Housemate to Houseboy

By Ricky G

Published on Jan 4, 2023


Housemate to Houseboy (part 4) by Rick

Saturday morning found me standing in Andrew's bedroom, wearing Andrew's briefs, waiting for my instructions. Andrew had finished his breakfast and was sitting looking at me.

"Okay, off with those briefs," he said. "And come over here."

I removed the underwear and walked over to Andrew.

"Bend over the bed."

I did so. He got up and fetched a slipper.

"Right, better get you warmed up for our little trip. I want you to count each one."

And count I did, even though it was through gritted teeth by the end. After 75 whacks and my arse feeling like it was on fire, he finally stopped. He rubbed his hand over my backside, producing even more even sensations in my ravaged arse.

"Lovely. That should stay nice and warm for a while."

He rummaged in a bag and pulled out some clothes.

"These are what you will wear when we walk to the swimming pool."

He held up the tight red pair of briefs I had worn before, a tight pair of white shorts and a small white T-shirt. I took them and put them on. I had forgotten how tight the briefs felt - and, of course, they felt even worse against my sensitive backside. I pulled on the shorts and realised that not only did they fit tightly but they were very thin and almost transparent - anyone would be able to see my underwear through them. The T-shirt fitted almost like a second skin, but was a little too short, leaving my belly button exposed.

Andrew came up behind me and rubbed his hands appreciatively over my arse.

"Excellent, you'll look a treat as we walk along."

I turned to say something, but he put his hand to my mouth.

"You don't want to disappoint me, do you?"

And the strange thing was, I didn't. I knew he had the photos of me which he had threatened to distribute via the internet, but even that made no difference to my feelings for this man. I loved him and wanted to do whatever would make him happy.

That didn't stop me feeling nervous as I waited for him in the hall, while he got ready. Eventually he came down the stairs and threw a bag at me.

"There's your swimming stuff."

We set off - the pool was only about ten minutes walk from our house, but it felt like the longest walk of my life. Andrew instructed me to walk a few feet ahead of him - I'm sure he wanted to look at my arse as we walked. I also got some strange looks from some of the passers-by and an inviting smile from a handsome young man out walking his dog.

After this long walk we eventually arrived. Andrew paid and we made our way to the changing rooms. As we arrived at the door, he stopped me and said:

"As soon as you get inside I want you to take off all your clothes and go to the loo. Then wander around a bit, so people can enjoy your red arse."

I was nervous, but determined to do what he asked me to. Inside the door I took off my clothes and dropped them on the first bench. The toilet was at the opposite end of the changing rooms and it was a long, lonely walk there, past a number of men who were changing. They all seemed to be looking at me, and I certainly heard whispering and laughing behind me as I passed them. I had a piss and then returned to Andrew, again feeling very self-conscious - by the time I got back to him I swear my cheeks were as red as my arse.

"Get your kit on, then," he said, "I'm waiting."

I looked in the bag and found the towel he'd put in. I hunted for swimming trunks, but there were none. Instead I found a pair of Andrew's white briefs, presumably the ones he had worn this morning as they were still warm to the touch. I turned and looked at Andrew.

"Well, go on," he said, "put them on."

I realised he had set me up - there wasn't even any sign of the clothes I had worn there. After all, I thought he red briefs might have been better than these white ones. Shrugging in resignation, I pulled out the briefs and put them on.

I followed Andrew out into the main pool area, where he immediately pushed me in. I came up spluttering and he leant over and helped me climb out. As I did so, I heard some young women nearby giggling and pointing. I looked down and discovered that the briefs had become virtually transparent when wet. I tried to cover myself up, but Andrew hissed at me angrily:

"Take your hands away. If you can't be bothered to wear proper trunks, you' ll have to put up with people's attentions."

A crowd of boys, I'd say about twelve years old, passed and had a good gawp. Some of them started making some very rude comments. I found myself growing ever redder.

Andrew insisted I go back in the water and `play' with him. This involved him holding me under for long periods or just playing with cock or arse under the water. After a while he swam away - I wondered what he was up to, and then noticed him talking to the group of boys who'd passed me earlier.

He swam back. "I'm going to sit on the side for a while." He got out and wrapped his towel around him.

I stood there wondering what to do now, when suddenly the gang of boys came splashing up to me. I thought they might be being friendly, until two of them grabbed me and pulled me under the water. As I struggled with them, I felt two others pulling the briefs off my arse and then right off. They swam away yelping and shouting. I was about to follow them when Andrew came over to the edge.

"Time to get out, I think." He grabbed my arm and forced me to start climbing out of the water. I tried to pull back, but he had got me in too strong a pull. I clambered out and then blushed even worse than before. I was completely naked and exposed before everyone else. I looked for my towel, but saw that Andrew had wrapped both his and my towels round his body.

"Please, sir, may I have my towel?"

He looked surprised.

"And leave me wet and cold? No. I think you should walk back very slowly to the changing room. And don't try to cover yourself up. I will join you there shortly."

I started the walk back, aware of all eyes upon me, and the laughing and insults that were being hurled at me.

I went and sat down on a bench and very nearly burst into tears. I couldn't believe he had done that! At that moment I was almost ready to give up on our agreement and risk him disclosing the photographs.

He walked in and stood in front of me, holding out my towel, which I grabbed quickly and wrapped myself in. He sat beside me and put an arm round me.

"I'm really impressed you did all that, without complaining. I think you deserve a reward. Come with me."

I followed him to one of the small cubicles that lined a section of one of the walls. He closed and bolted the door behind us. I felt his hand push my head down until I sank onto my knees, face a mere centimetre from his groin. I licked at his cock through his black trunks, enjoying the feel of his cock and the sensuous feel of the material stretched over it. I reached up to pull his trunks down past his thighs and swallowed his length into my mouth. I glanced up at him and moved my hands round to knead his buttocks.

Slowly, tentatively I used my tongue to yet again explore his silken skin, tracing the veins that stood out angrily. I felt my own cock grow hard. I sucked and explored, building up a rhythm until I felt him explode in my mouth. At almost the same second my own cock exploded spurting out great globes of spunk (I had not had any relief in the days since Andrew had become my master). Andrew pulled his cock out of my mouth abruptly.

"Who gave you permission to come?"

I hung my head.

"No-one, sir. I'm sorry, sir. I haven't come since you became my master and the excitement was all too much for me."

"You must be punished for that, my little cocksucker." There was a pause while he thought. "Okay, you will go to the showers and ask any men there if they would like a blow job. Tell them how much you like the taste of their cocks and how you would like them to wipe their cocks in your hair after they finish. That will be the sign to me that you have done what you were told."

"But what if they say no?"

"Then you must wait until you can find someone who says yes. Now go."

I slipped out of the cubicle, ashamed of letting my master down, but excited and nervous about my punishment. I stepped into the shower. There were three men showering, two in their twenties, one only about eighteen. They were all good-looking with large cocks.

"Ummm... excuse me, gentlemen. I... err... I love the taste of men's cock in my mouth. I would be very grateful if any of you would let me suck your cock, especially if you would wipe your cock in my hair afterwards."

It was said. I was standing there naked offering to suck men's cocks. What had happened to me in the last few days? And why was I enjoying myself so much?

The two older men looked at each other, the younger man kept showering, apparently ignoring me.

"We're on for that," said one of the older men. He stepped forward and I fell to my knees, hungry to have his cock in my mouth. His skin had a different texture and taste to Andrew's, but his smell was very attractive. I worked quite quickly using my tongue and my lips as sensuously as I could. It was only a matter of minutes before he came in my mouth in great spurts and then removed his cock and wiped it in my hair. He patted me on the head.

"You'll enjoy this, John. This little cocksucker does a good job, better even than my girlfriend."

A second cock was inserted in my mouth. I again used my lips and tongue to their full extent, sucking, licking and even nibbling a little. It took John a little longer but he soon came in my mouth too. I drank down his come, while he wiped his cock in my hair.

The two men walked off chattering as if being given a blow job in the showers was an everyday occurrence. I stood up but felt a hand push me against the wall.

"Where do you think you're going?" It was the eighteen year old, his hands firm but not rough on me.

"I thought you didn't want a blow job..." I stuttered.

"Oh no, I don't," he replied, "But I would like to fuck you. Interested?"

I paused for a moment, considering. I'd hoped that Andrew would fuck me sooner or later, but decided that that didn't stop me enjoying this now.

"Yes," I said, "but don't be too hard - I haven't been fucked in a while."

He nodded and kissed the back of my neck. His breath was delightful against my skin and I knew I would enjoy this.

He rubbed some soap on his finger and then traced down my arse crack. I bent forward a bit to give him easier access, opening my thighs as much as I could manage. His finger slipped inside without any fuss, followed by a second and a third one. I could feel him stretching me gently and at one point I shuddered as he brushed against my prostrate. Then he withdrew his fingers, soaped up his cock and pushed it forward into my pucker.

I gave a quick gasp. It was big! But he had loosened me well and was very gentle inserting it, so I felt very little pain, just the joy of being filled by another man's cock. He began to pump slowly and then faster and faster, holding my hips to give him extra control as he fucked me. At points his balls would slap against my still-sore arse, at others he would feel like he had almost withdrawn.

Faster and faster became his rhythm until I felt him freeze and then spurt his juices inside me, warming my inside. He leaned forward and kissed my neck again and then withdrew. I leaned against the wall for a moment and when I turned he was gone.

I made my way back to Andrew and pointed to the dried come in my hair.

"How many men's cocks did you suck?"

"Two, sir."

"That seems to have taken you a long time."

"Well, I was fucked by another man, as well, sir."

Was that a light of anger or jealousy in his eyes?

"Oh really? Well, we'd better not let that come escape then had we?"

He pulled something out of his bag and turned me round, bending me over. There was pressure at my arse, although after my fucking it didn't seem too noticeable. Again I felt the increasing size of a butt plug, before my sphincter shrunk round its base, clamping it in place. Andrew turned me round again.

"Next size up," he smiled at me. "Now get dressed." He walked out of the cubicle.

On the bench were the red briefs and tight white T-shirt from earlier, but no sign of the shorts. I pulled both on and then stepped out of the cubicle.

"Excuse me, sir. You've forgotten to give me the shorts."

"No, I haven't. You're walking home like that."

"Like this?"

"Unless you choose to argue - in which you can lose the briefs as well."

I sighed - I'd been so exposed this morning, did it really make any difference now?

We walked back, me again some distance in front of Andrew. I was walking up the road with everyone being able to see my underwear, dried come in my hair and a butt plug up my arse - and surprisingly, even with some odd stares I got from people, I was quite enjoying myself.

As we walked through the door, Andrew said, "T-shirt."

I knew what he meant - I was only allowed to wear briefs round the house. I pulled off the T-shirt and handed it to him.

He took it and glanced at his watch.

"Enough time for you to go and make some lunch. We've got a visitor coming over this afternoon. He's looking forward to meeting you."

Now why did that thought fill me with an equal mixture of fear and delight?

to be continued

Next: Chapter 5

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