Housemate to Houseboy

By Ricky G

Published on Jan 2, 2023


Housemate to Houseboy (part 3) by Rick

The next morning again found me standing in Andrew's bedroom waiting for instructions while he ate the breakfast I had made him.

"I left my clothes from yesterday on the floor over there. You can wear those in to your lectures today, but before you do, come here."

I walked over to him and he pulled my briefs down to my thighs, put me over his knees and whacked me 40 times. He then ran his hands over my glowing red, arse.

" Very nice. Now, I told you I did some shopping yesterday. And I'm going back for some more things today. But here's something else I got yesterday."

He grabbed my cock and wound something round it and fastened it. I looked at it curiously.

"It's a cock ring. It'll keep you quite hard for the rest of the day. I'm sure that should give you some thrills today."

"Thank you, master."

"You are not to take it off. You'll be wearing it at least until I get home. Now get dressed.

I put Andrew's clothes on in front of him - I had no pride now about dressing in private.

I had quite a few lectures that day and it was extremely off-putting sitting there with the cock ring on and my cock always at least half hard. It was even harder negotiating a piss when I needed one. Plus I still found it a very horny experience sitting there in Andrew's clothes.

It was with relief that I got home that afternoon and immediately took off all Andrew's clothes - apart, of course, from his briefs that I had been wearing since last night.

Andrew arrived not long after me, with some bags and a big smile on his face.

"You and I are going to have some fun this evening. Take those briefs off."

I did so. I was beginning to feel no shame about standing naked in front of my master, and certainly some pride in how he was treating me.

"Bend over."

Again I did as I was told. I felt pressure at my arse.

"What is it, master?"

"A butt plug, my little cocksucker, to loosen you up in case I want to play with your arse. This is just a little one for now. I'll try some bigger ones later - or maybe wait for another day. Now, thank me for your present and tell what you want me to do,"

"Thank you so much, master, for buying me this lovely present. Will you please stick it up my arse, sir?"

He began to push harder. I did my best to relax and make the job easier. It started off quite narrow, but I could feel the increasing width of it, before my sphincter rounded the end and snapped shut on it. He'd said it was a small one, but at that moment the way it seemed to fill my arse made me worried about how I would ever take a bigger one. On the other hand it was an interesting sensation and had been done to me by my master, who I would do anything for.

Andrew moved me over to the table, bent me over it and waved something in front of my face.

"This is called a tawse. Should make you nice and warm."

He went behind me and started hitting my bare arse with it. I jumped after the first one, but then began to enjoy the attention my backside was getting - it was a very different feel to Andrew's hand or the slipper. It hurt and my arse was feeling very sore, and yet I can't say how much I enjoyed it. After fifty hits, he stopped.

"Stand up. You will wear this plug from now until I remove it. I'm sure you' ll get a lot of pervy pleasure out of having it stuck up your arse. Now these are what you'll wear for the next few hours."

He held up a pair of white Y-fronts. I looked at them dubiously, as they seemed rather small. Andrew must have noticed the look on my face.

"Yes. They are small, aren't they? They're for twelve year olds, so this should be interesting."

He handed them to me and I stepped into them and pulled them up. They were even tighter than the red briefs he'd given me yesterday - not only was my cock absolutely straining to get out (especially as it would not go soft because of the cock ring), but the elastic in the waistband and leg holes dug into me.

Andrew laughed.

"Don't worry. You won't be wearing them all night, although they certainly do something for you."

With this, he reached and played with my cock for a minute or two, increasing the pressure in these tight Y-fronts. He turned me round and had a good fondle of my arse too. What a pleasure it was to be handled like this by my master! He slapped my arse.

"Go and make the dinner," he instructed.

I had to eat my dinner sat at his feet. When it came to the pudding, he instructed me to put the bowl on the floor and eat it doggy fashion. I ended up with custard on my nose as I dug my mouth into the bowl.

Later on, when I'd done the dishes, he had me sit next to him on the sofa while he watched TV. One hand was under my backside, fingering my arse crack and the other was absently playing with my cock and balls. Fun, but hard going when your cock has no room to expand in.

A couple of hours of this were followed by an instruction to stand up and remove my Y-fronts. I breathed a sigh of relief and my cock sprang free in a very satisfied manner. Andrew reached over and removed the cock ring. He ran a hand over my cock and balls, still smooth from when he had shaved them.

"You look just like a baby," he said, with a grin, "with those hairless balls."

He rummaged in one of the bags he had brought home and pulled out a large nappy.

"Guess what my baby's going to be wearing?"

"The nappy, sir."

"Yep. And I've got more of these for different occasions, maybe I'll even get you to wear one into lectures one day."

He saw the look on my face and laughed.

"Don't worry! If I do, I'll find you some baggy trousers."

He walked over to me and pulled the nappy up between my legs and fastened it. He patted my backside through it.

"Now, my little perv, all you've got to do to get out of that one tonight is piss in it."

I gaped at him. This had come as a surprise. His face adopted a strange expression.

"Oh, no. You're not going to tell me you want to make me sad, are you?"

That was it. I couldn't disappoint him - not now he was my master. And I loved him so much.

"No, sir. I'm sorry for making you feel sad, sir. I will piss in my nappy, sir."

I tried, I really did, but I just couldn't do it. Andrew smiled at me.

"It's all right. You don't have to do it straight away. I'm sure it takes time to do it the first time."

We sat down. He rang his hand over my chest and played with my nipples. I began to feel hard again - remember I hadn't had a wank or any release since Andrew had become my master.

Eventually, I felt my bladder asking to be relieved and, with some effort, a little dribble came out. Andrew pulled forward the front of the nappy. He shook his head.

"No, not yet. I want that nappy soaking with your piss."

I was feeling ashamed about having even let loose a dribble, but was determined not to disappoint my master. This time I found it harder to start and once I had started I didn't seem to be able to stop. I felt the piss soaking into the nappy, round my balls and my arse. Although I was a bit disgusted with myself initially, I realised I quite liked the warm, wet feeling. Eventually the flow ceased.

Andrew clapped me on the shoulder and then kissed me on the lips. A sign of favour indeed!

"Well done. I really didn't think you'd manage that. I think you deserve a reward."

He unzipped his trousers and pulled them and his briefs down to his ankles. He indicated that I should kneel between his legs. Again I got to swallow his length and begin tasting, sucking, nibbling and exploring it.

There I was on my knees with a butt plug up my arse, a piss-soaked nappy round my groin, sucking on my master's cock. At that moment only one thought could make me feel happier. The thought that sooner or later, this wonderful cock would have to end up inside my arse while Andrew fucked me.

Andrew came quite quickly and I swallowed his come greedily. He pulled his briefs and trousers back up and sent me to get a shower, telling me I could also take the butt plug out.

I must admit I kept the butt plug in until I had nearly finished the shower and gave it a little jiggle before slowly removing it. I was surprised at how empty my arse felt without it in.

When I returned, he was already in his dressing gown and handed me his briefs from the day to wear. As I settled into his warm briefs and snuggled beside him, he had an announcement to make.

"Tomorrow's Saturday. Time for a visit to the local swimming baths I think."

Now, why did I feel that that was not going to be as simple as it sounded?

to be continued

Next: Chapter 4

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