How David Became a Slave

By Peter Fahey

Published on Apr 13, 2005


Disclaimer: If your under 18 or are bothered by S&M, Bondage,and kinky sex in general, leave now. If your not read ahead and e-mail me at Also remember to use condoms and always be safe when praciticing BDSM.

Chapter 3:

While David was getting the shock treatment, I was upstairs in the apartment. I happen to own the building my shop is in and spent a lot of time renovating it. The top floor is two apartments, mine being the bigger one and the other one is rented out (currently I have Polish immigants living in it, a husband and wife). The bottom floor is my shop and the basement is my dungeon, a workshop for building various projects and a makeshift gym.

Its a very nice place to live, of course it was a bit lonely. The last slave I owned had been killed in an unfortunate accident and I hadn't have anyone live with me since. I have a lot of good friends within the BDSM community, they practicaly had to restrain me in my own dungeon after my last slave passed, as I was ready to take my own life at that point. I learned to live without him, somehow.

Since his passing, I had tried to aquire another slave, but it never worked out, even when I was in bed with another person I still felt lonely. At least until David came along.

By that point I really was starting to feel something for him, he really would turn out to be a good slave, a little masochist who needs pain like he needs water or sleep. I figured he wasn't getting much of that in his life and I wanted to provide it.

After microwaving some leftovers and checking my e-mails, I went back downstairs. David was still there, his body getting electric shocks for the previous half hour. He groaned a bit and I could tell he was ready to shoot his load.

"Turned on, boy" I called out, out of his sight.

"Yes Sir" his eyes darted around frantically, I came into his view and as I did the unit switched off,

"Lets get you out of this" I removed the electrodes, sound, and plug and unstrapped him from the table. I helped him down and held his hand while he took a couple of steps. He fell to his knees and knelt before me. His young rubber clad body at my feet, at my disposal.

"Good boy" I said with a pat on Davids head and dinner was served, some leftover chicken salad. I placed a steel bowl of it in from of him and he looked at me obviously puzzled.

" In this house, slaves eat on the floor" I told him and he got down on his hands and knees and began to eat, it was strangely erotic, watching the boy eat like some common mutt.

After our meal I stripped the rubber off of him. His naked body glissened from the sweat held inside the suit, I led him over to a bench. Its about 2 feet off the ground and is padded. It has straps on it on the legs to tie down someones arms and legs and different places to put straps. I led David over to it and bent him over the bench and strapped his arms and legs to the legs of the bench, his young boyhole puckered and ready for me to use.

"I'm going to take you boy, right here, your little cunt is MINE!" I brought out a ball gag, bright red and attached to a head harness. "Open up, boy", i said as I stood before him, he opened his mouth and I inserted it and buckled the straps behind his head, pulling the gag tighter into his mouth

I looked over David, strapped down and helpless, knowing that he couldn't get away, even if he wanted to. I took a bottle of lube and squirted some in his hole and got out what I would need, , some rubber gloves and a box of condoms. I put on some rubber gloves and poked a finger in Davids hole, he groaned and I pushed harder, finding his prostate, that wonderful bundle of nerves inside his hole that can make a boy crazy if you use it the right way. I inserted a second finger and continued, milking his prostate until he was about to shoot. I reached under the bench and fondled and stroked him, until he was about to come, then I stopped.

"MMMMPPPHHHHHH" was all I could hear out of Davids mouth, he wanted to come.

"Not yet boy", I took out my fingers and took off the glove. Then I went over to the wall and came out with the strap, it's about a foot long and 6 inches wide and is made of leather and attached to a handle. I dangled it in front of Davids face, "So, you say your a masochist, well i'm going to see how much of the strap you can take". David's face had a look of fear and trepidation and as I took my place behind him he moaned somewhat, his cock was dripping pre-cum onto my floor and I took the first swat at his ass.

"THWAP" the sound of the strap hitting his ass was music to my ears, my own cock was now straining inside my leather jeans. David thrashed a bit as the strap landed on his bare ass, again and again it struck him,turning his ass a nice cherry red. David's grunts and groans were audible through the gag as he recieved his beating. Finally after 50 strokes I stopped.

"You liked that, didn't you boy" I said as I came over to David and looked him over, he nodded and let out some unintelligable groans. "Do you want my cock inside your boy cunt?" again he nodded.

I undid my jeans and let them fall to the floor and stripped off my clothes. My cock sprung forward, all 9 inches of it, and all 9 inches were going to go into David's boy cunt. After rolling on a condom and lubing my cock up, I pressed my cock against David's hole, and slid into him easily. The full length of it pushed its way to his prostate. I rested in there for a moment, his hole gripped my cock and I began pumping myself inside him, riding his hole and fucking him senseless, he moaned and squeezed his ass muscles and I knew he was enjoying it. Finally I began to cum and I held onto him tight as I came.

"God that was good" I said as I slid out of him, I looked at him, he had a contented look on his face, the face of an angel, an angel slave anyway........

To Be Continued

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