Hotel Voyage

By Mark Wright

Published on Jan 19, 2021


HOTEL VOYAGE - Chapter 3 -

disclaimer: the boring part! all the celebrities featured in this chapter and any forthcoming chapters are all real but the actions that take place, and the sexuality in which I have portrayed them are all fictional and thus these words are the ramblings of an undersexed amateur author whose word's should not be taken all that seriously. no copyright infringement intended.

any suggestions for future pairings and/or to comment please feel free to email me at

My name is Shane Christian, and I am addicted to sex.

There I said.

But it's not sex I specifically am attracted to-it's the art of pleasuring another man. It's not about my needs (although I'm not totally asexual, daddy needs some loving to guys) but if I leave a guy knowing he has been sexually satisfied that makes me completely happy. It's my vice (along with cigarettes and working out- okay guys, I may have a few sins I'm only human- sue me!). I can sleep better, knowing that my cock, or my mouth, or any part of my body has made some guy happy for a moment.

I've had a lot of complaints in my time - "you spend too much time at work or the gym or anywhere that's not with me" or the "you waste your money on junk you need to put it in savings for your future boy" or the one that I most often "you fidget too much in your sleep, or you talk nonsense when I'm trying to sleep"- but I've never had complaints about my sexual prowess because when you spend the night with me, I will guarantee you the happiest night of your life- whether it be a ten-minute quickie or an all-nighter fuckathon session- I do my utmost to make sure that any guy I'm with leaves me feeling nothing but exhaustion and thinking that maybe Shane Christian has the best dick in all of England, or perhaps to fuel my ego even further- the world.

In my vast sexual experience- I've been with straight boys to Morman boys to Christian boys to emo guys. I've been a dirty, little secret- I've been the guy your mother warned you about- I have never recieved a complaint about my shagging skills, or my oral skills or my rimming skills. I think that is because I try my best- I focus all my energy on keeping them highly satisfied.

So, you may wonder why this philosophical pondering. Well- I'm sat here bored in my hotel room waiting for a text from footballer Harry Kane to get the go-ahead to go over this his room. All I have been told to bring is lube and a dildo, so I'm perhaps guessing that this is a "straight lad loves anal play but is too scared to admit it, guy". I've been and seen enough of them! Guys just cos you have discovered that the male g-spot is up your ass- it doesn't mean your fucking gay. It's only gay if you have another fucking your arse (unless you say "no homo" beforehand- and believe me I have had that said to me several times). "No homo," he says before completely sticking four fingers up my arse. "No, homo" indeed.

Harry texted at 1.55 pm- literally saying "Come to my room now. HK". How utterly professional.

I stuck on my North Face tracksuit and cap, threw the freshly bought 7-inch dildo and lube into a rucksack- and shut the door behind me.

I got the lift up to the suites and walked the short way to the suite where Harry stayed. He had a roommate, but he was going to be out for the afternoon. He pushed the door open.

Harry was sitting on the bed wearing a Tottenham Hotspur hoody and a pair of running shorts; he had his headphones in and watched something on his phone. I coughed to indicate that I had arrived, he nodded at me and pulled the headphones out.

"Hi" he spoke "Harry" he added and put his hand out for me to shake. I took it- his hands were warm.

"Shane" I replied, "Pleasure to meet you".

I didn't know an awful lot about the man in front of me. I had heard about him through my mates who like football, and he was a huge deal. He was the captain of the England football team and for Tottenham and was one of our time's best scorers. Harry wasn't incredibly handsome- or eye-catching- but he was attractive. I know that some people worshipped the way he played football, which probably made him rather hot (I will check out some of his goals later when I'm alone in my room). I did love a talented man!

"So," he said confidently- Harry didn't appear to be nervous at all, or he was an outstanding actor. "You must be wondering why you're here," he asked.

"I mean I guess" I replied, "You don't strike me as someone who can't get sex."

He chuckled at that. "No" he answered back "Sex I can get" he paused for a moment and picked up a bottle of water that was on the desk next to him "It's what I want that is rather peculiar and not something that my wife can provide".

I nodded to him to indicate that I was listening and taking on board what he was saying.

"You see.. there's' well.." he sighed a for a moment "I love anal play. I recently discovered that when I was alone in the showers and well since then I can't get enough of it".

I sat down on a chair and pulled it closer to bed, and he moved closer to me, sitting with his legs crossed. "It was a random Saturday after training, and I got home and played FIFA for a few hours whilst the missus shopped. I suddenly got horny so went to have a cold shower, only that turned me on more.. so I started wanking. Then my hands got to wandering, and somehow a finger ended up in there" he paused for a moment and then burst out laughing. "I guess subconsciously I knew what I was doing, but it took me by surprise.. and I fucking loved it".

I didn't speak. I was just nodding along as the footballer said. "Since that day I have been doing all sorts- fucking my fingers in the shower, rubbing my arse every time I wank.. you know... and it got so desperate one day. I don't know even how it happened except I do and it's weird, but I was sitting in the master bedroom one night, and I was staring at the empty deodorant can, and for a few moments I was just pondering.. " he sighed then laughed again "And I'm sure you can figure out what happened next".

I can, and I've been there. Maybe not a deodorant can though!

"I'm not in denial about my sexuality or anything. I know I love women, and I know liking my arse played with doesn't make me gay. Except it kinda does.. " he paused for a moment and started to peel the label off the water bottle.

"You see.. I've done my research. One night when the lads were out partying, I got my laptop out and started googling. I watched tons of videos that night- honestly, I wanked so much I felt like a fucking teenager. I couldn't get off to the videos of a woman pegging a guy though... I just couldn't" Harry explained, "The ones that got me off the most were the men being fucked with a dildo solo or with another guy doing it".

I nodded, still understanding.

"I can still get off to women, but I guess I may be kinda gay when it comes to wanting that area played with.." he stopped speaking and then looked at me.

I spoke next. "Harry- everyone is different. We are all individual, and we all have our kinks and fetishes. So you like watching guys getting fucked with a dildo? So what? That doesn't make you gay. Everyone is curious about a different thing, take me, for example, I am a Goldstar gay- never been with a woman- but I would never rule it out. I'm attracted to women but not in a sexual way. My friend Craig- he loves analplay, His missus fucks him with a dildo all the time- that was one encounter that I wished I didn't walk into, but that story is for a different time". I paused for a moment "Have you spoke to your wife about any of this about wanting to be penetrated by a dildo?"

Harry shrugged. "Yeah we are very open about all this stuff. She's not into it though- she's a beautiful woman, but she's vanilla when it comes to sex". He eyed me for a moment "I guess where I am going with this is that when it comes to sex with my wife, I tend to be the dominant one.. but I don't know how to explain this without sounding like a closet case, but I get off other being dominated by guys.. like rough stuff and that and it's just mindfucking me, to be honest".

We both paused for a moment. "I don't want you to fuck me with that," he said pointing to my bulge in my trackie bottoms "I am so not ready for that, and I'm not even sure if that's what I want.. I guess at the moment by fantasy is to be dominated by a guy and a dildo".

I nodded. I could work with that. Harry left the bed and shuffled around in a drawer for a few moments before pulling out something and throwing it on the bed.

It was two pairs of handcuffs.

"I want you to handcuff me to the headboard and do what you want to do with me.. just don't like stick your cock in me or anything. I'm not even sure about blowjobs, to be honest, but focus on the arse".

Harry confidently took off his t-shirt. He didn't have an overly muscular body, but he had a defined six-pack- but that had just the tiny hint of hair on it- and his arms were firm, but he didn't work out on them as much as I did. He then pulled down his shorts and revealed his cock and balls. His flaccid cock wasn't too impressive- it was somewhat average, but his balls were excellent low hangers. I did love me some bollocks. Harry didn't seem to care, though, as he sat on the bed.

I picked up the first set of handcuffs, and he gave me his hand, which I tied to the headboard. I noticed as soon as the handcuff was locked into place, his cock stirred. Maybe he wasn't lying about wanting to be dominated! I then did the same with the second pair of handcuffs. I got on the bed and crawled over to where Harry was lying stark bollocked naked.

"By the way," I said to Harry "You have no idea how fucking hot you look like that".

He chuckled. Then I went to the rucksack and picked up the dildo that would soon be in Harry. He didn't look intimated. He licked his lips.

I got the dildo and rubbed it slowly down Harry's toned abs, teasing him. His cock continued to stir. I picked up the dildo and gently whacked Harry's chest with it. He groaned. "Fuck yes" he stated, "Shove me I'm such a bitch".

An idea came to me. I walked over to Harry's suitcase and saw a belt laying on top of a pair of trousers. I picked it up. Harry looked at me with a smug like he knew where this was going.

"Lift your legs and expose that fucking beautiful arse to me" I commanded, and he rapidly did as I told him. I got the belt and folded it up before I slapped it gently on Harry's bare arse. His arse was quite hot, and it was muscular and somewhat hairy- which I loved.

He groaned. "Harder. I've not scored a goal for three games I deserve to a punishment".

So I smacked him harder, and he groaned with delight. His cock- which was cut- stirred again and was now semi-erect laying on Harry's chest.

I smacked him full pelt on the arse this time, and he just groaned and panted with utmost delight. "Fuck yes" he groaned

"You might be a God on the football pitch, but right now in this room with me here you're nothing but a fucking lousy cunt, and I'm gonna make you more of a man in the next half hour then you've ever been before" I spoke with unwarranted confidence. "It takes a real man to submit to a younger guy. I think it's insanely hot how fucking wreckless you are right now. I'm going to leave scars which will need explaining and every time you look at this belt I want you to think about me and how you submitted to me, and for the next half hour, you have no control. And you fucking love that don't you?"

Harry groaned. "I fucking love it, master".

I whacked him with the belt again but this time on his chest. It should have fucking hurt him. Instead, his cock stood rigid, and he was sweating. "Fuck I'm so hard, and you've barely touched me. I wish I could touch my cock right now".

I grabbed his cock hard. "This dick?" I asked him "Is not yours. It's mine and no-one is touching that yet. You've not done enough to warrant a cock touching."

Harry just groaned. "I understand master."

The word master made my cock twitch in the confines of my trackies. I wasn't going to touch it though- this was all about Harry.

"Lift your legs in the air and expose your hole to me now" I demanded of Harry and he re-lifted his legs up in the air. "Your arse tight?"

"So tight. The only thing been up there is my fingers and a deodorant bottle".

I walked over to the mini-fridge that was sitting next to the bathroom and opened it up. I grabbed a bottle of beer from it and opened the cap with my teeth. I took the beer and took a sip of it. I walked over to Harry and told him to open his mouth. I poured a large amount of the beer into his mouth, and he choked on it somewhat before swallowing some. I took a large amount of the beer into my mouth, walked over to Harry and spat it on his bare chest. I licked the beer up with my tongue- teasing him. Then I got the bottle, leaned down and pressed it against Harry's hole.

"I bet every time you drink beer you're gonna think of me and how I could fuck you with this bottle".

Harry groaned as I pressed the bottle harder against his hole. Then I dropped the bottle on the floor.

I picked up my rucksack and picked up the lube. I was squeezing a generous amount onto my fingertips.

"Don't be gentle. Gentle sucks" Harry demanded.

Well, his paying. I rubbed some of the lube all around Harry's arse- focusing on his perfect hole- before I squeezed in two fingers. It didn't take me long to get inside his golden hole and hit the golden spot.

Harry groaned and moaned for delight as I fucked him fast with my fingers. His cock was still rockhard and was leaking pre-cum. Harry looked so fucking wrecked and we'd barely begun.

Forget what I said earlier- Harry was hot. Looking like this, he looked perfect.

"More" he groaned and demanded at the same time "I'm not gonna break. Fuck the hole with those fingers and have no fucking mercy on me".

I pulled out then pushed back in- I was three fingers deep in Harry's sweet g-spot. He didn't stop moaning and panting, and I fucking appreciated that. I rutted faster into him, as quickly I could go- so fast my hands were starting to hurt, but he seemed to be loving it. He groaned with emptiness when I removed my fingers.

I grabbed the dildo from the bed and rubbed some lube on the top of it. "Tell me, Harry, should I stick this up your arse?"

"Please sir" he spoke with a whimper. He looked shattered and overwhelmed- sweating was trickling down his tight body, and he looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. He'd sleep like a baby once I've finished with him.

I gently eased the dildo into his now gaping and ready hole. He made a sound that was so horny it went straight to my cock as he dildo touched his prostate for the first time.

"Holy shit, this is what I've been waiting for master. Fuck me and have no mercy".

I did as the footballer told me.

I joined him on the end of the bed, and he lifted his legs somewhat so I could fit between them. I got the dildo and tied to attachment around my waist. I had to pay extra to get an extension to hide my dick so it wouldn't accidentally "join in" but honestly I think I could fuck Harry with my cock and he wouldn't care. He might go after but right now? This guy just wanted to be fucked.

I held onto his side and pounded into him, the dildo hitting Harry's prostate every time. His cock was stiff and just was so longing to be touched.

Harry let out absurd swear words as the dildo continued to penetrate his hole. The sweating got worse, and Harry's breathlessness was out of control. I thrust hard and fast- causing the bed to shake and rattle, but he still indicated he wanted more. The thrusting I did was forceful and aggressive, but the more demanding the dildo fucked him- the louder his groans got and the more intense it felt.

"Fuck it's so good, My cock is ready to explode."

I fucked him with the dildo as hard and fast as was possible in this position. It was uncomfortable and hurt, but Harry was having the time of his life, and that was what was necessary.

"Master wants permission to touch his bitch's cock- is permission granted?"

"Do what you want with me, master" Harry spoke, "I need to cum so bad."

I leaned over and stroked Harry's dick two or three times, but honestly, I didn't do much before his cock was releasing a generous amount of cum. Each time I hit the prostate, the cum kept cumming- the swearing and panting became more aggressive each time. "Never came so much... still more" he groaned as the bed continued to rattle and I was honestly worried it might break. This bed probably cost more than everything else in the room combined!

My hands, his abs and some cum covered his face with his cum, but he didn't give a shit.

I continued to fuck him with the dildo until the cum stopped cumming.

I pulled the dildo out of his arse, and Harry lay there- fucking wrecked, sweating and lost of words. I put the dildo on the bed before I got up and untied Harry's right hand and then his left hand.

I sat on the seat next to him and pulled out a packet of cigarettes. "Can I?" I asked permission before pulling out a lighter.

"On the balcony".

I got up and pulled the balcony door open and sat on one of the deck chairs out there. I sparked up the cigarette, and it wasn't long before Harry joined me- he was still sweating, and cum was drying upon his chest. He had put on some underwear, though.

"My arse hurts" he groaned "It's one of the best feelings in the world".

I took a drag of the cigarette. "I feel like I need one of the" Harry spoke, "And I don't even smoke".

"You were a champ," I told Harry because it was the truth "Took it like a pro".

He laughed.

Harry stood up and pulled the curtain shut on the balcony.

He nodded at my cock- which was erect and fighting for freedom from its trackies. "Take it out, cum and then eat it all," he said with a hard-to-read expression on his face.

"Yes, master" I replied, winking at him how the tables had turned. I kept the cigarette in my mouth as Harry pulled my tracksuit bottoms down. Harry gasped at the size of my cock.

Cigarette in gob- I grabbed hold of my cock and wanked it hard and fast.

"I should be more scared about this" Harry confessed, "But I'm looking at that dick, and all I can think of is how good that will feel inside me".

That was the motivation I needed. Harry took the cigarette from my mouth and threw it on the balcony floor before picking up his bottle of water and pouring it over the still lit fag.

I came with a loud groan- the cum hitting me in the face and running down my expensive tracksuit.

I gathered some cum and licked it off my hands. Savouring the taste and enjoying the fucked out expression on Harry's face.

"Right," Harry said "I've got a workout planned for six, and well I need some sleep.. but thanks for that and yeah I'm going to book you again. I reserve the right to panic about this in the future, but right now I don't think I will ever sleep properly without knowing what that thing feels like inside me" he stated.

I tucked away my still wet cock into my tracksuit bottoms and stood up.

I pushed Harry against the balcony door and whispered in his ear. "I'm honestly going to destroy you and that hole".

Harry grabbed onto me. "And honestly? It's scaring me at just how much I want that".

I walked back into the room, gathered my belongings and left in record time. Not before I heard Harry sighing and whispering to himself. "I'm so fucked".

Yeah, he pretty much was.

I got an hours sleep before waking up. Honestly who knew dominating a straight footballer was going to be so tiring.

I checked my phone, and I had two texts- one from Harry and one from a number I didn't recognise, which was strange. Marcus had gifted me a new iPhone, especially for 'my new job' so that the lines would be blurred between my real life and my working life. So to see a number I didn't recognise was somewhat confusing.

"Thanks for this afternoon. You're a trooper. Until next time - HK X" the test from Harry read, and yeah, he was probably professional because it was his number. And I didn't care- it's not like he was going to fall in love with a client!

The second text read -

"Hello, I Got Ur Numba From CE- You have been highly recommended to me. Add me on Skype - GoodWillHunting and I'll be on after 10.00 pm tonight- Ben".

Good Will Hunting and Ben... Affleck?

Suddenly my cock was hard.

As it approached 10.00 pm, I got out of the shower and chucked on a tracksuit. I had no idea where this evening was going, and I was intrigued.

I logged onto Skype and typed in his username and added him as a contact. I sparked up a cigarette and walked around the small hotel room. I had texted Marcus earlier to ask if he knew about this text, but he hadn't got back to me yet.

I checked the clock, and it was 9.52 pm. I put on the telly and ironically, a Ben Affleck film was on. "Gone Girl" which I hadn't seen.

I took another drag of my cigarette and sat on the bed, waiting for Skype to ding. I hated waiting- another one of my vices. I thought to earlier and dominating Harry Kane. It was awesome. And I think he loved it more he had ever intended and I very much he'd be able not to do it again. He was sure he'd see Harry for a repeat performance, and he looked forward to it.

Suddenly Skype dinged, and I quickly checked my hair in the mirror. Yeah, I looked good. I had a bit of stubble because I hadn't shaved for a few days, but I had immaculately styled my black hair.

I placed my laptop on a moveable desk that I moved to sit in front of the bed, which I sat on with a pillow. I opened Skype, and surely enough Ben fucking Affleck was smiling back at me.

"Hello, Shane" Ben was grinning "I've heard some great things about you- and you know, it's been a while so I thought I'd give you a ding".

"Only great? Not earth-shattering or awesome?" I replied, and Ben laughed- I noticed that Ben- despite nearly being 50- didn't have a wrinkle. He did have a mature face though and was just recently clean-shaven.

"So" Ben spoke "I have a few vices- smoking, the odd spliff and whiskey but my biggest vice- and this one is a secret that very people know- is muscular younger guys and you fucking fit the bill," he said, "And then same- Chris wasn't lying- you are spectacularly hot".

"Well coming from you that is a compliment" I replied "And you were my total crush when I was a teenager- That picture of you shirtless leaning against a fence? Came to that so many times when I was 14" He laughed "But still- you're like double my age, and you look so hot- you got any advice?"

Ben chuckled before speaking "Divorce! Does wonders for the complexion and the stress."

"So" I spoke, "Where are you currently?"

"In a shitty apartment in Los Angeles- just here for a few days filming a movie. It's nearly teatime over here, and well, a few days I've not touched myself and let's just say curiosity got the better of me" I grinned and nodded at Ben who continued "You're even hotter then I was expecting. I'm intrigued and curious to see where this heads."

I turned up the smut a little. "Well, If we ever met in person- I would give you some head".

Ben grinned. "Oh yeah?" he said, "Bet that mouth of yours could do some pretty sweet things to my dick".

"You have no idea" I replied.

Ben took a long sip of a drink- through the laptop screen I couldn't see what it was- but looking at Bens reaction, it was probably alcoholic. And strong. "I think you should give me a show, Shane" he spoke, "Stand up and show me that hot body of yours."

I nodded at Ben. I put Ben into full size on the computer and then undid my trackie. I exposed my hairy rock hard abs and rubbed my fingers gently down my chest.

"Time for a gun show" Ben commented, and I flexed my arms. Then kissed my right bicep to be extra. "So hot. You look like you can handle yourself in all departments. In a fight and the bedroom".

I shrugged off my tracksuit hoody and let it fall to the ground. I licked my fingers then rubbed my right nipple with the said finger- causing it to stand attention. "Nipple play gets me rock hard" I commented to Ben who was watching with intrigued curiosity.

"I can see that, and it's very much noted" Ben replied, "Drop down and do 50 press-ups- I want to see you sweat."

I laughed. "50 is hardly going to break a sweat Ben but here goes".

I dropped down and done the first 35 press-ups with ease.

"Sorry" Ben commented as he watched "Got too distracted watching that ass of yours as you moved- that's a bum built to be, well excuse me for being insolent here, fucked".

I grinned up at the screen and winked at Ben. "Well, you're a pretty old dude- you sure you've got the stamina to keep up with me?"

Ben grinned at that. "You have no idea Shane" he spoke, "And if you're lucky you may just find out one day."

I got to 65 press-ups before I stopped. I was sweating a little, so I wiped a bit of my sweat off and licked it up. "Good enough for you, Benjamin."

"I want to see that cock of your's that my good friend Christopher was raving about as we drank whiskey and reminisced" he spoke "He's had a lot of you British guys, and you are definitely in the top 3 of his favourite shags"

"Only top 3?" I replied to Ben "Well, I need to get that number one spot as soon as possible".

I pulled down my tracksuit bottoms and boxers, letting my semi-hard cock be exposed to the Skype screen.

"Well isn't that just delectable" Ben perved "That could fit so well in my mouth."

"Yeah?" I replied "and would you let this fuck the back of your throat?"

Ben grinned. "If I'm not choking you're not doing it right man" he replied. He paused for a moment before saying "Turn around show me that ass of yours".

I turned around, so my arse was facing the screen. I slapped my arse for effect, and Ben spoke "That is one hell of an ass you got their kid" Ben said, "Tell me, do you like to be rimmed?"

"I don't mind it" I replied honestly "I much prefer giving the rimming though."

"Noted" Ben replied

"Show me that hole- the hole in which I am desperate to get both of my tongue and cock into"

"This is where the magic happens" I lamely commented as I spread my cheeks apart and showed Ben the hole in which he craved.

"Damn son" he spoke, "I must have that on my face as soon as possible."

I turned back around to face the screen. Ben was grinning at me. "You have no idea how hard I am kid" he spoke, "You might just actually be the death of me."

I sat back down on the bed and palmed my cock slowly. "I feel all exposed and vulnerable, and you sat there drinking whiskey and fucking wearing a leather jacket" I laughed

Ben grinned and slid off his leather jacket, he was wearing a tight-fitting black shirt. I could tell he had a bit of extra weight on him, but honestly, that was so hot. I like my daddy's older, chubby and hairy.

"I'm gonna take off my t-shirt, and you're going to lube yourself up and finger that hole of yours for me" Ben grinned "Oh we are going to have so much fun, tonight kid- you have no idea!"


Shane and Ben Affleck get it on- virtually.

And Liam Payne checks into Hotel Voyage- and he may have bought a friend. Or two.

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