How Girls Buy Cigarettes

By Kazz Jerome

Published on Aug 29, 2012


How Girls Buy Cigarettes -- Part 2 ----------------------------------------------------

When I returned home after my experience with the three promiscuous girls in the woods, the guilt finally set in. Okay, fine, I thought. One could say that the girls pretty much enticed me into what happened -- in the heat of the moment, I gave in, let them persuade their youngest friend into doing what she did to me and, lets face the facts, enjoyed every single second of it.

Sure, how would that go down in the courtroom? I think the Judge in question would respond thusly; by pointing out that Mr I-Like-Young-Girls was a 25 year old male who took advantage of the three young ladies by tempting them with cigarettes. It wasn't true, of course. No, no, no -- but the justice system would hardly see it my way.

To rid of my guilt, I thought it would be best just to leave the event behind me and hope to hell that the girls didn't say a word to their parents about it. Fine. Over and done with. Buy another pack of ciggies and move on.

But how wrong I was.

That evening, I settled on reading a book before bed to put my mind off things. Eventually the memory of what had happened would drift again and I could forget about the stupid mistake I had made. But every time I turned a page, I couldn't get her out of my head.


It wasn't about the bloody cigarettes, it was about her. I had noticed her straight away and couldn't keep the image of that cute face peering up at me, the tilt of her head and the way she had followed up with an innocent "pleeease". Those two pigtails that I had held onto tightly as she eagerly sucked my cock and swallowed every last bit of cum I had to offer.

Her gentle hand, wrapped around me, slowly jerking me off. Looking up from the ground with those big blue eyes, with that silent question held within them, "do you like it?".

But oh, for gods sake -- fourteen years of age. That, of course, was the thing. The big turn on was that, at such an age, she knew what she was doing. She knew exactly what I wanted and why I hadn't just turned around and walked the other way.


I couldn't help myself. Soon enough I had laid my book to one side and was reaching down into my boxer shorts. The recollection of that mere -expression- on her face had me going. I lay back, got comfortable, and started to fondle my dick, my eyes tightly closed and remembering the events that had taken place only less than twelve hours ago.

Look at little Lizzy go. Rub his balls, he'll like it. Sucky, sucky, give the man what he wants. I think he enjoyed it a lot. We'll be nice to you if you're nice to us.

It didn't take long. Before long I was furiously jerking myself off and murmuring her name under my breath. Through gritted teeth I could only say that one name, over and over before I reached the point of no return and spurted cum all over my stomach. The orgasm wasn't as strong as the one from earlier, but it was close.

Right, that was it. I was going for a walk first thing tomorrow morning. I reminded myself to buy a pack of cigarettes.

My mind now taken over by lust, I found myself following the same woodland trail that very next day. And sure enough the girls had kept good track of time and were in fact waiting for me in the same spot where we had met the day before.

"Didn't expect to see you here, girls," I said humorously, trying to cover my nervousness as I approached them. "Thought you'd be in class."

They were standing up against the same tree that I had stubbed my cigarette out on the day before. Ashley, Jenny and lovely Lizzy. As before, Ashley stood in the middle of the two of them. Her and Jenny both had cigarettes stuck in their gobs -- my cigarettes, of course. Lizzy was actually looking a bit shy and was gazing at the ground. She wasn't smoking.

All three of them were wearing the same uniform, those adolescent thighs exposed and a temptation to what I would considered to be most men, less the ones that would deny it. Though I tried not to, I couldn't help but glimpse Lizzy's milky thighs immediately before even glancing at the other girls. Ashley, her face caked in a little too much make up again but looking hot enough, had that same powerful smirk on her face. She spoke first.

"Alriiiight?" she said, dragging out the word flirtatiously as she had done before. She had finished her cigarette and stubbed it out on the tree as I had, but instead of pocketing it, chucked it on the ground among the leaves. "We didn't think you'd come back! Lizzy was missing ya, weren't ya Liz?"

"Ashleeeey..." Lizzy moaned, embarrassed.

"That's fine," I replied, "I missed her too."

Lizzy finally raised her head and smiled at me.

"Yeah, I bet you did," teased Jenny. "She obviously hasn't missed you, she hasn't even given you a hug hello yet!"

"Fine, I'll give him one!" retorted Lizzy. And with that, she walked towards me and wrapped her arms around me, resting her head on my chest. Oh, that scent of strawberry again. Those soft breasts pushing against me. Though a bit cautiously, I put my own arms around her as well, then quickly let go before I lost control of myself like before.

"Soo, you got anything for us today?" asked Ashley, casually.

"Oh, I don't know about that..." I started.

"Yeah, he has, I can see them," said Jenny. "There's only one bulge today."

This of course caused utmost laughter amongst the group, including an embarrassed giggle from Lizzy. "Yeah yeah, very funny girls!" I said.

"He wants something from us though, I bet!" exclaimed Ashley, a little too loudly. I nervously looked behind me, which Ashley noticed immediately. "Oh, it's fine, don't worry! We can go somewhere else today. There's this place that all the upper years go after school out of the way to hang out... and make out."

"Emphasis on after school," I said.

"Emf -- what?"

"Nothing," I sighed. "Lizzy, are they telling the truth?"

"Yuuup, they sure are. It's a nice place!" she confirmed, nodding in agreement, making her pigtails swing about wildly.

"What ya reckon?" asked Ashley.

"Uhh..." I mumbled, really trying to think about what I was getting myself into this time.

"Pleeeease?" coed Lizzy.

Of course I would go with them!

It turned out, after the girls led me to the place, that the make out area was simply a large clearing that you could reach by following a narrow path off the main trail. In the middle of the clearing were a bunch of rocks that were obviously set out in a way for the teenagers to make camp fires. There were cans littered about as well as a few butts that looked to me as if they were more than likely from joints. No cigarettes were smoked down here, it seemed.

"So, what do ya reckon, like it?" asked Ashley.

"Uhh, yeah... it's a clearing. Very nice." I replied and managed to dodge a playful slap from Ashley. "Don't -- be -- sarcastic!" she laughed -- her face actually lit up and she looked rather pretty when she smiled and dropped the slutty expression for once.

"Orrr what?" I came back with.

"Orrr I wont get off with you!"

Alright, fair enough.

Ashley looked at Lizzy, who was silent. "Lizzy, you don't mind, do you? We'll get free cigarettes again if I get off with him!"

"Damn right," agreed Jenny.

"Nah, it's fine..." said Lizzy, shaking her head, pigtails waving to and fro again. "Just leave some for me!" she giggled.

I had an idea that Lizzy didn't really care about the cigarettes. Never mind, she was my favourite but I really wanted to see what Ashley was like when she was up close and personal. Jenny was a pretty cute girl as well, but I wasn't big on dark hair and ponytails. I'm sure she had her talents, though.

Before I did what I did, that voice nagged at me again. What the hell are you doing? These girls are way too young for you, dumbass. If you get caught...

It's fine, the other side of my mind replied, this one is older.

She's fifteen! One year older than Lizzy! It argued back.

You don't know that!

Fine, it was a bit too late too late to ask, but before I went any further, I blurted it out. "Girls, how old are you all? Ashley?" "Fifteen. So is Jen. Lizzy turned fourteen last month," she said.

Oh Christ, last month!? Well, too late now. I had gotten myself into this and, as far as the lustful part of my brain was concerned, there was no getting out. Without saying another word, I advanced on Ashley and put my arms around her waist. She linked her arms around my neck and our lips came together. My tongue entered her mouth and she returned the favour. Our tongues twirled and explored. She tasted of cigarettes but I couldn't really complain being an ex-smoker myself. The kiss was wet, eager and making me horny as hell.

"Woww, go Ashley!" said Lizzy, sounding ironically amazed at our actions considering what she was capable of.

"You go, girl! Yeah!" came Jenny's voice. "Show the man what it's all about!"

I found one of my hands wandering away from Ashley's waist and down towards those thighs. Those supple breasts were tempting but god dammit, those skirts showed so much! She didn't make any attempt to stop me and I found my hand reaching between her thighs. It was warm down there, and as I touched the fabric of her panties, it was wet.

All shame and guilt crept away as my lust continued to control me. I tugged her panties down slightly so that I could reach what I wanted. My hand reached its destination and I let my finger explore around the edge of Ashley's wet teenage pussy. My cock was now straining against my jeans and I swore I was going to blow a load in my pants soon. I found the entrance to her sweet cunt and started pushing my finger slowly inside her . She stopped kissing me to let an involuntary moan escape her lips. I could hear Lizzy and Jenny talk in awe somewhere else as I fingered this willing teenager.

It all seemed like a dream until I felt Ashley's smooth hand slip down my jeans and grab hold of my now raging hard cock. I was now forcing my one finger in and out of her and she was moaning quite loud. It was time for me to let out a sound of pleasure and she held me and starting jerking me off inside my jeans.

"Go on guys! Go on Ashley!" cheered on Jenny.

"Woww, look at 'em go, I think she's gonna make him cum soon!" I heard Lizzy add.

Lizzy was correct. The feeling of Ashley's tight pussy clamping around my finger was way too much. I could smell the aroma of her juices. Once again, it was too much for me. I felt that intense tightening of muscles below my balls and the cum ready to make its way outward. And it did. In the moment, I didn't warn Ashley and I started spurting all over her hand. "Oooh, Christ!" I groaned, "dammit, that's amazing!" Ashley didn't let go until I was done and finally withdrew her hand from my trousers.

"Ha, you're covered in spunk!" laughed Jenny. "Fuck, that was awesome!"

Ashley didn't seem to notice any of the comments said. After my orgasm had subsided and I withdrew my finger from her pussy, she bent down and wiped my remnants off her hand onto the grass.

"Aww, what a waste!" said Lizzy, jokingly.

"I don't swallow, like you!" Ashley managed to say, still breathing heavily and flushed red in the face. "Oh, that was good, though, but a bit sticky."

Once again, I couldn't believe these girls. Automatically, I removed the cigarettes from my pocket. I smirked at Ashley. "Since I was so good, can I give you just half of the packet?"

"Hmm," she smiled. "I suppose so."

I took out ten cigarettes and pocketed them. I gave the pack with the rest in to Ashley. Just as I did, we heard nearby voices. Adult voices. "Shit!" I said, in a hushed voice. "Quick, get the hell out of here and I'll try meet you all later in the week. Go!"

"Alright, see ya later, babes," whispered Ashley, and with the other two girls in tow, they made their way back to the narrow path we had originally come from. Before Lizzy left, she made sure to wave at me and blow me a kiss. Oh, Lizzy. I had hardly laid a hand on that lovely girl today but I was sure I'd have my chance again soon. I even felt a slight pang of guilt about touching Ashley so passionately in front of her. Christ, what was wrong with me?

It turned out that the voices were from a middle-aged couple who had decided to follow an alternative route down to the make out place. Thank God they hadn't decided on it any earlier than now! I greeted them politely.

"Hi there, how are you both?" I inquired, as they acknowledged my presence.

"Oh, not too bad, son," said the man. "This would be quite a nice place to have a picnic, if not for all these bloody cans everywhere. Teenagers, they never cease to amaze you, eh?" His wife shook her head, similarly unamused at the state of the clearing.

"No," I replied. "They certainly don't."

Hope you enjoyed the second part of the story. Thank you for all your comments so far and please don't hesitate to email me at if you so wish to do so.


Next: Chapter 3

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