How I Found My True Self

By Gay Faggot

Published on Oct 24, 2018


the following is mostly the true story of me and journey to being a true sissy whore

I have change names to protect the not so innocent.

But this really did happen, Im sorry for any spelling mistakes and Gammer errors.

I still live in AZ, and have great life

Please feel free to write me and let me know what you think of me.

You didn't think thats how my story ended did you?

Oh no, Its get carzyier, sexier, and morfe fun with a bit of saddness in the mix.

the first part that you read, (I hope you read) tells how I got my start at being a whore.

Here I will start right where I left off.

After a full night of coke and gettiing fucked by at least 20 men in the alley, I went home with a big smile, high out of my mind and still wanting more cock.

Mary had told me she had never seen a slut like me before. She loved how I would swallow a cock down my throat and take one in my boy pussy as I started calling my ass. Know how happy she was with me made me happy, I was skipping all the way home, Yep I was walking (skipping) home at 2AM dressed like a slutty catholic school girl. My plaid skirt didnt really cover my boy pussy, I wasn't wearing any panties, I had gotten pretty good at walking in my 4in heels in a few days the shoes where hot pink and screamed cum get me. I had a little cut off t on that said I love cock on it. almost every car that went by honked thier horns, I loved the attention.(I bet you would too)

Atfer settling in at home for about 20min, and coming down form that crazy high I was on. I really needed to sleep, My head was spinning. My tummy was starting to grumble. My boy pussy was really sore. I took a hit of my poppers and that help take the edge off a little, then I lubed up my boy pussy and slid my dildo in nice ans slow, That really felt good. the pain in my boy pussy went away with that. Thats how I fell asleep. with a smile....

I was woke up by a knocking at my door, I thought I was dreaming the knock, But no, it was real.

I got up, dizzy, hung over is the best way to discribe how I felt.

I walked over and opened the door, not even aware I never took off the bra and silicone breast I had glued on, and still had my school girl skirt on, the dildo fell out as walked over. I just giggled at that.

I opened the door, it was a woman I had never seen before,

Jackie She said,

Yes I'm jackie, I returned.

I's Sara, Mary sent me over to check on you, she said you had quite a night, can I come in, Or do you want everyone to see you like that around here?

I looked down at my self, I blushed, OMG, Please come in Sara.

Call me sissy Sara she said. Since we are both Mary Gurls.

She could tell bt the look on my face I wasn't sure what she ment by that.

Can you give my a few minute to get cleaned up? I asked.

Sure, she said.

I went to the bathroom and threw up right away, I started feeling better right away. God I needed to do that. Still a bit dizzy I stepped into the shower got the fake breast off, shaved my leggs, and everything else. That really made me feel more feminine right away. (if you havent shaved, do so its awesome) I brushed my teeth and check my self over, I had quite a few bruises on my leggs, Oh they look bad, I need some makeup to cover those I thought right away.

I walked out and Sissy Sara was sitting on the couch waiting for me with a big line of coke on the table and a straw for me. Take a hit of this, it will help you feel better, she suggested,

I did, and it did make me feel better, and really horny, My little clit got hard right away and my boy pussy started craving cock.

Maybe I should have done that I said,

Dont worry, she said, as she lifted her dress to show me her very large 7in cock, it was beutiful. I fell to my knees and started sucking and licking it right away. the tip was large and the perfect mushroom shape, A little pre cum has already found its way to the tip, I eat it up. So salty and good, YUMMMMMMMMY.

Thats a good sissy she softly cooed at me,

now turn around and bed over whore.

I did as I was told, so eager for that hot hard cock to full me up.

she teasted my whole with the tip, sliding it up and down along my crack, I was prushing back, I couldnt wait for it, I needed it then with no warning she shoved it in, I let a little screem, but still pushed back, I wanted it as deep as it could be, I wanted her to cum inside me, She started to match my rythem, he cock sliding in and out, send me higher and higher to heaven with ever thrust.

Tell me who are you she yeled at me,

I am sissy Jackie I said, I am Sissy jackie,

Yes you are, you are sissy jackie and for now and for aways, you always be a worthless sissy whore, for the rest of your usless life

Thats all I have ever wanted I said back as be thrust her Hard cock in my boy pussy.

She started to tense up, I knew she was about to cum, Yes Please cum in me, I want your babies I was thinking,

She came, deep inside me, I could feel ever drop shoot out of her cock into me,

she fell over on top of me, her hot breath on my neck, she soflty kissed my right ear,

Your a good whore she said. you earned another line if you want one.

I do, I said, please? may I have one, she slowly pulled out her now limp spent cock out of me, Some cum followed it, dripping down my leg, It felt so good to be used like this

She put a small amount of coke on the back side of her thumb, and put it under my nose, I snorted ot all up. I wanted more cock,I told Sara, I need more cock I told her.

Don't worry, she said, you are working with me today, you gonna get lots of cock I promise.

We both took a shower together to get cleaned up, My head was flying, I could stop kissing her cock in the shower, doing everything I could to get her hard again.

She ask me to stop.

We needed to get to the store and and get to work, I never looked forward to get to work like I did I that moment.

It was only 1PM, the store opened at 2PM, But we headed over anyway, I put the same outfit on I had wore the night before, with an added pair of pink panties.

This was the first time I walked out of my apt in before 5pm, there was alot of people around, more than I was ready for to see me. I was so high already My care went away very fast Some people pointed and laughed at me, some just ignored and some stared. I found I really didn't care, This is who I am.

We walk all the way to the store as was ordered by Mary, I was to walk to helpo stay in shape and get better walking in heels. A few cars stopped and just threw open the passenger door, hoping a couple of whore would just jump in,

Sara said to keep walking, these men have no money for us.

We got to to the store, it was locked. We went to the back door, it was also locked.

Thats strange said Sara, Do you have a Key she asked.

Oh yeah, I was so high, I forgot About that Dave gave me a key.

I opened the door and walked in, The alarm wasn't set. how odd,

Dave must have be really wasted last night to for get the alarm Said Sara,

Yeah, I agreed.

We look all around the shop nothing looked out of place,

Sara walked over to the schedule book, God damit Dave she explaimed, I cant make sense of this mess.

I took a look at the book,

Here you are, I pointed to a line on the schedule, it was full of addressed and prices.

Here is it says this address in scottdale at 2:30p he expecting anal and BJ, for $500

oh, how can you make sense of this? Sara Asked

Ive been watching Dave closly and helping him answer the phone I said.

Well you with me today Sissy Jackie, You whore, So wite everywhere we are supposed to be today and let get going.

How are we getting there, I asked.

The bus you stupid slut she answered.

We got the bus at the stop in front of the shop, I was more nervous about this than walking home at night.

We got alot of stares and some compliments, my ass has never been pinched so many times. I loved that.

On the bus ride I started to wonder why I had kept my sissy side to repressed all these years. I have been missing out on so much fun and so much happieness.

We had to change busess three time to get where we needed to be, Even the last bus didn't get us very close we still had to walk about 1/2 mile to the Apt the appt was at.

we got there right at 2:15pm. Sara knocked on the door. I was scared, I haven't done this before,

Have you beed here before Sara? I asked.

Nope she replied.

The door opened, He was an older gentlemen, I say in his 60's, about 6ft, may 200lbs, Ciggerette in his mouth, no shirt on, no real belly. but no abs. all he had on was a towel, he handed Sara and envalope, SHe turned to me and said Ill wait here whore, go have fun. the man drppoed his towel showing me his hard cock, then he pointed to a little vial with blue pilles a stand by the TV.

your gonna get it hard bitch he said as he slapped my ass and then led me to the bedroom.

he pushed me down on the bed face first. You dirty whore he whispered. as started to play with my ass. His very strong hand squeezing and slapping me.

Turn around and suck me sissy he said.

I spun around and took his 6in hard cock in my mouth, licking the tip, I was so hungery for cock, was devouring it. It teatsed so good, I back off alittle as some pre cum come out, I wiped the precum all over my lips, then licked it off, I could tell he really like that. He picked me up, threw me back down on the bed, face down,

Spread those legs whore, he commanded of me. I did

He put some lube and all over my whole, and them he put on his comdom, he wasnt gental at all, he rammed it in, and out and in again, hard with every thrusy, making me screem and moan all in the same breath. but it felt fo good, being fucked like this, used, like piece of trash.

he started fucked faster and faster, as fast and as hard as his body could manage. I just took it.

he pulled out, spun me around and ripped off his comdom, Suck it till I cum whore, he yelled at me. I did, It wasnt long, he pulled it out of my mouth, and came all over my face. in my eyes, my mouth, I tried to lick as much of it up as could. he stared at me for a minute, threw me the towel,and said Get your friend and get out of my apartment whore.

I went and got Sara and we left. Both of us giggling like a couple of school girls. I still had some of his cum in my hair.

the whole day went like that, she would take the money I would take the cock, I say a great arrangment.

After our last Appointment we went back to the store.

it was still locked up.

I think we better call Mary, I said.

Sara Agreed.

Mary didn't answer the phone. We went back in thru the back door. Weird not seeing anyone in the back alley at this time of night.

We hung around for a bit Snorting coke, flirting with eachother, at least till midnight.

Neither Dave nor Mary Called or showed up.

We decided to head home, Sara Asked if she could stay with me, I happlily said yes.

We got back to my place, one of my neighbors was walkimg by. He asked if he could join us. I think Ive had a crush on him for years. I said hell yeah.

Sara, was like a three some, why not,

We all went in, You would think that I would have had enough sex by now, But I hadn't. Sex was all I wanted.

We wern't in my place for more than 2 min and he was naked and his cock was in Saras mouth.

I want some, I said dont hog all that hard cock Sara,

Calm down whore Sara said,

we took turns sucking his full 8in cock, I couldn't belive he hadnt cum yet.

while I was sucking his cock Sara would put some coke under my nose, making my a true coke whore.

we even put a line some coke on his cock and snorted it up.

I think its at this point I started going brainless, really becomeing the perfect dumb bimbo whore sissy slut.(this is really an awesome feeling, going brainless) anything I was told to do i did, no questions. when his cock entered my boy pussy, I started to drooling, alot,

Sara later told me from that night on anytime I had a cock in me I would have an empty look in my eyes, and become a real fuck doll

He started to fuck me, i took all 8in, begging for him to fuck me harder, to spank me. treat me like the sissy whore I am.

and he did.

He pulled out and strated fucking sara just as hard, she moaned alot.

I pulled her face to mine and kissed her. Her tounge found mine, she looked at me, like I was a useless piece of meat. she slapped me accross the face.

Whore she exclaimed to me.

he pulled out of her and went back in me, My eyes rolled up into the back of my head. I wanted to be like this forever.

your taking my load he said.

He came, Alot. I mean Alot. it was leaking out of my boy pussy past his still hard shaft and he kept cumming.

when he pulled out, he looked at both of us, Your secret safe with me gurls, He said. I hope we can do this again some time

I just sat thier bewildered, feeling lost without a cock inside me. He got dressed and took off.

just than Sara phone rang, It was Mary.

She told us she was in the Hospital with Dave, he had a heart attack the night before, He will be ok but the store will remain closed for a few days.

I snapped out of my daze enough to to tell mary that Sara and I would run the store if she would like. She agreeded.

I went to take a shower, cum still leaking out of my whole,

WOW, I thought, I just a few days I went from quite desk jockey at a bank to sissy cock coke whore.

God I love my new life

Next: Chapter 3

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