two emotions while looking at the books. I wanted to burn them so that the evil would be destroyed forever, yet at the same time, I was drawn to read them; to seek the knowledge that has been hidden all these years." exclaimed Brian as I joined them at the table.

"Anyone known where Diane is?" I asked, looking around to see each of them shake their head.

"Vampires can't exist." I continued "But its easy to create illusions. Whoever this woman really is, she has assembled the right props and the right conditions to create mass delirium among us. Remember that we are here on a scientific expedition to prove that this is a hoax. I expect each of us to take a deep breath, step back, look at the facts, and then document the facts. We'll make no assumptions while we are in an environment where our thought process can be manipulated by the environment. According to her contracts, I'm the last person that will have anything occur to me. Therefore, the four of you're more at risk than I'm. No one goes anywhere, unless they've got someone else with them. Understand? Now, let's go find Diane."

Chapter 5 - A Vampire is.....???

Diane wasn't in her room. For the next twenty minutes, we wandered through the Castle, not seeing any sign of Diane or our hostess. It appeared that we were the only ones in the Castle.

Jack showed us the entrance to the basements, but he was right. The door was bolted on the other side and we couldn't force it. After we searched all of the upper rooms, we went outside, where we found a path leading to a small cemetery back in the woods. Diane was in the cemetery writing notes in her little notebook.

"Diane, we can't separate. What are you doing out here?" I yelled, feeling anger at myself for thinking that something could have happened to her already.

"Sorry, Professor. I wanted to explore the outside of the Castle while it was still daylight and found this old graveyard. I've been documenting the names and lives of the Castle's occupants. Look at this tombstone that I just found."

I looked at the weathered, crumbling tombstone. I could barely make out a couple of letters and some dates. It was so weathered that I couldn't read it. I shrugged "What does it say?"

She smiled as she eagerly responded "The letters are difficult to decipher and its in an old almost forgotten Romaniarc dialect. I had to look it up to translate the carving, but it claims that Vlad Dracul, the King of Walachia, is buried here. He was the father of Vlad the Impaler, who was born in 1431 and died in 1476. Junior was the Prince of Walachia from 1456 until his death in 1476. Junior also was the person that the Dracula legends are based on. He was a real Prince that fought bitterly against the Turks, and used his sadistic cruelty on his subjects and Turkish prisoners alike, before he was beheaded by the Turks. The old man was known as Vlad the Devil, which resulted in the son's name Dracula, or son of the Devil."

As I stared at the tombstone, I heard Jack mummer "SHIT!!"

I traced my fingers over the tombstone, as if it would reveal anything, then asked "Any way to verify the age of this tombstone, without carrying it to a lab?"

Behind us, Margot answered my question "Yes, you can ask me. I was here and participated in my father's funeral. She translated the ancient, almost forgotten dialect correctly. You're standing beside the grave of Vlad Dracul."

I turned immediately, wondering why we hadn't heard her approaching over the dried leaves that crackled as we tromped on them. "Tombstones have been faked for centuries. And if it does turn out to be the authentic tombstone, it doesn't prove that Vampires exist."

She smiled a half smile as she languidly walked around our little group, being careful to not step on any marked grave until she was standing beside the tombstone in question. Then she proclaimed "Theories are based upon a collection of facts. If all the facts are correct, then its possible to form a theory, which can then be proved or disproved. Its easy to prove that this is an authentic grave of a royal male that died in the middle fourteenth century. In my library are ancient books that document that this person was Vlad Dracul. Because you and your friends have such a narrow understanding of life, you can't comprehend that its possible for his child to be still alive. Before I convince you that vampires exist by turning you into a vampire, I want to convince you through logic, that vampires exist."

Janet blurted "What is your definition of a vampire?"

Margot nodded as she responded "Good question. Let me start by explaining where the current legend began. Somewhere around 1840, a young man visited my castle. I felt sorry for him and allowed him to study in my library and then to depart unharmed. Years later around 1897, I received a book through the mail about Dracula, written by Bram Stoker. It chronicled the ascent and destruction of Count Dracula, a vampire who feeds on human blood. Stoker's story was set in London and Transylvania about a young Englishman who gradually unravels the secret of Dracula's attacks on young women, who are transformed into vampires. The hero is assisted by a Dutch scientist named Van Helsing who ultimately kills the vampire. I was so intrigued with the book that I visited the author to find out the source of his facts. I was very surprised to read a real diary from my young friend a half century before. I also discovered around that same time that a person known only as Jack the Ripper was a lower level vampire and was using the knife to hide his desire for blood. I tracked him down and killed him when he tried to fight me, instead of working with me."

Janet laughed as she interjected "Did you convince Bram that you were the real McCoy?"

"I made a mistake with him. And with several other authors that continued his tale. I let them continue with their mis-leading tales, allowing the legend to continue down it's incorrect path. That's why I finally decided to have one book written, that was correct and set the facts straight. Other authors will continue to confuse history, but I want one book with the correct facts."

I crossed my arms, stroking my beard as I reiterated Janet's question "What is a vampire?"

"There are seven levels of vampires. I'm the highest level. If your research assistants voluntary submit, I'll turn them into the lowest level vampire. At that level, they'll feel more alive and vibrant than ever before. They'll feel stronger and more aggressive. They'll be able to feel and enjoy the slightest touch that couldn't be felt before. They won't age externally as rapidly, although they'll only live a normal lifetime. They may be seventy years old when they die, but they'll look the same age as they do now, give or take ten years. They'll be able to sense some of each other's thoughts, especially when the near-by body is in an agitated state, such as during sex or a fight. Because of their ability to mentally communicate, they'll begin to shun normal people that don't have this ability and will become more clannish. Their eyes will become more sensitive to bright sunlight, so they'll prefer to stay out of the sun, seeing refuge in the nighttime. Cooked food won't taste good anymore, so they'll begin to eat their meat raw. Because their new body burns more energy, they'll eat a lot of fresh red meat. The taste of fresh blood will become their nectar, so they'll enjoy the glass of blood as they enjoy wine now. At first, their new more aggressive style and love of blood can get them into trouble, but as they learn to handle their unique body needs, they can blend into society. They'll return to their homes, looking and acting the same; only letting their passions loose in the privacy of their own home. They'll be able to contain their desire for fresh blood by partaking of animal blood from vampire owned slaughterhouses; only occasionally letting their passion drive them to feed on a still alive human. While they've got a strong desire for blood, they don't need it to live. Today there are almost twenty-eight hundred Level One vampires in the world."

"What are the differences in the other levels?" Brian asked.

"Immortality, strength, and the ability to ignore most rules of physics. I can be in two places at almost the same time. That was me playing the piano when you arrived earlier. I only had to wish myself to be in the courtyard and I was there. Did anyone hear me approach your group over those dried, noisy leaves?"

I responded "No, but our attention was diverted. We weren't observing anything except the tombstone when you arrived. Is it proper to assume that you're claiming to be the daughter of Vlad Dracul, the sister of Vlad the Impaler?"

"No, Unfortunately I wasn't born Margot Dracul, who was the younger daughter of King Dracul and the sister of Prince Vlad." she quietly replied as her fingers softly traced the edges of the crumbling tombstone.

"So who you do you claim to be?"

She raised her head, staring into my eyes as she softly stated "I was born Prince Vlad, heir apparent to the kingdom of Walachia, brother of Princess Margot. Remember that I told you that my father passed a curse to me on his deathbed? The gypsies had cursed my father and sister by turning them both into level three vampires. I was studying for the priesthood and was away from home. I discovered that something had occurred. I rushed home, to find my father and sister having sex together in a bedroom lined with drained corpses. In his bedroom, they used their much superior strength to also drain my body of blood as they hungrily feasted on me. As I lay dying, they realized what they had done to me. The only way that they could save me, was to convert me into a higher level four vampire using their new powers and black magic. My sister sacrificed her body so that I could live. She used her new powers to change bodies with me, becoming the Prince as I became her and also a vampire. Now the three of us could feast on each other, becoming stronger as each other's blood and stronger stamina flowed into us. While I could control my new thirst for blood, my father and new brother couldn't. Rather, they could control their desires, but didn't want to control themselves. They constantly gorged themselves, not caring if their host died or not. It was my brother that the Turks finally beheaded, but my father had already died from where my brother drained him one time too many times."

It may have been my imagination, but I felt a cold wind blowing down my back as I listened to her. When she finished, the woods were quiet. For the first time, I noticed that there were no bird sounds or animal sounds in the woods. Just the sound of the wind whistling around the branches.

Diane stood up, so that she was facing Margot, not caring that she was standing in the middle of the grave, as she declared "Nice fucking story. You might be able to sell it to some Hollywood movie maker. So you plan to turn us into vampires and use your powers to do some body swapping at the same time? Just don't try to turn me into an oversexed blonde bimbo. I'd have to kill you if you tried that. Now excuse me, while I go back to the Castle to get something to eat. I missed lunch."

She turned and walked away, leaving the rest of us standing in a semi-circle around Margot. I asked "How were you able to avoid the destruction of your family?"

"My father was a warrior but he wanted his son to have the knowledge that was denied him. He hired scholars to educate me. My sister was denied those benefits because her purpose in life was to bear children. Although I wanted to follow them in their mindless killing sprees, I knew that it was wrong and tried unsuccessfully to talk them out of it. Now that Margot was in my body, she refused to listen to me, enjoying her much superior physical strength and my former leadership position among the warriors. She started a regime of debauchery, leading my men into battle after battle, to satisfy her thirst for blood. I couldn't stop her in a physical fight and she would drain me of blood, leaving me weaken before turning me over to her warriors to satisfy their desire for rape and carnage. I guess, to answer your question, I wanted to participate in their killing sprees, but had enough of an education to know that it was wrong. When the Turks captured the person that they knew as the Prince, I was in a monastery trying to find a cure for my disease. After the slaughter of my warriors, there weren't many people alive in this area, much less anyone that wanted anything to do, with the daughter of the King. The monks taught me how to hide, how to control my desires, and eventually helped me build the library that you see now."

"How many other level vampires are there?" asked Brian.

"There are about fifty of us. It takes a Level three or higher to change levels. Two level ones can't change their level. Over the centuries, as I ran into the other senior vampires, I gradually rose to the highest level by sharing their blood and powers. Unlike them, I didn't seek fresh blood constantly and where they got caught by their local authorities, I remained free."

Chapter 6 - The end of the first week

It was the most unusual week of my life. Or so I thought, not realizing what really lay ahead of me.

For the first three days, we would meet Margot in one of the rooms and try to find holes in her story. Brian and Diane participated most of the time, spending the rest of their time, doing research in the library. By the end of the first day, both of them were convinced that the books in the library were genuine, one-of-a-kind ancient books. I found Brian very depressed the first day, because one of the books disproved some of the theories that theologians based some of the cardinal religious concepts upon. He was upset because he knew that the book was authentic, yet it contradicted everything that he believed in.

Diane, on the other hand, was very excited over her research discoveries. Some of the books were in their ancient dialect and couldn't be easily translated, but she proclaimed that several mysteries of the ancient worlds were discussed in details not known elsewhere. She theorized that this room contained the most complete documented history of the last three thousand years.

Janet and Jack were busy trying to explain some of Margot's tricks. They would examine a room, make sure that there were no hidden passages, and shut the door, leaving Margot in the room. She would immediately open a door further down the hall, on the opposite side of the corridor. Janet theorized that Margot had a twin sister, so they tried different tricks, such as writing on her skin with a magic marker. While Margot wouldn't disappear while they were looking, she constantly surprised all of us, by popping up when we least suspected her.

I also suspected that Jack was already fucking Janet. About the third day, I noticed a little change in their relationship, how they talked to each other, and looked at each other. A couple of times, I suspected them of rubbing each other leg's under the table.

Margot gave us a tour of the basement levels, making us promise that we wouldn't visit those levels without her. Our one tour through those dark and musky hallways, only revealed a large level of storerooms on the basement level, and a bunch of empty, dusty cells in the sub-basement level. We did not find any caskets filled with dirt.

By the end of the week, we had all reached the same general conclusion. There had been no proof that she was a vampire but there was ample proof that she had very unique abilities, for lack of appropriate words; and that her surroundings supported her historical claims.

It was late Thursday night. We were sitting in the chairs facing the fireplace in the great hall, drinking some of her fine wine. While on the other nights, we had imbibed quite heavily into her wine cellar, tonight was different. It was the night that she promised to offer proof of her vampire heritage. And also the night that each and every one of us, would make our decision as to whether we would proceed with her plan to turn us into vampires.

We hadn't seen Margot since the sun went down and were waiting on her to make her appearance, knowing that it would be quite dramatic. Somewhere around ten o'clock, there was a slight noise behind us. I turned around, staring into the darkened room, hearing the soft pad of footsteps as someone walked toward us in the dark. I could faintly see a young woman, wearing only a nightgown, walking toward us. Her eyes were shut and she was holding her hand out as if she was being led by someone. She sluggishly walked into our small circle of light provided by the crackling fireplace; where she stood in the middle of the large rug in front of the fireplace.

She appeared to be seventeen, long brown hair, had a nice nubile body under that heavy floor-length flannel nightgown, and weighed about one hundred and twenty pounds. She was a tall, statuesque woman whose most striking features were her long, wavy brown hair which cascaded down her back almost to her waist and her equally long full legs. I was especially turned on by her long legs, combined with her perky breasts. Even though she wasn't large breasted, her nightgown prominently stuck out indicating some nice firm boobs with poked out nipples. Her hairstyle and clothes suggested that she was one of the local townspeople.

As we examined her, Margot walked into our midst. She was naked and her body was glowing with a faint reflection because her body appeared to coated with baby oil. It was the first time that any of us had seen her naked body. I just stared at her naked body, concentrating on looking at her beautiful breasts, which were shaped like classic champagne glasses with large, pronounced nipples. Her boobs were even more beautiful than I had been imagining them to be. They stuck straight out and I could see the deep dark brown areolae had a pebbled textured and the nipples themselves were long. Each breast had a dark pink circle in the center of a white triangle in the center of a tan circle. The rest of her was just as built. She had a long, lean, young and tight body, with a magnificent ass. Perfectly shaped and looking like she was ready for anything. Looking at her naked body like this, it was hard to remember her claim to have been born as a male.

She looked around us and softly announced "After sundown, I visited a town about two hundred miles away and found this young woman, getting ready to go to bed. I prepared her and transported her back to my Castle to use in my demonstration. Per our many arguments over the last several days, I know that you won't acknowledge my vampire heritage simply by my drinking blood, or that I can convince someone else to drink blood. You would credit those demonstrations to simple hypnosis. I plan to use my vampire powers to cloud her mind so that she thinks that she is still in her bedroom, not here in the middle of my floor. That the person that she is making love to, is her boyfriend lover. Then I'll assume her body and become her, allowing you to see my transformation. After the transformation, I'll give each and everyone of you, the opportunity to decline further participation. Anyone that declines will be safe tonight and can leave tomorrow. Anyone that accepts, will wait their turn as I transform everyone into a vampire over the next several weeks. I'll transform someone into a vampire tonight."

We looked around the room at each other, knowing that this was the moment that we had been waiting for. Margot would either have to put on the best magic show of her life or shut up. Diane leaned back in her chair and summed up everyone's answer "Let's see what you're going to do with the bitch!"

Margot looked around the room as she informed us "No one can step on the rug. You can do or say anything but don't enter the area of the rug. No matter what you say, she won't hear you."

Then she stepped forward onto the rug so that she was standing only inches from the woman. Margot softly whispered "What is your name?"


"Its a pretty name for a beautiful woman. Remove your nightgown, Josette."

The woman unbuttoned two buttons and let the nightgown slide down her body, until it was lying on the floor. She had a deep natural tan skin and smooth dark nipples. She had large, full breasts, that didn't hang down yet, with hard magnificent nipples almost covering the ends. Her brown nipples rose and fell with her breathing. Her arms and shoulders and stomach were sleekly muscled, hard, and exciting to look at; clearly this was a woman that worked hard and took care of herself. Sparks of desire flashed across her face as her eyes stared into Margot's eyes. The woman's long dark hair gave her a very sensual appearance, with her long hair falling to the middle of her back. It matched the thick tangle between her lithe legs. Looking at the two women standing naked in front of me caused a very firm erection.

"Do you have a boyfriend, Josette?"


"What is his name?"


"Good. I want you to close your eyes and think about what Stevan looks like. I want you to remember him when he is naked. Think about nothing but his body."

As we watched them, Margot began to change. It was a gradual change but she began to get bigger, wider, and heavier. I heard Diane gasp as she realized what was occurring.

As we watched, Margot grew taller until she was almost six feet tall as her body filled out so that she had wide, masculine, muscular shoulders. Her boobs quickly flattened out until they disappeared into a mass of hard muscles barely hidden under a light covering of curly chest hair. Her long slender legs lengthened and thickened until they were as solid as piledrivers. Her long, shinny dark hair shrunk and turned into a close cropped dark brown curly man's haircut. Her face changed from a narrow shape to a square shape, with a chiseled jaw. There was no beard, but there was beard stubble on this new person's face. Hanging down between the new person's legs, was a long, thick cock. In less than two minutes, the Margot female shape disappeared as she transformed herself into the naked man standing in front of us.

The man opened his mouth and announced "Josette, it's Stevan. Open your eyes." Even the voice had changed to a rich, deep baritone male voice.

She opened her eyes, saw the image of the man standing in front of her and cried "Oh, Stevan, I've missed you so much. Take me to your bed and make love to me."

If I hadn't seen the transformation, I would've assumed that the peasant girl was acting or hypnotized. But I couldn't explain the transformation.

"That's just what I wanted to hear you say. I want to fuck you as you've never been fucked. But first, you've got something that I want. I want to kiss your neck. I want to feel your heartbeat in your neck with my tongue." proclaimed the male voice.

She shook her head as she pushed her hair up and down her back, pulling it away from her face. Then she tilted her head and exposed her neck. In the silence of the room, I could almost hear her heartbeat. The man creature, which I couldn't call Margot or Stevan, stepped forward, bowed his head against her neck and softly nuzzled her for a moment. She put her arm around his neck, rubbing his hair as he nuzzled her hair. He ran his fingernails down her back and nibbled on her earlobe, before biting into her shoulder, and neck. His fingers dug into her bare buns, as he kept working her asscheeks. Then her fingers tensed and she jerked her head straight up in the air as she moaned.

I looked around at my team and everyone was on the edge of their seats. I looked back to see Josette's hand gradually loosing it's grasp in the man's hair. Then her hand dropped to her side as if there was no life in her. The man creature was holding her apparently dead weight. Deliberately he stood up straight, revealing a trickle of blood flowing down her neck; and a trace of blood on his lips. Josette didn't fall and stood as if she was a positioned mannequin.

"You need me," he grunted, stroking between her legs with one hand and squeezing a breast with the other, causing her to jerk as she came back to life. "You want to please me with your body. Don't you? You want to feel my big cock slide up your tight little pussy!"

He slipped three fingers into her pussy, causing her to gasp with pleasure. He rolled his wrist around, rotating his fingers up inside her. Then he slipped his now wet fingers out, as he rubbed her juices on his lips.

She didn't move as he lay down on his back, on the rug. His erection was sticking straight up. The man creature softly declared "You tasted good. You need a master, someone who understands what you need. Now let me satisfy you. Mount me and give me the best fucking of your life."

Her face lit up as her lips curled into a smile. For just a moment, she stared at him, her eyes alive with desire for him and what was between his legs. Then she stepped forward, spreading her legs so that she was standing over him. She dropped down to her knees, with her body perfectly positioned over his erection. Her long dark hair was flowing down her back, with just a trace of rapidly drying blood still trickling down her chest.

Her slow descent onto the erect cock was maddening for me. I watched as she jerked as she air humped him, rubbing his cock against her thick mound of dark pussy hair. She leaned forward placing her hands on his chest as he reached up with one hand, cupping her breast with his large hand.

My mouth was getting dry from watching this display of his control of her and the teasing sex between them. My own erection was about to burst my trousers. I heard a gasp from one of my team, turning my head to look at them.

Janet was breathing hard, her breasts straining as she rubbed one of her hands against the blouse covering her nipple. Jack's trousers were unzipped and his hand was down in his trousers. Diane was staring at the girl's body and I could see her licking her lips. Only Brian was staring at them, with no obvious personal interest in sex at this moment. As for myself, I wanted to start pounding my pud; but managed enough self control to ignore my personal desires.

I looked back at Janet, staring at her long red enameled nails moving languidly across her blouse as she rubbed her palm against her breasts. I watched as she cupped her slender fingers under her breast, using her fingertips to caress her aureoles through the soft material. I watched her flinch as she found and squeezed a distended nipple through the blouse, closing her eyes in ecstasy for a moment. She moved her legs slightly as her entire body reacted to the visual and physical stimulation. While one hand continued to tickle her breasts, the other moved towards the hem of her short skirt.

Suddenly she stopped and looked at me. Realizing that I had been watching her, she smiled a funny smile before ceasing her masturbation, as she placed her hands on the chair rests.

I looked back quickly when I heard Josette moan as she guided his cock inside her lowering body. Just watching her slide down on his erection, was more than enough to drive me wild with desire. My cock was throbbing within my trousers, screaming for relief.

Her arms shook and her body almost buckled with the intensity of her first downward thrust. As she eased back up slightly, the room smelled strongly of her moist aroused aroma. His fingers ran lightly over her tits, teasing her with his touch as she started to move her hips to seat herself. Then with a quick bend of her knees, she rammed the full length deep inside her. For just a moment, she paused to savor the full feeling inside her, then with a wicked smile at him, she rides him.

Her hips rose and fell, driving his cock into her pussy with each slam, causing her pendulous breasts to bounce wickedly. She whimpered, releasing a tiny cry every time she came down on him with her hips moving faster and faster. The scent of the girl filled the air, making me feel sweaty and intoxicated just from her pungent odor.

He tilted his head forward as she leaned down, offering her breast to his mouth. He deliberately opened his mouth taking only the nipple into his mouth, as he slid his other hand up and cupped her opposite boob. He squeezed the porcelain white boob as he ran his palm across her fleshy rigid nipple, causing Josette to moan softly. He sucked the nipple into his mouth as she slowly humped him before changing to the other nipple. That's when I noticed a new small trickle of blood dripping around her swollen areola and down the slope of her breast. I glanced up at her face and saw nothing but joy. Her eyes were closed and her beautiful, sensual lips smiled. There was no apparent pain or awareness of him feeding, as he sucked the blood from her body.

Then she tensed. When she tensed, he released the nipple and lay back. She sat up straight and started humping up and down faster. Her eyes closed and her head falls back, her long hair cascading almost to his knees, as she grinds down onto the impaled cock, pressing down with her hips to bring on her orgasm. Her cries become more frantic as she feels her orgasm beginning to build within her. Then she uttered a hoarse cry as her arms buckled from her rising orgasm. She arched backwards to cum as her hips grind on the cock buried in her. She cums screaming, releasing her loud cries of passion.

Again, she screamed as she tried to stifle her scream. Her body was jerking with uncontrollably violent shuddering movements as the sensitive clitoris nerve fibers electrified her entire body. She stayed atop him for a brief moment enjoying the orgasm, then a long sigh escapes her lips as he commands "Eat me."

She flexed her knees, rising up off the wet cock, releasing a very strong pleasant musky odor, as she revealed her now drenched, steaming, hair-matted pussy. She knelt on trembling legs, beside him. Her leg muscles are still twitching as she tries to calm her breathing. Her long, thick, now rock-hard crimson nipples pulsated visibly on her flushed, perspiring breasts.

She ran her fingers through her hair, pulling back on the hair and pulling it out of the way. His cock jutted rock-hard up from his groin, pulsing with each beat of his heart.

She whispered "I want you to cum. I want you to cum real hard while you look at my tits and nipples."

I was in a daze from watching them, listening to their primal lust sounds, smelling the overpowering aroma from that beautiful woman. My swollen balls ached and my stiff cock throbbed frantically requesting relief.

"What a lovely cock you have. I like to suck your big, thick cock." she moaned, as she stared at his jism coated erection. "It looks as good as it felt inside me."

Josette leaned forward and kissed the tip of his cock that was covered with her thick cream. "Mmmmmm," she groaned, "it tastes like me. I like to taste my pussy juice on your cock. Let me clean you with my tongue." She extended her tongue and began to lick the head, grasping him with one hand.

When she had cleaned the head, Josette pushed her lips down over it, holding just the head inside her mouth and sucking on it. Then, maintaining a sucking vacuum, she pulled it deep into her mouth. She humped her head back and forth, her lips forming a grasping ring around the cock as she slid up and down its length. When he was deep inside her mouth, she moved her tongue back and forth along the underside of his cock as she hummed.

Her hand was wrapped around the shaft, jacking up and down on his cock. She began to work on him energetically, shoving her head down onto his cock and pulling back quickly, only to shove it quickly back into her mouth again. The cock was plunging in and out of her sucking mouth and clinging fingers.

"Here it comes," he grunted.

Josette sucked the cock frantically, furiously, moving her head forward and back as she rotated her mouth around his cock. She was sucking so hard that she was making smacking sounds. Her hand continued to jack the cockshaft. He shoved his hips forward, fucking her mouth, as he exploded, spewing cum into her mouth.

He grabbed her head and pulled her head back as he aimed his spewing cum at her open mouth. Her wide open mouth was covered with his white, creamy cum as he shot it onto her face. Moving her head, Josette opened her mouth to catch the shooting jism. The creamy fluid splattered against her groping, smiling mouth, dripping off her nose, closed eyes and cheeks. It trickled down her smooth body, and onto her tits. Her tongue was licking around her face, capturing the cum immediately around her mouth. I looked at her flushed face sensing the sexual urgency inside her began to ebb. I stared at her glistening thigh, up to the almost hidden lips under the wet cunt fur, up to her glazed eyes. Although her passion was spent, she still radiated a powerful animal strength and lust combined with a velvet innocence.

The man creature rolled over and looked me straight in the eyes; as if he wanted to ensure that I was watching. I heard a muffled moaning from the side of the room. I turned to see Jack with his trousers unzipped, as he masturbated himself.

The man creature rolls back over, looks at Josette and commanded "Its time for you to relax. Close your eyes and relax until I call you."

Her eyes close and her ragged breathing becomes more regular. The man creature stood up, his huge thick cock hanging down, with a glob of semen still dripping from it. He announced "It's time for my next transformation."

I watched as the man started getting smaller and narrower, his hair growing long, his chest hair disappearing, and breasts forming as he transformed himself back into a female. I watched as the man soften and transformed into a woman's shape, finally recognizing that he was becoming Josette's twin. I looked down at the real Josette still knelling with her eyes closed. The person standing in front of us, was her exact clone, complete with cum covered face and body. Her breasts had red marks as if fingers had been tightly squeezing her boobs. On her neck was a trace of blood, similar to the real Josette's neck. Her areolae were puffy as if someone's mouth had been sucking on them. Her pussy hair was matted and wet, with a trace of jism oozing down one leg; as if she had been fucking.

The woman creature responded perfectly in Josette's voice and local dialect "A higher level vampire can assume any body shape. As you see, I'm the woman now. Time passes too quickly for you mortals and its time for you to make your choices. Brian, your choice?"

We all turned to stare at Brian. He was the only team member that was visibly unaffected by the sex between the two. For about thirty seconds, he just stared before he affirmed "I accept."

The real Josette raised her head, opened her eyes as the woman creature stared at me. The real Josette turned to Diane and stated to her "One of my powers is that I can share my thoughts with my subjects. As you see, I'm Josette, but I think as if I was Margot. So think twice before you answer, but I'm looking forward to making you into my sex slave, having you eat my pussy. What is your choice?"

Diane smiled as she responded "I can't wait for two things. First is to get you in bed and second is to kick your ass. I'm in for the duration."

The woman creature turned to Janet. Before she could say anything, Janet responded "I accept."

The Josette clone turned to Jack, who had regained control and was still holding his semi-flaccid cock with cum dripping all over his hand. Jack replied "I wouldn't miss this for the world."

She turned to face me as she noted "Everyone wants to go for it. What is your choice, my dear Professor?"

"You're either really what you claim to be, or the world's best hypnotist. Count me in."

"Good. Now its time for everyone to go to their bedroom and get ready for bed. In a little while, I shall send Josette to someone's room to provide that person with a long night of sexual pleasure before I return Josette to her home. I shall visit someone else's room in my Josette identity, and also make love to them all night long as if I was the real Josette. Just before dawn, that person will go through the first step to become a vampire. Whoever the two lucky people are, we'll make sure that you enjoy yourself. Sorry, professor, but neither of us will visit your room tonight. Get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day."

Chapter 7 - My adventure

As soon as I locked my bedroom door, I undressed and jumped in bed. I gathered a mouthful of saliva and spit it onto my hand. I began to smear my spit over my still solid erection as I thought about what I had seen tonight. When my cock was completely lathered with my spit, I wrapped my hand around it and began to gradually pump my hand up and down it's lubricated length. I concentrated on thinking about the beautiful pair of boobs that Margot and Josette had, thinking about what it would be like to suck on either of those fabulous tits.

I like female breasts and knew that I've got a breast fetish. I like to look at bare breasts, with nice big, sexy nipples. I used to fantasize about breasts with big nipples until I became worried about my sexuality. I'd masturbate as I pretended I was sucking on the biggest nipples in the world and as I sucked on them, my own imaginary chest would grow until the breasts were on my imaginary body. In my dream, I'd see myself with a nice set of 40DD breasts with two inch long nipples.

I continued stroking myself as I thought about how Margot changed from her wonderful female body into a man's body and functioned as a man. Then she turned into the Josette clone with a fully functional body. As I thought about how she got the cum on her face, I felt my hand speed up it's jacking motion. My eyes were closed and my entire body was shaking from my hard masturbation.

Then it occurred. The most powerful cum of my life as I daydreamed of making love to Josette, feeling myself change and transform into her sexy body. While my cum was spurting out on one hand, the other hand was playing with my daydream set of enormous female nipples.

I drifted off to sleep, dreaming sweet dreams about seeing myself step onto the rug and my body gradually transformed into Josette's body. As I slept, I made love to the rest of the team, but I was Josette. I was the little peasant girl, with large breasts, long dark hair, and a hairy wet, smelly pussy. I licked Diane's pussy as Janet tongued my own pussy. Then I sucked Jack's large cock as Brian fucked me, while the girls sucked my titties.

I felt myself waking up and didn't want to wake up. I had never experienced such wonderful sex. I didn't want to go back to being an over-weight, balding male. I wanted to remain in my dream world, feeling my female breasts jiggle as I walked, feeling a big cock sliding up in my warm and waiting pussy, and feeling a set of lips pulling, twisting and tugging at my turgid large nipples.

I couldn't seem to move. I was mesmerized as I woke up, my hand holding my rock hard cock in a near death grip. I had a spontaneous orgasm right on the spot. My cock began to spew out jet after jet of thick white jism as I relieved myself, thinking of cum spattering on my thick female nipples.

I laid in bed, my breathing ragged, and remembering my dream and how excited it made me. What was happening to me????

And then the memory of last night's erotic excitement charged me as I remembered the fantastic bodies of the two women. It was like a dream, but so intense that I didn't doubt for a second that it hadn't really happened.

I enjoyed a long, warm shower, knowing that the other team members were waiting on me, to determine if anyone was transmogrified into a vampire while the rest of us slept. When I finished showering, I stood in front of the mirror and stared at my face, concentrating on my beard. It wasn't a full beard, just a neatly trimmed beard speckled with red and gray hair, just long enough to feel soft. I had worn a beard for over ten years now. So long that I almost forgot what I looked like without one.

I didn't want a beard at first because it stereotyped me as the typical college yuppie professor, but my therapist insisted that I grow one. And he was right. After I grew it, my decade-long daydreams gradually disappeared.

Both before and after getting my degrees, I dedicated my life to my career goals and spent all of my time studying. Although I had normal sexual desires, I couldn't find the time to chase the available women so my sex life was limited to masturbation or the occasional prostitute.

I used to fantasize about sex a lot, and just not sex with the pretty female coeds running around my college campus; but sex as the pretty female coed. It started when I was in college and masturbating myself to sleep almost every night, when I moved into a private room. I grew up in a big household and never had any privacy until I arrived in college. After two months of my private room, I had gone through all of the normal fantasies and was looking for something to keep me excited at night. For some strange reason, one night I pretended that I was a female student in one of my classes, trying to seduce my male body. I became very aroused and kept repeating that transformation daydream over the next several months, with slightly different variations, until I was no longer having `normal' daydreams.

It got so bad that during the day, I'd watch a girl walk across the hallway and find myself drifting off into a spontaneous dream. I bought myself some female underwear to keep in my room so that I could touch the flimsy lingerie at night and dress myself in the feminine apparel, with rolled socks filling out my bra.

Then I was discovered. I was on vacation, had my little bag of female accouterments and I completely dressed as a woman in my hotel room; to include wig, make- up, perfume, nylons, blouse, skirt, and jewelry. For the first time in my life, I walked out of a locked room that night, wearing female clothes and pretending to be a woman. I walked straight into a police prostitution sting. I thought that the guy really thought that I was a woman and I was saying anything to just keep talking to him, little realizing that he was setting me up.

The college dean was very understanding. His advice was to take some therapy and don't do it again. My therapist thought that my almost constant daydreams were the source of my problem. He ordered me to grow a beard. With a beard, I couldn't put on lipstick or any other make-up. Whenever I looked into a mirror, I'd see the masculine image and not a face that could be easily transformed.

So I grew a beard and it worked. I was able to drift off to sleep at night without feeling unsatisfied and only fantasized about twice a month when I was in the privacy of my own bed. I found it was now easier to spend a little time flirting with some of the other female instructors and actually had a couple of short lived affairs.

As I looked at my beard, I thought about the fantastic dream that I had last night and knew that my beard wouldn't be enough to keep me from thinking about that dream or from repeating it. When I get back home, I'll have to re-consider more therapy.

Chapter 8 - The first vampire

I went downstairs, finding everyone waiting on me. I looked around and queried "Good morning boys and girls. Is it time for show and tell?"

There was silence then Janet groaned "I had a visitor last night. It was Josette and she made love to me all night, before leaving at daybreak."

Brian jerked then exclaimed "Impossible. She was with me all night. It had to be Margot with you."

Janet blushed and responded "I don't usually kiss and tell, but it was very clearly Josette that came to my bedroom. I've seen enough of Margot to recognize her vocal patterns and personality. This was the quite, shy farmgirl, experiencing her new sexuality as she made love to a woman for the first time. She confessed to me that I was her only lover beside Stevan."

Brian nodded his head "Exactly. I had the same woman and I was the only man that she had ever had sex with, beside Stevan."

Diane interjected "One of you can't be telling the truth. Or doesn't realize that they aren't telling the truth. Margot may have been able to convince her partner that she was the real thing and then to forget about whatever really occurred."

Janet's face turned pale as she cried "It was Josette. I know it was. I know that I'm not lying."

I looked at Diane and Jack as I queried "So what do we do now? How do we find out the truth?"

"You wait!" proclaimed Margot from behind me. I turned, discovering her standing immediately behind me. She stepped forward, sat down in one of the chairs and lit one of Jack's cigarettes before she continued "I did what I professed last night. Tonight, when my new friend falls asleep in the privacy of their bedroom, I'll complete the process so that they'll re-awaken as the new person that I promised. Until then, everyone will just have to wait!"

"How will they change?" I asked.

She threw her head back as she laughed "For the better."

We learned nothing more from Margot during the rest of the day. After breakfast, we had Janet and Brian disrobe so that we could examine their bodies for evidence of physical damage, finding nothing more than scratches on their backs from a lover's fingernails. We tried to make our examination as scientific as possible, but having Janet's naked body standing only inches from me was almost too much for me.

Looking at the two naked bodies being examined at the same time, it was quite evident that female bodies are easily more beautiful than men. There was no way that I couldn't stare as I looked at her radiant golden skin, her lush figure with subtle musculature, her very feminine body curves, her firm, full breasts and the rounded arc of her bottom. Her breasts were quite simply, perfect, giving her the ideal physique. Most of her breast flesh was a dark tan but around each dark nipple was a small creamy-white triangle where a tiny bikini top had barely covered it. I could feel the un- named power strongly emitting from her, that women have, that creates the desire to possess them.

It was Diane that suggested the examination. I watched intently as Janet's hands unbuttoned the buttons on her blouse, ignoring Brian as he also undressed. She turned around, while she removed her blouse and skirt, then turned to face us.

Diane took charge of the examination as she walked around Janet. She reported "Recent scratch marks up and down the back and buttocks. Nothing serious. Same type of marks on Brian's back as if from the same lover. Janet's nipples appear to be swollen and straining against her bra. Are they normally that big?"

"No. Only when I'm making love or it's cold, do they swell like that. Then they usually return to normal. I don't know why they are swollen now, unless its because of the stress of being stared at."

I had already started fantasizing about what it would be like to tease her dark brown nipples or gather her aureole between my lips.

"Why don't you come with me, Professor?" suggested Margot's voice beside me. It startled me because I wasn't aware that Margot was in the room, much less so close to me.

Everyone paused as they looked at me to see what I was going to do. I nodded and she turned, walking out of the room as I followed her. I followed her through the hallway, down to the chapel, and out a sidedoor into an ancient amphitheater.

In the amphitheater, she sat down on the podium, letting her legs hang over the small wall, swinging her legs over the edge. I sat down beside her, slightly downwind so that I was smelling her faint perfume.

She opened by saying "I asked you out here, to give you a choice. You can call it quits and send everyone home. I think that I provided enough proof last night that I've got special powers that can only be explained by believing that I'm a Vampire."

"What about the book?" I asked.

"I still want you to write a book. If not you, then someone that will tell the truth about my brethren for a change. I get tired of watching TV and seeing someone holding a cape over his face as he turns himself into a bat. Or ever worse, moving like a zombie. His face all pallid, and unable to display any emotion in his face until he sees fresh blood. As you can see from watching me, I'm just as alive as you're, if not more alive."

"Granted. But that's just part of why its so difficult for us to accept you. You're just as normal as us, until you pull one of those damn sneak up behind us tricks."

"That's the way that we really are. We have blended in for years, avoiding discovery most of the time. Some of my fellow Vampires have married and lived normal lives, keeping their secret concealed from their families for years; as they lived a normal life."

"Why haven't you married? Why do you still live here?"

"This'll always be my home. As for being married, I've been married several times and will probably marry again. Being married to a mortal is only fun for about ten years and then it becomes a real problem. This isn't my only house and I travel quite heavily. I told you in the basic discussion that I can wish myself somewhere and I instantly go there. Earlier today, I visited a friend in France and told him about your promise to write a book setting the facts straight."

"Why do you live as a woman when you can assume any shape that you desire?" I asked.

She smiled before replying "I would've bet that you weren't going to ask that question for at least another day. You surprised me because I'm usually such a good judge of human nature that humans typically bore me. As for my choice of gender, why shouldn't I live as a woman. If you've got a choice, why not go with the best option? Sometimes I'm a male, but it gets so boring after awhile. I like to look feminine and feel sexy; so that I can bathe in the desire that people emit when they are in the presence of an attractive woman. If you had my powers, wouldn't you live as a woman?"

"I don't think so", I replied as I stroked my beard.

"My dear Professor. I gave up lying centuries ago and expect my friends to live up to the same standards. I know more about you, about who you really are, than you know about yourself. So, don't lie to me again when its just you and I talking. I warn you that you don't want to piss me off."

I looked at her solemn face, which abruptly turned into a smile.

The rest of the day dragged. We discovered nothing unique or different about either of our companions. I laid in my bed that night, unable to sleep, staring at the ceiling, wondering what the morning would bring. Would it be Brian or Janet?

From that point onward, the evening became a tangle of sensations, a blur of images drifting through my closed eyes. I didn't realize that I dozed off, until I heard a faint noise waking me up. I jerked, looked around the room, seeing nothing unusual in the shadows, and laid back on the pillow.

I realized that I woke up because I felt a cool draft on my body. I looked to see if the blankets had fallen off while I was asleep and suddenly realized that I wasn't alone in my room ... someone was in the room with me.

"It's me. May I come in? I don't want to scare you - just let me make love to you."

I jerked my head up, turning toward the sound of her voice, instantly recognizing Janet's voice.

Janet was standing in the back of the room, wearing her bathrobe. There was no door or window on that wall, and no way that she could've sneaked around me. As I stared at her, she untied the little bathrobe belt around her waist and let the bathrobe drop to the floor.

She wasn't naked, which pleased me because I had stared at her naked body for several minutes that morning. Instead, she wore a seductive lingerie apparel combination. I started staring at her feet and worked my way up her scrumptious body.

The three inch high heels made her beautiful legs look even longer and fuller. Her legs were covered with sheer red stockings which were held up by suspenders from a red garter belt. Her legs were spread slightly so that I could see the flaxen silky patch of pubic hair between her legs. Her upper body was partially enclosed in a matching reddish demi bra. It lifted her breasts, pushed them, yet left the nipples completely exposed so that her nipples jutted straight out and slightly upwards. The bra had been chosen because it definitely displayed her impressive large dark brown areolae and nipples in a seductive fashion.

When I finally did look at her face, she had a sexy seductive smile on her face and purred in a low, husky voice, "I see that I turn you on, don't I? Well, you turn me on. I've got an overpowering desire to make love to you tonight. I won't hurt you and can't hurt you. I just want to touch you, to feel you inside me. I want to give you the best orgasm that you've ever had. And I can do it. I know deep down inside, that you secretly want me. You want me to exhibit myself to you, so you can admire my body. I'm a skilled lover and promise to satisfy you. See how swollen my nipples are from where I've been thinking about you; thinking about you making love to me."

"Are you the vampire?"

"I don't know what I am. I just know that I'm not what I was yesterday or the rest of my supposed previous life. Tonight, I feel so alive, so vibrant, so full of life, and there's much around me that I want to experience and enjoy. My awareness of my environment has changed so that I'm more aware of different things, more able to feel and enjoy the smaller pleasures of life. If that's something that only a vampire can experience, then the answer is yes to your question. I allowed Margot to nibble on my neck and to bite my neck so that she could taste my blood. I also tasted her blood after she bit her wrist, holding her wrist so that I feasted upon her dripping blood. I may be a vampire now, but tonight I'm a woman. A woman that wants you. That's offering you the most wonderful night of your life. I knew you wanted me when Stevan and Josette were making love. I could sense your desire and wanted you also. As I was watching them, I was pretending that it was you making love to me. I was fantasizing that it was your mouth on my breasts. So I came to you tonight, to satisfy both of our desires. Do you want me?"

My answer was a simple one. I threw the covers off the bed, stepped toward her, put my hand on her breast as I stared into her eyes, seeing only the passion waiting to be released. I bent slightly, taking her engorged nipple in my mouth, feeling it's velvet hardness. She twisted strong fingers in my hair and pulled my face against her breast, forcing more of the nipple into my mouth. As I licked and bit and sucked upon her tit, I reached down with one hand in a frenzy of exploration, finding her pool of flaxen hair between her legs; as I continued on down her soft and supple lower body.

It felt so natural to be holding her this way as I continued to suck and suck on the nipple. I felt so satisfied to be nursing on her breast; knowing what I was doing but couldn't stop. I knew that Janet was a prick tease and could be playing with my emotions.

But I didn't care as she stroked the side of my face and ran her hands through my thinning hair. Unclasping her bra, I sucked her tenderly, treating each of her nipples like a tiny penis, sucking them in and out of my lips and swirling my tongue abrasively against the tips. I was amazed by her aureole, the size of them and their color. While sucking on one breast, I was cupping the other breast in my hand, enjoying it's warmth and weight. I could feel Janet's head roll back and a low guttural moan escaped her lips as she began to writhe from my touch.

Her smooth, supple skin had a taste and texture unlike any that I'd ever encountered. I showered her delicious shoulders and neck with passionate kisses as she responded with tender bites on my neck, shoulders and ears before returning to the breasts for more sucking. I was mad with desire for her.

Kneeling, I pressed my cheek to her crotch and rubbed my face against her damp pubic hair as she braced herself against the wall and spread her legs. She pushed her hips forward, offering me entry to her version of utopia. Still on my knees, I nipped at the inside of her thigh, edging deliberately cuntward, as my hands explored the silky feeling of her stockings.

As my lips touched her crotch, she put one leg around my neck and pulled me closer to her. Her inner thighs rubbed against my face, as my tongue probed her flaxen down, searching for the nectar. I nibbled and gnawed at her outer lips, as my upreached hands cupped and squeezed her perfect breasts. Hidden in the mass of hair, her plump, pink lips formed a pretty, vertical mouth between her thighs. With one quick puff of air, I cleared a passage to her cunt lips as I used my tongue to spread her feminine lips, exposing her clitoris, as I was engulfed with the wonderful woman scent she was emitting.

I plunged my tongue into her hot wet beautiful pussy, suckling at her clit. I separated the thick lips, uncovering the bright pink interior, damp with desire, giving out the heady perfume of her clean but excited sex. I breathed deeply of her pussy scent as I tongue- fucked her, knowing that I had never experienced anything as wonderful as this in my whole life.

She began to tremble as I sucked and tongued as she wrapped her other leg around my back, so that she was sitting on my shoulders with her back braced against the wall. My head was buried between her velvet thighs, unable to escape if I wanted to. My tongue probed and sucked as she jerked from the actions of my tongue. The damp slit of her spread vagina revealed the tiny bladder opening beneath the clitoris. I began to lick the open flesh, savoring the salty, acid taste. With my slobbering tongue, I covered her inner lips with my saliva, as I thrust my tongue deep into the vagina. I jabbed my tongue at her erect, clit, alternating jabs with sucking.

I could feel her body shuddering and twisting as gasps escaped from her mouth. Sweat was running off her now, into my eyes and mouth, but I didn't care. I was in heaven as her body arched like a bow; she tensed as she released a low groan and her jism released into my waiting mouth.

She had multiple orgasms as I continued to explore her labia with my tongue and languorously lapped at her clitoris. The smell and taste of her drove all rational thoughts from my mind, replacing my normal logic thinking with a desire to probe my tongue so deep into her that we would become one person.

I felt her legs loosen after one orgasm and her balance shift as she released me from my voluntary prison between her legs. She stood on her legs and pulled me from my kneeling position to a standing position, pulling me up so that our lips met. My face was covered with her wet juice and after her tongue probed my mouth, she teased me as we kissed, while she licked and sucked my face clean.

She gently guided me back to my bed, removing my pajamas as we continued to explore each other's body. When we were next to the bed, she whispered "I want you to fuck me but the first time must be my ass. I prepared myself so I'm clean, lubricated and very tight. I promise to make it the best sex that you've ever had."

Chapter 9 - Who did what?

Sluggishly I opened my eyes, feeling my head pound from a throbbing headache. My whole body ached and I felt fatigued. I knew that I was alone in my bed and that I had overslept by several hours this morning.

The memory of last night's sex woke me up, causing me to jerk, causing pain to shoot through my body. I gently rotated over, opening the nightstand drawer, removing my tape recorder.

Trying to keep from moving much, I pressed the `On' button, recording my daily dairy while the events were fresh in my mind.

"Last night, a new Janet came to my room; or someone that appeared to be Janet. She claimed that she had been transformed but there wasn't any evidence of non-normal powers. Except for her entrance into my room. She was at the back of the room, where no entrance exists, but she could have sneaked in while I was dozing. She was dressed in very seductive lingerie and made me a sexual proposition that I found difficult to turn down. I proceeded mainly because its my responsibility to explore each ....."

I pressed the pause button, trying to figure out how to justify my willing participation. After a couple of seconds, I pressed the button again as I continued "I proceeded because I felt a strong sexual desire for her. Whether it was normal or something induced in me, is difficult to determine at this time. She allowed me to perform cunnilingus on her partially dressed body. I won't go into those details because that was strictly normal oral sex by a man on a woman. I'll go into the details of what occurred later, because that was definitely not normal sexual activity that can easily be explained."

I hit the pause button, gathering my thought before resuming "She undressed me and led me back to my bed, promising me sex, but requesting anal intercourse; having prepared and cleansed herself earlier. I consented and she assumed the standard knees spread, head bowed position with her butt up in the air. I mounted her from behind using the standard doggy-style mount, easily gaining access to her pre- lubricated anus. I proceeded to have anal intercourse with her, as I bent over her body, reaching around her body to play with her breasts. She continued to have several rapid orgasms as I ..... as I humped her. She was tight, even with the lubrication and I eventually experienced a delightful male orgasm, filling her anal cavity with my semen. I rolled off of her and onto my pillow where I proceeded to fall asleep from my exhaustion. That was normal oral sex by a male on a female and normal anal intercourse by a male on a female; with both of us being consenting adults. What happened next, is something I can't explain."

Taking a deep breath, I postponed my next sentence for a second "I can't explain what happened after I fell into my exhausted sleep. I remember lying on my pillow, with my eyes shut as Janet looked at me. I remember her bending over and nibbling on my neck but I could only respond by turning my head so that she could find the spot on my neck that she wanted. I couldn't resist as she nibbled on my neck, before she bite into my jugular vein. I could feel my blood pumping, escaping as she sucked my blood into her mouth. I couldn't move or open my eyes as she sucked my blood. Then I remember feeling dizzy and lightheaded as I started to float. I felt as if I was floating up out of my body, being pulled out of my body by her sucking motion on my neck. I felt myself pulled from my body, into her body. For the first time since I fell asleep, I could see but it was through her eyes as she sucked on my neck. Then she stopped sucking on my neck, as she stood up, looking at my lightly breathing body, with blood still heavily oozing from my neck puncture. She rubbed her hand between her legs and I felt her fingertips touch her vagina lips, as she spread her vagina lips. The sensation was so real, it was almost as if I was the woman and playing with myself. She stopped, removing a hand lightly coated with her jism, which she rubbed against my body's puncture areas. As I watched through my new set of eyes, the bleeding stopped. Within seconds, there was no sign of any puncture on my neck and just a trickle of blood that I knew would soon dry up. She stood up and walked toward my door, which opened as she approached it. I keep saying she, but it was as if I the person that doing the walking. I could feel the cold granite of the floor through my bare feet, hear the slight sound of the stockings as they rubbed from her body walking; and most amazing of all, I could feel the weight and jiggle of her breasts as they lightly bounced. She had left the bra back in my bedroom. There were other sensations also, such as the feel of the hair flowing down my back, but I was in shock. I was very aware of the squishy feeling between her legs as she walked. I was in her body, but not in control. I was .... hitchhiking is the only way that I can describe it. I was along for the ride, to share the physical sensations of the experiences of whatever she was doing."

"She walked down the upstairs hallway and into the shared bathroom. I could only see what she was seeing. She stepped up to the mirror, staring at her reflection in the mirror. It was clearly Janet's body, still partially dressed in her lingerie that was being reflected in the mirror. I could only watch as she applied fresh lipstick, leaning close to the mirror as she pursed her lips. Then she brushed her hair, restoring some of it's normal appearance. She adjusted her garter. When she was satisfied with her appearance, she blew a kiss at her image in the mirror, but somehow I knew that she was really blowing it to me. She walked down the hall, as Jack's bedroom door opened for us .. I mean for her. I mean for her body. Jack woke up as she entered the room. The door shut behind her as she seductively walked across the floor, standing beside the bed. She cooed to him `Would you like to fuck a virgin? I've brought you an ass that's never been penetrated.' He responded by pulling her on the bed, throwing her over his knees so that her rump was right under his eyes. Although he was doing it to her body, I could feel his hands around my wrists and his stiff hard prick pressing against my pubic area through the sheet. I couldn't move, but I could feel everything that she was feeling."

"I can't describe what it felt like to be a prisoner in her body, but it didn't feel wrong. I realized that I was becoming used to whatever it was, that was occurring to me. I was getting turned on by what Jack was doing to her body, which was reacting with extremely strong sexual impulses that I had never experienced before. Although he was caressing her buttocks ecstatically, using one hand to separate her white asscheeks to find her little rosette, it was as if he was doing it to me. She didn't protest or try to get up as his finger probed at the entrance. To me, it felt as if a burning iron had been dropped on my buttocks; as my or rather, her muscles contracted automatically at the pain. With his other hand, he was slapping her butt, causing the cheeks to tingle, causing Janet to become slightly sexually excited. As he slapped her ass, she jerked from the pain, which was quickly followed by a rush of pleasure. I can't explain it, except to say that the hurt felt good. She began to twist, not so much as to escape from what he was doing to us, but to react from some of the electrical tingling rushing through her body."

"At last he stopped, letting the burning died down a little. I was enjoying the feeling of warmth that spread over her whole body as his hands began to caresses the rest of her scantily clad body, resulting in many new and strange feelings. As Janet lay on his lap, his right hand moved up to roughly grasp her .... our left breast. I could feel his fingers as he rubbed his fingers against the breast, touching the bottom curve as he began circling around the perimeter of its rounded shape. With each revolution around my breast, he moved closer to the center until he found the areola of her nipple. How can I describe that feeling?"

"I was ecstatic with desire. If I knew at that moment how to escape from my hitchhiking imprisonment, I'd been unable to leave. His fingers caused our nipples to rise to little pointy peaks, as the areola tightened and brought on new sensations that I found exciting and wonderful. His other hand wandered over to my other breast as he continued to caress both of my breasts, causing me to get very hot and feel sweaty. I could also feel moisture between my legs that had somehow slipped in on me."

"His hand gradually worked its way down my stomach to the silky pubic hair, down my inner thighs, teasing me before coming back up to rest on my almost dripping wet genitals. As soon as his hand touched me there, a flood of phenomenal sensations shot through my body. I don't know if it was her or me moaning, but as his hand moved back and forth, round and round over our vagina, I became aware that I was now controlling our shared body. It was my lips that were moving to allow my moan to escape. It was my vagina that was being touched, and my stretching to spread my legs as he probed his fingers within me. Somehow, control of the body had been transferred to me and I was reacting to the sexual desires of this body. I wasn't aware of any sharing of the body as if this was my body exclusively."

"The flood of sensations was too great as his finger lightly probed between my vagina lips. I felt something deep inside me pounding as my entire body tightened. Then my body started humping, holding his finger inside me as he thrust his finger in and out as my hips rose and fell in rhythm to his probing. For almost a minute, I enjoyed the most intense pleasure as he finger-fucked me, before I became so wet that it was leaking out of me, as I dripped onto the bed. He began to rub harder on my clit and the surrounding skin as he put in another finger, making me feel full. I could feel my vagina muscles tighten around his fingers, squeezing the probing fingers. My cunt lips began to tingle as I ached for an orgasm to release me. I could feel the walls of my pussy as it contracted around his fiercely pumping fingers. I panted like a madwoman, groaning and moaning as his fingers masturbated me, trembling as my vagina lips stretched around his probing fingers which were driving in and out of my lips like a piston. I could hear a distant scream and recognized that it was coming from my lips, as I screamed with pleasure as my hips bucked forward to lock onto his fingers deep inside me. I jerked and spasmed as I experienced my first female orgasm. My whole body tightened and then I felt myself go limp as I relaxed."

"But he refused to allow me to recover. He rolled me over, spreading my legs, putting his mouth down between my legs, as he used his greedy mouth to suck my damp and burning pussy. I groaned and spread my legs, wanting him to do anything. I recognized that the desire that I was experiencing, was a desire for him to fuck me. I wanted his cock. I wanted his cock to be rammed upside me, deep into my wet and hungry pussy. I can't explain why I wanted it, but I knew that I wanted his cock inside me more than I wanted anything in the world at that moment. `Do you want me to suck you?' he asked as he pulled his tongue out of me."

I hit the pause button on the recorder, wishing that I had a cup of coffee. My mouth was getting dry from my talking.

I pressed the button again and continued "A wave of heat flowed through my female body as I knew that there was only one answer. I moaned Yes' as I looked deep into his eyes. He responded by asking Do you want me to stop? Tell me what you want me to do!' I didn't hesitate as I replied `Please. I want...I want your ... your ... cock. I want your cock .. please ... fuck ... me.', hearing Janet's husky female voice, but my choice of words."

"I was ashamed and thrilled at the same time. I was experiencing sex as a woman but I was so out of control, that I was begging for his cock. I wanted him to fuck me, even though I was seeing his cock as he pulled back the sheet for the first time. It was a huge thing and if his fingers caused that much pain, what would that huge thing do? I began to drool with desire for the marvelous cock that was hanging between his thighs, ready to offer my body to his more than adequate phallus. We rubbed against each other lasciviously, as his mouth returned to my breasts, seeking my hard nipples, causing new moans of ecstasy from me. I looked at his athletic body; my eyes were drawn to his lower abdomen as I stared at his huge and thick cock. It's fine skin shone like satin, the blue veins standing out from the shaft, that disappeared into a tuft of curly black hair that flowed up his chest. I knew that his cock was big enough to rip me open but I didn't care. I wanted it. I wanted it more than anything that I had ever wanted in my life."

"As he nibbled on my breasts, I reached out and wrapped my slender fingers and small hand around his erection, feeling it quiver at my touch. Without any hesitation, I began to caress the huge cock that was almost so big, that these small fingers could hardly wrap completely around it. I began to rub it, feeling the hidden muscles twitching as my fingers moved up the large shaft, headed for the enormous head. I thought that cocks this big only existed on horses and was amazed that a normal female could absorb it's extraordinary size."

"With his hands, he guided my body so that I rolled over, onto my knees and stuck my butt up into the air. As I looked back at my female breasts hanging down, I was amazed that I was still wearing the other lingerie. He scooted between my legs, using his knees to spread my legs further. I jerked as he pressed his pussyjuice coated finger against my anal opening causing me to moan again as I offered my rounded female ass to him. He whispered `Relax, don't be so tense. You've got to be relaxed or it'll hurt a lot.' He began probing my asshole again as I tried to relax. He eased his pussyjuice coated finger into me, pausing to let the inner muscle expand and contract to shape around his finger. I was shaking with desire and jerking from the wonderful pain that quickly turned into pleasure."

When I was ready, Jack stopped the preparation and rolled me over so that I was lying on my back, legs spread wide apart, and a pillow under my ass. He eased between my legs and I trembled with desire as I felt the huge cock at this orifice. He did a slow thrust with his hips as it forced it's way between the rosebud lips. I groaned from the pain, feeling tears fill my eyes as his huge cock seemed to rip my tender flesh. When he thrust violently into me, I screamed as my fingernails dug into his back, cutting deeply. Using a succession of little jerks, he succeeded in pushing his cock all the way in. Then he began to stoke gently, before driving it back in. My pain had quickly faded and I had discovered that bending my knees back almost to my chest, offered the most pleasurable sensations. I was moaning and groaning from his cock, which felt as if it had penetrated deep into my belly somehow. As he rested on his elbows, I was squeezing my breasts, intensifying my enjoyable sensations as I moaned in ecstasy."

"I had never been fucked before. Yes, fucked. I was definitely being fucked. I remember my head rolling madly as his sweat dripped down on my face. I remember his balls bouncing against my ass as he humped me. I remember his chest hair tickling my nipples and most of all, I remember the orgasms. My previous orgasms were nothing compared to the multiple orgasms that I was now experiencing. I had so many female orgasms that I lost count of how many I had. Then I felt him tense as his body tightened. I quickly wrapped my legs around his buttocks and pulled as hard as I could, trying to pull his cock even deeper into me. Then I experienced a wave of warm liquid pump into me, as he filled me with his thick cum."

"For several minutes, he just laid on my body, as he rested. I could feel his cock contract and slowly pull out of my anal opening, until only the head of the flaccid cock was still inside me. With a groan, he gently pulled out and rolled over, lying on his side where he quickly fell asleep. I laid in bed beside him, listening to him snore. Then I slipped out of bed, feeling the pain from my tender ass as I walked back to my room. I stood beside my bed and undressed, still smelling the strong feminine odor, still dripping the cum from my tender ass. I laid in my bed, pulling the covers up and went to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I had to record my memories while they were still fresh and vivid. And..."

There was a pause as I gingerly moved because I was very sore, and I looked on the floor beside the bed. Then I continued talking into the recorder "Lying beside my bed are the red three inch high heels, the sheer red stockings, the red garter belt and the matching reddish demi bra. Because of my tender rectum and dried cum, I've no doubt that somehow, it was really my body that Jack fucked last night."

Chapter 10 - Facing the team

I took a long shower. I needed to wash the pain away. In the shower, everything seemed so far away as the memories of last night faded; and the pain within my rectum as I walked. I looked at my body, seeing the fingernail cuts on my back, which I expected from my body's experience with Janet's fingernails. What I didn't expect were the small bruises around my nipples; that looked like hickeys. Except that Janet didn't suck on my breasts. Jack did suck very heavily on Janet's breasts, but those marks are on my body.

I dried in front of the mirror, looking at myself in the mirror, feeling so wrong, so out of place. I wanted to shave the beard off because it felt so wrong, so unnatural. My slightly overweight, out-of-shape male body, with the beard and thinning short hairstyle, appeared wrong. I felt so uncomfortable from looking at my body in the mirror, that I began to doubt if I was in my real body.

I paused only long enough to examine my neck, not finding any puncture marks. Then I dressed and went looking for the rest of my team. As my shoes clicked on the hard stone floor, echoing through the massive chambers, I wondered what I should tell them this morning.

Jack was talking to Diane and he was in an extremely good mood. I mumbled a "good morning" as I helped myself to a bowl of cereal. Brian was sitting at the table, but he was reading. When I sat down, Brian confirmed "Janet's still in her room, sleeping. The rest of us have been down here for about four hours, waiting on you and her. What do you want to do?"

Before I could answer, Janet's voice behind me softly declared "Good morning, everyone."

I turned, seeing Janet walk into the kitchen. She was wearing a simple blouse, shorts, tennis shoes and sunglasses.

I couldn't see her eyes behind the dark glasses, but saw a faint smile form on her lips as she announced "I don't know about everyone else, but I had a very nice night's sleep; and I feel so alive today after a good rest. Pardon my sunglasses, but my eyes are very sensitive to the light this morning."

When I didn't say anything Diane asked "Brian has already told us that nothing happened to him last night. What happened to you?"

Janet poured some cereal in a bowl before she responded "I went to my room and fell asleep. I woke up and felt a little restless so I came down to the kitchen, got a glass of milk and went back to bed. Aside from that, nothing."

Diane looked at me, then looked back at Janet before she stated "After the previous night's undefined happenings, I set my video camera up to record any movement within the hallway. I fast forwarded through the tape this morning, but didn't see Janet leave her room to get the milk that she remembers. I did see her come out of the Professor's room, wearing red stockings and a garter belt. She was naked except for those two items. She walked into the bathroom for about three minutes, then went into Jack's room, where she stayed for at least three hours. Then Jack's door opened and the Professor walked out, wearing her red stockings and garter belt, before returning to his room. So Janet, how did you get from your room on the opposite side of the corridor into his room, and what were you doing that time of the morning, dressed like a french whore? What did you do in Jack's and the Professor's room?"

Janet just stared at Diane before she responded "Now I know why Margot doesn't like you."

Diane turned to me and asked "Well, Professor, what have you got to say about my video and it's results?"

I reached into my pocket, slowly removed my small tape recorder, pressing the play button as I placed it on the table. My taped voice played from the tape "Last night, a new Janet came to my room; or someone that appeared to be Janet. She claimed that she had been transformed but there was no evidence..."

My recording was only about twenty minutes long. While it played, we stared at each other. Jack groaned, paced the floor, and looked disturbed as he heard my memory of the events. Janet ignored all of us as she ate her bowl of cereal. When my recording was finished, she responded "Sound's like you really enjoyed being a woman? I don't think that any of it really occurred because I know for a fact that Jack has a normal sized cock. Jack, drop your trousers and present Exhibit A."

"Damn you." he cursed as he slammed his fist on the table. Then not looking at me, he muttered "Janet or someone that I thought was Janet, came to my room last night, dressed as recorded by the video. We made love and fell asleep. I woke up this morning, feeling good about getting some nooky last night and now I discover that it might have been him. My memory of what occurred matches what was recorded on the video and what the Professor discussed. Except that my penis is normal sized as noted by Janet. I don't know where you got that impression."

"Impression is right." stated Margot as she entered the room. She sat down beside me and stated "As noted in my previous discussions, a vampire has undreamed of powers. However beginning vampires can't do what occurred last night. That was me, transformed into Janet's twin. I entered the Professor's room, made love to him, using my mental powers to compel him to think what I wanted him to think, to feel what I wanted him to feel and to do what I wanted him to do. He made love to me because I desired it. Then I absorbed his sleeping soul into my body and went to Jack's room. I wanted to make sure that it was an night to remember for the Professor, so I slightly enhanced Jack's penis size as the Professor saw and felt it. While he thought that he was in control of the female body, I was still directing his actions by stimulating his desires. Janet was resting because her body was re-building new body cells as it sloughs off the old body cells. She'll spend the next three or four nights resting as her body changes. Then she'll be a first level vampire. Then while you're examining her and her changes, I'll start the transformation of the next person."

We spend the rest of the day examining Janet and me. I was added to the examination schedule because of my "absorption" last night. There were no physical changes noted in me, but I spent a rough three hours being questioned by the team, to include Janet.

Then we concentrated on Janet. The only physical changes were a higher food intake requirement, which we explained because of her changing metabolism. Her mental changes were somewhat astonishing, considering there were no evidences of physical changes or mental stress. It was almost as if she wasn't a team member now. Brian summed it up by declaring that it was now us and them. While we still trusted her, there was enough evidence of mental changes that we suspected her motives in everything that she said or did.

The next several days were no different, except that Janet or Margot disguised as Janet spent one night repeating the scenario where a scantily clad Janet would seduce one of the team, then suck their soul into her body and go seduce another team member. At the end of four nights, each of us had been sucked and fucked at least once, without the power to resist. Comparing notes every morning, I discovered it was Brian in Janet's body that I fucked during one of the nights.

By that time, Janet had a clear distaste for Diane and toyed with the rest of us, as if we her playtoys. By the third day, she was sleeping until sundown, and then roaming the castle at night, playing the piano with Margot, basically ignoring us. Whenever one of the men would talk to her, she would try to seduce them, being very open in her technique, being so bold as to unzip my trousers during one discussion. All of our attempts to talk to her, were treated with contempt for us and our plans.

It was late Thursday night. We were sitting in the chairs facing the fireplace in the great hall, ignoring the bottles of wine that Janet had brought up and was drinking by herself. Tonight, we wanted to be more in control of what happened to us. It was one week from the time that she asked for everyone's decision. We weren't sure of what Janet was now, but it was clear that she was no longer a member of our team.

As before, we hadn't seen Margot since the sun went down and were waiting on her to make her appearance. Somewhere around ten o'clock, there was a slight noise behind us. I turned around, staring into the darkened room, hearing the soft pad of footsteps as someone walked toward us in the dark. I could faintly see a young woman, wearing only a nightgown, walking toward us. Her eyes were shut and she was holding her hand out as if she was being led by someone. As she got closer, I could see that it was Josette. She sluggishly walked into our small circle of light provided by the fireplace.

Josette stood in the middle of the rug, waiting for Margot. Her eyes were closed and her body was slightly limp as if she was sleeping on her feet. A fully clothed Margot stepped into the circle of light "Greetings, my friends. I asked our little peasant girl to join us again. She is here to help select our next convert."

Margot walked over to the empty chair next to me and sat down. She poured herself a glass of wine then commanded "Josette, please undress yourself."

A slight tug on her nightgown and it fell to the floor, revealing her magnificent nubile body. From the side of the room, Janet stood up and stepped forward onto the rug. We watched as Janet slowly circled Josette, who was staring straight ahead as if none of us existed. As Janet completed her first slow circle, she pulled off her T-shirt, revealing her bra-less chest. She threw the T-shirt out of the circle as she continues to circle Josette, removing one piece of clothing on each circle until Janet was just as naked as Josette. Then Janet stood in front of Josette as they stared at each other. For the first time, Josette was aware of Janet's existence.

Both women were in some type of trance so that they could only see each other. They smiled as if they recognized each other as being the love of their life. Janet stepped forward as Josette opened her arms, welcoming Janet's naked body to her body. As soon as they touched, one arm went around each other, while the other hand moved to their partner's breast as their lips sought each other. For about a minute, we watched a display of two naked women lightly and gently groping each other's upper body as they kissed passionately, probing each other's mouth deeply.

Then Janet's head pulled loose and her lips dropped to Josette's lovely nipples, first finding the tip with her tongue, then taking the entire nipple and areola in her mouth as Josette's hand buried in Janet's hair, guided her passion. Josette leaned her head back, shaking her mane of attractive long hair as Janet nuzzled one breast while using her hand to tweak the other nipple. Josette turned her head so that she was staring straight into my eyes, with a Mona Lisa type smile on her face. As I stared back into her eyes, her mouth slightly opened, and her tongue licked her lips very seductively. Then she blew me a kiss as she shivered from Janet's lip action on her nipples.

I found myself wanting to get up out of my chair and join them. I was fighting the desire so heavily that I was sweating. I looked at Margot sitting beside me, sipping her wine as she watched the lovers swap positions. I glanced the other way to see that Jack had already unzipped his trousers and noted that his cock was really normal size; and nothing like what I remembered that night in Janet's body. Brian was again not showing any visible emotion while Diane was being affected by the lesbian actions of the two naked women.

I turned my attention back to the girls to see that Josette was on her knees, with her arms wrapped around Janet's waist as Josette's tongue attacked Janet's belly button.

In that moment, I came to a decision. Josette had the best body of the two women. While they were both outstanding bodies, it was clearly obvious that Josette was more proportional, her muscles were more defined, and her overall appearance was better. If she looks this good at seventeen years old, what will she look like when she is twenty?

Janet spread her legs so that Josette could run her lips up and down the inside of Janet's thighs. As I watched, both girls eased down on the rug. They were passionate but gentle with each other, exhibiting a tenderness that I hadn't expected.

Janet's fingers moved down Josette's abdomen until they found her mons, and her clitoris. As I watched her play with that dark-haired pussy, I could almost see that Josette's moist pussy lips were swollen with passion.

I watched as they gently kissed each other as their fingers probed each other. Their mixed gentle musky smell was beginning to reach our row of chairs. They both opened their legs inviting each other to explore even more deeply.

As they probed inside each other with glistening red fingernails, their passion increased as they began to awaken each other's deep sexual needs. I could smell their musky scent and feel the sexuality between them.

Janet rotated her position so that she was in the classic sixty-nine position, as her lips sought Josette's mons. I couldn't see what Josette was doing, but assumed they were doing the same thing to each other. I could see Janet's tongue playing with Josette's clitoris as Josette spread her legs. Janet buried her face between Josette's legs, as she made all sorts of sucking and smacking sounds.

Within another minute, both of them were humping each other's face, as they pleasured each other. For the next three or four minutes, they rolled over the floor, slightly changing position, but keeping a lip lock on each other, allowing a slight moan to occasionally escape.

Then I saw Josette's legs tense as Janet recognized the rapidly approaching orgasm and increased her tongue action. Josette's orgasm occurred first, followed within ten seconds by Janet's orgasm.

For the next twenty minutes, they shared multiple orgasms with each other before having a particularly long mutual orgasm. As they laid on the rug relaxing, their bodies coated with sweat, their faces covered with each other's juices, Margot proclaimed "The ladies put on a good show. And now its time for Act 2 of tonight's presentation. Ladies, you know what to do."

Josette sat up and declared "During our lovemaking session, we exchanged bodies. I'm now Janet and this is Josette in my body. Ask me a question that only Janet would know, because you know very little about Josette's personal history."

Diane was the first to respond. She asked "At the New York airport, I saw you reading a magazine and commented on one of the articles. What was the article?"

Josette replied "It was Cosmopolitan and the article concerned medical insurance problems."

When Diane nodded that the answer was correct, Jack asked "Do the school football cheer."

Josette stood, did the complete "rah-boom-bah" cheer, complete with appropriate jumps, and "Go team" add- ons. Even I knew that the naked provincial farmgirl had never seen a football cheer, but somehow knew our school song and cheer.

Brian pointed at Janet's body and asked "Josette, how do you make the daily bread."

It was Janet's voice, but Josette's peasant dialect as she described every step of the local method used to make bread, that only Brian had observed in the village.

After another ten minutes of questions, we came to the conclusion that it was possible that they had swapped bodies. The person in Josette's body knew the answer to every question and acted as if she was Janet. While the person in Janet's body acted as if she was a shy farmgirl.

Then Margot declared "Enough. You either believe or refuse to believe so that a lifetime of questions still wouldn't convince you. Its time to wrap up tonight's business so that everyone can go back to bed. You can see that I possess the power to swap mortal bodies. Again two of you'll get presents tonight. Our sweet little Josette will entertain one of you and Janet will entertain the other. I'll replace one of them, assuming their body and personality. Again, Professor, you're left out of the sex, left to your own handy resources tonight. Please pardon the pun."

Chapter 11 - The second vampire

We discovered at breakfast the following morning, that Diane and Jack had sex with someone during the night. Diane claimed her visitor was Janet in Josette's body and Jack claimed his visitor was Josette in Janet's body. And we had a visitor; while losing one of our team members. Our visitor was Josette, in Janet's body, who claimed that Margot transported Janet in Josette's body back to her village to live as Josette for a couple of days.

Again, nothing could be learned from examining them. And it was strange talking to Janet, hearing her respond as if she was the shy, naive farmgirl.

That night, I laid in my bed, wondering what would occur during the night. If the next person changed personality as much as Janet did, we might want to re-think our plans. Its one thing to be transformed into something different, but its another to change the complete personality, which basically gets rid of the old person. I wasn't sure if I wanted my personality to be changed.

I dozed off again, waking up when I heard a knocking on my door. I sat up, looked to see that it was 1 pm and called out "Come in."

The door opened and Diane stuck her head in, carrying a video camera and tripod. She informed "I just gave Brian my other camera and he's putting it in Jack's room, where he's going to sit and film whatever occurs to Jack, if anything. I want to set this camera up to film me and was wondering if you would mind watching me."

I thought about it for a moment and replied "Good ideal. Give me a minute and I'll be right over there."

I threw on a sweatsuit and walked across the hall to Diane's room. She had just finished setting up the camera. I pulled a chair next to the camera and uttered "Wished that we had done this last week."

"Yeah, hind sight is beautiful; unless its my hind that you're looking at. Well, the video's recording everything in the room. Time to turn in."

She walked over to her bed, looked at me, then turned around so that she was facing the wall as she removed her top. Although we had seen each other naked as we examined everyone's bodies, she was still reluctant to display her body to me. She slid under the covers, removed her jeans under the covers and laid back on the pillow as she nodded "Good night."

For the next hour, I watched her as she slept. Then I felt the first chill. The room was getting colder and I only had a light sweatsuit on. I quietly looked around the room, looking for a spare blanket when she requested "Why don't you get under the covers. There's enough room for both of us."

"I don't think I should. After all, someone has to remain objective."

"Listen Professor, you can't be objective if there's no evidence. The camera is focused on us. If anything occurs, it'll be recorded on the film tomorrow morning. And you know that nothing is supposed to happen to you this early in the game. I'm the one at risk."

Something compelled me to agree to her suggestion. I slipped my shoes off and crawled under the covers, leaving my sweatsuit on. She turned around so that she was facing me in the dimly lit bed. Then she asked "Why did you want to screw Janet and never considered me? Is it because I'm overweight and don't take care of my appearance?"

"Janet's a very attractive woman and its difficult to not be attracted to her." I replied, hoping that she wouldn't continue this line of questions, yet intrigued by where it was headed.

She only responded "I'm horny tonight but I've never voluntary allowed a man to fuck me. Can I show you a game I like to play?" as she scooted across the bed so that she was scant inches from me. For just a minute, I regretted my decision to come into her bedroom, then changed my mind as her hand found my sweatsuit trousers and plunged her hand inside, grasping my cock with her fat fingers.

Well, making love to a fat woman isn't that bad, I thought. I scooted over closer to her, smelling her very strong personal odor, and feeling the heat emitting from her body.

She pulled the cover back slightly exposing one large bare breast capped with a puffy pink nipple clearly visible in the low light. Then I looked directly into Diane's lust filled eyes. Just as I was about to pull my trousers down, she gently shook her head. Confused and not knowing what she wanted, I just lay unmoving.

She began to slowly trace the outline of my lips using the light touch of her fingertips while staring into my eyes. Her fingers traced my lips four times before her fingertip probed against my lips, seeking entry to my mouth. I opened my lips allowing her to ease her finger between my teeth until her two fingers gently held my tongue.

I closed my lips around her finger and began to suck on them. Using a gentle pressure, she guided my mouth to her large bare breast where I quickly comprehended what she desired. I opened my mouth and kissed her large puffy pink areola before I began to gently suck on it, causing an involuntary gasp to escape Diane's lips.

Diane began to lightly rub my crotch in a circular motion with the palm of her hand until she had a solid erection. She thrust her hand inside my sweatpants, grabbed my waiting erection and began jacking me off.

Her large breasts were almost too big and soft for my personal pleasure. I like firm, solid youthful breasts with big nipples, such as Josette's breasts. She could tell that I was a little reluctant to proceed much further because she rolled over, forcing her tit more into my face as she stroked harder on my cock.

She was pushing this large boob in my face and jacking me off, but sex with her wasn't as arousing as I wanted it to be. For just a moment, I fantasize about Josette and her breasts, pretending it was her nipples that I was sucking on. That simple thought was enough to cause me to tense, let a low groan escape my smothered mouth and then shoot my cum over her still jacking hand, feeling it get my sweatpants wet. She continued jacking me until it was all done, then she rolled back over on her back, pulling the cover up to her neck as she said "Good night. Glad that you enjoyed it."

I rolled over, hoping that the camera had stopped. I wasn't really too interested in anyone seeing me in bed with Diane. Feeling relaxed, I drifted off to sleep, already hearing Diane's snores.

"Wake up." someone screamed at me.

I jumped, looking around, not recognizing the room where I was sleeping, then felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I remembered that I was in Diane's bed and rolled over to stare into my own face.

For just a moment, my heart stopped. It was my face, my beard, my eyes staring back at me. Then it was my voice from the other person asking "Who are you?"

I responded "Professor Johnson, who are you?" but it wasn't my normal baritone voice that I was hearing. It was a female voice. I looked down and saw a wide set of female breasts hanging down from my chest. I looked back up as my twin replied "It's me. I'm really Diane and I think that we swapped bodies while we slept."

I sat up, discovering that it was difficult with the heavier chest weight as I threw the covers off me. It was true. I was now in Diane's overweight, pasty white body. I had her pink panties on, and could clearly see a dark feminine mound under her panties. I looked at the body beside me, recognizing my still dressed body under the sweatsuit.

She stood up and walked over to a mirror, staring into it as she asked in my masculine baritone voice "How could this happen?"

I fell back onto the pillow and replied in her soprano voice "I'm beginning to believe that when Margot is involved, anything is possible. My main concern is, how long will we be trapped in each other's body?"

He or she or whatever pronoun you chose, was still standing in front of the mirror, stroking his beard as he turned and examined himself from several different angles. I watched Diane as she removed the sweatsuit top and stared at her flabby male chest. She rubbed her fingers over the nipples once then, stuck her thumbs into the sweatpants and dropped them to the ground. She spread her legs and held the shrunken cock as she examined it, with it's wrinkled foreskin. Then she looked back at me, as she sighed "You might be right. It's possible that we could be in each other's body only until daybreak. We've got to hurry."

"Hurry and do what?" I asked, afraid of the potential answer.

She did one of those bodybuilder poses, concentrating on the chest muscles as she watched her reflection in mirror before she replied "Make love, of course. This might be our only opportunity to see what's it like to have sex as the opposite gender. And think how wonderful it'll be, to have your own body as your partner."

I looked down at the flabby, white female boobs hanging down from my chest and responded "My own body was my partner too many nights. Count me out. I'm not interested."

Diane turned and looked at me with a puzzled look on her face. Or on my former face. Then she apologized "Sorry that you feel that way, but I want to experience a little bit more out of life. It's your loss."

Diane pulled up her sweatpants and walked toward the door as she declared "I'm going to find one of those three females and fuck them. Which room do you think Josette might be in?"

When I didn't respond, Diane grunted and shut the door as she walked out. I laid there, wanting to cry, feeling trapped in her flabby, ugly body. Her flabby, ugly body that had to pee.

I felt funny and attributed it to female hormones. I felt so depressed and was fighting the desire to just lay in bed and cry.

I pushed the covers away, feeling the breasts swing as I moved again. I sat up, picked up her sweats and pulled them on. Then I walked over to the door, feeling my large breasts jiggle as I walked. I tightly crossed my arms, locking the breasts into place so they wouldn't move. I was a breast man, but this was too much for me.

I looked out in the hallway, glad that it was empty. I rushed down to the bathroom, feeling my breasts try to bounce up and down, even with my arms pressing them to my side. God, how can she live with this much jiggle?

In the bathroom, I pulled the sweatpants down and then the panties before I sat on the commode. It felt weird to pee as the rush of water came gushing out of my pee hole. I wiped myself dry and pulled my pants back up. I started to walk out of the bathroom and saw my reflection in the mirror. For just a moment, I paused, staring at my new body. It was a female body which was something that I had fantasized about, but it was an ugly, overweight, unattractive body. Why couldn't it have been Josette's body or Janet's body again that I was trapped in. Not this one.

I quickly walked back to her room, walking into the room to discover my former body was already in the bed. Diane angrily declared "I can't find anyone and I can't get into Jack's room. So I came back. Would you like to re-consider your decision?"

I looked at the smile on my former face and replied "I think I'll go back to my room. I need to get some sleep."

I turned around to discover the door that I had just walked through, was now locked. I couldn't get it to open. My former voice declared "Looks like someone else wants you to have sex with me."

Its one thing to fight a war, its another to know when to lose a battle with minimal damage. I removed my sweatsuit top, dropping it on the floor, then pushed my sweatpants down around my ankles, stepping out of the panties at the same time. I looked at myself in the bedroom mirror, seeing my new overweight, flabby body, with huge sagging breasts, and a mass of dark pubic hair between my white legs.

As I walked naked toward the bed and my waiting former body, I began to experience a tingling sensation in my nipples and pussy. By the time I reached the bed, I was beginning to feel slightly horny and my depression was gone.

I eased under the covers as Diane replied "Would you believe me if I told you that I've never fucked a woman before? That I think you've got a beautiful body?"

As I pulled the cover up to my armpits, I responded "Fucking liar."

Diane held up a pair of silk panties as she whispered "I loved the tantalizing sensation of pure silk against my skin. I think that you'll like it too."

I felt her large male hands rub across my thighs as she rubbed the cool fabric against my pussy and then up over my nipples before repeating the cycle. I shut my eyes and let myself enjoy her foreplay. I could feel myself getting wet and it was getting difficult to keep from rubbing my pussy.

I felt Diane's hand pressed against my hardening nipples as she whispered "I like the way this beard feels. I wish I could grow a beard and still look normal. I used to have a girlfriend that had a soft, red pussy that felt like this. When we change back to our normal bodies, please eat my pussy. I'm going to show you what I like for women to do to me, so just sit back and enjoy."

I gasped as her mouth began to rub my nipple as my former beard teased the rest of my breast. I had never felt anything like that feeling. As she nibbled on one of my nipples, one of her hands eased down to my pussy. She began to rub and stroke my cunt, causing my pussy juice to flow, making me feel all wet inside. As her fingers teased my vagina lips, I was very glad that Diane had insisted on sex. I felt very wet and was beginning to want to feel my old cock slide up inside me.

Diane's finger was rubbing my pussy lips, then found what I recognized as a clitty because of the electrical shocks as she touched it. I moaned as Diane began to rub it harder. When her finger eased into my vagina opening, I could already feel a climax building up. I groaned, grabbing her hand as one wet finger pushed up into my cunt, causing my pussy walls to spasm as I experienced a female orgasm.

I reached for his cock with my hand but he whispered "You know what I really want, don't you? Show me what it feels like, please."

Five minutes ago, I would've punched him for making such a suggestion. Now, it seemed very reasonable for us to do to each other. He threw the covers back, exposing us to the still running camera; but I didn't care what the camera recorded now. I turned over and ran my tongue down his hairless chest, until I got to the little clump of pubic hair, seeing my soft cock, but from a much different perspective.

I blowed a warm breath of air on his limp cock, observing a slight reaction in his anticipation of my next movement. Still feeling all wet inside from my very recent orgasm, made me feel very bold so I trailed the tip of my tongue slowly down the shaft from the cockhead to the balls, feeling the pubic hair tickle my face.

As he moaned, I licked his balls, taking one of the balls into my mouth, as I lathered the delicate flesh with my warm spit. I traced my tongue back up the shaft, finding the little opening at his head, and a little precum, which I licked.

He groaned and his legs tensed as I breathed on the wet, now erect cock. I wrapped a hand around my former, but now Diane's, hard cock as I began to jack him off. I inserted the cockhead fully into my mouth and begin to suck him as I pushed the cock back into my mouth, trying to ignore the gag reflex.

My mouth is stretched from the cock as I pumped it in and out of my mouth, as I changed rhythm and alternated sucking and stretching. He was trying to keep from humping my face, but I felt his hands in my hair, holding my head as he began to fuck my open mouth.

I could hear him moan, knowing that I wanted to moan also, but couldn't because my mouth was still wrapped tightly around the cock. His hips thrust upward, pushing the cockhead deeper into my mouth, until my lips were around the base. His breathing was getting faster, harsher, and his moans were getting louder and longer. Louder, until he tensed, grabbed my head and held me in that cocksucking position. I took a deep breath through my nose, feeling the cock pumping the cum through the penis's inner body, waiting for that first spurt of cum.

He groaned as the first spurt roared down my mouth. I tasted the saltiness of his warm cum as I slurped all of the cum, swallowing it as it pumped into my mouth. Finally he is finished and is growing flaccid within my mouth. I moved my head slightly, letting the cock slide out of my mouth, but I keep my head resting on his still rapid breathing belly. We lie like that for several minutes, as I watched the cock's occasional slight jerking from after-spasms.

After five minutes, I whispered "Now, its my turn. I know for sure, that you're good for at least one more time, maybe two times before you have to go to sleep."

Chapter 12 - Aunt Bea?

I woke up feeling slightly disoriented. I knew that I wasn't in my bedroom, so where was ? Rolling over to look at the clock restored my memory. My heart almost stopped when I saw my sleeping face on the other pillow, restoring my memory of not only where I was, but whose body I was in.

Shit, I was hoping that we would've changed back before daybreak. It looks like I'm stuck with being in her body for a while. I sat up slightly so I could see the alarm clock. I had overslept again.

I sat up, feeling tenderness in my breasts from where Diane had sucked on them as if she was going to get a gallon of milk from me, come hell or high water. I had that weird pressure on my bladder again, which meant that I had to quickly pee.

I slipped on the sweats and went to the bathroom. After peeing, I undressed and climbed into the shower, enjoying the warm water cascading over my skin, cleansing me. After washing carefully, I turned the water off and dried off. When I opened the shower stall door, I saw Diane sitting on the bench.

She said "I thought that you might need some help with your clothes and hair. Looks like we have to do some personal adjusting to the facts of life today. I'll show you what you need to know to live as a woman, if you'll do the same for me."

"Thanks. First thing that you should be aware of, is that men always give phony names. If I get pregnant because of what you wanted to do last night..." I muttered, still feeling funny because of being in a female body and leaving the sentence unfinished. I was glad that she had thought to bring clean clothes, because I wasn't looking forward to putting her dirty sweatsuit back on.

She held out a white bra and matching panties. I didn't want to put the bra on, but more importantly, I didn't want to deal with bouncing boobs all day.

I put the bra on, but couldn't fasten it. Diane laughed as her fingers fastened the snaps for me. When the bra was secured, Diane's hands rubbed against my boobs as she said "Thank you for last night. As you know, I'm a confirmed lesbian and don't have any personal desire to have sex with men. Sex with a woman fulfills me in ways that sex with a man can't. I think it's because women are more gentle and passionate than men are. I like a woman's special, more personal passion, so having you make love to me last night was two treats. Not only did I get to make love to my former body, but I discovered sex from a male perspective and I really enjoyed it. Thank you."

I looked at Diane and replied "You can suck my cock sometime and pay me back."

She helped me dress and comb my wet, long hair. Then we walked down to the kitchen. The bra kept my boobs from bouncing but it cut into my shoulders, with all the weight that it supported.

Taking a deep breath, I entered the kitchen, instantly seeing Brian, Jack and Josette in Janet's body sitting around the table. Josette and Brian were playing some type of card game, and Jack was wearing sunglasses.

Brian looked at Diane, thinking that Diane was me as he said "It was Jack. During the middle of the night, Josette came through a locked door, and allowed him to suck a hole in her neck, and to suck her blood. Then they fucked as they floated in the air. I got it all on film."

Diane looked at me and then announced "I think that we need to tell you something."

Five minutes later, we were still answering weird questions from Brian, trying to convince him what occurred to us. Jack was leaned back in his chair, staring at the ceiling, acting as if he didn't care what had occurred to us.

We quickly decided that Diane and I would retain our names and identity, just as we had continued calling Janet and Josette by name, regardless of which body they were in. So everyone would address my former body as Diane and my new female body as Professor.

We questioned Jack about his experience and examined his body, not finding anything new or seriously abnormal; except for the expected change in his attitude toward the team. Then we watched the film of Jack and Josette as Jack drained her body of blood.

Brian, Diane and I were in the library discussing our options. Brian suggested "Maybe we ought to cancel this project and leave. The things that are occurring are beginning to get to me."

From the corner of the room, which was empty only moments before, Margot stated "You had your opportunity to back out and declined. A deal is a deal and you're still in the game."

She stepped forward, until she was standing directly in front of me. She smiled a sad little smile at me as she sighed "Seems that I mis-read the instructions on the body exchange procedures. Looks like you're stuck in each other's body until I figure out why I can't change you back. If you would like, I can induce a little spell that will make you happy about your new body and gender?"

"No more spells, except to return us to our rightful bodies. That wasn't part of our agreement." I replied.

"My dear Diane, or do you want me to call you by your first name. Somehow, Professor Ben doesn't seem right. How about Aunt Bea? Or Betty? I like Aunt Bea, so that's your new name. Anyway, it was part of our agreement that I demonstrate my powers to you. I guarantee that you'll never forget this demo."

"Call me Professor. Where is Janet and when are your going to bring her back?" I angrily asked.

"Right now, I think that she's carrying lunch out to the field for her father and boyfriend. She adapted quite well to being a farmgirl, fixing her family meals, washing their clothes, and all of the other normal serf tasks. She's quite happy with her new lifestyle and identity. When I move her back into her former body, I think that you'll see a big change in her personality. Just as you are seeing a change in Diane's personality as she adapts to her new masculine body that is so full of testosterone and matches her real personality. Some of that miss rich bitch personality has been replaced by Janet's new servant attitude. Janet's blending in so well, that even Stevan thinks that the girl he fucked last night, was sweet little Josette. I'll bring her back in a week or so. With the new Aunt Bea and the new Janet running around here, that's all the pussy that our guys will need."

During that week, Jack changed more, becoming as distant toward the team as Janet had become. Jack consistently called me Aunt Bea, refusing to call me anything else. I fussed a little until the other team members also started calling me Aunt Bea and then I gave up. I didn't particularly like the name but I agreed that it fit my new body, with my house mother personality.

I recognized that I was changing as I adapted to being in a woman's body. Diane hadn't brought any make- up with her except a tube of lipstick, but I experimented with Janet's large stock of make-up. For some very strange reason, I felt very comfortable walking around, feeling my breasts jiggle as I moved; feeling my lingerie gently rub my very sensitive skin.

Diane also changed more than I expected. She became even more masculine and seemed to be extremely happy with the concept of being in a male body.

Josette disappeared and the real Janet was still stuck in some village, leaving me with the only female body and three suddenly horny guys. I discovered that I was also extremely horny. So much that I was allowing myself to be fucked by each of them at least once a day.

I discovered that a lot of my time was being used to satisfy the men and to clean up afterwards. Especially to satisfy Diane and her almost constant surging testosterone desires. While everyone admitted that I was really still the Professor and still in charge of the team, some of the normal tasks became my responsibility. I discovered that I liked to cook and the team liked the way that I cleaned up the kitchen as I cooked, so everyone deferred the cooking rotation schedule so that I was the cook. I didn't mind because Diane had assumed a more aggressive research schedule, so it balanced out.

So about the second day, I recovered some time by taking two of them on at once, sucking one as the other fucked me. We even went for a sloppy thirds and fourths one afternoon.

Other things were also changing. The men had changed in the way they treated me. Just because they were fucking me, they also treated me as their cook and laundry woman, expecting me to handle those mundane chores. While I expected it from Jack, I didn't expect Brian to treat me that way, much less Diane, who was trying to assume the leadership position of our group, by calling meetings while I would be cleaning up the kitchen.

Just as Jack's attitude was changing, Brian told me that Diane and my attitude had also changed. And Brian was worried about Janet, who hadn't been seen in a week. Even Margot couldn't be found. We were the only ones hanging around the castle.

It was Thursday and tonight was the night that the next person would be chosen. After breakfast, Brian disappeared while I sewed up a rip in Jack's trousers. Diane and I were reviewing books in the library after lunch when Brian stuck his head in.

"I just tried to do something foolish. I tried to run away, but every path leaving the castle goes in a circle until it comes back to the castle. I used the sun as a compass guide and headed south and still came back to the castle. We can't leave if we want to. What are we going to do?" he asked.

Diane stroked her neatly trimmed beard before responding "Sounds like we are trapped. At least through tonight. Looks like it's either you or me, tonight, Brian."

He turned to me. I was sipping my cup of hot tea as I looked at an old book. Instead of studying the text, I was examining the drawings, looking at the clothes that the women wore, thinking about how miserable it would be to have to wear a corset, hoops, and to wear that ugly hairstyle.

That night as we sat around the fireplace, Janet and Josette returned; with Margot sitting in the chair beside me. As we watched, Jack joined the three of them in the center of the rug, making love to each other in a m,nage _ trois, before collapsing from their spent passion.

As a continuing demonstration of her powers, Margot returned Janet and Josette to their rightful bodies, then swapped Jack and Janet, so that Jack was now in Janet's female body. But somehow, Jack's new female body was modified so it had a cock. It was Janet's body, but with a cock instead of a vagina.

Margot returned Josette to her home; so for the next week there were still four horny cocks constantly poking at me, except there were now two of us to do the cooking and cleaning. Jack pitched in with the household chores as if he had been doing them all of his life. Just as I had been feeling very feminine since being transformed into Aunt Bea, so did Jack change, allowing his feminine side to control his new body. And just as Diane had increased testosterone, so did Janet in Jack's body. Between the two of them, I was almost constantly in bed as they relieved themselves into my feminine inner depths.

The person converted that night was Brian, so only Diane and myself were left. Over the next week, Brian also changed personalities, become slightly reclusive except when he wanted sex; walking around during the daytime wearing those damn sunglasses.

The following Thursday, we all knew it was Diane's turn. Diane and I also tried to leave the Castle, returning repeatedly to the same place where we had just left. There was no way to leave the castle without Margot's permission.

That night, Brian joined Jack, and Janet on the rug as they did a cocksucking threesome. Margot declared that she had demonstrated enough of her powers and if we didn't believe by now, it was too fucking late. She looked at me as she softly commanded "Next week is your turn."

Diane joined them that night. She was now one of them and I was by myself. They sat around and talked, laughed, shutting up whenever I came near them. I was the outsider. I was not wearing sunglasses or eating my meat raw, so I didn't blend in.

I was in my room. It was really Diane's room, but we had swapped ever since the exchange. I looked at myself in the mirror and really noticed something for the first time. Instead of seeing the sloppy image of Diane's body wearing sweats, with dirty, unkempt hair and no make-up, I was seeing a different image instead of her old ragged student look. Although I had started out looking that way, I had started washing and fixing my hair, wearing make-up and more normal female clothes. Staring back at me from the mirror, was the image of a over-weight woman, all clean, fixed up, and ready to go out on a date. Without realizing what was occurring, I had been learning how to fix myself up and make myself presentable.

I had also learned how to adapt and live as a woman. I was quite comfortable with my new body, my new sexual role and my place within our small society. I was their wife. I didn't realize that I had been gradually changing, until I was no longer the person that I used to be.

There was no team, so there was no use to have any meetings or do any research. I couldn't escape and their demands on my body kept me occupied. If I wasn't in bed with one of them, I was in the kitchen cooking. I discovered that I enjoyed cooking the pasta dinners and baking. Instead of sitting in the library reading, I would sit in the kitchen, smelling the aroma of my baking bread as I sipped my tea and looked at the copies of the old Cosmo magazines that I found in one of the rooms. Jack was my best friend because we practiced our make-up skills on each other as we fine- tuned our feminine skills. As for research, my team did nothing, but sit around and talk. It wasn't as if they shunned me, but rather that I was the outsider and their servant. Or whore. I accepted both roles.

I did get a little relief from the constant demands on my body because Margot was now letting the men alternate sleeping with her.

The following Thursday, there were only two chairs around the rug. I sat down in my usual chair, sipping my tea as Janet, Diane, Jack and Brian took their place on the rug. Margot sat down in the empty chair beside me. She smiled as she reported "You've changed a lot. No one would ever recognize you as the stuffy old Professor who doesn't do adequate research for his books. Or would recognize you as the dirty, opinionated student, whose body you turned into your own."

I sipped my tea, before responding "I've learned to accept my fate. Just as I accepted this female identity that you forced on me, I'll accept whatever you do to me next."

"Tonight my dear Aunt Bea, it'll be me coming to your bed. Your friends will find ways to entertain themselves. In the morning, you'll feel no different. Tomorrow night, I'll come back, but this time, you'll almost die. You'll go into a coma. When you wake up in three weeks, it'll be a new you. I'll restore everyone's body after I rotate the other men through being the farmgirl and living as her in her village for a couple of weeks as they explore the feminine side of their personality. Because of your death transformation, You'll be a level 3 vampire and more powerful than all of the team. I'll send you and your friends back to the states, back to your school. You'll resume your lives, and you'll write the book that you promised."

I sipped my tea before sighing "That's what I thought that you would do, so that's why I gave up researching last week and concentrated on enhancing my cooking skills. Too bad that you thought about almost every thing. But I've thought of a way to resolve that minor problem."

She looked at me with a puzzled look on her face before she quizzed "I don't understand. Explain."

I spent the next five minutes explaining my plan. When I was finished, she smiled and confirmed using only two words "I agree."

Chapter 13 - Return to campus life

Summer was over and it was the first day of the new fall schedule. The classroom was packed with new students and returning students who wanted to see what occurred to the team as a result of the Vampire study. Everyone was aware of the ten thousand dollar challenge. Even the Dean was sitting in the classroom, trying to figure out what would occur. He had received a cryptic telegram instructing him to schedule the classes and that someone would be there to teach the classes.

The starting bell rang and a low buzz was going through the packed classroom, as a door opened at the back of the podium. Professor Ben Johnson marched across the platform, leaned on the podium and said "Thank you for your support during my research project. I know that you're eager to hear what happened so let me introduce the members of our team."

He turned toward the back of the classroom. The door opened and Janet Markson stepped out, wearing a tight fitting dress, showing off her curves and new tan. She smiled and waved as Professor Johnson's voice introduced her. Then Jack Robertson stepped out, doing a wave at the classroom as he stood beside Janet. The Professor introduced Jack as Brian stepped out onto the platform. The Professor's amplified voice echoed around the room as he announced "Mr. Brian Edwards. I'm sorry that I do have to report a missing student, Miss Diane Walker is no longer with us because of an illness."

There was a pause and a mummer floated through the crowd as they exchanged comments quietly within the crowd. The Professor gave it a moment to quieten down before continuing "Toward the middle of our study, Miss Walker became ill and had to receive medical treatment. While being treated, she found that the local hospital needed a research assistance, so she accepted a position with them. We wish Miss Walker good luck in her future. So that left one return ticket not being used."

He paused again and looked at the door. Josette, wearing a tight, form-fitting dress that revealed her curves, beautiful legs, and cleavage, stepped onto the podium. As she walked over to center stage to join the other team members, there were several appreciative whistles from the assembled students. Part of which could be contributed to the fact that the young attractive, shapely woman was obviously not wearing a bra. Josette flushed and flashed a big smile, causing several more whistles from the audience. The Professor held up his hands as he exclaimed "With the remaining ticket, I brought a young exchange student back to our school. Please welcome Josette Vlad to our school and country."

There was polite applause as well as some more whistles. The Professor held his hand up as he continued "Today's lecture will be simple and to the point. While there isn't any conclusive evidence that vampires exist, its more likely that they do exist. Our research proved that my book, while not wrong, wasn't correct in several areas also. I plan to write a new book this fall and correct my errors. That's my lecture for today. See you tomorrow."

He turned, walking off the stage, as the team followed him. In the stands, the students stood up and started leaving the classroom. The Dean stood up and noted "I was very surprised. Johnson doesn't usually change his mind after he commits his thoughts to a book. I'm Dean Wilson. And you are?"

The attractive woman that he just happened to be sitting next to, smiled as she said "Margot. My friends call me Margot. So nice to meet you."

Back behind the stage, Josette queried Janet who was putting her prescription sunglasses on "Did you hear the way they whistled at me? That's going to take some time to get used to."

Janet smiled and replied "Don't worry. You'll do fine and there are more than enough boys to go around for all of us girls."

Professor Johnson was talking to Miss Eve Linden from the English Department as he held her hand. Miss Linden had a happy little smile on her face; the sort of smile that lovers share with each other just after an enjoyable lovemaking session. Professor Johnson walked up to the girls and said "I got the schedules, so I need to go to my office and prepare for my next class; while Eve brings me up to date on changes that occurred over the summer. Are you going to be all right?"

Josette turned and looked into the mirror, seeing the image of the attractive woman being reflected back to her. Her natural striking beauty had been enhanced since she learned how to correctly apply American make-up and had a profession hairstyle. She smiled as she remembered what a difficult choice it had been to leave Romaniarc and Castle Atle, which she now considered to be her home. But her place was really here in the states, being an active member of Professor Johnson's team. She had a lot of things to do, with the first project being to help Professor Johnson re-write his book. The next project was to write her own book, which would be another book on vampires. But written from the perspective of a young peasant woman growing up in the shadow of a vampire castle, knowing that she was a distant relative of the vampires.

She smiled at her mirror image as she wondered what the real Josette was doing back in Romaniarc, now that she and Stevan had married. She smiled as Margot walked up to her and whispered "You look beautiful and so naturally feminine. I don't blame you for not going back to your birth body and wanting me to turn you into Josette's twin. And Diane's personality has improved so much since she decided that she wanted to live the life that you wanted to abandon. I think that the new Professor Johnson will have a more active sex life. This identity change should work out fine for both of you. I hope you don't mind if I still occasionally call you Professor Ben or Aunt Bea, because that's how I still think about you."

The End

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