How did this happen?

By Gary Moyer

Published on May 28, 2023


Morgan walked back into the room to find me standing there holding two glasses of whiskey and sporting an erection you could hang a bowling from. I handed him his glass, drank mine like a shot, and the grabbed my cell phone. "Picture time!" I said. I took a shot of my dick. Than of him as he stood there naked. He drank his whiskey and set the glass down. I snapped my fingers and pointed to the floor in front of me. Morgan did as told and dropped to his knees. I took more photos as he began sliding my prick in and out of his mouth. Morgan stopped sucking my cock long enough to ask for it in the ass. I obliged and spent the next twenty minutes as deep in him as I could get. We kissed, we cussed, we both came again. I jerked him off and then I finished on his face taking pictures and video.

Morgan and I laid together and talked until we both fell asleep. I woke at 8 something the next morning and found myself alone. On the nightstand there was a note from Morgan. "G, that was the best night I have had in a long time. Call me anytime. If you want to make this more than sex and into a relationship I am more than willing."

I got up and showered. I wasn't sure how much more of this weekend I could take. It was only Friday and I was way ahead of what I thought was possible. I dressed and went down for breakfast. I sent the pics and videos to Jenny. Then I remembered Kallie. I wasn't looking forward to whatever bullshit she had for me today. I sent her a quick text. "Grabbing breakfast. Call you in 30. You available to talk?" It didn't take long to get her yes response. I finished my breakfast and returned to my room to call Kallie.

I dialed the number dreading the upcoming conversation. "Hey Hun." She answered. "Hun, really? Not for a long time now. Are the kids okay?" I responded. "Yeah they are good. I wanted to let you know I ran into Jenny at the store. We had an interesting talk." I wondered how much she knew...not that I cared as my sex life now had nothing to do with her. "And?" I said. She said you had shown up to Carson's grad party and that you guys had gone on a date. Is that true?" "What does it matter? I'm fairly certain that's not your business anymore." "It's not right for you to hangout with your sons friend and mom without your son." "Kal, I'm going to make this real quick. Mind your own business. There was nothing wrong with me going to that party. And who I date is not for you to worry about. And just so you know she is awesome in bed! Anything else on your mind?" "Yes. I want to fuck you again!" "What?" "I mean it. I'm not asking to get you back or anything or even to date. I just want to fuck again." "You have a new guy. Fuck him." "Jake is great but he doesn't compare to you in bed and I need a good fucking. Please." "I`lol think about. I'll call you with answer. Don't call me again until I call you. If you do the answer is no." I hung up. What the fuck? She was nothing but a bitch for the last two years and now this. I didn't trust that at all.

Shortly after I hung up I received a picture message from Kallie. She was naked bent over with 2 fingers stuck in her ass. I had to admit to myself she was still looking good. Maybe squeezing into her tight ass might be worth it one more time.

I killed sometime with a workout and then lunch. I tried to decide if I would pack it up and head back home or find another hook up. I decided I'd run some errands while in the city and see how I felt later. I got a call from Jenny while I was out. She couldn't stop talking about how hot the videos had been and how much she enjoyed watching me cum. After talking with her a while I was looking forward to meeting up with the tranny she found. I was good and worked up so I decided I was on the hunt again. I went back to the room and changed into a pair of jeans and a tight polo shirt. Not to brag but I have a pretty well defined biceps and I liked how a tight polo showed that off. Plus the baby blue color really makes my eyes pop as I've been told by several people. At 7 I headed to one of the bars that Morgan had recommended. Scanning the room when I walked in I realized I might be a bit too early for my type. Most of the guys here were thirty to fifty.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 7

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