House sitting for a friend.

By John Doe

Published on Apr 10, 2023



DISCLAIMER: THis is a work of fiction. It is not intended to reflect actual persons or events. Any similarities are purely conicidental.

This is my first attempt at erotic story writing but hopefully not the last.

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I welcome any feedback. This story involves gay men.

House sitting for a friend (1)

I was house sitting for a buddy who left town for a few weeks on vacation. It was early April and the ground still covered in snow. I wasn't to worried about shoveling the new snow given it was barely anything usually when I woke up and My buddy had taken care of a bunch of snow removal before he left so I didn't have to do it. but I still checked around each morning to take a look at things.

Where he lived there were not many fenced in yards, I'd see a few neighbors out moving their snow piles getting ready for the melting that was coming with spring. The back yard all blended together and I saw one neighbor doing more shoveling in the back yard than I was used to given it was in the trees and they didn't have to go back there until after the snow had already melted. He was a bigger guy but farther away and paid no mind to it.

The next morning we had 1-2 inches of snowfall but the 8" there came two nights later was a surprise. As I checked around the place I saw the same neighbor from a few days ago out with some machinery clearing snow deep into back yard making nice pathways and now my interest was peaked. I grabbed some shoes better equipped for the deeper snow and went down to chat and see what was going on. As I flagged him down he turned the machine off and we exchanged pleasantries and I went straight in asking him what he was up to. He told me he was working on a few projects and the reasoning behind what he was doing, seemed to make sense. He asked if I was the neighbor from one of those houses near by and I told him I was house sitting for my buddy and pointed out the place. While chatting i sized him up, he was in his forties white a nice chap.

Later that day I heard a knock at back door and it was the guy from before. Now I'm in my late 30's 5'10 black 185 pounds, not a gym rat but like to stay fit. he was now standing on the porch so more level ground and I could tell he was a fair bit taller than me and weighed considerably more also. As He was making a path he wanted to know if it was okay so as not to intrude on their property line and while i didn't think my buddy would care I said step inside and let me text him to make sure.

While waiting for response we made small talk and he took off his beanie and unzipped his jacket. Now to be fair I had been trying to have less sex lately of the random hookup variety although I am single. He stood about 6'1" and weighed about 255 and carried it well, he had salt and peppered hair with rosy cheeks but that could have been from the cold. Now maybe it was just me but we were definitely in each others personal space it felt like while chatting but I could have been overthinking it. The reply was taking longer than expected and I told him I'd let him know when I knew something. He said thanks extended his hand to shake hands and sayd his name was Frank i replied with Kaleb and he left.

Later on that day after I heard some machinery i looked out back door and seeing it was Frank I threw on some shoes and went to let him know what I already knew my buddy could care less. More trails for him and his dog. As I left the back porch I saw Frank heading into his place so I walked up to the door and gave a knock. It took a few minutes for someone to answer and I figured he might have been busy and almost left. The door opened and Frank kinda hid behind the door with just his head showing, I apologized and told I just wanted to give him the go ahead and didn't mean to interrupt. He swung the door open and said not a problem I was just getting ready to hop in the shower and wasn't sure who was at the door.

I said I understand and he interrupted and invited me inside so he could close the door. As i stepped inside i wasn't sure who else would be there or what to expect. I knew the homes were large in the area and assumed he didn't live there alone. I had already noticed Frank was wearing socks and basket ball shorts and those don't leave much to the imagination and I saw what I thought was a very nice tent beginning to start in the front. As he closed the door and we discussed things he said he'd probably get back to it tomorrow and asked me what I was up to, This is when I knew I was in trouble {so to speak}. I told him not much and although I knew he said he was hopping in shower i asked instinctively what he was up to and I must have been staring as well cause he laughed and said still Plan to shower and winked at me.

As I was getting ready try and recover and let myself out he invited to show me around his place. I said nice place as he was escorting me around. I saw a room around the corner and asked what that was and he showed my It was a dry sauna which is not surprising for where we live. He opened the door and stepped inside and I did the same, not much to see he said and as he went to go back out we were in each others space again and I felt my hand brush up against his shorts and what was a nice size semi chubed up cock. As he stepped out the door and I went to follow him he stopped abruptly and I ran into him and his very well placed hand that caught my hardon in his hand.

He turned around and said I was wandering how much I'd have to show you before you got the hint. I said "the hint"? He said well I wasn't sure when I came up to your place but when I opened the door in shorts and winked about the shower I figured you would get it or maybe not until I actually showed you the shower. I laughed a bit and said I can be a bit oblivious and he said he could tell. I don't need much provocation though once I know and my hand quickly found his cock thru his shorts and as I went to kiss him he moaned the slightest bit.

As we kissed and I slipped my hand under his shorts i felt his cock grow in my hand and was taken back. I hadn't seen it yet but verbally said "damn". He looked a little down and said not into uncut? I said I definitely am but was referring to the size. He said oh and smiled big.

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