How I Became a Bottom

By Matt Cage

Published on Jul 26, 2005


Thanks for the emails. I appreciate your comments. :) By far the biggest question/comment was how much of the first story was true. The answer is that a good portion of it was. Some truth continues in this part but it's still mostly fiction. I hope you enjoy.

Meeting Andrew

After I jerked off Joe back in the beginning of high school, I didn't have any more sexual encounters with anyone. Sure I went to Prom with a girl, she kissed me on the cheek. And sure I was attracted to girls, in fact I had fantasized on occasion of doing something more than just a kiss with them. But, I was more interested in all the guys in my gym class. Seeing the many naked men taking showers, getting dressed and undressed and basically just enjoying the nearness of them was the best and worst time of my high school career. The best because of the many sights, but the worst because I constantly had to be wary of my dick. It didn't always listen to me.

Every night I would fantasize about the men in gym class and about my night with Joe's cock in my hand. It fueled many of my intense jack off sections. When I graduated from high school, I went to Morningside College. I had decided that with a new school, I wanted a new Matt. I had lost all of my baby fat. I wasn't toned like most guys in gym, but I was thin and, according to the girls at school, pretty cute. With my baby fat, I lost my glasses and the geeky hair style. College started with a new look, contacts and a horny 18 year old.

My first encounter with the dorm rooms at Morningside was walking up the three flights of stairs and entering the men's hall. It was then that I realized I wasn't in the music hall, or the theatre hall or with anyone that I could relate to. Seeing the beefy men walking down the hall, the majority of them naked and muscles gleaming with sweat, I realized I was in the jock hall. Thoughts of my gym class at high school came back as I found myself staring. I was vastly ignored, however, which made things a bit easier. Just to give an idea of the way the hall was, one night I woke up needing to piss and headed to the restroom. On my way there, I saw a swaying jock pissing on the walls. No wonder the halls smelled of piss. But I digress.

My roommate introduced himself as Tim. Tim wore John Deere hats and was stupider than shit. It was hate at first sight. He wasn't even that cute. Neanderthal face and a broken nose that apparenty happened during football at high school and was never properly set. Shorter than I and very thin. Apparently the athletes had been here for over a week prior to my arrival and he had staked out his portion of the room. I got bottom bunk which suited me. It was the fact that he had basically taken over the entire room and had made a complete mess of it that bothered me. I dropped my meager things on my bed when I heard music coming from the room across the hall. Korn's "Freak on a Leash" came blaring. My kind of music. The door was open so I stuck my head in.

The room was the exact opposite of the way Tim kept his. Clean and well kept, and in the center, bent over a trunk was a half naked guy wearing nothing but boxer briefs. His back was to me so I was able to admire his back muscles. Here was a guy who knew how to take care of himself.

"I love that song," I said.

He turned and gave me a crooked smile.

"Isn't Jonathan Davis amazing?" he asked. "That twist thing he does..."

I didn't hear him. I was too busy staring at his face. Granted, I was attracted to Joe from high school but he honestly wasn't the hottest person I had seen. There were people in gym that I fantasized over simply because of their bodies. But none of them compared to him. For me, he was a Greek Adonis. Short, curly brown hair was sweat packed to his head but it was his face and that gorgeous smile that did me in. I don't know how to describe his face exactly but it took my breath away, not to sound cliched.

He stood and his beauty continued down from his face. His chest was buff but not disgustingly overly buffed. Toned. He had a mix between a swimmer's body and a football player's body. He wasn't a muscle freak but his pecs made me want to drool. He was hairless except for a treasure trail that vanished under his boxer briefs. And he seemed totally at ease with his body.

I was completely in awe that I didn't realize he hand his out out to shake mine.

"I'm Andrew."

I stammered, "Matt," and felt my cheeks reddening. His grip was strong, hard. He either didn't notice my blushing face or didn't care, instead asking me if I liked Korn and our conversation went from there, talking about our interests. It seemed that Andrew should have been my roommate. From music to movies to video games, etc etc we connected on so many levels. I learned he was the son of a preacher man and was going to Morningside for basically free because of that. Before I knew it, his roommate came by, a music major who was as miserably misplaced as I and I left the room to go back to mine.

Tim was sitting on the top bunk, watching some action movie staring Steven Segal on TNT. I collapsed on my bed with thoughts of Andrew.

The showers at Morningside were very open. They are what I think prison showers would look like. Six faucets were evenly spaced along the room and a drain in the center of the room. Who knew what kinds of bacteria was growing on the floor. Nothing divided the showers as individual stalls. The only thing separating this room from the sinks and toilets was a see through curtain. The lack of stalls caused me untold amount of worry. I still didn't have control over my horny cock so instead of risking embarassment, I took a shower earlier than almost everyone else on the floor. Some mornings when some athlete was feeling particularly motivated, the shower would be running when I entered. And I would waste time, taking twice the time it normally took me to brush teeth, puts contacts in etc. One morning that I didn't know at the time but would determine the rest of my life at Morningside, I entered the restroom and heard the shower going.

I always carry my towel and shower bag with me and so I dropped my towel on the hook which was located in front of the see-through curtain. Risking a glance I saw the room only had one occupant. Andrew. His back was to me and I could admire for the first time his ass which was tight and full. It just added to the gloriousness of Andrew and further ingrained him in my mind. I had visions of hopping in the shower and grabbing his ass, dropping to my knees and worshipping his body, but I'm not that brave. Instead, I took my time at the sink, at first popping in my contacts (something I usually do after taking a shower not before) and brushing my teeth over and over. After what felt like an hour, the shower stopped and he came out.

When Andrew saw me he gave me a friendly smile and grabbed his towel.

"Hey Matt," he said, wiping his torso with the towel.

Taking a deep breath, I turned to face him, trying to act normal.


He was busy towelling himself. The best part was when he was drying his hair. While he couldn't see me, I snuck a look at his cock. It had to be about 5-6" limp and was joined by low hanging balls and a full crotch of dark brown pubic hair that was even curlier than his hair. As he dried his hair, his cock gently swung back and forth, lazily. I caught all this quickly because he was done drying his hair and looked at me, asked me about English, a class we both shared. After he had towelled off, he stood there naked, towel across his shoulders. He almost seemed to be daring me to look. I had to fight to keep my eyes on his face.

"So, I got the new Korn cd yesterday," he said as he walked by me.

"Oh yeah?"

When he reached the door, he looked back.

"You should come over sometime and listen to it."

Don't get your hopes up. Nothing happened that night. Not that I wasn't prepared. I acted like a scared teen waiting for his prom date. I went over there, he popped on the Korn cd and we watched some show with half naked chicks in silence while Jonathan Davis screamed about how shitty his life was. I was feeling the same way. This was not how I hoped the night would go. I don't know what I expected but sitting there watching TV was not it. To make matters worse he was just in his boxer briefs again. What's with this guy? Does he not know the meaning of clothes?

However, a good thing did happen. I noticed that Andrew's bottom bunk was empty. His roommate didn't appear to be there. I asked him about it.

"Oh yeah. He was flunking, apparently," he said.

"It's only the second month."


"So, you're without a roommate?"

"Yep," he said, leaning back in his old brown chair, arms above his head, showing his armpits and the nice arm pit hair.

"I envy you. Tim is pissing me off."

"What's he doing?"

"He's a fucking mess. The room is a disaster, we don't share any interests, he obviously hates my guts and he listens to country music. Not JUST country music, though, like ancient country music," I ranted.

Andrew smiled and shook his head, when a bakini'd girl caught his attention on the TV. We were quiet for a bit. At a commercial, he looked at me.

"You could always move out."

"And go where?"

"Here." He looked back at the TV.

"You're serious?"

Andrews shrugged: "Personally, I'd like my space but if you're that miserable over there, of course you can."

I moved in the next day.

Andrew was a busy guy. Between football, school and some business club and finally pledging to some frat, he was never at the apartment. And, when he was, he was in boxer briefs and nothing else. Suited me just fine. He thought I was too studious and spent the majority of his free time trying to get me more sports minded. We watched sports on TV and he tried to teach me how to throw a football. Most of the time that meant him laughing at me as I attempted in vain. But I kept up with it because it meant spending time with him.

He had one night class and it was then that I spent time jerking off. I knew I had 3 hours and could take my time without having to worry about him coming home early. Well, that was the theory at least. About a month after moving in, it was a night when he had class. I was on my bed, cock in hand and I was pumping it thinking about Andrew's tight body. Without warning, the door opened and Andrew walked in. I tried covering up, a feat impossible given that I was completely naked laying on top of my covers. He just smiled.

"Relax, man," he said as he walked over to his dresser. "I do it all the time."

He pulled out a tank top, and changed into it. I was too surprised to do anything but hold my hand over my crotch. He walked past, looked down at me totally ignoring my cock in my hand.

"I'm going to a frat party tonight. Be back late, ok?"

I just nodded. He smacked the top bunk playfully.

"Have fun," he said as he left.

Surprise continued later that night. I don't know what time it was when I heard something in the room. Eventually the sound woke me up and I turned to the side of the bed.

"Matt, wake up."

I tried blinking but without my contacts I'm blind. I could barely make out the form of Andrew standing next to my bed. He was swaying on his feet in just his boxer briefs. His clothes was a pile of black on the floor.

"Matt," he slurred, "help me out man..."

I blinked the sleep away and saw that his large cock was poking through his boxers.

"Gimme a hand."

He was really drunk, swaying on his feet, one hand gripping the top bunk to keep him steady, the other trying to rub the drunk from his eyes.

Somehow his cock got in my hand and I was stroking him. It was a reverse stroke because of my position on the bed. I really wanted to stand up and do it right but I was afraid he would realize what he was doing and leave. So I worked his cock gently. My hand would move down his entire shaft, till my thumb was burried in his pubic hair then I would move back up feeling his mushroom head. He leaked precum that I smeared on his cock as I kept working it.

He moaned and his swaying picked up a drunken rhythm with my stroking. His forehead leaned against the top bunk, his eyes closed. His hips slowly thrust his cock through my hand, his rock hard abs tightened and released. As I jerked him, I squeezed his shaft gently, feeling it. It put Joe's cock to shame. Fully erect it had to be over 8". My hand worshipped it over and over, my knuckles feeling his balls as he rocked his hips. The feeling of his balls gently banging on my hand made me erect. It didn't take very long to push him over the edge. My hand kept massaging his cock until he started moaning loader, his hips rocked harder and then he gasped as cum exploded from his piss slit. The first glob landed on my naked chest, some hit the blankets and some I caught in my palm.

Eventually, his hips stopped rocking. I held onto his cock, not wanting to let go. After a few seconds, he stepped back, his cock leaving my hand and he climbed up to his bunk and silence started.

I didn't know what to think.

"Andrew?" I asked a few minutes later.

Quiet snores answered me. The snores of a drunk. I looked at his cum on my fingers and scooped up the jizz that landed on my bed and chest. Then with my cum covered hand I grabbed my cock and used Andrew's cum as a lubricant. It felt so good and when I came, it was the hardest orgasm I had ever had.

The next morning, I woke up to my regular sight of Andrew's legs hanging over the side of the top bunk. This time when he jumped down, though, he was completely naked. He bent over and picked up his clothes from the night before, tossed them into his hamper and saw me.

"Morning," he said.


He grabbed his shower kit and hit the showers.

Later, he came back in and told me he was going to play touch football and that I should come with him. I had been practicing with him for a few months and felt pretty good about my improvement so I said yes.

On the field, it was me, Andrew, Kyle, Jason and some guys I didn't know. Kyle and Jason were Andrew's friends from the football team. He had introduced me to them but, other than Andrew, we didn't really share any interests. They were nice though. Kyle looked like a surfer as weird as that sounds in a Midwest town. He came from California, I guess though why he would leave CA for Morningside is beyond me. He had bleach blond hair, a stoner smile and a decent body. Jason was bulky. He was tall, over 6', and weighed alot even though he wasn't fat. He was just big.

The way the team was sorted out, I was with Kyle, Jason and a couple other guys against Andrew and others. Kyle told me to run and he would throw me the ball. I followed through with this plan and was amazed when I caught it. So surprised in fact that I stopped in my tracks. Andrew tackled me and, instead of being the gentle "touch" part of football, Andrew's touching was knocking me to the ground. He was on top of me, grinning down at me as he raised his eyebrows and whispered, "nice catch." I wasn't sure if he meant the ball or him.

Needless to say, I sucked. We lost. But it was worth it because I apparently was Andrew's only target the entire game. He would slam me to the ground and then laugh it off. By the end of the game, I was pretty bruised but the feeling of him against me, his arms wrapped around my waist as he slammed me down more than made up for it.

Andrew seemed to pick up a steady routine. Every weeked or every other weekend, he would be out partying with his pledging frat. If he got drunk, more often than not he came home. I would wake up to here him whisper and his cock would be there, ready for my hand. I would happily jerk him off, he would cum all over the place, then would climb up into his bed and act as if nothing happened the next morning. I was really confused. Yes, I was more than willing to help him out. Fuck, I loved touching his cock. It felt so powerful and alive. When he came, I could actually feel him orgasm into my hand. But he never mentioned it. Never said thanks, never did anything. Like I said, next morning it would be as if nothing happened and we would go see a movie, play touch football (oh the bruises) or study together.

Things took an unexpected turn one night. I was on my bed, reading a novel for English. I heard Andrew at the door. He pushed it open hard and it slammed against the wall making me jerk and look up at him. He stumbled in and I could tell he was drunk again. I was surprised because I didn't expect him back at all that night. He was out with some girl that he kept talking about wanting to bone. Andrew steadied himself against the wall, then looked at me lying on the bed. He quickly pulled off his shirt, his shorts dropped and soon he was just in his boxer briefs.

His cock bulged against the briefs. He slid them off, his cock flopped up smacking his hard stomach before resting in a very hard and erect pose, sticking slightly to the left. He came over to the bed. I didn't know what to do; he had never been so forward. When he reached the bed, he looked down at me, as if sizing me up. Then he ducked and moved under the top bunk.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He didn't answer as he stood above my face, hunched over. He squatted and his cock flopped on my face. I tried to move my head away and push him off, but he rested his knees uncomfortably on my shoulders, pinning me under his muscular weight. His cock and balls rested on my face.

"Owe. Andrew, you're hurting me. Get off."

"Open up," he said, his voice level and dangerously quiet.


"Open your mouth."

"Andrew, I don't think I want to-"

"Don't give me that shit. I know you want to suck my cock, so suck it."

He applied pressure with his knee to my shoulder and I opened up. He leered and with a flick of his waist, flopped his cock into my mouth. His mushroom head dangled between my lips and I immediately got hard. Secretly I had desired this since I first laid my eyes on his sweet dick. He rocked his hips around, and his cock moved around in my lips. Sometimes the cock head left my mouth which he seemed to enjoy as he would swish it around my face. His cock would trace circles over my lips, touching my nose, smearing saliva and precum on my nose and chin before it flipped back into my mouth. Not having my hands free, I was at liberty to whatever he wanted. Andrew was too strong for me to move.

He seemed to enjoy watching me as his cock teased my mouth. He smirked even more as I gave in and tried to pull his cock into my mouth with my tongue. He thrust his hips forward, and his balls traveled up my face until I got a nosefull of his sack.

"You like the smell, don't you?"

My answer was to lick the back of his balls with my tongue. I started growing confidence among other things. He pulled his hips back and his cock laid against my face. Andrew watched without helping as I again used my tongue to pull the cock toward my mouth. My tongue played with his head as I got it into my mouth. After he let me suckle on his cock, he started getting worked up. Andrew slowly gyrated his hips and his cock moved in halfway before coming out again. I could taste his salty precum and it drove me wild.

"That's right, suck it."

I looked up into his face. He didn't appear to notice, his attention instead on his cock as it slowly moved in and out of my mouth. This continued for a bit before he stood up a bit and put his arms under my arm pits. He lifted me up a bit and propped my head up against the headboard.

Without giving me much time to react, he kneeled against my face and I found his cock in my mouth again. This time, he was in a better position and he started slowly fucking my mouth. His hips pushed his cock in and each time it went farther. It hit the back of my throat. I gagged and he just smiled, seemed to enjoy it. His balls banged on my chin as he picked up speed. He grabbed the back of my head, grabbing my hair tightly, making me wince as he picked up his thrusting. His thrusting went even deeper, making me gag with almost every thrust. His balls slapped my chin.

He moaned and grunted as his cock pounded my face. Deeper and deeper until I felt his cock slide into my throat once. That seemed to push him over the edge and he started cumming while his cock was down my throat. Most of it shot down my throat, but he started pulling out and it began to fill my throat then mouth. I didn't realize how much cum he produced when I jacked him and wasn't prepared for it. I choked a bit. With his cock still in my mouth, I tongued him a bit, cleaning the remaining cum off of his head. His cum was wonderfully strong and salty. I had never tasted cum before, but his was like what I thought the nectar of the Greek gods would taste. We stayed like that for a bit, me suckling his cock, he waiting for his breath to slow down. Meanwhile, I admired my view of his heaving chest. Without warning, Andrew pulled out, jumped out of the bed and silently pulled up his boxer briefs and pants bfore leaving the room and slamming the door behind him.

I had never been so turned on. Or confused.

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