How I introduced my boyfriend to Bi love.

By Graham

Published on Jun 11, 2000




If you spent an evening with me, as soon as the door was closed, it'd be locked and I'd take you upstairs and let you strip off, shave and shower. Then I'd sit you on the edge of the bed, take out my makeup bag and smooth some foundation onto your face as you leant forward and slowly slid your hand up my short, black, tight, skirt. Up past my stocking tops and suspenders, along my inner thigh until your fingers met my thick, black bush where you stroked them up and down to part my verdant growth and expose my stiffening clitty and juicing slit! I'd move my feet apart and you'd feel my gash opening up for you before you slid you finger deep inside my juicing cunt! Then I'd apply some bronze eye shadow to each of your eyelids, feathering it out as it reached your eyebrows and all the time I'd be squirming as you fingered me even deeper! I'd then apply some black eyeliner to your top and bottom lids -- just where your beautiful long lashes meet them! A silvery red eye shadow to compliment your bronze shadow would go on the outsides of your top lids next and a finger full of my cunt-juices slowly pushed into my mouth by you for me to suck clean would finish off your eye makeup! Next would be your lips! A lipstick by Avon, called Enduring Sable would look nice with your eye makeup as it's a bronzy brown! I'd get my lip brush and brush it on both lips as you parted and stretched my own lips with your second finger - but in a very different place! Lip liner would be next, a darker tone than your main lipstick, carefully applied round the outer edges of both lips to enhance and accentuate the fullness of your full lips! Finally, a suggestion of blusher to your cheek-bones and you makeup would be complete! Your wig would be next! I'd take it from the stand, already brushed and styled by me earlier in the day when I got horny and wanked myself just thinking about you coming home and putting on your stuff for me to see you in! I'd kneel on the bed, my knees straddling your thighs and lower myself down until you impaled me with your throbbing cock! There I'd sit while I adjusted your hair to my satisfaction, when I'd stand up again, my cunt making an obscene squelching sound as I pulled my sopping and now gaping cunt off it! I'd then go to my wardrobe and pick out a dark blue 1/2 cup lacy bra and matching lacy suspender-belt for you to wear for our evening together! All these would be topped off by a pair of my black lace-top nylons! I'd stand you up and reach round behind you to put my bra on you, fastening the front clasp! Then you'd step into my suspender-belt and I'd slide it up your thighs, sucking the pre-cum off your knob-end as I stood up! Then you'd step into my lace-top nylons and I'd slide those up each leg, fastening the clasp of my suspenders front and back before you stepped into my lacy high-cut knickers! Once up around your waist, I'd tuck your balls into them, kissing each of them before hiding them away! Your outer clothes, I'd leave for you to choose, but not before I wrapped one leg round your thigh and slid your throbbing cock into my juicing cunt and lowered myself onto it, You now humping your nylon clad thighs against my nylons as you fucked deeper into me and came deep inside me with powerful spurts! So deep that your knob-end was pushing up against my cervix! Then, you'd pull out of me and watch as I squatted down with my knees splayed wide and my cunt in full view of you as I squeezed your sticky cum from deep inside my cunt and into my hand, raising it up to my mouth and drinking all down before kissing you and letting you taste some of your own cum as I transferred some of it into your mouth! That's what I'd do if you spent an evening with me! And after I'd gotten you ready in your black lace undies, black seamed nylons and long brown cascading wig that fell over your shoulders, framing your freshly made-up face, you fucked me up against our bedroom wall as I reached round behind you held onto your suspenders! With my cunt filled with your sticky cum, you had another drink of Southern Comfort for Dutch-courage and we put on our coats and went out to the car. I drove us down the lane to a quiet part and stopped the car so's we could both take our coats off and resume our journey dressed only in our bra, suspenders and nylons, you laying back with your cock jutting up from you nylon-clad thighs! I drove us into the night until we were out in the country, about ten miles from our home. There, I pulled into a tree-lined lay-by amongst three other cars, just before a picnic area and stopped under the dark canopy. It was a lovely warm night and we opened the windows and lay back in our seats with a cigarette, you taking a swig from the half bottle of Southern Comfort! You passed me the bottle and I also took a swig, holding the volatile liquid in my mouth before I dropped down and took your rigid cock in my mouth, the Southern Comfort swilling about and making your knob-end sting very slightly! "Jesus! I don't care how I'm dressed and if there are some other cars parked up, I need to have a piss Gina!" you said, "That drink's gone right through me!" "You'll be okay my darling!" I told you, "It's really dark outside, just get out and stay between the trees and the car. Nobody will see you!" Seeing you in your undies in the dim glow of the interior-light as you open the door really turns me on and so I get out and join you before you have a chance to start pissing. I squat in front of you with my knees splayed wide open, my scarlet suspenders stretching tightly across my slim, tanned thighs and take your aching cock in one hand, opening my mouth as I suck your knob-end into it and wanking on my clitty with my other hand! You start to piss into my mouth as I reach down and caress your nylon-clad thighs and cup your balls, the thick growth of my lush thatch now dripping with my cunt- juices! The original plan was for me to introduce you to being outside our home whilst wearing some of my undies and to stay in the car as we drove round the countryside. You having to have a piss changed things slightly however and here we were, standing outside our car in a public lay-by, in the night air whilst dressed only in our undies! I sucked you dry, swallowing every drop before standing up and leaning against the car alongside you, pushing my waiting cunt and ass out for you! "Lick me my darling." I whisper, "Suck my cunt for me and drink my cunt-juices!" I knew you couldn't resist an invitation like that and I braced myself for your tongue, expertly probing deep inside me like it has so many times before! You squat down behind me as I splay my thighs wider apart and reach up to part my gaping cunt-lips even more with your fingers before clamping your mouth over them and drinking on the cocktail of my cunt-juices and your earlier cum as I gently massage my erect clitty that's sticking out from under it's protective hood a good ½ of an inch! I'm so turned on by your attentions to my hairy gash and asshole that I throw caution to the winds and reach up to undo the front clasp of my scarlet lacy bra, my tits falling free and my erect nipples tingling as you slurp on our mixed juices!

Then I feel you stand up and slowly ease your throbbing cock into me, sliding up all the way until your pubic-hairs meet mine and your knob-end butts up against my cervix! We're both so concentrating on the electricity between us that neither of us hear someone from one of the cars approaching until it's too late! I feel a hand caress my right nipple and naturally assume it's yours until I realise that you're still holding me by my lacy suspender-belt with both hands! "You don't mind, do you?" the stranger asks as his hand cups my right tit and caresses the underside! The Southern Comfort, and the thought of someone other than me was now looking at you in your undies and it was too late for you to do anything about it, really turns you on so much that you just shake your head! "No!" you answer him simply, "Be my guest!" Your cock stiffens considerably, now you know another guy is standing alongside you and can see you dressed only in my black bra, suspender-belt and nylons as you fuck into me, so I drop my hand to my side and feel that the guy has his own cock out and it's jutting in between us! I wrap my hand round it and slowly slide his foreskin back and forth as his other hand comes round behind you and cups your swinging balls! Seeing that you don't object, he proceeds to slide his hand up and down your thrusting nylon-clad thighs and I push his cock backwards, indicating that he should move round behind you! He takes the hint and you soon feel his knob-end butting against your ass each time you pull out of me for another thrust deep inside my drooling cunt! What happens next nearly makes me come on the spot! You slow to a stop and your hands come up to cup both my tits as you lean forward and gently bite the back of my neck! I feel you push forward slightly and bite a little harder, you groaning slightly as I suddenly realised that it wasn't you that was pushing into me, it was him making you move deeper into me as he pushed his cock into your ass! I push you back so's he can sink all the way into you and you moan softly in my ear as he slides all the way inside your ass before fucking in and out of you! You're having your first ass-fuck and it's being done while you're standing in a lay-by, your cock impaling my cunt with you dressed in my undies! I can feel every thrust the guy makes as he pushes your cock into me and am surprised to feel yet another cock in my right hand! Hearing something and looking away from the second guy to join us I see another walking up, his massive rigid cock already jutting out of his fly! Slowly, the guy on my right slides his hand between us and grasps your slimy shaft before easing it out of me and gently pulling me towards him! All this is like a dream, as nobody speaks a word! You take my place, leaning against the car and I follow suit alongside you, the guy standing behind me and sliding his cock into my cunt -- your cunt, my darling! I look at you and you smile, reaching across with your hand and holding mine as the two guys slowly fuck into the two of us and the third squats down between your nylon-clad thighs and sucks your cum-coated cock into his mouth and begins to suck you off whilst wanking his massive cock! The guy in your ass suddenly groans and I feel your grip tighten on my hand as you feel his cum spurting into your ass and filling it, him now jerking back and forth and deep inside you! You've actually been fucked just like a woman for the first time in your life! He stays inside you, impaling your ass for only a few moments more as the last few spurts of his cum jet weakly into you!

Then his cock begins to soften, sliding out of you but leaving it's sticky load buried in your ass, giving you that warm glow deep inside you that's so familiar to me! You look across at me again and watch the guy fucking me and see my tits jiggling as you feel the cum start to ooze from your gaping asshole, just as it does from my gaping cunt every time you fuck me! The guy sucking you suddenly stands up and pushes you into a squatting position, your knees splayed and your black suspenders tightly drawn across your naked thighs, just as mine were only minutes ago when I drank your piss!

Without ceremony or permission, you find a massive and bulbous knob-end being forced into your mouth and your head being held tightly as the guy fucks your mouth and starts to come inside it! The first spurt of his cum hits your tongue and you gag slightly, not being used to the taste of another guy's cum, but by the time the second spurt hits, your hand is wrapped round his thickly veined throbbing shaft and you're tossing him off into your mouth as his cock jerks and spurts it's creamy load of cum into it! My darling, I was very proud to see that you swallowed every drop he had to give you and as he drew away and you stood up, a smear of his cum on your lips before you licked it off as you licked your lips and then smiled at me! I turned slightly and bent over, replacing his mouth around your cock with mine, the guy fucking me now getting near to coming as he could now fuck deeper inside my cunt! Suddenly, he exploded into me and I felt his cum hitting my cervix, such was the ferocity of his spurts! His hands gripped my tits as he filled my cunt with his cum and he slowed to a stop, kissing my cheek before slipping out of me and silently going back to his car! I laid against our car again, facing it with my finger over my gaping cum-filled cunt and pushing my scarlet suspender-framed pert ass-cheeks back at you! You instinctively knew what I wanted you to do and you bent over as I removed my finger and sucked on the guy's thick and creamy cum as it oozed from between my gaping cunt-lips, surprised to feel the guy you'd just sucked off now sliding his still hard cock all the way inside your ass with one push! You were being fucked in your ass by a truly massive cock while wearing my undies and whilst drinking down another guy's cum as it oozed from my gaping, well fucked cunt! As you sucked on my cum-oozing cunt, I reached down and wanked my throbbing erect clitty and felt my orgasm fast approaching! You sensed it and pushed a finger deep in my ass, fucking me with it and sucking my cunt as I wanked myself! "Darling," I gasped softly, "I'm coming, NOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!" I bucked and writhed my hips at your lips, cum spluttering and frothing from my well fucked cunt as my orgasm raced through my body and the sweat rolled down my flat belly to soak my bush! Within seconds, the guy fucking you also came and you felt for the second time in one night, someone's cock jerking inside you and their cum spurting into your ass! When he'd finished, he pulled his glistening and limp cock out of you and went to his car, driving off and leaving us alone on the lay-by. My cunt now empty of cum, I turned you round and laid you against the car, your nylon-clad thighs spread wide as I squatted behind you and slid my hands under your black suspenders, gripping your thighs and clamping my mouth on your asshole before sucking the cum from it as you pushed it back at my face and tightened your stomach muscles to squeeze it out! As the last few drops oozed from you I stood up, turned you round and kissed you, letting some of the frothy cum from your ass drip into your mouth! As we kissed passionately, both standing there in our bra, suspender-belts and nylons by the roadside, we both swallowed the cum and then got back into our car and I drove us home, where you fucked me throughout the rest of the night on our back lawn, still dressed just as we were, not caring if we were seen or not as we writhed on the grass in our sexy undies! The sun was rising before you finally led me inside the back door, my cunt dripping thick gobs of your cum across the kitchen floor and leaving a silvery trail up the stairs as it oozed from my well-fucked cunt and ran down my thighs as we went to bed and cuddled each other before falling asleep in each other's arms, still dressed only in our sexy undies!

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