
By james m

Published on Nov 21, 2000


Housemates - Part Two - Getting To Know You!

From Part 1:.

"Anyway, what say we dive in the pool and cool off a little mate?"

"Great idea - I'm in" I said as we both stood up and started to walk naked out of his bedroom. Just then Troy reached over and slapped my bare ass and said "Last one in is a rotten egg" and sprinted out the door.

"You bastard!" I cried out and started after him watching both of our cocks and balls flopping around as we ran and dived in the pool. I think I am really gonna enjoy living here!!!

It was such a beautiful warm day - the beginning of a perfect summer in Perth, Western Australia where the summers are long and hot!

I had a smile on my face that you couldn't wipe off if you tried! I had just moved into my new place, I was floating around naked in my new pool, and my new flatmate had just jerked my cock and his and sprayed two big loads of cumm all over both of us. I was in heaven! Could it get any better than this.? You betcha!

I was snapped out of my dream when Troy started to talk.

"Hey mate - I wasn't totally sure whether you'd get into the guy sex stuff - but you seemed to enjoy what we just did, yeah?" he asked. He had been watching me floating on the top of the water for a while now, gently moving around the pool - totally at ease being naked in front of him.

"Mate - before today, I would have probably punched you out if you even suggested it, but fuck it felt good having your hand on my cock! And watching you blow your load was bloody amazing mate!" I replied.

"Well - like I said before, we are pretty relaxed and casual around here. You think I'm horny - wait until you meet the other guys. They are gonna throw a bone as soon as they see you mate! Just you wait - hahahah".

Troy was sitting on the side of the pool with one leg drawn up to his chest and the other hanging in the water. His fat cock and ballsack hung over the edge of the pool, low and heavy, dripping water from the pool.

Before today I would never have thought that I could be attracted to another guy. But Troy seemed to have turned a light on in my head and woken me up. As I looked at him sitting there naked, proud of his tight body - I wondered why it had taken me this long to be turned on by guys. Slowly, I dragged myself through the water toward him with a sly smile on my face.

"What are you up to mate..? Troy asked a little apprehensively as he spotted my mischievous smile.

"Seems like we got a water snake by the pool" I replied as I gently reached out and fondled his low hanging balls. I couldn't believe my own forwardness. Here I was groping my new housemates nuts and loving it.

As Troy let out a low moan, I slid my other hand up and started to fondle his heavy fat cock. This cock had blown a huge load only 30 minutes before but was now starting to pump up again in my hand.

In a low sexy voice, I whispered to him. "Troy, how does that feel buddy".

He leaned down and whispered softly. "Oh man, that feels so nice, so nice. You got magic hands, dude. You got me throwing another bone already mate. Oh, fuck that feels so gentle man, keep stroking my cock for me, nice and soft".

Both of us started to breathe heavier as I continued to stroke his hardening cock and roll his heavy balls around in my palm.

"Troy, you've got a fantastic cock mate" I whispered back to him between heavy breaths. "I could play with it for hours and hours mate. Feeling you cock get hard in my hand is bloody beautiful man. You want me to keep stroking it like this, dude? You want me to keep it up for you?"

"Oh yeah Andy, get me hard man". Troy kept whispering in my ear. "You got the sexiest voice and the sexiest fingers mate. I love the feel of your hands fondling my balls and sliding up and down my cock. But I want you to do something else for me buddy. I want you to make me feel real good mate. You ready to try something else man?".

I looked up from his cock and into his eyes and saw a look of complete ecstasy. He stared deep into my eyes as he reached out with one hand and brushed my cheek with his thumb in a soft stroking motion.

"What do you want me to do man" I asked him as I continued looking into his eyes. "I'm ready to try whatever you want me to do for you buddy. Just name it. Whisper it to me bud".

Andy leaned further in close to me and placed his lips softly near my ear. In a low, low whisper he breathed, "I want you to suck my cock buddy. Nice and slow and soft and wet. I want you to put my cock in you mouth and lick me with your soft tongue. Will you do that for me bud? Will you suck my cock for me?". He slipped his tongue into my ear and gently started licking around my earlobe as he breathed and moaned softly. It sent shivers down my spine and a bolt of electricity straight to my cock. For the first time I realised I my own cock was rock hard as well.

Slowly, I moved in closer and looked up into Troy's eyes as I pushed out my tongue and started to gently lick under the head of his cock. As I did, Troy closed his eyes and started to softly moan again as his hand slipped onto the back of my neck and gently started to caress. "Oh man, you are so gentle its beautiful. Lick all around my cock head man.

Yeah, use your tongue like that - teasing my cock. Awww fuck that feels so nice", he whispered again. "You're a natural buddy. I love you licking my cock head like that - oooh yeah. Now put your mouth around it mate. Slide your lips over my cock head and feed it into your warm mouth. Oh man!".

I was loving every minute of it. The fact that I could turn on this sexy guy so much just by licking his cock like this made me feel so sexy. My cock was as hard as it had ever been and throbbing under the water.

As I wrapped my lips around Troy's rock hard cock, he gently pushed on the back of my head to make me pick up a bit of speed. I kept one hand tugging his ballsack and slipped my other hand onto his hard shaft, sliding up and down his cock in time with the sucking motion of my mouth.

Troy was really starting to moan now, rolling his head from side to side and then looking down to watch his cock disappear between my lips. Subconsciously, I had started rubbing my hard cock against the side of the pool, up and down using a bucking motion with my hips. The sensation felt great on my cock.

"Oh buddy", he said, "you got me feeling so hot now, mate. You're sucking me so good I'm getting real close. Where do you want me to blow my juice, buddy? You want me to blow in your mouth? You want me to shoot this load down your throat mate? Oh yeah, keep doing that right there. Oh fuck you are so hot at this buddy. Man you know how to make my cock feel good. I'm gonna shoot it now buddy, you ready for this. Oh God, here it comes mate, oh fuck, oh fuck, ah, ah, AHHHHHH..".

With that, I could feel his cock shoot load after load of hot sticky cumm into my mouth and I just kept sucking hard, wanting to catch every last drop. Troy kept moaning and grunting as he fired off each string of cumm, pushing my head down on his cock to keep the action going. His cock pulsed and throbbed in my mouth and I continued to tease his cock head with my tongue, tasting his cumm before swallowing it down.

As his orgasm started to subside, I let his still rock hard cock slip from my mouth and looked up into Troy's face. He was looking down at me, a look of absolute contentment on his face and something else in his eyes that I didn't immediately recognise.

For a full minute we didn't say a word, we just continued to look deep into each others eyes. Troy smiled and gently rubbed his fingers across my forehead, wiping the hair out of my eyes and gently stroking my face. It seemed that we didn't need words.

Without breaking eye contact, Troy slowly moved down and touched his lips to mine. He gently started to kiss me, softly and slipped his tongue into my waiting mouth. This was a feeling that I had never felt before. It was so soft and yet so passionate that my whole body came alive once more.

Just then, we heard a clapping noise from behind us. There was a cute jock guy standing near the other side of the pool, looking down at us and clapping his hands with a broad grin.

"Bravo, bravo", he said as he continued to clap and Troy and I instinctively moved away from each other. "That was just beautiful, absolutely magnificent performance. I've never heard you yell like that when you've cumm before buddy! You must have really been getting one hell of a blowjob?".

Troy smiled when he looked at my face and saw a look of shock and terror. He ruffled my hair to try and console me a little.

"Hey don't worry Andy, this is Toby, one of the guys who lives here. Toby, this is Andy - the new edition to our little household" said Troy.

"Nice to meet you", said Toby. "You guys certainly put on a nice little show there, certainly got me all hot and bothered as you can see". He reached down and gripped what looked like a very nice bulge in his gym shorts. "But don't let me stop you - I gotta unload some stuff from my car and make a couple of calls, then I might come and join you in the pool. That ok?" he asked.

"No worries mate", said Troy, "I'm sure we can keep ourselves busy until you get in". With that, Troy pulled me out of the pool until I was sitting next to him on the side. My cock was still rock hard and pointing to the sky and Troy reached down and wrapped his hand around my shaft and gave it a few gentle tugs.

"I'm sure you will!", said Toby as he took a good look at my cock, licked his lips and then wandered into the house to finish his errands.

"And I can't wait to get me a taste of this hot cock of yours right now mate!" Troy said as he continued jerking on my cock and once more slipped his tongue between my lips for another soft kiss..

End of Part Two!!

So - let me know what you think guys - e-mail me on with your thoughts and any suggestions for part three...

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