House Fag at the Leather Club

By Pup Paws

Published on Jul 22, 2023


Part 2 Now other people know

"Time to get up, boy," you hear as you wake. Every muscle is completely relaxed, but the bed is a total mess of sex toys, wet spots, and leather items. You're not tied down anymore, but your collar, wrist, and ankle cuffs are still on. You remember falling asleep with your sir passed out on top of, and inside of, at the climax of some of the best sex of your life. You roll over to find you, sir, but he's not in the room. Instead, you find a massive wet sticky spot. He probably fucked the cum out of you again. When he really fucks you're good, it sometimes just leaks out, and so much is going on that you don't notice it unless you see it. Or maybe the load he drilled into your ass leaked out after he climbed off you. He usually plugs it in you after with a but plug, but he passed out on you so fast that he didn't get a chance. The wet spot is probably from both, you think, and it brings a huge smile to your face. You live for this feeling of being thoroughly used, a total mess. As you stand, you see the word faggot scrawled across your chest in black marker and more of fuck floods back to your memory. You finally admitted that you are a faggot, more to yourself than to your sir. He already knew. He knows you better than you know yourself. But you were apprehensive. Once he scrawled it across your chest, it somehow was easier to internalize. His filming it all also helped cement it. You feel proud looking at it now; it was a major step. "God, he's a great Sir," you think to yourself as you wonder where he went and what time it is. "Ok, let's go," he says, walking back in, fully showered and clothed. "What‽ I'm not ready." "Yes, you are; you're perfect." "Look at me; I'm a massive mess; at least give me a minute to scrub this slur off my chest." "Nah, you always look great, come on, let's go," he volleys back nonchalantly. "No, I'm not ready," you snap back. He turns to face you head-on. But you don't budge. It's a stalemate for a moment as he raises an eyebrow. Your adrenaline skyrockets, and your mind races. You're his submissive, but you didn't envision this scenario when you handed him control. On the other hand, you also didn't anticipate loudly claiming your status as a faggot directly into a camera, and it felt terrific. How is wearing it on your chest that different? And, you were just thinking to yourself how he's such an awesome dom. He's earned your trust over and over. But you're still a little ashamed of being outed as a faggot. Once the word is out, there is no stopping the rumor mill. Everyone will know. Will it change your relationships with your friends?

All those thoughts, and more, flood your brain in a fraction of a second. As you open your mouth to protest again, he closes the gap between you in a single step and wraps his strong hand around your still-sticky little boy junk. Squeezing, he says, "position two ."Your mind stops racing, and you obey... or you try to. He doesn't let go of your package as you bend your knees and try to kneel. You try again, but it just results in more self-inflicted ball-pulling. And he's squeezing even harder now. Your face winces in pain, but he's still just staring at you with the sternest, most dominating expression. Somehow this is turning you on. And he can feel it in the hand that squeezed around your pathetic little boy dick and little boy balls. His squeeze keeps your blood from inflating your dick... keeping you soft, and turning you on all the more. With nowhere else to go, your blood rushes in your little boy spot inside your hole. You feel it get rock hard and giant, begging to get pounded. As the Victorians said, there is bliss in the agony. All that's in your head anymore is the desire to obey. And you realize that deep down, you also desire to obey his original request to go out and show people the faggot written on your chest too. As soon as you finish saying, "I'm sorry, sir," he lets go, and you quietly assume Position Two at his feet. He lifts your chin up, steps on the tiny bit of flesh dangling between your legs, stares into your defeated eyes, and says, "I know you, I know this is hard for you, I know why, and I know you can do it. You need to trust me." That's precisely what you needed to hear. He says, "Speak, boy." The only thing going through your head is that he's right. So that's what you say. "You're right, sir. You know what's best for me. I trust you," and a small tear rolls down your face. You see some movement in his pants. He has to rearrange the growing boner in his pants. You're not the only turned one on by submitting to his will. "We'll have ample time to process this later. But right now, do as you're told, and let's go," he says as he clasps the leash on your collar. You stand back up to follow him, but he jerks the leash back down, saying, "Good boys that obey their sir get the privilege of walking. You crawl," so you crawl as you're led to the garage as your erection betrays how much you're enjoying the subjugation. Your skin is cold against the leather seats as he buckles you in. You're very nervous about someone seeing you naked, cuffed, and scrawled on as you drive through town. But you just told him that you trust him, and you do, so you resolve to obey. He still senses your apprehension and says, " I'm not mad at you. I know you're scared, that's natural, but I think you're going to like this". He pecks you on the cheek and playfully flicks your nipple (the one still bearing his bite marks from earlier), and pulls out of the garage. "So, yes, this is a pool party, but the place is more than just a pool," he says as he pulls up to a stoplight. "Ooookay," you say, a little distracted by an upcoming semi-truck in the lane next to you. "The pool is part of a complex, a private club; it's actually kind of exclusive and hard to get in, not very well known." "Ooookay," you say, again nervously, as the semi-truck stops right next to you. "Sir Steven got me in, this will be a probationary visit for you, and if it goes well, you'll be eligible for membership too," he says. Awkwardly trying to avoid doing anything that would catch the trucker's attention, you ask, "So you're taking me to an interview like this? What is this? Some kind of kink club?" "Well yeah, it's a leather men's club. I told Sir Steven how we wanted to get into the local leather scene. So he agreed to sponsor us." And suddenly, the semi taps his giant horn. You startle and look up to see him wink at you, give you a thumbs up, and rumble off as the light turns green. Meanwhile, your sir keeps talking as if nothing happened. "So all you have to do is be yourself, be a good boy... and you'll need to service a few men '' he throws in at the end. Suddenly your little boy dick is betraying you and getting hard again. He clocks it and asks, "What made you hard? That trucker or the idea of servicing new men?" "...both, I guess," you reply, blushing red with embarrassment as your nipples and the little boy dick harden completely. He spits on his hand and alternates between stroking your little dick and polishing your knob as he says, "See nothing to be afraid of; I knew you'd like it." And all you can do is close your eyes and moan.

Later, as you pull onto the property's manicured grounds, surrounded by tall hedgerows, he turns and says, "ok, one last thing. This is a safe space. You don't have to hide. You can be yourself here. If you start getting worried, just focus on being a good faggot. Also, I'm setting the expectation now that you obey the other men in there. Just say yes to whatever you're being asked to do and go with the flow. You can always use your safe word if it gets to be too much. I'll be around even if you don't immediately see me." You take a deep breath and reply, "Yes sir." He pulls up to the building and says, "Here's your door; now be my good boy, hop out and go in for your welcome orientation. I'll meet you inside afterward." You apprehensively approach the door as he drives around the building. It's labeled "Submissive's Entrance." There's no handle, so you push, but it doesn't budge. As you take an unsure step back, a voice from a speaker commands, "kneel for entry." you notice the padded mat on the ground and kneel on it as you've told. For some reason, that makes you chubs, then it grows to a full bone as you imagine everything on the other side of the door. This is your chance to come out of your shell. You've been wanting more people to know your status, and the bf has been teasing you about playing with others for a while. You feel your nipples get hard, and your blue balls tighten and ache at the thought. Then the door opens, and a handsome man steps out. You're snapped back to reality. "Well, hello, boy! Excited to be here, I see," He says, clips a medium-length leash onto your collar, and connects the other end to his belt loop with a carabiner. "I'm not your superior; I'm your host, here to give you a tour and introduce the club. I'll ask that you follow me. Your sir has given instructions that you are to remain tethered until I hand you back over to him." He gives a brief history of the club but sees you trying to hide your little boy dick that's still a little chubs from the boner you sprang on your knees. So he starts by explaining, "The club does not have an official dress code. Your dress is completely at your doms discretion. But for pool parties, Subs generally go nude, except with restraints and their collars. You'll see when you get outside that your dom has steered you well, and I personally think you look great." You start to blush and chub up a little more. He's very perceptive and adroitly says, "I'm glad to see how excited you are to be here. The way you own and proclaim your faggotry is hot af. I'd love to take care of that boner for you, but I don't think your sir would be happy with either of us." and you're a little disappointed because he's so sexy. You were ready to move on when he continued, "But I bet he'd appreciate a little teasing to keep you worked up for him." He moves in real close and presses you to the wall with his hips, pinning your bone straight up. Then he grabs your arm and positions them above your head so he can hold them with one hand. Your heart races. What if someone walks in? ... It would be awesome if they did. He tilts his head and leans in to kiss you. Closer and closer till he... pulls back and puts his finger across your lips, saying, "It's not that easy; you have to earn that privilege," with a maniacal chuckle. All you can do is sigh and shrink. But you can't shrink; he's pinned your wrist, holding you up. He twists your head to the side with his finger and makes a long sigh with his warm breath in your ear. "How bad do you want it?" He whispers with his long hot breath. All you can muster is a "uummuuggghhh" sound. "Not good enough, boy," he responds. And since you can't move your arms, you start humping his clothed chest in desperation and frustration. He keeps his hold but takes one step back, leaving you humping nothing but air. You moan again, "mmmggguuhhhhhh..." desperate for release, desperate to climax, desperate to cum. You lock eyes with him, trying to make your most serious mean face. But you can't, and you just end up biting your lip again as he says, "I already told you, your pathetic moans aren't good enough; you have to tell me how bad you want it." "I don't want it. I need it! I can't even think. I need it so bad my brain is empty. All of my cognition is centered between my throbbing prostate and my Frenulum. Please! Please! Please! "You plead and squirm. "Oh, that's very interesting," he says as he licks his thumb. "Your cognition, you call it. I thought some of it would go here, "he says, as he rubs his wet thumb on your bruised nipple. It makes your hips thrust forward even sharper and stronger, making your feet ground. He continues to play with your nip, pulling and pinching. "Ok, OK, boy! I see now how much you want it, "he says, this time licking his whole palm. He looks at you deeply and says, "This time, don't move, boy. I stop the moment you do. And he grabs your dick with his slick hand. He starts to leave a long, slick stroke when involuntarily and completely unconsciously, you jerk your hips back to pin your ass against the wall as if it was a reflex, like a thing with your kneecap. Before you even realize what happened, he lets go of your wrists, takes a couple steps back, and wipes his hand off on his pants while saying, "Well, that was quick! I figured it would happen, but not THAT fast. Oh well, probably for the best." You're left totally bewildered, your knees are weak, and you have to steady yourself against the wall. You blunder out, "What was that? What even happened?" "Most boys in your condition, that are truly committed to their Dom, and haven't been allowed to get off for a while, know deep in their heart that they prefer a state of denial to orgasm." He explains, "But their brain still wants the euphoria and releases of orgasm, so the brain and the heart get in a fight, and for real submissives, the heart always wins, so if you get one of these boys, legit close, they will switch from wanting it, to not. It's quite a predicament. Isn't it? " he asks.

"fuck yeah!" you answer, still out of breath. "it happened before I even knew what was going on, but it makes sense now," you say with a still rockhard little boy dick. "Yeah, you're the most extreme case I've ever seen, ever heard of actually. I barely even touched your dick, didn't even get one stroke; your chest isn't wrong; you're an awesome faggot".

"Whew!" you say, regaining your composure. "Look at this thing; it's never going to go down now. " causing you both to break out laughing "you probably don't even want it to, "he says while still laughing. Also, still laughing, your reply, "You're right, I don't; I want everyone to see my awesome faggot dick, haha" As you both stop laughing, you ask, "How did you even know all that anyway?" "reading kink literature, lots of deep conversation with other kinksters, and personal experience," he says as he undoes his fly to show you the chastity cage clamped on his straining dick. "I need this thought." he continues, "because I don't have the discipline, and my brain will sometimes win, and I disappoint myself by jacking off when I shouldn't. This helps keep me honest." "Well, it looks incredibly sexy on you, and I'm glad you found a solution that works for you... And I'm glad I'm not the only one that got hard," You say playfully. "For real, you've definitely got me hard. Or as close as I can get with this cage. I wasn't kidding back there at the door when I said the way you wear on faggotry is sexy as fuck" he says, but it doesn't sound playful. It's real.

He breaks the building tension by buttoning up, giving your leash a quick tug, and saying, "Come on, let's proceed with the tour." You're still bewildered, but you quickly snap out of it and follow along. He shows you a few more rooms, including the large hall used for indoor functions like gear night, horsemeat, and an occasional slave auction. He also shows you a hallway that has a black carpet with a red stripe down the middle. It is one of the many entrances to the wing with the private playrooms, and he explains that subs are not allowed there without a dom escort. He also explains that the locker rooms are segregated by hierarchy. Subs are never allowed in the Dom locker room. While the rules allow doms to enter the sub locker room, they generally don't by custom. He continues to show you around, pointing out all the details. It's huge and luxurious. It even has a generous area dedicated to sub prep which is stocked with all the highest-end equipment and supplies a sub might need to get ready for play. He explains that the club is staffed and operated as an all-inclusive resort. All requests for anything from club staff are to be routed through a dom as they govern the club's operations and paid staff. The only exception is alcohol, as subs can get drinks for their doms. He continues the tour by guiding you out to the pool area. As you step into the sun, he explains, "No penetration in the pool area except for special events, and luckily we have one later tonight." As your eyes adjust, you see more men than expected based on the activity inside; they must all be out here. It's a little shocking. You were only expecting to see a few people, but there are probably 40-50, and now you're worried again about your first impression being the giant "FAGGOT" scrawled across your chest. You'd prefer if they got to know you first before finding out your status, but it's too late now.

You see quite a bit of diversity in the crowd. Like he said, well over half the men are nude. And those wearing clothes are in various states of undress. There are lots of jocks and exposed asses. Some of the nude ones are collared, and some aren't. Some guys are super masculine with rugged beards, while others are super flamboyant with body glitter. You spot a guy built like a brick house with huge heavy cuffs connected to his massive collar by what looks like an industrial, marine chain. You probably couldn't lift all that metal off the ground. There's a jock with a backward baseball cap in white tighties and knee-high white socks; he's soaking wet and everything and see-through. Then, there's a very waif of a boy with a thin tight necklace (but with a lock), a g-string, and a thin stand being held by a much, much older man that connects back to the necklace/collar. You realize it's all a delicate golden chain. That thing could snap in a mild breeze, which means that boy must be exceptionally well-trained not to ever allow any tension. Your eye also finds a couple guys stationed around in various degrees of rope bondage and someone cramped in a small cage in the middle. You secretly hope to try both those out one day. Some people notice your arrival and start appraising you as your guide breaks in, asking if you have any questions. "I'm sorry, I never caught your name," you start. He replies, "Oh, sweetie, that's perfectly ok; it can be a lot to take in on your first visit. I'm Orion. I'll be here all night; anything else?" "Well yeah," you say, "what's going on with the guy kneeling in that cubby corner?" "Oh, Jerry flags yellow," Orion chuckles. "So he has sorta claimed that spot since he can't go in the doms locker room, but you don't have to be a Dom to use him." "Flags yellow? Use him?" You ask "Oh, sorry, he gets off on piss and likes to be a human urinal," Orion explains nonchalantly. Your eyes get big. "Honesty, I'm a little overwhelmed and nervous, " you admit. "That's totally normal; all these guys have been vetted and are really nice. I think you'll come to feel comfortable here in no time. It's this place's whole purpose; the sex is just the icing on top," Orion says, handing your leash to your bf, who just magically emerged from the crowd.

"Come on," your bf says, already three steps ahead of you, pulling on your leash as you struggle to stay upright, say bye to Orion, then navigate through the crowd, unsure what he has in store for you next.

Next: Chapter 3

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