Housemate to Houseboy

By Ricky G

Published on Jan 28, 2023


Housemate to Houseboy (part 5) by Rick

Lunch was over and I was again acting as Andrew's footstool, as he put his feet up, when the doorbell rang. Andrew lifted his feet and, without looking away from the book he was reading, said:

"Go and answer it then."

Oh, great. Answering the door to a stranger, wearing only a tight pair of red briefs with my cock straining within them. Hardly my choice for a Saturday afternoon's activity. On the other hand, I think part of the reason my cock was straining was because I was beginning to enjoy being such an exhibitionist.

I opened the door to find a friend of Andrew's, Paul, standing on the doorstep, a bag slung over his shoulder. He gave me a quick look up and down, grinned and pushed past me towards the lounge. I shut the door and followed.

Andrew was standing up as I entered the lounge and talking in a low voice to Paul. They both turned as I entered.

"So, this is your little cock-sucking slaveboy, is it?"

"Yeah. He's getting quite good at doing what he's told to."

I opened my mouth to say something, but Paul almost snarled at me:

"Don't speak." He turned to Andrew. "I think you're being too soft on him, letting him wear briefs, letting him speak."

"Oh, I don't know, I quite like seeing his arse in a pair of briefs."

They were talking about me as if I wasn't there! Paul swung his bag off his shoulder, rummaged in it and stepped over to me.

"Yeah, but we don't need to hear him at the moment, do we?"

He slipped a rubber ball into my mouth. It was attached to a leather strap which he quickly fastened round my head.

"What else have you got in that bag of yours, Paul?"

Paul went back to his bag and pulled out what looked like a dog collar.

"You need to show him who the boss is."

I nodded my head, trying to indicate that I already knew Andrew was my master and that I was quite happy about it. Paul held my head still while he fastened the collar round my neck. He stood back to admire his handiwork.

"Do you know what I'd like to do now?" Andrew asked, a sly look on his face.


"I'd like to make him wear your briefs. He wears mine every night after I've worn them. He knows he has no underwear of his own, only what I let him wear."

"I like that idea." Paul removed his trousers to show off a pair of tight, light blue briefs. He removed them, showing me his huge boner and handed them to me.

"Sniff them first," he said.

I did. They smelt of Paul's male musk and a slight tang of urine. He pulled his trousers back on and I removed the red briefs and pulled on Paul's light blue ones. I again experienced the warm feeling that I so enjoyed when putting Andrew's underwear on and shivered a little in appreciation. Paul walked over and gave my arse a squeeze and a rub.

While Andrew was my master and I had fallen deeply in love with him and enjoyed his hold over me, I was not immune to Paul's charms: short, light blond hair, blue eyes, slim build, a gorgeous arse. If I had to have a second person controlling me I wanted it to be Paul.

"Right, time for a beating, I think."

"I'm getting him quite well trained for that."

"I'm sure you are, but wait till you see how I'm going to do it."

Paul led me over to the table and made me kneel on it, with my hands holding the far corners. He handcuffed both wrists to the table legs, and then came round behind me and pulled my ankles apart and cuffed them to the table legs too. I was bent over with my arse high in the air in a most undignified position.

Paul and Andrew began laughing as Paul pulled things out of his bag. A few second later I felt the first smack of what felt like a huge plank of wood hitting my backside. I couldn't scream through the gag, but my moaning was certainly loud enough. Smack. Smack. Over and over the paddle hit me, almost jolting the breath out of me. Then it stopped. I felt Paul's briefs pulled off my arse and down below my thighs.

What felt like millions of tongues of fire flashed through my arse - I couldn't believe that the pain could be any worse. I managed to move my head round to see that Andrew was now brandishing some sort of whip. It continued, hitting not only my arse but also my lower back and upper thighs. My skin had never felt so tingly with sensations.

Finally it stopped. Andrew appeared in front of me, knelt down, pulled the gag off, held my head and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth. What a kiss! What a reward! At the same time I felt Paul's hands gently stroking my ravaged backside, followed by a finger tracing up and down my arse crack, removing the butt plug which had been there since this morning and inserting a finger up my arse.

The feelings at both ends of me were wonderful - I felt like I had been transported to some paradise.

Andrew stopped kissing me, stood up, lowered his trousers and briefs and presented his cock for inspection. It was a joy to inspect but even more so to get it into my mouth - a cock I was becoming ever more used to. I clamped tight round it as I used my tongue to touch and explore it. At the same moment, I felt Paul's finger removed and a greater pressure at my arse. He began to push into me and it took some effort not to clamp my teeth on Andrew's cock. Paul's cock was even huger that it had seemed when I had seen it earlier and it was inching its way inside me!

I gasped for breath and continued to suck on Andrew while feeling myself begin to accommodate Paul's cock. Then Paul began to move in and out impaling himself deeply into me. Andrew grabbed my face and began to move in and out as well, face fucking me. I felt like a complete slut, being fucked at both ends - and loving every minute of it.

Andrew's balls began to boil and he shot great balls of sperm into my mouth. Scant seconds later Paul erupted inside my arse, filling me with his delicious juices. For a long moment they hung there, letting the last drops ease their way out, and then they withdrew. A few seconds later I again felt pressure at my arsehole and realised a butt plug was being forced in.

"Next size up," said Andrew.

"Keep that up, Andrew, and there'll soon be room for a hand up there!"

Andrew just chuckled, as he pulled Paul's briefs back up over my sore arse, letting the elastic twang against my buttocks. Paul came round and stood in front of me, his semi-erect cock bouncing in front of my eyes.

"God, I always need a piss after I've shagged someone. Open wide."

I stared in astonishment. This hadn't been on the cards. But then again... I didn't feel like I could stop myself any more. I was enjoying myself so much that I just wanted to be dominated by these two lads.

I opened wide and he put his huge cock in my mouth. A dribble of rank urine came out and then increased in flow. It tasted really strange, but I kept drinking it down trying not to disappoint my masters by spilling any. I could feel Andrew behind me playing with my cock and balls through the briefs and concentrated on this feeling, trying to ignore the taste.

Eventually it finished and he pulled his cock out, shook it near my face and stuffed it away.

"I think you might be right about this one, Andrew. I'm sure we could get him really well trained."

He reinserted the ball gag.

"Right, we're off out for a bit. Got to pick up some more bits and pieces for this evening."

And with that they were gone, leaving me trussed up on the table, day dreaming about the wonderful sensations and humiliations I had enjoyed.

I have no idea how long I was there before I heard the key in the front door. I opened my eyes, enjoying the thought of another round of fun with Andrew and Paul.

I heard an unfamiliar voice:

"Andrew? Are you there?"

To be continued...

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