How Bad Do I Need This Job


Published on Apr 14, 2020


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How Bad do I need this job - chapter 2

As I unlatched the door to the cabin and opened it, I could see my Boss standing in front of me as my eyes adjusted to the light. He reattached the lead to my dog collar which is the only thing I was wearing and dragged me out. We went back upstairs to the main bar where he sat at the bar and ordered me to sit on the floor. "You need a drink boy?" he asked me. "Yes please Boss" I replied. He got me a bottle of water and asked the barman something in Spanish. I understood a little Spanish but didn't quite catch what he said. The barman went to the back of the bar and reappeared with a dog bowl, which my Boss placed on the floor in front of me and poured the bottle of water into. It splashed around and most of it missed the bowl. "Drink boy." Grateful for something to drink I bent down and started lapping at the water in the bowl whilst Boss went back to chatting to the barman in Spanish and ignoring me.

I couldn't tell exactly what time it was but I could tell it was getting late as the club was emptying out. When he finished his beer, Boss grabbed the lead and pulled me towards the exit. I nearly lost my balance, but quickly got to my feet so as not to fall over. I was still naked and bare foot, and whilst my erection had dissipated somewhat, I was still chubbed up - I was now convinced that my drinks in the bar earlier had been spiked with viagra. As we left the club Boss said goodbye to the doorman I had sucked off to pay for my entry fee and dragged me back into the main square. There were still a number of people mulling around, coming out of the clubs and late bars, mostly drunk, and I got a lot of jeers and wolf whistles. Boss bumped into to someone he knew and we just stopped outside a Burger King restaurant which was just closing up with various revellers getting a late night snack. They chatted away and completely ignored me whilst the patrons at the restaurant were looking at me, commenting and some were taking pictures. I felt completely humiliated, but I just stood there looking down at my bare feet not really knowing what to do with myself. A couple of guys coming out of Burger King saw me and one of them shrieked. "Jeff, get a photo of me with the slut." He came up to me wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with some random new-age message on it, put his arm around me whilst his friend started taking photos on his phone. I could tell he was enjoying himself and his friend kept shouting encouragement and suggesting new poses to take more photos. His arm moved from around my shoulder to my bum and he kept grabbing and slapping my arse cheeks. Feeling bolder he wet his index finger and moved it down to start playing with my sphincter. As he did so and his friend continued taking photos my cock started to tingle and grow. "Look," shouted the guy taking the photos, "the slut loves it." At which point the finger on my sphincter pushed inside of me. I couldn't help myself, I let out a deep guttural moan of pleasure. I was now tenting full mast for all to see. At this point Boss turned to my tormentor and said "are you quite finished?" to which my tormentor sheepishly apologised and pulled his finger from my bum. Boss then started walking again back towards the bar. I turned to see my tormentor bring his index finger to his nose and take a deep inhale before letting out a satisfying "Ahhhhhh", high on the pleasure of the smell of my arse juices.

As we got back to the now closed bar where I worked Boss turned to me and said "don't be late for work tomorrow", before unhooking the lead from my collar, unlocking the door to the bar, going in and slamming it behind him. There I was, left naked, bare foot, erect and still covered in cum and stinking of piss from the club, in the middle of the Yumbo Centre. I didn't know what to do. It was late, but there were still people around, and my flat was a 10 minute walk away across busy streets. From the way Boss had slammed the door I doubted I was going to get my clothes back. The biggest problem is that I didn't have my keys. I just hoped my flatmate was home. I realised the only way I was going to get home was to walk, and the longer I left it, the more risk there would be and the longer I would be exposed, besides it wouldn't be long until the sun was up again. So I made my way home, trying to stick to the side streets and darker areas away from the street lights. I was doing quite well and had nearly made it home only being seen by a few people when I got to the street on which I lived. As I turned to walk to my flat a taxi came down the street. I was caught in the full beam of its headlights. As it got closer it slowed down and eventually pulled up beside me and stopped. I just froze. The passenger window nearest to the street where I was cowling slowly wound down and the male taxi driver shouted at me. "Hi slut... Had a good night?". "Yes thank you Sir," I replied, not really knowing what the etiquette for being caught naked and collared, bare foot and hard in the street in the wee small hours of the night was. "You know public nudity in Spain isn't a crime..." he said to me, "Oh," I replied, not really having considered the legal implications of what had happened, "Unless you're touting for sex, and a naked collared slut showing off a big erection would seem to suggest someone who is touting for sex...," he said. I just froze, not sure what to say. "I wonder what the police would say." "No," I begged, "please don't call the police, I'll do anything." I was getting a bit scared now, I really didn't want to be in trouble with the police. "Ok, here's what we can do, If I drive you home, you're technically not in public anymore, so you won't be breaking the law." I couldn't argue with his logic. "Oh, thank you," I said. "Of course, I'm assuming you don't have any money to cover the fare, but I'm sure we can come to some arrangement." "Yes," I replied, "anything." "Ok, get in." I got in the front seat and we drove off down the street.

"Err we just passed my flat," I said and we motored down the road. "Don't worry, there's plenty of time to get you home." We drove for about 15 minutes, out of the main town and along the coast. We pulled up outside a small parking area which had a few cars already parked up. We appeared to be in the middle of nowhere. This was an undeveloped part of the coastline, a rarity in Spain, but you could still make out the town lights flickering behind us. "Get out," the taxi driver said to me. As we got out, I got a proper look at him for the first time. About 6' tall, with short dark hair, olive skin, and a 5 O'Clock shadow. He was very traditionally Spanish looking but spoke reasonable English. "Follow me," he said as we set off into the bushes. He was wearing jeans and light grey shirt. I was reminded of my own nudity. There were rocks around and I had to be careful where I stood given I had no shoes to protect my feet. As we walking further away from the car and into the bushes, I could make out other figures, primarily from the red glow of the odd cigarette. We passed by one couple fucking, and another with a guy on his knees sucking off a guy. This was clearly a cruising ground. We came to a clearing and the taxi driver turned to me and said "on your knees boy," to which I instantly complied. He undid his fly and pulled out what I can only describe as a monster of a cock. He flopped it in front of my face. It was fully erect but was so thick, with a big head and a foreskin which just seemed to frame the head. From what I could see the shaft was veiny as well as thick, and he had a big bush of pubic hair, although his balls were smooth. I licked my lips and without any encouragement happily went down on this snake monster staring as me. He let out a moan and I took him right to the shaft. I could feel his cock engorging to its full extent inside my mouth. I could smell pure man scent as my nose was buried in his pubes. I held there for a few seconds, unable to breath due to the monster blocking my throat, before pulling back, taking a huge breath and gouging straight back down all the way. He let out a guttural moan, he was clearly enjoying what I was doing and I felt a sense of pride that I was able to bring this complete stranger to a sense of ecstasy.

This continued for a few minutes before he looked down at me and said "time to get fucked slut." He pulled me up off my knees and pushed me over to a large rock where he pushed me down so my arse was sticking out at him, with my hands on the rock to support myself. We'd attracted a small crowd of guys by this time and as he spat on his hand and brought it to my arse to lube me up, I looked up into the eyes of two guys standing in front of me. One of them had his cock out of his fly and was masturbating, the other just stood watching. Both had their eyes intently upon me and what was about to happen. As I felt his bulbous cock head teasing my sphincter and slowing pushing inside me I locked eyes with the guy who wasn't masturbating who stared intently at me. I let out a long moan as I felt the cock invading my insides until he was balls deeps inside and picked up a rhythm of using me for his pleasure, all the time not breaking eye contact with my voyeur. I was relaxing into the invasion of my arse by the taxi driver but it was the eye contact with the anonymous stranger which was really turning me on. Whilst the other guy was furiously jerking his cock, this voyeur made no attempt to move, speak or do anything other than intently stare right into my eyes. It was almost hypnotic. I felt this bizarre feeling of wanting to please him, either though we'd never spoken. The other guy watching the show started walking towards me still furious jacking his cock. He got right up close so he was jerking right into my face. I knew what was coming. He started grunted, grabbed my head and turned my face towards his and started cumming in huge streams across my face. I counted at least 8 explosions, the first few of which shot right over my head and onto my back. All the time I maintained eye contact with my voyeur.

The sight of this guy coming all over my face was enough to push the taxi driver over the edge and I could feel his cock convulse inside me and start exploding, shooting cum deep inside me. He was moaning and frantically thrashing around as he spent his load inside me. My cock was throbbing hard but I hadn't touched it. As the taxi driver collapsed on top of me, still with his cock inside me, and caught his breath, my voyeur started walking away. I wanted to go after him but was still at the mercy of my taxi driver. As I felt his cock shrink to it§s still pretty impressive flaccid size inside me, he pulled out of me. I could feel some cum dribble down the back of my leg. "Come on slut," he said, "let's get you home". My voyeurs had dispersed so I followed the taxi driver back to the car. The sunrise was just beginning to peak over the horizon and there was a twilight illumination to the sky as the day was about to begin. It had been quite a night. True to his word, my taxi driver drove me home and dropped me off outside my flat. I was still bare foot and naked, now finally flaccid, and left on the street for anyone to see as the taxi driver drove off into the sunrise. I just hoped my flatmate was home.

My flatmate, Sergei, I had met when I answered an add to rent a room when I'd first arrived in Gran Canaria. He was a Russian guy, 32, originally from St. Petersburg but now splitting his time between Berlin and Gran Canaria, escaping the European winter on these African islands. He said anyone would understanding after growing up through Russian winters. Sergei was lucky enough to be a trust-fund kid. His father had made a lot of money in media in Russia so Sergei didn't have to work, although he always seemed to be doing business on his laptop. He was a bit of a Russian adonis; 6'2" tall like me, but with blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He spoke English with an accent, but it was kind of cute the way he did. He also spoke fluent German. As I rang the buzzer for our flat I crossed my fingers he'd be there. No answer. Damn. I tried again, eventually a groggy Russian accent announced "Yes...?". "Sergei, it's me," I said, "I've lost my keys, can you let me up please." There was no answer, but after a few seconds the door buzzed and I made my up to our 2nd floor flat. The door was on the latch and as I cagely made my way into the flat I could see Sergei's perfect buns in a pair of pale blue boxer briefs through in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of water. As he turned and saw me standing there, naked, still wearing a collar, all he could seem to manage was a "what the fuck...?" Sergei and I had been flatmates for about a month or so. I wouldn't describe us as best mates, it was just an arrangement. Occasionally we'd hang out, go to the beach or grab a drink together, but we mostly lead different lives. We were both gay, and I'd often fantasied about him but you know the saying `you don't shit on your own doorstep'. Besides, Sergei seemed to have a stream of various Grindr hookups visiting the flat to satiate his voracious sexual appetite. I have to admit to happily doing the laundry to have an excuse to handle (read sniff) his underwear. He wore jocks in the gym so there was alway a sweaty jock lying about the floor which I helpfully would pick up and sort out for him.

"What have you been up to...?" Sergei asked me. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." I replied, reaching for the collar to finally take it off. "No, leave it" Sergei said to me. I didn't think much to it. We sat down on the sofa as I explained the evening's events. As I was talking, I could see Sergei boning up in his boxer briefs and he visibly and intently readjusted himself a few times whilst I was explaining. "Oh my god, all that happened to you tonight...?", "Yes", I replied. "And how do you feel about it...?" It was a simple question, but I hadn't really thought about it. It felt like most of the night had just happened to me, like I was a passive participant going along for the ride. I certainly hadn't planned it. "It looks like you enjoyed it," Sergei said to me, pointing to my engorged dick. I'd been so engrossed in telling the story I didn't realise I was rock hard again. Maybe it was the proximity to this hot Russian guy who was staring so intently as me with those azure blue eyes. "Yeah, looks like I did!" I replied. Maybe I had enjoyed it. I'd been hard most of the night. Even with the effects of any viagra having worn off by now I was still erect. What was happening to me. "I'm going to grab a shower," I said to Sergei. "Ok," he said, "but keep the collar on. It suits you."

I went into the bathroom to turn the water on to run. As I stood there waiting for it to run warm I saw myself in the mirror for the first time. My hair was a mess and I still had dried cum on my face and back. I stunk too. It was the pungent smell of piss, a bit like in a urinal that hasn't been cleaned for a while. As the steam from the shower started to rise, I started to rub my nipple. My nipples have always been sensitive, hot-wired straight to my dick, as one guy had described it. I started to rub my cock with my other hand and was soon erect again. I closed my eyes and recounted the events of the night. How I'd been naked in the island's busy main public square, how strangers had fucked me and pissed on me, how I'd paid to get into a club by giving a doorman a blowjob in public, how I'd had a ride around the island naked in a taxi and how intense the feeling was of being watched by a voyeuristic stranger was whilst that taxi driver fucked me, naked and bare-foot out in the open. Suddenly the door opened and Sergei walked in and saw me masturbating. "You really are a slut aren't you..." I quickly stopped and turned off the water. "Good, you haven't showered yet," he said to me, "Why don't you stay like that, you can always grab a shower tomorrow." I had to admit there was something quite sexy about the smell of piss in my hair, and for some reason I was happy to acquiesce.

"Come on, let's get some sleep. We can explore your slutty side some more in the morning." Sergei said to me. "Oh, and for now, I think you should leave your bedroom door open so I can keep an eye on you." I thought this a little strange, but given the evening's events and what I had told him, it was a bit late to be shy and questioning now. The air-conditioning in the flat was on the blink and it was a warm night. Even with the window open I couldn't sleep with sheets, so I just went to sleep on the bed, with nothing covering me. Sergei would easily be able to see me from the rest of the flat as my bed lined up with the door. Despite the strange feeling of still having the collar on, it was so late, and I was so exhausted I soon dropped off.

When I woke it, it was already gone midday. I could hear Sergei in the kitchen. I gingerly walked out in the main room. Our flat had the living area, kitchen and dining area all in the one space. Our bedrooms were off this main room. Sergei had an en-suite room, this being his flat, whereas I used a bathroom across from the kitchen so had to walk across the large room to use it. As I passed through to take my morning leak I saw Sergei in the kitchen making some eggs. "Hungry?" He asked. "Yes," I replied, "I'll just take a piss." As I went to the bathroom I noticed the door had been removed. Funny, I thought. I took a piss and came back into the main room as Sergei was serving some scrambled eggs for us on the table. He was wearing some loose baggy board shorts and a singlet, normal attire for him. I was still collared and naked. "Sit down," he said. "I'll just grab some shorts" I replied. "No need, I mean it's a bit late to be shy now don't you think?" I guess he was right, and sat down and poured myself a glass of orange juice. Sergei makes a great breakfast and as we ate he wanted to talk some more about the events of last night. He seemed fascinated by the whole experience. I had told him I'd been working in the bar in ever decreasing amounts of clothing, and about the lap dances, he'd even been down for a drink with some friends a few times.

I was beginning to learn a lot about Sergei too. He said it was cool for me to be naked in the flat. I wasn't so sure if it was an open offer or an open encouragement, but I took him at his word. As I was clearing away the breakfast things the buzzer rang for the door. Sergei answered, and all I caught was a "yeah, come up." I asked him who it was. "The air-con guy," Sergei replied. "Right, I'll just grab some clothes," I said. "No," Sergei said, quite calmly, "this is your flat as much as mine, and if you want to be naked here, you should. You shouldn't have to feel self-conscious in your own home now, should you." He was so calm the way he explained it, and it kind of made sense, I mean, this is my home isn't it. There was a knock as the door. "Get that for me please," Sergei said. I opened the door and in front of me was a youngish guy, about 30, probably 5'9" tall, short dark hair, typically Spanish looking. He wore a pair of dark blue overalls which were like dungarees at the top, with only one belt over the shoulder fastened, and the other hanging loose, under which he wore a white t-shirt. He was carrying a box of tools with him. He was quite taken aback. As he pulled himself together he said "I'm here for the air-con." "Yes, yes," I said, "come in." I opened the door fully and he came in. Sergei took over and explained to him in Spanish what the issue was and where the air-conditioning units were, and I went back to clearing the breakfast things away.

Whilst the tradesman was busy fixing whatever the problem was with the air-conditioning unit, Sergei invited me to sit on the sofa with him so we could chat some more. He asked me how I liked working in the bar being so scantily-clad compared to the customers and the other staff members. I told him I increasingly like it. He wanted to understand more and kept pushing me. He would ask me questions very loudly and purposefully say things like "So do you enjoy feeling like a slut?" As we talked he make a sign for me to come closer and sit on the floor between his legs. As I sat down, we continued talking and he slowly began to stroke my nipples, sometimes one at a time, sometimes both together. This was beginning to drive me wild. I would answer all his questions as truthfully as I could. The repairman kept looking over at me but never stopped doing whatever it was he was doing. Sergei continued his questioning and his teasing of my nipples. I was getting hard and feeling very horny. I began to play with myself as Sergei explored my sexual fantasies. This continued for about 10 minutes until the repairman stopped what he was doing and came over to us. Sergei continued to tease my nipples, and I continued to jerk off as I was so horny given all the things we'd be taking about, my nipples being so sensitive and this clothed stranger in the flat. They ignored me and chatted in Spanish about something. I was so fucking horny by this point, I was ready to blow a load. In this otherwise perfectly banal situation, two clothed guys were discussing a broken down aircon unit. Only, there I was, being teased and turned on and driven wild, naked, other than a collar, still stinking of other mens' piss, furiously wanking myself stupid and on the edge of cumming. Somehow the fact that this was going on and I was being ignored made it even hotter for me.

After a few minutes of interaction, Sergei stopped playing with my nipples and said to me "can you show Jorge where the main aircon override is." Well the main aircon override was on the ground floor, but crucially on outside the building. "What, like this?" I replied in surprise. I was naked, collared, and had a raging hard-on. "Well only if you want to, you don't have to," Sergei replied to me, "I wouldn't make you do anything you didn't want to do." I was so turned on, I was so close to cumming. There was something about the way Sergei `asked' me to do it. It wasn't an order, I didn't have to do it, but he wanted me to do it, and I wanted to do it for him. So I got up and said to Jorge to follow me. I took him downstairs to the main aircon override which was on the side of the building. We had to go out of the main door, but not onto the street. There was a low hedge along the property so I had some limited cover, but could still be seen by anyone passing by. I made it to the side of the building and showed Jorge to the aircon override. He opened the unit whilst I stood and watched. He fiddled around for a while then declared he needed something from his van. "Follow me," he said to me.

This was a little awkward now. It was one thing to pop out to the side of the building, but his van was presumably on the road. As he wandered off back towards the front of the building it just felt right to follow him. We went out of the gate and onto the main road. There were a few vehicles around, and it was a hot day, but I was naked on the street, and still wearing a collar. His van was parked a little down the road. He opened up the back door and starting moving things around. I just hung around sheepishly. He passed me some pipe looking implement and told me to hold it. It was quite heavy, so I needed both arms to hold it. I was now naked on the street with no way to cover myself. At that point his mobile phone rang and he stopped what he was doing to answer it. As he was busily chatting away in Spanish, a bus was coming towards us. There was a bus stop across the road and I could see the bus slowing. Oh no, I thought. And yes, it pulled up to let someone off. As the bus pulled away, two older guys had got off and were crossing to the side of the road where the van was parked. They saw me and starting poking each other and pointing. I think I went bright red but unable to cover myself I just stood there. As they came past one of them slapped me on the bum and laughed. Traffic continued to pass as the repairman chatted on the phone. I would get a few honks on the horns of the passing cars.

After what seems like an age, the repairman finished his phone conversation and resuming fiddling around in the back of his van. He turned to me and took the piping back and replaced it in the van. He turned to me and said "I don't have what I need. Tell Sergei I'll order the part and call him when he arrives." With that he closed the doors at the back of the van, got in the front and drove off. For the second time in 24 hours I found myself naked on the street with no keys. I quickly went back into the apartment complex and buzzed Sergei who let me back up. Back in the flat I relayed the information to Sergei whose response was "Oh well. Wanna hit the beach?" "Sure," I replied, "I'll just get dressed and grab my speedos." "We're going to the gay beach aren't we?" Sergei said. "Yeah, I presume so," I replied. "Then, you're dressed perfectly surely? I like you in that outfit". The gay beach in Gran Canaria doubled as a nude beach, and a lot of guys would be naked there, although I ordinarily wore my speedo. "I at least need to get dressed to go there," I said to Sergei. "Oh don't worry, we can go in the car, you'll be fine". There was some kind of logic to this. If I was going to be naked on the beach, and we parked at the beach, it wouldn't really make much difference if I was naked in the car on the way there. The idea also kind of appealed to me, I'm not sure why.

Sergei grabbed a bag of stuff and some towels and we made our way down to his car. He was parked out on the street so again I had to go naked onto the street to get to the car. As we got to the car Sergei said "oh, I forgot water, wait here and I'll go grab some." And with that turned on his heels and headed back into the flat leaving me standing naked on the street next to the car waiting for Sergei to return. This was beginning to become somewhat of a habit. It was mid-afternoon by this point and people were milling about and cars were driving up and down the road. Sergei's car gave me some protection, but I could see people on the footpath approaching me. I turned to the car to give myself some protection, but a group of young guys walked right past me and pointed, laughed and made lewd comments. I went beet red but didn't think to actually cover my junk which for some reason was now engorging. I seemed to be reacting to the humiliation of being naked in the street with fully dressed men making lewd suggestions and pointing at me.

As my mind was racing away on a fairytale of what these guys might do to me Sergei came back and we hopped in the car. The beach was only a short drive away. We headed to the lighthouse from where you can walk along the sea to the gay beach. Gran Canaria at its southern tip has a series of sand dunes formed from sand drifting over from the Sahara desert in the wind and getting caught on the rocks. It's really quite beautiful. The beaches form the point where these sand dunes meet the sea, and there's a long walk around from the lighthouse back to the town which is where most tourists head. About half way along is the gay beach which can also be accessed by a long walk through the dunes from the town.

As we approached the parking area, I could see it was a busy day, and there were already a lot of cars parked up and tourists mulling around near some tourist shops and the odd bar. The only spot we could find was right across the way furthest from the entrance to the beach. I was a bit nervous. This would mean I'd have to walk all the way across the entire car park and past the tourist shops and bars before we got to the beach. "Could I have a towel please," I asked Sergei, "just until we get to the beach." "Sure," he replied, "if that's what you want. But you have such a great body, it would be such a shame to hide it away. You should be proud of it, I know I am." I felt a rush of gratification. Sergei was a hot guy and here he was telling me how hot I was. "Wouldn't you like me to show you off and show everyone how proud I am of you? It's so common for people to be naked at the beach, I doubt anyone would really even notice." He had a point, it did seem a bit silly for the sake of a few metres between where the car was parked and the beach, which would all be the same people, to be shy now. I mean, this was Gran Canaria after all.

"Ok," I said, "sorry for being silly." "It's ok," replied Sergei, "I wouldn't want to make you do anything you wouldn't want to do. You do want to do this don't you... for me?" His voice was so soft and sympathetic, not in the slightest bit demanding. I did want to do this, and I wanted to do it for Sergei. So we got out of the car and Sergei locked it. He grabbed the bag from the boot and we set off. I was naked apart from the collar, and with a still pungent smell of piss in my hair from last night's antics. Sergei was wearing his baggy board shorts and singlet, with a pair of flip flops. I was still bare foot. The tarmac of the car park was hot underfoot. It's amazing how being bare foot really emphasises your nakedness, every step is a reminder that you're naked.

We passed through the carpark uneventfully but as we came to the entrance to the beach it narrows into a little alleyway with shops and stalls each side, the odd cafe and bar. There's really nowhere to hide. Sergei strolled on purposefully ahead, and I just passively followed behind, trying not to make eye contact with anyone in this busy area. A lot of people would stop what they were doing and stare and me. A few people were taking photos. My heart was beating twice as fast as normal. This was quite a rush. I was the only person naked in this busy area. I took no effort to hide myself, I just followed on behind Sergei and we were soon through to the sand of the beach. My heart still pounding we walked along the shore to the gay beach. "Did you enjoy that?" Sergei asked me. "In a way, I kind of did," I replied. "I can tell", he said as he motioned towards my crotch. Without realising I had sported a huge erection, I was at full mast with my dick pointing to the sky and bobbing around with each step I took. Why was this happening to me? People were now fewer and further between as we were on the open expanse of the sand. There was even the odd other naked person.

We walked for about 15 minutes before arriving at the gay part of the beach. There were rows of loungers set out, but Sergei and I had always preferred just to set out our towels on the sand between the loungers and the sea, just before the sand dipped down to the shore. Because of this dip, when you were lying here you couldn't see (or be seen by) the people walking along the beach in either direction. At one end of the loungers was a kiosk selling various cold drinks and snacks, sporting a rainbow flag on top to let you know you were at the gay beach. Behind the loungers was a dune where a lot of people would go to piss, beyond that the long path back to the town. The dunes were an area notoriously known for cruising and in between the contours of the dunes and the few bushy scrub plants there, men would cruise for sex and voyeurs would enjoy the show.

We sat down on our towels and Sergei kicked off his flip flops but kept his shorts and singlet on. As we looked around I noticed that most people were wearing shorts that day. People would often be naked at the beach, but for some reason today I seemed to be the only one. The beach was quite busy though, most of the loungers were full. Sergei asked me if I would like him to put sun screen on me. "Thanks," I said. He had me stand up whilst he coated me in the sun screen. The feeling of him rubbing it into my skin was nice, almost like a massage. He did my shoulders, arms and back, before starting on my chest. He took his time rubbing the lotion into my chest. He kept rubbing across my nipples which was turning me on. I began to sprout another erection. He moved down to my legs. As he rubbed into my thighs he'd reach right up and brush my balls. Needless to say this was not helping my erection go down. He moved onto my arse and spent a lot of time rubbing my arse cheeks to make sure he got it all rubbed in. He would slowly tease my hole, saying he wanted to make sure everything was covered. People were staring now. I was stood, naked, in the middle of all the people on their towels enjoying the sun, in full view of everyone in the rows of loungers behind me. He finished my bum and moved on to my cock. He took very diligent care rubbing lotion into my cock and balls. He kept turning me around make sure he covered everywhere. Whether planned or not, this was having the effect that everyone on the beach was able to see my hard cock, wherever they were. I was perhaps enjoying myself a little too much when Sergei finally decided I was done, and I got to lye down on the towel.

Sergei went off for a swim in his swimsuit, and I just dozed in the sun. After his swim, he dried himself off and put his shorts and singlet back on. As we settled down to enjoy the warm sunshine Sergei leaned over to me and started slowly brushing my right nipple with his index finger. I let out a soft moan. This was turning me on and my cock was soon engorged. I looked around and a few people were looking over as us. I just lied back and enjoyed the feeling. It was beginning to drive me wild, and despite the people watching I couldn't help but reach down and start playing with my cock. At first I was justing slowing rubbing my cock and balls, but as Sergei continued to tease me I couldn't help but full on jerk myself off. I lifted my head and we'd drawn quite an audience. People were looking at me from all directions, next to us on their towels, in front of us, and behind us on the loungers. I could see some people rubbing themselves through their shorts. I think the intensity of eyes staring at me at me was turning me on even more than the sensual teasing of my nipple which Sergei was subjecting me to. I began to moan and pant uncontrollably. I was getting very close to cumming. Just as I was about to go over the edge Sergei suddenly stopped and pulled my hand away from cock. My cock convulsed of its own accord but I didn't cum. "Go get me a beer," he said, passing me a 10 Euro note. I was in the throws of ecstasy, an audience staring at me intently with a hundred pairs of eyes. I felt so horny and so slutty. I would do anything he wanted at this point.

I got up and walked along the front row of loungers, my hard cock bobbing around in front of me. I reached the kiosk and there was a small queue of people in front of me. There was also a small crowd of people around the kiosk enjoying drinks they'd bought and chatting. Everyone stopped and looked at me; naked and hard, queuing for a drink. People slowly went back to their conversations but I could feel their eyes on me still. When I got to next in line in the queue behind this guy who didn't speak great English I was looking at the fridge wondering which beer to get for Sergei when I felt someone behind me press up close to me. I could feel the material of his t-shirt and shorts against my naked back and bum. I just froze. Next I felt his hand on my bum, slowing rubbing around the globe of my right bum cheek. He moved his hand down between my crack and slowing started rubbing my hole. I don't know why but I arched my back and pushed back a little. This was not helping my cock to go down, in fact it got harder. The guy in front of me finished paying and I stepped forward for my turn, breaking contact with the stranger behind me. I stepped forward and ordered a local beer which I new Sergei liked. The stranger behind me also stepped forward and recommenced the teasing of my hole. I again arched my back as I passed the 10 Euro note to the guy serving me. I could feel the finger on my hole now was wet and as I pushed back the finger slipped inside me and I let out a small groan.

"Sorry amigo, I just need to get some change," the guy serving me said. With that he popped out of the back of the kiosk. As he did I felt the finger inside me push right the way in and start to finger fuck me. I rolled my head but didn't turn back. He pulled out and I could feel two fingers being inserted into me. No one else could really see what was going on. My back was covered by the proximity of this guy to me, and my front was partially covered by the kiosk. You could only really see if you were side on to me. Of course a few people at one of the tables could see me as they were perfectly placed, and I could hear them nudging and giggling to each other. My tormenter continue the double finger fuck rape of my hole and slipped his other hand around the front and began to jerk my cock. My arms were up on the high counter so this stranger had complete and unfettered access to violate my body. I turned to the right and could see the guys drinking beer at the table all watching me. I made eye contact with one of them and I could see him mouthing the word `slut' at me. I was getting seriously turned on by this involuntary invasion of my hole, the relentless stroking of my cock and my unwitting audience when the Spanish guy came back in with my change. I looked at him, making eye contact, but my eyes were full of slutty lust from the whore I was being made of. He looked at me in disgust whilst handing me my change. "Dos cervezas por favor", I heard from the guy violating me. The guy serving went to the fridge to get the beers. They were continuing on as is I wasn't there. I was now moaning like a bitch on heat and rolling my head around. Other patrons were beginning to notice. I was so close to coming. "8 Euro", the server said, as he did my violation stopped as the guy raping me from behind reached into his pocket to get some money. As he did I hung my head on the counter and let out a pathetic moan of sexual frustration, more a wimper, really. As I recovered my composure I picked up Sergei's beer and turned around. My tormentor was already gone. I had no idea who it had been. I walked passed the table with the guys drinking their beers who'd been watching me and they variously slapped my arse or grabbed my still erect cock. One even tweaked my nipple, along with a chorus of "great show slut", and "hmmm, wouldn't mind a piece of that..." Still rock hard, I made my way back to our towels. Sergei asked me what took me so long and I told him. "You really are a slut, aren't you," he said to me. I found it hard to refute him.

My cock finally returned to its flaccid state. I had to admit it was kind of fun being the only one naked, out here in public where everyone could see me. At one point I fell asleep and when I woke up lying on my back I was fully hard again, not sure what I'd been dreaming about. It was getting late and the beach was beginning to thin out. Sergei had disappeared into the dunes for some crusing action. He usually did when we were at the beach. He had a very high sex drive and always proved very popular, his 6'2" frame, blond hair, blue eyes and sharp slavic good looks proving a cock magnet, especially to the locals. There was a guy just in front of me on his own sat on a green towel who kept looking over his book at me. I could tell he was looking at me and not really reading his book. I eventually waved and he came over. "I saw your little show at the kiosk," he said, "very hot". "I'm glad you liked it," I replied. We chatted some more and I found out he was from New York, but in Europe on business. He'd just added a few days on to pop down to Gran Canaria. He was wearing a white t-shirt and had long loose shorts on like American's like to wear.

As we were chatting he put his hand on my thigh. I didn't make any move to stop him, and he just rested it there. As we chatted some more he started stroking my leg, just a little to start with, but as he got bolder he was brushing up against my balls. My cock inevitably started to react. All the time we continued to chat about shit - travel, work, life, all very nonchalantly. He got bold still and started to cup and play with my balls. I leaned back on my elbows and spread my legs to give him better access. We continued to chat and he was looking at me intently. Normally sustained eye contact can be quite intimidating, but in this case I found it arousing. I could see out of the corner of my eye that people were watching us. Men who had packed up to leave the beach stopped to watch the show. He started to jerk me off and I was enjoying it. Unlike my own technique, his strokes were slow and sensual, reaching all the way up and down my cock, but without ceasing, slow and teasing. Whilst he kept his eyes firmly on me I looked up at all the guys watching us. There must have been 30 - 40 guys watching us from the loungers, towels near by and people stood up who'd stopped to watch. Their gaze on me was intensely erotic. I moaned and leaned right back flat on my back to give everyone a better view. As he slowly continued his stimulation of my cock I began to moan and writhe around, rubbing my hands across my chest and stomach and slowing rubbing my nipples. I kept my eyes open and I could see all the guys enjoying the show.

At this point, the conversation turned very different. It became one way, with my American loudly calling me a slut, a whore and telling me how filthy I was because I was getting off on all these strangers watching me being jerked off in public. How I was naked for everyone's enjoyment and everyone else was fully clothed. Just a collared naked slut-boy for men to use and abuse for their pleasure. How I should always be kept naked and collared for mens enjoyment, and to show how much of a slut I was. This verbal onslaught was too much and drove me over the edge. I erupted in huge fountains of cum, shooting way over my head, then on my face and chest. I was writhing around and moaning so loudly. As I started catching my breath there was a huge cheer and round of applause. I looked around. Everyone was still looking at me and smiling. Guys began to file past me shouting "slut", "whore" or something equally demeaning.

At that point Sergei came back. I introduced him to my New Yorker, John, and they chatted some whilst the crowds dispersed. The sun was setting now and the beach had thinned out so only a few people remained. I could see them shutting up the kiosk. Sergei asked John what he was doing now. John replied he was going to have a quick piss then head back to his hotel. "Good idea," Sergei said, "but why waste it, Andy here told me he likes being a urinal." That wasn't quite true. I had mentioned to Sergei when we'd been chatting on the sofa earlier that it was hot when I got pissed on in the club last night. It didn't stop them. Sergei and John just stood up and took out their cocks. Sergei's stream started first and Johns was quick to follow. They were pissing on me right there where I was laying on the beach. The few people still around couldn't help but notice what was happening. Sergei focused his stream on my cock whereas John moved his stream up to my face and I opened my mouth to take it in, swallowing some, licking my lips and opening my mouth for more. Despite having just shot a load I was rock hard again. As John said goodbye to Sergei, he spat a big load of gob right onto my face before grabbing his bag and heading off. "Come on slut," Sergei said to me, "Let's get you home."

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