Housemate to Houseboy

By Ricky G

Published on Dec 27, 2022


Housemate to Houseboy by Rick (d/s)

When I was nineteen and a student at University, something happened which changed my life for ever.

It all started because I fell madly in love with a friend of mine, Andrew. We had decided to share a house together after living on the University campus in our first year.

It was a nice two-bedroom house on a quiet street in a pleasant area - and Andrew and I had a great time living there. Because of the courses we were on, I had fewer lectures than him and consequently spent more time at home.

One morning, when I was bored of trying to get an essay done, I found myself wandering around the house a little aimlessly. For some reason, I decided to go into Andrew's bedroom. I stood there savouring the thought that my friend, and man I was in love with, got undressed here and slept here.

I've always had a bit of a fetish about underwear, and somehow it seemed the obvious next step to open one of his drawers and have a look at what underwear he wore. I discovered he wore white briefs; I could just imagine him standing there in his underwear, me admiring his well-rounded arse and his body which was of average development, slightly thinner than mine.

A few days later I again found myself in Andrew's room, opening the drawer and looking at his underwear. I touched a pair and then thought: `Why not? He'll never know.'

I slipped off my trousers and boxers and pulled on a pair of his briefs and admired myself in the mirror. As he was only slightly smaller than me, they fit snugly. Knowing that Andrew would not be home for a few hours, I pulled on my trousers again and wore his underwear round the house whilst getting on with what I had to do. I was constantly aware of them and was quite aroused.

I went and had a wank, making sure there was no evidence left in the briefs, and then put them away.

The next day I again found myself in Andrew's room - I couldn't seem to stop myself, having started. This time I went further. Not only did I pull on a pair of his briefs, but also a pair of his socks, a shirt and some trousers. I stood there looking in the mirror, one hand brushing my cock and the other kneading my arse, imagining that I was doing this to Andrew and he was doing it to me.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

I jumped and span round to face Andrew. I had been so caught up in my fantasy that I obviously hadn't heard him come in.

"I... err... err..." There really was no answer I could give him.

"I asked you what you thought you were doing?"

I hung my head in shame. Not only would he now realise I fancied him, but I had been caught wearing his clothes.

"You're a little pervert. I can't believe you're standing there wearing my clothes."

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry!! I'll make you more than sorry, you pervert. Unless..."

He paused and I looked up, wondering if there might be a way out of this mess.

"I've got such a great idea. Right. Listen to me. You've got two choices. Either I can tell all our friends and spread this all over the university intranet-" I gasped. "Or you can promise me you will do whatever I tell you to from now on."

What a choice! Well, actually the thought of serving Andrew did have a certain appeal - after all, I might get even closer to him, and who knows what might happen. And surely he wouldn't come up with anything too bad to do.

"All right. I'll do anything you tell me to do. Please don't tell anyone else."

Andrew smiled at me.

"I thought you'd be sensible... Okay, first off I want you to entertain me with a little striptease followed by you jerking yourself off."

Not quite what I'd anticipated, but I felt quite happy to do this in front of Andrew.

I removed my clothes (well, Andrew's that I was wearing), very slowly, trying to act as sexily as I could, although I felt nervous. I finished by removing my (Andrew's) briefs and then began very slowly to stroke my cock. I often close my eyes when wanking and concentrate on the picture sin my head, and I did this now. As I neared my climax, I saw a flash of light through my eyelids and jerked them open. Andrew had taken a photo of me! I was still stroking, and my balls chose this moment to start boiling and I came in great spurts. Andrew took another photo as I was ejaculating.

"Well done." he said. "Now, if you don't continue to do what I tell you to, I will scan these in and email them to everyone I know and put them on the Internet."

At that moment I realised our relationship had changed from being friends - now it seemed like he was my master. A shiver of excitement went down my spine.

"Okay," he continued, "From now on, you will wear no more than a pair of briefs when in the house - not boxer shorts." He pointed to the pile of my clothes in the corner on the floor. "Furthermore, you will have to earn the right to wear clean briefs."

I looked at him, eyes wide.

"Go to my laundry basket and pull out one of the pairs of briefs I've already worn which are in there." I did so. "Sniff them." I did as ordered, smelling the musk of my master. "Put them on." Again, I followed instructions.

"I haven't punished you for wearing my clothes yet. Okay. Bend over the end of my bed."

I walked over and bent over, exposing my arse to his sight. In the edge of my vision I saw him pick up a slipper. A second later I felt it thwack onto my exposed arse. I jumped. Again and again it came down, very firmly, until my backside was so hot I couldn't believe it. Eventually I felt I could take no more and moved one of my hands round to protect my backside.

"Who said you could do that?" Andrew moved my hand out of the way and pulled down my briefs, giving me some extra-hard whacks on my bare arse. To my surprise, I found myself beginning to enjoy this, my cock was swelling as well.

"Stand up!" I stood up with the briefs slipping down to my ankles.

"You have just received extra whacks because you tried to protect yourself. You may not do anything unless I tell you to, or I will put those pictures on the internet. Go and make me a cup of coffee."


"You will call me sir, from now on."

"Sir, may I pull my briefs up before going?"

"Not until you reach the bottom of the stairs. I want to admire my handiwork as you go down."

It was a struggle to walk downstairs with the briefs round my ankles, but I was loving the fact that Andrew was watching my red arse as I went down. I was already beginning to adjust to the idea of him being my master - how could I not? I was in love with the man. Nevertheless, I was glad when I could pull the briefs up and stop shuffling.

When I brought the cup of coffee into the living room, Andrew was sat down watching the TV.

"I want to put my feet up. Take off my shoes and then crouch down so I can put my legs on you to rest."

I sighed with pleasure when I had done as he had asked. This was not how I had expected the day to go but I felt happy with my new role.

to be continued...

Next: Chapter 2

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