House of Bastian

By Bastian Ward

Published on Feb 5, 2016


This story is a work of fiction. It is a gay authoritarian fantasy, no part of which is based on real life. Any resemblance therefore to anyone living or dead is purely accidental. This story depicts male on male sexual practices, if you are offended by this then stop reading now.

All characters depicted in this story are willing participants in all the scenes they appear in. No one was coerced or paid to appear in this story.

The practices and themes depicted in this story, in no way reflect the author's beliefs or sexual practices. If you chose to act out scenes from this story, please do it responsibly. Always practice safe sex; you owe it not only to yourself but to your sexual partners. If you think you have injured yourself or think you have contracted a sexual disease, or have any other health concerns. Please consult with a health professional.

Don't contact the author with commercial requests or advertising, I can find enough of that on the internet to fill my every want, need, or desire. Do contact me if you want to talk about the story, ask questions, send messages, or give feedback. Feel free to make suggestions but I do not guarantee that any of them will be used, particularly if they require any of the characters to act outside of parameters of the story or their bio.

If you liked this chapter, or would like to find out what happens to the rest of the males in the household. Please donate to Nifty, so they can keep the archive going and you can find out what happens next, or find something even better written by someone else



Chapter I

Meeting Leo

"Hey buddy, ya got any change?"

I hate beggars, so I keep walking. But then he reached out and grabbed my arm.

"Hey, buddy," he says again, "I'm just tryin' to get something to eat."

I look down at his hand and then back up at him. "Look," I replied, "I'm not goin' to give you any money, but if you want to. You can come home with me. Have a shower. Wash your clothes if you want to. And get something to eat. How does that sound?"

"Aw, I don't know." He replied, "Can't you just give me some money?" he begs.

"No, I don't give money to beggars, on principle. But if you want you can come home with me and have lunch."

I pulled my arm out of his hand and plunged back into the passing parade and headed to one of city train stations and continued on my way home. I didn't know he was following me, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and the beggar was standing there. "What do you want now?"

"Um, I was wondering if I could have lunch at your place."

"Sure, but come on or I'm going to miss my train."

"OK, um, but I don't have a ticket."

"That's OK," I replied, "I have a spare one."

We caught the train and made small talk on the trip home. He wasn't very forthcoming with the reasons for him begging on the street, and to be honest at this point in time I didn't really care.

When we got home I showed him to the bathroom. I gave him a clean towel and told him he could have a shower, I also told him I would leave him some clean clothes outside the door and that I'll get something ready for lunch. He went into the bathroom. I went to my room and got a pair of track pants and a top and dropped them on the floor outside the bathroom, on my way to the kitchen.

I was just going to have a sandwich so I got bread out and all the fillings and put them out on the bench. I heard a cough behind me and turned around and there was Leo standing in the doorway, naked. "What the ???"

"Isn't this what you wanted?" he says as he waved his hand down his body, ending by grabbing his cock and balls and shaking them.

"No," I replied and stepping away from the bench and letting him see what I had laid out on the bench, "when I said 'lunch' I meant 'lunch'. "Waving my hand along the bench. "Not sex."

"Oh, I thought you meant sex."

"No," I said, "besides we hadn't discussed having sex. We hadn't discussed a price or anything!"


"And what, you just expected me to pay whatever you wanted?"

"Um, well yeah. Basically."

"Do you do this often?"

"Um, no." and by now he had the good grace to look a little embarrassed and was looking at his feet as he shuffled from one foot to the other.

"Look, if you want to have lunch go and get dressed in the stuff I left for you, or if not then get dressed in your own clothes and get out." I turned around and started to make my sandwich, and I've got to say I was more than just a little pissed. I'd just finished making my sandwich when I heard another noise behind me. I turned around and there was Leo standing in the doorway.

I had to laugh. I'm 185cm tall and weigh 145kg, while Leo looks to be about 170cm tall and would be lucky if he weighs 60kgs. He could have worn my top on its own as it comes halfway down his thighs. I probably wouldn't have been able to see his cock even.

We had lunch. Put his clothes into the machine, and I left him playing video games. I went into my office and must have got bogged down with work because the next thing I knew Steve was knocking on my door and telling me that dinner was almost ready.

I went out to the main living area fully prepared to apologise to Leo, but it died on my lips as it appeared as if Leo had lived in the house for years. He was laughing with all the guys, helping out with getting everything ready for dinner. Everyone called their hellos, some came and hugged me, Leo had changed back into his own clothes and the other guys were in their usual state of dress or undress according to how they felt. We have a rather relaxed clothing policy on what the guys wear, or not wear around the house. Providing they have other clothes close at hand so that if anyone comes to the door they could cover up with appropriate street clothes.

"Oh, Bastian, we've had a discussion and me and some of the guys are going with Leo to get his stuff after dinner. The weather's not goin' to be good tonight. There's the spare bed in my room and I figured Leo could sleep there.

Um, If it's Ok with you of course." Said Steve, flashing me one of his killer smiles.

"Well I'm so glad to be consulted. Even if it's at the last minute. I mean it's only my house after all."

"Hey, quite belly achin' Bastian. You know you're gunna to let him stay. Just come and eat dinner so we can get on with it."

"Oh, alright," I said as I took my seat, "when's it goin' to be on the table?"

"Right now," said Steve as he put a plate down in front of me.

"Look's great guys, good job. Thanks"

So we had a great meal. Everyone talking about the day they had. What their plans were for the evening. I was even asked if they could use the car to get Leo's stuff. All the jobs that needed to be done were being done and it would appear we now have a new house guest.

So life went on as usual and when Monday night rolled around and we had our usual weekly house meeting. We did our usual paying of rent and associated bills. Talked about any issues that had come up for me or the guys. Then it came to the last issue of the night, Leo. Normally I waited until the guys had been in the house from Monday to Monday, it gave them more time to show their true colours, and I could see if they were going to work out. But with Leo, he seemed so easy going, and the rest of the guys seemed to like him; so I took the chance and offered to make his place here permanent if he wanted.

Leo said he did, so life settled back into a new pattern and everyone went about doing their own thing. Leo applied for the Dole and was looking for work and really settled into life with us.

After a few weeks I heard a knock on my office door. I looked up and there was Leo. "How's it goin' mate?"

"Um, I was wonderin' if I could have a chat."

"Sure, why don't you get a drink and I'll come out. I could do with a break."

So we settled around the dining room table. "So, what's on your mind, bud?"

But Leo just sat there and stared into the bottom of his mug. So I said, "Look, unless you're goin' to tell me you want a sex change operation. I can guarantee that I've heard it all before."

Just as I finished Leo blurts out, "I'm masturbating too much."

I was so stunned I just sat there looking at him, I must confess that I hadn't heard that one, and he was still staring into his mug only now he was bright red.

When I'd recovered a bit, I asked him if that was even possible. He said he was doing it 6-7 times a day. I did point out that he was only 19 and I wasn't too surprised. But Leo persisted that he thought it was a problem. So I asked him what he thought I could to do about it. He was the one masturbating not me. So he asked me if I had any suggestions.

I thought about it for a bit, but the only suggestion I could come up with was that he could take a vow of chastity. He asked me what that was. So I told him that it was a vow that monks, nuns and priests are supposed to make and then practice a life of chastity. No sex. No masturbation in other words. But Leo didn't think that would work. I suggested we could tie his hands to the bed so he couldn't touch himself at night, and he thought that was a good idea but wondered about what to do during the day. And he wondered what Steve would think. He was really concerned that the other guys might find out, and didn't think he could cope with that.

I suggested he have a look on the internet and see if he could find 'something', I didn't know what exactly but there might be something out there. I mean who knew what shit people are up to out there these days. He headed off to the computer and I was left shaking my head as I headed back to my office wishing I had that problem.

An hour or so later, there was another knock at my door. I looked up and there was Leo with a big grin all over his face. "Can I show you what I've found?"

I was a bit taken aback that he even bothered to look, let alone finding something. "Sure, let's have a look," I said as I stood up and followed him out to the other computer.

Sure enough he'd found a male chastity device on-line. He'd even thought to find a shop here in Melbourne that sold them. But when I saw the price. Fuck they weren't cheap, and when I asked him how he thought he could afford it. He admitted he couldn't and went to close the site down.

I told him to hold on and stopped him from shutting the site down. I told him I could lend him the money, but I'd have to think about it, and it would be a loan. I fully expected him to pay me back.

Leo thanked me profusely.

I went back to work.

A few days later I told Leo to get ready as we were going to go shopping.

We got to the shop, and after Leo got over the fact that I knew where the shop was, I used to work in the area many, many years ago. He went for a wander around the shop, he eventually found the chastity devices and called me over.

"What size do I need, do you think?"

"I don't know. Didn't you find that out when you were doing your research?"

"Um, no I didn't think about it. I was just happy to find that there was a chastity device for men." He looked at his feet.

So I grabbed a box off the shelf and looked at the instructions. "OK, it says here that you have to measure around the base of your cock and balls. Soft. Not hard. To get the right size ring."

"Oh," he brightened up, "so how do we do that?"

"What, haven't you ever measured yourself?" I couldn't believe what I was asking. "I thought all guys measured themselves. I did, and I know my brothers and all my mates did. Weren't you concerned about whose dick is bigger?"

"Um, well yeah, but I've never measured it. I didn't think I had to. I mean it always seemed so much bigger than other guys."

'Yeah don't remind me', I thought. "Go ask the guy behind the counter. They must know how to do this."


"What's wrong now?"

"Um, can't you. I'm too embarrassed!"

"What! You're the one who wants the thing not me. Oh fuck it. Wait here."

I went and asked the sales assistant how to measure for a chastity device, and he gave me a set of sizing rings and told me how to use them. I went back to Leo and gave him the rings and told him how to use them, but he still wanted me to help him.

I took him into the change room and told him to drop his jeans and jocks. Because he was so big, I got the second biggest ring and worked his balls through and naturally because I was playing with his balls he started to get an erection. I grabbed hold of the head of his penis and squeezed. Leo yelped. I told him to be quite and after a few seconds his penis went down and I was able to work his cock into the ring as well. I asked him how it felt and he said it felt a bit tight. I told him the size of the bigger ring was the size he wanted. He got dressed and we went and got his chastity device.

I went and got him some lube, as I was sure he wouldn't think of it. As I was wondering around the shop having a look I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there was Leo holding a huge dildo.

"What have you got that for?"

"I thought I might try it."

"Are you serious? It has to be what 10".

"Um. It's 12" actually."

"Are you nuts? You'd never get that up your ass. Wait a minute. Have you ever had ANYTHING up your butt before?"

"Well, no, but I thought I'd give it a go."

"Seriously?" I couldn't keep the surprise out of my voice. "You've never had anything up your ass and you think you're just going to shove 'that' up there. You have to be stark raving mad if you think that!"

Leo looked crest fallen. "Look if you want to try shoving something up your arse, why don't you start with something smaller. Like a butt plug, and see if you like that first. Then you can work your way up from there if you want.

You don't just start with something that big. You'd rip your insides out. And I'm telling you now, there are parts of your body I wouldn't touch for all the tea in China, mate and that's a promise!!" Little did I know I was going to break that vow a lot sooner than I thought I ever would.

But I took pity on the guy and patted his shoulder. "Let's go put that back and have a look at the butt plugs if you want."

"You don't mind?" He asked surprised.

"Look it's not really my cup of tea, but if you want to try it, I can't really stop you can I? It's your butt after all, and if you're dumb enough to shove something up there. Well I can't stop you now, can I?"

So we went over and had a look at the butt plugs, and Leo eventually saw sense and settled on a medium size butt plug; and secretly I hope it hurt like hell. Leo finally got tired of looking at all the restraints, leathers, clothing, and other implements in the shop. I had already paid for everything so we headed home.

As I used to work in the area I took him on a small tour and showed him the office block I used to work in. He wanted to know why I wasn't working there anymore, and I told him that I couldn't stand the smell of the hops from the brewery. So we toured around a bit more as we made our way home.

He wanted to try everything as soon as he got home, but I told him he would have to wait. He hadn't read any of the instructions and was just going to try to make it all work. I told him I'd give him some help but he would have to wait. To which he reluctantly agreed.

A couple of nights later I told all the guys, except for Leo, that I needed the house to myself. I wanted them all out by 7:30am and not to come home until 6:30pm, and because it was an inconvenience for them I promised we could order something in for tea. Everyone agreed because I didn't do it very often and they didn't mind too much.

So the following morning everyone, except for me and Leo, had left the house by 7:30. I stormed into Leo's room at 8:00, woke him up and yelled at him to get up and have a very hot shower and to wash his hair with shampoo twice as I was tired of smelling his dirty hair all the time. I also told him not to get dressed but to wear a towel and come and find me so I could check he had done everything properly like I'd told him too.

He just lay there looking at me, until I yelled at him to get fuckin' movin'. He jumped out of bed. Ran around me and into the bathroom. When I heard the shower going I went downstairs to the garage.

When I had the house built originally, I got council permission to have the garage put under the house. This way I could make it bigger and have a good storage area, without taking up too much of my house block. I was then able to have the ceiling higher, so I could play ball games in there if I wanted. It was also somewhat soundproof so I could have a party late into the night there, if I wanted to; without disturbing the neighbours. With this in mind I also had heating and cooling installed in there as well.

I had collapsible shelving installed along the back wall for storage, this way I could put up the shelves as needed. Along the side wall that the door into the house is located I had some sockets installed into the floor and ceiling so I could screw in some industrial eye bolts or hooks if I needed to hang anything there. Or if I needed to put up a cargo net for anything. In the meantime I had some plastic lugs screwed into them just to keep the dirt out and so no one could trip on them.

So that was where Leo eventually found me when he had finished his shower. As per instructions he was just wearing his towel, and it must have been a very hot shower as I could feel the heat radiating off his body.

"I've had my shower, Bastian, and washed my hair twice, just like you told me to." He said.

"Good. Come over here and let me smell," I said roughly.

When he was close enough I grabbed his nose. He yelped. I pulled his head down so I could smell his hair. "That's better. Now make sure you wash it like that ever second day from now on, Ok!"

"Sure Bastian, I'm sorry for not doing it right in the first place."

"That's Ok, I know you will do it right from now on," I said as I patted his shoulder.

Leo turned to go.

"Hang on a minute," I said, "I have a surprise for you."


"Yes. Go and stand on the metal line in the floor over there. Face me, and close your eyes and hold your arms out to the side, for me please."

"Like this?" he asked.

I looked up, and there was Leo standing as I had instructed him to. "That's great. Now don't open your eyes until I tell you to. Ok."

"Um, what is it?"

"If I told you. It wouldn't be a surprise now, would it?"

"Um, no I suppose not," he said a little apprehensively. "Um, you're not going to hurt me, are you?" he asked as his eyes flew open.

I stood in front of him and cupped the back of his head and looked him right in the eye. "In all the time you've been here, have I ever hurt you?"

"Um, no. I guess not," he said a bit unsure.

"And with all the guys in this place, do you think you could stop me from hurting you if I had wanted too?"

"Um, no," he said apprehensively.

"Look if you're feeling uncomfortable about this, you are more than welcome to go back upstairs, but if you do that we will never talk of this again. Do you understand? Not even if you begged me. Ok?"

"No. No, it's Ok. I do trust you," he said as he closed his eyes.

"Good boy."

What he didn't know was that I'd put some of the eye bolts into the ceiling slots, and now I had two leather cuffs hanging from ropes above his head. I put them on his wrists and pulled the ropes tight and tied them off.

Leo opened his eyes, "Wh?What's going on?" he asked a bit panicky.

"Well Leo," I said as I pulled the towel free from around his waist, "today is the day I thought we'd try your chastity device. What do you think?"

Instantly his cock got hard, "Um, sure but why am I tied up?"

"Well, there is some prep work that has to be done, that I don't think you paid any attention to. Did you?"

"Um, no. What prep work? And why do I have to be tied up for?" He asked nervously.

"Well, for a start your crotch has to be trimmed, and you need someone's help to put the chastity device on in the first place. Then when you take it off this afternoon you need to make sure that you have no damage to the skin from the device."


"And as I'm the one you're going to ask for help eventually. I thought I would just jump in and do it. Unless of course you don't want any help. I can leave you to get on with it if you like?"

"Oh, no. You're right. I would have asked you for help anyway.

But why am I tied up for?"

"Well, I just thought I would have a bit of fun with you, and you really liked all the bondage gear you saw the other day. So I got the cuffs and the rope to give you a little taste, but as I said if you don't want me to I can untie you and do it that way."

"No way," blurted Leo, "you're right this is way hotter and," he said looking down at his cock, "I, obviously, am liking this a lot!"

"OK, then shall we continue?"

"Yes, Sir, please continue."

I took the scissors, saving cr?me, razor, and bowl of hot water from off the bench. All of which Leo had failed to notice when he first entered the garage. Got a stool and sat in front of Leo, and made myself comfortable. Sitting there looking at his cock now as it almost waved in my face, I could see why he never bothered to measure it before. It did look impressive.

So I set to and trimmed all his pubic hair, from his navel right down to the base of his scrotum, with the scissors. When I had got it as short as I could with the scissors. I stood up and put the bowl of water on the stool. I spread shaving cr?me all over his pubic hair and balls. I cleaned my hands off on the towel he, so thoughtfully, brought with him. I grabbed hold of his cock with my left hand and looped my first finger around the back of his scrotum and pulled down a bit to make the skin taught.

"You won't cut me, will you?" he asked a little panicky.

I let go of his cock and grabbed his balls and pulled down sharply until he yelped. "Who's doing this? You or me?

I can stop if you like, and leave you to it."

"No. No," he said with a tear in his eyes. "Please, Sir, I'm sorry Sir."

"That's better," I said as I let his nuts go and grabbed his cock again, "let's get on with it then shall we?"

Leo had the good sense to stay quiet this time. So holding on to his cock I pulled the skin tight, and started to shave him. Starting at his navel I slowly made my way down his abdomen until I got to the base of his cock. I shaved all around the base and the shaft of his cock, and then stretching the skin of his scrotum I shaved that as well. When I was sure I had shaved all of his pubic hair, I dried it all thoroughly with the towel. I used a face washer to make sure he had washed the head of his penis properly. I rolled back his foreskin. Gave it a good wash and made sure it was all dried properly.

I looked down at my feet, "Man, you've leaked a lot of precum haven't you."

Wisely Leo didn't say anything again. I opened the box and took out the chastity device and gave it a good wash and made sure it was thoroughly dried. I worked his balls into the backing ring, then squeezing the head of his cock so it would deflate. I worked it through the ring as well. Then after applying some lube to the sheath I slide it over the shaft of his penis and using the padlock I locked it into place with a satisfying click. I showed Leo the keys and then put them into my pocket.

"So how does it feel?"

"Heavy, Sir."

"I'm sure it does. Now you can go and get dressed, when I tell you too, and you can go about your day. It's going to feel strange all day, I'm sure. Now I'm going to want you back here, naked, no later than 5:00 today so I can take it off and check the skin for any damage, OK?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good boy," I said as I patted his head. I helped him out of his restraints and told him to clean up the mess, and went to my office.

I saw Leo from time to time throughout the day walking a little bowlegged, or sitting gingerly on the ends of chairs, and I had a little chuckle to myself. And wondered yet again about the stupidity of youth.

At 5:00 when I went down to the garage I found Leo already waiting for me, naked, as instructed. He had even attached the cuffs to his wrists. I took them off and told him that they won't be necessary this time. Leo looked a little crestfallen. Instead I told him to stand with his feet apart and with his hands behind his neck, with his fingers interlocked together. I took the keys out of my pocket and undid the lock and removed the chastity device from the shaft of his penis. Which sprang to attention straight away. I laughed at him as I got the stool to sit on.

I grabbed the head of his penis and held it quite firm for a few seconds and then let it go and his penis deflated enough for me to work his penis through the base ring. Then it was easy getting his nuts and scrotum out of the ring. I checked him all around the base of his cock and scrotum to ensure there was no broken skin or rubbed spots. I pronounced him all Ok and stood up.

I asked him what he thought of his first day using his chastity device. Leo assured me he loved it, but he was so glad to get it off and he wanted to race upstairs to masturbate before the others got home.

He did say he had trouble working out how to pee, though he eventually decided to sit down every time. I told him that I thought that was what he was going to have to do anyway. I did hold the sheath, for his cock, up to his nose and told him to sniff.

He took one whiff and almost gagged. I told him that because he couldn't shake the drips off now that he would have to use toilet paper to make sure he cleaned up all the urine, and to ensure he didn't leave any moisture in the tube. Otherwise he would start to stink, and may even get sores and he wouldn't want that.

He turned to go upstairs, "where are you going?" I barked.

"Um, upstairs," he said. Frozen in mid step, looking back at me.

"I don't remember giving you permission to leave."

"Sorry, Sir," he said as he turned back and assumed the position.

"That's better," I said, as I grabbed hold of his cock again.

"Um, Sir," he queried?

"Do you have a problem?" I barked at him.

"No, Sir."

"Good. Then why are you eyeballing me for?"

"Sorry, Sir," he said as he instantly looked straight ahead.

"That's better," I said as I started to slowly stroke his rock hard cock. "This is how this is going to work. I am going to stroke your cock and you are going to tell me when you think you are about to cum. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Sir" replied Leo somewhat throatily.

"If you cum without my permission then this is all over, and you don't want that now, do you?"

"No, Sir!"

I continued to slow stroke his cock, until he told me he wanted to cum. Then I let him go and waited for the feeling to pass. When I noticed his cock started to soften I started to slow stroke him again. His cock hardened again, and again I waited until he told me he was going to cum. Then I let him go again and waited.

I did this 4 or 5 times and by now poor Leo was sweating profusely. On the last time he begged me to let him cum, and without saying anything to him I stroked him until he came. Leo let out an almighty bellow and collapsed to the floor as he shot hot cum halfway across the garage.

I told him to clean up the mess and himself, and told him he was not to tell any of the others what happened here today or it would be the one and only time. "Yes, Sir," he said, and I left him to it.

The other boys had returned home and we ordered pizza for tea. Some of the boys asked Leo how his day was, as they usually do, but I thought he answered them somewhat raggedly when he said his day was Ok.

Leo decided to have an early night, I guess it had been a bit of a trying day for him.

Next: Chapter 2

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