Housemate to Houseboy

By Ricky G

Published on Dec 27, 2022


Housemate to Houseboy (part 2) by Rick

I had spent an hour as Andrew's footstool, while he watched TV, and was beginning to wonder if anything else would happen that afternoon.

Eventually, he stood up and told me to stand up facing him. He pulled forward the front of my briefs (well, his actually) and looked in, smiling.

"I don't like all this hair," he said. "Follow me." He twanged back the elastic.

I followed him to the bathroom, where he told me to pull down the briefs and sit on the edge of the bath, legs wide apart. He then turned round with a can of shaving foam and a plastic razor.

"You do want to make me happy, don't you?"

I looked at him; he seemed to be looking at me in quite a kind way, and I had no reason to want to disobey the man I loved. I nodded my head.

"Yes, sir, I want to make you happy. Please shave my cock and balls clean."

"You're learning fast. We may be able to have a little fun later."

I could hardly believe my ears - was he saying he, too, was gay? I was so caught up in this thought that I barely noticed him kneel before me, until the squirts of cold shaving foam brought my attention back. I watched closely as he carefully shaved that area. He then took a damp towel and gently cleaned all round where he had worked.

"Wonderful!" he cried. "Have a good look."

I did. I was a bit shocked to see my cock and balls looking as smooth and hairless as a baby's, but I also saw how they looked bigger. I smiled at Andrew.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you for shaving me."

We spent the rest of the day in. I made drinks for Andrew, cooked tea for him (which he ate from a plate perched on my body - acting as a tray), acted as his footstool or just waited in the corner as I was told.

At long last, it was late evening and Andrew stood up and yawned.

"I'm off to bed. It's time for you to go too. Before you do, come and stand outside my bedroom door."

I followed him, wondering what he had in store for me now - perhaps some of that fun he had mentioned earlier?

I waited for a while and then he told me to come in. He was standing there in a dressing gown, holding his briefs in his hand.

"Your reward every night - if you follow my instructions - will be to wear the pair of briefs I have worn that day."

I slipped out of the briefs I had been wearing all day, took the briefs from his hand and pulled them on. They were still warm! I was in heaven (as I've mentioned I have an underwear fetish), as I could feel my master's warmth cushioning my backside and my groin.

As I left the room to go to bed, he said, "Two last things. You must wear those briefs all night and tomorrow or I will post those pictures of you on the internet. Also, you are not allowed to wank without my permission."

I lay in my bed, enjoying the feel of Andrew's underwear, horny as hell and unable to do anything about it, and marvelling at how things had changed for me from when I got up that morning.

The next morning I was instructed to take Andrew breakfast in bed and stand there while he gave me instructions.

"Okay. I know you have to go to some lectures today, so obviously you'll need something more than those briefs to wear. Look in the laundry basket and pull out a pair of socks, a shirt and a pair of trousers. Yes, those will do. You will wear those when you walk in with me to your lectures. When you will return to the house you will immediately strip to your underwear. You don't know when I might return, so make sure you do this exactly right. Now come here."

I walked over and he told me to bend over. He administered twenty swats on my backside, pulled down my briefs and then gave me another ten swats on my bare arse. My backside felt warm and red. Again I found my cock swelling - I was definitely beginning to enjoy my spankings as well. He pulled up my briefs, told me to stand up and then fondled my cock for a few moments.

"Right, your arse is nice and red and you should feel that for a while to remind you who your master is. Go and get dressed."

I did so and then walked in with him to my lectures. Fortunately, Andrew doesn't dress terribly differently from me, so no-one commented on my sudden change in clothes, although I felt strange, excited and horny wearing them. When I went to the toilet during one break I very nearly starting stroking myself, but remembered Andrew's instruction. I was sure he was saving me up for something wonderful.

As soon as I got home, I removed Andrew's clothes so I was only in his briefs. I was already beginning to feel comfortable doing this. I did some work of my own, cleaned up a bit and prepared some of the evening meal, all the time listening out to see if Andrew had returned.

When he finally returned he told me to come to the living room. He stood there smiling and pulled my briefs down to my ankles, fondled my erect cock and gave me a gentle slap on the arse.

"You're doing really well. I've got a present for you."

"Thank you, sir, for being so kind as to buy me a present."

He pulled something out of a bag. I looked and saw it was a small, bright red pair of briefs.

"Put them on, then," he instructed.

I stepped out of the white briefs and pulled on the new red ones. They were very tight - I could feel my cock straining to break free. Andrew told me to turn round slowly. As I did so, he fondled my arse and my cock.

"Oh yes. They suit you. You can wear them for the rest of the evening."

"Thank you, sir."

After tea, Andrew allowed me to sit with him on the sofa. One arm was draped round my shoulders, the other hand occasionally fondled my cock and balls - taking care to make sure I did not become too aroused. I found it hard to concentrate on the TV program, and kept stealing glances at my master.

After some time, he withdrew his arm and hand and told me to kneel between his legs. At last! I was going to get something out of this!

"I know you would like to suck my cock off, wouldn't you, you pervert?"

I nodded eagerly. I couldn't wait to get my mouth round his cock.

"Tell me."

"Oh sir, please give me the pleasure of sucking on your cock."

"Proceed. And it had better be good or I'll punish you."

No danger of that. I leaned forward and a few times fleetingly touched his cock with my tongue through his trousers. Then I reached up, undid his belt and button, unzipped him and (with him lifting his hips) pulled his trousers down to his knees.

I again teased his cock with my tongue, smelling his wonderful musk. I heard a groan of anticipation.

I hooked my fingers under the waistband of his briefs and slowly pulled them down. His cock sprang free and I eagerly grabbed it with my mouth and began to stroke and nibble on it. I moved my hands under Andrew's backside and began kneading his buttocks.

I took my time, savouring the silkiness of his skin, tracing out the veins which were swelling along with his cock. I flicked my tongue out to bathe his balls and then returned to the main job, increasing my rhythm and the strength of my tongue movements.

A few seconds later, he exploded in my mouth in great balls of come. I finished the job, teasing out the last drops of come from his tip before letting him free.

He patted my head and I looked up at him.

"Not bad, not bad at all. We'll have to see what you're like for your next job tomorrow."

Next job? Tomorrow? Bliss. I was already devoted to Andrew, but now our relationship had moved to a whole new level. Me, his underwear and sex slave. Him, the master.

He adjusted his clothing and went upstairs, telling me to follow. I waited outside his bedroom. Again I was given my reward: the briefs he had been wearing that day (he took my red briefs). Again I felt his warmth in them. Again I lay in my bed, happy and comfortable, praising the day which had brought me this new role.

to be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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