How Girls Buy Cigarettes

By Kazz Jerome

Published on Sep 4, 2012


How Girls Buy Cigarettes -- Part 3


It was a Wednesday -- halfway through my week off from work -- and I was rather amazed as to the unforeseen events that had taken place so far since my first day off. I had had the pleasure of a blow job from a girl who had just turned fourteen and fingered a girl only a year older. Not every twenty five year old man would expect such things to happen at his age -- considering that a man of such an age would get into the utmost trouble with the law if such information happened to be disclosed.

After Lizzy had first wrapped those beautiful lips around my cock, I had returned home wracked by shame from what I had done. But now, that shame was wearing off. I had been seduced by Lizzy and her friends and there was no turning back. They wanted cigarettes in return which was fine by me. I had outsmarted Ashley by giving her half the pack following the good fingering I gave her, and maybe it was possible that I could get them more interested in sexual acts than smoking. Never did any harm!

That morning, I considered taking a days break from meeting the girls, less there was any hint of somebody getting suspicious. Granted, anybody seeing me follow that woodland trail may have just thought I was a big fan of hiking. But unfortunately, though my shame had worn off, a certain sense of paranoia was still in my mind, stubborn and refusing to leave.

It was a hot day again, and at 09:00 I sat on my back porch, smoking one of my last cigarettes, when images of my previous meeting with the girls flooded my head. I saw Ashley's face, flushed red as my finger pumped in and out of her wet, adolescent pussy. Heard Lizzy and Jenny's voices in the background. "You go girl, yeah!" and "I think she's gonna make him cum soon!" Remembered that strong, ruthless orgasm and I came hard and spurted cum all over Ashley's hand.

Then, in the real world, my dick started to harden. For fucks sake, I couldn't get those girls off my mind, especially my favourite teen in the whole world, Lizzy the beautiful redhead. How badly I wanted to just bend her over, throw up her school skirt, pull down her panties and fuck her time and time again and hear her scream in ecstasy as I penetrated her.

I lost all inhibitions right there and decided that I would take another stroll to the 'make out place', as the girls called it. Maybe they wouldn't be there; after all, they couldn't play hooky every single day, could they?

There was no straight answer to that, but I didn't care -- I was going, whether the rational part of my mind liked it or not.

So I set off from the house, and in about an hour, I reached our little spot, though I nearly forgot the way there at first. And I was very, very disappointed to see that it was empty. Just a load of leftover lager cans and a burnt out fire. No curious, slutty teenage girls around to teach a lesson or two. I wasn't happy at all.

But then, as I went to leave, I heard a voice. It was Jenny's.

"Hey, hey! Look who it is!"

I turned around and saw Jenny making her way out from the same narrow trail I had followed to get down here, holding her arms up in the air as she tried her best not to snag her uniform on the out stuck tree branches. For once, her shirt was done up all the way and she was wearing a tie -- what a surprise! Her ponytail, which was tidily plated today, swung about frantically as she finally made her way out into the clearing.

"Looking smart today," I joked, as she approached me, "good girl!"

"Yeah yeah, shut up!" she retorted, but smiling and blushing slightly at my remark. "Lizzy and Ashley are in deeeep shit."

"Oh God," I said, trying my best to keep eye contact and not to stare at her long, slender legs. "What happened?"

"Well, they got caught trying to sneak off after class. One teacher has been keeping a close eye on both of them."

"Ha," I said. "I'm not surprised, considering you lot spend your time more walking around the woods than in a classroom!"

"Yeah, whatever. I thought I'd come and see if you were here... uh, to tell you," she finished awkwardly. "Luckily, uh, I was in a different class. So that's why I'm... here."

It was funny -- Jenny didn't seem as confident in herself without the ringleader around. Which was a surprise, when you took into account she was the tallest of any of them. She was more developed than the other two, as well. I noticed that with her school shirt buttoned all the way up, it clung tightly to her and showed the true size of her breasts. My ex-girlfriend as been practically flat chested, and Jenny's size outdid her by a mile.

"Perv, stop looking at my breasts!" she suddenly came out with.

"I wasn't!" I laughed, embarrassed that she'd caught me looking.

"Yeah, right! You know you want them," she teased.

Here we go, I thought.

"Well, maybe," I said. "Might as well be honest. If you didn't want me staring, you shouldn't have come all the way down here."

She had no reply to that. Instead, I looked her in the eyes and she averted her own eyes shyly away. No matter how witty she may be, she was still young and obviously realised what she had gotten herself into.

"You enjoyed watching me and Ashley yesterday, then?" I pushed the conversation forward, closer to my goal.

"Uhh, yeah, it was interesting," she replied.

"I recall you saying 'fuck, that was awesome', if I'm correct."

"Yeah, I sort of get into the moment. I dunno..." she trailed off.

"You wanna try it?"

That was the million dollar question. Jenny lowered her head, speechless, and bit at her nails nervously. "Umm..." she began.

I took her hands gently and looked straight at her. Her head was still down. "You'll be fine," I reassured her. I couldn't believe the personality change that she had taken on. Swearing and cursing and now this. "You don't have to do if you don't want. I know that some girls have more experience than others and..."

Before I could continue she raised her head abruptly, looking unamused at my comment. "I have experience!" she said, looking insulted. "Watch this!"

And this that she leant forward and kissed me. She hadn't been smoking today; she tasted of mint. Whether that was from brushing her teeth the same morning or from a sweet she had been sucking on before she arrived, I didn't know. Our tongues entwined and she moved closer, those luscious breasts pushing softly into me.

I broke free from the kiss. "Nice," I said encouragingly, "lets get a bit more comfortable, Jen. On the floor."

She obliged, still a little nervous, and I slowly guided her back onto the soft grass. Soon she was looking up at me with her hazel eyes as I positioned myself on top of her, and I continued our kiss. She laced her hands around my neck. I held her around the back, pulling her tight into my arms. I felt myself harden below and I felt my dick push against my trousers, eager to join in.

I had been gentle so far but now felt sexual aggression taking over. I slowly pushed myself in between her legs, separating her thighs with the sides of my knees. With my right hand I pulled her skirt up slightly regardless of the fact that there wasn't much skirt -to- pull up, and started slowly dry humping against the one layer left that covered the teenage pussy I so desired. I glanced down and saw a flash of pink panties, and I felt my heart pound faster.

I broke our kiss again and whispered in her ear, "you ok?"

"Yeah," she barely replied, her voice caught in her throat, "it feels nice..."

"Yeah, you like it, Jenny?" I coaxed, "feel good?"

"Yeaah..." she now moaned back, "I'm... I'm getting... wet..."

With that comment said I felt my hand wander down towards her smooth thigh and I moved back slightly so that I had room to touch her. Yes, she was indeed wet. Not being able to help myself, I found my hand slipping into her panties and my fingers met her awaiting pussy. I was taken by surprise as I discovered she was practically bare down there, unlike Ashley, who I vaguely remembered as having a thicker growth of pubic hair.

I caressed just inside the outer lips of her cunt with my two fingers, watching her moan helplessly below me, taken over by teenage lust. As I started to push my two fingers into her, I began to carefully probing at her clitoris with my thumb, which was bound to be slightly exposed by now. I saw her eyes widen and her lips part as I did.

"Mmm, oh God!" she exclaimed. "Ooh, that's... that's fucking good!"

As I continued to finger fuck her, I used my other hand and began undoing the buttons on her shirt. Realising this was a bit of a hard task, Jenny pushed my hand aside and began to undo them herself until her matching pink bra was exposed. No longer a shy young girl, she took hold of it and pulled it up, freeing her breasts. They bounced about as she writhed around almost viciously from my finger fucking, and I took the opportunity to start licking and kissing at the nipples. I was driving her crazy, and she was getting rather vocal about it.

"Yeah, yeah, fuck me, you dirty man!" she hissed through gritted teeth. "Yeah fucking finger my... oooh fuck! Finger my fucking pussy! Fucking yeah! Fucking right!"

"Like it, don't you Jenny?" I talked dirty back at her. "Like a man's fingers inside you, don't you, you naughty girl?"


"Better than a boys, right?"


My dick was now straining against my trousers. I felt Jenny reach forward and frantically undo them, breaking away from her own pleasure temporarily. I pulled my fingers out of her and gladly helped her out. My trousers and boxers both came down and my cock sprung out to meet its new young friend. "My turn, Jenny," I smirked, standing up. Jenny got up onto her knees and grasped my dick in her hand, looking admiringly at it as Lizzy had done a couple of days ago. I gasped as squeezed it gently.

"It's true," she said, wonderingly. "They really do grow as you get older, uh?"

"Ha, there's a lot of talk about it," I said. "Truth is, a man of twenty-five is obviously gonna have a bigger dick than a boy. In fact -- aaaah fuuuck!"

I couldn't finish my sentence. My cock had now entered her mouth and I was getting my second blow job in a week from a different girl. Not forgetting that she was fifteen, of course. But who the fuck cared? She was talented and had obviously experimented with a few boys her age, considering she had compared my size to theirs. In and out of her mouth I went, my cock getting more lubed up by the second. Nobody could have stopped me from what was to happen next. I always had it in mind that I was going to wait for Lizzy if I was going to go any further with these girls, but it didn't turn out that way. I was ready to fuck this young girl and to show her what a fully grown man was capable of.

I stepped back carefully so that she was forced to release me from her mouth. I stepped fully out of my jeans, then knelt down in front of her. I lay her back onto the ground again and got into the desirable position between her legs. "Can't help it now, Jenny, babe," I said softly, "I wanna fuck you. Is it safe?"

By the latter words I meant to hint at whether or not I could actually fuck her unprotected. She nodded at me, at first with fear in her eyes, but then with submission as I tugged at her panties and then removed them completely. I then proceeded to position my dick to the entrance of her adolescent pussy. Alright, she may have been fingered and fucked by boys her own age before, but with pride I was happy to know that my cock, twice the size of any of the lucky boys who had managed to fuck her, was going to practically take her virginity all over again.

As I entered her, Jenny grimaced, knowing that her young cunt was going to have to accommodate something a lot bigger than she was used to. She spread her thighs further and hooked her two feet around my back. Then, with force, to get it over with, I pushed all the way inside her up to my balls, and she squealed as I did so. I held her close, whispering into her ear, comforting her. We stayed like that for a while until her breathing became steady again, until all her panic had diminished, then I slowly withdrew and pushed all the way in again.

Her pussy clamped tight around me as I started to move in and out of her, slowly at first and gradually getting faster. Her arms were at her sides, and she clawed at the grass as I began to fuck her. Her moans gradually became louder again.

"Oh -- my -- fucking- God! Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" her eager words and profanity pushed me over the edge, causing my thrusts to become harder, and soon I was literally slamming myself into her. "Yeah, you fucking stud! Yeah, fuck me! Fuck me! Ooooooh shit! Mmmmm! Aaaaah fucking hell!" Moans literally became screams, and how long I could last inside this fifteen-year-old beauty was unknown to me. My body would decide that. I pushed my hands underneath her ass and groped at it softly, which then caused my dirty, lustful mind to think of a new idea.

I withdrew from her and she looked as if she was going to slap me. "Sorry," I said. "I want you from behind." She looked shocked. I continued, "no, not your ass. Doggy." I assumed she would know that slang word. Most teenagers were accustom with it. She was. Jenny turned around and got on all fours, her cute ass high in the air. I gave it a playful slap and I heard her giggle quickly but with a hint of impatience. I found the entrance to her pussy again and pushed back inside her.

"Oooooh, fuck!" was her reaction to this new position."Yeaaaah, that's good! THAT'S FUCKING GREAT, BABE! YEAH!" I caressed her young, perfectly formed butt and I again began to give her what she wanted. Like I had done with Lizzy, I took hold of Jenny's ponytail to support us both as I fucked her and took in the beautiful sight before me. Before long I felt the presence of cum strongly making its way out of me.

"Oh fuck, fucking hell Jen," I groaned, "I'm gonna come, I'm gonna fucking come inside your young cunt!" I was now overtaken by lust, couldn't comprehend what the hell I was saying. "Ready? You fucking ready for it?"

"Yeah, fucking... right... yeah!"

"Aaaaaah fuck!" A strong orgasm tore through my body and I started to shoot stream after stream of sticky cum inside her young body, filling the teenager up with everything I had. "Oh God, take it all! Take it all, Jen! You fucking want it, you have it! Lots fucking left for you, babe! Fucking right!"

Eventually, and I -mean- eventually, I finished and let myself out of her, watching as some of my juices escaped from her and ran down those lovely thighs. She quickly reached for her panties, then stood up and pulled them on quickly to prevent any more cum escaping from her. She pulled her bra back over those lovely breasts and did her shirt back up. Once I was fully clothed, we both stood silently, still breathing heavily, not saying a word for a moment.

"Well," I said. "That was good. Only thing is, I don't have any cigarettes on me."

"After that, I don't give a fuck," Jenny smiled, her confidence regained. "That was really... really... good."

"Well, put in a good word with the girls for me," I laughed.

"Oh I will," she agreed. "And I know you want Lizzy. I feel a little bit bad for letting you fuck me first. She really likes you."

"I'm twenty-five, Jen," I said, a pang of guilt settling in. "I could never be with Lizzy. And you girls can't say a word about any of this, either. I could... be arrested."

"It's a shame," she sighed. "If two people can fuck, why can't they just fuck?"

"Well, I kind of agree, but all the same, you can't say a word, Jen!" I warned, making sure I looked like I meant it.

"Never mind. Come back here to see us again soon, yeah?" Jenny said. "I better, uh, go back home before I even think of going back to school. I think I need to clean up."

She gave me a quick peck on the cheek, which I found quite amusing when you took into account we had just had full blown sex. Then she left for the trail, leaving me standing there with mixed emotions and a million thoughts.

I waited until she disappeared from view, not wanting to follow to closely less I was seen with her. After a while, I left too and returned home, ready to reflect on the encounters with the three promiscuous girls I had let walk into my life.

(Hope everybody enjoyed this chapter! As usual, any thoughts, feelings, criticism -- feel free to email me at -- don't hesitate, I implore you! Thank you all.)

Next: Chapter 4

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