House of Bastian

By Bastian Ward

Published on Feb 12, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else


N.B. Some people have asked for an explanation as to how the house came to be as it is. I'm not giving an explanation for it now. Because all your questions will be answered in the following chapter. It has happened like that naturally. So please be patient.

A few days later I had an uneasy feeling, something wasn't right; but I couldn't quite but my finger on it. Acting on a hunch, I called Leo into my office and asked him about the course that he had started, and what he thought about it. I asked him about his gym sessions, and how he thought he was fitting in here; and through all this 'fishing' I got nothing. So I decided the direct approach was needed. So I asked him if he had said anything to any of the other boys. He said he hadn't, so I was forced to give up, and sent Leo back to whatever it was he was he had been doing before I called him.

I called Mitch, and ran through the same process, but on his way out the door he turned to me and said that neither he nor Leo had said anything to any of the others. Again I was forced to let it drop.

Leo's week was up, so I went to call him. Only He wasn't in bed, and his bed made. His side of the room was neat and tidy. While I thought it was a great improvement. I still had the problem of his whereabouts to solve.

I checked the bathroom, but Steve was in there and he said he would be out in a minute. I told him it was only me looking for Leo, and that I was sorry for disturbing him. Steve called out that he saw Leo heading downstairs earlier. I thanked him and headed downstairs to continue my search.

He wasn't having breakfast with the other guys, but he had been there earlier. The only other place he could be was in the garage, or waiting for me out in the backyard. I decided to try the garage. Sure enough there he was standing on the spot, and had already assumed the 'position'.

I complimented him on getting himself up and ready. I liked it. Maybe the conduct of the other guys was finally rubbing off on him. I could see he had everything ready. There was water in the basin, and the full enema bag was hanging from one of the hooks. I was impressed.

"Well, I'm glad to see you have everything ready," I said.

"Thank you, Sir," he replied.

"I think the other guys are finally rubbing off on you. I am impressed."

"Thank you, Sir. Yes, the other guys have, um, helped, ah, 'knock' me into shape, Sir. I am very happy that you noticed, Sir. I want to make you happy, Sir. This has been such a great opportunity for me, Sir. I do want to show you how much I appreciate it, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

I went over and ran my hand down his chest, "are you losing weight, Leo?"

"Yes, Sir. Toby is working me real hard in the gym, and he says I am doing well, Sir. I'm glad you gave me the opportunity to go, Sir. I am very happy with my new life now, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

I got the stool and the other equipment I needed and sat in front of him. Taking the keys out of my pocket, I removed the lock and chastity device. This time his cock didn't spring to attention straight away. So, something else had changed as well.

Anyway, I inspected his groin for any signs of skin breaks, pressure areas, or rubbing. It all looked Ok, and even though he wasn't smelly at all; I gave his groin a good wash. Peeling back his foreskin and ensuring I gave the head of his cock a thorough wash, and made sure it was all dried. Then I turned my attention to the chastity device and gave it a good wash and made sure it was dry as well.

I took a couple of steps back and had a look at the whole package. Leo had a fair amount of body hair, not that he was overly hairy. He had a light dusting of chest hair, but his arms had a fair amount of hair. It looked like he was wearing shorts as there was no hair around his groin area, obviously because I had shaved it. Then there was a lot of hair from the top of his thighs right down to the tops of his feet.

To his credit, Leo didn't move or ask any questions. He remained on his spot, holding his position. I was very pleased with that.

I stood in front of him and placed the bowl of water on to the stool. I shook the can of shaving cr?me, and spread it all over his chest and his pits as well. Taking up the razor I preceded to give him a full body shave. When I was finished with his chest and pits I told him to turn around and bend over and made sure his arse and crack were nicely shaved. I told him to stand up again and shaved the backs of his arms and legs, and told him he could finish the rest.

When I had finished I stepped back to admire my handy work, and was that a ghost of a smile I say playing around Leo's face?

I told Leo to get on the floor, which he did, in the same position he was in last week. Head down and arse in the air. I inserted the nozzle of the enema bag into his anus and let the water flow into his bowels filling him up. When he had the full 2ltrs inside him, I removed the nozzle and admonishing him not to let any escape. I sent him off to the toilet.

Before he got to the door, I called him back. I gave him his towel and told him I didn't want a repeat of last week.

I waited for him to return, with another full enema bag. I filled him up again, and sent him off to the toilet.

When he returned this time, I told him to stand in front of me and grab his ankles. I put on a disposable glove and a dollop of lube on my finger, and slowly worked it into his anus right up to the second knuckle. It felt a bit easier this time, and as I worked my finger around his anus, I could hear Leo moaning and I could see he was leaking precum already. On a whim I started to work a second finger into his arse, and heard Leo moaning appreciatively. So I continued to stretch his hole.

When I grew tired of doing that I lubed up the dildo, and having squirted lube into his arse. I began to push the dildo into his seemingly willing arse. When I had worked it all the way in, I told him to go upstairs and finishing shaving himself.

When he came back downstairs, I was in the office. He knocked on the door, and we went back down to the garage. He assumed the position, and I asked him what his plans for the day were. He told me he was going to the movies.

I said that was a great idea. I sat in front of him and put the chastity device back on him, and then told him to go to the movies and to have a good time.

"Um. But Sir," he said, "you haven't taken the butt plug out, Sir."

"I know," I replied, "is that a problem?"

"Um, Sir, what if it comes out, Sir? What am I supposed to do then, Sir?"

"Well I think, as it's only the second time you have had it in. I really doubt if it will come out. But so what if it does?"

"Um, Sir," he started.

But I cut him off, stating that if he wanted to, this could all finish right now.

He thought for about 30 seconds, then picked up his towel and left the garage.

I was in the kitchen helping with dinner when Leo returned. Everyone in the house has to help out with all of the chores, no one is exempt not even me; unless they are sick of course. Everyone hailed him and asked how his day was. Asking what movie he saw, and if he liked it. It was all pretty usual stuff.

As I was almost finished, I asked Leo if he could help me with some things in the garage, and he bolted from the room. I laughed to myself as I followed him down to the garage.

He obviously was in a hurry as his clothes were thrown all over the garage, and even though he was standing in position I told him to pick up all of his clothes and stack them neatly. I told him that I expected better from him now.

He picked up all of his clothes and folded them neatly and put them near the door, and again resumed the position.

"So, Leo, how's your arse feeling now?"

"It feels like it is on fire, Sir. Please, Sir, can you take it out for me now, Sir. Please, Sir, it does hurt a lot, Sir."

"Is this how you imagined it would feel, Leo?"

"Oh, no, Sir. I wasn't sure what it would feel like, Sir. I just didn't think it could hurt so much, Sir."

I went and got the stool and sat in front of him. I took the keys out of my pocket and undid the padlock. I removed both it and the sheath, and then I worked his cock and balls through the ring. Then I started to stroke his cock.

I kept him on the edge for a good half hour before I let him shoot his load, and he collapsed to the floor breathing hard. I handcuffed his wrists and tied his ankles together and tied the rope off at the handcuffs. I reached down between his legs, and Leo started to whimper.

I grabbed his cock and started to slow stroke him again, making sure that I ran my hand over the head of his, now sensitive cock. In fact, this time I paid the head special attention and made sure I rubbed it constantly until he cum again. Not letting him catch his breath I grabbed his cock again and slow stroked him into cumming again, rubbing my thumb along the underside of his cock and pushing through the split of his glands again.

I reached down for his cock for a fourth time, and Leo lost his composure, and started to cry. He said that he would do anything I wanted to, anything, if I would only leave his dick alone.

I told him this is what I wanted to do, and told him he couldn't stop me. So he laid there resigned to his fate. The minute I touched his poor abused sensitive cock, he started to scream, and bucking and twisting trying to stop me from attacking his poor abused cock. He kept screaming after a small bit of cum dribbled out of his abused cock. He was still screaming after I removed the butt plug. His hole was very inflamed and red, and I could see the he was unable to close it at all. In fact I could insert my little finger into the opening. I undid the rope and removed the handcuffs.

By the time I had cleaned him up both sides, he was quietly whimpering to himself. I reapplied the chastity device and left him lying there. He joined us just in time for dinner, and while he wasn't quite his usual chipper self, he none the less joined in the dinner conversation. He even stayed up till all the other guys went to bed. I was impressed.

Leo's toilet routine has increased quite a bit now that he was totally shaved, it didn't occur to me to wonder how it was that he seemed to keep even his most inaccessible body parts shaved. I didn't give him that much thought when we weren't locked up in the garage together once a week. I had even managed to forget about Mitch's involvement in all of this. That was until the following Monday.

We had our usual 'family night' and as we had conducted all of our business and had discussed any problems, or potential problems. I closed the meeting and went to the loo.

On the way back from the loo I got ambushed by Mitch. I must say I wasn't too surprised. "How's it goin' Mitch?"

"Um, yeah, I'm not too bad."

"Ok, then, glad we had the chat." And I continued on my way.

Mitch trailed me to the office, "Um, can I talk to you?"

"Course you can. What's on your mind?"

"Um, can we go??"

"Look why don't we talk outside? Just let me do a couple of things, and I'll meet you out the back; in say 5mins. How's that?"

"OK, yeah that'd be great, um, thanks."

Mitch was sitting on a bench around the pond. I did notice the bag at his feet, but chose to ignore it. I sat down beside him. "So?"

"Um, I wanted to talk to you about this," he said as he gave me the bag.

I didn't look in it. I really didn't want to. "So what's this?"

"Um, well, if you look in the bag?"

"No. I'm not going to do that," I said as I reached out and rubbed the back of his neck. I slid my hand up to the base of his head and turned his head to face me. "I'm guessing this is a bit embarrassing for you. Yeah?"

He dropped his head and agreed with me.

"Look the situation with Leo, as we told you, is something he wanted to do. This was a solution he came up with. And as I told you at the time, it's not a solution I like. I offered some other suggestions, which we talked about.

It has nothing to do with sex?"

"But neither does this," he blurted out, "you haven't even looked in the bag. You've just made an assumption. And now you're just judging me." He said bitterly. "You're just as bad as everyone else!"

"I'm sorry," I said, a bit taken a back, "you're right. Let's have a look at what you've got in here." I said as I opened the bag. "Good lord! You can't be serious!"

I looked up at him and thought, 'shit he is serious.'

"Ok! Ok! Ok! Ok!" I said putting my hands up, "let's talk about this. Ok, I know I didn't invite you home. So, who invited you home?"

"What the fuck, does that have to do with it?" he said bitterly.

"Just humour me, Ok? There is some method in my madness here, and you came to me, don't forget. Not me to you."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he replied, "I know. I know. I'm Sorry. Um, I met Dan, um, down the beach."

"Oh. Ok, so were you living at home?"

"Um, no."

"Ok, and look, I know that none of you would be here if you'd had great lives, or hadn't suffered some kind of abuse. And this why I've worked so hard at making you guys feel loved and respected?"

"And we do, Bastian, we really do. I guess this why we feel we can come and talk to you about this 'stuff'.

Mind you if Leo hadn't approached you first, I wouldn't have thought to come and talk to you. The boys' got some balls, and I'm not just talking metaphorically. Man the boy's hung!"

"Look, I understand you guys need help with 'things', but just for a minute can you guys think of me. For just a moment.

I'm not really comfortable with this stuff. And what's going to stop you guys running to the Police and telling them I'm forcing you to do this stuff. I kind of hope it never crosses your mind, but it does mine occasionally. And none of this is really my cup of tea. None of it.

BUT, before you run away?

Fuck, Ok, leave the bag with me and I will think about it. However, should you ever change your mind, you just have to ask and I'll give it back. Ok!"

"Ok, well, um thanks."

We stood up, embraced and went our separate ways.

I must confess I went and hid in my office, and tried to work out how I keep getting myself into these situations.

An hour later, I called out to Mitch and asked if he could give me a hand in the garage. I had to knock back offers from 3 of the other guys first though.

I stuck the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door, and waited.

I heard him open the door. "Hey, Bastian are you in here. Where's the light switch." I heard him fumbling around trying to find the switch.

"Strip," I growled.


"I said, strip! And don't keep me waiting."

There was dead silence, "I can't here you stripping! Either strip now, or get the fuck out of my sight."

After about 30 seconds I thought I could hear something going on over by the door, but I wasn't quite sure. When it seemed to be totally quiet. I threw the light switch, and the garage was instantly flooded with light. There was a very naked Mitch blinking wildly near the door.

I grabbed his nose. When he opened his mouth to breathe I rammed a gag into his mouth and secured it at the back of his head. I grabbed him by his arm and propelled him over towards the bench, which I had adjusted the height, so it hit him just about his hip level. He doubled over on the bench, and before he had a chance to recover himself I secured his wrists into the cuffs that I had secured to the bench a little while ago.

I'd been very busy during the past hour.

I grabbed the paddle and gave him two swats to each butt cheek, with as much muscle as I could. Mitch screamed into the gag.

I gave him a minute to try and gather himself together.

Then I gave him 5 swats apiece on each cheek, again as hard as I could. Mitch was turning a nice shade of red. I ran my hand over both butt cheeks, and could feel the involuntary spasms in his butt cheeks and down his legs.

I took a deep breath and paddled him a further 10 swats to each side, and watched the red spread over his ass, and admired the sheen that covered his back.

It was starting to hurt my wrist though.

When Mitch had stopped screaming. I took off the gag.

"Ok, Mitch. We're going to play a little game.

You want to play a little game with me Mitch? Hmm?"

There was no answer.

"Good, I'll take that as a yes then will I?

Ok. Then, this is how its gunna go. I'm gunna paddle your arse again?"

Mitch groaned.

"And you are going to keep count. The formula you're going to use is this, after each swat you are going to say: Sir, tell me the number, then Sir again, and then you are going to thank me for each one and ask me for another one. Understand?"

There was no answer, so I pulled back and hit him full force on his left cheek,

Mitch yelp and said, "Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Good, then let's begin."

'WACK' and after a short pause, Mitch said, "Sir, 1 Sir. Thank you Sir. Please may I have another, Sir?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 2 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one, Sir?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 3 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 4 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 5 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 6 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 7 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 8 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 9 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 10 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 11 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 12 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 13 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 14 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 15 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 16 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 17 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 18 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 19 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 20 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

I put the paddle on the bench just in front of his face, and ran my hands down his drenched back and over his very sore, red butt, and felt the muscles in his butt cheeks and thighs spasming. I leaned down close to his ear and said, "I am going to let you out of the restraints and you are going to walk over to the line and assume the 'position'. Do you understand?

Or, would like to spend some more time with your paddle?"

"No, Sir, I want to stand on the line, Sir. Please, Sir, let me stand on the line, Sir. Please, Sir." He begged.

"Are you sure? A couple of days ago you were begging me to use your paddle! On your arse, if memory serves me correctly."

"Yes, Sir! I did, Sir.

But, Sir. Please, Sir. I've had enough, Sir. Please, Sir!"

I released him from the restraints and he stood on the line and assumed the 'position', with tears and snot running down his red splotchy face, which he hadn't made a move to wipe off.

I gathered the things I needed and stood in front of Mitch. I put the bowl of water on the stool, and proceeded to lather up his pits and chest.

Having shaved his pits and chest, and wiped all the left over shaving cr?me off. I sat down and lathered up his groin. I grabbed hold of his cock, and while I shaved his groin I slow stroked his cocked while I held it out of the way. I let go of his cock only to grab his nuts and pulled the skin of his scrotum tight and shaved them as well.

When I'd finished cleaning up his groin. I spun him around and bent him over and shaved his incredibly sore arse. I stood him up, spun him around again and told him to assume the 'position'. Grabbing hold of his cock I slow stroked him until I felt him building up to shoot.

I stopped and started to stroke him again when I felt the moment pass. I told him to tell me when he was close. I took him to the edge 3 times before I let him shoot his load, and watched him collapse to the floor while he was there I put the handcuffs on his wrists. Roped his ankles together and tied them to the handcuffs.

I started to stroke him again. When he shot for the second time I left him on the floor. I removed the rope and handcuffs. Grabbed a chair for me to sit on, then I gathered Mitch up of the floor and sat him in my lap I put his head on my shoulder just as he started to cry.

I held him in my lap, stroked his back, and told him that he was loved. That everything was alright. It was all over now. I continued to hold him until he came down off his natural high and he'd cried himself out. When he'd finally stopped, I kissed his head, and asked him if he was Ok. He nodded, and I told him to stand up, but not to move off that spot. I kind of felt sorry for him as I watched him gently swaying on the spot. I grabbed some lotion and rubbed his butt with it. I told him to get dressed and to clean up the mess.

I was beat so I decided to have an early night, and I had some inner demons of my own to exercise, after that.

I must have dozed off as I was woken by a very quiet knock at my door. One of the big rules of the house is that if I'm in my room I am not to be disturbed. Unless the house was on fire, or hell had frozen over.

As I was pretty sure neither if those situations had taken place, and as much as I didn't want to; I called out for whoever it was to enter.

I was really surprised when Mitch stuck his head in the door. I waved him in and he came and sat, very gingerly, on the side of my bed.

"Um, I just wanted to say thank you, for before," he said as he waved his hand in the air.

"I'm not going to say I understand any of this. But we're not going to talk about it now. It can wait until later, Ok?"

"Um, Ok,' he said as he stood up to leave. He turned around and quickly kissed the top of my head and left my room.

I turned off the light and went to sleep.

Two days later, I asked Mitch if he wanted to have a chat. He nodded. So I asked him if anyone else was home. He said the place was empty. So I took him into to lounge and told him to sit.

"So, was that what you wanted?" I asked.

"Shit, yeah. It was better than I thought it'd be. Thank you."

"OK, look. I'm telling both you boys I don't like doin' this?"

"Yeah, we know," cut in Mitchel.

"Hang on. Can I finish what I've got to say, please??"

"Yeah, sorry."

"You've just done it again. Can you wait till I'm finished, please?"

He nodded.

"Ok, I guess I can understand Leo. Actually that's a lie.

Fuck who wouldn't want to be able to masturbate 7 times a day. I'd even be proud of it. Fuck. BUT! I understand that, to him he thinks it's a problem. And against my better judgement?

How was I to know that there were male chastity devices? The whole thing just blow up in my face? Big time.

But. Like I've done with all you guys. I've gone all out to help you out, and it never occurred to me that it would ever be so personal.

Then you find out! And look what happens. You come to me and ask me to paddle your ass. I offered to send all you guys to get counselling, and while one or two of you took me up on the offer; the rest of you said you didn't need it. I'm offering you that chance again. Do you want to do counselling or not?"

"No, I don't think I need to do counselling?"

"Then what the fuck is goin' on here, 'cause I don't have a clue."

Mitch just sat there for the longest time. I was just about to ask him if he was OK. He drew in a deep breath and told me how both his parents were very abusive towards him. The days he didn't get hit or yelled at, he'd almost shit himself with worry. He couldn't remember a time when he wasn't abused, in one form or another. So when he was old enough he ran away and lived on the streets. Got into trouble with the cops. And eventually he ended up here.

"I straightened myself out and, thanks to you. I'm going to Uni now.

But, when I saw you working Leo over. I don't know what came over me, but suddenly I wanted?no I needed to have that again.

I asked Leo?"

"You ASKED Leo. What the fuck?" I interjected.

"Hang on. Hang on. I didn't tell him I what I wanted, or anything. I just asked him if he got 'it' on line or not. HE told me that he'd got 'it' in a shop in Collingwood. He even showed me where the shop was.

Of course I didn't buy the paddle while he was there. I waited 'til he was busy lookin' at some other stuff. So he doesn't even know I have it. Let alone, that I was going to ask you; or anyone else, to use it on me for that matter."

So, I asked him if it was "Ok". And he said it was great, better than anything he could have planned. He did say that now he felt in control over it. Even though I was the one who was going to determine when he was going to get paddled. But he had bought it. It belonged to him, so in a strange way he felt he was in control. Whereas when he was growing up he'd had no control over his whole life.

"I'm guessing, then that once ain't gunna be enough?" I asked. He grins, and drops his head and looks up at me. So I asked him who was goin' to set the pace. And he said he thought he'd leave it up to me. Fuckin' great. How on earth do I get myself into these messes?

"Fuck this! Ok, get in the garage and strip."

Mitch just sat there and looked at me. I jumped up out of my seat grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and yelled at him to move.

Mitch leapt out of his seat and ran down to the garage. I followed him in and told him to strip. He shucked out of his clothes and folded them up and put them on the bench. I told him to go and piss. "Like this?" he asked, indicating his nakedness.

"You gotta problem with that?"

"No, Sir." He said as he raced out the door.

When he got back, I got him to stand on a spot on the floor, roughly in the middle of the garage. Where I had two wrist straps hanging from the ceiling. I secured them around his wrists. I had a harness I put around his shoulders, and another harness around his hips. I finished it off with two straps around his ankles. Having secured the gag in place around his head I stood back and admired my handiwork.

I then hoisted Mitch up off the floor by the wrist straps. His groin was hanging just above my head. I asked him how he felt, and answered some garbled response, and nodded to me. So I assumed he was Ok and continued hoisting the rest of him up to the ceiling. When I had him secured spread eagled against the ceiling. I told him to have a good day, turned off the light and left.

An hour or so later the other guys started to trickle home from their various activities, and the house started to fill up with people.

I saw Dan and Alex go into the garage, and I sat there and smiled to myself. They must have been in there for about half an hour. When they came out Alex was carrying Mitch's clothes.

"What have you got there, Alex," I asked.

Alex looked down at the bundle he was carrying. He held it up for me to see, "I found some of Mitch's clothes in the garage. Dan and I had a game of darts, and on the way out I found these. Do you know if Mitch is around?"

"No," I said, "I have no idea where he is."

"Well if you see him. And he's looking for his clothes, can you tell him I've put them in his room. Although, why he left them in the garage. Is beyond me."

"Ok, Alex. Thanks. If I see him I'll let him know."

The guys headed off. I jumped up out of my chair. Went and got a towel. Put the sign back on the door, and went to see Mitch.

I looked up and Mitch was still hanging from the ceiling, and his cock was so engorged it was turning purple. I let him down, but only until his arse was at a height so I could swat it.

I gave him 10 swats to each cheek, and Mitch swung helplessly in the air. I could hear him screaming into his gag. When he stopped screaming. I asked him if he wanted to play a game. He just hung there. Good, so I let him down and pointed at the bench.

I undid the gag, and asked him if he was ready.

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. You remember the rules?"

"Yes, sir." He said trying to hold back a sob.

"Good, then let's begin, shall we."

'WACK' and after a short pause, Mitch said, "Sir, 1 Sir. Thank you Sir. Please may I have another, Sir?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 2 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one, Sir?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 3 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 4 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 5 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 6 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 7 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 8 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 9 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 10 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 11 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 12 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 13 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 14 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 15 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 16 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 17 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 18 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 19 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

'WACK' after another short pause, "Sir, 20 Sir, Thank you Sir. Please may I have another one?"

I let him catch his breath, and then told him to stand on the line and assume the 'position'.

"Ok. Mitch. I've got a new present for you."

Mitch just stared straight ahead.

"Don't you want to know what it is?"

Mitch swallowed, "Um, yes, Sir, please, Sir."

I went over to one of the drawers, and took out a whip with multiple tails, made from a soft leather. When I showed it to him, Mitch paled.

"Now, I think it's time to try your new toy. Don't you?"

"Um, yes, Sir."

"Good. Then this is how this is going to work. I'm tired of playing with your little grub. But I'm guessing you want to cum really bad. Don't you?"

Mitch nodded.

"That's what I thought. So I'm going to keep whipping you until you cum. Understand?

Mitch just stared.

But, you're not going to use your hands, and as I said I'm not going to touch your grub. No, I'm going to whip your dick and balls until you cum."

With that I stood behind him and started to whip his back, and Mitch started to moan. When I started to whip his very red arse, started to scream.

I eventually changed my focus and started to whip up between his legs, getting his cock and balls. Until Mitch cum in an explosive orgasm.

He collapsed to the floor. I dropped the towel on his head and left.

I left, and helped out in the kitchen as it was my turn again.

We became aware of a commotion outside the kitchen. We all went to investigate, and discovered a towel clad Mitch, deep in conversation with Alex, and Dan. Both Alex and Dan wanted to know why Mitch left his clothes in the garage. Mitch was mumbling something about sun bathing out the back. Alex and Dan were also concerned about his red back.

I stepped in at that point and asked Mitch if he'd laid on the grass.

"Um, yeah, Bastian, I um, was. Why?"

"Oh, yes, it looks like you may be having an allergic reaction to something."

"Oh, Ok. I hadn't thought of that."

Suddenly all the guys became very solicitous of his health and wellbeing. I offered to take him upstairs and but some lotion on it for him. He thanked me, and we headed upstairs.

When we got to the bathroom, Mitch dropped the towel and I got him some lotion and rubbed his arse for him. As well as his back, I refused to do his nuts. I figured he was more than capable to rub those on his own.

As I was leaving the bathroom, Mitch thanked me for the spanking. I asked him if he was happy with how it turned out.

"It was such a rush, hanging from the ceiling. Looking down on Dan and Alex playing darts. Knowing they had absolutely no idea that I was there. It was such a turn on. Yes I am very happy."

I left him to finish up and get dressed for dinner.

Next: Chapter 4

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