How Girls Buy Cigarettes

By Kazz Jerome

Published on Sep 6, 2012


How Girls Buy Cigarettes - Chapter 4 --------------------------------------------------------

I awoke suddenly on the Thursday morning coated in sweat, respiring heavily, following the most horrible dream imaginable.

It was about Lizzy.

In the dream, I am sitting on my porch smoking, gazing up at the sunny sky and thinking of Lizzy; of her fiery hair, her youthful face, her blue eyes. I am close to end of the cigarette packet, with only three remaining. Those are to be saved for the girls. As I finish smoking and throw the butt onto the ground, I am startled by a knock on my front door.

Like an outsider watching in, I see myself curse and get up from the plastic garden chair and make my way inside the house, through the hallway and to the door. I open it, and there stand two cops, grim expressions on their faces, their eyes menacing and unforgivable.

"How can I help you, officers?" I ask.

"Ah, Mr Humbert," says one, casually but nowhere near friendly. "Mr James Humbert?"

"That's-" my voice catches in my throat, "that's me, yes, can I help you, officers?"

"I believe you can, yes," replies the other one. "Can I ask if you know a girl by the name of Lizzy?"

"Uh, no..." I say, knowing that I'm already caught. "I don't know a girl of-"

"I'll get straight to the point, Sir. We've received information that somebody saw you engaging in sexual contact with the girl."

"No!" I exclaim. "You must have it – I would never -" I feel my heart hammering in my chest, my hands sweating, my throat tightening up.

"After locating the girl..." the officer continues, "she confessed. She told us everything. Oral sex took place at the hour of-"

"No! No!" I protested. "You have to listen to me!"

The other officer smiles knowingly, then says, "I think the man doth protest too much."

"I think so," his partner agrees. "We know you did it, Sir. Let me ask you something – do you know what you are, Mr Humbert? Do you know what title suits you quite well?"

"Wh-what?" I stammer.

"You, Mr Humbert, are a child molester."

That's when I awoke, caught in-between dream and reality before I came to my senses. It couldn't be true, could it? Did that really happen? I replayed the whole dream in my mind, then began to relax when I remembered the cop directly calling me by that vile title. It was ridiculous – if such an event had taken place, the cops wouldn't have said such things. They would have been professional, searched my house, taken me in for questioning and decided the verdict from there on.

As I acknowledged the real world again, I climbed from my bed and jumped straight into the shower. Though somewhere in my subconscious my shame had a certain power over me, in reality my conscience was clear. I had come too far now.

Stepping into the shower, I couldn't help but notice a particular aroma surrounding me. Then I realised what it was – the dry remnants of Jenny's pussy juice and my cum combined into one. As I smelt it and the images of our fucking session came back to me in full force, my cock began to harden, and there was no way that it was going to subside any time soon.

With hot water splashing down on me, my thoughts turned to Lizzy. I imagined her being there next to me, looking sweetly up into my eyes, a girl of fourteen, not even tall enough to match my shoulder height. and innocently asking, "can I wash your cock for you? Pleeeease?"

Needless to say that pushed me over the edge. I furiously began to jerk myself off, envisioning Lizzy's soft hand around my dick, then pulling me into her mouth and gently sucking me off. "Mmm," I could hear her say. "Tasty! You gonna cum soon?"

That was it. I began spurting cum all over the shower floor, moaning uncontrollably, repeating her name over and over. I saw her grimace slightly as I began covering her young face in my juices, then watched her wiping some off of her face and licking it from her hand. "Yummy," I heard her say.

Lizzy. Young, pure, untouched. I loved her. And God, I wanted to fuck her.

The make out place had now become the perfect setting for my meetings with the girls – Christ, where the hell else would we go less we were caught? After my shower, like a routine I had followed for years, I made way down there, buying a packet of those fateful cigarettes on the way. They seemed to have become a symbol of the events that had recently passed. I thought Jenny deserved a few today after her performance the previous day, without a shadow of a doubt.

Like last time, the make out place was empty. I sat next to the burnt out bonfire in the centre, my legs outstretched, enjoying the sun and hoping that one of the girls would turn up soon. I expected Jenny again, considering the trouble that Lizzy and Ashley had recently gotten into after their ongoing truancy. It turned out, ultimately, to be Lizzy.

The time was 10:15 when she arrived. I had just planned on leaving, due to the fact that most of my meetings with the girls had taken place between 9 and 10 and no later. However, as I was about to make a move and pull myself up from the grass, I heard her voice behind me.


I jumped and turned my head quickly to see Lizzy standing no more than a metre behind me. Still sitting, I saw her from the bottom up. Uniform as usual – as least the girls obeyed by some rules! For the first time I noticed she was wearing those flat heel shoes that the girls are made to wear in high school, with a little knotted black bow at the front. As I raised my head, I took in the gorgeous sight of those bare, milky legs and thighs, then her school shirt clad tightly around her budding but beautiful breasts. She had continued to adopt the trend of leaving two or three buttons undone and hadn't bothered with her tie, so her bra, white and pure like Lizzy herself, was slightly exposed.

Then that perfect, angelic face came into view. Lizzy wasn't as skinny as the other two girls, and in the daylight I could now see she had slightly chubby cheeks, which were really quite cute. This was not say that she was fat – just with a little more weight on her than her two friends. Her blue eyes gazed into mine and I felt my heart skip a beat. And of course, she had her hair in those two pigtails, her hair a lusty blood red in the hot sun.

I snapped back to reality as she laughed and said, "uhh, you okay? Have I got something in my hair?"

"No," I said, sounding almost drunk. "You just look beautiful."

Her face went the same colour as her hair and she put a hand to her face, embarrassed but obviously pleased with my compliment. "Thank yooou," she replied, giggling.

"Wanna sit down?" I proposed.

"Suuuure, where shall I sit?" Whether that question was supposed to be provocative or not, I had no idea.

"Anyyyywhere you want," I teased, mimicking the way she dragged on her words.

She giggled again and walked over to me. "Hmm," she considered. "Well, the ground doesn't look comfy, so I'll just sit on you!" and with that, the luscious fourteen year old pulled up her skirt slightly, putting a pair of plain white panties on show for a second, then plopped herself down right in the centre of my lap. She adjusted herself, getting comfortable. And getting comfortable meant making sure her soft, panty-clad bottom was right up against my crotch. Of course, I began to get a boner almost instantly with my brain seemingly having no choice in the matter. Lizzy lay her head back against my chest. I could smell the shampoo in her hair and that elusive strawberry perfume, and I felt completely and utterly intoxicated.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close. She placed her hands over mine. I shuddered from her touch. To calm myself down slightly before my dick decided to pierce through my trousers, I asked her, "so, where are the others?"

"We're on break," she replied. "I've got quarter of an hour. We gotta stop mitching for a while, or they're gonna get our parents involved."

I sighed. Quarter of an hour, that was all I had with her.

"Ashley and Jenny stayed behind, they said I should come see you alone or something. Hey – what's wrong?" she had heard my sigh.

"Nothing, just... I was hoping you could stay longer." I said.

"Awww, really?" she sounded flattered.

"Yeah, of course, Lizzy," I replied. "I like being with you."

She said nothing. I assumed that she hadn't heard about me and Jenny – surely she would have said something by now.

Then Lizzy lay her head back so that she could face me side on. She kissed me on the cheek. "You're really nice," she said. "I like you, to... uh-"


"Um, I don't know your name!" she laughed. "Even after what I did for you!"

"You mean... when you... blew me?" I asked, sounding more like a naughty teenager than a man. "You know, Lizzy, you didn't have to do that. I think the girls pushed you into it."

"Nahh, I liked it," she admitted. "But I didn't really want the cigarettes." She stopped suddenly, then, "heyyy, what's your name? Tell me!"

"Alright, I'll tell you, but you can't tell anybody else. Not even the other girls, for now," I said. "It's James."

"That's a nice name... what about your last name?"

"Lizzy, I can't-" I started.

"Pleeeease?" she coed.


"Hehehe! That's a funny sort of name!" she teased. "Hummmmbert!"

"Oi!" I warned, jokingly, "don't tease me!"

"Orrrr what?" she challenged.

"Or I'll spank your bottom!"

"Have to catch me first!" she giggled, trying to release herself from my arms.

"Right, that's it!" I said. She struggled slightly, though not with much effort, as I attempted to push her forward and bend her over. My strength prevailed and she fell onto all fours, squealing playfully, leaving her ass positioned right in my face. I threw her skirt up over her back to reveal the shape of her lovely bottom under those cute white panties. With the palm of my hand I began to spank her softly, watching those delicious cheeks wobble as I did so.

"Eeeek!" she squealed. "I'm sorry, I guess I was being naughty."

"Too late for that," I laughed. "You haven't seen anything yet!"

With that I momentarily took a break from spanking her, desperate to see her bare bum. I tugged at her panties until they revealed her milky bottom, then resumed my playful spanking.

"Oooh, James!" she exclaimed. "You really like spanking my bum, don't you?"

I began to rub both my hands over her ass cheeks, my cock growing harder by the moment. "Hold on a second, Lizzy. You'll like this." I said. I then proceeded to undo my trousers and pulled them down along with my boxers, causing my cock to fling desperately out into the open. "Ok, sit back down on me, Lizzy."

I held either side of her waist for support, and as she lent back onto me, I positioned her so that her now very red bottom sat up against my cock so that the shaft settled into the cheeks.

"Oooh, who's being naughty now?" she giggled. "Is that what I think it is?" She started rubbing her bum up against me. My pelvic muscles did their own work and my dick swung back and forth in my excitement, my body overcome with pleasure from the talents of this fourteen year old beauty. It wasn't long until I felt the familiar bubbling of cum inside me, and I felt a moan escape my lips.

"What is it, James? You gonna cum?" Lizzy said as seductively as she could.

"Fuck yeah," I said, lustfully, "yeah, Lizzy..."

"Do you wanna cum on my bum, Jamesy? Is that okay?"

"Oh God, yeah! Yes, Lizzy! I'll fucking cum on your cute bum!" Lust had overtook me, and words now failed me. I pushed her forward so that her perfect ass was high in the air again, jerking myself off as hard as I could, aiming straight for those lovely pair of milky white bum cheeks. Below, that tingling sensation below my balls became stronger, and I reached the point of no return. I became to cum hard, watching as stream after stream of my thick juice flew and land with a splat onto Lizzy's ass, where it then began to flow down between her thighs and eventually into her panties, which were of course still halfway down her legs. As I came, I repeated her name over and over between my lustful moans. Lizzy. Lizzy. Lizzy.

After I finally managed to start breathing normally again, I stood up and fastened my trousers. Lizzy pulled up her panties, still full of my sticky seed, and adjusted her skirt. Then she came to me and I embraced her, whispering into her ear how much I loved what she had done for me. She smiled, lent forward and we shared our first proper kiss.

As she was about to leave, I said, "I think we took a little longer than quarter of an hour, Lizzy. You're gonna be late!"

"Pfft, who cares?" she scoffed. "The teachers are used to never seeing me. They'll probably celebrate at my return!"

"Fair enough," I said. "Erm, aren't you gonna go home and clean up or something?"

"Nahhh," she smirked. "I think I can handle a bit of cum in my panties for the rest of the day. Oooh, gosh", she shuddered. "It's alllll over me, all around my pussy as well."

"For God's sake, do-not-get caught!" I said, worried, the dream coming to mind. "And off you go, now, before you make me horny again, you little minx."

And off she went. As I stood there, once again on my own, it suddenly came to me that even though I had now disclosed my name to Lizzy, not one of the girls had asked my age, regardless of the fact that I had asked theirs. Still wouldn't hold as a defence in court. I wouldn't be classed as the victim, the girls would.

I brushed away those relentless guilty thoughts once more, then headed home, thinking only of my favourite fiery haired girl, Lizzy, who liked me not for my cigarettes but for lust and forbidden love.

(Thank you all for all your emails so far, your praise is truly inspiring. More to come, of course, but as always, please do email me at with your opinions or thoughts on the story if you so wish. Thank you all. Kazz Jerome.)

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