How I Learned to Love My Hole

By Stu Hadley

Published on Feb 16, 2023


How I learned to stop worrying and love my hole Tan's 5th letter

Tan suffers the consequences of his illicit fuck and gets triple pierced.

This chapter's theme is unashamedly all about body modification. Average reading time: 10 minutes.

Guys, look, I know I promised but I really don't want to write this. Cutler insists though I'm absolutely beat. Why? Because today was my first day with my ass padlocks purposefully off and my new piercings on full display.

Yup, that's right. Cutler says that if I'm big enough to be fucked by Akiro then I'm big enough to be fucked by everyone on the floor. Especially given the size of the plug I'm now taking on a daily basis.

Let me dial it back. Akiro is an Americo-Jap fuck-monster who cut the padlocks off my overalls, tied me down and then proceeded to dump 3 loads in my ass. Cutler discovered us in the act and my tormentor brazenly lied, placing all the blame on me and my `hungry' hole.

Of course, none of that's true and I just about managed to convince Cutler I'd done nothing wrong. Until he noticed I'd splashed my cum across the desk whilst I'd been fucked. It didn't matter that it was involuntary - some things you can't control - just that it needed to be punished as it had been done without his permission.

So that's how we ended up in Mike's Piercing Palace. I guess it was named with irony because it was anything but palatial. The location was a dingy back alley that was dark and narrow, flickering neon reflecting in wet potholes that looked to never drain away.

As soon as I saw the sign I wanted to bolt - I didn't yet know why I was here or what Cutler had in mind - but I did know I didn't want my body fucked up. After all, I have a normal life to get back to once all this is over.

From the outside it looked like a complete dive and the interior only confirmed it. A shabby, peeling, checkerboard floor dominated by an old, red leather barbershop chair. Tattoo guns and piercing tools standing by. Mirrors reflecting the scene and pictures of past glories dotting the walls.

Cutler met the proprietor like an old friend. They must have been as Mike didn't question for a moment that I was in my skin-tight workwear that was damp with very obvious cum emissions. Still in a daze, I left them to talk whilst I took in my surroundings. Jesus, the photos on the walls were fucking terrifying!

The ones by the entrance were pretty tame - simple ear and nose studs - but further in they became more and more extreme. Till now, I had no idea the body could ever be pierced in so many places, or that rings and bars can get so fucking big! It made me worried as I don't think Cutler has any limits as to just how far he wants to push my body.

These images were of the most twisted body modifications imaginable, including some seriously extreme tattoos. I know enough to recognise the craft involved but these were totally obscene. Like, who the fuck wants their penis tattooed?!

And yet... I felt stunned at the sexual commitment some guys are prepared to make in attracting guys to fuck. No shame, no guilt, just a canvas of kink. To give over their entire body to the most carnal of desires. Could I ever be the same? The thought actually made me horny.

That's when Mike locked the door and turned over the `open/closed' sign. Obviously he didn't want us to be disturbed - he even pulled down the blinds so no one could see in. Suddenly, I felt very trapped.

He returned to the middle of the room and tapped the worn leather of the chair, telling me to hop in. He said I had nothing to be frightened of.

I kinda was though. Whilst Mike seemed friendly he was also pretty sleazy. He was a big bear of a man and carried a lot of bulk and muscle. It was a hot night and he wore a sleeveless red and black check flannel shirt. A shirt that was open to reveal a brilliantly furry torso. As he moved around I could see glints of silver underneath - big nipple rings for sure. I guess he lived what he preached.

I inched closer and was almost in the chair before I was told to strip down to my jock. Confronted by two muscular brutes there was no way I could refuse.

As I undressed I was glad to catch my reflection. Cutler's intense gym training has definitely done good work and I'm almost unrecognisable to the slip of a lad I'd been before. I'm in the best shape of my life, my chest and arms nicely defined. Do I really want to be defiled by the images on the wall?

However, my new size gave me a degree of confidence that I've never felt before and stripping felt easy, leaving me in nothing but my jock. Then I sat back in the vintage chair and it felt good. Maybe getting a piercing wouldn't be so bad?

`So, what do you want done to your little friend?' the tattooist asked Cutler.

Let's go for the big three. Make em as big as you can.'

Shit. I really didn't like that evil smirk on Mike's face.

`You sure? You're always welcome to come back and have them stretched any time you want.'

`Oh we'll be back for sure, don't worry about that. But he fucked up today and needs to pay the price. This is his reward. Besides, it's time he started looking the part. I reckon the three will take care of that...'

I started to rise off the chair - the big 3?! - but the duo wasn't having any of it. Before I knew it Cutler had straddled my lap and was pinning me down. I couldn't go anywhere.

`Rule number 1?' he demanded.

Cutler... Cutler' I replied. I know the rules - always obey your orders without question - but I'm not ready for this. This sounds insanely permanent. Can't I make it up some another way?'

I gazed into his piercing eyes. His weight was pressing down on my thighs but it was his sheer presence that overwhelmed me. The top buttons of his navy overalls undone, revealing his matted and sweaty chest. His scent after a hard day's work, a smell I know so well. The way his muscles strained to escape his uniform, bulging with purpose. And that grin. That fucking half-smile. His head leaning ever so slightly to the right. One corner of his mouth curling upwards. Like a wolf who has caught sight of his Russian peasant. At that moment we both knew I was complete putty in his hands.

`No, you can't' he said. I shook my head and folded. I have to trust him, to believe he knows what's best.

He continued, saying guys with cocks my size don't grow on trees. To be fucked I'm going to need to lure the elite in, the serious guys who aren't attracted by tight holes or pristine bodies. The ones who are sex pigs and used to the very best. That's why he's already started to change my body in the gym and alter my sexual appetites, but now it was time to signal I wasn't innocent or nubile. I had to look hardcore.


He then leaned in and snogged me, running his hands down my arms to my wrists. Despite the skanky atmosphere it was deeply sensual and I felt passionately lost. That meant he was able to lift my wrists up to behind my head. Highly erotic and so fucking powerful. But then I felt cold steel on my wrists, the sound of metal ratchets and a chain clicking. Fuck! I tried to separate my arms but I'd been placed in handcuffs! Handcuffs that Mike had connected to the back of the chair.

Cutler saw my alarm but simply laughed. Saying that piercings aren't permanent. That there'll be nothing stopping me from removing them at the end of the year... Mike chimed in too, saying the body adapts quickly.

Trying to get in the zone I told both men they hadn't needed to tie me down. Apparently there was, because Mike moved round to secure my legs to the chair too. Till now, my calves had been supported by padded leg rests, but now a steel cuff trapped each limb in place. `We need you to be still. And quiet.' A ball gag was slipped into my mouth and secured in place. I guess that's one way of doing it...

Culter then got off my lap and helped Mike use thick canvas webbing to lash my thighs to the stirrups and my torso to the chair. I was completely immobilised and defenceless.

Don't look so cut up, boy' Cutler said. You wanted this. You knew letting Akiro fuck you would fuck you up. If you don't believe me, look at your dick. It's only getting harder as we talk.'

Fuck, I couldn't deny it.

Then Mike cut off my jock and my cock sprung free (well, as much as my heavy schlong ever can).

`Fucking hell, Cutler! I know you said he was hung but I didn't realise he was such a fucking freak! God, I can see why you want the boy-cock pierced! It's going to take a fuck off big ring to look good on him though, anything else will look silly.'

`Oh, I totally agree. Go big or go home I say.'

`In that case, I'll go as thick as I possibly can for a first-time PA. Then you can bring him back to have him stretched a few times. In about 6 months he'll have a ring as big as his girth deserves.'

God, it's painful relaying these words. That all this is going to last half a year? Even worse, Cutler seemed to be as disturbed as me, but for very different reasons.

Mike cut him off. `I can't do it any quicker. I don't have any rings in stock big enough to balance out a choad that size. I'll have to get them made up special and that takes time. Gee, I wonder how heavy they'll be? Anyway, I'll go get an ice pack, I can't pierce him hard.'

Not for the first time I cursed my size. Even as the ice was applied made my dick go into hiding I was still Coke can thick. Just how large a ring did they mean? I was already imagining the new outline of my prick in my super-tight work overalls, scared that it would leave no doubt as to just what kind of freak I am.

That was before Mike held out the `starter' metal he'd found in his stores to begin my piercing journey. It was a barbell ring that was easily an inch wide and a quarter of an inch thick. Said he'd ordered it years ago for a customer who had backed out on seeing its size. Apparently he didn't want his cock weighed down by so much heft. Not that it would be big enough for my dick...

Fuck. Obviously, that's what I'm wearing now. There was no time for debate before he swiftly swapped my dick with antiseptic, took up a piercing device and lined it up with my glans. `Brace yourself, boy' I was told. I didn't want to look but I was transfixed. My dick - the source of so much of my mental anguish - was being well and truly fucked with.

The pneumatic gun went off and fired a bolt through the head of my penis and my urethra, taking a slug of my flesh with it. It was fucking agony! Mike then threaded his thick ring though the bloody hole he'd just made before screwing two silver balls the size of peas onto each end.

Christ. My dick now looks fucking obscene. But the two men were right. The ring does look tiny, like I've been decorated with a child's toy, not an adult size. I shook my head in surprise and Cutler was the first to say it our loud. `See, I knew you'd want to come back.'

My nipples were next. They've always been pretty big and that meant another debate on just how large they could go. I was still gagged so had no say in the matter but they quickly agreed on man-size starter bars that would let them progress as quickly as possible. Mike said the faster they healed, the faster they could be stretched to an all time record. Fuck, I really don't like the sound of this. Nor Mike giving Cutler some under the counter antibiotics to ward off any potential infections. I feel like nothing more than livestock.

The cold alcohol on my chest made me gasp behind the gag, though this time Mike didn't use a gun. Instead he expertly positioned dual needles on each side of my nips. Just a little prick he said, but don't be surprised if you feel it. I'm going to pierce you as far back as I can if we're going for growth...

Thank god I was tied down as otherwise the pain would have leapt me out of the chair. A hot bolt of fire went through my tits and then silver bars about an inch long were pushed through the fresh holes, silver beads screwed on at each end. I whimpered at the sight of my steel-studded flesh. Mike didn't care, just telling me not to remove the bars and to keep them clean with salted water, twice daily.

That was two down but nothing prepared me for the third. I didn't know what it would be, maybe that was a good thing? Mike brandished the piercing gun once more and moved towards my face. I shook my head in terror and he asked Cutler to hold me firm.

The gun went through my septum and I heard the awful crunch as it pierced the cartilage. FUCK!

`You can do the honours' Mike said to Cutler (with something amounting to horrendous pride). This fucker really gets off on his job.

Cutler picked up an open black ring about 3/4 of an inch in diameter. He said it was a snout ring and it would perfect my look. A pig for hire. He threaded it through my nose and then removed the ball gag. I didn't have a chance to say anything before he kissed me again, all against my will - I didn't feel like snogging - and he tried to calm me down, saying it hadn't been so bad, had it?

As I write this my thoughts are the same: that's easy for him to say.

I was released from the chair and made to stand in front of the mirror. Naked. Silver glistening in the light - from my nose, nipples and the metal hanging from the end of my flaccid cock. All of it demanded attention. I've been made into a walking, aching billboard for cheap male rough sex, and they both revelled in it.

`Unmistakeable' said Cutler, thanking Mike for his work.

That night, I collapsed into bed, horrified at it all. I didn't ask Akiro to fuck me. Nor did I ask for the guys at work to get more brutal with me either - my piercings have only bought out the worst in them.

Now I'm being called to bed though. Guess Cutler wants his little spoon again. Telling you about my first day being fucked will have to come later...


Comments and suggestions very welcome at For more of my stories, please check Nifty's prolific author page :)

Next: Chapter 6

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