How I Became a Fag

By Chuck

Published on Jul 28, 2003


How-I-Became-A-Fag II, Part 1 By

Standard disclaimers apply. Based on characters by If you shouldn't be reading this where you are at, don't! Feedback is welcome. Flames are ignored.

Ben walked toward his college dorm room after a long day at class. He had walked around the campus all day, and had been completely out of it. He couldn't believe what had happened last night between him, Steve and Brad. Nothing had made sense. One minute, he's hanging around with his best pal, and then Brad had made that comment about Britney telling Ashley he wasn't good in bed. That had made him mad enough, but then Brad kept egging him on, pushing him.

What happened next was something he just couldn't believe. Brad had offered to give him a few "pointers" so that he could please Britney better next time. The next thing he knew, Brad and Steve had gotten him hard, and they had ended up having sex.

Really good sex, he thought. But he quickly pushed that out of his mind. Guys weren't supposed to do those kinds of things. It was queer. But he couldn't stop the image in his mind of he and Steve fucking the hell out of Brad. He couldn't remember the last time he had came so much.

Brad had gotten up first to shower, and then zinged him with the knowledge that Brittney had never made any kind of negative comment at all about him. In fact, he was just curious because she had told his girlfriend how hot he was. That should have made him mad. But instead, it made him hot.

He had wanted to get out of there as fast as he could. Steve had been nervous afterward, telling him not to worry about it, and that all guys did it. He even said that it wasn't even really their fault, because some kind of gypsy curse had been placed on Brad that turned guys gay if they fucked his ass. Ben had almost laughed at that until he had seen the look in Steve's eyes.

True, it was the first time he had ever done anything with a guy. But he figured it had just been pure horniness. Curiosity. Not some fucking gypsy curse. Right? But a part of him couldn't help but wonder if it weren't true. Three straight guys who were known for getting the girls around campus all of a sudden having sex with each other?

In a strange way, it made sense. Steve had told him that he didn't know much more about the curse, but that he was afraid it would be passed on to himself, and to Ben, because they had fucked Brad.

Steve had realized he was rambling at that point, and probably had said too much. Ben realized that they had obviously been fucking around for a few days before he had come around. Steve had grabbed his towel and told him to just shut the door behind him -- he was going to take a shower. Ben had quickly gotten his things, showered and left straightaway.

Ben couldn't help but relive the scene over and over in his mind. When he finally reached the steps of his dorm building, he was in deep thought when another voice called out to him.

"Hey, bro, what's up?"

It was Chad Williams, his roommate, who was going to school to study Sports Medicine. Chad was tall and lanky, but was in really good shape. He had that kind of thin build that showed off his 21-year old muscles well. He wasn't muscular in the bodybuilder kind of way, but it was obvious that all of his days playing collegiate soccer were keeping him toned and buff. And at the moment, he had his sandy blond hair tucked underneath a ballcap.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Ben replied.

"Pretty good! I am tired though. Been working out all day on the field with the other guys. I need to take a nap before I study for finals later."

"No problem. I'm just going to go up and watch some t.v. I'm going to stay home and relax tonight because Brittney is still out of town visiting her parents."

"Hey great. Let me get about an hour's worth of sleep, cause I'm crashin... Then when I wake up, we'll order in a pizza and stuff."

"Cool man. I need to relax. I think there's some good movies on the tube tonight."


And with that, they went up to their room.

Ben had tried to relax by surfing the internet on the computer in their room that they shared. As a bit of a movie buff, he had started off on the upcoming movie sites, then began to look at some of the actor's pages on the internet movie database for some of his favorite shows. He had pulled up a link to a page on Kenneth Rockwell, the star of the latest action film he had seen last Friday, when a picture downloaded on a fan site of him without his shirt on.

Nice body, he thought. Then he caught himself. Panic gripped him as he looked around the room. Chad had not yet come back in from taking a shower down the hall. The fear began to subside a little.

Its just a natural reaction, he thought to himself. A lot of guys read those muscle and fitness magazines to check each other out. It was natural. But the picture still blazed on the screen, and no matter what, he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of the movie star's broad well-built chest.

Fuck it, he thought. And he saved the picture into one of his personal folders on the hard drive. He knew Chad would never look in there -- he had been good friends with Chad enough to know that he respected his privacy.

It was about that time when Chad had burst into the room, somewhat annoyed, with only a towel around his waist.

"Man! I was finishing taking a shower, and the hot water went out! Fucking freshmen. They used it all up," he fumed. "Now, I'm gonna have to go back in and finish up when I get up from my nap, damn it."

Ben had clicked off the picture on the screen in a renewed panic when Chad had stormed into the room. He thought for sure that Chad would notice how flustered he was and wonder what he was up to, but apparently his disgust over his unfinished shower had made him mad enough not to care.

"That sucks, dude," he replied back.

"Yeah. Oh well, fuck it. Nothin' I can do about it now." He plopped his well-toned body on his bed. "I guess I'm just gonna lay back and zone out now." He looked over at the clock. "Don't let me sleep past 10, o.k. dude?"

Ben nodded.

Chad had laid back on the bed, not even bothering to get under the covers. Which makes sense, Ben thought. He's still a little wet from the shower. No sense getting under there and getting the sheets soaked. Plus, it was unusually hot in the room. He had turned up the a.c. earlier when they had come back in, but apprently, it wasn't working. The room was hotter than ever. Which explained why Chad hadnt bothered even putting shorts on. It was just too damn hot.

Ben had turned back to the computer and after a few stolen glances at Chad out of the corner of his eye, he was sure he was asleep. He had begun to snore softly, and had shifted his feet apart somewhat.

I wonder if there's anything on the internet about that damn gypsy curse, he thought. It couldn't possibly be true, could it? But he didn't want to take that chance. He pulled up a popular search engine and typed in the words, "gay," "gypsy" and "curse." The usual amount of crap came up first. After all, about 3,000 entries had several variations on those themes. It had taken him about a half-hour of searching when he came across a page entitled, appropriately enough, "Gypsy Curses."

Something had clicked with him when he saw the page. A lot of the ones he had previously looked through were obvious fakes or were full of unrelated material. But this one was different. He didn't know how. He read down the list of items and clicked on a subcategory that read, "Curses on Men."

The list he had read over was pretty scary. Some of the things on there were very gruesome. A small part of him that believed in the curse was thankful that Brad didn't get zapped by something that would turn him old or make him lose all of his teeth -- or worse. He was more than halfway down when he saw it.

TURNING STRAIGHT MEN GAY, it blinked. He clicked on the link. The following page came up with a red warning label toward the top of it. WARNING, it read, THE FOLLOWING CURSE IS IRREVERSIBLE. DO NOT USE LIGHTLY. Ben's legs began to shiver. He scrolled down the rest of the page.

Apparently, the French had persecuted gypsies in Medeival times, and over the years many branches there had learned magic to defend their families against their persecutors. After all, if something really bad happened every time you hurt a gypsy, you wouldn't do it any more, right? Or so the theory went. It was fascinating reading, even considering the circumstances.

The details on the page of how to invoke the curse weren't very specific or clear. Ben guessed you had to probably be a gypsy to understand what terms the text referred to. But he had stopped cold when he came to the effects of the curse. There was no misreading that.

"The curse of turning a man into having sexual relations with another is permanent," the text read. "Those who hath invoked the curse of defiling a gypsy's honor shall have their own stripped away. Whensoever a man so cursed hath another up inside himself in the way of male and female, it shall be passed on to the next, and the next. In such a way, all men who thus hate the gypsy shall be no more. They will thus be too entertained with pleasure to worry about such worldly affairs as hate."

The text continued, "If such a cursed man should also take another man into his mouth, it shall create a desire and longing in him that he will not be able to stop. It will thus invoke in him a desire to penetrate men, and thus continue the curse."

Brad's face seemed frozen. He couldn't believe it. The page couldn't be true. Fear gnawed at him again, and his stomach knotted with uneasiness. He clicked off the page and turned off the computer in disgust.

Stupid webpage, he thought. I bet the computer geek who had written it was probably a fag who had probably jacked off just writing it. He walked over to his bed across from Chad's and turned on the t.v. He hadn't worried about whether the sound wasn't up too much to wake him up -- Chad was such a sound sleeper that a grenade going off inside the room wouldn't wake him up. He turned off his light on the lightstand next to him.

As he sat back and flipped through some channels, he tried hard to not think about the website, and the contents of what he had just read. But he couldn't help it. It got him horny. And hard. Very hard.

He looked over at the sleeping form of his roommate, who was still sleeping soundly. Then the thought came to him.

I should do a test, he thought. Find out whether or not this damn thing is for real. After all, maybe Brad and Steve were just two fags who were really in the closet and had never said anything. Maybe they had found that very page and tricked him into believing it. The thought made him angry. Yeah, that's gotta be it.

But Chad didn't know anything about the damn curse and barely knew Steve. He was pretty sure that he hadn't had a chance to meet him or Brad the few months they had been living together because of their opposite schedules. And he knew Chad was the horniest straight boy out there. He was so good looking that he always got any girl he set his sights on. He may not be a gym god, but he had a way with women. And, he was pretty hot for a guy.

Ben grimaced at that last thought, and made up his mind. O.k., he thought. We're gonna test this thing out and prove that it's a bunch of bullshit. Then I'm gonna confront Brad and Steve and tell them that I'm onto them and that I'm gonna punch their lights out.

He got up and walked over to the side of Chad's bed and knelt down. Chad had shifted in his sleep and moved his arms over his head. He continued to snore softly but deeply.

Brad looked down to the white towel knotched around Chad's waist. He stared at it for a few moments, and tried to get the nerve up to do what he wanted to next.

Chad won't even realize what's going on, he thought. I'll just put his dick in my mouth for a minute, and then cover him back up. He'll never know a thing about it. And then when he brings over the next girl to fuck on Friday night, I'll know this is all bullshit.

He pulled back the corner of the towel closest to him and saw Chad's dick in the darkened bedroom.

Damn, he thought. That's a piece of meat. No wonder he's got all the girls coming running.

It had to be 8 inches long at least, and it was thick. Real thick. He reached over and very lightly began to touch and fondle it.

Slowly but surely, Chad's dick grew. It started to get hard, and it was quite a sight to see indeed. The head of it was so big that Ben couldn't believe that any girl could take it up her cunt. He slowly started to stroke it until it got about as hard as he thought it could possibly get.

Well, here we go, he thought. I sure hope Chad doesn't wake up.

Ben leaned over and took the cock of his roommate into his mouth. It tasted so good, he couldn't believe it. Thought and reason began to melt out of his mind as he began to slowly work his lips over the entire legnth of his friend's penis. He found, to his astonishment, that he could only get half of it into his mouth. The fucking thing was just too big. He glanced up at Chad out of the corner of his eyes again to make sure that he wasn't in danger of being caught.

No chance. Chad was laying back the same as before, but this time with a slightly puzzled look on his sleeping visage. His eyebrows crinkled once or twice, as if his subconscious was trying to work out in his mind what was happening. But just as quickly, Chad moaned softly in his sleep and just slightly pushed his hips forward for Ben to have better access. It was an automatic reaction, obviously. There was no doubt he was still asleep. Apparently, Chad's lust had won out over his unconscious.

This stirred Ben even more, and the thought came to him: He really IS a sound sleeper. I can do whatever I want to him and he won't wake up.

But, as began to bob his head up and down on the soccer jock's dick, he rationalized that he might not be doing enough to invoke the curse. If indeed, there was one. He decided he had better make his friend cum, just to be sure. The thought never entered into his mind that if it did exist, he would be turning his good friend and roommate into a fag too. He was too busy sucking his dick. All reason had left. Only lust remained.

I'm sucking my friend's hot cock, he thought, over and over. The lightly-veined, well-hung piece of meat throbbed as it entered Ben's mouth again and again. Ben had begun to sweat as he worked his friend over. Without taking Chad out of his mouth, he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, revealing his own broad chest. Next were his shorts. Ben reached inside of his black boxer-briefs with his right hand and began to stroke his cock as well.

Chad was squirming slightly now. He obviously was having some kind of sexual dream. At least, that's what Ben hoped. But even in his sleep the young 21 year old began to react to what was happening. His breathing had changed from a light snoring to a more impulsive panting.

But Ben didn't care. He was too far gone. He had a huge dick in his mouth. A young, hot stud's dick. And he was going to make him cum. That was all there was too it.

I want it, he thought. C'mon Chad -- give it up for your bro. I want to taste your load.

It seemed like forever, but in actuality, it was only a few minutes before it happened. Chad's fingers began to twitch, and in his sleep his face screwed up with pleasure. Ben had begun to pump his other hand up and down on Chad's dick while he worked the huge cock with his tongue. Suddenly, the soccer player's dickhead swelled up even more than he had thought possible. The young twink began to shoot his hot load into Ben's mouth.

"Unnnnnnh. Unh. Unh." The young stud moaned. His dick pulsed in his roomie's mouth over and over. Ben could feel the white-hot spray squirting the back of his throat. The cream filled his mouth and threatened to spill out. Enough reason came over him to know that he couldn't leave any evidence of what had just happened, so Ben began to swallow. His roommate's jizz tasted like ambrosia as he gulped it down.

Ben tried to make himself cum, but found that for some strange reason, he couldn't. No matter how hard he pounded his thick prong, it didn't work. Even thinking about what had just happened didn't send him over. It just kept him hard and horny.

He suddenly felt guilty for doing what he had just done. But he had to know. He had to know if that damn story was true or if it was just a mistake that had happened. Twice.

Suddenly tired from the stress and the workout he gave his friend's cock, Ben backed away and laid back on his bed. He needed to rest a minute and think about what he needed to do next, if anything. He started planning to introduce some of his girl friends to Chad the next day to try to get something going, when Ben suddenly made his first mistake.

He fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 5: How I Became a Fag II 2

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