Houseboy of the Corporation Secretary

By JD Trotter

Published on Feb 26, 2005


Warning: If you are underage, or if local laws prohibit you from reading this, then please click away. If you are offended by sex between consenting males, then I would also recommend that you leave.

This is a serial story. It will be posted in parts, as they are written. As the author is able, he will try and pre-write chapters in advance and have them posted on a somewhat regular basis. This story will be a story with some sex, not sex with some story. If you are looking for a get off quick story, consider looking elsewhere. The author believes in allowing the characters to speak and advance the plot themselves. The character write the stories, the author is only the tool for which the characters work through to get there story told.

The author welcomes all constructive criticism at

The Author does not claim to be knowledgable on corporate laws, nor does he imply knowledge in the workings of DA offices, the court systems, or of corporations. There use in this story is purely for the development of the plot, and should not be taken to show any legal knowledge. If you have any questions concerning corporate law please consulte an attorney of law. Furthermore, the author bears no responsibilities on your use of this story.

This story is a fictional story. All characters are fictional, any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The Houseboy of the Corporation Secretary

By JD Trotter

A houseboy. A slave. The mere thought is invigorating. Every time these thoughts run through his mind, he feels a rush of adrenaline flowing through his veins. You have your own personal servant to do your bidding, and you are free to do as you wish with him as your slave. The wonderful opportunities this brings up.

I have always envisioned having a houseboy. There are always those chores that each person just hates to do, where having a houseboy, he can do all those chores and more because you control him. I, for one, hate to clean dishes, take out the trash, and do other household cleaning chores. These, among other things, are chores that I detest, that a houseboy would be perfectly capable of doing. So I set out to find the perfect houseboy that would meet my needs, serve me well, and remain loyal.

I choose not to go the route that many masters go and advertise on the Internet, in fact I didn't advertise at all. All I did was observe those males around me that appealed to me. Don't get me wrong; I am not in the business of, nor do I condone, forcing someone to become a slave against his will. The person must willingly agree to become a houseboy. I had the ideal look in my mind for what I wanted from my houseboy. So with that in mind I sat about to observe and watch. I would hold conversations with those that caught my eye and talked to them to see if they had what it takes while seeing if they were interested. I did all this very discreetly of course. I also did this in a larger city than where I lived where many people did not know me. Oh there are people in the city that know me and hold me in high regard but there are so few compared to the cities and communities that immediately surround where I live.

I did this for several days holding the occasional conversation. These conversations took place in a majestic park maintained by a private charity for which I do consultant work. The fragrance of the flowers rose up in the heat of the day with the occasional bee flying around. The sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky. It was mid-afternoon according to the sun, which had started its decent in the sky several hours earlier. There are park benches that had been placed in the park to honor several of the more prominent members that are involved in the charity's functions. I have a bench out here in the park. It is that very bench that I sat on day in and day out while looking for my houseboy. My company was only too gracious to allow me to take some much needed vacation time, even if I did spend some of my vacation as a working vacation. The bench is an elegant green stone bench, made from malachite, which has a very intricate design etched and carved into the bench. The bench is situated under a mighty oak tree and during the early spring some of the fields that surround the bench are filled with Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes. I have had the distinct pleasure of having my annual picture taken right here on this bench during the height of the Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrushes season. The pictures are taken professionally, of course. How could I settle for anything less? The benches and the surrounding gardens are created with the tastes of the honoree in mind, provided the individual is still alive. The gardens accompanying this bench are full of elegant statues and fountains. I find this park to be quite relaxing when I need to get away from the stress that my job brings in.

It was on this particular day that I saw the young man that I wanted to serve as my houseboy. He appeared to be walking with his family but he was several feet behind them in an apparent showing that he was not pleased to be with them and would rather be with friends getting ready to go off to college. I invited him over and he secured permission from his family who were very eager to let him go for a while so he wouldn't be slowing them down. I had him sit down and we began to converse.

"Hello, I couldn't help but notice that you were a little more subdued and withdrawn from your family. I wanted to help you escape for a few moments and maybe allow you to enjoy a lively conversation. By the way my name is David."

"You are absolutely right, I am a little withdrawn from my family. I would enjoy a lively conversation, David. I'm Michael."

"Pleasure to meet you Michael. Tell me, what do you enjoy about this park? Please be honest, even if as a whole you don't like this park and would rather not be here what is something that you like about it?"

"I enjoy seeing how the charity that maintains it incorporates everything into their designs. They seem to play off the particular bench that is in the vicinity and everything complements that one bench. I understand that each bench is in honor of certain important individuals. I am also enjoying the fact that this park is used for charitable events and organizations that are beneficial to and provide support for children."

"Right you are Michael. You obviously know a lot about this park and the charity that maintains it. Tell me, while you were talking I noticed that you weren't looking at me and that something seems to be bothering you. Is there a reason why you aren't looking at me and what exactly is bothering you? I want to have a wonderful conversation with you but I would hate for there to be something going on with you that would keep you distracted. I also get offended if a person doesn't look at me when we are talking. I feel that I am not worth that person's time."

"I'm sorry sir; I am a little distracted right now. You see ever since I told my parents about me, they have despised me and have literally counted the days before I was an adult and able to leave the house. Well today is that day that I am to leave. Despite what I am, I love my family and don't want to loose them, but after today they have promised me that I will never be allowed to contact them again. I am heartbroken over this as I don't want to lose them."

"Michael, I am so sorry to hear that. That has to be very disappointing and heartbreaking. I understand to a degree what it is like to be abandoned by your family. My family, after I have become what I am, refuse to interact with me because they view me as too powerful and prominent and they don't want to get sucked into my life and the way of life that I live. What are you planning on doing tonight when you have to leave your family?"

"David, I honestly don't know. You seem to be a nice man of status and very respectable and even though I don't know much about you I know that I respect you more deeply then my family. If I am out of line tell me, but I would like to get to know you better and offer my services to you."

"And what would those services be?"

"Ever since I told my parents about me, I have studied and practiced the techniques of how to be a servant. I did this while maintaining my part time job, and attending the prep school I attended. My parents made me finish paying my way through school."

"That sounds like it was distressing on you. What were your reasons for studying to be a servant?"

"David, there is something that you need to know about me before we continue talking and people see us together. Everyone knows that I am gay. After I came out to my parents they immediately outed me to the world without my knowledge or permission. It made me angry that they did such a thing but there is nothing I could do about it once the damage was done. If you want me to leave now I will since I doubt you want to be seen associating with a queer." And with this, Michael stood up and prepared to leave when I stopped him.

"Michael, wait stop. You couldn't be more wrong. You're gay, not a queer. I don't want to hear that work from you again. Anyone who knows you and knows me and sees us together is not going to have a problem. I am involved with a significant portion of charities and organizations that support the Gay and Lesbian lifestyle. Those charities and I however are turned off and don't support transsexuals and transvestites. So unless you happen to fall in that category, I doubt there is anything about you that would make me not want to be around you."

"David, I am impressed", said Michael as he took his seat again. "You wouldn't happen to be looking for a servant would you?"

"Michael, we can get back to that in a moment. Right now I am interested in knowing what your long term dreams are."

"Well long story short, my dream is to become a well paid secretary that works half days and in my private life serve as a houseboy to a nice gentleman that will take my paycheck and use it for his will."

"Well, Michael, I must say that is definitely an interesting dream to have for yourself. Would you be so kind to join me for an early dinner tonight? I have been sitting here for a rather lengthy time and I would like to get to know you better."

"It would be my pleasure. I want to thank you for listening to me and talking with me and not casting me away when you found out about me."

"There is no need to thank me for listening. That is what friends are for. It is something that I have been gifted with and I enjoy doing. There is no way I could push someone away from me unless they are doing something that is just completely wrong in my book and you are not doing anything wrong nor do you have wrong dreams for yourself. Come let us be on our way. I have an appointment already."

Michael and I spent three hours at Mia Rosa's talking and discussing his plans and dreams. Mia Rosa's is an upscale Italian restaurant that caters to business professionals. They have excellent entrees and fabulous selections of wine. Michael is very knowledgeable and highly qualified. After we finished talking it was getting late and he was very exhausted. After talking about what he was going to do for the evening, Michael accepted an invitation to stay at my house for the night. I had a very relaxed evening working in my home office processing some papers and preparing a couple of documents for an organization of which I serve as the secretary of the corporation and the secretary of the Board of Directors. My company was in the processes of helping a couple daughter organizations get started, and there has been an extra amount of work place upon my office and department, and upon me personally. Until such time that someone is appointed or elected, I serve as the temporary secretary of the corporation, for any company that my corporation starts. Obviously with these extra responsibilities comes extra work, and there never seems to be enough hours in the day, but I seem to manage quite well. Then I also have my responsibilities that come from being owner and founder of another large separate conglomerate of businesses. Then as any good businessman knows, you must serve on several well-known boards and organizations. Around 10:30 Michael went to bed in my guest room. I didn't climb into bed until about 1:15.

Even after lying down to go to sleep my mind wandered to the young man that was currently sleeping in my guest room. He already had the dream, desire, and all the qualifications to serve as a houseboy. I contemplated what my next action was. I knew deep down in my spirit that Michael was to serve me as my houseboy. However, I had to work out some of the logistics. He wanted to be a professional secretary that only had to work part time. My company that I serve as the Secretary of the Corporation and as Secretary of the Board of Directors is in need of a part time secretary. I just had to figure out how I could get him hired. I also needed to make it where no one would know that he was living with me. There were going to have to be some tracks covered to where he could serve as my houseboy and yet have no one know about it.

After thinking about what I could do to get the logistics worked out, my mind then wandered over what kind of man Michael was. Even though I had just met him a few hours earlier, I had a perfect mental picture of him. He was definitely a handsome stud. Even though I had only seen him in clothes I could tell that he was in excellent physical shape and I could detect a hint of a 6 pack. While I was thinking about how he looked in his elegant clothes, my cock started to stir in my silk boxers while I was looking at his mental picture. I knew that I was going to have to take care of my erection if I was going to get any sleep. It was this very reason, among others, that I needed to get me a houseboy. I slid my silk boxers off my lean physique. I grasped my growing erection in my right hand and started to stroke it. My pre-cum started to flow rather freely and I moved rather quickly towards getting off. I grasped my balls with my left hand and imagined in my mind what I could do with Michael, once he became my houseboy. That propelled me even closer to blowing my wad. I moved my left hand up and started playing with my right tit and that sent me over the edge and blew my load over my chest. After coming down off my high I ran my fingers through the load I had shot and took a pleasure taste. It was sweet just the way it has always been.

After taking care of my erection I cleaned myself up and climbed under the covers, said my prayers, and fell asleep. I had a peaceful night's sleep and awoke to start a new day. I arose at 7:00 to have my morning devotion and prayer. After taking care of my quiet times I slipped on a jock strap and running shorts. I was pleased with myself on having taken care of myself so well. I was in better fit now than when I was in high school. I left for my two-mile run. It was very fulfilling and it was a good run. I returned and Michael was not up yet. I jumped into the shower to clean up from my run and proceeded to get ready to go into work. I had a big presentation that I had to give to the Board of Directors in several days and I had a lot of work I needed to do at a couple of my offices. After getting dressed in a pinstriped suit I went into my guest room to wake up my guest.

Michael, it appears sleeps in his boxers. That would change once he became my houseboy. I woke him up, told him where the shower was and told him I expected him to be at breakfast in 20 minutes. I put on a pot for tea, fried some breakfast sausage, scrambled some eggs, and cooked hash browns. I also mixed up a batch of blueberry muffins and put those in the oven. Exactly 20 minutes later Michael stepped into the kitchen dressed in my bathrobe and I had finished putting everything on the table and had started eating.

"Good morning, Michael. Sleep well?"

"Good morning, David. Yes, I had an excellent night's rest."

"Good. I'm pleased."

"David, I want to thank you for allowing me to sleep here last night. It took a load of my mind and allowed me to sleep peacefully like had not been able to do for several weeks."

"Michael I am glad that you slept well. Listen, I want you to show up at the address listed on this card at 10:00 sharp. This is the corporation I work at. We are currently looking for a part-time secretary to serve in the office of the Secretary of the Corporation. I believe you have the qualifications to fulfill and handle this job. Now, one thing I need to tell you, if at anytime you see me in the office you cannot recognize the fact that you know me at all. It will be very important if you want this job to not show any recognition to me. If you do, it could mean you not receiving the job because it would be viewed as unethical to have a relationship between the employer and his employee. Do you think you can handle that?"

"Yes, David. Thank you. I will do just as you suggest and I will show up to apply for this position. You know that this only fulfills half of my dream. Would you be interested in helping me fulfill the other half of my dream?"

"Michael, we will deal with the rest of your dream after we see what happens today at the corporation. Ok?


"On that note, finish your breakfast and show up at 10:00 for the job interview. When the interview is done no matter the results I expect you to show up here and be here when I get back. Is that ok with you?"

"Yes, David. It is. Thank you for everything."

"Your welcome. By the way, if you look in the closet in the guest room you should find clothes that are appropriate to wear for the interview. You will find the necessary accessories in the top drawer of the dresser. Be presentable."

"Yes, sir. Thank you. I was wondering what I was going to have to do to be dressed appropriately. Now I know.

"I need to leave if I am going to get to work on time. See you when I get back."

"Bye David."

"Bye Michael."

After David left, Michael sat there at the kitchen table and finished eating the scrumptious breakfast. He decided that before getting dressed he would clean up the kitchen and load, run, and unload the dishwasher. He also straightened up his guestroom and the rest of the house. After taking care of that he went in to the guest room, looked in the closet and selected a dark blue suit. He also selected a corresponding shirt and matching tie. Looking in the top drawer he found the tie clasp, a pair of matching cuff links, a watch, and a kerchief. He dressed, and found a pair of black shoes that accented the whole suit. He knew that he was not wearing anything cheap, that each item cost more than he had made in his entire lifetime up to that point. He left to make it to the address by 10:00.

I took my same route in to work and arrived on time and went into his office of the Secretary of the Corporation. Five minutes after arriving, an aide arrived to brief me on the major happenings around the world, the important news and reports released and other articles of importance that I, as secretary, must deal with on a regular basis. Not even two minutes after my morning briefing, my personal secretary arrived with my morning tea, which on this day of the month is an Earl Grey Tea of Twinnings in London , with just a dash of milk and the perfect amount of sugar. You see even though I am an American through and through I am a lover of tea. You will never see coffee pass through my lips nor do I own coffee or a coffee maker. It does not matter where in the world I happen to be, there better be tea or you better be prepared to get it at a moments notice. Oh, and don't waste my time with the weak, cheap regular black tea. I know if you are trying to serve that cheap tea. My personal secretary also briefs me on his schedule for the day and my to-do-list. My personal secretary travels with me anytime I leave to go to one of my other offices that I have.

I quickly mentioned that I am to be notified as soon as any person comes in for an interview for the part time secretary position in my office area and with that the secretary leaves Secretary Murray's office and closes the door. I slowly sipped my Earl Grey tea and read through a report lying on my desk placed there by one of my many aides. This particular report deals with some hiring changes that are being made in one of the companies my corporation owns. I know that ultimately a memo will pass my desk requiring my signature in response to this report, so I take my time now to read, study the report, and makes notes before the report gets to be a day old.

I am typing away on my computer making notes on the report I am reading, when the corporation president steps in through a private path way that connects the offices of the six executive officers together for easy passage. The executive officers each have a personal secretary and it is easy to know who has someone in their office or who is out of the office, so I was not surprised when I looked up and saw John standing there with a memo in his hand reading.

"Well I was wondering when I was going to be getting my morning visit from the chief. How are you this fine day, John?"

"Doing well, and you?"

"The same."

"Sorry about the delay but I had an important memo that came across my desk that I had to deal with first. I knew you have not been privileged to it because your name was not on the CC list. Probably something to do with keeping the secretaries of the corporation out of the loop until after the decision is made by the CEO's. But you and I run this corporation legally and work with the board of directors and follow their leadings. This memo has me worried, David, very worried."

"Your right I have not received any confidential memos today."

"Well here let me have you read the memo and have you tell me what you think."


I read the memo and shook my head when I was finished.

"This will never pass through our board of directors. You know that they have been in disagreement with the mother corporation for many months now over the illegal and ungodly control of that corporation. What are you considering doing, John?"

"I know that David. If we try and bring this up to the board it will not only be shot down but the board will probably either dissolve its ties with the mother corporation or dissolve completely. In my opinion the dissolving of the ties is the better route but you or I cannot be involved in any kind of a split due to the policies and guidelines of the mother corporation."

"You are right to a degree. For one, you as CEO do not sit on the board, much to the disgust of the mother corporation, but second of all if the vote is by secret ballot I can vote my conscience and no one will know, unless it is unanimous. Third, I can place the board of directors on gag order that any person found talking about the undisclosed parts of non-public board meetings will be meet with criminal actions. And last but not least, I have a close friend on the board that I can talk to and convince to bring up an article of separation from the mother corporation."

"I know I don't sit on the board and I am glad I don't, but if this memo is forced upon us, one I would become a board member and the CEO of the mother corporation would become the official CEO of this corporation and I would become the corporation vice president the CEO would also become a board member and become the president of the board of directors. That would not fly in this corporation at all. None of those would be found acceptable. Is there any way that you can bring this about without you or I being tied to it in any way until after it has happened?"

"Yes, it is possible. I will have a meeting set up with this friend for this afternoon and we will plan everything out. At our board meeting in four days we will have a secret ballot vote of an article of separation from our mother corporation and we will become our own stand-alone corporation and organization and take with us all daughter organizations that we are currently over. This will cause a lot of ruffled feathers in the end, but it will be for the best in the end."

"Thank you David. I have wanted to get us separated for a while now but the opportunity hasn't really raised itself until now. Now, onto another topic."

"Can you wait a second, I want to buzz my secretary and tell her to call my friend that I was telling you about and have her set up the appointment for this afternoon."

"Yes, please go ahead."

David quickly types a few key strokes into his computer and proceeds to look up a piece of information and than presses the intercom button on his phone and his secretary responds in her sweet calm voice.

"Yes, Mr. Secretary?"

"Jill, I want you to call up Code Name Horsefly and set up an urgent meeting with this individual for this afternoon at the latest."

"Yes, sir that was Code Name Horsefly, urgent meeting this afternoon at the latest. Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you."

John begins to speak after the intercom is off.

"Code Name Horsefly, what is that all about?"

"John, I'll give you a basic run down now. If you wish, we can have lunch together tomorrow and we can continue this discussion."

"David that would be wonderful."

I quickly buzzed his secretary.

"Yes, Mr. Secretary."

"Jill, schedule a lunch appointment with the president tomorrow for a couple of hours."

"Yes, sir Mr. Secretary."

"And Jill, call the President's secretary and have her schedule the same appointment on his calendar."

"Yes, sir."

I disengaged the intercom and continued my discussion with John.

"The Code Name System is a very fascinating system that I use. It is a system that I have written which allows me to have all my contacts in one place and each person being assigned a random code name that protects people from others. One can never be too safe. Ever since I was compromised on a secret mission and almost lost my life I have insured that people that I have contact with are protected on my end. In this system I can set a guideline that determines what type of code name is assigned to an individual. An individual can have multiple code names depending on certain situations and needs. Each code name stands for something only known to my personal secretary, the system, and me. I'll take you for example, you have 7 code names. I can activate any of your seven code names depending on the needs and protection I need. This individual code named Horsefly has three code names at any one time. Jill and I can access this system where everyone and their current code names are listed. I just activated one of the code names of this individual code named Horsefly. In this system Jill and I can make changes at any time we deem necessary. I am sure you are curious about how I can be so trusting of Jill. I protected her from her ex-husband and have looked after her ever since, that is why she is always very polite and respectful to me. She is like a daughter I have never had. Now, if either Jill or I think a person's name might have been compromised we can go into the system and designate a code name as compromised and as soon as the person making the changes logs out the system changes that code name immediately and places the compromised name onto a list of compromised code names. Because there was a person present in the room that potentially knows too much information Horsefly has been compromised. Now when we think a person's code name has been compromised and we have gone into the system and marked it as such, the new code name is assigned following the guidelines and specifications I have set for that particular type of code name. During my time of using this system, the software has never once reused a used code name or a compromised code name. What I do when I called up the record for someone like Horsefly, I marked his code name Horsefly as activated which would allow me to make notes and add attachments that deal with that particular code name. There is another button that would allow me to close the particular code name. Upon the completion of the meeting today it will be marked closed and the old code name and the new one that will be immediately assigned when the code name is marked compromised. Now, if the whole process from activation to closure is completed with no compromise, than when the code name is closed it is moved to a list of used code names that in the future could be reassigned."

"Can you add information to a closed record?"

"Yes, but it requires a special password that only I use."

"What prevents me from breaking in and accessing the system and compromising all the code names and finding out a lot of information?"

"Well, for starters how many languages do you know?"

"David, you know the answer, none."

"Right. I do know that. You know I speak 8 languages fluently, German, Russian, Ukrainian, Spanish, Japanese, Swahili, Korean, and Chinese. I also speak French, Portuguese, Italian, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Vietnamese, and Indonesian at either the beginning or intermediate level."

"Yes, I am aware of your extensive linguistic abilities. So?"

"So, that make 13 languages not counting English that I can type on the computer and use in passwords and documents. So, let's say for example that I have a password that is 13 characters long, each character can come from a different language's alphabet or characters. It would take forever to crack the password, if you could crack it at all. Now, If I am using an actual word for the password and I let the word slip, you would have to figure out what language I am using the word in, what form the word is in, and in some languages where they have three or more words for one English word you would have to know which word in that language I am using."

"Ok, I see what you are talking about. What happens if you die?"

"There is a locked safe in a private location that holds the administrative password that would allow Jill to enter with her co-admin password. It would take both my admin code and her admin code to enter the private parts of the system and access all closed files. Now, it would require either Jill or I to still be alive for anyone to access it. If we are both killed than all the information in the system is lost."

"Why do you have it set up that way?"

"As a precautionary against untrustworthy people."

"Ok, David. I will trust your decision. I look forward to hearing about your meeting with your friend."

"You will have a nice report either this evening before you go home, or tomorrow morning when you arrive in the office. John, you were saying that there was another topic of discussion that you wanted to talk about."

"Yes, David there was, however we can talk about it tomorrow at the lunch we have. I have an appointment coming up that I need to prepare for. Talk to you soon."

"Yes, John. We can talk about it tomorrow. Talk to you later."

David buzzes Jill, and asks her if she has contacted Horsefly.

"Jill, has my appointment with Horsefly been scheduled?"

"Yes, Mr. Secretary the appointment has been scheduled."

"Thank you Jill, than I am going into the system and marking Horsefly as compromised and the individual will be receiving a new code name."

"Yes, sir, Mr. Secretary. Will that be all?"

"Yes, Jill thanks."

After John left I started to think about the meeting I had Jill set up. This person code named Horsefly in real life is known as Jacob Bonow. He serves on the board of directors for this corporation. He also carries a lot of sway since he is the most recent past president of the board. Everyone still looks ups to him for advice and reasoning. That is why I am turning to him when John came to me with this very disturbing memo. Since, I can't legally have the memo since I am not an individual that was privy to that memo but I know what was mentioned in the memo. This meeting should be very interesting. Jacob has always wanted to separate ourselves from our mother corporation. I quickly went into the system and marked Horsefly as compromised. I started to type up some notes to have printed off for the meeting when my intercom buzzed.

"Mr. Secretary."

"Yes, Jill."

"You wanted to be informed whenever someone arrived for an interview for the part-time secretary position."

"Yes, I did."

"Well, sir, a young man has arrived and given his name as Michael Potter and he is here for an interview for the position."

"Ok, thank you. Buzz the person responsible for the interviews for the position that I want to sit in on this one and to please hold until I have arrived. And have a to-go cup of tea ready for me."

"Yes, Mr. Secretary."

I disengaged the intercom and glanced at the clock and saw that it was indeed 10:00 sharp and Michael had arrived right on time for the interview. This may seem a bit odd but everything I have done and told Michael has been a silent and hidden test to see how well he does and how well he obeys. I plan on having my secretary run over to my house and check and see what he has done when there weren't any instructions given. Well I can't keep the interview on hold forever so I will make my way down to the conference room where the interviews are to take place.

"Jill, when you take your lunch break would you mind running over to my house and checking on it and seeing how everything is. I left dishes by the sink when I left. I had a guest last night and they left after I did and I want to make sure that everything is locked up and secured and I want to know what they did."

"Yes, sir. I would not mind doing that. Shall I buzz down and let them know you are on your way? Oh and here is your tea."

"Yes, Jill. Thanks."

"You're welcome Mr. Secretary."

I continued on his way took the elevator down a couple of floors and entered into the conference room where the interview was to take place. Mr. Jeffery was already present when I arrived. He stood and we shook hands. Mr. Jeffery told me that this young man looked to be promising from his resume and that this should be a rather short interview. Mr. Jeffery knew why I was present at the interview. Whenever there are any openings in the office of the Secretary of the Corporation I am always present and always had the final say in the hiring process.

Soon a professionally dressed lady arrived leading Michael into the conference room, where Mr. Jeffery invited him to take a seat across the table from Mr. Jeffery and me. Mr. Jeffery conducted the interview with great ease and professionalism. Michael politely made eye contact with the both of us and gave no appearance as to having recognized me at all. I also did not give any showings that I recognized Michael either. I was introduced as the secretary of the corporation and that the job that we were interviewing for was in my office area. Michael's answers were excellent and by the time the interview was over with, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was the one for the job. Mr. Jeffery asked Michael to leave the room while he and I talked and that he was welcome to ask the secretary out there for anything that he might want. After Michael left, Mr. Jeffery and I talked about the interview.

"Well, David what are your thoughts on this? I know that you hold final say in all hiring that occurs in your office area."

"I think he meets the standards that we expect in our organization. I also believe that he holds the ideals that we desire for our workers to have. Furthermore, in looking at his resume and listen to his answers I firmly believe he has the qualifications and abilities to serve effectively as a part-time secretary. I need this position to be filled quickly and I think we would have to look long and hard to find someone else that matches his abilities."

"I agree with you Mr. Secretary, I believe he will do well. I do wish he was slightly older than he is but I don't think that will be a very big problem. Now we need to discuss what his benefits and pay will be."

"Well, he will be hired part-time with all the benefits of a part-time employee of this corporation. If I remember the benefits are similar to a full time employee in the same position. Pay would be reasonable as $72,000 a year to be increased annually at a rate set by the board of directors. Does that sound about right?"

"Yes, Mr. Secretary. That sounds about right."

"Very well, let's bring him in and we can inform him of our decision."

Mr. Jeffery walked to the door and opened it and motioned for Michael to reenter the conference room. After Michael had entered, and he closed the door, Mr. Jeffery started to talk to Michael.

"Michael, David and I have discussed and we feel that you would be the perfect person for the job and would like to hire you at this time as a part time secretary in the office of the secretary of the corporation. Your starting salary would be $72,000 a year with a pay increase every year at a rate set by the board of directors. You will receive a full benefits package for dental, medical, and life insurance. Your benefits would also include paid vacation and sick time. There are also a couple of other benefits that you will be informed of at orientation. There are Christmas bonuses given. Now, we must ask if you are interested in accepting the job."

"Michael, before you respond I want you to know that you have the qualifications and abilities that we desire for our employees to have and we would love nothing more than to have you join this corporation."

"Mr. Jeffery, Mr. Secretary, I would love nothing more than to come and work for this corporation as a part time secretary in the office of the secretary of the corporation."

"Well, that settles it then. Welcome to the corporation Michael."

"Michael, I would like to have lunch with you today to introduce you to this corporation and to tell you more about what your job will entail."

"Yes, sir Mr. Secretary."

"Well, I must get back to the office for an appointment but if you come up after you finish up with Mr. Jeffery you can wait in the office area for me to be ready."

"Thank you Mr. Secretary. I will see you for lunch."

"Good day Mr. Jeffery."

"Good day Mr. Secretary."

I proceeded to leave and walk back to my office to prepare for a short meeting I had with the president of the board of directors. It was officially a meeting of the executive officers of the board. Since there are only three members of the executive committee, the president, the secretary, and the most recent past president, any two of the members can have a meeting. The most recent past president decided that the topics up for discussion were not important for him to be present which is perfectly acceptable for him to do. I also needed to get ready for the meeting I did have with the most recent past president of the board of directors.

The executive committee meeting went well for us. We got the agenda down including the time where a board member can bring new business that had not been brought to the attention of the executive committee. I knew about a motion that will be presented during this time but I, because of my standing, was not able to mention it or place it on the agenda. That is always an odd little feeling to know something but be unable to talk about it.

I then finished preparing my notes for my meeting in the afternoon. I gathered my notes together so my thoughts were in tune with my notes. This meeting has got to come out right if this corporation is going to come out right. What no one knows is that I have been in communication with the DA and the founder and president of our mother corporation as well as our mother corporation is about to be charged with multiple counts of felonies and misdemeanors. I have been holding the DA off until our corporation could remove itself since we have been forced into things against our will, and I didn't want this corporations name tied to our current mother corporations' name. As soon as this meeting today is done with and it comes out the way I am hoping, I will be on the phone setting up a meeting with the DA to meet and talk about what is happening and give him a general timetable on when we can move to prosecute the mother corporation. At last count there were 3,254 counts of felonies against the corporation, 5,428 counts of felonies against the founder and president, 1,093 against each of the other officers of the corporation and board of director members of the mother corporation. We are going to file each count as a separate court case, we know that most of the counts are going to get clumped together into one case, but we are going to cause a logistical nightmare at that corporation. By the time the court cases are finished that mother corporation will cease to exist and the president will be in jail as will most of the other people that have counts of felonies against them. There is one person at that corporation that has been feeding me information and documents to assist me in what I was doing and I have that individual protected against court cases I also currently have myself protected as well and have been working to get this corporation and everyone at this corporation protected. All that remains for me to get this corporation protected is to get this corporation removed from under that mother corporation.

Lunch was wonderful with Michael and everything turned out the way I had hoped. Michael is going to make a great addition to our offices. I also found out from my secretary what all he did after I left without me telling him. I think that tonight I will approach the topic of him becoming my houseboy.

We got back to the offices, and I sent him to my office manager for my office area to learn what his job would entail while I went in to attend to the details of my important meeting with Jacob Bonow.

I was sitting at my desk when the intercom buzzed.

"Yes, Jill."

"Mr. Secretary, Mr. Jacob Bonow is here to see you."

"Thank you, Jill. See him in."

I disengaged the intercom and stood to greet Mr. Bonow as he entered.

"Welcome, Mr. Bonow, I am pleased that you were able to meet with me on such a short notice."

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Secretary. I assumed by the tone your secretary was using that it was very important that I meet with you and that the topic of discussion was very private."

"You have assumed correctly, Jacob."

"Well, in that case let's get down to business then."

"Jacob, you know we have been close friends for quite a while. You also know what my feelings are concerning out mother corporation and what I would like to see happen. Well, John received a memo today that was ordering him to have the board of directors pass a motion that would make the CEO of the mother corporation the CEO of our corporation, make John the Executive Vice President, place the both of them on the board of directors and make the CEO the president of the board of directors. You and I both know that that will never happen at this corporation. We believe in separation between the board of directors and the officers of the corporation the exception being the secretary of the two."

"My God, David. You can't be serious. That fool, wants us to do that?"

"Yes, she is insisting that we call a board meeting in two weeks to vote on this very thing. Well I think we finally have the grounds we have been looking for to dissolve the ties of this corporation to our mother corporation. Because of my status as secretary of the corporation I cannot be involved in a split like this. I know that it has to be done. You don't know this yet but the mother corporation is going to be charged and taken to court on quite a few counts of felonies. Now, as long as our corporation is tied to that corporation, our corporation is in trouble, however, if we break ties before the court cases are filled this corporation is protected from the illegal actions of the mother corporation."

"Oh my. This is getting more and more serious as you talk."

"This is very serious Jacob. There is a lot of stake here. I must ask that you not mention anything about those court cases. They legally do not exist yet. And for your protection, my protection, and the protection of this corporation it is imperative that you not tell anyone."

"I understand David."

"Thank you. I have talked to John, earlier today, and he wants me to work and try and get a motion brought to the board to dissolve our ties immediately. I can't do it because of conflict of interests but you can. We want to get you on board and do this and dissolve the ties. The president does not know about the court cases or he would be even more eager than he is."

"I understand David."

"Good. Now, what we need you to do is at the board meeting in four days to present a motion on articles of dissolution from the mother corporation and that the vote is by secret ballot. If the vote is not by secret ballot then I will be forced to vote against the motion and go completely against my feelings."

"David, I understand. What happens if some calls for a roll call vote?"

"We have to hope and pray that we can convince the board that that would be putting people at risk of needless and ungodly retribution."

"She wouldn't!"

"She would, and has. You think of something when it comes to corporations and she has probably done it."

"She has got to be stopped."

"That is what the court cases are for, but I want to protect this corporation and that won't happen if we are still tied to the mother corporation."

"Do we know if she will accept our dissolution?"

"There is nothing she can do about it. As soon as the motion is passed, I need a 15 minute recess. During this time I will be sending by registered courier for 1 hour delivery a letter notifying her that the board of directors has voted to dissolve all ties with her corporation effective immediately and at the same time I will call up the DA and he will file all the court cases at once. Those notices will be hand delivered by the same agent delivering our notice of dissolution. She will get hit by a double whopper at the same time. Furthermore, I will also send by courier to our local county court house, the official document of dissolution from our parent organization along with the appropriate fees, and have them filed which make the dissolution from the parent organization effective immediately."

"She deserves it though, and has for a long time."

"You are telling me. So, are you on board and will you do this for us?"

"Yes, David, I am on board and will ensure that this is taken care of."

"Thank you."

"You are welcome, Mr. Secretary. This is like a dream come true for me."

"Same here."

"Well, David, if there is nothing else, I will leave you alone so you can get back to work. I here that you have hired a part time secretary today."

"You are correct. His name is Michael, and I believe he will be a great addition to this corporation and to my office area."

"I am sure he will. Bye, David, thanks for the info and the approval to go ahead."

"Your welcome. Bye."

After Jacob had left, I buzzed Jill and told her I was getting ready to leave for the day and that I wanted to see Michael for a couple of minutes and that he was to join me as soon as possible. Michael showed up two minutes later, I told him that I was going out for dinner with a business associate and that I would see him at my home when I was finished. With that I left the building and went to my dinner meeting.

Copyright 2005. By JD Trotter. All Rights Reserved

Next: Chapter 2

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