How Girls Buy Cigarettes

By Kazz Jerome

Published on Aug 27, 2012


*How Girls Buy Cigarettes

*It was the middle of September with promises of sunny weather and I had decided to take a week off work using the leave I had left. I had no particular plans for my holiday – just to relax and have some time by myself and away from the noisy office. I was a single man of 25, living by myself and had plenty of free time. There was no woman in my life which suited me just fine at the present; I couldn't be bothered to commit to anybody after the car crash of my recent relationship. I didn't miss the manipulative bitch that I had been with, but I did miss the physical side of things.

I decided to go for a walk for my first day off so I could catch some sun before Autumn took over. I made the choice to make my way towards the woodland trail that wasn't far from my house – it would take about half an hour to walk in total, enough to break a sweat without keeling over from the heat. The trail came out near my old school where I could then simply follow the main road home. Perfect!

On the way, I decided to grab some cigarettes from the local store. I was trying to give up and normally only had a few smokes in the evening, but since this was my week off, I thought I'd drop back into the habit full time for a bit.

After my purchase, I continued to make my way downhill and kept my eye out for the turnstile that led off the road. It soon came into view. After climbing over it, I had to cross a small field which then led to the main woodland path. Soon the trees closed in I was met by pleasant shade. I lit up a cigarette and kept walking, listening to the peaceful sounds around me; birds, insects, the gentle rustle of the trees. Nothing better than this, I thought.

Time passed and as far as I could tell I was about halfway to the end of the trail. It was then that those lovely sounds of the wood were interrupted by a shrill of giggles not far ahead. Ugh, great, I thought. It sounded like two, maybe three girls who were probably playing hooky from class considering it was only 09:30 in the morning.

And I was right – as the giggles got closer, the girls came into view and suddenly became silent as they spotted me, but not without keeping those cheeky little smirks on their faces, as girls tend to do! They were all dressed in the school uniform and wearing skirts that were a lot shorter than the ones I remembered when I attended that same school.

The girl in the middle had long, bleached blonde hair and wore a little too much make up than she really needed. The friend on her left had black hair, pulled back into a ponytail. The one to the right, who looked to be the youngest of the three, had distinctive red hair styled into two separate pigtails . It also seemed that they were rather hot and bothered by the weather as well, considering the fact that all of them had three buttons undone at the top of their white shirts, exposing themselves to the point where the colour of their bras could easily be distinguished. I felt a bit dirty for noticing that, but it wasn't exactly easy to *not *notice.

As they were about to pass, the blonde one, who I assumed was the ringleader, made eye contact with me and said, "arite?" in a rather flirty manner. I went to say hello back but didn't have a chance. She stopped dead in her tracks as did her two friends. They had of course spotted the cigarette still sitting in my mouth. "Can we 'ave a drag, man? Go on, please!" the blonde one practically begged me.

I grinned and shook my head, and replied "sorry girls, you're blatantly too young to be smoking. I could get in trouble, no way."

"Aww, go on!" the one with the pigtails said and stepped closer to me. She gently laid a hand on my shoulder and tilted her head. "Pleeease," she cooed. She looked to be about fourteen years of age – as opposed to her two friends, who I judged to both be about a year older than her. I smiled politely and repeated myself, "no way, you know I can't." I was blushing slightly from her unexpected touch and felt a bit embarrassed. Even at this age, girls seemed to instinctively know how to to get their way by putting on the whole cute act that they do as well as getting as close as they felt was necessary.

Ashamed as I was I felt my power over them slipping away. I forced myself to remove the cigarette from my mouth, then stubbed it out on a tree next to me and placed the butt in my pocket. "Look, it's gone now, ok?" I said.

"You got other ones," the girl with the black hair had now spoken out. "I can see 'em in your pocket. Go on, give us one. Just one!"

"No, I uh..." I trailed off, distracted by the redhead who hadn't removed her hand from my chest. "You shouldn't be um, touching me like that," I said awkwardly. She was close enough to me so that I could smell her perfume – strawberries, I think it was. Strong, enticing. Part of me wanted her to keep her hand right where it was, and I felt like an idiot when she immediately removed it.

"Aww, I was just being friendlyyyy!" she said.

"She's a liar, she fancies you!" laughed the blonde girl.

The redhead flushed the same colour as her hair and playfully slapped her friend on the chest. "Shut up, Ashley!"

"Oh, you love it, Lizzy!" the girl I now knew as Ashley giggled. "What you reckon, eh, Jenny?"

I didn't think this conversation would've lasted long enough for me to get to know all of their names. I could've walked off at any time, but something was keeping me there. Maybe I was just subconsciously enjoying their innocence and failed attempts to get the cigarette they so desired.

"Yeah," said Jenny. "She might look innocent, but she's a dirty bitch really!"

"Stop it, you two!" Lizzy fired back at them again. She looked up at me with big blue eyes. A girl nearly half my size and close to making me give in. "Don't listen to them!"

"Look, girls, for the last time..." I began.

"What abooooout if one of us gives you a blow job?" Ashley the blonde suddenly came out with. "What about then, will you give us one?"

"Girls, that is *not *appropriate. You can't expect that I would-"

I was cut off by the girl Jenny. "Yeah, really?" she grinned and raised her eyebrows. Then what's that bulging in your trousers next to the cigarettes in your pocket?"

"Ha, ohhhh my god!" teased Ashley. "Look, Lizzy, he's ready for you!"

Oh, for fucks sake. I had an erection. Now I looked like a pervert. A dirty old man. I had only come out for a walk, god dammit, and here I was with three young girls laughing at my rock hard cock that was bursting to free itself from my pants.

"Wow," said Lizzy, looking down at the bulge in my trousers. "I uh..." she took hold of each of her pigtails and pulled them towards one another as if to cover her face in shame. "Do you want me to, uh, suck your dick? I will if you want."

"I don't want to do this, girls. This is wrong!" I said. "You know we can't."

"If you reallyyyy don't want to do it, then why are you still here?" asked Jenny. Her friend Ashley smirked slyly in agreement.

I was silent. That was a very good point. In the meanwhile, I noticed that Lizzy the redhead had disappeared from view. Then I felt the buttons on my jeans being undone. I looked down and Lizzy was on her knees in front of me, her hands a bit shaky but doing the job of bringing my cock ever closer to being freed and greeting the girls in the open.

"Ah, shit," I said stupidly. This was wrong. This is what the courts would class as child molestation, for fucks sake. But I couldn't help myself. I felt my jeans loosen as Lizzy finished off undoing the buttons and I placed my hands gently on her head.

My jeans hit the ground. There was nothing more to say. Lizzy's two friends watched as she placed her hands on either side of my boxer shorts and they followed the same route as my jeans. To the floor. My dick sprung out and nearly hit the poor girl in the face. I hard her gasp.

"Oooh, God," I mumbled. "Girls, what if, what if somebody, agh-" I was caught off guard as I felt fourteen-year-old Lizzy's smooth hand wrap around my member.

"Woww, it's bigger than the other dicks I've seen!" said Lizzy. She began slowly jerking me off and any worry of anybody seeing us had diminished. Ashley was taking the time to look behind me and Lizzy whilst Jenny was peering over her shoulder now and then to check behind her and Ashley. That was fine by me. I didn't give much of a fuck any more.

"Wow, look at little Lizzy go!" exclaimed Ashley. "Couldn't have done it better myself! Rub his balls as well! He'll like that. Fuck, they're hairy!"

All this dirty talk was too much for me. I hadn't jerked off myself for days and had plenty of cum ready to makes its way out of me. But I had to hold myself back. I looked down at this beautiful thing taking care of me and all guilt of being a pervert had long disappeared. I could barely keep my eyes open and was moaning as quietly as I could.

"Come on Lizzy, give the man what he wants! Sucky, sucky, go on babes!" these instructions came from Jenny. Before she could even finish her sentence, I felt my cock being pulled into Lizzy's wet, warm mouth. Back and forth she went, very carefully, taking care to rub my balls with her free hand.

"Fucking right," said Ashley. "Make sure you go over the head, babes. It'll make him cum faster!"

"Uhhh," I groaned incoherently. "Lizzy, fuck, uh... oh dammit fuck yeah!" That was it. I couldn't last any longer. The cum was on its way. I was being sucked off by a willing fourteen-year-old girl being given tips by her two friends and it was way too much for me. I looked down at Lizzy and held each of her pigtails, firmly pulling her harder towards me without tugging too hard on her hair. She gagged a little a bit but carried on. "I'm gonna cum," I said. "*Oh fuck yeah, you dirty girl. I'm gonna cum. I'm fucking cumming, yes! FUCKING RIGHT!"

*I began to ejaculate furiously into young Lizzy's mouth and she didn't hesitate in swallowing. I looked down at her and saw her young pale breasts jiggle from her movement. My feelings were all over the place, I hadn't felt this turned on in my whole life. Her tongue twirled around my dick and I came and came and came until there was nothing left.

I stood there, my trousers down, respiring heavily, taking in what had just happened. Lizzy stood up and asked me in that innocent voice, "did I do okay? Did you like it?"

"Oh, I think he loved it," said Ashley. "Now then, our side of the deal."

"I buttoned my jeans back up and took the packet of cigarettes from my pocket. I threw them to Ashley and she caught them. "There," I said, "I was gonna give up, anyway."

"Well, if you feel like being nice and buying some more tomorrow...." said Ashley, "then we'll be nice to you as well. Not just Lizzy, next time, either."

"Aww, I want him to be all mine!" sighed Lizzy, but obviously not taking it too hard. "Fine, I guess I can share!"

I couldn't believe these girls.

"Alright, whatever..." I tried not to sound enthusiastic about it. This hadn't been a good idea in the first place, but I knew temptation would hit me again. "Maybe I'll come for a walk tomorrow as well. But in the meanwhile, try not to skip too many classes, eh girls? It's not appropriate."

"Ha, coming from you!" laughed Ashley.

And that was it – I guess they weren't going back to class because they all walked the way I had come from. Lizzy gave me one last smile as she followed the two girls, running her hand over my arm seductively as she did so. "Byeee!" she said before she left my sight.

And so I continued my walk, selfishly satisfied to the point where it diminished any feeling of guilt that I genuinely thought I'd have been left with.

It occurred to me later on that I had never given the girls my name.

That was probably a good thing.

I hope you enjoyed this story. I am in the middle of finishing off another one under the name of "Wanting Sam" but decided I would try something else in the meanwhile due to having writer's block.

Considering what happened in the previous story is illegal in the majority of countries, take into account that I do not condone the events of "How Girls Buy Cigarettes" and it is definitely not a good idea to partake in such activities in real life. Imagining it is fine by me, though!

Please don't be reluctant to email me with your thoughts and opinions at

Thank you all

Next: Chapter 2

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