How I Became Their Bitch

By Poly Ester

Published on Jan 3, 2015


This is a story series I wrote a few years back that received positive feedback. I hope everyone enjoys. I have three more chapters if its well received enough to post more. Please remember that Nifty is free and always needs your donations to keep it free. Feel free to send comments/feedback to

It started late one night while I was at work. You see, I work the swing shift and work is kinda slow about this time. So what else was I supposed to do? Well besides look online for some "adult encounters". I was looking around for some twink to fuck or maybe even a nice young jock to maybe have his way with my asshole. I'm about 90% top and 10% bottom.

I was perusing the ads and clicked on a bunch of ads into new windows. The first was a 18 year old twink. FUCK was he hot. Big uncut dick and looking to get fucked hard. Last line was PNP friendly, so that kinda killed that one. The next ad was for a hot 26 year old jock. He was ripped and had a nice dick, he was looking to plow someone's hole. I thought "hell I might volunteer for this plowing". I decided to save this ad and look through the rest.

I clicked on the next ad and read the headline "LOOKING FOR A SUB CUM LOVING BONDAGE BITCH". First thing I thought was "oh shit I didn't click on this ad, it must had been a mistake." My dick however thought otherwise, I was instantly hard as a rock and dripping a bit of precum. I didn't understand half of the acronyms but the pictures of guys getting used and abused caught my attention. I Googled a few of the terms, turns out "CBT" meant cock and ball torture! I thought to myself "WHO THE FUCK WOULD WANT THAT?" My dick started throbbing as I viewed some pictures of it. What the hell was wrong with me?! Why was I getting so fucking worked up over this shit? I didn't even know what this stuff was until a few minutes ago. I thought this was just for those freaks in San Francisco...

Before I realized it I had already clicked on reply button. I had no idea what to type, I mean I had hooked up a few dozen times before but it was always different. Its always the same BS reply I'd send: "I'm 24, 6'1, 190, fit, white, blond hair and blue eyes, 8 inch cut cock thats kinda thick, Vers top, pix below, reply if interested. I can host or travel." What was I supposed to type here? My first thought of anything even remotely kinky and here I am ready to submit to things an hour ago I didn't know existed!

I started the message:"Hey, um I'm kinda new to this and I clicked on your ad by accident but it seems pretty hot." I included my stats and pix and hit send as I swallowed hard and felt uneasy in my gut. I got back to work. Within a few minutes DING my computer says I have a message. I look and its from "DOM KINK MASTER". I excitedly opened the email not knowing quite what to expect. The message read:

*Boy! You will address ME as SIR and nothing else. You say you are inexperienced, EVEN Better. I have been into BDSM since I was 16. I am 28 now so 12 years experience. If you want to try it you will come to my house tomorrow morning at 11AM. You will come wearing jeans, a jockstrap underneath and a loose fitting t-shirt. Do not trim or shave any hair. Do not eat anything after midnight the night before. Only drink water after midnight as well. You will report to my house, ring the bell three times and open the door. You will walk in and strip down to your jockstrap. There will be a bag for all of your possessions. Put all of your possessions in the bag, and be sure to turn your cell phone off. At this point you will put on the blindfold next to the bag, get on all fours and wait for me. You will do what I say when I say it. If you fail to obey in any way there will be SEVERE punishment. Reply with your understanding of all of this and I will see you tomorrow morning. Expect to stay at LEAST 24 hours. Possibly longer, at my discretion. *


I sat there reading the message over and over again. I was rock hard yet scared to death. I thought "No fucking way" there was no way I could ever do this stuff. What kind of sick pervert was this guy? I deleted the message and tried to concentrate on my work. My boner wouldn't go away for the rest of my shift. I left work and headed home. I kept rubbing by cock through my pants and my mind couldn't stop thinking about the message he sent me.

I finally got home and as I was walking to my apartment my neighbor comes out to talk... at 1 in the morning! I tried to use my computer bag to hide my raging boner. She wouldn't shut up! She was going on and on about her cat or something. I finally told her I had to use the restroom and ran inside. I dropped all of my stuff and headed straight to bed. I popped open my computer to check my work email before bed. DING my computer went. It was that bondage freak again.

His message to me:

Did I scare the little punk? Is he not man enough? Your loss, bitch.

I was scared yet even more interested at this point. I was no bitch, I never backed down from a dare. I thought, its 1:30AM and he wants me there at 11AM? I can do that.... I have the next 3 days off and nothing really planned, outside of an oil change, but hell, I could always flake on that. Ok lets try this, I thought. I replied:

*Sir, *

*This worthless slave would truly enjoy the opportunity to be your bitch. This slave is new to bondage and not sure it has addressed you properly. Please forgive it if it has not lived up to your expectations, Sir. *


I sat there scared to death yet still ROCK FUCKING HARD. I responded to a few work emails before my new experience. I wound down and got ready for bed, setting my alarm for 9AM so I could get ready. I fell fast asleep thinking about what was to come.

The alarm woke me up BUZZZZZZZ!!!!! BUZZZZZ!! I jumped up, realizing I was still rock hard. No way could I go through with this... it's just a fantasy... I can't do this! It's not for me! But my cock was telling me something different. I told myself I was going to go through with it. I was going to do it! I got a pit in my stomach but decided to go along with it.

I got out of bed and walked into the bathroom and took a shower to ready for my new experience. The pit in my stomach never left. I finished up in the shower and started to get dressed. It hit me. I can't wear my boxers. Master demanded me in a jockstrap. I dug through my underwear drawer trying to find that jockstrap my ex bought me a while back. AH HA! Found it. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. I was pretty hot in this thing, no wonder he wants me in one. I finished getting ready and I headed out.

I pulled up to his house. It was an average house. Nothing really stood out about it. It was on an acre or so with a few other houses on the street. Not too secluded but far from downtowns houses so close you could jump from roof to roof. I got there early, not wanting to risk being late. I parked a bit down the street to be out of view. I sat there more scared than ever before. I was shaking. Not thinking I could go through with this. It was five minutes till 11AM and I gulped really hard and started to get out and walk toward the house. What was I doing?!?!?! I don't even remember the walk to the house. Before I realized it I was ringing the doorbell three times. I took another hard gulp and opened the door. It was a regular looking house. Was this the right place? I looked down and saw a bag and a blindfold, I was in the right place. I was shaking but took my jeans and t-shirt off, carefully placing it in the bag. I took off my shoes and socks also putting them in the bag. Last was my cellphone. I turned it off and thought "this is my last chance to back out" before I could even process that I was putting on the blindfold and getting on all fours.

I sat there for about a minute before Master came. Before I knew what was going on a hood was placed over my head. I didn't know what the material was. It wasn't leather but something like a breathable nylon. Then all of a sudden he sternly told me to open my mouth wide and then some ball was shoved into my mouth. I didn't know what it was but it was stuck in my mouth and wouldn't come out at all. Next he put something on my cock. I wasn't sure what it was and I was flaccid at this point, being scared to death and trying not to fuck up. All of a sudden I was getting a boner, well trying to. He put something on my cock, a cage of some sorts. It was preventing me from getting a boner! What the fuck was this?! I was about to ask, forgetting I was gagged with this ball like object.

Master then told me to stand up and he would lead the way. We walked a ways and we stopped in what seemed like a room, from the echo. He sat me in some cold leather chair and restrained my wrist to the chairs arm and my ankles to the feet of the chair. I was scared to death of what was going to come next. He said "Good thing you showed up boy, I was doubting you would show. Now I am going to do as I please with you. you are MY property for at least the next 24 hours. Nod if you understand." I nodded. He then said it was time to prepare his slave.

Next thing I knew I heard the sharp hum of some electric device. He started rubbing it on my legs. SHIT! He was shaving me with hair clippers! I started to protest moaning through my gag. Master didn't like this and delivered a slap to my balls. Not too hard... but enough to get the message across. I tried to be as quite as possible, while wondering how I was going to explain my hairless legs at the gym. I was going to be laughed at by all of my friends. As I was thinking this my cock tried to get hard again but alas it was stopped by this cage. FUCK I was horny but couldn't even get a hard-on. Why did I do this?!

Before I could think anymore he was shaving my pubes off. I tried to protest but he slapped me in the balls harder than last time and told me to shut the fuck up. He didn't stop shaving me throughout his sharp and painful slaps to my balls and caged cock. He shaved what little chest hair I had and even my armpits. The clippers turned off. Before I could get accustomed to what was happening the clippers turned back on and I felt them on my head! I tried to scream out again! I couldn't have a shaved head at work! I was panicking. Then he grabbed one of my nipples and twisted it really hard. This both hurt and really turned me on. Again my boner way trying to come to life but it wasn't happening anytime soon. I adjusted to the fact that I didn't have a say in what was going on.

He shaved my entire head and threatened he would shave my eyebrows off if I acted up again. So I shut up quickly. After he was all done he wiped off all of the hair and started to apply shaving cream. He shaved me to the bare skin. Head to toe I was bald, other than the eyebrows I hoped to keep. I sat there bald thinking WTF did I get myself into.

As soon as he was all done he made me get up and walk. I had no idea where we were going. We walked into a cold room with a no carpet. Without warning I was being showered off! He wanted to get all of the hair and shaving cream off I guess. He turned the water off and told me to spread my legs and not to move. Next thing I knew something was being shoved up my ass and some thing warm was rushing into my asshole! My stomach felt so bloated and I felt like I had to shit really bad. The water then cut off and he told me to let the water out. This was repeated three more times. I guess he really wanted me clean. He told me to take a piss now or it would be a while before I could. So I took a nice long piss. It felt awfully weird with this cage thing on my cock. Then he handed me a towel and told me to dry off. It was kinda hard in the dark but I made it work. It really felt weird on my freshly hairless body. He then clipped a collar onto my neck and lead me by a leash to the next event.

We went back to what I think was the same room we started in. He pushed me onto some furniture kinda thing. I was made to be on all fours, but on furniture. It was really weird. It was padded and kinda comfortable. My legs were a little spread but I didn't really notice at the time. While I was thinking about what was happening to me he strapped my wrist, ankles, midsection and neck to this piece of furniture. After he had me all restrained he removed my hood. I was squinting to see, after being in the dark for nearly two hours the light was really bright. As my eyesight adjusted I looked up to see the hottest man I had ever seen! He was late 20's, built, six-pack abs, a light cover of chest hair, muscly but not overdone, maybe German decent? light brown hair. He was just sexy as hell in those tight worn out Levi jeans.

He was going commando. Then flopped out the biggest cock I had ever seen in person! I thought this kinda dick only happened in porn! It had to be 9 inches long and it wasn't even fully hard! It was damn near as thick as a beer can too! And again it wasn't even fully hard! I was scared to death! I loved an occasional big cock but the biggest I had ever had was 8 inches erect and it wasn't that thick. How was I going to take this huge monster???? I didn't really have a choice it seemed. He looked at me and saw how big my eyes got and just laughed. He said "boy, you are going to be begging for this cock by the time you leave. It will leave you gaping wide and feeling more used than a vietnamese hooker on military pay day." This scared me even more. My mind kind of went blank. I'm not sure if anything else was said and I hoped I didn't miss any directions. I was more scared than ever before. I felt myself TRYING to get excited, again but this damn cage keeps stopping my cock and hurting it at the same time.

I kinda spaced out for a minute, it was all just so overwhelming. I snapped back into reality when he took out the gag. My jaw ached from being held open. I closed and opened my newly free mouth trying to relax the muscles a bit. I didn't get much of a chance to relax before his huge now fully erect cock was entering my mouth. It didn't grow as much as I thought it would. Don't get me wrong it was NOT small at all. I was thinking it would be 15 inches erect but it was right about 10 inches long and as thick as a soda can. I opened as wide as I could to try and accommodate this monster cock. Try as I might I couldn't do it without scraping teeth and he did not like this one bit. He pulled out this metal contraption that he shoved in my mouth. It was kinda like a car jack but for the mouth. He popped it open and it opened my mouth wider than it had ever been before. He smiled and grabbed his cock and shoved it back in my mouth. I started to gag but I really couldn't do much to fight it. I was tied down and couldn't move. My mouth was jacked wide open. He proceeded to fuck my mouth for another 10 minutes. I don't know how I lasted before he pulled out and sprayed the largest load of cum I had ever seen all over my face. It seemed like it would never end. He removed the device from my mouth and started to wipe the cum off of my face with the head of his cock and started to feed it to me! It was the hottest thing that had ever happened to me so far. My cock ached to grow to its fullest extent. A painful reminder stopped it from happening.

I was scared to death that he was going to fuck me right then and there. I was lucky yet kind of disappointed when he didn't. He put a blindfold on me and replaced the ball gag back into my mouth. He then turned the lights off and left without saying anything. I sat there bound to this thing and tasting the residual cum from Master in my mouth. The taste sent me into ecstasy and ever hornier but dammit if weren't for this cage on my cock and my hands being tied down I could relieve my aching balls that oh so needed to explode the massive cum load begging to release.

I fell asleep after a little while only waking up to hearing him enter the room. He took my blindfold off and asked me if I was enjoying myself. I didn't answer right away... hell I was miserable, I was just shaved, tied up, forcibly cleaned out and mouth raped! How the hell would I enjoy this? But fuck if I wasn't more horny and more excited than I had ever been in my life! Master was not pleased with how long it took me to answer. He walked over to one of the walls that had many shelves. Each shelve had many items. I recognized some of the things. There were a dozen or so dildos, of varying sizes. Whips and all kinds of other thing. I looked and wondered what some of them were for, others I prayed he wouldn't use on me.

While staring at all of the equipment, I didn't realize master was back with some implement of torture to use on me. It was a chain and a clamp on each end. He then grabbed my right nipple and started to pinch and twist it. I learned earlier not to complain. It hurt and felt reallly good at the same time. How could I be turned on by this pain? What was wrong with me? Before I could answer myself he put one of the clamps on my nipple and fuck did it hurt. As soon as it settled in a bit the pain subsided but still lingered. He moved to my left nipple and did the same thing. It hurt but at least I knew what to expect. Then he said "boy, tell me, are you enjoying yourself?" I quickly nodded yes, not wanting to add anymore punishment. He seemed very happy with the answer. He tugged on the chain holding the clamps on my nipples. It hurt but felt so good. My cock was BEGGGGGING to be released. He could tell it was driving me insane not to be able to release my cum. He decided to play with my tender nipples for another 20 minutes, the entire time I was moaning and enjoying it so much.

After master was done torturing my now tender and burning nipples he walked back over to the wall of equipment. My heart pounded really hard at this point. Everything looked either painful, scary or just unknown. He came back with some leather paddle looking thing. He saw the fear in my eyes and it got him rock hard. Why was my fear turning this guy on so much? Why was this fear turning me on so much? Before I realized it was going to happen WHACK! he smacked my ass so hard with this leather paddle. I tried to scream but the gag was preventing it. It wasn't the worst pain ever but it was painful. The sound was really fucking with my head. The echo in the room made it sound five times worse than what it was. He smacked my ass a few more times and then just used his hand. That hurt almost worse! Then he dunked his finger into a liquid near by. He then took his finger and that liquid and stuck it up my ass. I guess it was lube of some sort. I was both turned on and scared to death! The finger felt so good, as he massaged my prostate but I was scared that he was going to try and force that huge monster cock up my ass and split me in half! As he was getting the second finger in my ass he took his other hand and gently yet effectively gave my nuts and cock a little slap. This made my hole tense up on his fingers. He let out a little chuckle. He stopped at two fingers and pulled out. I was relieved and a little saddened. It felt so good but I didn't think he was ready to ream my hole yet. He stuck something up my ass. I was not sure what it was. It just kinda stayed there. It felt like.... was it a buttplug? I had heard of these before but I had never seen one. I always thought it was something old weird gays used. It was just what it sounded like. There was a thicker part that was stuck inside of my ass and a thin part in the hole and what felt like a stopper or handle in between my now hairless ass. As I was adjusting to this master returned my blindfold and walked out.

He returned a short while later with dinner. I was starved. It was a smoothie concoction of some sort. It had a straw that he put in the breathing hole of the gag in my mouth. Thank god I could still breathe through my nose. It tasted alright, kinda health foody but not too bad. After I could tell it was gone I blew the straw out of the gag and sat there some more.... still tied up.... uncertain of what was to happen next....

I had resorted to thinking about work to get my mind off of my predicament. Yeah I was LOVING it but I had to get my mind off of it, my cock was in pain from its restriction. All of a sudden master returns and first thing he does is quickly rip out the buttplug from my ass. It hurt really bad. I had to work really hard to not squeal and anger Master. He came over and removed my blindfold but still left the gag in my mouth. He said he was ready to ruin my hole. He kept saying things that made me scared to death! How I was not going to be good to any other man because he was going to make my pussy hole gaping wide and no other cock would ever feel as good as his and he might as well fist me after since his cock was so huge. The entire time he was saying this my eyes were fixated on this mammoth cock that was about to "ruin me". His eyes were fixated on my eyes. I think my eyes told the whole story. I was scared to death and beyond.

Master took position behind me. I was shaking and praying that it not hurt too bad. Master took his time to play with some toys in my ass. I couldn't see them but I was thankful he was taking the time to loosen my fuck hole up. I sat there thinking about all the twinks and such that were scared of my cock. I would be mean and go too fast, knowing full well it would hurt them. I didn't realize it at the time but it really turned me on to fuck them hard and make them hurt a bit. Now it was payback time, and I had to pay up. He continued for a while and it felt really good. He then said in a stern voice "ready to be ruined?". I could feel the gigantic head of his monster cock at my back door. I gulped and tried to relax as much as possible. I felt the head go in. I let out a heavy sigh, thinking that I could handle this, it does not hurt too bad. Then he went in a few inches. OMFG! the pain was horrendous. It was the worst pain I had ever felt in my life. He could tell the pain was too much for me and stopped for a bit. Every minute or so he would go an inch or two more and I would feel it more and more. After about ten minutes he was all the way in. I could feel his balls resting on me. It felt like I was sitting on a traffic cone! My insides felt like they were going to explode at any second. How the hell did this cock fit? He gripped my hips and smacked my right ass cheek. My hole tensed at this slap and it hurt really bad. He just laughed at my misery and slowly started his destruction of my ass. He picked up speed quickly. Never before had I felt this much pain.... or pleasure and never pain and pleasure of this measure together. After ten minutes of this intense fucking he grabbed my hips really hard and started slamming his tree trunk cock into my ass even harder. I dont know how but it got even thicker as he was about to flood my ass with his seed! I was screaming through my gag, both in pain and in ecstasy. Never before had sex felt this good or hurt this bad. He came deep in my hole. I could feel his throbbing cock transfer his seed into me. I lost count at twelve squirts, I could feel each on of them and the massive amount of cum he was filling my hole with. He stayed inside of me for about a minute, breathing hard and recovering. After he pulled out he stuck another buttplug in me. This one was much thicker than the last, I dont think the first one would have actually stuck with as gaping as my hole was feeling now. He said "let my seed stay in you and get absorbed, get you pregnant, whore". He then left again. I sat there feeling more used than ever. Hurting but feeling amazing. My cock didn't let me forget that he was not pleased with his confinement.

Master returned after about 30 minutes. He untied my ankles and wrist. While untying me he said I was to stand up, look down and do exactly as he said. I nodded in compliance. I noticed that the restraints he had used on the bench thing were still on my ankles and wrist, they were leather with some metal clips on them. Why were they on me still, I wondered. Master walked over to the "toy collection", thats what I named it while sitting there waiting for his return. He came back with 2 bars and a large dildo. He got behind me and attached one long bar to my ankles. One ankle on each end of it. Make it where I couldn't really walk but was forced to maintain a semi-wide stance. then another bar was added in the middle of the one attached to me. It was kinda like the letter "T" but upside down. The middle bar was shorter but it was retracted. Master then took the dildo, which looked almost as big as his cock and hooked it onto the middle bar. I was scared to death of where that thing was going to go. My ass was already sore and wrecked. Then Master removed the buttplug and tossed it aside. He grabbed some lube and worked it over the dildo. He then raised the bar, with the dildo now attached and started to enter my ass! The pain was extreme. It felt really good though. This conflict of pain/pleasure wouldn't leave me still. Master kept raising the dildo higher and higher. Finally I had it got so high that I was slightly on my tippy-toes. PERFECT! Master exclaimed as he locked it in place. He then told me of my new predicament. He said he was going to go out for a few hours for drinks with friends and I was to stay here on this T shaped dildo contraption and wait for him. He gave my balls a light slap and smiled as I grimaced in pain. As he was leaving he turned around and said "oh shit, I almost forgot" he walked over to the toys and got a little vibrating thing. He hooked this thing to my nipple chains and it made the clamps vibrate as well! It was all I could do not to scream. It hurt so bad and felt even better. As Master was leaving I couldn't help but think what the fuck was wrong with me, why was I turned on by this and why did I get myself into this? FUCK! my cock is still stuck and hurting from its constriction. With that I heard Master leave out the front door and his truck start up and leave. Shit! How long am I going to be stuck like this, I thought.

I sat there for probably thirty minutes trying to keep sane as well as keeping my cock from getting hard only to be defeated again. My toes and feet were sore from standing so high. I kept trying to lower my feet but the dildo was so far up my damn ass it felt like my spine was being shattered. After about an hour I finally was able to stand flat on my feet. Every minute of this felt like my guts were being punched from the inside but felt as nice as a warm hug at the same time. I kept looking over at the toy collection and decided I wanted a better look. I swung my right leg out a bit and the dildo seemed to go even higher. I have no idea how it could fit any higher! Slowly I swung each leg out a few inches at a time. It must have taken me 30 minutes to make it to the wall. When I finally got there I was in awe at all of the toys so neatly organized. I couldn't figure out what the majority of them were for. I guessed on some but I was sure I couldn't be right. There were so many things and it just blew my mind. I wanted to try everything! My cock tried again to rise and again was defeated. Damn this predicament. There were so many things.... I was both scared and excited. I saw some dildos that looked twice as big as the one impaling my ass at the moment. I hoped that he wouldn't use it but kinda wanted to work up to it. This damn conflict wouldn't leave my head! I saw some things that I guessed were buttplugs. Some were huge mushroom shaped and others were small like a hotdog. I was amazed at the size of some of these things! How the hell can that fit in an asshole? The whips scared me more than anything. Lastly I saw a funnel and it had a hose attached to it.... and a gag that the hose led into... what was that for? What would he force feed me through it? Hmm... My mind continued wondering and I heard his truck pull up the short driveway and come to a stop in front of the house. I thought SHIT! I don't want him to see me looking at all of the toys.... I waddled as fast as I could back to my original place and waited for Master to return.

Master came into the room. He looked nice and relaxed and I could smell a bit of alcohol. He wasn't drunk be he was buzzed for sure. He asked if I enjoyed the time on the impaler and I nodded yes. He then told me he was horny from seeing all the guys at the bars and he was going to fuck me. He then proceeded to remove the impaling dildo from my ass. It felt like a huge relief! I could stand comfortably. He took off the bar and allowed me to stand for a moment.... but still leaving on the leather things on my wrist and ankles. He then took off the nipple clamp things and as my nipples felt the blood flow back I couldn't help but yelp into the gag. Master was not happy with this reaction. He pushed me back on to the thing that made me sit on all fours. He strapped me down again, this time a bit tighter. He popped out the gag in my mouth. I relaxed my jaw for a little bit before he returned with a strap that had some ring on it.... the ring was huge. I sat there wondering what was he going to do with it. He told me to open wide. He popped it in my mouth. It held my mouth wide open and had these things that stayed on the outside of my mouth. I knew what it was for now. He popped out his cock and shoved it in my mouth. It hit the back of my throat and I started to gag. Master grabbed some bottle nearby and took his cock out and sprayed this stuff in the back of my throat. It said numbing spray on the bottle.... shit... he was going to fuck my throat?! He waited about two minutes, all while dripping pre-cum. Then he grabbed his cock and smacked me in the face with it! He kept cock slapping me. The pre-cum was slinging everywhere. Then he put his cock in my mouth and said "get ready faggot" he raped my throat. He barely let me breathe. My throat hurt so bad even with the spray. I thought I would get bruised from the brutal fucking my face was receiving. His low hanging nuts kept slapping me as his cock invaded my throat. After a bit he pulled his cock out and told me to get ready. He aimed right in my mouth and shot his thick cum all the way into the back of my throat. I couldn't swallow with the gag so it sat in my mouth. There must have been half a cup of it! It was coming out of my mouth like drool. I must have looked stupid but fuck was it hot to feel like the whore he just used.

After he recovered from the cum load he had fed me he removed the gag and told me to swallow the cum left in my mouth and clean his cock off. I happily complied. As I did this his now flaccid cock was growing again and I got scared he wanted to use it on me again. My fears were right.... He told me to leave a lot of spit on his cock because I was going to need it... I wasn't sure what he meant at the time but when he yanked his cock out of my mouth and walked around me and was sure I was getting my ass destroyed, yet again.

He told me that he had already used enough lube on my sorry excuse for a slave ass and he was not about to waste any more. Plus there was plenty from the previous fuckings, plugs, dildo and some cum still in there.... So with that he spit directly on my asshole and placed his cock at my hole and rapidly entered. I let out a scream and wondered why I was not gagged. He then laughed and said he wanted to hear me suffer. That scared the shit out of me. My ass was already used and stretched wide open but this time was the worst. It seemed like my moans and screams fueled the fire that was powering the ass reaming I was receiving. He pumped my ass for what seemed like 30 minutes. The saw horse thing I was strapped was really solid but he was fucking my cunt so hard that the back two legs were lifting in the air. I had never felt so much sexual pleasure before in my life. I was loving this, as much as it hurt.... He yelled "I'm going to fucking cum you faggot! I'm gonna fill that hole till you are burping cum! FUCK YEAH FAGGOT TAKE MY SEED!" And with that the load started and he fucked me so hard it seemed like he was trying to push the cum into my nose from my ass. It felt like a gallon! We were both dripping with sweat and me with sweat, cum, lube and my own pre-cum.

After the brutal ass reaming fuck he just gave me he untied me and told me it was shower time. He took me back to the shower, this time I only had on the ankle and wrist straps. He turned on the water and allowed me to wash myself off. He grabbed the hose again and without warning or lube rammed it up my ass and turned it on. The warm water felt good but made me also feel bloated. He cleaned me out a few times. After it was all over I felt so empty in my ass. I have never felt like this before. I longed for something to be up my ass. It felt like it needed to have something in it. He tossed me a towel and told me to dry off. After drying off he led me back to the play room.... I was scared to death he was going to fuck me or leave me on the impaler to sleep! He said I had performed so well today he was going to give me a treat and let me sleep in his bed with him. He told me to bend over the saw horse thing and wait. He came back with this chrome bulb looking buttplug. It looked kinda like a flower that had not blossomed yet. He lubed it up and rammed it right up my asshole. He told me it was an ass lock and proceeded to twist a handle and I could feel it expanding inside of me. He popped a key out and showed me and made me look at it in the mirror. My asshole was locked! I couldn't do anything with it! He owned my asshole and locked it up for his use only! My cock was again trying to make its presence known.......

He led me to his bedroom. It was really nice. There was a large flatscreen tv on the wall, leather couch, king sized bed, this guy must have some real money.... everything looked very expensive. He then told me to get on my knees and I nervously did as he commanded. He then stuck a leather collar around my neck and told me to get up and go to bed. I crawled into bed and relaxed. It was the first time I had the opportunity to just lay in comfort and not be tied or impaled to anything. It was nice but I did miss the fun I had just come from. Right at that moment my ass started to twitch, letting me know it loved it's protection of the lock. With the exhaustion of the day I fell right asleep.

I must have slept like a rock as the next thing I knew the sun was shining and it was 10AM. I rolled over and saw Master laying there. He was the most gorgeous man I have ever seen.... The sunlight just made him glow. He was just the right amount of everything. Not too tall but tall enough, enough muscle to know he's is the man but not too much to look unnatural, the cock... well that was too big but I'm not complaining. He asked me how I slept and I said wonderfully. He ordered me to the kitchen to make breakfast for us and I happily complied. It made me feel like his bitch housewife. I scurried to the kitchen to see what kinda goodies I could drum up. He had every kitchen appliance and utensil you could imagine. the fridge was stocked with everything you could want. I whipped up a killer breakfast and we both ate. Not a lot of words were exchanged. After we were done master looked at me and said "the original deal was 24 hours. We are right at that now. You can get dressed and leave and go home or you can stay the rest of the day." You know what my answer was! I told him "I will stay as long as you will have me" and with that we retreated off to the play room to fill the day and my ass....

When we go to the play room he unlocked my ass and led me back to the shower to prep for the day of fun. He cleaned me out again and got me ready. After drying off we headed again to the playroom and he looked around at all the fun toys to try on me.

Master grabbed this thing that had a ring and a bar and something on the end I couldn't make out. He told me to lay down, so I did. He took off the cock cage and I learned it was a chastity device.... interesting.... he replaced it with a cock ring of sorts. It had a thing that went back to my ass. As soon as it touched my ass it caused instant boner. It felt good to finally let it grow. Little did I know the cock ring would keep it hard..... he slapped my cock gently., enough to hurt but not enough to hurt too bad. He told me to get up, it was time to breed me. He walked me over to a swing kinda thing that he called a fuck sling. Made me hop into it and tied my legs up to it and my wrist as well. My ass was supported yet hanging slightly over the end. Fuck! This is the perfect position for my ass to get destroyed I sat there and thought. Master grabbed some lube near by and slathered it on his cock and roughly shoved some up my fuck hole. My ass was already stretched out so it didn't hurt nearly as bad as yesterday. He slowly entered until he was balls deep in my fuck-cunt. He grabbed the chains holding the sling from the wall and started to breed my cunt. Now that I could see him it was so hot to have this stud breeding my hole. It was obvious he was not concerned with my pleasure, but thats ok. All I wanted to do was please Master. He slammed his cock into my hole for quite some time. When he was about to cum he pulled out and walked over to my face and told me to open up and have some breakfast cream. He unloaded into my mouth. How does this guy produce so much cum I thought. I could barely keep up with what he just fed me. He let me out of the sling and led me the wall of toys again....

At the wall of toys he told me of the days plans. I was going to go out with him and do some errands and such. He was going to outfit me with some gear and pick out some clothes for me. I was scared and yet very excited for what was going to happen. He pulled off the cock ring and replaced it with the chastity device, he said he didn't want my boi cunt cock to embarrass him in public. Then he grabbed a black and chrome buttplug. It wasn't too big... but it sure wasn't small either. He told me to bend over and he lubed it up and stuck it up my ass. He then grabbed a little box with controls on it and hit a button and I damn near fell on the floor. WTF just happened I thought.... He proceeded to tell me that the remote could send a strong vibration or a mild electrical shock to the plug whenever he wanted. He demonstrated it again. This time I was ready for it and I was able to hold myself up. It was not horrible but it sure got my attention. He said anytime I was acting up or if he just wanted to fuck with me he would use it. Then he walked me back to his room to pick my outfit. He was wearing jeans a casual polo shirt with sneakers but he still looked classy in them... he grabbed some short Adidas running shorts for me.... they were short... enough to cover the goodies but not much else. He then grabbed me a t-shirt. It was pretty tight... like the twinks wear, not so skin tight that it makes you look bad but just right to show your body off. I always wear shirts a bit larger cause I just don't like that tight feeling, but it was painfully obvious I didn't have a say in this matter. I looked in the mirror after I was all dressed and I looked damn sexy! I would have never picked these clothes for myself but I did look really good in them! While admiring myself Master sent a jolt to my buttplug and yelled for me to hurry up and get going. We headed out to the truck and left.

We ended up at the mall. We walked all over the mall. Master bought some clothes and a few other things that I was made to carry. Finally after all the shopping was done we stopped at a burger joint close to where the truck was parked. We were quickly seated and the really sexy gay twink waiter (of course) came to get our drink orders. Master could obviously tell I was checking the waiter out. As I was in the process of asking for a diet coke I felt the shock in my ass. I almost fell over on the bench. The waiter must have thought I was nutz. Master was giggling and excused my behavior. I ordered my diet coke and the waiter sashayed away. Master admonished my looking at the waiter and told me there would be punishment once we got back home. The rest of the meal was pretty uneventful. Master shocked my assplug a few more times on the way home, just to fuck with me it seemed. As much as it hurt the anticipation of not knowing when it was going to happen got me really excited. Finally we got home and Master told me to go to the playroom and wait. I did as he ordered. When he came in he took the shocking assplug out and threw it in the corner. He told me to get on the saw horse and I did. He again tied me down and told me it was time for my punishment. My heart was racing at the thought of what was coming next. He put a blindfold on me and then a ball gag. It was a few minutes before I knew what my punishment was.

As I sat there wondering what was going to happen to me I felt a cold and slimy object touching my asshole. It slowly entered. It felt like a large dildo.... not as big as the impaler but still it had to be eight inches long and about 6 inches around. About as big as my cock I thought. It started to move in and out very fast. Faster than a hand could move it and faster than a human could fuck.... I heard a motor going and master told me it was a fuck machine. I had no idea what he was talking about, all I knew was something was fucking me really fast. It went on for a few minutes and then it got even faster! My ass hurt almost as bad as the first time Master fucked me. He stopped, finally. I was relieved. He said for me not to get too excited he was swapping out the dildo for a larger one! My heart sank and again I felt that cold gooey feeling of its initial insertion. This time Master didn't waste any time going to full speed. He fucked me with that thing until I literally couldn't take it any more. I was about to cum, even with this chastity device on. The orgasm was building quickly and right as it was about to happen Master stops and abruptly pulls the dildo out. I was shaking.... I wanted to orgasm so badly and he stopped it. He said he saw that I was about to cum and he didn't want it to happen just yet. He said he was going to go take a nap and would be back later. He left me on the saw horse but not before putting in a rather large vibrating buttplug. The vibrations varied every few minutes, just enough to get me excited but not enough to climax.

After Masters nap he returned and removed the plug, my gag and blindfold. He looked around a bit and couldn't seem to figure out how to torture me next. I sat there scared and excited.... more excited than scared though. Master brought out a bed like thing that was on a board. He laid me down flat on my back and tied my wrist down and told me to lift my legs in the air. He grabbed a large buttplug off of the rack and lubed it up and slipped it into my ass. Then he tied my ankles down and finally removed my chastity device. My cock sprang into action. I was just getting relaxed when he grabbed some nipple clamps and proceeded to play with my nipples and get them erect and ready. He clamped them down tight on to each of my waiting nips. This made my cock throb and ooze pre-cum. Master gave my balls a gentle smack for fun and grabbed some lube and started to slowly jack me off. It took all of about two minutes before I was about to explode. Right as the orgasm was building Master abruptly stopped. I was shaking and panting... why did he stop? He waited a minute and started again. He got me to the point of orgasm again and stopped again! I was shaking harder and about to cry. I NEEDED to cum so badly and he wouldn't let me! This continued eight more times before I finally sprayed my cum everywhere. It was the biggest load of my life. I was covered in cum. Master wiped it up with his finger and fed me some. I gladly accepted it.

After the best orgasm of my life Master untied me and told me it was time to go. I was happy to go home yet very sad at the same time. Master sent me to wash up and get dressed. He walked into the shower room and asked me if I had a good time. I explained it was the best sexual experience I had EVER had in my life. I told him I was afraid I'd never be able to experience something so hot again. Master then asked me if I'd like to do it again sometime. I jumped at the offer. I told him anytime he wanted. He smiled and said to follow him. We ended up back at the playroom... I was a bit bewildered. He told be to drop my pants and jockstrap. I did as he ordered. Master grabbed a chastity device and slipped it quickly over my cock and put a small padlock on it. Master told me I would be spending the next weekend with him and not to cum until then, not that I had much of a choice with this chastity device on my cock. I happily agreed to come over again next weekend. He told me to expect directions for next weekend via email.

to be continued....

Next: Chapter 2

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