How Do I Become His Slave? Gay Authoritarian

By Ineed Someadvice

Published on Dec 9, 2019



Hi reader. My name is Joshua (yes, really). By boyfriend's name is Reece (yes, really). I desperately want to be his slave but despite our attempts we haven't managed to make it happen for more than a couple of days. The problem is that he just isn't particularly dominant. Very rarely he can be truly dominant and it is the hottest thing ever, but he just can't sustain it long-term. We love each other and I don't want to leave him, so if anyone has any suggestions on how I can be his slave then that would be appreciated. To help you out I'll describe us both and then give you an idea of how I would like life to be.

Like I said my name is Joshua but everyone calls me Josh. I'm 6 foot on the dot, slim but with a little muscle definition, olive skin, brown hair and brown eyes. I pretend like I dont know it, but generally people think I'm pretty hot. Naked I'm hairy in all the right places: chest, legs and a neatly trimmed set of pubes; and don't grow hair in all the right places: back, ass and shoulders. I'm quite lucky in that way. I've been told that I have one hell of an ass and when I look in the mirror I can see why. My cock is pretty nice too, a little above average at a smidge over 7 inches when rock hard and about average girth.

Reece on the on the other hand is about 5 foot 8, slightly overweight but in a sexy way: big muscles, a sexy chest and a bit of a belly. He has short dark blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He doesn't have much body hair but keeps what he does have trimmed. He also has a great ass and I love looking at it when he drys himself off after a shower. As for his cock, it's big. The length is over 8.5 inches but less than 9 and he is girthy; the girth of his cock is the same thickness as my wrist. I know this because if I put my wrap my hand around both my wrist and his cock my thumb and pinky won't touch. He thinks his cock is about average because he's seen a lot of porn, but I know differently and on several occassions I've cum whilst he's let me just look at his big dick.

I have a pretty good idea what I'd like the average day to be like and this is how I imagine it.

First of all I no longer have a name. I am just 'slut', 'bitch', 'slave' or whatever Reece wants to call me. Second I call Reece Sir or Master at all times. Third I never say no. Fourth my cock remains locked at all times. And fifth I remain naked at all times unless otherwise specified. These are the basic rules all slaves should have.

My alarm goes off at 8am on the dot and I get up and clean myself inside and out. I do all of the quiet house work so as to not wake Master up. I prepare Master breakfast and a drink and take it through to him at 9am when he likes to be woken up. I go through to the bedroom in just my jock, the way he likes it, and kneel at his bedside with his breakfast in my hands. I wake him up by gently calling Master until he wakes and then give him his breakfast tray without him having to ask. I remain on my knees whilst he is eating his breakfast with my eyes on the ground. When he is finished I will take his tray and wash up the breakfast dishes whilst he wakes up properly. When I've finished I will go back into the bedroom and get back on my knees and wait for him to get up for a piss.

He gets out of bed and stretches in front of me. I take a sneaky peek at his sexy body and his incredible cock. Every morning I feel so lucky to be able to look at his big low hanging balls and fat flaccid dick. He steps towards me and I open my mouth. He starts to piss in my mouth because Masters don't have to use a toilet to piss when they have a slave. When he's finished he shakes the remaining piss into my mouth and walks to the shower. At this point he still hasn't even acknowledged me as even being there. Whilst he is in the shower I make the bed and lay out the clothes he likes to wear for the day: boxers, a tee shirt, jeans and a belt. Then I bend over across the bed next to the clothes I've laid out with my ass in the air. Master comes back from his shower and starts to get dressed. Before putting his belt on he bend it in half and acknowledges me for the first time by paying a hard spank on my ass.


I oblige and count every hard stroke on my bare ass. He continues until both cheeks are completely red, 32 strokes today. I thank him as he puts his belt on. He leaves for work without saying goodbye with his lunch I had prepacked the night before. I get on with the rest of my chores until 5:30 when he texts:

"We're pulling into the drive. Be at the door on your knees when we get in. No jock strap, blindfold on."

We? I didn't have time to think about it. I took of my jock and threw it towards the washing basket, grabbed a blindfold and ran to the door, putting on the blindfold as I was kneeling. I was just in time as I heard the door start to open.

"Wow you weren't kidding. Fuck me this is crazy."

I recognized the voice immediately. It was my boyfriend's brother Kyle. Me and Master had a written contract where I had agreed he could tell people I was his slave and use me with anyone including family and friends but I never thought he would tell his straight older brother.

"Now will you admit I'm the man in our relationship not Josh? I don't even call him Josh he's just a fag."

"You're definitely the more manly one." Kyle replied with a chuckle. "What's on his dick?"

"It's a chastity device. He can't get hard or cum unless I unlock it. He hasn't cum for 42 days."

"Fuck me. And he agrees to this?"

"He fucking loves it, don't you slave."

I didn't have a clue what was happening but I knew I had to reply. "Yes Master. I love being your slave and doing everything you ask."

Kyle laughed. I felt humiliated, we always got on so well in social situations and I knew that would all change from now on.

"Drink?" Master asked.


"You heard the man slave. Go and get us a drink and bring them through to the living room. Take your blindfold of in the kitchen. By the way whilst Kyle is here you will refer to him as Sir."

"Yes Master. I will get you and Sir a drink." I turned around on my knees and crawled back up the stairs, furthering my humiliation in front of my boyfriend's brother as my spread ass was on full view.

Mater and Sir made their way through to the living room and I removed my blindfold and took them their drinks, first presenting Master with his and then Sir with his. It was the first time I had looked at him and he looked very different from the view I had on my knees to the normal view I have of him.

"Thank you." Sir said.

"Don't thank the bitch. He should be the thankful one for having the privilege of being you a drink. Isn't that right faggot?"

"Yes Master. Thank you Sir I am so grateful that I am able to serve you. I will do anything you wish and you never have to thank me."

I saw Sirs cock twitch at what I'd said. I knew for a fact he was straight because he had a fiance and baby, but what guy wouldn't get off on someone being on their knees calling them Sir and saying they will do anything for them.

"What the fuck are these?!"

I was so busy checking out the twitching bulge in Sirs pants that I hadn't even noticed Master had left the room to do his daily inspection. He came back through holding my jock.

"Why the fuck was this on my floor bitch?"

"I'm so sorry Master. I didn't have a lot of time to get a blindfold and run to the door so I just threw my jock towards the washing basket and it must have missed. Please forgive me Master it will never happen again."

"Stand up."

I knew this wasn't going to be good. I stood up staring at the floor.

"How do you think we should push him?" Master asked Sir.

"We? I don't know about that. It was funny to see him like this but I don't want to hurt him." Sir replied. I was grateful that he was nicer than his brother.

"He wants to be punished by both of us, don't you slave."

The answer was no I really didn't want to be punished by my boyfriend's brother who up until this point I was friends with.

"Yes Master I really want you and Sir to punish me for being a bad slave. I deserve any punishment you want to inflict upon me."

"I don't know. I think he's only saying that because he has to. Maybe I should leave." Sir said.

"He could say no at any point, he just chooses not to. Let me help convince you. Get back on your knees slave and beg him to punish you."

He was right, I could choose to say no but we'd signed a contract saying if I did master would never do anything kinky with me again. I couldn't bare that so I knew I had no choice but to beg. I got down on my knees and looked Sir in the eyes. He looked very nervous and confused about the whole thing, but I knew I had to convince him to punish me because if I couldn't and he left I would have a punishment ten times worse.

"Please Sir will you punish me. I've been such a bad slave and left the apartment a complete mess and I deserve to be punished in the worst possible way. I really want you to punish me with my Master, more than I've ever wanted anything before."

His face showed no sign that he was coming to around to the idea but his growing bulge told another story.

"Give me a minute to think about it. I need to go to the bathroom anyway."

"For a piss?" Master asked.

"Yeah, that okay?" Sir replied.

"No problem, open your mouth slave." I opened my mouth immediately.

"There's your urinal."

"What? I can't piss in his mouth!" Sir said.

"Of course you can. I haven't pissed in a toilet for years."

"This is crazy." Sir said.

"Well you're not paying in my toilet so if you need to go you'll have to piss in his mouth." Master said sternly.

"You're actually being serious aren't you?"

"Yes. Now piss in his mouth for fuck sake."

"Do you have to watch?" Sir asked Master. He turned around and faced the other way.

"Better?" Master asked. Kyle didn't reply. He looked down at me and then back up towards Master. He moved his hand towards his crotch and started to unbuckle his belt. He unzipped his hands and pulled his now semi erect cock out. His cock looked as thick as Master's and his balls were big and heavy, it clearly ran in the family. I could smell he'd been at work all day and the musky smell was a huge turn on.

"How do I make sure I don't get piss everywhere Reece?"

"Put the tip in his mouth and piss until his mouth is full. Hold the stream to let him swallow and then start again." Master replied.

Kyle put the head of his fat cock in my mouth trying not to make sure contact. Nothing happened for a minute, I could feel her was trying to piss but I think he was to nervous. Then he looked down into my eyes and tried again. Piss started to trickle from his cock into my mouth. He did as he was instructed and stopped when my mouth was full so I could swallow. He really did need to go because he filled my mouth up six times. When he finished his cock started to grow even harder. He quickly put it back in his jeans before he got fully erect.

"Fuck it. I've put my dick in his mouth so I might as well punish him." Sir said.

"Now we're talking!" Master said excitedly.

"Bend over the table you fucking faggot!" Master ordered. Master removed his belt and Sir followed suit. Master pulled his belt up high and spanked me harder than he ever had before with his belt.

"Now you Kyle." Master said. Kyle pulled his belt into the air and spanked me hard. It wasn't as hard as Master had spanked me but it was still hard. They took turns spanking me. I had started counting in my head but after 40 the pain was too much to concentrate on counting. When my legs started to go weak they stopped.

"That will do for now. That should teach him a lesson." Master said.

"Poor fucker won't be able to sit down for a week." Sir said.

"More like a month after I've finished fucking the bitch."

"I think I'll leave you to it then." Sir said quickly.

"Sure you don't want a go? His hole is better than any pussy you'll ever fuck."

"Sorry bro, I can't I'm not gay." Sir said.

"I know Kyle. He's not a man he's a fucking bitch. He doesn't even have a working cock. It's not gay if you're fucking a bitch." I couldn't believe master was trying to get his brother to fuck me. This was getting crazy. Sir didn't say anything for a minute or two and I was worried he was going to accept Master's offer.

To be continued.

Please email me if you have any idea how I can become my boyfriend's slave.

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