How Grateful Are You

By Roger Kent

Published on Aug 22, 2020


Authoritarian -- How grateful are you part 1

This is the "opposite" view from my other story 'good Samaritan ?' Its from the view of the guys who use a vulnerable guy. All comments welcome to

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How grateful are you ? part 1

This weather ! It's always like this in U.K. in winter always pissing with rain. I hate driving at night too. Anyway its not far now to Simons place. It's good to escape the wife each week to visit my "friend" Simon . Ha! Ha! Little does she know that we have been having raunchy sex for ages. She thinks he is just a friend. He is far more than that! We suck and fuck each others brains out ! Well I may be a 50 year old man but I still need my cock serviced regularly. My name is Jeff and I am rampant horny bastard and I love it !

Hello ? What's that car doing way out here on this country road ? Somebody must have broken down. Suckers ! Keep driving . Not too far now to getting my cock sucked and some arse fucking ! oh ! there is poor sucker walking in this rain ! He is drenched ! I bet that was his car back there . I will pull over and see if I can help him. Who knows he may be a nice horny guy!

I pull over and press the button to bring the window down .

" Hey are you okay?" I ask . Its hard to see his face but I can see his build and he looks ok

He explains he has broken down, his phone is dead and needs to call a car recovery service . I offer him a lift and tell him that I am going to my mates house so he can phone from there. He eagerly jumps in the car.

He looks about my age. He's probably about 160 lb., and only 5' 6" tall . Not like me 6'2" tall and about 18 stone. I like being a big guy. It helps me get my own way in life. I have had a few cocksuckers in this car ! The last time it was a night like this. mmmm that's a thought . Maybe I will get this guy to do it too?

God, he is talking a lot ! He sounds nervous to me. I am probably intimidating him a bit. Good ! Oh! I usually size up a guy within a minutes and this guy sounds a big softie. That's interesting he is saying how 'grateful' he is. Yeah mate are you grateful enough to suck my cock I wonder? He is miles from anywhere, soaked and he is saying his phone is dead! I think I will chance my arm here. If it don't work he can just fuck off out my car.

"How grateful are you ? " I ask

"sorry what do you mean?" he replies

"well you said you were grateful didn't you? So how grateful are you?"

He said "well you know, very grateful as its so cold and wet and I don't have a bloody clue where I am". He gives another nervous laugh.

Right well lets see if I can get my cock sucked ! I pull the car over and stop. He seems confused so I will spell it out for him .

"Show me how grateful you are by wanking my cock or get out of my car " I tell him.

He will either get out or do it ! Hey, he is still here . He knows I have him ! Mmmmm I am going to have fun. Right get my cock out , it's already semi hard at the thought . I do like my cock. It's bigger than most other men's cocks it's a good 7 inches of uncut thick meat.

Yes that's it bitch. Lean over and get your fingers around this meat. He is a bit hesitant . Give him a chance to get used to it. That's it, my cock is getting nice and hard now . Mmmmm lovely I will have a bit of fun having him doing this. What would be better is if he put his mouth around it. I think I will force him to suck it in a minute. Bit more wanking you stupid bitch. Right ! I grab his head and pull him down onto it. Ooo there is a bit of resistance ! I think a bit of sternness is required!

"Look! Suck my cock or get the fuck out of my car ! "

He's obviously thinking it through. Miles from anywhere, its cold , it's raining and he is probably scared shitless of me. Ha ha I have him I know it.

Ha Ha yes here he goes, get that hot mouth around my big cock. Arhhh that's better. A nice warm mouth around my cock . I am loving this ! I have this stupid bitch at my mercy. I think he can do my balls too ! I edge my trousers and pants down

" suck my balls too " I order him.

I grab his head so I move his head alternately between my balls and cock. Yes cock, then balls, then back to my cock. ha ha I can do this all night. Shall I cum over his face ? . No! I will cum down his throat . Oh it's coming ! God I love my cock being sucked especially by some helpless sap . Oh he is trying to move his head away . That won't be happening bitch! I'll grip his head so he gets the full load down his throat .

" arrrhh yes take my load you slag "

I can feel it shoot down his hot throat. Excellent. I love to use a guy like this.

" now lick it clean " I command him.

I get a tissue from my pocket and wipe his face and my cock as I don't want any cum stains in my car as my wife may ask questions. I will give him a bit of flattery in case he enjoyed it and who knows he may want more sometime. I bet he loved it really.

" well done ! You are very good at that "

After redressing I start the car and carry on driving to Simons. I wonder if Simon would like to use him too . That would be funny . Both of us using him all evening . Yes that's what I will do. I will explain when I get there that he needs to use the phone etc. I will tell Simon what just happened and see how it all plays out.

I had better not drive directly to Simons so he can't remember where Simon lives . A few twists and turns etc. should confuse him. He looks a bit stunned already ha ha . He probably can still taste my cum . Lucky boi !

Finally we arrive, I ring the door and Simon answers. I explain he needs to phone and give Simon a crafty wink. Simon is quick like that and picks up that something is going on . He takes the guys coat and offers him the bathroom to dry his hair. As soon as he disappears upstairs I tell Simon the situation about the car and then the blowjob.

" yes he said he was grateful so I said how grateful ? I pulled the car over and got him to suck me off ! He was dead easy ! I reckon we could both use this pussy tonight. "

Simon was quick on the uptake and quickly came up with his plan.

"Right ! well, I will pretend to call the recovery breakdown and say it will be a while. Meanwhile I will get him loosened up with some fucking strong booze which I will spike that will make him nice and pliable . Take a few pictures too when he is pissed . We may be able to use them later"

We heard him coming down the stairs and Simon played the perfect host and took the guys shoes to dry out but the sap refused to take any more clothes off. hee!! hee that wont stop us ! Simon shoved a drink in his hand and took the guys car recovery membership card number and said he would happily phone the car recovery company for him. I could hear him pretending to talk with them in the hall. I nearly burst out laughing. I was sitting in an armchair just watching the idiot sitting on the sofa . I was enjoying watching him enduring the awkward silence in the room as I knew he was really embarrassed at what I had got him to do. I was imagining my cum in his throat!

I had cum my load down his throat and I was still getting turned on knowing we soon be using him and I wanted to see Simons cock being used on this helpless sap.

Simon re-entered the room and sat next to him on the sofa and as just talking with him about all sorts of rubbish for ages getting him loosened up by topping his drink up again and again. Simon picked his moment when he realised the guy was getting a bit drunk and moved in for the kill.

" Jeff tells me you were very grateful to him in the car !"

It was amusing to see him blush ! His face went bright red as he realised I had told Simon all the slutty details.

Simon continued " well I think you ought to show me how grateful you are to me don't you ? "

Simon stood up and dropped his trousers and pulled his underpants down and got his cock out. He grabbed the sluts head and pulled it onto his cock . It was great to see . I wanted to see Simon really use him as a bitch. His mouth was getting fucked and he was gagging and spluttering and Simon was clearly loving it.

Simon and I had been having regular sex for a few years but it was always consensual. This was different. I was watching my fuck buddy using this guy like I had. We were both forcing him, using him like he was a bitch, a slut, a slag. It really turned me on.

Simon told him to strip and lay on the sofa on his back . He could barely get himself undressed the state he was in. Simon sat across his chest and made the hapless guy suck his balls . He dangled them in his face and then his mouth . Then he face fucked hard causing him to choke on his hard cock . He would withdraw before the guy vomited, gave him a chance to catch his breath and then continued on. He repeated this for a while. The guys face was streaming tears and spit was pouring out of his mouth. We both noticed that the guy was getting hard on and we both wondered whether he was secretly liking it all.

Simon was clearly loving using this guy. Maybe it was because Simon and I are similar physiques and this guy was much smaller than us, maybe it was because of the scenario but I think it was because we could dominate this guy and it made us feel powerful and we might do things to him that we wouldn't do to each other.

I was wanking my own cock while all this was going on and I got Simons phone camera to take some photos. I wanted ones clearly showing the guys face sucking Simons cock and balls while naked . Simon got him to open his mouth and was dribbling spit into it. We both thought that was hilarious.

I was getting some great pictures of him sucking Simons cock and balls. We were just getting warmed up and the night was young !

(To be continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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