House Fag at the Leather Club

By Pup Paws

Published on Aug 1, 2023


Chapter 3: Proclaiming it

Your bf pulls up by your leash to a patio table you haven't even noticed when he excitedly announces "Everyone, this is my fag; you can call him that, or faggot', but he also answers to boy'" You're a little offended. Y'all hadn't discussed this in advance, so you weren't expecting it to go quite this way. And he didn't even tell you their names. But he's too excited to notice. "Here, I saved you this spot," he says, plopping back into a chair.

But you don't get it. There are seven chairs around a low round table, and each is already occupied. Sir Steven is to your left with his boy. The bf is to the right, and four guys you don't know sit across from you as you just stand there like an idiot. You start to shrug in confusion, but the bf puts a firm hand on your shoulder and pulls down on the leash. "Kneel," he says in a tone that only you will be able to perceive as annoyance. You recall his reminder to "just say yes." So you say, "Oh, sorry, yes sir" and feel some resentment and humiliation as you lower yourself to your knees in front of all these people. On your way down, he leans over and whispers in your ear, "You're such a good boy," and pecks a kiss on your cheek, and you're surprised how quickly it causes you to abandon your resentment and drop into blissful sub headspace. The teasing earlier from Orion definitely helped you be a more receptive submissive as well.

He immediately jumps right back into whatever conversation he is having at the table. He's really in his element, and you marvel at his enigmatic social skills. He commands the center of attention, holding court by the pool with his pet by his side. You're not included, but you're also not ignored. While he talks, laughs, and gestures wildly with one hand, the other runs through your hair, caresses your back, traces around your collar, and frequently glides down to pinch, flick and roll your nipple (the one that's still sore and marked from his bites and jingle bell clamp earlier). You're in total ecstasy and fall towards him, leaning your head on his lap and rolling your eyes back in your head. He just keeps going with whatever convo he's having. But you've completely lost all sense of time and your surroundings. Perfectly at home in his lap.

He brings you back to reality after a while with a more scrumptious head scratch. Then he grabs your hair and sits you back upright. You look into his eyes, completely twitterpated. "I need a drink, boy" he says and nods over to the bar. You obediently get up, and the table pays you no mind. Two of the guys across the table have left, and two new guys sit there now. You were so blissed out that you didn't even notice. You can take in more of the scene now that you're walking of your own volition instead of being pulled. Sure, several men are checking you out, which usually would make you uncomfortable. But the sun is out, and you're completely surrounded by men glistening with sweat, and it feels like a dream.

The bar is very unusual. It's more like a large U-shaped galley set into the side of the building than a traditional bar. You can't really go behind the bar. It's more like kitchen counters. Lots of people are making drinks, including a beefy muscle guy in a wrestling singlet, a completely naked guy with a gorgeous plump ass, and a boy completely decked out in pup gear. Most are wearing collars. As you look around for a bartender, someone slaps you on your ass. You yelp in surprise and turn to your left. No one is there. Not on the right either. Then Orion whispers in your ear, "hello again, sexy, you look a little lost, haha, " making you jump again. He just laughs even harder.

He steps up from his hiding place behind you, running his hand down your exposed spine, and gives your perky ass cheek a squeeze saying, "I see you found the pool bar. Why the lost face." "How do I order a drink?" you ask. "We have bartenders over there," and he points to a sliding glass door in the wall." But did I forget to tell you that subs have access to the bar? Most of the drinks are made by subs because they know their dom's preferences better. Just find a spot anywhere. It's organized by alcohol. It should have everything you need, but if something is missing, just let your Dom know, and he can request for it to be brought in." "How do I pay?" You ask. "I have literally nothing on me, " you chortle because you're literally nude. "haha, the doms take care of that. It's all on the honor system. so don't worry about it unless he asks you to keep track of something." Then he playfully grabs your leash, where it's connected to your collar, and slowly pulls his hand away, letting it gracefully slide through. You wonder if he is trying to lead you, but he's not. He wears an intense facial expression and locks eyes with you as he keeps pulling back on your leash. He's so hot, and the thought of submitting to a caged boy is a real turn-on. The leash keeps sliding through his hand as your little boy dick starts to harden. He notices and laughs as he reaches the end, and it falls back against your chest with a light side. "You've got a hair-trigger dick, don't you," he asks "Yeah, sorry," you say and blush with embarrassment As you move your hands to cover it up, he says, "Don't apologize; it was a compliment; you should wear it with as much pride as you do that `faggot'written across your chest." Somehow, you keep forgetting it's written there, and you blush again, explaining, "It's very new to me, and I'm still not used to it. I would have been offended if you called me that. I only realized I'm faggot, and this is my first time being public about it." "Well, I think it's hot as hell, and I love how easily you're turned on. I hope you come to find me later. You still need to earn the kiss," he says and moves on to join another group of guys, leaving you standing there confused and wanting so much more from him.

After you snap out of it, you have to decide what drink to make. It's too hot for his typical Sazerac, so you settle on a summer tiki drink and head for the rums.

You slide in next to a shorter ginger boy. He looks straight out of a RED HOT calendar, except for his pink thong and matching collar, which complements his pale, freckled skin really well. He's exactly your boyfriend's type, looking a little like one of his exes, and you file that away for potential later use. You introduce yourself and find out his name is Carl. "I saw you resting in your bf's lap earlier; it was very cute," he says "Of thanks for saying that. I was soo blissed out by all the teasing and exposure I just sorta melted, haha. I'm not really sure what the protocol is here, so hopefully I didn't throw off the vibe," you replay, hoping he'll offer a little more insight about the party. "I don't know the protocol either. It's my first time here, but I'm hoping it's not my last. I love it so far. But no one seemed upset, although I can't say they didn't notice. My sir certainly did. I think he was a little jealous, honestly" Carl replies "Oh, we're virgin twins; it's also my first time. When did you get here?" You ask as you start to collect the supplies for your boyfriend's drink. "Basically, just now, Orion took me on the tour, and as soon as I got out to the pool, my sir wanted a drink, so I came right over." Said Carl "Oh cool, well I kinda lost track of time over there on my bf's lap, but I bet I haven't been here much longer than me; that was some tour, huh? And Orion is soo hot... or maybe I'm just in so much heat everyone is looking hot. I sprung a huge embarrassing boner when he snapped this leash on me," you say nervously, making the leash that is still hanging from your collar swing. "Yeah, he's hot af, but he didn't use a leash on me, just showed me around. There is something really sexy about him beyond his looks, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it." Carl replies You're not sure what to say since you apparently got special treatment, and you know about Orion's cage, but it's not your place to share that. Searching for what to say next, you recall what Orion told you as he attached the leash and say, "Oh yeah, I remember now that Orion said that my bf requested he use the leash, so I guess it was the bf, not Orion's leash. Even though Orion put it on me." Carl replies, "Oh, that's really thoughtful, actually. I would have been much more comfortable and secure on a leash, but my dom doesn't think of things like that," "I wouldn't say I was comfortable," you say through laughter, pointing to the word sprawled across your chest. "Yeah, that's quite a statement. I honestly think it looks great," he says "Sorry, I didn't mean to brag about my sir or anything. How did you meet yours?" "No worries," he replies, "we actually just met online, and we only played one so far. After our first session, he said he needed someone to bring here that he could show off. The session wasn't that great, honestly, but I jumped at the chance because I had heard of this place and always wanted an invite."

His reply made you think. Carl is nice, you want to keep talking to him, and you wonder a few things, but both the drinks you were making are finished, the ice is melting, and two different sirs are waiting, so head back after saying, "Great to meet you Carl, hope we bump into each other again soon." Not knowing it was going to be a lot more than that.

As you take the drink to your sir, the sun is setting, and you notice a different level of excitement among the crowd. The sirs have put on more formal kits and are more leather-clad than before. And the subs are following stricter protocols, quieter, more restrained... literally. When you make it back to the table, you see that Sir Steven's boy and three of the boys from across the table have moved out of their chairs and into the ground. They are in various degrees of bondage, including locks, ropes, hoods, and gags.

As you kneel to present your sir's drink, he says, "It's time for you to get back in subspace. We need to prepare for the show tonight," and he slips the blindfold over your eyes. You wonder what show and how you're supposed to see it blindfolded. But you dutifully obey and sit calmly. His conversation with the other two sirs at the table is now carried out in hushed tones. You can't make it out, but they are clearly discussing plans for a scene and are pretty excited about it. Eventually, he turns back to you and asks, "Are you ready to play faggot?" "I think so, sir" you reply, trying to sound more confident than you feel. But he knows you too well and says "That sounds like a no. I guess you need a little incentive." Then he tugs your leash down till your face is mashed against his boot. "Lick!" He says. You start hesitantly, still not really feeling it. But then he starts asking you questions. "How does it feel to be at my feet?" "Does this make you feel pathetic?" "What do you think is running through all these real men's heads as they see your bare as up on the air." "Can you believe you've degraded yourself this far, faggot across your chest, naked below these men, not even able to see?" "Is this what you think a good boot licker looks like?" And as he goes along, forcing you to answer each question, you start to fall deeper into your submissive headspace and start to enjoy licking his boots.

He's not really a dom that uses physical domination. Instead, he focuses on the mental aspects, fucking with your head. He doesn't need a whip or paddle. Instead, he cultivates your hornyness and your need to please him and uses those as his tools to control your actions. He knows you better than yourself, knows your motivations and deepest desires, and leverages them to make you a better submissive. He makes you his.

After some satisfied sir grunts, he suddenly snaps and says, "Position three." So you pop up to all fours. His hands roam all around your body, inspecting you, every now and then adjusting your posture. Which you always love because it means you're exactly how he wants you. He even includes a couple light tugs on your little boy's dick and a few finger taps on your exposed hole.

Then you hear, "Open up that faggot mouth," so you open as wide as you can. He hawks a big loogie and spits it in your mouth, then he does it two more times. Each time the thick wad splats in your mouth. But the ancillary spray goes all over your face. "Close and swallow," he says, then spits one more time on your face and rubs it in while laughing. From the time of the laugh, you can tell that he is clearly enjoying himself. But also, he is laughing at you. And for some reason, that brings an expression of delight to your face. He leans and whispers in your ear, "You're such a good fucking faggot" and your delight converts to sheer bliss, cementing your subby headspace. He continues, "Remember what I said this morning. You might get nervous, but I expect you to say yes and go with the flow." Then he stands back up and talks with his regular voice, "I'll ask again, are you ready to play faggot?" This time you say, "Yes sir! More please, sir!"

He puts his boot on your back and says, "ok, let's get started," in a much louder voice than you expected as you paint a few times with your tongue out, wanting to lick up all his spit. You hear cheers from a crowd...but you've been blindfolded and didn't know anyone else was paying attention.

You wonder what's going on, how many of them are out there, and what they are cheering at. But you leave those thoughts behind as he applies more pressure on the boot on your back, pushing you down flat on the ground. With his boot still pinning you, you feel a hot stream of piss hit the back of your head and hear him say, "Take it faggot, don't resist." You listen and obey, trying to turn your head to catch it in your mouth, but you can't. Someone in the crowd says "Pathetic, he really is a faggot"

Next, in one fell swoop, he grabs you by the biceps, lifts you to your feet, and pulls off the blindfold. As your eyes are still adjusting, he spins you around to face all the men, pushes you over in a leaning-forward position, and puts his hard cock against your hole. You think to yourself how quickly this escalated.

The crowd of leather men comes into focus. It looks like at least fifteen of them, but it's growing as more men walk over to watch. They are all so hot. There is a whole assortment of gear in the crowd, boots, chaps, gloves, vests and Muir caps. He interrupts you wondering where they are coming from, by saying, "What are you?" loud enough for them all to hear. You reply, "I'm a fagot, sir." "They can't hear you on the other side." "I'M A FAGGOTT SIR!" You yell loud enough for the whole area to hear, hoping it's loud enough for your sir. It must be because heads turn and more men gather around. "What does my faggot want?" Asks your bf, as much to the crowd as to you. "I WANT TO BE OWNED SIR!" You cry back. "I want to be debased and humiliated." "Look at you," he chuckles with a little contempt, "you already are." "Yes sir, please... more sir," you say pathetically "Do you want this dick, boy?" "Yes, sir!" "Beg for it!" "Please, sir, I need it desperately. It's all I can think about," you plead publicly in front of all these men, feeling the debasement, shame, and desperation deep inside you. "Like this?" He asks, applying more pressure on the outer rim of your hole with his throbbing dick. Then he yells to the crowd, "Should I give him what he wants?"

And you hear a loud cheer. Since your sir spun you around, you've been facing them all, but you were so far in subspace, so focused on your faggatory, that you didn't really notice. With their roar, you realize that almost all the sirs that were at the pool party earlier now surround you. You even see the boy from the bar, Carl, with big eyes and a rock-hard cock. Above the cheers, you hear specific men say, "Take it faggot", "what a fucking slut", and "faggots don't get a choice."

As you try to take it all in, trying to figure out what's going on, your hole stretches as he thrusts his rock-hard cock in you. You've been wanting it, begging for it, and you crave more. You take a sharp gasp, and he just keeps pushing. Being a faggot in front of all these men feels great. His fat mushroom head pops past your first hole, your head cranes back, and goosebumps run up your back. Everything starts to fade. Your whole world shrinks into your swollen P-spot. His man meat rams in. His swollen head grazes your spot, and you feel that warm feeling at the tip of your little boy dick like you're about cum. It makes you want to grab your little boy dick so bad, but he's still holding you by your biceps. He pulls back, readjusting his legs to line up, then punches your spot head-on, with the full force of the rod pressing behind. Then he rams it again and again and again. Pounding it directly ...really fucking hard. An involuntary spasm starts at your outer ring and moves up your hole. You milk his dick, pressing it against your spot, and you start to drip cum. Another spasm follows the same path and, this time goes all the way up your shaft. Suddenly gobs of cum are spouting out of your dick. You can't quite tell what's going on by feeling, so you uncertainly look down to can see your own pathetic cock.

The crowd is really rooting for you now. They seem closer. You hear "take that big dick faggot" and "work for it faggot". He thrusts yet again, triggering another spam; you see a stream of cum rocket out of the little boy's dick this time. It's heading directly for your face, so you open your mouth to try and catch it. But the pounding is shaking your body, and it misses landing on your cheek. Another rope squirts out so hard that it flies by your open mouth and lands in your hair. Your tongue is out like a dog; all you can do is drool and stare into the crowd.

Cum is still oozing out of your little boy dick as he relentlessly pounds your prostate. It rearranges your inside and openes you for him to go deeper. He plummets in. You moan in ecstasy and feel your load drip from your hair and run down your face. "Boy!" Your sir calls to the boy from the bar. "Get over here and clean off my faggots little boy dick." He starts to move, but the sir that brought him pulls him back. Your sir slows his strokes as the crowd grows quiet. Your sir looks at the other sir and says, "The members have clearly made their choice. Are you really going to deprive him too?" All eyes are on Carl. But you're busy wondering what your sir means by that, But you have no energy to focus. All you want is dick; you just want the fucking to last longer. Your sir drops his voice a register and says to Carl, "Boy, you have to choose who to obey." The boy looks back and forth while your sir still fucks you with long, slow strokes. Then Carl steps away from his sir, walks in front of you, and kneels. Mumbles ripple across the crowd as Carl's sir storms out. You wonder what's going on, but before you can figure it out, you feel a deep hard thrust and hear "Now get to work, boy, and clean up my faggot's dick." As Carl starts licking you clean, your sir says to the crowd "Faggots should only be coated with real men's cum, not pathetic submissive ooze, isn't that right men?" Causing the crowd to rally and forget the preceding drama as he resumes fucking you with his normal vigor.

Letting go of your arms, he leans in to whisper, "Take off that boy's collar" You're kind of shocked to hear it. It's just not done. Submissives don't even take off their own collars and definitely don't touch other boys' collars. That right is exclusively reserved for dominants. But his dick is sliding up and down your prostate, and you absolutely will not do anything that could cause him to stop. So you look down at the boy, reach for the buckle, and quietly ask, "Are you sure this is ok? Sure this is what you want?"

He pauses, licking up the cum that leaked out, looks directly at you, and confidently nods. So you undo the buckle and toss it aside. The crowd mumbles again. Freeing him from his collar triggers something in him. He grabs your waist, stares at your little boy dick, takes a deep breath, and just fucking goes to town! He's not licking anymore. He sucks with such enthusiasm that you start to shiver. The back of his throat has completely engulfed you. Your sir laughs at the scene but then butts in as soon as it begins. He reaches around you and pushes the boy's head back, and says, "Wait, boy" to him. He looks crushed. Then your sir says to you, "This isn't over; it's just beginning," and pulls his dick out. The sudden feeling of emptiness is devastating.

He turns you around so your back is to the boy and to the crowd and tells you, "Bend over and work on this," as he wags his dick that he just pulled out of your hole. You happily oblige and take the head in your mouth. It's still warm. As you begin sucking, he says loudly, so the whole crowd can hear, "ok boy, get my faggot's hole ready to take all these men," and the boy spreads your cheeks and dives in with the gusto that he had for your cock. Your hole is loose and sloppy from the fucking that you received from your sir. And Carl's tongue is longer and stronger than any other that's eaten out your ass before. You feel his smooth wet tongue make circles around your puffy hole, then press straight in. It sends shivers up your spine and encourages you to take your sir's cock deeper. You start to worry to yourself that you can't keep up with this boy. Then your competitive spirit kicks in. And you realize that you can't let this boy show you up. You're the biggest faggot here; everyone needs to know it, even him. To show your sir and the crowd your depravity, you reach behind you and pull his head deeper, and moan on your sir's dick. In response, he starts moaning and humming with his face buried in your ass. You have your sir's beautiful god cock in your mouth and a sexy boy filthily rimming you. You're in heaven.

Your sir interrupts the fun, saying, "ok, boy. You've done a great job. My faggot's clean and ready to get slopped up again by all these men that have been waiting patiently. Be a good boy and go wait with the other subs." These few short and direct sentences cause a cascade of emotions in you. First, you're surprised how much you like continually being called a faggot. It feels like you've been a faggot your whole life, but really you only admitted it to yourself a few hours ago, and already you're getting competitive about ensuring you're seen as the biggest faggot in the room. Then you wonder what he means by getting slopped up by all these men. At first, you didn't even notice them. Then you had assumed they were just an audience. The thought of them using you really excites you. And what the hell did he mean by waiting with the other subs? What other subs? All you saw was sirs left. You want to look around to see what he means, but you're still serving his cock. As these thoughts swirl around your head, he announces, "ok, men, your turn! Where's Sir Steven? As our sponsor, it's only right that you get dibs." Sir Steven steps out from the crowd and says, "Thanks for the offer; I'm actually going to claim the last spot; I prefer to use a totally spent faggot to one that's still relatively fresh." "Fair enough, I totally understand," your sir replies, pulling his dick out of your mouth.

You're bent over, still in a forward fold panting to catch your breath as he leans down and says. "I know you want to humble yourself in front of all these men. You've told them how much of a faggot you are. So now it's time to show them. Lean into the feeling of debasement and let them have your way." You stand there internalizing what he just said when you hear from him again, "I'm waiting for a reply faggot" so you say, "Yes sir."

He holds your head down by the top of your neck and steps down to stand by your ass. He spreads your cheeks, spits on your hole, and announces to the crowd, "he's all yours!"

Next: Chapter 4

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