Hotel Stories

By Jon Bennett

Published on Sep 22, 2000


Surprise surprise.. the story continues. That is as much as a surprise to me as it is you.. the readers. Thanks to everyone who wrote and said it sounded like I had a great time. I did =).

Hotel Stories Part Three

Monday's are generally boring days at work. The weekend crowd has left, and at this time of year the golfers haven't returned, so I can generally look forward to some down time and peace and quiet before the Fall Season. Hence, I was more then a little surprised to hear the office door open while I was under the desk doing some computer re-wiring. I extracted myself from the rat's nest under the desk and stood to greet my guest(?)

"Tommy?" I said with surprise in my voice.

"Yup Yup" said Tommy a big grin on his face. "How ya doing?"

"I'm good man" I said, "But what are you doing in town?"

"Still moving some stuff" said Tommy. "I had to head back North to take care of some stuff for the move and figured I would take a couple of extra days off and drive instead of fly and here I am"

"Awesome" I said, smiling at him. It was really good to see him again. My mind floated back to the night we had spent together and I could feel my cock start to stir. He was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a Hilfiger striped dress shirt.

"You are looking really good man" I said.

"Thanks bro" he said blushing a bit under the tan. "You don't look so bad yourself"

"How long are you here for?" I asked.

"Couple of days" said Tommy.

"You want a room or........." I left the invitation open.

"Well.. that's kinda up to you." he said.

I reached under the desk and gave him a key to my room. "I get off in about an hour"

"Cool" said Tommy. "I need a nap anyway. Been driving most of the night." He turned to go out the door, and turned back.

"Hey" he said .

"Hmm?" I said turning around.

Tommy reached into his jeans pocket and pulled out a foil wrapped package. "I remembered this time"

My smile probably lit up the beach.

"Who goes first?" I asked with a smirk in my voice.

"I'll flip you for it" said Tommy breaking out into a laugh.

"I'll be up soon man" I said.

"I'm up now" he said going out the door.

Needless to say, my mind wasn't on my work for the next hour or so. This was evident when most of my computer system went down due to improper connections on the network. This resulted in a fresh volley of less then polite language from under the desk. Finally about a half an hour later then I planned, I finished the work and after a quick count of the cash drawer, tossed the keys at my relief and said I'd be upstairs if anything broke.

I opened the door quietly to my room and peered inside. Tommy was evidently still sleeping. As I walked into the bedroom, I could see his clothes scattered over the floor; the jeans, socks, shirt and boxers. I got undressed and slipped into the other side of the bed. Moving over I put my arm over his sleeping form and gently kissed his neck. For a few moments I didn't get any kind of reaction. Then Tommy rolled over to face me.

"Hey" he said sleepily.

"Hey yourself beautiful" I said. "How are ya?"

"I'm good man." He said, taking the time to return my kiss. "How are you?"

"Doing OK" I said, running my hand down his chest and abs. "I missed you though; I was somehow hoping that what we did wouldn't be a one time thing. I have been thinking a lot about you."

"Yeah, I missed you too" he said. "And I've been thinking about you too"

My hand came to his rapidly rising cock. I took it in hand and began to stroke it. An unbiddened moan escaped Tommy's lips as he pulled my face to his. Soon his mouth was against mine, his tongue pushing its' way into my mouth. I pulled his body over on top of mine. Our hips ground out a motion of their own, forcing our cocks to rub against each other. The pleasurable feelings caused my own moanings. Tommy broke off the kiss and trailed his tongue down my body. I could feel the precum start to ooze from my cock head as his tongue trailed down the line of hair to my crotch. Holding onto my cock he began to run his tongue over my cum slit, cleaning the precum from it. This caused me to thrash about the bed in pleasure. As I moaned he took my cock fully into his mouth and began the most incredible deep throating I've had the pleasure to experience. Each time I thought I was getting ready to shoot he seemed to know this and backed off. After doing this two or three times I was so close I could feel it in my toes.

"Come on man" I begged. "I gotta shoot"

"Soon enough" Tommy replied. He came up and kissed me again, grinding his now leaking cock against mine.

" I want you man" he whispered in my ear as his tongue caressed the side of my neck.

"Take me" I said.

Once more his tongue trailed down my body, skipping my cock and going right to my ass. His tongue flicked over my hole several times before finally punching through my assring, he began some serious tounge fucking. After about 10 minutes of this I thought I was going to lose my mind.

"Fuck me" I yelled.

"Patience" he said. Slowly he started working first one then two fingers into my ass. As I loosened up he worked a third one into my hole as I could only moan and writhe on the bed. He must have sensed I was ready as he withdrew his fingers and reached over to the nightstand. There he had placed a bottle of Lube and the rubber. First pouring a generous amount of the lube into his hands, he warmed it then spread it all over his cock. I ripped open the rubber and put it on his cock while slow stroking it. He moaned his delight in this.

"Wanna get kinky?" he asked with some mischief in his voice.

"Like how" I asked.

He bent down to kiss me again, and at the same time took his lubed hands and began to stroke my already overly sensitive cock. This brought me over the edge and I began shooting my wad all over the both of us. Thick strands of cum exploded out of my cock as the pleasure sent me to far away places. Coming down off my orgasm I watched as he worked his fingers through my load and covered his rubbered up cock with it. I realized that he was going to use my own load for lube. After liberally coating the rubber, he rubbed the head of his cock over my hole a couple of times.

"You ready baby" he asked softly.

"Do it man." I said. "I want to feel you in me"

Slowly he began to push into me. Even with the work he had done earlier, I was still pretty tight from not having been fucked in a while. Suddenly in a brief spasm of pain his cock head slipped in. He held still for a moment until I looked at him.

"Do it" I said.

He slid the rest of his cock into me and began a slow rocking motion. As he was going in and out of me, the sensations caused me to harden again. He took one hand and began to stroke me to his fuck rhythm.

"You are so tight man" he said, gritting his teeth.

"You're welcome" I said smiling.

He bent down and kissed me. Our tongues dueled for space in his mouth as I felt him pick up the pace of this thrusts. He began grunting into my mouth. Breaking off the kiss he began almost savagely thrusting in me

"Here.. it..cums..." he growled. Suddenly I felt his whole body lock. Even through the latex of the rubber I could feel the hard volleys as he shot his wad into the rubber. My own body reacted by shooting a second load covering both of us in cum.

Tommy slowly came down from his orgasm and pulled his softening cock from my ass. He pulled off the rubber and threw it on the carpet. I pulled him down to me and kissed him gently. Both of us were covered in sweat and cum from the half hour or so of fucking.

"You know I could fall in love with you" I said. "You are so damn cute and you fuck like a bull"

"I already love your ass" he replied.

We continued to kiss for a while before the two of us just laid together under the blankets; neither one of caring about the mess.

"I'm glad you are here man" I said, kissing him again.

"I am too." he said. "I know we can't be lovers, but how about fuck buds? I'm going to be commuting for at least another month or so back and forth and this is the perfect place to take a break on the trip"

"Sounds good to me Tommy" I said. My hand trailed down his sweaty back to slip a finger into his hairy ass crack.

Pushing against his super sweaty hole I managed to push a finger into him.

"MMMMMM" he replied.

Next: Chapter 8: The Runner

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