How I Got Carter

By Roe St. Alee

Published on Jan 15, 2013



This story contains sexual content, involving high school age males. If this offends you, please leave this page immediately. This story is a work of fiction, and any similarities to real life people, places, and situations is purely a coincidence.

If this story does not offend you, please enjoy. Your questions and comments are welcome, so please email me at Thank you so much to everyone who wrote to me after Part I. It's been amazing to hear about your reactions to and thoughts on the story. Thanks for reading!

(...continued from Part I)

Ah, the locker room. A place to inspire strong, mixed emotions for any often horny sixteen year old boy. And when you're gay, even more so. And me? I'm gay.

I'm Jackson, and this is my story. A story about the good guy (me) winning out over all the odds and getting exactly what he wants. And what do I want? Well, at the moment, I'm standing in a locker room full of incredibly fit, naked thirteen to eighteen year-olds, so I suppose I'll take the lot.

I'm only kidding (sort of). While I would enjoy spending a little alone time with plenty of these fine, young gentlemen, the true object of my desire is currently busy showering the last bit of chlorine off his unimaginably sexy body. Carter.

And right now it's not just Carter, but Carter in the locker room. Carter finishing his shower. Carter hooking his thumbs in his jammers and pulling them slowly down his body, revealing hip bones and smooth v-lines. Carter pulling them a little farther to reveal the base of his dick just below a shaved pubis. Carter stripping them down along the length of his flawless, soft cock and down his muscular thighs.

Locker rooms aren't always the easiest thing in the world, to say the very least.

Some days, I can walk in, take care of business and be out before sex even crosses my mind. Other days, it's a little tougher. Boys will be boys - goofing off, showing off, and in one particularly bizarre incident several years ago that the school administrators would prefer everyone just forgot all about, getting off. Names will not be mentioned, but they know who they are...

I digress. I survive the locker room mostly through a force of routine. In the door, turn right into the showers. A minute or two in the showers, keeping my eyes fixed firmly at the wall in front of me. Bathing suit off, finish the shower, walk through the far end of the shower to my waiting towel, dry off, underwear on, pants on, and then I can relax. No peeking, gawking, or admiring until I am clothed enough to avoid any chance of embarrassment. Oh, what I force myself to miss out on each and every day.

When I first joined the team in my freshman year, I wasn't so regimented, and let's just say my eyes would wander. Especially at the tender age of fourteen, I was absolutely blown away by the sheer quantity of hot, well-muscled boys getting naked all around me. Those chests. Those abs. Those legs. Those asses. Those beautiful, beautiful cocks. Big ones, small ones, cut ones, light ones, dark ones – the forbidden fruit of my early high school days.

Allow me to indulge those memories, if you will.

If I had to make a list of the top three cocks my freshman year, it would be as follows:

3rd Place goes to Tyler Krasinski, a senior at the time. 5'10, 160 pounds, sexy blue eyes, and the most beautiful cock. It was absolutely perfect. The proportion to his body was incredible, and his balls hung just right behind them. No curve, no blemish, and uncut to boot. If I had to make an encyclopedic entry on the penis, I would use Tyler's for the picture. And he loved to show it off. He apparently went through 3 years of high school shaving his entire body, but the summer of his senior year he showed up to practice with a half inch thick arc of pubes around the base. In celebration of the new-look Tyler, he presented himself to the team after our first practice, which I had no objection to.

2nd Place is for Marquelis Howard. Marq was only two years older than me, and is the first black guy I've ever had a crush on. His body, obviously, was carved out of wood, but he was also one of the nicest guys on the team. His smile, good looks, and personality made me like him, but his cut cock was the gorgeous icing on the cake. It was long even flaccid, with a bright pink head always threatening to poke out form his darker skin. Oh, Marq...

1st Place, however, is a whole other story. Evan Painter's dick was huge. He was a big guy in the first place – 6'4, over 200 pounds – but even on his frame his dick looked big. The first time I got a good look at it, I had to consciously stop myself from staring. It was pushing eight inches soft, and honest to god it might have been as big around as my arm. It just dangled there in it's enormity, swaying back and forth, forever propelled by it's own momentum. And his balls had to twice as big as mine, too. Hard, I can't even imagine it (although sometimes I try).

I digress again, but can you blame me?

I finish up in the locker room and head out to the parking lot. I walk along the sidewalk scanning the lot for an MR2. It's Friday, and Koichi would be picking me up to go out to dinner. My mom works long days on Friday, so she doesn't cook. It's kind of like her night off. Pretty much since his sixteenth birthday, Ko has been driving us to some greasy, disgusting fast food place to eat dinner every Friday. It works for me.

I see him at the far end of the lot talking to some girl from our English class who's waiting for her little brother. He makes some elaborate signal that I take to mean "Wait right there, I'll drive up and get you," and then turns back to the girl to wrap things up. He's an incorrigible flirt.

As Ko hops in his car, I hear a familiar voice behind me – Carter! He's walking out with his best friend, Matt.

"Alight, dude, I'll see you tonight," Matt calls as he jogs over to his car. "Spread the word!"

"Yeah, dude. Later!" Carter calls back. He walks over to me. "Hey, Jackson!"

"What's up, Carter?" I reply nonchalantly. Or at least, it's like my impression of a really excited person pretending to reply nonchalantly. He's six feet away and hasn't even told me what he wants and my heart's already pounding in my chest.

"I was just talking to Matt, and he had an idea." Carter's being coy. I like coy Carter.

"What sort of idea?" I ask him.

"Well," he says, "Matt's parents just so happen to be out of town this weekend, and he has the whole place to himself. So we were thinking..." He trails off suggestively.


"Hell yes!" Carter laughs as he says it, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Come on over anytime after 8:30. Stever and Robert think they can get some booze, so bring a tent or something if you want to drink and stay over. You know how Matt's parents are."

"Yeah," I agree. Matt's parents are known to be neat freaks. This party would be happening outside.

"You think you can make it?" he asks.

Instead of saying what came to mind, which was along the lines of "YES YES YES OH MY GOD YES ANYTHING YOU SAY YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL," I reply with a simple, "Yeah, man. Sounds awesome!"

"Cool. Is that Koichi?" he asks as Ko pulls up. "Let him know he can come, too. I'm sure there will be some people there for him to hang with..."

He pinches his finger and thumb together and brings it up to his lips like he's smoking an invisible joint and winks at me as he laughs.

Ko pops his head out of the window. "You boys talking about me?" he asks, in reference to Carter's invisible joint.

"Of course not!" I say sarcastically as I move around the car to get in. Carter and I share one last smile as I open the door. "Alright, Carter, I'll see you tonight."

"Later, guys!" he calls out as we pull away.

Not, bad, Jackson, not bad. Any interaction with Carter is enough to make me want to hurl (in the good way), but I can usually hold it together. Ko helps a lot. Even if Carter puts me on edge, Ko always loosens me up. I can't not feel relaxed around this kid.

Koichi Nakamura had been my best friend for about three years. We just get each other. We met on the soccer team my freshman year, and we've hung out almost every day since. Ko is a year older than me, but he looks like he could be fourteen. It's that ageless quality that a lot of Japanese have, I guess.

In truth, Ko is pretty hot, if you're into Asian boys, which I wouldn't say that I'm not. He's about 5'7, really thin, but with a well toned body from tennis and soccer. Ko's in kind of a punky phase at the moment, so he has some red highlights in his bangs and a lip ring.

As attractive as he is, his friendship means a lot more to me than his good looks. Our Friday night fast food runs are just one of the traditions we have that make us like family. We bullshit about swim practice and video games through most of our drive across town. Tonight we pull up into one of our favorite's, Taco Jack's.

Taco Jack's is pretty much a Taco Bell, but their meat doesn't seem to be made of dog food. I don't know if there is actually a "Taco Jack," but assuming there is, he makes a pretty mean taco.

We're hungry enough tonight that we get through most of our meal without saying a word. Eventually talk turns to the usual – a battle plan for the weekend.

"What are you up to tonight? It looks like Carter's having a party or something," Ko asks.

"Yeah, you're invited if you want." I snarkily imitate Carter's invisible joint much to Ko's amusement.

"Well, you certainly have my interest," Ko says, "but I've got a hot date."

"What a surprise." Ko can be quite the player. It's rare that he doesn't have a date on Friday. "So is this one your girlfriend, or what? Still just playing the field?" I already know the answer, but I'm just being an ass.

"Girlfriend?" he replies. "Please." Ko lowers his voice. "I'm way too horny for that shit. Besides, you've got nothing on me. Where's your girlfriend at?"

"Well, at least I don't try a new one out every weekend."

Ko rolls his eyes. I've never told him point blank that I'm gay, but I think he knows. While he couldn't expect me to have his level of devotion to the female body, he has to have picked up on what he must view as a complete lack of interest.

"Yeah, right." He rolls his eyes. "I don't know how you do it, man. If I don't have sex every week I start going crazy. It literally hurts me to hold it in!" He makes a funny pained expression.

"You could try masturbating," I suggest in my most helpful tone of voice.

"It's just not the same." We hold each others' gaze for as long as we can before we both start cracking up. We've probably had this conversation a thousand times. Ko wants to have sex all the time – the person he's doing it with isn't so important. I'm not like that. We both think the other is crazy for it.

We joke and bullshit a little more before tossing out our food wrappers and heading out. We both have a big night ahead of us.

I get to the party a little after nine and it's already in full swing. There's a little bonfire going in the back yard, and I say hi to a couple people as I walk in from the road. It worked out perfectly that Ko was able to drop me off on his way to pick up his date, so I won't have to worry about a car.

I walk around the back of the house and have to shake my head a little bit at the setup we have for the party. Matt's house is pretty huge, and his yard is awesome. In front of the house is a big field where a handful of people are tossing a Frisbee around. Around the side is an above ground pool, and in the back is a nice open space with a massive patio, a fire pit, hammock, and a few acres of woods, perfect for camping. I toss my tent and sleeping bag down in the grass near the hammock and head back to the party.

Somehow they managed to get a hold of a keg for this thing, and I start my first beer before getting called over by some guys from the swim team to do a shot. The vodka we're drinking is terrible, but as a sixteen year old, the whole thing seems pretty awesome. We raise a toast to the end of another summer and knock them back. We all spend the next few seconds trying not to cough or gag – this stuff is brutal!

I gather up the glasses and walk them over to the far patio table where no one is likely to knock anything over or start an impromptu game of beer pong. As I'm setting down the glasses, I see Carter sitting in a chair at the end of the patio, talking on the phone. He doesn't look very happy. I act like I'm trying to find a glass or something on the table so I can stall for a bit and hear what he's saying.

"Well, if you didn't want me to come you should have said something, instead of just acting pouty about it."

Holy shit! It sounds like he's arguing with his girlfriend. He hasn't noticed me, so I keep looking busy at the table to hear more.

"No, that's ridiculous! What do you want me to do? Go home by myself and be lonely, just because you aren't having a good time?" He runs his hand through his hair in frustration. His cheeks are a little flushed and his brow is slightly furrowed. He looks so serious. Honestly, he's pretty sexy when he's mad.

"I'm not happy with it either, if that's what you want to hear. That was your decision, and it's only two more weeks, and I'm sorry you couldn't–"

Suddenly, someone grabs me from behind, causing me to squeal a little bit and jump in surprise, spilling beer all over my shirt. Shit. I'm busted. Carter looks up from his phone call and stares at me. He looks really, really intense for a second and I'm worried that he knows I was listening to him, but then his lips part into a big grin.

"Guess who!" a girl's voice says behind me.

Thank God! I'd recognize that voice anywhere!

"Katy!" I exclaim as I turn around and hug the mystery person. "When did you get back from New York?"

She squeezes me tightly as she replies, "This morning, actually. Matt texted me about the party when I was on the flight, so it was literally the first thing I saw when I got back." We break our hug and she looks down at my shirt disapprovingly. "You have beer all over you, Jackson."

"Well, maybe if you weren't sneaking around trying to scare people, I wouldn't have that problem!" I try to act angry, but I'm so happy to see Katy that I'm just grinning ear to ear.

Besides Ko, Katy's probably my best friend. We met in the community theater in middle school when we were both in the chorus in The Music Man. While my dramatic performance in the show should never be discussed or even thought about, I wouldn't trade my friendship with Katy for the world. She's actually the first person I ever came out to, and without her help, I never would have been able to come out to my family.

"It's been ages, Jackson. Four whole months without you." Katy gives me another big hug, and it just reminds me how much I've missed her all summer. Katy spent the summer at an acting workshop in New York. We both do the drama club in the spring, but I just do it for fun; Katy has some serious talent, and I'm sure it's even better after all her training this summer.

"Hey, Katy! Hey, Jackson!" Carter has finished his phone call and walks over to us.

"Carter!" Katy runs over to hug him, and I feel weirdly jealous. Katy is Matt's cousin, so she's known Carter a long time, but even so, I can't just run over and hug him whenever I want.

"I hope you guys are ready to party," Carter says mischievously. "We've got some big plans tonight, so drink up."

Katy jerks her head sideways toward the keg and I nod back, grinning like an idiot. My best friend is back, my crush is on site, and it's time for drinks. What's not to love? We start walking over towards the keg when Carter calls to me.


I turned around to face him, and Carter has a strange look on his face. He's looking me right in the eyes, which he definitely does not normally do, and my stomach does a backflip.

"Yeah?" I ask, both hesitant and secretly excited at the same time.

"Try to get some in your mouth this time." He looks down at my shirt and then back into my eyes before he smiles his incredible, earth-shattering grin.

I follow his gaze down to my shirt and smile sheepishly. I look back up, but he's already walking away towards the bonfire. I stare at him as goes for what feels like an eternity, trying to process his sudden – dare I say it – flirtatiousness. Is he already drunk, or just being goofy? A second ago he was arguing with his girlfriend, and now suddenly he's teasing me like he's in a great mood.

"Hey, love bird!" Katy's voice cuts through my reverie. "Pump this keg while I pour us some beer."

I walk over in a daze to pump the keg. I suddenly feel drunk – drunk on Carter. I feel a little dizzy after our exchange and my face feels flushed. He was just acting a little... peculiar. Maybe it was nothing, but I sure as hell want to find out...

(to be continued in Part III...)

Next: Chapter 3

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