House of Bastian

By Bastian Ward

Published on Feb 7, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else




Leading Mitch Astray

A few of days later, and Leo's crotch has started to get very itchy, as he hadn't thought to keep his it shaved. The other guys had started to notice him itching and wanted to know what was going on.

"Hey, Leo what's up? You got crabs or somethin'?" asked Steve.

"Um, what?"

"You've been scratching yourself all day, mate. What's up with that?"


"Then stop scratchin' yourself. Fuck. Ya' makin' me itchy." Said Steve as he started to scratch his crotch.

"Sorry, Steve." He said as he walked out of the room.

Spence glared at him even more menacing than usual when Leo almost ran into him. It was at that point that Leo decided he needed some more advice.

I looked up at the knock at the door. "Bastian, I gotta do somethin' about this damn itch."

"Well, hello Leo. And how are you on this fine morning?"

"Um, yeah, sorry Bastian, I guess I'm a little distracted this morning. How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. What seems to be the problem Leo?"

He stood there scratching his crotch, with an incredulous look all over his face. "What haven't you noticed I'm scratching my nuts raw here? It seems everyone else has."

"Why would you want to do that for?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because they're fuckin' itchy." He was starting to raise his voice.

"Don't take that tone with me, boy" I said quietly.

"Sorry, Sir," he said as he dropped his gaze.

I told him that if he had given it any thought, he would have realised that the reason his crotch was itchy, was for the same reason his face gets itchy when he doesn't shave for a few days. It's because the hair is growing through and they are forcing the pores of his skin to open, and that was what was making his crotch itchy.

So I told him to shave, down there. I opened a draw of my desk and threw a tube of crème at him and told him to rub it into the skin night and day. Just to help keep the skin clean and to stop any irritation.

He thanked me and went off to attend to his new toilet regime.

A couple of days later I woke Leo up and told him to meet me in the garage, I told him to ignore the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door. This time Leo almost bowled me over in his race to get to the shower, with the biggest grin plastered all over his face.

I had everything ready by the time he got down to the garage. Just like the last time he came down only in his towel, and stood on the metal bar with his fingers laced behind his neck.

I put the stool in front of him and took a seat, noting the fact that his towel was pretty tented. I undid his towel and let it pool at his feet and inspected his crotch, there were some hairs that he had missed around his scrotum. Which I took care of for him. Then I worked his balls and scrotum into the backing ring, and again grabbed the head of his penis and squeezed harder this time, than I did the last time.

Leo whimpered a little bit. After that I had worked it through the backing ring as well. I then lubed the sheath and worked it over his cock, and snapped the lock closed. Leo lowered his arms.

I shot up and snapped, "Did I tell you, you could move?"

"Um, no Sir," he said, as his hands clamped back behind his neck.

"Right, then from now on. You do not move without my permission. Is that understood?" I growled quietly.

"Um, yes, Sir. Sorry Sir."

"Better. Now we need to run over your hygiene, as you seem totally incapable of reading the instructions and understanding them.

When you go to the toilet you will sit down.

When you have finished you will clean up with toilet paper, and make sure you wipe all the urine out of the sheath as well.

When you have a shower you will wash your cock through the slots in the sheath.

You will then make sure it is all dry by using the hair dryer.

Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir! Thank you, Sir, for helping me, Sir! I do appreciate it, Sir!

Um, how long am I going to wear it this time, Sir?"

"Until this time tomorrow, then I will check you over again and if you have no skin irritation or pressure areas then it will go back on until I say otherwise. Understood?"

"Thank you, Sir."

"Now, go get dressed and have breakfast. There is some shopping I need you to do."

"Um, today, Sir?"

"Is that a problem?" I growled.

"Um, no? Sir."

"Good. That's what I thought too. You can go now."

With that Leo grabbed his towel and left.

I called him into the office about an hour later and gave him a shopping list, some money and sent him on his way. I had a little chuckle to myself when I heard the front door close, and got back to business.

I took a break and got myself some lunch, and I noticed that Leo had come back from shopping and assumed he must be in the house somewhere. But I didn't lay eyes on him until dinner time, he was joining in the usual evening's hustle and bustle. Although I did think he looked a little `strained', or was that just my imagination?

Still he joined in and helped with all the evenings' chores and had an early night. Everyone wished him a goodnight, but I did wonder if he was going to have a good night or not.

The following morning Leo got himself up and down to the garage and was waiting for me. He had even assumed the position without me having to say anything.

"Mornin' Leo, sleep well did we?"

"No, Sir, I did not sleep much at all, Sir!"

"That's a shame," I said, "and it was such a good night for sleeping. I wonder why you didn't sleep so well. I hope you didn't disturbed Steve, after all he was the one to help secure your place here."

"No, Sir, I did not disturbed Steve. He was a sleep each time I looked."

"That's good to hear. So, what can I do for you on this fine morning?"

"Please, Sir. If it's Ok with you, Sir. I would like to get this chastity device off now, please."

"Hmmm, Ok. Seeing as you asked so nicely."

"I must say you seem to be having some problems making up your mind about whether you want the device on or not. I may not put it back on after today, seeing as you can't seem to make up your mind."

Wisely Leo remained silent.

I got my stool and took the keys out of my pocket and undid the lock. I set it aside and turned my attention to the sheath, which I removed from the shaft of his penis. I set that aside and worked the ring off his cock and balls.

I heard Leo sigh audibly, and again his cock sprang to attention.

I checked him again for any broken skin or signs of any pressure areas. I then turned my attention back to the sheath of the chastity device and was pleased to see that there was no great aroma of piss emanating from it, like it had the last time. In fact I couldn't find any signs of urine at all, so I was pleased with that, and I told him so. Again with no real reason for it I slowly rapped my hand around his cock and began to slowly pump it.

I mean I'm not gay, and Ok sure, I had fooled around with my mates when I first reached puberty. Who didn't? But when I noticed girls I stopped playing with my mates and hadn't really looked at another guy like that since. Until now. Now here I am teasing this young buck trying to ensure that this orgasm is really explosive.

But I can't shake the question, who am I actually doing this for, him or me? And I do have a house full of young fit males, but I've never wanted to do `anything' with them. So why Leo? Is it because he asked for my help. Can I blame this all on him?

Anyway, I reminded him to tell me when he was getting close to cumming, and preceded to slow stroke him. This time I kept him at it for almost a dozen times. After he ejaculated, which I think was even more explosive for him this time, it was certainly louder; and he lay on the ground trying to catch his breath.

I had a pair of handcuffs in my back pocket; I pulled his hands behind his back and locked them together using the handcuffs. I roped his ankles together and tied them to the handcuffs; effectively hog-tying him. When I was sure he was all trussed up. I started to stroke his cock again, but this time I ran my hand over the head of his cock. Now he was begging me to stop, but as I continued to stroke him and his cock started to stiffen he started to plead with me to stop, and trying to twist away from me and by trying to closing his legs together over his cock. So I couldn't get to it.

But he really couldn't stop me, and I continued to stroke him until he cum again. This time it wasn't as much, but it was every bit as intense for him.

I undid his legs and removed the handcuffs. I told him to make sure he cleaned up the floor. I collected the chastity device and his towel and left the garage.

It wasn't until I got to the bathroom that I realised what I had done. I was going to turn around straight away and take his towel back to him. But then I thought about it and all the guys walked around naked on their way to or from one of the bathrooms. So it wasn't like it would be totally unusual and, as I was standing there, trying to remember if Leo had ever done the nudie walk, and I just for the life of me I couldn't remember.

I was broken out of my revere when the bathroom door was pushed open and there stood Leo in all his glory. "Sorry mate, I will be finished here in a minute."

"That's Ok," he mumbled, "I just remembered I have to get a clean towel anyway."

With that he turned and walked down the passage to the linen press and got himself a clean towel. I must admit the boy did have a great bubble butt, and wondered if that was something else I had studied on any of the other guys. But I couldn't recall any of their asses to mind so I didn't think so.

Anyway Leo was on his way back and I was finished, so I went and had breakfast, and let Leo have the bathroom. As we passed each other in the passage I reached out real quick and tweaked his dick, making him jump and yelp.

Later in the day I called Leo into my office and told him it was high time he went and joined the gym, as all the other boys had and I really wasn't sure why I hadn't got onto him about it sooner.

It was always my intention for all of my boys to leave here in the best possible physical and mental shape they could. To that end I had an arrangement with my Personal Trainer that I would send all the boys to him and he would whip them into shape physically. The other part of it was that I would put any of the boys, who wanted to through school, be that their VCE, college, or TAFE. The boys who didn't want to do that had to get some kind of a job. I was trying to have the boys leave here feeling loved and respected, and in their best possible condition. So they could make their way in the world, and make something of themselves if they wanted to.

I told Leo he had an appointment at the gym latter that day. I also told him that I wanted to know, by the end of the day, what he wanted to do with himself. Be that school/college, get an apprenticeship in something, or a job. I told him I didn't know why I was dragging my chain with him, but now it was time for him to get going. He was the only one hanging around the house not doing anything.

He wanted to know when he could wear the chastity device permanently, and I told him I hadn't decided yet. I then told him he had things to do, so he left my office and I didn't see him again until dinner.

A week had gone by and Leo had started working out regularly at the gym, and appeared too really like it. He had also enrolled in an Accounting course that he wanted to do, so I was happy he really seemed to have gotten his life back on track. He was getting on really well with the other guys and seemed to have a good handle on life again, so I decided that it was time to give him the rest of what he felt he needed.

I went into his room early one morning and told him to meet me downstairs. He bolted from his bed, had a shower and found me waiting for him in the garage.

"Now, Leo you've started to workout. Your course starts in a week. I feel I have to ask you if you really need this now." I asked as I held up his chastity device.

"Oh, yes Sir. Please, Sir, I still have to masturbate 6-7 times a day, Sir. Even though I am working out at the gym 3 times a week, and I'm going to increase it to another session a week. And I know my course starts in a week, I think I'm just not going to be able to stop beating my meat, Sir. So, please, PLEASE, Sir.

Please can I have my chastity device on now? Please, Sir. I really need it Sir. Please."

"OK, but you do know that this time it stays on until I want to take it off. You understand that, don't you?"

"Oh, yes, Sir. I do know that when you put it on this time, it could be on forever."

"And, what happens if you meet someone you really like?"

"Um, well, Sir. If they really like me then they would understand, I hope, Sir. If not then maybe they aren't the right one for me, Sir."

"Ok then. If this is really what you want. Then drop the towel and assume the position."

Without a moment's hesitation Leo's towel fell to the floor and he locked his hands together behind his neck. Eyes straight ahead. And his legs spread slightly apart.

I got the stool and the other paraphernalia that I needed and made myself comfortable. When I looked at Leo's cock, there was a thin line of clear precum leaking from the head of his penis.

"Do you want to cum once more before I lock you up again?"

"That's your decision now, Sir, not mine."

So I went ahead and checked how good he had been keeping himself shaved, and as I couldn't remember him scratching himself during the past week, and I couldn't remember anyone else remarking on it. I could only assume that he had kept shaving. As I checked there were only a few stray hairs that he had missed, and there were no blemishes on the skin, so he must have been using the crème as well. So I was pleased with that.

I worked his cock and balls into the backing ring, and made sure the skin of the scrotum wasn't caught up anywhere. I applied lube to the sheath and worked it over the shaft of his cock, but this time; instead of just locking the padlock into place myself. I held the lock out to Leo.

"Sir?" he queried.

"If this is really what you want, then you have to lock it up yourself. But before you do, I feel I have to tell you that this could turn out to be a PERMANENT arrangement. I really want you to think about this, and all the implications." I said as I looked at him, with the lock resting in the palm of my hand.

"You may never get to see your cock again. Are you prepared for that?"

Without another word, Leo took the lock out of my hand and managed to work it into the device himself and snapped it shut.

I took out a rubber band and wrapped it around the lock, and I told him that that was there to stop the lock making any noise as it bounced against the device. I then held out my hand for the keys, and Leo gave them to me. He picked up the towel and left the garage without another word, or backwards glance. I pocketed the keys and went and had breakfast.

And that was how Leo began his first day of being a caged cock, and again I had to wonder if he fully understood all the implications that went with that. Oh well, time would tell.

All week I made sure I was available to Leo if he wanted to talk about anything, but he seemed not to try and get me on my own. I used the week to observe him and see how he was going. The bulge in his pants was a bit more noticeable than it had been, and I thought it hung a bit lower than it used to, but then I reasoned it was heavier now than it has ever been. He seemed to be sleeping better at night as well, or at least Steve wasn't complaining of losing any sleep, and neither was Leo for that matter. So by week's end I was feeling better about it as well.

As the week was up, I went into Leo and woke him up. I told him to have a shower and meet me downstairs. As usual he came in wearing nothing but a towel, and again as per usual he stood on the line, lost the towel and clasped his hands behind his neck.

I asked him how he thought he went. He said he thought he did really well, but he couldn't wait to get it off. I took the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the device. I worked the sheath off his cock, which instantly rose to attention, and grabbed the head and held it for a bit and let it go. When it deflated I worked the ring over it and got his balls out, and then proceeded to check his groin for any skin breaks or pressure areas. Not finding any, I gave his groin a good wash and rolled his foreskin back and gave the head of his cock a good wash. I shaved the few hairs he couldn't get, and then dried it all thoroughly. I then turned my attention to his chastity device, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I gave it a good wash and dry, and proceeded to put it back on.

"But, Sir?" queried Leo.

"Yes. What?"

"Um, but aren't you, um, going to let me, um, cum? Sir." He looked down at me with big eyes and tears started to well up in his eyes.



"I said. I am not going to let you cum. When we put the chastity device you I told you I would be in control of you cumming, and you said you were Ok with that.

Have you changed your mind?"

"Um, no, Sir. I haven't changed my mind. I guess I just assumed that you enjoyed making me cum after last time."

"Oh, because I made you come a second time you assumed I was enjoying myself?"

"Um, well yes, Sir."

"Did it never occur to you that that may have been a punishment? That I was hoping that you may not have wanted me to do this again after that? Did neither of these possibilities ever occur to you, or are you just so wrapped up in your cock and your own pleasure that you don't care about anyone else's feelings, but your own? Or do you think your dick is so big that everyone wants to get their hands on it? Is that it?" I replied contemptuously.

I looked up at him and saw his chin beginning to quiver.

"Ya baby. Here let's take this off and that's the end of it. Ok!"

"No, Sir. Please, Sir. Please, don't take it off. Please, Sir, I'm sorry, Sir. I just forgot what I wanted for a minute. Please, Sir. Please. I'll do anything you say, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir. Please, Sir. I won't forget again. I promise, Sir. Please, Sir, please give me another chance..." He begged.

"Ok, I will forget it this time." I said cutting him off, "but don't let it happen again. This isn't exactly my cup of tea you know."

"Yes, Sir, I do know it isn't want you wanted to do, Sir, but please believe me when I say how grateful I am for you giving me another chance. Thank you, Sir, thank you."

"Well I was going to let you try the butt plug you wanted, but I don't feel like it now..."

"But, Sir, I didn't know, Sir. Oh, please, Sir. Please can we try the butt plug, Sir? Please, Sir, I promise I'll be good, Sir. I won't complain ever again, Sir. Please can we try it, Sir?"

"Alright, we will try the butt plug today, but if you complain about anything, and I do mean ANYTHING again. Then all of this is finished. Understand?"

I finished putting on the chastity device and gave Leo the padlock to lock it in place. I put a new rubber band on and then told him to lay the bit of board that was leaning against the wall, on the floor. I then told him to get one of the off cuts of lino from the other side of the garage to put on top. He must have really taken what I'd said to heart, as he ran there and back, and I did wonder what it felt like with the chastity device bouncing around on his cock and balls.

I then told him to get down on his hands and knees, with his head on the ground and his arse in the air. When he had assumed the position I took the nozzle from the enema bag, put a bit of lube on the tip and worked it into his very tight virgin arse. When I was happy it was in far enough, I opened the clip and let the fluid flood into his bowels. I put one hand over the top of his abdomen and felt it swell with the force of the fluid. When it felt pretty full I shut the fluid off. I was surprised to see he had taken almost a litre and a half, his first time.

I told him to be very careful because I didn't want him to let any of the fluid out. He slowly got to his feet. I then told him to go and sit on the toilet until he had expelled all of the fluid out of his bowels, and then to come back to me.

He was already out the door before I realised that he had forgotten his towel. I prayed that all of the other boys had left for the day.

But unfortunately we weren't that lucky.

I looked up surprised that the door had opened again so quickly. I was just about to tell him that, when I realised that it was Mitch walking through the door and not Leo.

"Um, did you not see the `Do Not Disturb' sign on the door?"

"Ah, yes I did. But. Did I just see a naked Leo run out of here?" he asked with a big smirk plastered all over his face.

"Yes you did." I said as I turned around and busied myself at the bench.

"Um, I can't be too sure but he looked a little `odd' to me. Is he Ok"

"Oh, I'm sure he's fine. Why do you ask?"

"Um, it looked like he lost all his junk somehow."

"What? Do you think I cut it off?"

"Ah, no. It actually looked like it was in a box or something. And I really can't be sure, but is he pregnant!"

I couldn't help myself with that one, I laughed, "Yes, I supposed he did look a little pregnant."

All conversation stopped at that point as the door opened and in walked Leo. Not looking so much pregnant now, and Mitch could clearly see the chastity device.

"What the fuck is that?" he blurted out.

Leo looked down, "Oh, that's my chastity device." He said looking up smiling, and stoking the chastity device absent-mindedly.

"It's a what...and what the fuck is it doing there?" Mitch asked.

I stepped into the conversation and told Mitch about what Leo and I had talked about him and his `masturbation problem' and the solution he came up with. Of course I had to tell him my role in all of this, and I made sure to stress that I wasn't exactly a willing participant either.

That was when Leo took over and said that he really wanted to do this.

We probably would have been Ok at that point, but then Leo had to open his big mouth and told Mitch that I was helping him with his butt plug as well. Which went over like a `lead balloon'.

So I had to explained that Leo wanted to try one and that the best way for him to start was to wash out his bowel and then work the butt plug into his arse.

"Can I watch?" Mitch asked.

And before I could say that I thought it might be something Leo might prefer to do in private. Leo pipes up and says "Sure he could stay." As he didn't mind at all.

"Hey, I'm not running a sex show here!" I exclaimed.

"I know, Sir," replied Leo, "but I don't mind if he watches. Really, I don't, Sir."

"Oh, Ok," I said, "but it's against my better judgement." With that I gave Leo the enema bag and told him to fill it with lukewarm water, I warned him that if it was any hotter than that then it would burn his hole on the way out. I also told him to get a chair for Mitch to sit on, seeing as he was going to be staying. With that he ran out the door.

I turned to Mitch and said, "Look, none of this means that neither of us are gay, OK. Not that there is anything wrong with that, I've always told you boys that I don't care what you are, or what you do, providing it isn't anything illegal and you're not hurting anyone. And Ok with some of this `stuff', yes, technically it is going to cause Leo pain, but that's not what I'm talking about..."

Mitch held up his hand with the palm facing me, "Yeah, yeah, I understand..."

"And besides, this is what Leo wants to do. Yes. I could refuse to help him, but then he could have found someone else who could have taken advantage of the situation, and him. This way, at least I know he's safe and not being abused."

I asked Mitch if in any of the conversations the boys had amongst themselves, about me, did any of them think I was gay. Did any of them think that the few boys I had met on the streets, I had wanted to bring home for sex.

And Mitch agreed that that had never come up in any of their conversations, and I had to smile to myself as Mitch just confirmed that they did have those kinds of conversations about me.

Besides, I asked Mitch, what the clothing rule I had put in place was. He said it was that they had to be covered from `neck to knee' at all times, and I asked him who it was that changed that rule. He admitted that it was the boys themselves who decided that some of them wanted to wear less in the house. So I then asked him what the other rule was that I had to have in place because of the changes they made. He said that they all had to have a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to put on, close to hand, as I didn't consider boxers to be street wear. Having agreed with him on that I asked him what the other part to that rule was, and he said it was that they had to use towels when they sat on my furniture, as I wasn't going to have anyone sit bare arsed on my furniture.

So having agreed with all of that, I asked him what rule did I follow in the house, and he said obviously that I followed the `neck to knee' rule at all times. He went on to say that he had never seen me in anything less, and he did admit that the boys really thought that I might have been a bit of a prude. He was totally surprised to discover me doing this.

I made Mitch promise me that he would never mention any of this to the other boys...

"Besides," said Leo. I must have jumped because I hadn't heard the door open. We both turned towards the door. "I am the one who wanted this," he went on to say, "not, Sir. Sir is only helping me because I insisted that he helped me.

I wanted to do this," he said stroking his chastity device, "not Sir.

I'm the one who wants to do all of this, and it's not because I'm gay either!

I just wanted to try it, and I begged for Sir's help. All he did was tell me how I could research it if I wanted to.

I was the one who found the chastity device," and again he stroked it, absent-mindedly. "I was the one who found the shop in Collingwood.

I was the one who begged Sir to take me.

I was the one who wanted to try the 12" dildo. Sir was the one who talked me out of that, and in hind sight he was probably right.

I'm the one who `bullied' Sir into helping me. Not the other way around. And besides," he continued in a small voice, "I'd really miss it now if I had to give it up," he said as he stroked the device again.

The two boys embraced and slapped each other on the back, Leo seeming to be at total ease with his nudity, and the fact that he now was a `caged' male. "If you two boys have finished your mutual admiration society, and love in. Can we get on with this please?"

Both boys broke apart, Mitch grabbed his chair and sat down, and Leo came over to me with the enema bag; grinning like a Cheshire Cat. I couldn't help but laugh. I hung the bag up and told Leo to assume the position, and after applying more lube to the nozzle, I started to work it into his arse again. Mitch complained that he couldn't see, so Leo told him to come over and watch closer. Which he did. As I began to work the nozzle in Mitch asked if he could have a go, and before Leo could say anything I put my foot down and said absolutely not.

I explained to both boys that this sort of thing changes people's relationships and I didn't want the other boys lording it over Leo, I said that that wouldn't be fair. That all the boys were here for different reasons, and had different lessons to learn. I didn't want them making Leo into a slave, this isn't about `sex' per se, and this is just something that Leo wanted to do to stop all that.

Eventually both boys made me a promise that nothing would be said outside the three of us. So then I got back to inserting the nozzle into Leo's butt and let the water fill him up. When he had taken a full 2ltrs I shut the catch off and told Leo to go to the toilet, I told him to see if the water has come out clear or not. And off he waddled, I reminded him not to get any of the liquid on my floors, or there'd be hell to pay.

While he was gone, Mitch peppered me with all sorts of questions. Some of which I could answer, but most of them I told him he would have to ask Leo himself, but I suggested that he should wait for a bit.

With that, Leo came into the garage and announced that the water was clear, but he'd refilled to enema bag just in case.

I took the bag off him, and said that it wouldn't be necessary then, and hung it back on the hook to keep it out of the way. Telling Leo he could empty it again when we were finished. I told him to come and stand on his `spot', but this time; instead of clasping his hands behind his neck. I wanted him to bend over and grasp his ankles, which he did.

I went to the bench to get a disposable glove, and while I was doing that I heard Mitch remark about Leo's hairy arse. Leo called out to me, "excuse me, Sir. Um, do you think you should shave my butt first, Sir?"

Mitch let out an involuntary "Yeah." Then he asked if he could do it. Before Leo had a chance to answer. I said, "No. I'm the one in charge here. If anyone is going to shave anyone's arse, here, it would be me."

So I got out the clippers this time and proceeded to run them all over his butt cheeks, and down into the cleft. Taking care not to nick the skin, and paying particular attention to his hole, as I really didn't want to nick it either.

When I had finished with the clippers, I emptied the water out of the enema bag into the bowl I had left down here. Grabbed the shaving crème and razor and went back to the boys.

I gave the towel to Mitch and asked him to hold it for me please, and I did notice that he either was so entranced with what was going on that he couldn't speak, or that he couldn't speak for other reasons. So I just draped the towel over one of his arms.

I lathered Leo's butt cheeks and proceeded to shave them very carefully, I told Leo that if he farted in my face then all of this finished immediately. He promised he wouldn't, and I continued shaving his arse. When I had finished his butt checks, it was time to do the cleft. Again I took great care not to nick the skin, particularly when I did around his hole. I had to take the towel off Mitch as he wasn't responding to my requests for the towel, he was just staring glassy eyed at Leo's upturned butt.

When I had dried him off and cleaned everything up. I went back to the bench, put on a fresh glove and applied some lube to my first finger and went back to Leo and asked him if he was ready. He told me he was, so I started to work my finger into his very tight hole. I eventually worked my finger in up to the first knuckle, and as I could hear Leo moaning, I assumed he was Ok with what was going on.

I pulled my finger out and applied some more lube, and worked it back into his hole up to the second knuckle. I then started to work my finger in a swirling motion around the inside of his sphincter in order to stretch it open a bit more.

I got the tube of lube and put the nozzle just inside his hole and squirted some into his anus. Having done that I grabbed the dildo, slathered it in lube as well, and held it against his hole. I asked Leo, again if he was ready, and he said he was. I told him to push back against me, as I didn't want to displace his sphincter. As I applied more pressure to the butt plug, I reminded Leo to push against me, as if he was going to poo.

The more butt plug I worked into his arse, the more Leo moaned. I was surprised I thought he might have yelled with the pain, but he must have zoned out because the more I forced into his butt the lower he moaned. When I had got the whole thing into his butt, and his sphincter closed around the neck. I told him to stand up and asked him how he was feeling.

He said he had an uncomfortable full feeling. Like he had to empty his bowels, and I said it was probably because his butt was stuffed with a butt plug. I looked down and noticed that he was leaking copious amounts of precum, thankfully it was all on the piece of lino.

It was then that I remembered Mitch standing there. I could see that his cock was straining against the material of pants trying to get out. I could also see a huge wet patch where he was obviously leaking precum as well. I called his name a couple of times and had to snap my fingers in front of his face to beak him out of his trance. He came to, a little embarrassed and asked how Leo felt. So Leo told him how it made him feel.

Leo then asked me how long he should leave it in for. And looking at the pool on the floor I told him, probably not too much longer. It was then that he begged me to let him cum again. Because of all the stuff I had done to him, I agreed.

I was in the middle of asking Mitch to leave, when both boys cut me off.

Falling over themselves, one telling me that it was ok for Mitch to stay, the other telling me that he really wanted to watch. So it seems I had no choice but to let him stay.

I thought about it for a bit, I told the boys that I felt really uncomfortable with this. That this wasn't about putting on a show so they could both get their rocks off. Both boys said they understood, so I relented. I told Leo to assume the position.

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Replied Leo. As I took the keys out of my pocket. I unlocked and removed his chastity device.

"Oh, my god," said Mitch, "you're fuckin' huge man." Leo went red. "Fuck," continued Mitch, "I wish mine was as big as yours." As he proceeded to whip his dick out of his pants.

"Look, you boys," I butted in, "this is not a pissing contest. Mitch if you don't put it back in your pants, then you'll just have to get the fuck out of here. I'm feeling uncomfortable enough as it is with you here, without having to look at that thing as well!"

Mitch dropped his head and apologised as he stuffed his rock hard cock back into his pants. I then told him to be quiet as I turned my attention back to Leo.

Come on I said as I started to slow stroke him again. I'm not sure if it was because of the butt plug, or if it was because we now had an audience, but it seemed that Leo arrived at the point of wanting to cum a lot faster. I don't know if it was because I was pissed at finding myself in this situation or not, but this time I took Leo just to the edge 15 times before I allowed him to shoot his cum all over the garage floor.

Again I handcuffed him and tied his ankles and secured them the handcuffs. And as soon as he had stopped dribbling cum, I grabbed hold of his cock and started to pump it again. Again Leo begged me not too, and he started to buck and thrashed all over the place. I spanked his arse and told him to lay still. Again he complained of the pain in his dick, but again I ignored him and kept stroking him until he came for a second time. This time though, when he had finished I started on trying to make him cum for a third time.

Leo screamed at the top of his lungs that he wanted me to stop, but I ignored him. I kept stroking his dick. This time I ran my thumb along the underside of his cock, and when I got to the head I forced the beginning of the split of the glans open with the pressure I was exerting through my thumb.

I kept this up until Leo came for an absolutely body shuddering third time. While he lay shaking on the ground, I took the face washer and roughly washed his groin, taking particular care to ensure I had washed his cock completely. Smoothing the skin out flat to wash in all of the crevices. I pulled back his foreskin and washed the head of his cock, which was supersensitive by now, and I watched as it caused his body to spasm uncontrollably.

I worked his cock and balls back into chastity device and snapped the lock closed, untied his ankles and took off the hand cuffs. I told him to clean up the garage, and said he was to come and get me to take out his butt plug for him.

It was then that I remembered that Mitch was still there, and judging by the state of his pants, he'd shot at least one load of cum into his pants. I shook his shoulder roughly to get his attention, and told him to go and have a shower.

I went back to my office to start my day finally.

Half hour later there was a knock on my door. I looked up to see a somewhat ragged Leo standing there, looking like he was leaning against the doorframe for support. "I'm finished cleaning the garage floor, Sir."

"Good, then let's get that butt plug out then, shall we?"

"Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir. That would be great, Sir."

We went back to the garage and I had Leo grab his ankles again. And telling him to push, I pulled the butt plug out of his arse. When I looked at his hole, it was certainly very red and sore looking. It also looked as if he couldn't close it properly either.

I told him to stand up. I then sent him to have a shower, and to grab something to eat.

We parted company and got on with our respective days.

Next: Chapter 3

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