Hotel Stories

By Jon Bennett

Published on Oct 28, 2000


The Runner.

I really love my guests. Here is another story of what can happen on a lazy afternoon when you manage a motel in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Comments as always.

It was an incredibly quiet Wednesday afternoon. I was basically bored shitless. All the paper work was done that needed attention at the moment, the computer was behaving itself, and my guests all seemed to be content at the moment. With it being the start of the "Off Season", I was working alone. I was out front of the office sitting in the sun(gotta love 85 degree sunny days in the end of October) with a cup of coffee when one of my guests started walking towards the office. I had seen him go out about an hour earlier for a run. Now he was slowly coming back up the driveway, soaked in sweat. His tee-shirt tucked into the back of his shorts, he stopped in front of me to say hello. He was about 5'6" and about 130 pounds or so. As I recalled he was there with his parents from Canada. I had overheard something on the deck the morning before about him going back to finish his junior year of college during the Winter semester. That would make him about 21 I judged; although I must admit he looked a lot closer to 18. There was a moderate amount of black hair on his chest, setting off a firm set of pecs. There was a dark line of hair defining the center of his very solid 6pak abs. His legs, like his chest had fine short black hair. Looking into his face, he looked very smooth shaven for some one with dark hair. His most noted feature were the shockingly pale green eyes. Wolf's eyes I thought.

We talked for a minute or so. I was sitting in a chair, and he had dropped down to the ground to continue stretching out from his run while we talked. Wearing my ever present Ray Bans, it allowed me the ability to cruise his body while we talked. As my eyes dropped to his shorts, he switched his legs from bent to unbent as he stretched them out. I noticed that underneath his gym shorts he was wearing Garfield Boxers. Garfield and Odie didn't exactly catch my eye. What did was the set of large hairy nuts hanging out of them. They moved sensually in the hairy nut sack as he moved back and forth stretching. With one leg bent under him he proceeded to lie backwards until his back touched the ground. I don't know if I was more impressed with his degree of limberness or the now exposed uncut penis hanging from below his boxers. As he rose back up from his position, he must have realized he was hanging out.

"Ooops" he said, as he pushed his cock and balls back into covered position. "Sorry about that. I hate wearing a jock when I run and sometimes I sorta flop out"

"Don't worry about it" I said as calmly as possible. "I've seen a cock and set of rocks before"

"I guess you liked what you saw then" he said.

"Hmm?" I asked, taking off the sunglasses to stare at him.

He sort of nodded his head towards my crotch. I realized that I was sporting a pretty solid hard on in my cargo shorts(Hey it was 85 degrees, why not.)and it was making a rather obvious lump. Realizing I was busted but thinking about how he had made his comment I decided to test the waters.

"Well, not everyday you see a set like yours" I said.

"It isn't that big man" he replied, again adjusting himself, although it appeared that he was having difficulty. "I just look bigger because of how short I am"

Seeing as most straight guys don't discuss things like this, I forged on.

"I not so sure about that dude" I said slipping down a little bit in the chair, letting my hard on show through the shorts. "I'd have to get a better look to be the judge."

"Well" he began "My parents are up in the room. If you have some place a little more private, you can judge all you want"

"Yeah come on" I said. I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides, he was incredibly cute and I was suspiciously horny to boot. His accent was a turn on too.

We walked back into the office and I put the office closed sign up; locking the door. I was the only one working that day. The owners were away on an extended vacation and I had taken over the downstairs apartment. We walked through a door marked private. Closing the door we stood alone in the living room. I motioned him to follow me into the bedroom. I followed him in while watching his tight butt in the shorts. Once in the bedroom he turned and faced me. Actually he looked up at me as I had about 5" on him in height.

"Is all you want to do is look?" he asked as he was groping himself.

"I can think of few other things as well" I said.

"How about I grab a quick shower and get the sweat off of me?" he asked. "It will only take a couple of minutes"

"OK" I said. I pointed at the hallway leading from the back of the bedroom. He stripped off the shorts and boxers after taking off his sneakers. He walked back towards the bathroom and I watched his tight ass all the way. The two cheeks were split by a defined line of hair in his asscrack, spreading out over the cheeks.

True to his word, he was back in about three minutes. I was sitting on the bed when he walked back into the room. His short black hair lay plastered against his head. Small beads of water trickled down over the black hairs of his chest and abs. He had a white towel surrounding his waist. As he stood in front of me, he dropped the towel. His uncut cock was half erect. Reaching out I took it in my hand and gave it a couple of gentle squeezes. This brought it up to it's full hardness of about 7 inches. The foreskin had retracted to show a bright pink head that was starting to ooze precum. This boy's ready to go I thought to myself.

I reached around to his firm ass and pulled him towards me as I took his cock in my mouth. Running my tongue over the soft spongy head and into his cum slit brought moans of appreciation from him. I began my favorite technique of tongue swabbing the head of his cock while stroking the rest of the shaft with my hand. His hands came around my head and his hips thrust forward. I was suddenly rewarded with a thick load of cum as he shot several wads into my mouth.

As I continued to lick his cock, it gradually softened and slipped from my mouth. As his breathing returned to normal he bent down and pushed me back on the bed. His mouth covered mine and he began a long leisurely kiss. After a few moments, his tongue entered my mouth. I gently bit down on it as his hands began stroking my cock through my shorts. Breaking the kiss he paused.

"I didn't mean to shoot so fast" he said. "I haven't had a blow job in like six months, since I left school"

"It's cool" I said. "It was pretty hot."

"It will be hotter don't worry" he said as he was unfastening my shorts and pulling them down.

He lifted my shirt up and started tonguing my nipples. As I ran my hands through his hair, he began to trail he tongue down my abs to take my cock in his mouth. It may have been six months since his last sexual encounter, but he knew what he was doing. My cock was enveloped in a hot wet mouth that had a vacuum seal on it that would make Hoover jealous. After several minutes of him alternating between sucking my cock and tongue swabbing my nuts he looked up at me.

"I want you to fuck me" he said simply.

I turned him around and spread his ass cheeks. His hole was surrounded by the same thin black hairs as his body. This was a major turn on for me. As I started to work my tongue into him I saw him reach down and pick up his sweaty boxers and start to rub them over his face.

"Oh yeah man" he moaned. "Work that fucking tongue into me. Make me readyforyour cock"

I continued my oral fucking of him as he arched up, forcing more of my tongue into him.

He lifted off of me suddenly. Out of the pocket of his shorts, he produced a condom and promptly worked it over the shaft of my cock. He got down on his back and lifted his legs.

"Fuck me man.. Now" he cried out

I positioned my cock and slid it home all in one shot. His hot ass enveloped my cock with incredible sensations. As I rocked in and out of him I bent down to kiss and bite his nipples. This seem to turn him on more and more as he began to stroke his hard cock using his boxers

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" he moaned, his eyes screwed shut. His hand stroked his cock in time with my quickening thrusts. Suddenly, my hips locked with my cock deep inside of him as my own load began shooting into the rubber. I could feel his ass squeeze down in spasms on my cock as he shot his second load into his boxers.

We both collapsed onto the bed, my cock slipping out of his ass. I pulled the rubber off and dropped it on the floor. I reached for his cum soaked boxers and after sniffing them, used a dry part to clean off my own cock.

I moved over and kissed him again. "Can I have these?" I asked.

"Sure man" he said kissing me back. "If I can have a repeat performance after my run tomorrow"

"It's a deal" I said, as I pulled him off the bed. We both walked towards the bathroom to share a quick shower before he went back upstairs and I went back to work.

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